Ahh… Lochy Part 3 by Backchat

A gay adult story: Ahh… Lochy Part 3 by Backchat ,

Part 3…This story is a bit longer than the first two as I attempt to broaden the story line a little more.
I hope you enjoy.

In the midst of my mind, I was yearning to get to know Lochy better.
I mean, sure, we had known each other for quite a few years now but for 3 of those years we had been completely apart.
So he kind of felt like a new person to me now, almost like an acquaintance that I took the time to get to know and ended up having a one-night-stand with.
“Oh God!” I thought to myself
“He’s a one night and technically morning stand!!”

His shapely-ass and strong back muscles were moving rhythmically as he walked towards the bathroom with me closely behind him.
When we got there, he turned on the warm lights as well as the exhaust fan before turning on the hot water.
Lochy turned his head to me, his cheeks were burnt-red from blushing profusely, but he had a sort of worried look on his face, he also seemed to be struggling to hide his worried expressions as well.
I bent at my knees and squatted onto the floor, looking up at him. “What’s the matter, dude?” I asked tenderly

He looked down at me, and I could see the faint beginnings of tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.

It came to me, he had-had the same thought I had on the way to the bathroom, and it all made sense now that I look at it…

The alcohol started it, and after our orgasm we were still drunk and exhausted, and in the morning, we were at the mercy of ‘Morning Glory’, hung-over, de-hydrated and fatigued from not getting enough recovery-time.
Those two times that we made-love (well… I guess it wasnt love after all..) we were just taking advantage of the moment.
But now….

Now we were wide awake, all mental functionality was at full capacity and the afterglow of hot sex had worn off all too quickly, and just like that, we had begun to regret everything.
However, I didnt regret having sex, oh no, don’t be silly, I only regret telling him “I love you”, I regret seducing my best friend and I regret making him feel this awful…

He, on the other hand, was raised to believe that anything ‘Gay’ or remotely ‘Homosexual’ was completely dirty, wrong and looked down upon by the masses.
I knew that he’d hate me now, and I know that he wouldn’t be able to cope with what had happened…

Standing up, I grabbed a nearby towel, wrapped it around my waste, and without admiring his cum-covered body or cum-covered-cock, I looked right into his eyes and spoke “Looks like we’re feeling the same thing… huh… I think I’ll let you shower first, I’ll clean up your room while I’m waiting… kay?”

With that I turned my head and walked towards the exit, closing it behind me, I dared-not to look at his face.
I had put as much feeling of understanding and overwhelming emotion into what I said to try and make some of it alright, but I was really clutching at straws here… I know Lochy all too well, and he’s bound to go into some sort of depression and wollow in self-pity for ages.

Closing the door to the bathroom behind me I lean against the wall next to it and sigh deeply…
“Shit” I thought, “This is not going to be as fun as I had thought…”

I heard the curtain from the shower curtain slide open and closed as Lochy got into it and I wondered how he was doing right now.


almost an hour later and here I was, sitting outside of his house on one of the steps.
Clean clothes hung comfortably loose from my body after my shower, which I must say was a god-send.
The shower, like many other’s had given me some alone time to think about things, gave me time to calm down.
When lochy had finished his shower he put on some clean clothes and found me inb his laundry, forcing his bed sheets and blanket into the washing machine.
“I’m done with the shower now” was all he said, and after that, he went up to his room and locked his bedroom door.

I hadnt seen him since, and I thought it would be the right thing to give him some space and hope that he manages to come to terms with had has happened and that it won’t mean the end of the world for him.
I decided to send him a txt asking if he was alright and if he would like to talk.
He simply replied “no”
Unwanted fear was beginning to gather in my thoughts, What if he hates me? What if he wants me to leave?
I’ll have nowhere to go!
I went through all of the possible scenario’s in my head as to how lochy could react once he got out of his room.
Half an hour later and I had successfully managed to scare the shit out of myself, thinking that he’d hate me forever and is probably just waiting for me to leave.

Pulling out my phone again I sent one of mine and Lochys friend from high-school, Steve, a message asking if I could crash at his the night.
I knew that Steve had a 1 bedroom apartment in the city, and I’d have the best chance at crashing the night at his over anyone else from my old high-school.
Steve replied almost instantly saying that-that would be fine, but he wouldn’t get off work for another 3 hours, I replied back saying thanks and arranging to buy him some chinese for dinner as a thanks.
Then I sent a message to Lochy stating my leaving and apologizing for upsetting him so.
It wasn’t my intention to do this, but the only right thing I could think of doing was to leave him be and hope that he might talk to me again someday.

Lochys reply came an hour later, since then I had relocated myself to the lounge and was watching TV to help pass the time.
The message read:
“Hey dude, I really don’t want you to go, but if your too disgusted in me to stay then I’ll understand,
Your my best friend and I made a shitty mistake, Im so sorry”

I exhaled a sigh of relief, turns out he was thinking exactly the same thing I was!
Instead of replying to him I decided to go over to his bedroom and knock at the door to see if he’ll let me in.
Once I’m sure he really doesn’t mind me staying the night again, I’ll send Steve a message saying not to worry as something just came up.
It’s a bit of a dick move cancelling like that as I’m sure he would’ve appreciated some decent food for dinner instead of the cheap 60c packet of Mi-Goreng noodles he consumes as a “Healthy Diet” but I really didn’t want to leave Lochy and have him think that I left because I despised him.

I knocked on his door twice and awaited an answer.
He was playing some sobby music from his computer quietly, I heard his computer chair squeek as he got off it and made his way to the door.
It opened and there, before me was face shrouded in devastation but a hint of relief that I had actually come back to him.

“Hey man” I said awkwardly.

“uhhh hey… what’s up?” he sounded even more awkward than I had.

I didn’t reply to him straight away, Instead, I tried to search his facial expressions for something that would let me know if he was genuinely worried about loosing me as a friend, or if he was disgusted in what we had done.

“I uhh, thought I’d come see how you were doing…… aaaaand I thought you might like to chat about last night
and this morning” I said bluntly

Lochy looked down at his feet, his arms tensing up.
“I’m not gay” he kind of whispered.
Tear-drops begun falling from his hidden face to the floor
“I swear” he continued, “I’m not gay, I’m so sorry man but I-”

“Dude, I’m Gay” I cut him off.

He looked up at me after hearing this.
A mixture of surprise and doubt washing over his face and widened eyes worried me a little.
Perhaps admitting to this might make him hate me after all..
Even though I wasn’t entirely sure If I was completely Gay, somewhat Gay or if this was just some sort of phase. But for this time, right now. I was certain that I was Gay.

His eyes slightly shook from side to side as he stared at my own, his lips trembling, his body tense.
“Im pretty sure that I’m Gay, dude… I think I said it to you last night but I think the Alcoho-”
“Do you think that-that makes it okay?!” He snapped over the top of me.

I jumped a little at the sudden burst of volume and hurt that came from his words.
I took a slight step back. My mind reeling in horrible scenarios of him blaming me and beating the shit out of me for last night.

“I’m sorry, man” I replied, hurt and sadness escaping my throat even though I tried to constrain it.

Lochy just stood there, staring at me the cogs of his mind turning as he was processing and reprocessing everything that had happened and was currently happening and Judging by the was his facial-expression wasnt changing I came to the conclusion that he was going to blame me for all of this mess.

Acknowledging this “fate” I turned my body to leave the entrance to his bedroom, and his house.
I gave him one last look, hurt washing over my face before I made my way to the exit, I begun to break down as tears formed in the corners of my eyes, they stung a little so I blinked but that made my vision blurry.

Before closing the front door I pressed the remote boot-release button on his car keys so I could retreive my luggage from the boot of his car and be completely gone.

I pulled the boot lid open and started pulling my bags out as well as grabbing my sunnies from a pocket in one of them and my wallet.

With all of my luggage out, I was all set to go.
I pulled the telescopic handle-bar out from the bags and wheeled my way down the drive way, when I got to the end I turned around to take one final look at the house I had so much fun in over the years as a young-teen.
The realization of the fact that I’ll never be able to come back here again really upset me, but the thought of never seeing lochy again was far more upsetting.

With the tears rolling off my cheeks and onto the bricked driveway I turned around and begun walking down the street to the nearest bus station that would take me to Melbourne.

Finally I arrived at Steve’s although he said he wouldn’t get home for another 4 hours, I waited around-town and went window shopping for about an hour longer so he would have some alone time before I turned up, besides, he would’ve only just gotten home from work and I didn’t want to intrude into his apartment as the same time he was coming home.


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