Alex's Adventures Ch. 03: Jeremy


A gay story: Alex's Adventures Ch. 03: Jeremy Chapter 3 – Jeremy

The cool shower felt refreshing as the water washed over my sore body, rinsing the chlorine and cum off of me. My muscles were sore from the work out of the day, first a long swim, followed by a hot fuck with Jack, and then the second round of sex with Adam and Dean. It was a wild ride, and I was feeling worn out, but I needed to rally for this evening. Saturday night at BS West was a must, and with Adam DDing, I wasn’t going to let the opportunity pass.

I grabbed the soap and began lathering up my body. Starting with my sore shoulders and neck, I gently massaged the knots at the top of my spine, letting the water help relieve some of the tension. My hands moved down my neck to my shoulders, pressing into the soft tissue and gliding down to my sore, tanned pecs. My chest was sore for the laps in the pool and I pressed my fingers into my muscles, letting the water from the shower glide down my back. I moved down my chest, tweaking my nipples, I moaned a little feeling a shiver run down my body. My hands kept moving, down my stomach, feeling my tight, sore abs, tired from holding my legs in the air while Dean and Adam plowed my hole. My hands came to my trim, toned sides and smoothed the tension down from my torso, across my cut V, to my tight hips. I moved back to my hard, round ass, firm from the years in the pool and my time spent lifting. I pressed against the straining muscles, trying to work out some knots from my glutes, loosening me up for a night of dancing and teasing guys. My fingers moved to my hole, sore from the two big dicks I took earlier. I lathered some gentle soap and started cleaning around my pucker. I started slow, and began to work myself in, feeling my fingers enter the opening of my hole, cleaning out the cum and lube left from the two loads I took today. Gently rubbing my hole, refreshing myself for the night to come. I wasn’t planning on hooking up with anyone, but based on the past 24 hours, anything was possible.

My hands left my hole, and moved around to my semi-hard cock. Playing with my ass made me horny again, being a 21-year old twink bottom meant that I was always ready to go. I lathered up and washed my trimmed pubes, washing the remnants of today’s escapades from my crotch. I turned in the shower to let the water run down my chest, abs, and down my growing dick. I gently pulled at my cock feeling the water rush over me, the soap trailing down my muscle twink body, across my pecs, down my rippled stomach. I bent over to work down my legs, relieving some of the stress from my aching quads and my rounded calves. Finally I worked the stress down my whole body and out of my toes. My feet weren’t huge but fit my swimmer frame. They stayed soft from the pool, I didn’t have blisters from running or climbing, just smooth pads and tender inseams, maybe a little dry from the chlorine and desert air.

“Hey Alex! Hurry the fuck up!” Kim was banging on the bathroom door, I stood up and turned off the water.

“What do you want!” I called, brushing the water off my body and reaching for a towel from the hook outside the tub.

“Amanda just got here! We HAVE to talk, you won’t believe what happened to her ex!”

Wait, her ex? Did they mean Jack? Amanda already knew about Jack! Fuck! Rumors fly fast in the Greek community, and what the fuck was I going to do? I’m pretty sure I’m the reason Amanda and he broke up. Well and the fact that Jack is gay, but Amanda doesn’t know that. Well, maybe she does now. This could get awkward fast, do I tell the truth? These girls do love to gossip… or do I protect Jack? Protect Jack from what? Being a closet case? I don’t need this drama, I just want to enjoy this school year and have some fun…

“I’ll be right out!” I called through the door, stepping out of the shower, scrunching the towel through my hair and down my chest. I could at least buy a little time while I figure out what to do. I tied the towel around my waist, letting it hang just below by V-cut and looked into the quickly defogging mirror (even indoors, humidity didn’t last long). I couldn’t help but smile at the way my hair was sticking up everywhere, thick from the chlorine from the pool, my gray-green eyes piercing the mirror, and my boyish features, round cheeks, round eyes, round nose, all looking back at me. I was proud of the way I looked, it may make me cocky, but I felt like I deserved it, at least a little.

But also, I worked hard at looking this good. I reached over for moisturizer and started my skin care routine, rubbing various products into my face to make sure my skin didn’t become flaky sandpaper in the dry dry desert. I continued rubbing lotion down my body, letting my dry skin soak up the moisture, and seeing a chic shine appear across my chest, along my toned arms, all the way down my abs to the top of my towel, I could feel my skin returning to life. God, it felt good looking at myself. I was glad I forced myself to get up this morning and dive in the pool, glad I took care of my body, and definitely glad the guys appreciated it too.

The guys. Jack. What was I going to do? The more I thought about it, the more I agreed with Thomas and Adam: fuck him. I don’t mean it that harshly, but really, he needed to deal with this his way. It sucks, it totally sucks, but he made it clear that he wants me to stay away. And denying it? Or faking ignorance? What was that going to help? Allow him to go back into the closet? Was that really what was best?

Maybe it is. Maybe he wants to be the straight frat-bro. I could just deny everything. To be fair, I’ve been lying about Jack for the past year to Amanda and Kim, I could just keep doing that. Keep the charade up for a little longer while Jack puts his life back together… but what about me? I barely fit into that life as it is. I was always a piece on the side, a fuck buddy, never seen in daylight, or at a fraternity formal. Do I even have a place in his life if he goes back to before? Dammit Jack! Why is this so fucking hard, why can’t you just be out?

“ALEX!” Kim called from the kitchen, “We’re starting to drink and you’re not even out here to spill the tea!”

“I’m coming! Let me get dressed first!” I called back, sighing into the mirror, I shook my head and left the bathroom.

10 minutes later I emerged from my room wearing a black mesh crop-top that resembled a football jersey that got sucked into an Ariana Grande concert, and a pair of tight white shorts that came midway down my thigh and hugged my ass in all the right ways. The outline of my black briefs were silhouetted through my white shorts, with a bold red waistband peeking out the top, contrasting perfectly with my tanned skin. I wore a small gold chain with a cross around my neck which highlighted the low v-neck of my shirt. I debated throwing on a ring or two, but decided against it, not wanting to look like I just walked out of a “get-ready-with-me” tiktok video.

Kim and Amanda were sitting on the couch in the living room, where I had found Kim passed out this morning. Looking at them, you could tell they were best friends, with similar styles, hair, and mannerisms from spending way too much time at sorority meetings. Kim sat with her legs folded under her, her brunette hair in two braids tied behind her head. She wore a shiny black halter top that was laced up the back, showing off her smooth, tanned back. To match, she wore a pair of black short shorts, hugging her hips and accentuating her long, thin legs. Amanda was also in black, but a tight tube top, with her flat stomach exposed, and black skirt that was tight across her round ass and thick legs. A bottle of Tito’s and cranberry juice cocktail were on the coffee table, along with three glasses, two almost empty, and one filled to the brim, which I assumed was for me.

“FINALLY!” Kim exclaimed as I sat down in the IKEA chair we brought in from the kitchen table. “Amanda, tell him what Gabby posted in the group chat this afternoon. It’s wild!”

“Okay, you won’t believe this! But you remember my ex, Jack? The one from the formal last year? Well we broke up because the sex sucked, and now I know why! Apparently, his fraternity brother walked in on him today fucking some random dude!”

“We weren’t fucking, we were just making out.”

“Isn’t it crazy -” Kim started, then broke off, “Wait? What?”

“I mean, we had just finished fucking, but when Tyler walked in, we were making out -”

The scream came in unison, in stereo, “WHAT THE FUCK ALEX!”

Then Kim continued, “You were the random guy he was caught with? When were you going to tell me?!”

And then Amanda, “How long have you been sleeping with him?”

“Okay ladies, calm the eff down. First, yes, it was me who was caught naked with Jack.” Kim and Amanda gasped and squealed with delight. Their appetite for juicy gossip was insatiable, and I was about to give them a feast. “Next, I was planning on not telling anyone, ever. But it seems like Tyler is a bigger gossip than y’all, and I’m sure everyone in Greek life knows about what happened. And, Mandy, I’m sorry to break your heart, but we’ve been hooking up since Jack sucked my cock at your formal last fall.”

The two sorority sisters lost it, laughing and gasping for air, almost tossing their drinks all over the couch. Barely formed words and sentences could be made out, “Did you-” “No clue.” “No wonder!” “I know, right?” “It makes-” “perfect sense” “Oh my god.” They were still laughing when the doorbell rang, glad to have a distraction, I got up to let my friends in.

Thomas, of course, walked in first, with a big metal water bottle in his hand, filled, I assumed, with something that wasn’t water. He was wearing a white linen shirt, unbuttoned all the way down to his navel, showing off his big, broad, hairy chest. His shorts were seersucker, completing the summer look with a silk-scarf belt. Two large silver chains rested between his pecs, and he was wearing several white gold “GRWM-style” rings.

“Hey love!” He said as he bent down and kissed my cheek, “What’s going on with these two?”

“I just told them about Jack”

“You decided to tell!” Adam exclaimed, walking in behind Thomas. He was looking effortlessly stylish in a red skin tight tank that had red leather accents on the shoulders, and hugged his waist-line so when he moved you saw a sliver of skin. A pair of ass-hugging black jean cut-offs and black chuck taylors only added to the chicness of the designer top, making him look posh and down to earth, all at once.

“Well, apparently all of Adelphi Commons already knows, so I just filled in the details.”

“Thomas! Adam!” Kim screamed, “Did you hear about Jack! He’s been fucking Alex his whole time!”

“We know dears! Alex told us this morning at brunch, and we’ve known about Jack for a while now.” Thomas replied, grabbing a chair from the kitchen and sitting down. He took a drink from his bottle.

“You’re not mad that he’s fucking your ex?” Adam asked, looking at Amanda.

“Not at all! It’s hilarious! Jack was terrible in bed, and yeah he’s cute and charming, but now we know why! And actually, I’m relieved too. I wasn’t the problem, I just didn’t have a dick!”

“I know!” Kim said, jumping in, “It totally completes the picture, we knew something was off, we just thought he was inexperienced or something.”

Thomas looked over at me, “So, what are you going to do now? Now that Jack has been kicked out of the closet?”

“I have no fucking clue.” I said as I plopped on the couch between Kim and Amanda. “Jack told me to get the fuck away from him this morning, so I did. And he hasn’t answered any of my texts or DMs. I know it’s crazy in his life, but I can’t do shit about it. Plus, Jack and I aren’t dating, just fucking around. He -”

Kim looked at me, “Do you want to be dating?”

“No. Yes? I don’t know, I never considered it with him being in the closet. I knew where I stood, and was free to fuck whoever I wanted,” my eyes caught Adam’s and we shared a smile. “Maybe when things calm down, but, yeah, generally, I’d be open to dating Jack.”

“From what you tell me, he’s hot a fuck,” Adam chimed in. “But I think that’s a worry for another night. Tonight, it’s about kicking off junior year and having fun.”

Thomas cleared his throat, “I’ll drink to that! Amanda, Kim? Promise to check in with Jack tomorrow, and make sure the frat’s don’t go crazy-karen on his ass. But tonight let’s drink!”

Amanda and Kim cheered their empty drinks in front of me, and Adam got up and grabbed some shot glasses from the kitchen. He lined up 5 shots and poured some Tito’s into them, picked one up and said “Cheers to junior year!”

“Hold up, you’re driving!” I spat out.

“Fuck that, after the day we had, I’m getting us an Uber.”


My bed felt extremely warm and cozy as I started stirring awake, as if I was lying in the embrace of a soft, warm bear.

“Good morning, Thomas,” I muttered, stretching my arms a little and feeling a giant hand around my waist. He pulled me closer, tightening his grip around me and snuggling his face into the nape of my neck.

“No, we’re not getting up.” Thomas mumbled into my ear. Thomas was known to be a cuddle bug, always wanting to snuggle up to someone. And I, in addition to being ASU’s number 1 bottom, was also ASU’s number 1 little spoon. So, occasionally, Thomas and I would pass out in the same bed and end up snuggling. Nothing sexual, just two big ol’ bottoms cuddling the night away.

“I’m sorry big boy, but I need to move and find some Advil. And you’re getting way too hot for this.”

“Fine.” he replied, squeezing me tight one last time before rolling over and grabbing a pillow as a new cuddle companion. I crawled out of bed, my head pounding, needing water and some pain killers. I looked down to find myself in nothing by my black briefs, something illegible scrawled on my hand. “What happened last night?” I thought while stumbling towards the kitchen.

I heard movement in the kitchen as I approached, it sounded like someone was having a much better morning than me. I turned the corner and saw Adam, wearing nothing but the jet-black jockstrap he wore out last night, bent over rummaging around a lower cabinet looking for a pan. Which meant I saw everything, including his tight, pink hole winking at me from in between his firm, round, hairy ass cheeks.

“ADAM! Come on, put on some pants! It’s way too early for this.” Adam stood up and looked at me over his broad shoulders.

“Hey, I’m trying to cook you some breakfast, give me a break. And you’re one to talk, strutting in here looking all sexy and hung over in your underwear.”

“First, thank you, and second, it’s MY house, I can wear what I want.”

“And I’m cooking you breakfast,” Adam shot back, “Now sit down, there’s Advil and water on the table. I just need to find the right pan to fry up some eggs.” In typical Adam fashion, he was in control again, and I did what I was told and grabbed a seat at the table. As I was grabbing my bearings on the morning, I looked down at my hand and tried to decipher the code written in blue ink.

“What the hell does ‘EARL 578’ mean?” I asked as Adam turned on the stove and started prepping the eggs.

“Oh, that must be that Michael guy you were grinding on all night. Did you get his number?”

“I guess so? I don’t know, I can’t make it out.” I started thinking back to being at the club. I remembered this cute guy with curly brown hair, sharp face, and large hands that clung to my waist as we danced. “Is he that preppy surfer jock?”

“Yeah, that’s him. He’s the only guy you were vibing with last night. Pretty hot too, seemed really interested in you. He was really bummed when Kim grabbed you while you made out on the patio and dragged you back to the uber.”

“Fuuuuck,” I moaned as I downed two Advil and chugged some water. “How the hell do you remember all this, I was GONE.”

“The coke helps.”

“Coke!? Did I do coke last night too?”

Adam laughed as he cracked an egg into the frying pan. “No, Mandy brought some with her and pulled me into the bathroom when we got there and we did a bump.”

“She didn’t offer any to me!”

“Probably because you fucked her boyfriend and turned him gay.”

“Shut up.” I put my head down on the table and closed my eyes, trying to remember the night before. Getting to the club, we were already tipsy, so I made straight for the dance floor. I pulled Thomas with me and we started turning it up. A song or two later, Adam showed up with vodka redbulls for us and then the night started to turn into flashes. First dancing as a group. Then dancing with random guys as the bar filled to capacity. Thomas and Amanda bringing us shots of something. Kim pushing me back into Michael, the guy I’d been eyeing all night. Thomas making out with some silver fox daddy. Adam pulling a glow-stick rave twink upstairs. Michael and I sharing a drunken cig on the patio. Kissing Michael. Being pulled into the Uber, the 5 of us squeezing into one car. Waking up with Thomas in my bed. “I guess it could have been worse,” I said into the table, but loud enough for Adam to hear.

“Oh, then you must not remember stopping at Fili-B’s and puking in the parking lot.”

“Fuuuuuuuuck” I moaned, “I didn’t mean to get that messy!”

“No worries babe, you deserve it after yesterday.” Adam said, placing a plate near my head. The smell of toast and eggs drove me to lift my head and look up. “Here you go, just what the doctor ordered.”

“Thank you, sir” I said, smiling up at Adam, looking across hairy chest and up into his eyes. “I don’t deserve you.”

“No one does.”


The rest of Sunday was spent recovering from my wild ride of a Saturday. The Jack drama, the Dean fuckfest, and the wild night out was a lot, even for me. I barely left the couch as Kim and I watched the latest season of the Great British Bake Off. I kept checking my phone every five minutes for updates from Jack, but it was radio silence. Finally I gave up waiting and asked Kim if she heard anything.

“Let me check with Gabby, she knows everything that happens in fraternity life.” She typed a message in her phone, and a moment later her phone buzzed with a reply. “Huh.” she said cryptically. Her phone buzzed several more times.

“What is going on!” I shot at her.

“Hold on, I’m piecing it together.” She read through the replies and looked up at me, “Apparently his fraternity has been put on communications lock down. Which is really strange with this being the week before school starts. From what Gabby can tell, Jack’s fraternity is a mess. His roommate, some sophomore named Mike, doesn’t want to room with him anymore. Tyler is apparently still stirring up shit, claiming that the boy he saw Jack with was underage.”

“What the FUCK!”

“And apparently there’s a judiciary board meeting this week, and their National Board might get involved. That was everything she got before they shut down communication.”

“What the hell is happening? Just because Jack is gay?”

“I don’t know, this is all crazy. But Jack is in one of the most conservative Fraternities on campus. They may be a bunch of homophobes.”

“Is there anything I can do? Jack hasn’t answered a single one of my texts.” I grabbed my phone and refreshed all my message apps. Hoping that I missed something.

“What are you thinking, standing outside his window with a boombox?” Kim looked at me, with worry in her eyes.

“If that would help, I’d do it. I could reach out to his frat?”

“I don’t know if that would help. Like I said, his Fraternity is notoriously conservative. You might just want to stay away.”

“This fucking sucks. Jack didn’t do anything wrong!”

“I know! But know this: the entire sorority community is on Jack’s side. And he’s got plenty of friends in his fraternity that I am sure have his back. You know how likable he is. We’ll just have to see how this plays out.”

My phone buzzed on the coffee table and I rushed to grab it, hoping it was from Jack, but instead a message from Thomas popped up, “Any word on the Jack sitch yet?”

I screamed and threw my phone across the room at the TV. “I don’t want to see any soggy bottoms, now,” the host of the bake-off said, mocking me.


Monday rolled around, and there was only one thing I wanted to do: swim. Unfortunately, like Jack, that had been taken away from me, too. As Marco had predicted, the student pool was closed for cleaning, and I was left with just my thoughts. Needing something to ease my mind, I grabbed my sketchbook and opened it up. I hadn’t drawn in about a year since I switched out of graphic design. I used to love it. In high school the art room was my escape when swim was out of season, and the jocks didn’t want a gay boy around. I found my old pencils in the back of my closet, and started moving the soft lead across the paper.

I started with a series of quick vignettes, tracing my Saturday morning in small moments in time. Marco, sitting on his life guard stand, a giant ASU beach umbrella, goofy straw hat, large sunglasses, loose tank top, muscular arms, shaved legs, a look of concentration as he watched the horizon. Jack. Jack standing in his garage, hand scratching the back of his head, lifting his tank top over the waist of his board shorts. A 1-point perspective following Jack up the stairs to his room. Two naked guys kissing in an unpacked bedroom, boxes on the floor, a harsh light coming from the doorway and a shadow looming in the frame.

Fuck. My hand was betraying me, no matter what I tried to draw, it kept coming back to Jack. I looked down at the sketches, and surprisingly they looked pretty good, given the year hiatus. I flipped through to some of my older sketches, reminiscing from my freshman year. Old projects, explaining composition, creating basic logos, font analysis. Sketches of guys from my class, and swimming, and one of my old studio drawing professors. He was always encouraging towards me. Professor Avery.

With a strange urge and flash of inspiration, I opened up my computer and pulled up ASU’s course catalog. I had registered for classes already, but I still needed an elective. I had signed up for on-line Art History, as an easy A, but sketching this morning brought a new idea to mind. Maybe it was possible… I doubt he was teaching… but let’s just check. No way.

ART 3211 Drawing and the Human Form, Humanities Elective, K. Avery, R 6-9pm. 3 Credit Hours. ART 320.

There was one seat still open. I looked down at my pad, Professor Avery smiled back up at me, leaning over his desk with his large biceps and thick forearms outlined in rough pencil. Fuck it. I dropped Art History, and signed up for sketching.

I picked up my pad again, not believing I just signed up for a drawing class. A smile wiped across my face as I started tracing over Professor Avery again. I could feel it, this was going to be a good thing. I turned the page, looking for a blank place to draw. I started doodling, not knowing where I was going, tracing lines, trying to empty my brain. And there he was again, haloed in the doorway looking back at me, fear and frustration in his eyes.

“Just go, Alex.” His voice echoed through my head.

I can’t do this anymore, I thought, rubbing my eyes, and throwing my pad across the room. It wasn’t helping, there was nothing I could do to help. And I couldn’t stop thinking about it, worrying what Jack was going through with his frat. I hope people were there to support him but according to Kim they were more likely turning on him. I needed a distraction, something, anything. The pool was closed, it was too fucking hot to go running or do anything outside, the treadmill and weight room would be too boring to distract me for long. I could hit the mall? But my funds were low and student loans didn’t hit my account until after school started. Adam and Thomas would probably only want to talk about Jack, which was the opposite of what I needed. Finally, I reached for my phone, my stupid, horny, primate brain only had one option left. I opened Grindr.

Scrolling through the endless boxes of profiles I felt bored. Mostly torsos from 20-somethings around ASU. All attractive bodies, some smiling faces, some full bodies. But nothing that would distract me from Jack. I needed something different, somebody that wasn’t still in college. I went to the settings and changed my age range, set the top to 45, and went back to the feed. There we go, I thought, as I scrolled through the men, no longer boys from campus. His profile pic was a sculpted torso covered in a dusting of black hair, round biceps, big pecs, and rippling abs leading down to a pair of preppy teal shorts and brown rope belt. He was 42, visiting Scottsdale from Tucson. His tag line read “Shocking”.

“Hey what’s up?” I wrote, sending him a body pic to compliment my profile pic of me laying out by Adam’s pool in my speedo.

“Hey cutie,” he responded, “I’m sitting here, bored, in a meeting. What are you up to?”

“Not much, just hanging out in bed.” I really just wanted to cut to the chase, “Looking?”

“For tonight. I’m stuck in meetings all day.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“But if you’d be up for it, I could send you a car around 9:30 tonight and you can come up to my hotel in Scottsdale.”

A car? How fancy. I glanced at the clock, it was 3. Ugh I wanted it now, but damn this guy was fine, and loaded, plus a night in Scottsdale with a rich daddy could be fun.

As I was debating, he unlocked his album. I started salivating seeing this man in full. Big beefy arms, thick hairy legs, jet black hair with a well maintained 5 o’clock shadow. In each pic he was dressed like a prep school graduate in a button up and bright colored slacks or shorts. And he was always smiling from some exotic location: on a boat, in wine country, on top of the Empire State Building, under the Eiffel Tower. He was hot, built, older, and rich. No 21 year-old twink slut could resist that combo.

“I guess I can wait for you.”

“Awesome, I’m glad you messaged me, hottie.”

We continued chatting, which was good because I wanted to get to know him a little more before jumping into bed with him. He was here for work, and was heading back to Tucson in the morning. He traveled a lot for his job, which he just described as consulting. His name was Jeremy, and he turned out to be the perfect distraction I needed.

At 9:00 he asked for my address, and said the car was on its way and would bring me to the Biltmore Hotel. He warned me that there was a large event going on at the Hotel, so the car would take me to a side entrance and he’d meet me there. He said he wasn’t out at work, so we’d have to be discreet. He also asked me to dress nicely, just in case.

I pulled out my dark blue Zara suit, which was a gift from my parent’s last year. It was slim, hugging tight to my legs, with a coat that was fitted to my shoulders and tapered at my waist. I selected a black t-shirt, to keep the look casual, with the same gold cross chain from Saturday night. I styled my hair to make it classy, with a defined part on my left side, pulled back and across. A pair of shiny black loafers with gold accents and low cut socks showing skin between my ankles and pants completed the look. I didn’t want to look like a college kid with no class. If this guy wanted to play preppy, I was going to play preppy.

A black town car pulled up to my house promptly at 9:30. The driver asked me my name, but didn’t say a word after that. I tracked our route on my phone, and yes, we were heading right to the Biltmore. As we pulled up, it was packed, with cars and flashing lights everywhere. I was kind of surprised to see several TRUMP flags and bumper stickers in the crowds and around, but then again we were in Arizona, and rich, bougie Scottsdale was not a liberal stronghold. The diver was good though, and easily navigated around the throng of people, and we were let into a private side entrance that was card access only.

We pulled up to a quiet side entrance, and Jeremy was standing there, under the doorway light. He looked gorgeous, thick black hair wafted up and back across his strong face. His jawline was emphasized by his well maintained stubble. His features all looked like they were chiseled from stone, sharp cheeks, strong neck, defined chin. He wore a blue checked shirt that had french collar and cuffs that rolled up his thick forearms. His shirt was unbuttoned around the neck, but did not show off too much skin, and was tucked into a pair of white linen pants. The cuffs of his pants hovered over his ankles, and he wore what I could only imagine were the most expensive Gucci boat shoes you could find.

He reached down and opened the car door, I took his hand as he offered it and stepped out of the car. He was clearly a gentleman, at least in the streets. “Alex?” he asked, and I smiled, “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Glad you could make it.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” his hand was firm and strong as I moved out of the car to the door. “I haven’t been to the Biltmore before.”

“Oh, you’ll love it.” His handsome smile flashed a set of pearl white perfectly straight teeth. He turned to the driver and said, “Thanks James. I’ll see you in the morning.” And he shut the car door. Jeremy led me into the hotel, walking next to me, being perfectly nice, but also keeping a distance. He noticed my unease, “Sorry, I’d love to rip your clothes off right here, but I have some colleagues staying here, and I don’t want them to get the wrong idea.”

“It’s fine, I totally get it. Let’s just get to your room quickly then.”

“Yes, let’s. Do you mind if we take the stairs, it’ll be way faster than heading down to the elevators in the lobby. And a little more discreet.” He turned the corner toward the emergency exit and pushed the door open into the stairwell, which even though it was back of house, was still well lit and carpeted, keeping the image of an upscale hotel. As the door closed I started up the stairs, but Jeremy grabbed my hand and pulled me into his chest. I took a deep whiff of his sexy musk as my face landed into his hard pecs, he tilted my boyish face up to his manly mouth and kissed me, deep and affectionately. His lips were soft, contrasting with the sexy grind of this stubble against my kiss. He pulled away, and tilted his baby-blue gaze into my eyes.

“Sorry, but I couldn’t wait any longer. Chatting with you all day has made me very excited to meet you. And then you got here, and wow. You look so good in that sexy suit.”

“I’ve been looking forward to this too,” I replied, “Part of me is still surprised you’re real.”

“Oh, I’m real,” He said, kissing me again and wrapping his large strong arms around my waist and pulling me tight against his large frame, “and we’re just getting started. Let’s head up to my room, I have some champagne on ice that I think would be good for celebrating.” He pushed me away and took my hand up the stairs.

“What are we celebrating?”

“Our first date, of course.”

I couldn’t help but be filled with excitement as I followed this hunk up the stairs. We arrived at his room, 3214, and he smiled widely at me as we swiped his card and walked in. He held the door open as I followed, my jaw dropping at the poshly decorated suite with a view out over the grounds and up to the mountains that defined Scottsdale. The suite was two large rooms, the first a full kitchen that opened up into the living room and a large balcony that had a fire-pit, and what I assumed was the bedroom. Between the living room and the kitchen was a small round glass table with 2 chairs, with a bottle of champagne chilling.

“It’s almost too fancy, but my work pushed for it. I had meetings in here all day, so they wanted me to have a nice place.”

“Nice is an understatement,” I said as I walked into the bedroom. The bed was king sized, and still made up. It looked luxurious, from the teal modern southwestern linens to the fluffy overstuffed pillows. The bedroom led into a large bathroom with a huge Jacuzzi tub and glassed in shower.

I turned around back to the living room and found Jeremy standing next to the champagne, looking at me. Admiring me. He looked me up and down, surveying my hot twink body in the tight, well styled suit. His white smile shined bright, showing his perfect teeth against his tanned skin. He reached down and pulled out the bottle of bubble and expertly uncorked it, his eyes still locked on my body.

“Here’s to us,” He said, handing me a glass. I clinked my glass against his, smiling back at his smile that hadn’t left his face since I got out of the car.

“Cheers,” I said, taking a sip of the dry champagne.

We moved to the couch, and I noticed he had Downton Abbey paused on the screen before turning the TV off. We sat on opposite sides of the small white leather sofa. He turned to me and asked, “So, if you don’t mind me asking, you don’t normally go for older guys, what made you change your mind?”

I looked at him and raised my eyebrows, “Have you seen yourself?” I joked, making his eyes scrunch as he chuckled, “but really, there’s just been a lot of drama down on campus, and I wanted a break from it.” He looked at me questioningly, so I went on, “Just too many straight guys that don’t have their shit together.”

He shook his head, “If you haven’t noticed, I don’t totally have it figured out either. I’m still not out at work.”

“Yeah, but you at least have this,” I gestured to the stately room, “and you seem to have the rest of yourself pulled together,” I nodded at his hot body.

He sighed, “I wish I had it together, but I’m still figuring it out. It’s a strange world out there, sometimes it makes sense, and sometimes it’s still as confusing as college.”

I felt drawn to his vulnerability, this hot man who looked like he had it all figured out was still struggling, I moved closer and put my hand on his thigh, rubbing it gently, he kept talking, “You’re lucky you can be out, not all of us are as fortunate, society is really fucked up right now.”

“You’re telling me. This guy I know might be kicked out of his frat for being gay.”

“God, I wish that was all I had to worry about,” Jeremy said pensively, turning his head to look out the window.

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing for you to worry about, little guy,” he reached out and pulled me into his broad chest. “Let’s just enjoy the night we have.”

I leaned into him and felt his strong arms wrap around me. He started rubbing his hand down my side and placed his champagne flute on the side table. He reached around and held me close and tight, tracing the lapels of my suit jacket. He moved and pulled off my jacket and ran his hands down my shoulders, my back to him. He started massaging my neck with his strong, rough hands.

“You weren’t kidding, you feel very tense. You must have had a bad week.”

“Plus the pool was closed today, so I couldn’t relieve any of my frustrations in the water.”

“You must be full of pent up energy, then” his husky voice whispered in my ear.

“You have no idea,” I replied, melting into his hands.

“Oh, I do have an idea.” He got up from the couch, almost letting me fall back into the cushions, he walked up to the phone and picked it up and dialed “0”. “Hello, this is Mr. Shock in 3214. I have a weird request, could you send up a message table? I don’t need a masseuse, just the table for the night.” He paused, “Perfect. And if you have it, massage oil? I knew I could count on The Biltmore. Thanks.”

He looked back at me, his giddy grin was now showing signs of desire, “Let’s get you nice and relaxed tonight, stop dwelling on closeted frat guys. Let me take care of some of your problems.”

“I would really love that.” I said standing up, and walking over to him. He wrapped his big arms around my small waist and I tilted my head up to his. We kissed, one of the most sensual kisses I ever had. It was as if he was lifting my worries away with his lips, wanting me to lean on him, and I knew this strong, powerful man would take it. Whatever problems I laid onto his broad, muscled shoulders he would carry, and he would do it with a giddy smile.

I moaned into him as his hands slipped up the back of my shirt, tracing my spine, up to my shoulders. He stepped back and pulled my tight black shirt over my head, leaving my gold necklace dangling against my tight skin. He sighed out and shook his head as his hands started rubbing over my chest and arms. I reached out and started unbuttoning his perfectly tailored shirt, one at a time I started seeing his stacked, hairy chest come into view, slowly opening to me. Finally finished, I pulled it open, pulling his shirt tails out of his pants and revealing his strong body.

His hours in the gym were evident in his rippling muscles, all covered with a thick dusting of hair. I ran my hands down his large pecs, which moments earlier were busting through his shirt. My fingers ran through the hair, thick, manly, so different from the boys on campus. I traced down his body with my fingertips, down his large round nipples, firm from the strong muscles underneath. He inhaled sharply as my hands continued down his body to his abs, tense and hard under my delicate young, fingers. I flattened my hands and wrapped them around his muscular thick sides, relishing in his larger frame, giving me a sense of security as he pulled me into him and kissed me.

Our mouths just touched, our bodies barely making contact when there was a knock at the door. He held me for a second longer, kissing me, holding me close when the knock came again and we broke apart.

“I better get that” Jeremy said as he pulled away and walked to the door, leaving me standing shirtless in my dark blue slacks in the living room. He opened the door and took the folding table from the porter. He was careful to keep the door as closed as possible while making the transaction, but it was hard when moving the table inside, and I caught a brief glimpse of a young woman dressed in black. The door closed and Jeremy carried the table by a handle back toward me, his shirt still unbuttoned, showing off his gorgeous body.

I went and poured me another glass of champagne while he set up. It looked like he had a plan, and I didn’t want to get in this man’s way. When I offered to help, he politely told me to sit my cute ass down and relax, which I gladly did. He moved the coffee table in the living space out of the way and unfolded to the table, setting it up in the middle of the room. Next, Jeremy opened the sliding door to the patio, a warm summer breeze came down the mountain and filled the room, relaxing and warming me. Finally, Jeremy connected his phone to the Bluetooth speaker and started playing some natural sounds of ocean waves crashing on the shore, reminding me of my days on the beach back home in Florida.

Jeremy turned and looked at me, he looked stunning in his designer clothes and the posh hotel. He walked up to me and placed his fingers under my chin and kissed my lips. “Alex, I’m going to take care of you tonight, will you let me?”

“Yes, please. I’d love that, Jeremy.”

“Good. I can’t wait to explore your body and treat you like the prince you are.” He kissed me again, and I felt his rough hands on my waist, pulling at the latch on my pants. He gently undid the zipper and pulled my pants over my round ass and pulled me into his kiss. My pants rode down over my muscled legs and fell to the ground. I stepped out of them and moved to push my black briefs down, but Jeremy stopped me. “Keep them on, for now. You look so hot in your underwear.”

And he stepped back and drank me in. I felt exposed and aroused standing there for him, in nothing but a gold chain and black briefs, watching as this hot older man looked me up and down, admiring my jock-twink physique.

“God, you’re gorgeous. I’m so lucky you are here tonight.” He reached back and took his shirt off, leaving him standing only in his white linen pants, exposing his wide upper body that tapered down to narrow hips defined by toned muscles covered in a thick layer of hair.

“I’m the lucky one,” I replied looking over his exposed upper body.

“I’m glad you think so,” he replied through his wide, white smile, “Now lay down, and let me work some of that stress from your back. And hopefully get your mind off of your college boy troubles.”

I did as I was told and climbed on the table, feeling the cold plastic leather against my chest as I laid down. I put my face through the U-shaped headrest and stared at the floor. I heard the lid of the massage oil pop, and shortly after took in a sharp breath as his cool, oiled hands touched my back. It got quiet in the room: the soothing sounds from Spotify, Jeremy’s hands running over my tight, sore body, a quiet breeze from outside. The warm breeze from the balcony was refreshing against my skin. I took a deep breath and relaxed into the massage table, letting my mind finally go blank.

Jeremy’s hands moved gently over my shoulders, gliding over my smooth skin, pushing against knots in my back. He pressed into the nape of my neck, feeling my lithe muscles under his thumbs as he worked his way across my shoulders. His pressure got harder, deeper as he worked at my tense traps, I let out a soft moan as his strong, rough hands eased into me. I was finally relaxing, letting the tension that had built up inside of me slowly release.

His hands moved down, rubbing across my wide back. He moved his thumbs up and down my spine, pressing against my vertebrae in slow, methodical movements. He came down further and I felt his large hands almost encircle my waist as he massaged me. His thumbs were magic against my aching body, pressing against every knot they found, slowly, gently, with strength and delicacy, working out every point of pressure. He stopped to grab more oil when he got to my lower back, when he pressed back down, he glided smoothly across my back, down my lumbar, to the shallow dip between my back and my hips.

He stopped at the top of my briefs, running his hands along the band. His thumbs teased me, pushing further down my back, into my glutes, but stopped, gentlemen-like, from pushing too far. His big hands rubbing across my back, working around my obliques, teasing my butt, was heaven. I breathed in deeply, and then out, pushing all the air from my lungs, letting all the stress leave my body. Seagulls squawked over the ocean and the tide came in.

His hands moved quickly up my muscled back, pushing the tension with them, and turned abruptly at my shoulders and moved down my left arm. He slowed and wrapped his hands around my bicep and started working down my toned arms. Pushing his thumbs gently into my arms as he brushed up and down, pulling the stress from my shoulders, down, down, down, slowly down my aching arm. He made it past my elbow to my forearm, wrapping his hands around my small wrist, pulling the stress down to my palm, pushing at the meat between my fingers. Finally he grabbed my hand and guided the balled up stress out of my fingertips. He then pulled them gently up to his lips, and kissed them: one, two, three, four, five.

He worked the same process on my right side next. Starting at the base of my spine, taking the stress from my small waist, and using his big hands to force it up my back, across my traps and down my right arm. Past my bicep and forearm, down to my hand, and out my fingers. I could feel the stress leave my body as he kissed my fingers and laid my hand back on the table.

I felt his warm hands on the back of my legs as he spread the massage oil across my hamstrings. My legs were mostly muscle from the years of swimming, and they were tight. I never did stretch enough, my coaches always told me, and I felt it was Jeremy laid into me. Knot after knot was slowly undone by his expert hands, he was willing to take his time to make sure the task was done right. He was thorough in his exploration of my body, savoring every inch he could. As he moved down from my upper legs, I felt him lean over and he pressed his face between my legs and took a deep whiff of my scent. He kissed my inner thigh as he stood up, his stubble tickling my sensitive skin.

He moved to my calves, pushing into my Achilles tendon, into my muscled leg. He kept finding spots to work on, moving back and forth between my two legs, often rubbing with one hand on each. Finally he settled on my left and moved down to my foot. He massaged me gently across the inseam, and pressed against my heel and pads. I shivered through the tickles as he traced my arches with his thumbs, and pressed deep into my sore feet. Then I felt his mouth kissing my well pedicured toes, his tongue gently pressing between my big toe. It was sensual and sexy, and somehow heightened the sensations of his hands working my arches.

He moved back up to the top of my legs, right below the seam of my briefs. He pushed his thumbs into the meat of my glutes and started pulling down. Down my leg, grabbing every ounce of stress he could find and squeezing it down my hamstrings, down, down, down, down past my calf, around my ankle, through my arches and out my toes. He bent down and kissed my toes. One, two, three, four, five.

My right leg got the same sensitive, tender treatment as his hands moved down my body. He was finding every molecule of stress, pain, fear, that I had balled up in my body and pressing, pushing it, loosening it up. And finally he was pulling every ounce of it down my sore, tired legs and out the tips of my tiny toes. And sealing his work with a kiss.

“Roll over, little prince,” he said softly, as he finished with my legs and feet. Slowly, I looked up and turned over onto my side facing him. Sometime during the massage he had removed his linen pants and was now standing above me in a pair of white Armani trunks, which hugged his legs and his ass tight, and showed a large bulging outline of his cock across the front. “I needed to get more comfortable,” he said, looking down at me.

“I don’t mind at all,” I said, hazily as I moved onto my back. I laid down and looked up at the ceiling, Jeremy’s face leaning over into my field of view.

“How do you feel, my prince?” he asked, looking down at me.

“Amazing, my king. Your hands work magic.”

He smiled at being called king. That big, bright, giddy smile that made me melt even further into the table. “Thanks,” he said, “It helps that they have such a hot boy to work on.”

I stared up at him, laying below him on the table, looking up across his large cock pressed tightly in his trunks, past his rippling abs, to his hairy round pecs, and bulging arms. Down his biceps to his big, soft hands. He was gorgeous standing above me, looking down longingly at my long, muscled, swimmers body, laid out for him to see. He smiled and lifted his hands and started tracing his way up my abs from the band of my briefs.

“You are so beautiful, Alex. I hope you know that.”

“I do, sometimes.” I said, still in a blissful state.

“I mean, all the time.” He said, now rubbing his hands along my sides, his big thumbs meeting in the middle of my stomach. He leaned down and kissed my belly button, and started kissing down my body. He kissed over my briefs to the tip of my semi-hard cock, and he pressed his face into my crotch and breathed in. “God, you smell delicious.”

I just laid back, letting my king take me in, soak me up. It felt so good to just relax and be doted on for a change.

Jeremy’s magic hands were back on me, rubbing massage oil into my chest. I opened my eyes to watch this strong man do his work, and was not disappointed. His ripped arms tensed as he gently pushed down into me, working the meat along my defined pecs. His body moved with grace and ease, he bit his lip as if concentrating hard on pleasing me. I moaned as he moved across my nipples and he looked into my eyes. He was stunningly handsome, powerful and gentle standing over me, striking chiseled features, and a perfectly muscled body. And his damn smile, charming, and perfect that lit up every time he looked at me.

My dick was growing harder now that I was on my back, looking up at this sexy man. He was strong, confident, and respectful. He moved with grace, and looked down at me, not with lust, but with care and desire. A desire to please as much as to ravish. Part of me couldn’t comprehend the way he was treating me, gently massaging my legs, taking pleasure from pleasing me, from putting me first. He wasn’t treating me like a prize to be won or taken, but as a young man to be wooed, seduced, and cared for. So different from the boys on campus, many looking for the next fuck, the next momentary pleasure. Jeremy wasn’t a quick moment, he was making sure his moments lasted for as long as possible. He made me feel like a prince.

And I gave in to his hands, and let myself go. As he moved down my legs, his hands delicately working at the knots in my quads, I closed my eyes and exhaled, falling into the waves of pleasure and the sounds of the sea. Jeremy kept at my legs as my mind went blank, just focusing on the sensations of being pampered by the jock king. Feeling the stress, worry, and fears of my life melt away as his hands pushed them down my aching legs, down my shins, down, down, down, my feet. I breathed in deep, feeling my troubles leave my body, I breathed out: one, two, three, four, five.

Jeremy moved around from my feet, his fingertips tracing their way across the length of my body. He sent shivers down my spine as he crossed my briefs and outlined my abs, brushing over my nipples. With eyes closed, I focused on his movements, the feel of gentle hands on my skin, lightly drawing circles over my body, the heat from his body radiating over me, enveloping me in a warm embrace. And his smell. He was standing over me now, his crotch right above my face, I felt his dick press into my nose as he leaned over and rubbed his hands across my tight abs, toned obliques, and small waist. I breathed in again, arousal coursing through my body as his manly scent filled my lungs. He smelled sweaty from his long day, musky and strong, with a hint of sexual energy that made my cock throb on my briefs.

He moved away, his scent lingering in my nostrils, leaving me longing for more. I exhaled, letting my body relax onto the table. I was present, but also away, my mind finally leaving my anxious body. My troubles and cares were gone, at least for the moment, as I laid out on the black massage table, naked except for my black briefs and gold chain, my tanned skin glowing in the dimming light. I barely registered it as the patio door closed and the sounds of waves stopped. I barely felt it as Jeremy’s strong arms slid under my legs and behind my head.

And then I was in his arms, a human rag doll lifted from the table and carried away. My eyes opened and looked up at my king, saving me from my angst, and holding my small swimmer’s body close to his large, fit chest. His strong features showed bright as the moonlight danced through the windows and he carried me to the bedroom. Gently, he placed me down on the bed, and I fell deep into the luxurious linens. He slowly crawled on top of me, hovering his muscled, hairy body inches away from my toned, smooth torso.

Jeremy lowered his face gently down to mine, and spoke, his voice deep and earthy. “I’m going to kiss you now.”

And he did. As his lips pressed against mine, his body fell against me and I felt his weight cover me like a blanket. He felt amazing on top of me, his rough hairy skin rubbing against my oiled, smooth body. I wrapped my arms around his large, wide back and pulled him down into me, feeling every inch of him against me. Our cocks pressed together through our briefs, mine back, his white, contrasting our differences, our builds, our frames, our ages. Every single one of those making the encounter hotter than I could have imagined.

His kiss left my mouth, his stubbled face started exploring every inch that his hands charted minutes earlier in the living room. He kissed my neck, down my chest to my nipples, licking his way across the ridges of my abs, kissing my sides, tickling me with his scruff, back around smooth torso to my belly button and slowly tracing the trail down to the band of my briefs. His hands pulled down my briefs, releasing my hard cock. Jeremy moaned with pleasure as he rubbed his face against my shaft and took a deep whiff of my scent. He pulled my underwear off, and I was naked, laying in front of him. He bent back down and kissed up my shaft: one, two, three, four, five.

He took me into his mouth, expertly swallowing my throbbing cock. His hands continued rubbing my body, as his mouth moved up and down my cock. I was gone, the intense pleasure this man was giving me mixed with the total relaxation of the massage, making the sex all the more invigorating. I loved feeling his hands against my sides, his large, muscular body, wrapping around my lean boyish frame. He worked at my cock, his experience coming through as he fondled my balls and teased my hole with his fingers. My back arched and I pushed into his mouth as he explored my hole, his hands still soft and oiled from the massage.

My king kept going, taking me all into his mouth. He was good. No, he was great. His tongue traced along my shaft, his soft, full lips, moving up and down my aching cock. He knew when to go down deep and when to pull up, making sure to explore every inch of my cock. And his hands. My god his hands! Teasing my waiting hole, pressing against my taint and pulling at my heavy balls. Every sensation was being explored to make sure I felt as if I was in heaven, being rescued from my troubles by this shining knight in white Armani trunks. A king here to take me away.

And somehow, it didn’t stop. Jeremy was determined to please me, and please me he did. He kept sucking my dick, working his tongue and mouth up and down my shaft, probing his fingers at my hole, rubbing his hands across my muscled stomach. He left me no other choice but to just lay back and relax and be worshiped. I was finally able to let go and enjoy being this hot man’s prince, laying back on the plush bed sheets and closing my eyes to focus on the sensation of being sucked off, teased, and pleased.

After what seemed like an eternity of bliss, laying on the clouds, being worshiped, and relaxing as this stud king took me into him, I felt Jeremy pull off, slowly letting my throbbing, hard cock leave his mouth. I opened my eyes and looked up and I saw Jeremy standing over me at the foot of the bed, smiling his large giddy smile as he looked me in the eyes.

“How are you feeling, my prince?”

I could barely speak, I was so relaxed, “So fucking good, my king.”

He bent down and slowly removed his bright white trunks, pulling them down his large, thick, hairy legs. He stepped out of them and stood up and revealed his long, hard sword. He was 8 inches of gorgeous cock, cut, with trimmed pubes that made his shaft look huge. His balls were tight and full against his body, hanging perfectly between his large beefy thighs. He tossed his trunks across the bed and they landed expertly on my face, and I closed my eyes and breathed in his musky, manly, scent.

Then he started kissing me. He started at my toes, kissing every one of them, then up my feet, tracing along with his fingers and hands. His kisses traced a path up my shin and calf, up my knees, up, up, up across my tired legs, my worn hamstrings, past my rock hard cock. He kissed my waist, to my navel, taking his time as he kissed up my stomach through the ridges of my abs. He was hovering over me, his big, strong arms holding his body over mine as he continued kissing my chest, my pointed nipples, my hard clavicle, my soft neck. Finally he was up to my face, and he stopped. He hesitated at my lips, our eyes locked in an intense gaze, I felt his body hovering inches above me. He breathed in.

Moments passed. One. Two. Three. Four. Five.

And he kissed me, letting his whole body crash into mine. I felt his powerful muscles fall against my tender frame, his large body engulfing my lean physique. His hands grabbed at my hair, as mine wrapped around his wide, muscled back. We rolled on the bed finding ways to press our bodies closer together. Our legs wrapped around each other, entwining together, his large stalks grabbing my toned swimmers thighs, pulling me ever closer. Our cocks rubbed together, feeling his hot hard shaft rubbing against me, filling me with pleasure and desire as his strong body held me close.

We rolled over, and he was on top again. He pulled up and broke our kiss, his hands on my chest pinning me to the bed. His legs moved between mine and started pushing me open, his cock rubbed against me as he moved his hips in toward my hole. He looked down into me, his bright blue eyes piercing my gaze. And he smiled, shaking his head, almost in disbelief.

“My little prince.” he whispered, bending down and kissing me. “I’m going to fuck you so good.” He spoke into my mouth.

“Please, King. Please fuck me.”

And he did.

He sat up and placed my toned, small legs on his shoulders and moved his raging hard manly cock between my round ass cheeks. He placed some massage oil on his hard cock, and lined up with my waiting hole. His toned, rippling abs contracted as he pushed into me, his hard, hairy, muscled torso tightened feeling my hot princely hole surrounding his king cock. And he pushed on, entering me, filling me up, his hot body inching closer and closer to mine. And I felt him push against my button, my back arching, my eyes rolling back as he continued deeper inside. Finally, I felt him exhale as his trimmed pubes and tight balls pressed against my crotch, and he rested for a moment, fully inside me, our eyes staring into each other.

His hips pulled back, and he started fucking me. But not rough like Adam, or with desperate intensity like Jack, but sensual and methodical. His whole body rolled with each thrust, every muscle from across his large arms, his heaving chest, his tense abs, his sexy hips, worked together to push his raging cock into me. He expertly held my legs in the air, letting me relax into him has a fucked my hole. Then he started moving faster, his whole body speeding up as he ripped into me, wave after wave of pounding, showing off his long hours in the gym while his dick entered my hole. Each thrust pressed against me, and I was moaning into the night. I braced my hands against the headboard as he plowed harder and harder into me.

“Yes, king!” I moaned, “Yes, fuck me. God, you feel so fucking good!”

“Good prince, take my big cock. You are so fucking hot, your hot swimmers body laid out for me to worship and fuck. I love taking care of you, boy.”

“Take me, please. Please fuck me with your hot cock. Fuck your little prince!”

My hard cock was bouncing against my abs as Jeremy continued plowing into me. He pushed hard into my hole, pulling out and thrusting in, pressing me against the headboard. The hot, sensual fucking continued as I felt this expert top bearing down into me. Sweat appeared on his brow as looked down upon my little body, smiling his perfect white smile that contrasted with his hot tanned skin and dark hair. I reached down for my dick while looking up into his perfect chiseled face, his piercing blue eyes.

I started stroking, feeling the hours of edging building up inside of my balls. The hours of text banter back and forth, the sensual massage, rubbing his hands over my hot body, the perfect blow job, and now the hot, passionate sex. I couldn’t take it any more, feeling my balls contract as his dick pressed against my button. His sexy body pounding at my ass, his hot manly muscled hair chest, abs, arms, all working together to please me, take care of me.

“Fuck yea, Alex. I want to make you come.” Jeremy knew I was close, I could feel my ass tightening against his hard cock, “Come for me, my little prince!”

My cock grew hard in my hand as it tensed up. “FUCK YEA KING!” I shouted in between stunted breaths as I started shooting my load. The hours of pent up sex released across my tight body, and I shot load after load across my chest, my abs, my face. Jeremy kept pounding my ass, hitting my prostate with his long, hard cock, making every shot feel electrifying as I came.

Suddenly, Jeremy pulled out of my hole, and I looked up at my king as he furiously pumped his hard cock over me. My mouth opened in anticipation of this hot older stud shooting a load all over his little prince. His body tensed, every muscle tightening, showing off his abs, his hard biceps. “I’m coming, prince, I’m coming!” He looked down at my cum cover body and our eyes met, and then he started shooting, load after load. One. Two. Three. Four. Five.

His cum splattered across my body, mixing our loads together over my torso. He shot far into my face, and the salty taste of him filled my mouth. I was in heaven feeling his cum cover my body, watching the hot stud paint me with his seed. He looked gorgeous as his sweat covered body spasmed with every shot, filling the air with loud moans and expletives as he came.

And then he was beside me, laying on the bed wrapping his arm under my little body. He looked at me in the eyes and bent down and kissed me, his stubbled face brushing against my boyish lips. His tongue scooped up some cum from my chin and he fed it to me in a sloppy, sensual kiss. I moaned into this mouth as the cum, not sure whose it was, danced off my tongue.

“You like that?” he asked looking into my eyes, and to be honest, I couldn’t really think in the blissful moment, so I just opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue and nodded. Jeremy smiled, his big, beautiful smile, and reached down to my belly and scooped up a large mixture of our cum. He brought his fingers to my mouth and I happily opened up and licked the cum off of them, and then I took his manly hand into my mouth and sucked on his sweaty fingers.

“You’re not just a prince, are you? You’re a slutty little prince?” He said, looking down at me sucking his fingers. I looked up at him and continued making out with his hand.

He took his fingers out of my mouth, and I looked up at him, “Yes, king. I’m you’re slutty little prince.”

He continued feeding my our cum, taking it from my body and bringing it up to my lips, and I lapped it up, loving the taste of him, of us. Loving feeling him, holding me in his strong arms, his legs pressing against me. It felt amazing being his little prince, being pined after, being held, being taken care of. He looked down at me and kissed me. Long, passionate, caring. He pulled me close, our naked, sweaty bodies rubbing against each other. His hands grabbed at my ass, pressing us together, and I fell into his strong embrace, his giddy kiss.

“Let’s get you cleaned up and ready for bed. I can’t wait to hold you all night.” He said finally pulling away and turning over. I watched as he got out of bed, this hot naked man, his ass a little paler than the rest of his body. He stretched his back to me, his muscles rippling as his hands reached over his head. He turned back to me, he was about to say something then stopped. He smiled again, and shook his head, “You look gorgeous.”

I blushed, “Thank you, Jeremy. You’re not too bad yourself.”

We were smiling, so happy in our post-orgasm haze. He walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower, he turned to watch me. When it was ready, he called, “Get up and get your ass in here. I’m not done taking care of you.”

I slowly rolled out of bed, and walked naked covered in drying cum to my king’s outstretched arms. He pulled me into a kiss and ushered me into the warm shower. The rainfall shower head covered us in water as he kissed me. He held me close, water running down my back, down my small swimmer’s body. Water trailing over his broad shoulders and thick thighs. Our mouths danced in the rain as our sins were being washed away.

He soaped me up, and washed every inch of my body. Down my chest and round pointy nipples, down my abs where splashes of cum were drying, down my crotch, where my soft cock was recovering from night, and down, down, down my legs. And up, from my feet, where he cleaned between my toes, up my calves and quads, up my round, tight ass, and up, up, up my back and shoulders until he was standing behind me, holding me close to his body. I felt his semi-hard cock pressing against my ass as he wrapped his big arms around me in his kingly embrace.

That night I fell asleep, naked, in those big arms, wrapped up, a little prince and his big king. In his arms, I knew I was now also The Biltmore’s number 1 little spoon.

****Authors Note****

Thank you all again for the comments, and feedback, Your support really keeps me writing and going, so thank you!

Don’t worry, Jack’s story is not over yet, I still have plenty in store for all of these characters. It’s only been a couple of days, and school hasn’t even started yet. Believe me, Alex’s adventures are just beginning.

I do have a warning, while I have the next parts mapped out, writing takes a lot of time. I’ve been doing almost weekly posts since I started, but I may need some more time to get the next couple of parts sorted. But stick with me, it’s going to a lot of fun.

And let me know your thoughts, I love hearing from you all.

From the Internet’s number 1 little spoon,



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