Alex’s Adventures Ch. 01: Jack

A gay story: Alex's Adventures Ch. 01: Jack Chapter 1 – Jack

The buzz of my phone alarm slowly pulled me out of my groggy sleep. It was a long night, but we had fun dancing at Charlie’s. The dance floor was a little bare since school doesn’t start until next week and the new class of gays hadn’t moved in yet, but it gave me time to catch up with Adam and Thomas, who I had barely seen over the summer. Thomas was finishing up his summer internship with Equality Arizona, and he had just gotten back from Flagstaff where they were holding some HRC event. Adam was finally back from his home in Chicago. It was great to have them back, I was tired of depending on Grindr for a social life.

I reached up and grabbed my phone, 8:30 am. Jesus what was I thinking, this was too damn early. But the pool was calling my name and I couldn’t stay in my bed forever. With all the willpower I could muster, I threw back the sheets and sat up in bed. I made my way to my closet, got dressed in some workout pants and an old tank, grabbed swim gear and a change of clothes and headed to the kitchen to grab a granola bar and a water bottle. I didn’t want to eat too much before getting in the pool but still needed some energy and hydration to get over last night.

My roommate Kim was asleep on the couch, with Netflix asking her if she’s still watching Parks and Rec on the TV screen. I had seen this scene a million times – she comes home drunk at 3 or 4 am from some frat party, either full of pride that she said no to some fraternity douchebag or feeling ugly because she didn’t get laid. So she decides it’s a good idea to watch some TV, and just one episode, then face-plants into the couch, lights out.. I grabbed an extra bottle of water and granola bar and placed it by her hand which dangled off the couch to the floor. After turning off the TV, closing the blinds and grabbing my gear, I went to the garage and mounted my scooter.

Yes, it was super gay, but I loved my little scooter. Wine Red. Metallic. Matching helmet. But in Arizona, there really was no better way to get around. The sun was always shining, you didn’t have to worry about sitting in a hot car, and there was nothing like turning heads when pulling up to the club and parking right out front. Or, more importantly saving $500 a year on a parking permit on campus. Yes, it was super gay, and yes, I loved it.

With little fanfare (where the hell is the paparazzi?), I pulled into the parking deck at the SRC. A veritable ghost town at this time on a Saturday, I got a prime motorcycle spot still in the shade. You never know how important shade is until you live in the desert – both actual shade and the kind thrown by queens. The day was starting to warm up as I walked into the rec center. I would say it was going to be another scorcher, but in Phoenix, every day is fucking hot, and by August you just get used to the oppressive heat. Like my nagging parents, it’s always there.

I swiped my SunCard as I smiled at the girl sitting at the check in counter. I’ve seen her there all summer, but I still didn’t know her name. Smiling, I walked on by. I could feel her eyes follow me as I turned past the desk to head to the pool. I liked being looked at, even if it was from some hetero girl – I worked hard on my body, and I liked when it was appreciated. I turned my head back and caught her looking, so I cocked a grin and wiggled my ass. She flushed bright red, but smiled and turned back to Facebook on her phone. Oh, how easy it was.

The locker room was deserted at this hour on a Saturday, it was summer so school wasn’t in session, plus whatever students were around for summer classes were hungover or getting ready to do the walk of shame. I undressed and pulled on my speedo, dark maroon with a small pitchfork stitched on the side – a keepsake from my time on the ASU swim team freshman year. I had never really liked the competitive aspect of swimming, but I enjoyed the scholarship money that it gave me – until they slashed the scholarships for the non-money making sports. Go Devils!

Towel in hand, goggles hanging around my neck, and my ass squeezed nicely into the tight swimsuit, I headed through the communal showers to the pool. It was already bright and hot outside, but I knew that would make the pool that much more luxurious. The pool itself was empty except for Marco sitting atop a lifeguard stand, in a red tank top, gold and maroon board shorts, sunglasses and a ridiculous looking straw hat.

“Hey man! What’s up?” he called, “You coming back to the team this year?”

“I don’t know, have they decided to stop being assholes and actually make it worth it?”

Marco was senior this year, and captain of the swim team. We met a couple of years ago when I started here at ASU, and he was one of my first friends here. We spent a lot of time training and it was great for me to have someone older who could show me around campus and get me oriented. However, after the first year I quit the team and we grew apart. Different circles, different goals. Mainly, he wanted to bang chicks, and I wanted to bang him. Let’s just say it was best for my heart that we didn’t spend too much time together.

“Naw bro, you know how it is,” he chuckled. “You do it for the love of the sport, not for the money.”

“No,” I smiled back, “you do it for the chicks.”

“What can I say, it’s a perk!” He smiled and lifted up his shirt showing off his tan, tight six pack leading to a perfect V that disappeared below his trunks. “Girls love this V almost as much as I love their tits!”

“Oh I know, guys can’t keep their hands off this,” I turned and slapped my ass. He started cracking up.

“Oh yea brah! Get it!” Marco laughed and lowered his hand down from the stand for a hi-five, I slapped it. I started stretching as he asked, “So, how long are you swimming today man?”

“I don’t know, on Saturday’s I don’t like to keep count,” I replied as I stepped forward and stretched my calves and hamstrings. “I just go for about an hour, trying to keep a good pace, let my mind settle.”

“That’s cool. I love getting lost in a long swim, just wish I had more time for it. And wish coach wasn’t always on my ass to move faster.”

“You could always quit the team!” I said, half joking, “Then you could swim with me, and not worry about that shit.”

“Ha! No way, coach would kill me,” He laughed, I smiled up at him and pulled my goggles down over my eyes. “Enjoy your swim Alex, keep that hot ass of yours in shape!”

“You know it man!”

I turned from Marco’s gorgeous white smile and faced the pool. I couldn’t wait to get into this pool, to clear my mind and focus on the simplicity of movement. My junior year at ASU was starting next week and I didn’t need any distractions. I took a breath and dived into the cool, shimmering water.

There is something amazing about the first moment you enter the water, the world around you just disappears, washed away in a muffled onslaught. You are weightless, the problems on your shoulders are lifted and float away. You hang there suspended, floating, and time seems to slow, hesitate for a moment. It’s a break from everything, from everyone. It’s a rare silence in a deafening world. The water rushes around you and lifts you up, a welcome helping hand sharing the heavy burden of the hot, oppressing world above. As you surge forward through your dive, you leave everything behind on the surface. You enjoy the peace, but know that it will end, as your body rebels against it, your lungs fight for air. It’s just that brief taste of peace that makes you keep diving in.

The moment I surfaced I was back to reality, and I was off. Hand over hand. My feet propelled me forward. I started off easy, warming up into the laps ahead of me. It has become second nature to me, the synchronicity of movement, the timing, the breathing. My body sensed the wall ahead of me and I instinctively pulled into a tuck, flipping upside down, my knees bent, my feet planted on the wall, my hands pointed out in front of me. I sprung off the wall and floated again for a moment before I felt myself slow, and I pulled. Breathe. Pull. Pull. Pull. Breathe. The routine was bliss. My mind relaxed and my body took over. The water resisted and lifted, pushing me back, holding me up, the duality of nature. There was a reason I kept coming back, it was this feeling of solitude and connection, the peace of the water and the destruction of my force, the stillness of mind and the frenzy of body. The rush of passion and tranquility of love.

I lost myself in the movements, pushing myself hard to go a little bit further. There comes a time when you hit it: The Wall. The place you have to break through, but once you are through you feel you can go on forever. 500, 600, 700 meters. I was feeling tired, but it felt so good. I slowed my place a little to breathe more frequently, pacing myself as I stretched to reach my goal. Saturday’s were my long swims, it was when I had the most time to relax and let loose. I also didn’t want to burn myself out with sprints or drills, I wanted to just swim. Especially with this next week, preparing for a new semester, getting ready for new classes – and new guys.

An hour after first diving in, I came up for air and saw Marco climbing down from the lifeguard stand. There were a couple of other people making laps in the pool, and even some sorority girls had come to lay out, getting their tan ready for the new semester. I stripped off my goggles and leaned over the edge to catch my breath, my eyes followed Marco as he walked over to the girls in the lounge chairs. A moment after he introduced himself to them, he had them laughing, and I couldn’t help but smile too. He was so fucking charming, you couldn’t help but swoon for him. I shook my head as I pulled myself out of the cool water and up to the burning hot pool deck. Dripping wet and quickly moving to keep my feet from getting third degree burns, I grabbed my towel and waddle-ran to the locker room door.

“Hey man! Wait up!” Marco called at me. I turned and saw him walking toward me. The hot pavement did not let me stand still for long, so I moved toward the side of the building and stood in what little shade it provided. Marco slowed as he got close to me and put one arm up on the side of the rec center leaning in close to me.

“Hey bro, so the pool is going to be closed on Monday and Tuesday, we have to clean it and get it ready for all the new freshmen.”

“Shit, I like to get a swim in on Tuesdays. Thanks for the heads up,” I managed to say, even though my heart was racing feeling his body so close to me. I flicked my eyes up and met his deep dark gaze. I saw him crack a smile.

“I know dude, that’s what I’m trying to say. If you want,” he hesitated for a second, then continued, “we can catch a swim at the training center Tuesday. Being team captain n’ all that, it’s got some perks.”

“Really? That would be great, I’d love to see the training pool too. It’s been awhile since I’ve been there.”

“Yea man, it’d be no problem. Plus I don’t see as much of you as I would like. You were a cool kid, if I remember.” He ran his hand through his moppy black hair and again flashed his bright white smile, showing his adorable dimples.

“Aw, shucks, don’t make me blush” I joked back.

He reached out and lightly punched my shoulder and I feigned real pain. We both smiled and he raised his hand for a bro-hug. I grabbed it and he pulled me in and patted me on the back. As he lowered his hand I swear I felt it brush my ass. I looked up at him, and he winked at me as he pushed past me heading back to the lifeguard stand. He turned and pointed at me, “Text me Monday and we’ll set up a time. See you Tuesday!”

Did that just happen? Am I crazy? No. He did not. Did he? My mind was racing, suddenly I realized Marco was still walking backwards looking at me. “Yeah, right! Tuesday!” I replied, snapping back to reality. I quickly noticed my feet were on fire standing on the scorching pavement and waved bye to Marco as I dashed for the door to the locker room.

The cool air made me shiver as I walked through the showers to my locker. My head was still swirling with random thoughts of my upcoming semester, looming internships and, of course, Marco. What the fuck was the boy up to. I shook my head as I fingered in the combination to my lock, thinking to myself, I guess I’ll find out on Tuesday.

With my locker opened, I reached in and grabbed my phone and noticed I had two new texts. The first was from Thomas, inviting me to brunch at 4 Peaks at noon. Like any good gay, I cannot pass on brunch, I responded that I would be there and opened the other one. That text was from Jack, telling me that he just got back in town and was moving his shit into his room at the frat. He also casually mentioned that his roommate wouldn’t be in until this evening. The subtext of this text was clear. Of course I responded, “On my way. Be ready.”


I met Jack last school year at one of Kim’s sorority formals. He was dating Kim’s best friend Amanda, but he couldn’t keep his eyes off me. We were drunk before we even stumbled into the party bus; when you’re underage you have to pre-game hard so your buzz lasts long enough. Somehow Jack ended up sitting next to me on the bus, while Kim and Amanda sat together in front of us. Jack started getting bro-feely towards me. He put his arm around me and slurring shit like “Yo, man, it’s so cool that you’re gay man. That really takes balls man, coming out an’ shit. Dude, Amanda! I love this guy!”

Normally I would have kicked this guy’s ass, or well you know, said some bitchy comment towards him. But Jack had an endearing frat-tastic quality about him. He was a genuinely nice guy, fun-loving, and actually had somewhat of a brain. He was studying biology and wanted to be a high school science teacher. You can’t diss a guy who wants to teach high school science. Oh, and did I mention he was really hot?

Jack’s hair was jet black, thick and spiky. He looked to be part Italian, but not the Jersey Shore kind, more the romantic, let’s eat out under the stars kind. He was taller than me, but only a little. With his hair he reached just over 6 feet. From what I could see he had a pretty normal build, not thin, not huge, but you knew whatever he was hiding under his tailored suit was trim and toned. When he put his arm around my shoulder I couldn’t help but notice how big his hands were, and could only assume that bodes well for what was between his legs. His swagger was annoying at times, but relatable and charming at others. He wooed girls easily with his big, white smile and his more than handsome features. Overall he was just a likable guy that could get anyone to drop their panties in a heartbeat.

That night was a blur even before we got to the swanky North Scottsdale hotel for dinner. Everyone on the bus had a flask, and we continued taking shots in the bathroom, pouring a little (okay, a lot) into our drinks, and just getting hammered. Throughout the night, I noticed Jack and I become more and more inseparable. Maybe it was because Amanda and Kim were always together, but Jack always happened to be at my side with another drink. Soon the four of us were dancing, but I couldn’t stop making eye contact with Jack, who would quickly turn toward Amanda any time I caught him.

One point, nearing the end of the night, I broke away from the group to walk around the grounds, I just needed a break from the party and the people. It was a gorgeous November evening, the stars were bright as I walked around the deserted pool deck. It was weird being out there, it was so quiet yet only right down the hall was a giant party turning into a drunken night of debauchery. I reached the end of the pool deck and was about to turn around when a hand grabbed me and pushed me into a dark corner behind the raised hot tub and some palms.

“What the fu-” I began to say when I noticed it was Jack, and before I could finish his mouth was on mine. He stubble rubbed against my face as he forced his tongue into my mouth. I felt his hands reach around and pull me closer to him, grabbing my ass. It took a moment before I was finally able to push away.

“Hey Jack, what the hell -”

“I saw the way you were looking at me all night, and I could tell you wanted it.” He reached down and grabbed my hardening cock through my pants. “And you wanting me has got me going.”

He leaned in and kissed me again, I couldn’t quite comprehend what was going on. This booze-drenched straight guy was making out with me, and drunk me didn’t really give a fuck. He was right. I had been checking him out all night, and he was right I did want his hard cock.

I reached and pulled him closer to me, shoving my face into his, our tongues tangled as my hands fiercely roamed all over his body, trying to get a hold of him through his suit. I reached around under his jacket, running my hands around his slim waist and along the top of his pants. I moved my hands down and grabbed a firm hold of his ass and pulled his hardening cock into me, feeling his shaft rub against mine. He moaned into my mouth.

Jack reached up and started pulling at my suit jacket, his large hands began forcibly pulling at the lapels, pushing the jacket off of my shoulders. I pulled my hands off his tight ass and helped him remove my jacket, and threw it into the bushes. Like him, I yearned to be closer to his body, and for him to be free of his cumbersome jacket. I helped him peel it off without breaking our intense kiss, and soon it was tossed off into the night. I felt the urgency in our kiss build, we both knew we wouldn’t be alone forever, and if we were going to get off it had to be fast.

We pulled back from our kiss, and his hands began working on my shirt as I scrambled with his. The buttons came undone frustratingly slow, but soon he was pulling at my tie and finally our shirts were open. Jack thankfully hadn’t worn an undershirt, and my instincts were correct about him being fit and trim. The Arizona sun had done its work to bring out the dark olive of his smooth skin. In the light reflecting off of the pool, I could make out his round pecs, with small, hard nipples. The light danced off his abs, showing a defined six pack hiding slightly behind his opened white dress shirt. My hands grabbed for his body, and ran across his warm, smooth skin, encircling his waist, pulling him closer.

We were kissing again. I felt his hands run under my undershirt, they were rough against my skin, but warm in the cooling night air. He was grabbing at my back, pulling me into him as far as I would go. His warm body embraced me. I could feel his heartbeat accelerating as his mouth left mine and started kissing down my neck. He nudged under my opened collar and pulled at the top of my white hanes tee with his teeth. His hands pushed my undershirt up to my chest and I gasped as his mouth found its way to my nipple.

Jack’s tongue flicked at my hard nip, teasing me. His rough, big hands held me to his mouth as he left my pec and kissed his way down my flat stomach, across my defined, swimmers stomach. I reached over and ran my hand through his thick, black hair and pushed his face into my abs. His hands pulled at my nipples as I moaned into the night air. They soon left my chest ran down my body, down my sides and soon Jack was at my belt, pulling the buckle apart. My pants were unbuttoned in another heartbeat, and it wasn’t until Jack has my fly unzipped that he looked up at me and I realized what the fuck was happening.

Here I was standing in the Arizona night, at a Sorority formal, on a pool deck at some hotel, my suit jacket in some bushes, my shirt unbuttoned, my pants falling down around my ankles and with a gorgeous frat stud whose face was inches from my hard cock. And all Jack could do was smile his big, bright dimpled smile up at me as he rubbed my cock through my tight calvin klein trunks. I rested my hand on the back of his head and pushed Jack into my crotch. I heard him take a deep whiff off my scent as he rubbed his face into my underwear. His mouth opened and surrounded the outline of my hard cock through my underwear, I moaned into the night air, feeling the warmth of his mouth teasing the head of my cock. His hands reached up to the band of my underwear and slowly pulled down.


I pulled up to Jack’s frat “house” 25 min after I texted him back. I say house with quotes because a couple years ago the ASU administration went on a rampage against the Fraternities and actually condemned most of the frat houses on Alpha Drive. The frats were kicked out, and the houses demolished. Most fraternities moved off campus into apartment complexes, with everyone from the frat staying in one complex. One of Jack’s Brother’s parents bought a house in Tempe and his fraternity has been using it as a de facto-house since.

There were a couple of cars in the driveway, and I noticed Jack’s truck parked on the street with a couple of boxes still in the bed. I parked my scooter behind his truck and gave Jack a call. The phone rang a couple of times and then the garage door opened. Jack was standing in the garage, wearing a black tank top with his fraternity letters scrawled across it and a pair of red board shorts – pretty much the typical summer attire for any frat guy. However, Jack made the style look good.

I could tell Jack had been hitting the gym hard that summer. His chest was bulging under his tank, and his smooth tanned arms glistened as he stepped into the sun. He reached up to shield his eyes from the brightness and even that small movement sent ripples down his muscles. By reaching up he revealed a small sliver of skin under his shirt, when sent shivers to my cock. His body looked toned to perfection, a complete change from muscle twink that sucked me off last winter. Now he was a total stud.

“Hey bro! Like what you see?” He said as he got closer to me.

“Hey brah” I teased, “What do you mean? You look the same, have you lost weight?”

He smiled and cocked his head to the side. His smile was still as charming as ever, and I couldn’t resist but to swoon under the gaze of his hazel eyes. He pulled me into a quick hug and whispered into my ear as he grabbed my ass. “Well, I like what I see,” he pulled back, and continued, “Now grab a box from the truck and help me carry it up to my room.”

I did as I was told and took the box he handed me. He grabbed the last box from the truck bed and I began following him through the garage. I watched his ass wag back and forth in front of me, and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. Jack’s large quads seemed to bulge through his shorts and they ended in a perfectly round ass that clung to the fabric. My mind flicked back through our several hook-ups since the night at the formal. My ass twitched remembering his large 9″ cock and his piercing gaze as he drove his shaft into my hole. He was hot as a lean, toned twink, but I couldn’t wait to explore his new large muscle stud body.

He led me into the house and up a flight of stairs right by the garage. I followed almost obediently, like a dog chasing a treat. I loved watching this gorgeous man in front of me, his ass and legs bulging as he climbed the stairs, my cock getting hard in my shorts. I was under a spell, and I would follow this stud anywhere he would lead me.

We reached the landing, which split into 4 doorways, he pushed open the second door on the right and led me into his bedroom.

“Put the box there by the door” Jack commanded as he walked in and put his box under the window. I followed and placed my box where I was told and looked around the room.

It was a fairly large room, with a pair of bunk beds and two small desks, which I assumed were a formality since I was sure no studying happened here. A door led from the room to what I assume was a bathroom. There were boxes piled here and there and a suitcase sat open on the bottom bunk. As a college student he didn’t have much in the way of stuff, and the walls were still bare and not covered in the usual sports, cars and naked chick posters, which I found refreshing.

“Welcome to my castle. Since I got here first, I’m claiming the top bunk.” Jack smiled and gestured towards the beds.

“That’s nice of you,” I teased, sensing my confidence coming slowly back after the shock of seeing jacked Jack. “I hope he’s short.”

Jack laughed, “He’s not. He’s taller than me. His name is Mike, a sophomore, but elected to e-board as a IFC Representative.” He must have seen my puzzled look and continued, “Executive board of the fraternity. I’m VP of Community Relations, which is just fancy for Social Chair. Only Executive Board members get to stay in the house, one the perks.”

As he finished he walked over to me and stood inches from my body. I could feel the heat radiate from him, sending waves of energy through me.

“That’s cool,” I managed to say, feeling light headed as my heart raced faster in my chest. My breath caught in my lungs as he reach up and around me and closed the door.

“Now, I didn’t ask you over to explain the intricacies of the fraternal order.”

“Oh? Then why did you want me here? I was kinda excited to learn about your frat.”

“Well, if you want, I can go on,” He replied as me moved closer, pushing his hips against mine. His arms out stretched and rested on my shoulders and he wrapped his hands around my back. “The Fraternity was founded in 1894 by leaders at William and Mary College…”

“Oh yea stud, please go on, talk nerdy to me” I moaned looking into his intense eyes. His face was sharp, with high cheekbones, plump round lips and a pointed chin that was covered in a light stubble. His hair was still thick and black, but this morning lacked the stiff gel that normally made it spikey. Instead it laid there in a thick mess, a charming, effortless bed head look that hipsters would kill for.

He smiled and pulled me close to him, my hands wrapped around his waist and I found it surprising how thick it was compared to the last time I held him. “There are 14 Founding Fathers of the Order,” he continued, “who chose 5 founding principles to base the Organization. Faith, Fellowship, Stewardship, Honor and hot sex with twink swimmers.”

At that he pushed his lips against mine and I felt myself falling against the door. He pinned me up against the wall, pushing his large body against mine. My hands pulled him closer and grabbed at his ass. It was as tight as I imagined, a perfect bubble leading to thick, muscular legs. His stubbled face scratched at mine as his tongue pushed apart my lips. His large hands pinned my shoulders to the door, and rubbed their way down my chest, pulling at my nipples through my shirt.

“God, I missed you, Alex,” Jack mumbled as his kiss left my mouth and began kissing down my neck. I didn’t quite know how to take that, he had never been emotionally intimate with me before, it was always a quick, hot fuck, then out. Missing me? Or missing my tight ass?

“Yea, this summer has sucked without you,” I finally replied. Jack grunted in agreement and slid his large hands under my shirt. Feeling his touch against my smooth stomach sent shivers down my spine. I arched my back, pushing into his rough touch, letting the pleasure of his mouth on my neck run through me. He pushed my shirt up further and I raised my hands above my head letting Jack pull my shirt off and toss it across the room. He stepped back, taking in my smooth, tan torso. He ran his hands over my toned pecs and down my abs, tracing lines across my six pack with his finger tips.

“Yes, I definitely missed you.”

He smiled and pushed his lips against mine, with more fervor than ever. His hot body pinned me against the door. I pulled at his shirt, ran my hands across his waist and back. I pulled up and off, finally revealing what I have been imagining since Jack walked out of the garage: a built, muscular frat boy. His body was amazing, and the hours he put in at the gym since last semester were evident in every inch of muscle. Jack’s chest was wide and impressive, with large pecs that rippled with every hot, heavy breath. His broad shoulders tapered down to a tight, built waist, with a very clear 6-pack and toned obliques that disappeared into a V below the waist of his board shorts. A short dusting of hair covered his chest and narrowed to a thick, black happy trail that led down his abs and into his shorts.

“I thought you might like it,” Jack said as I continued running my hands over his body, taking in every inch.

“Like it? You’re fucking gorgeous.” I couldn’t stand it any more, I needed to be close to him. I took control and pushed him into the middle of the room. I pulled at the tie of his shorts and pressed my mouth against his, forcing my tongue against his lips. His huge arms wrapped around me as we stumbled across his room, avoiding boxes and clothes along the way. The suitcase was still on the bed, so I maneuvered us into the middle of the room and pushed Jack down to the floor on to what little clear space there was.

I sat up and straddled his waist, my round ass pressing against his shorts. I could feel his large, hard cock pressing up against my crack. I slowly started pulsing my hips down onto his cock as I leaned back, elongating my chest and abs, showing every muscle in my toned torso. His hands shot up and greedily rubbed over my body before resting on my hips and pushing me down against his shaft. I teased him with my ass, getting his cock nice and hard before coming up and leaning forward to be on top of him.

I lowered my chest slowly down down to his, my hard cock pushed at the fabric of my Calvins and rubbed against my shorts. Our dicks pressed against each other as my bare chest met his. Jack took a sharp breath when our cocks made contact, feeling his hard shaft against mine made me hunger even more for him.

We were kissing again, his stubbled lips pressed against my skin, his rough hands ran over my soft body, his hairy chest rubbed against my smooth torso, his large muscled body laid under my little toned frame. We were opposites intertwined in passion, sharing a common need that had to be met – and soon.

My hard cock ached through my shorts, pressing against his shaft, rubbing against this body. Jack’s hands ran down my back and into my shorts and he grabbed my ass, pushing me even closer to his body. I broke our kiss and looked into his eyes, propping myself up onto his body. His dark eyes stared at me with a primal intensity that radiated through his body. I could feel his grip on my ass intensifying. I couldn’t wait any longer, I needed his cock.

My hands grasped at his shorts and pulled them off, tossing them across the room. There was Jack, a tanned, tall muscle stud laying on the floor of his messy room in nothing but a pair of white 2xist briefs. The outline of his cock clearly visible through his briefs as he reached down and rubbed it. I quickly unbuttoned my shorts, and pulled them off with my underwear. I was standing naked over this jock, my 8″ cock rock hard and pointing straight out. Jack bit his lip, lust filled his eyes. I drank up his body, from his diamond quads, his perfect V, his visible 6 pack, to his bulging pecs, his round biceps. Jack lifted his ass and pushed his underwear down, and he revealed the final piece of this masterpiece.

His cock is about the only thing about him that hadn’t changed since last year, and I was so glad of that fact. It stood pointing up to his chest, a thick 9″ of pure man. Jack reached down and stroked his large cock as he tossed his briefs at me. I caught them. I brought them up to my face and took a deep breath of his scent. It was mesmerizing, a deep musk, a mixture of his Old Spice body wash and sweat, clean and dirty, spicy and sweet. A drop of precum leaked from my cock.

A moment later, my mouth was on his cock. Jack gasped as my tongue flicked at the tip of his shaft and my plump lips kissed his slit. I slowly opened my mouth and pushed down on his dick, taking him deep into me. My tongue ran over him, covering every inch of him with spit. I wrapped my hand around his tight, full sack and gently pulled down as my lips reached the bottom of his shaft. With my nose buried in his trimmed pubes, I took another deep breath. His smell intoxicated me, putting my in a haze of lust and pleasure. I wanted to please him, I wanted Jack to be satisfied, but most of all I wanted to make him happy.

As I pulled up off his cock I looked up across Jack’s hard body, across the ripples of his abs, past the mounds of his hard pecs, and into his dark, beautiful eyes. He smiled a wicked smile of pleasure and sex, his dimples betraying his dark power with a playful grin. He moved his hand to the back of my head, and he gripped my short blonde hair. I felt my head being pushed back down onto his shaft, I relaxed my throat and opened wide, taking his cock back into my mouth at his will.

Soon I was going at his cock, my hands alternating playing with his sack, stroking his long shaft, running over his hot stomach, caressing his large legs. Jack’s hand kept forcing me down onto his cock, pushing and then pulling me back up by my hair. He was in control of my mouth, I was a tool being used by a master. As he pulled me up, I readied to slide back down down his shaft but he held me there, my lips around the tip of his cock. He thrust his hips up into my face, his cock slid down my throat, my nose hitting his skin. Quickly he pulled back and thrust again. Again. Fucking my face with his strong hips, his hand holding my mouth in place as he pushed his cock into my face. I got lost in sensations, the smell of his crotch, the force of his cock, the sound of his balls slapping my chin, the pull of my hair. All of it was crazy, leaving me in a haze of passion, building up to a point where I couldn’t take it anymore.

I pulled my face free of Jack’s throbbing cock and looked up into his eyes, “I need you to fuck me, now.”

“Fuck yea, Alex. I knew you wanted it,” he replied as I got up from in between his legs. I moved up and straddled his waist and leaned down and kissed Jack, feeling his hot body against mine, my cock pressed into his stomach, his hard cock pressed against my ass. His tongue parted my lips and forced its way into his mouth, his large rough hands reached down and grabbed my ass, spreading my cheeks apart. Jack reached his fingers down and started playing with my hole, pressing the tips of his fingers against my tight rosebud, slowly loosening me up. I moaned into his mouth as his fingers pushed against me, probing into me.

I sat up, ready, unwilling to wait any longer. Jack reached into a nearby box and produced a small bottle of lube which he handed to me. Reaching behind me I lube up his hard cock, stroking it, hearing him take sharp breaths as the sensations heightened.

“You ready?” I asked, as I stroked his cock and looked into his eyes.

“Hell yeah, Alex. I want you to ride my cock like the bottom bitch you are.”

“Bitch? You’re the one that’s going to be moaning like a bitch by the time I’m done with you.”

“Yeah right. I’m going to fuck you so fucking hard, you’re gonna be begging for me to stop.”

Now it was on, I was going to show this jock what it meant to be a bottom. I lubed up his cock and my ass, reached back and moved into position. I looked right into his eyes, stared deep into his dark gaze as I pushed my ass down against his rock hard dick. I lowered myself down further, feeling the head of his cock pressing against my tight hole, pushing against me, slowly spreading my ass apart. I felt his cock push through my outer ring, Jack tensed up, taking in a sharp breath, flexing his dick. I felt him inside me, his cock pulling tight, filling my hole, filling my ass with his warm shaft.

Our eyes maintained determined contact as I felt him slide in deeper. I knew I wanted to make him cum, I knew I wanted to feel him inside me. He thrust his hips into me, pushing all the way inside. I gasped and looked up at the ceiling as he pushed me up into the air. His cock felt so good, pushing against me, I wanted it so bad, and I wanted to be in control.

I pushed back down, his cock somehow going deeper inside of me. I leaned forward and put my hands down on his tight chest and pressed my ass into him. I caught his eye and smiled wickedly as I began to move my hips. Slowly at first, gyrating into his crotch, pressing down, feeling him throb inside of me.

“Fuck yeah, Alex, work that ass,” Jack moaned as he grabbed my hips. I used the pressure against me to leverage more power into my thrusts. I started moving my ass faster, getting my whole body into the movement, learning forward over Jack’s muscle body. My cock slapped against his abs again and again as I pushed into him. He was moaning more now, matching my thrusts with his own, and I felt his cock growing and pulsing inside of me.

I loved feeling him inside me, feeling his passion and knowing that I was bringing him to the brink. My own cock throbbed as his dick pounded my hole. Occasionally he would hit my spot and send shivers through my body and down my cock, sending out squirts of precum that dripped down to his abs. His breathing was getting faster, I leaned further over and kissed him, pressing my cock into his stomach. He grabbed my ass as our tongues tangled in a sloppy sexy kiss. I was getting close and needed to cum, and I knew he was too. It was time to make him moan, make him cum.

I pulled myself up and leaned back, elongating my body so Jack could see my abs flex when I pressed my ass down on this cock. I rested my hands on the floor behind me and started pulsating my ass up and down on his hard cock. His hands reached over and pulled at my hard dick, using my precum as lube he started jacking me off as I rode him. Jack looked so fucking hot below me, his large hands stroking me, making his slightly hairy pecs flex with every stroke, his deep hazel eyes eating up my tight little body as I bounced up and down on his cock, using him for my pleasure.

“You like it when I ride you? You like feeling my tight ass on your cock?” I said between breaths.

“Fuck yeah, fuck yeah stud. Ride my cock, use that fucking ass.”

“Fuck Jack, pound me. I fucking love your hard cock.”

“I’m gonna cum, fuck yea, I’m gonna cum so fucking much. Holy fuck I’ve missed you Alex, fuck yea I’m gonna cum,” He was breathing hard now, and furiously jacking my cock as I worked my ass over his.

I felt him tense up as our eyes met, and held me in his gaze as he thrust upward hard and fast into me, lifting me up off the ground and pressing right against my spot as I moaned into the air. I felt his cock release a pulse of cum inside me and couldn’t hold it any longer. As he jacked me, I started squirting rope after rope of juicy cum all over his chest and abs. I felt him fill me up, thrusting and jerking at every release of cum. He howled into the room as he came in my ass.

We never broke eye contact.

I laid down on top of Jack’s hard, sweaty body and pulled him close. I felt his cock slowly slide out of my ass, leaving a trail of lube and sticky cum and a sense of emptiness behind. I started to get up and get going, I was supposed to meet Thomas and Adam soon for brunch, but to my surprise, Jack wrapped his arms around me and held me to him, my head against his chest, my legs wrapped up in his. I felt his heartbeat and the slow steady pacing of his breathing. It was calm and surreal. What the fuck was this frat stud doing cuddling a swim twink on the floor of his room in his frat house surrounded by boxes and suitcases?

Then he kissed me on my head and pulled me closer.

What. The. Fuck.

I loved being close to his man, he was so fucking hot. But why now? Why was he not dressed quickly and pushing my out the door? His standard M.O. was fuck and get out. What had changed. I wasn’t really complaining, but I totally wasn’t ready for this…. intimacy?

“Relax, bro. It’s just me.” Jack whispered to me. I hadn’t even realized how tense I was, how caught up in my own mind I had become. I let out a deep breath and relaxed my body and just enjoyed being held in his arms. I felt a warm, small smile creep over my face and closed my eyes. I hadn’t really felt this comfortable or stress-free in a while. All those worries that held me back in the pool that morning seemed to drip off of me as Jack held me in his arms. Our breathing settled into slow rhythms, keeping steady time as the moments ticked by. In our relaxed state, peaceful and calm, the muffled sounds of footsteps coming up the stairs didn’t register until a voice called out from the landing outside the door.

“Yo! Jack!”

“Shit! Shit! Shit!” Jack cursed as he pushed me up. Our peace broke suddenly as I rolled over on the floor. There was a hand on the door, and with impressive speed Jack was on his feet, trying to climb less gracefully over boxes and suitcases to stop whoever it was from entering. I was on my feet too, my brain racing thinking of what to do to minimize this impact, this bomb that was about to explode in Jack’s life.

“Jack! Kick that bitch out of bed,” the door handle shook and turned, “Let’s grab some,” the door cracked open. Jack stumbled over a box. I reached out and grabbed his arm as he leaned forward and he pivoted back toward me to regain his balance. “Lunch then hit the -” The door was opening further now, Jack was still wobbling. I did the only thing I could think of, I grabbed him, pulled him to me and pressed my lips to his.

“Fucking A man!” his frat brother yelled as light spilled into the room from the hallway. My arms were wrapped around Jack, pressing our naked bodies against each other. The sight must have been shocking, seeing two naked guys, still sweaty from sex, making out in the middle of a frat house. For a brief moment Jack seemed to give into my kiss, get lost in it, until his brother spoke again, “What the fucking fuck.”

Then something snapped in Jack, his eyes were wide open and he pushed me back and turned, “Tyler, hold on, it’s not what it -”

“Don’t give me that shit,” Tyler cut Jack off, then continued in disbelief, “Holy shit, you’re a fag.” He looked almost as stunned as Jack, with a wild and confused look he grabbed the door and slammed it closed.

“Ty! Hold up! Wait!” Jack yelled as he started grabbing at his board shorts and shirt. He turned to me and looked up at me, “What the fuck just happened?”

“I think you just came out,” I replied, trying to be supportive and light.

“Fuck that shit. Why did you kiss me? Holy. Fucking.Shit.” Jack was freaking out as he quickly pulled on his shorts and shirt.

“I don’t know, it felt like the right -” I felt scared for him, he look terrified and was shaking as he tied his shorts.

“What the hell do you mean? The right thing? Fuck I gotta go find Ty, make sure he doesn’t tell anyone else.”

“Tell anyone else? Why do you care who knows if you’re gay?” I don’t know why, but I was starting to get angry. This was the strong jock stud who just shot a huge load in my ass and now he was a scared boy, too insecure to own up to his own feelings.

“You just don’t get it. You don’t understand, I can’t be gay, not in this house. Not with these dudes.” Jack looked at me in the eyes, I saw his fear and I am sure he could see my anger. I was still naked standing holding my clothes, breathing quickly from the rush of adrenaline, while Jack was shaking, sweating from the unknown that faced him on the other side of that door. He broke eye contact with me and reached down and grabbed his flip flops. “I gotta go,” he said, “and you better go, too.”

“Fine.” I pulled on my shorts and shirt, Jack was at the door about to walk out. I wanted to yell at him, throw something at his jack-ass head, let him know he was being a jerk, a baby, a self-hating homo. But then he looked back at me, and the worry and fear on his face stopped me, and I said, “Jack, if you need anything, call -”

“Just go, Alex. I got to take care of this.”

And he was gone, and I was standing alone in his room, the smell of sex and sweat hanging heavy in the air, boxes casting long shadows across the floor from the hallway light. I picked up the rest of my stuff that got flung around the room while Jack and I fucked, my keys, my wallet, and my cellphone. I looked at it, I had 1 message from Thomas from 5 minutes ago, before Jack’s life exploded.

“Hurry up gurl, we just got a table. I’ll order you a mimosa.”

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