Alex Finds His Place Ch. 05

Alex Finds His Place Ch. 05 by LilStoryTeller,LilStoryTeller

This is a fictional story. All the names, places, and situations have been made up.

No characters are under the age of eighteen (18).

Comments and Rating always Welcome!

Alex and Beverly are sitting in her car, outside the fraternity house.

He looks at his mommy, and wipes away another tear. “Why can’t I go with you…why do I have to stay here!?”

Beverly pushes a loose strand of hair behind his ear. “I explained that to you. It’s a business trip, and you’d be bored the whole time.” She puts her hand under his chin. “I’d love to leave you at home…” She smiles. “…but I think we’d both agree, you’re not ready for that.” She lets go of his chin.

He looks at the boys going in and out of the house. “What…what if I see a boys cock…and ‘it’ happens.”

She opens her door to step out. “You will need to be careful, sweetie.”

Beverly gets out of the car, pulls his backpack out of the trunk, and opens Alexs door. “It’s time we go inside.”

Alex gets out of the car. When Beverly closes the door, he checks himself in the windows reflection. Hoping not to stand out too much, he put on a light blue t-shirt, new jeans, and black sneakers. His backpack is gray, with a small robot clipped to the back.

Inside, Alex follows Beverly to a foldable table in the middle of the room, where two boys are sitting behind the table, and another boy is leaning against it.

When one of the boys see them walk up, he puts down the folder he’s been looking at. “Welcome to the Grease Pit, can I help you?”

Beverly sits her purse on the table. “Yes, I’m Beverly, and this is my son Alex.”

The boy leaning against the table turns and looks at Alex, crossing his arms.

The other boy sitting at the table smiles. “Hi, I’m Mark, the president.” He motions to the boy sitting next to him. “This is Jarod, the secretary.” He points at the boy standing. “And this is Gary, his security.”

Beverly looks over her shoulder at all the boys rushing around. “It sure is busy around here.”

Gary laughs. “it’s always like this right before classes start, all the freshmen trying to figure things out.”

Beverly giggles.

Alex takes a step closer to his mommy.

She turns her attention back to the boys behind the table. “I believe my associate, Mr. Willman, explained the situation?”

Mark nods. “Yes Ma’am. Since Mr. Willman is one of our founding alumni, he has asked that Alex be treated as a legacy, meaning he can live at the frat house until you return from your trip.” He sits back in his chair. “From what I was told, Alex won’t be attending any classes, but he will have to follow the house rules.”

Beverly nods. “That sounds right.” Beverly reaches into her purse, and takes out a check she’d already filled out.” I believe this is the amount for Alexs staying here for the time I’m expect to be away.” She puts it on the table in front of Mark.

Mark picks up the check. “Yes Ma’am.” He hands the check to Jarod. “You do understand that if Alex needs to stay longer, there will be an additional fee?”

Beverly closes her purse. “I do.”

Mark looks through a stack of folders on the table, pulling one out. From the folder, he takes out a document, placing it on the table, and turning it to face Beverly “This document couldn’t be done online like the others, we just need a signature.” He puts his pen on the document.

After she signs the paper, Jarod searches through a stack of binders, pulling one from the middle. He opens the folder and takes out a key taped to the inside. He hands the binder to Alex. “Here’s information about the Grease Pit, and college.” He pulls the tape off the key. “I was told you’ll be having your meals at the cafeteria, and using the college amenities.”

Alex looks up at Beverly, then back at Jarod. “Amenities?”

Jarod throws the tape into a waste basket. “Things like the movie house, library, things like that.”

Jarod hands the key to Gary. “Can you get him up to 302?”

Gary takes the key. “You’re in a private room…nice.” He turns to Beverly. “If you’d like, I’ll have some of the guys get Alexs things from your car, and take them to his room.”

She hands him her keys. “It’s the dark blue sedan, out front.”

Gary points at three boys talking on the other side of the atrium. “YOU THREE!” He throws them the keys. “BLUE SEDAN OUT FRONT. GET THE CART FROM TWIST, AND GET THE BAGS UP TO 302!”

Without a word, the boys take off down a hallway.

Gary leads Alex and Beverly into an elevator, and takes them up to the room. Inside are a bed, dresser, a desk with a chair, and a small refrigerator under the tiny sink, with a mirror hanging over it. There’s a nice sized closet, and a large window.

Gary leans against the desk, and motions to his left. “The bathroom and showers are at the end of the hall.” He motions to the right. “The lounge and vending machines are at that end.” He puts out his hand to Alex. “Let me see your folder.”

Alex hands Gary the folder.

Gary puts the binder on the desk. He takes out three cards. “This one is your bus pass, so you get a discount, this one is for the cafeteria and amenities, and this one is your ID.” He looks at the ID. “Your mom sent us your picture, so you won’t have to get one from the office.”

He hands Alex the key. “Try not to lose it, it costs fifteen bucks to replace.”

Alex put the key in his pocket. “Thank you,”

Suddenly the three boys are bringing Alexs things into the room. One of the boys hands Beverly her keys. “Here’s your keys, Ma’am.” They unload the boxes, and leave the room, taking the cart with them.

Alex puts the key in his pocket. “The Junk Yard?”

Gary laughs. “Sorry. The Junk Yard is the party room in the basement.” He looks at the boxes. “There are storage lockers down there too. Yours will have your room number on it, you’ll just need to get a lock.”

Gary walks to the door, and turns. “Be sure to bring your binder and something to write with, so you can take notes.” He disappears down the hall.

Alex looks at his mommy. “I hate it here. I want to go with you.”

Beverly smiles, and pulls a pen out of her purse and hands it to Alex, to use at the meeting. “You’ll be fine, and you can call me anytime on my cell.” She puts her hand gently on his cheek. “Remember, I am putting money on your debit card, but if you want any extra money you’ll have to get a job, unless it’s an emergency, then I’ll add some for you.” She takes a last look around the room. “You need to start learning to take care of yourself.”

Alex nods, and whispers. “Ok.”

They use the elevator to get to the first floor. At the door Beverly kisses Alexs cheek. “You should start calling me mom, unless you want to get teased.”

He blushes. “Yeah, that’s a good idea.”

She takes a napkin out of her purse and cleans the lipstick off his cheek. “I’ll be home for a couple weeks, so if you forgot anything, I’ll send it to you.”

He closes his eyes as she wipes his face. “Ok.”

Alex watches Beverly walk to her car, wave, and drive away. On the way back to his room he decides to take the stairs, and can feel everyone looking at him when he passes them.

That afternoon, when Alex gets to the meeting, the room is already starting to fill up. He finds an empty table toward the back of the room and takes a seat. Looking around the room he realizes it’s a place for everyone to relax. Along the back wall is a long bar with taps, glasses and bottles on shelves behind it. Against one wall are a jukebox, some pinball machines, and a dart board. Against the opposite wall are a jukebox, and a small section of raised floor with a dance pole in the center. Hanging from the walls are various posters that have to do with vehicles and mechanical things, barely dressed women, along with license plates, plaques, and other miscellaneous things.

Focused on the dance pole, it’s not until the last minute that Alex notices two boys sitting down at his table.

One of the boys smiles. “I was afraid there wouldn’t be any seats left.”

Alex nods. “It was already filling up when I got here.”

The other boy opens his binder to the first page. “I’m Dave.”

The other boy opens his binder. “Carl.”

Alex opens his binder. “I’m Alex.”

The boys chatted before the meeting started. Alex explained his ‘weird’ situation, which the boys thought was great, being able to get away from your folks to a frat house, not having to go to classes, and not having a room with bunk beds and a roommate.

Alex learned Mark and Carl where freshmen, and roommates. Carl is taking courses to be a mechanical engineer, and Dave is majoring in business law.”

When the meeting starts, Gary is standing by the door. Mark and Jarod are sitting on stools, with their backs against the bar, along with two other boys, Rob the vice president, and Steve the Treasurer.

After Mark and Jarod discuss what’s in the binder, the give the history of the frat. They explain how the original Grease Pit was on campus, until members got tired of being sanctioned all the time for racing around the campus in their cars, and their overall unbecoming behavior. At that point they lobbied ex-members to help them purchase the existing house, off campus. They then explained that members could use the garage, behind the house, to work on their cars. And that everyone was expected to pitch in, in some way, either by doing maintenance on the house, or in some other way.

He ended the meeting by asking for questions, which no one admitted to having.

After the meeting Alex goes back to his room. Wanting to take a nap, he takes off his sneakers, and changes into more comfortable clothes. He puts on a green, cropped t-shirt, that stops halfway between his nipples and bellybutton, and tan baggy cargo pants. He lays on his bed and closes his eyes.

It only takes minutes for his eyes to open wide, realizing he’d left his binder on the table. “Oh no!” He quickly puts on his sneakers.

Rushing into the Junk Yard, he finds his binder on the table where he’d left it. Since no one else is in the room, he slowly walks around the room, looking at the pictures and plaques on the walls, some going back to the 50’s.

When he gets to the raised floor with the dance pole, he looks around the room to make sure he’s still alone. He puts his binder on one of the tables, and walks up to the dance pole. He puts his hand on the pole and struts around it, thinking about the moves he’d seen erotic dancers do on porn sites.

He turns with his back to the pole, puts his hands over his head, grabbing the pole behind him, and slowly slides down the pole, spreading his knees wider as he descends. Once he reaches the bottom of the pole, he quickly stands, and faces the pole. He grabs the pole with one hand, and bends over, with his head below his waist, his other arm out to one side, legs spread slightly, and his ass turned up.

When he stands and turns around, there’s a group of boys of various ages, standing in the doorway, starring at him.


Everyone turns their attention to the bar, where the voice came from. Standing in front of the door behind the bar is an older boy. He’s 6′, with a muscular build, and short black hair and goatee. He’s wearing a tight black t-shirt, and jeans.

He puts his hands on his hips. “YOU HEARD ME!”

As the boys rush out of the room, one says, “I told you it wasn’t open yet.”

Another boy turns to that boy, “And I told you that wasn’t a girl.”

Alex steps off the raised floor, gets his binder from the table, and starts to follow the other boys out of the room.

“NOT YOU!” The boy motions him to a stool at the bar.

Alex stops and turns toward the boy. “Sorry…I was just…!” He glances at the pole over his shoulder. “Sorry!” He starts for the door.

He motions Alex to the bar. “What’s your name?”

Alex walks to the bar, holding the binder against his chest with both hands. “I’m Alex.”

The boy takes a glass off a shelf behind the bar. “Have a seat.” The boy pours a glass of water from the tap, and puts a lime on the rim. “I’m Twist.” He puts the glass on a coaster, on the top of the bar, and slides it toward Alex.

Alex nervously sits on one of the stools, puts down his binder, and takes a sip of the water. “You’re the first person I’ve met with a nickname.” He puts the glass down. “How’d you get it?” He watches Twist start wiping down the bar with a rag.

Twist remains expressionless. “That’s a long and boring story.” He leans against the counter behind him, and crosses his arms. “So, you like to dance?”

Alex feels himself blushing. “Some, but I’m not really good at it.”

Twist walks from behind the bar, to a showcase against the wall, displaying hats, t-shirts, and other items with the Junk Yard name or logo. “Doesn’t matter.” He opens a drawer and takes out a couple pink t-shirts, and a couple black t-shirts.

He closes the drawer, and drops the t-shirts on the bar in front of Alex. “You start today, be here at four.”

Alex slowly reaches for the t-shirts. “But really, I’m couldn’t!”

Twist pours himself a beer from the tap, and takes a sip. “You remember during the meeting when they said everyone needs to participate around the frat house?”

Alex nods. “Yeah.”

Twist puts down his glass, and leans on the bar. “Well, you can help the guys who are replacing the dead trees and working on the landscaping, or grab a paint brush and help the guys who are caulking and painting the windows that are leaking, including the second and third floors, or get some other crappy job, or dance down here.”

Alex looks at the stack of shirts, then back at Twist. “Won’t everyone be mad I’m not a girl when I dance?”

Twist quickly drinks down the last of his beer in one gulp. “You let me worry about that.”

Alex puts the shirts on top of his binder. “I bet the president and vice president won’t be happy.”

Twist just stares at Alex.

Alex takes a deep breath, and slides off the stool. “I know, let you worry about that too.”

Twist flips the rag, so it’s sitting across his shoulder. “Now you get it.”

Before Alex leaves, he asks Twist, “Are these shirts mine to keep?”

Twist pours himself another beer. “Yep, to do with as you like.”

Alex slowly backs up towards the door. “What do I wear with them…short pants?”

Twist takes a sip of his beer. “You’ll be dancing for guys.” He puts the beer down on the bar. “I’m pretty sure you have a better idea about that, than me.”

Alex looks at the clock on the wall. “I better go get changed.”

Twist opens the refrigerator, and pulls out some oranges, limes, and lemons. “Yep.”

When Alex gets to his room and sees the boxes, he’s reminded he hadn’t done any unpacking. He quickly starts opening boxes and rummaging through them for something to wear with one of the t-shirts. “This’ll take forever!”

When he opens the third box he’s shocked. Beverly must have accidentally packed some of his girl clothes. He smiles, and thinks to himself, ‘Or was it on purpose, just in case?’.

Going through the box he finds his black hotpants, with the red belt. “Bingo!”

He puts on one of the black t-shirts Twist had given him, putting a knot in the bottom, turning it into a sort of crop top, then changes into the black hotpants.

The only shoes he could find that even remotely look like dance shoes are a pair of white, open toe deck shoes. “They’ll have to do.”

When he returns to the Junk Yard there’s already several groups of boys sitting around tables, and a couple boys sitting at the bar. There’s also a boy serving drinks, who must be the waiter.

When Alex looks at Twist, he motions Alex to the bar.

Twist hands him a five dollar bill. “No one’s started the jukebox, so play songs you like to dance to.”

Alex takes the bill, and makes his selections. When he looks back at Twist, he motions to the dance floor.

Alex nervously steps onto the dance floor, grabs the dance pole, and spins around it. As before he puts his back against the pole and begins to lower himself to the floor, his knees spreading as he does.

Suddenly someone screams from the back of the room. “WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!”


When more boys start to join in, yelling about him dancing, Alex steps off the stage and starts for the door.


Alex stops, and turns to see Twist standing next to the jukebox. “GET YOUR ASS BACK UP THERE!” He reaches behind the jukebox, doing something that causes it to turn off.

Alex slowly steps back on the stage.

The grumbling continues, but at a lower volume.

Twist walks to a plaque on the wall. “WHO THE FUCK CALLED MY DANCER A FAGGOT?!”

A boy slowly stands.

Twist points at him. “I KNOW YOU, YOU’RE NOT A DAMN NEWBIE!”

The boy lowers his head.

Twist points to the floor in front of the plaque. “GET YOUR SORRY ASS OVER HERE…NOW!”

The room goes quiet.

Alex stands on the stage, shaking, and afraid to move.

Twists voice is harsh when the boy gets to the spot he’d pointed to. “What’s your name?”

The boy is shaking as much as Alex. “It’s Jeff.”

Twist points to the plaque. “Ok, Jeff, yell out rule number one for the Junk Yard.”

Jeff clears his throat, but his voice still shakes. “RULE ONE…RESPECT!”

Twist walks between several of the table. “THAT’S RIGHT, IT’S ONE FUCKING WORD…RESPECT! He looks at several of the boys as he walks by them. “ANYONE TELL ME WHY IT’S ONE WORD…RESPECT?!

When he gets to the boy that yelled the first remark, he kicks his chair. His voice almost a whisper. “Stand up, asshole.”

The boy slowly stands.

Twist continues walking around the room. “IT’S ONE FUCKING WORD, BECAUSE IT ONLY NEEDS TO BE ONE FUCKING WORD.” He glares at two boys sitting at a table, then continues his walk. “YOU WILL RESPECT YOURSELF…YOU WILL RESPECT OTHERS…YOU WILL RESPECT MY PEOPLE, AND YOU WILL RESPECT THE JUNK YARD.”


Suddenly the music is turned back on.

Twist walks back behind the bar, and points to the two boys still standing. “DON’T YOU TWO HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY TO ALEX?”

The two boys slowly walk to the dance floor. The boy who read the rule speaks first. “Sorry I said what I did. I know better, but kind of got sucked into the mob.”

The other boy nods. “I’m sorry, too.” He watches the other boy walk away. “And you look really nice dancing.” He lowers his eyes to the floor.

Alex smiles. “Well then, I better get back to work.”

The boy smiles back, then rushes back to his seat.

Alex had just finished dancing to the second song, when Twist motioned him to the bar.

Alex walks to the bar, and leans against it. “Is something wrong?”

Twist puts a coaster on the bar in front of Alex. “Nah.” He pours a glass of water, puts a lime on the rim, and puts the glass down in front of Alex. “For every two dances, you rest for one.” He takes the towel off his shoulder and wipes down the bar next to Alex. “We close at eleven, but the song playing at ten o’clock is your last dance.”

Twist pours a glass of beer, and puts it on a coaster, on the bar next to Alex.

When Alex looks next to him, Gary is taking a seat on the stool.

Gary takes a sip of beer. “I heard you gave the ‘respect’ speech.”

Twist nods. “I have to every year.”

Gary turns to Alex. “You ok with dancing here?”

Alex gets a big smile. “Yes!”

When the music stops, Alex excuses himself and returns to the stage.

After waiting a moment, and not hearing another song start, he considers asking Twist for some money for the jukebox. Just as he’s about to step off the stage, a boy walks to the jukebox and slides a bill in the slot. After making his first selection, the jukebox starts playing the song.

Thanks for reading pls vote or comment Alex begins dancing, feeling a lot more comfortable than when he’d started.

After one of his spins, he notices the boy still standing at the jukebox, obviously having trouble making his last selection.

Suddenly a voice comes from the other side of the room. “PLAY E…4!”

The boy at the jukebox looks over his shoulder, trying to figure out who yelled, then turns back to the jukebox, and makes his last selection, and returns to his seat.

Later, after another break, Alex is dancing, and sees two girls come into the Junk Yard, with three boys.

For the rest of the night, Alex enjoys dancing for everyone. Those that aren’t happy with him dancing aren’t yelling insults, most of the tunes were great to dance to, and he feels safe knowing that Twist was watching over him.

After his last dance, Alex waves. “GOODNIGHT EVERYONE!”

The two girls walk up to the stage, the boys they’re with are standing by the door.

One girl stops at the edge of the stage. “You are awesome!”

The other girl walks up next to her. “We couldn’t believe it when we heard a boy was dancing.” She giggles. “You’re really good.” She makes a pouty face. “I should hate you.”

Alex mimics her pouty face. “Please don’t. ” He smiles. “I’m Alex.”

The first girl puts her hand to her chest. “I’m June…” She points to the other girl. “…and this is Krissy.”

Alex steps off the stage. “It’s nice to meet you.” He points to the boys that are with the girls. “I guess I didn’t please everyone.”

Krissy leans over and whispers. “It’s a guy thing, they loved it, but don’t want to admit it.”

June laughs. “So true.” She pulls some bills from her pocket, and looks around the dance floor. She turns to the bar. “HEY TWIST, HOW’S ALEX GONNA MAKE MONEY IF HE DOESN’T HAVE ANY TIP JARS?!”

Twist shakes his head, grabs a glass from behind the bar, and walks out to the stage. He puts it on the edge of the stage, and turns to Alex. “It’s up to you to remember the glasses for your tips.” He turns to the girls. “Krissy…June.”

Alex watches Twist go back to the bar. “Not much for conversation, is he?”

June puts the bill in the tip glass. “It’s just his way, you’ll get used to it.”

Alex looks at the girls. “Do you know why people call him Twist?”

Krissy grabs Alexs hand and leads him across the room. “Come with me.”

On the wall is a framed newspaper article. Krissy lets go of his hand. “This’ll explain it.”

Alex watches Krissy go to the boys, and June, who is standing with them. He turns back to the article.

It tells of a street race between two cars, one ending up ‘twisted’ around a tree. Alex whispers to himself, “Wow.”

“That’s was back in my stupid days.”

Alex turns to see Twist standing next to him.

Twist takes his bar rag and wipes a smudge off the glass. “Someone else hung it here, probably thinks I’m some kind of hero.” He tosses the rag across his shoulder. “I just think I wasted a good car.”

Feeling he needed to change the subject, Alex smiles. “I had a great time dancing, and thanks for the speech.”

Twist turns and heads for the bar. “The Yard closes at midnight, so you can hang out until then, but no dancing.” He stands behind the bar. “No dancing on Wednesdays and Sundays.” He takes an order from the boy waiting tables.

Alex walks up to the bar. “How come?”

Twist puts two bottles of beer, and a mixed drink, on the waiters tray, then turns to Alex. “To make sure these guys don’t have an excuse for not having time to study, or take care of their business.”

Twist nods toward the stage. “Don’t forget your tips.”

Alex yawns. “It’s only the one June and Krissy left me.”

When Alex pulls the money from the glass, there’s over twenty dollars. Along with Junes five dollar bill, there were a bunch of singles.

Alex takes the glass back to Twist. “I only made twenty three dollars.”

Twist puts the glass in the sink. “That’s actually not bad.” He glances down at the bills Alex had put on the bar. “Most of the guys are on a really tight budget, even a buck or two could mean the difference between eating out, or in the cafeteria.”

Alex lets out a loud sigh. “Now I feel bad.”

Twist picks up the money and holds it in front of Alex. “You shouldn’t, they had a good time, and for the freshmen, it helps make them to feel part of something special.” He taps the money. “You deserve it.”

Alex puts his hand over his mouth to cover another yawn. “I think it’s my bedtime.”

Twist smiles. “See you tomorrow.”

Alex takes a sip of his water, and smiles. “Yes you will.”


Alex thinks about it. “SEE YOU AT SIX!” He waves, and goes to his room. In his room he decides put off unpacking his boxes until tomorrow, and to get a quick shower before going to bed.

In the showers he’s glad to see he’s alone, with no cocks around to make him hard. On his way back to his room his towel is tied around him like a girl would, up under his arms, and going down almost to his knees.

Feeling good about dancing at the Junk Yard, meeting some new friends, and making a little extra money in tips, he hums on the way back to his room, his little plastic bucket of bathroom supplies swinging at his side.

When he comes to two boys walking in the other direction one of them smiles. “I wonder how those lips would feel around my cock.”

After the boys walk past him, Alex decides he’s not going to let anyone bully him anymore, and he’s going to call this bullies bluff. Without turning around, he raises his hand in the air and puts up two fingers. “Twenty bucks to find out!”

Just before getting to his door, he hears a loud crash. When he gets to his room he glances back at the boys, and sees the one who made the comment being helped up off the floor by his friend, after having tripped over a box that had been left by the door of another room..

After closing his door, Alex giggles. “Serves him right.”

The next morning he unpacks his boxes and calls Beverly, asking her to send some of his girl clothes to him. At first she wasn’t sure it was a good idea, but after he explained about dancing in the Junk Yard, making new friends, and the speech Twist made, she was more than happy to send them.

After the phone call he decides to go online and see if there are any stores in the area that would have better shoes for him to dance in. Surprisingly, he finds an adult store that carries just what he’s looking for.

He changes out of his pajamas, and into one of his pink Junk Yard t-shirts, a pair of denim shorts, and his black sneakers, and makes the short walk into town.

At the adult store, they have a large selection of shoes to choose from. Alex selects a pair of black, open toed, lace up, ankle high shoes, with four inch heels. Unable to resist a few impulse buys, he gets a matching pair in pink, and set of lace collars in various colors. Before going back to the house, he stops by a fast food place for lunch.

Back in his room, he goes online to see how much money is left on his debit card, and is stunned to see how much money he’d spent. He leans back in his chair and closes his eyes, knowing he’ll be eating all his meals in the cafeteria until next week, when Beverly puts his allowance on the card.

A knock at his door causes him to open his eyes and sits up. When he opens the door it’s one of the boys he’d passed in the hall last night, the one helping the bully up off the floor. “Well?”

The boys voice is nervous. “Um…First I want to apologize for what my friend said. I told him it was a fu…crappy thing to say, and that he should come apologize too.” He looks at the floor, then back at Alex. “I guess that’s it.”

Alex can tell the apology is heartfelt. “Are you a freshman?”

The boy nods. “Yeah.”

Alex smiles and puts his hand on the boys arm. “Me too. I guess we’re both figuring things out.”

The boy smiles back. “I better go, and let you get back to whatever you were doing.”

Alex takes his hand off the boys arm. “That was the first thing, what’s the other thing?”

The boy glances up and down the hall. He whispers. “Did you mean what you said?”

Alex shrugs, “About what?”

The boys hand is shaking as he pulls a twenty dollar bill from his pocket. “About the twenty dollars?”

Alex is about to tell the boy he’d said it just to screw with his friend, then remembers how a little extra money would be nice after seeing what’s left on his debit card. He takes the boys arm, and gently pulls him into the room. “Of course.” He closes the door behind the boy.

Alex takes the money and puts it into his desk drawer. He can tell the boy is scared and embarrassed, by the way he’s standing in one place, and not moving a muscle. “Is this your first blowjob?”

The boy just nods.

Alex turns the chair to the desk around, so it’s facing away from the desk, and pats the seat. “What’s your name.”

The boy sits down. “Dean.”

Feeling how nervous Dean is, Alex slowly kneels in front of him, and gently spreads his legs. “It’s ok to be nervous the first time.” He moves between the boys legs, and undoes his belt. “Everyone has a first time.” He unzips Deans pants, and gently pulls his cock out. He smiles up at the boy. “You just need to relax, and enjoy it.”

Alex holds the soft cock in his hand, and gently kisses the tip, before slowly swallowing it.

He closes his eyes and starts sucking the cock, his lips slowly sliding up and down the shaft. When it starts to stiffen, Alex moves his hands to the tops of Deans thighs, so his mouth is the only thing touching the cock.

As Deans cock gets harder, Alex sucks it faster, letting out a little cough when it becomes fully erect, and the tip touches his throat the first time.

Excited to have a cock in his mouth, Alex lets out a soft moan, and begins turning his head side to side as he gives Dean his blowjob.

When he senses Dean is about to cum, he slows his pace, repeatedly pulling his head all the way up Deans shaft, then moving his lips quickly down his shaft until his nose presses against Deans stomach.

When Deans cock begins to twitch, Alex knows he’s about to cum and quickly swallows his cock.

Suddenly Dean leans forward, putting his hand behind Alexs head, holding it in place on his cock. “Ohhhhh…Fuuuuck.”

When the first burst of cum shoots into Alexs mouth, he’s surprised by the size of the load and gags. Although the following streams are smaller, they still cause Alex to swallow several times until the boy is empty.

Dean quickly removes his hand from the back of Alexs head. His eyes wide. “I’m sorry…I…I didn’t mean to do that…put my hand on your head…I mean!”

Alex kisses the bottom of Deans cock, and smiles. “Don’t worry, that just means you enjoyed it.” He carefully puts the cock away, and stands, holding out his hands to help Dean stand.

Dean lets Alex help him up. “That was awesome!”

Alex gets a bottle of water from the refrigerator and takes a sip. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” He gives Dean a little kiss. “And thank you for the apology.” He opens the door for Dean to leave, then closes it behind him. He leans against the desk, and takes another sip of water.

Suddenly he stands straight, wondering why his penis didn’t get hard when he saw Deans cock.. Sliding his hand over his crotch, his cock is still soft. “How…?”

After several minutes of wondering why his penis didn’t get hard, he determines it’s because he hadn’t thought about how it was supposed to get hard, before, during, or after sucking Deans cock. He laughs, and says to himself. “It was all in my mind!” He holds out his fist, and raises his middle finger. “Fuck you, Nick!”

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