All for her Sake Pt. 01

A gay story: All for her Sake Pt. 01 To cheers and celebration, Blair walked off the graduation stage. He and his high-school sweetheart, Becky, were finally ready to start their forever together. Although they were both already 18 and engaged for months their parents both said that they weren’t allowed to get married until after they graduated. They already had all of the invites out, the bookings made, and the perfect (for them) wedding scheduled later in the summer. Thankfully, her parents were taking care of paying for it or they’d never have been able to even think about getting married right away. They’d been faithful to each other through high school, though they’d even been saving themselves for their wedding night. It hadn’t been easy, but they continued to tell themselves that waiting it would be worth the wait.

They mingled with their classmates then got ready for the graduation party that her parents had planned at their place, to lessen the risk of a wild party happening somewhere. They had a fairly large house, not exactly a mansion though, but a very nice place for a medium-sized party with most of their friends. The music was bopping and everyone was enjoying the food and drinks when her parents came over to them and asked if they could have a moment. Blair didn’t have a good feeling about what they were about to find out.

“So, we have something we need to tell you.” her dad said.

Her mom continued, “We have been waiting until after the graduation ceremony and while we hate to do this now, the timing overall isn’t great.”

“What’s the matter?” Blair asked.

“Well,” her dad responded. “my company has been dealing with some financial troubles in the last several years and just recently got bought out. While this does allow me to keep a job, I had to take a demotion with a fairly significant reduction of pay.”

He paused there, seeming to grasp for the right words. His wife took over, “which means that we aren’t certain of the specifics for the wedding plans we have in place. We will do everything we can to maintain what was booked but we might have to make some compromises.”

That last word seemed to echo in their minds. Blair knew Becky had her heart set on things as they were and wanted to do whatever he could to maintain that. He broke the silence, “Don’t worry babe,” He reassured Becky, “I will make it work out somehow. We have some time before then and I’ll figure something out.”

“No, it’s ok.” She said, clearly distraught. “As long as I am marrying you the rest doesn’t matter.”

He could feel the disappointment in her words. He changed his demeanor to be more upbeat, “No, No, No. I have a plan, it’ll work out.”

He could see her cheer up at his words. Although he made such a bold statement and was able to console Becky, he was not actually sure how he was going to make anything workout. When they made all of the wedding arrangements they had done so with the understanding that the finances where there and had planned much bigger than they would have otherwise.

The rest of the party went uneventful, though the entire scenario weighed heavily in the back of his mind.

The next day he was hanging out at over at his buddy’s house. Curt and him went way back and had basically been together since elementary school.

“I don’t know what I’m gonna do. How can I possibly come up with thousands of dollars to give her the wedding she wants? No, the wedding that she deserves!” Blair said throwing a dart at the dart board, possibly a little harder than normally. “I mean, I don’t want to do anything illegal or anything. I’ve thought about just working to get it, but how can a recent high-school guy make that kind of money in so short a time. I can’t really take a loan, and don’t want to start our lives together in debt anyway. The lottery seems to be the best option, and that’s a long shot at best.”

Curt just sat off to the side listening.

Blair continued as he paced around, “I mean I would do anything, legally…” (he emphasized) “…to make her dream come true! You have all kinds of connections Curt; can’t you pull any strings for me?”

He shifted in his seat uncomfortably. “There are only so many opportunities available. I don’t really want to see you do something you wouldn’t do otherwise.”

“You do have something in mind!” Blair responded. “Tell me! I’m desperate!”

“Well, Mr. Burnedale has a contest coming up this Saturday night with a cash grand prize of $20,000.”

“How are you only telling me about this now?!? Wait, why isn’t it the talk of the town? That would be enough money to pay for the wedding outright and have some to start our life together!”

“Well, that’s the thing, it’s a “special contest” that not just anyone can take part in.”

Mr. Brunedale was the rich man of the town with the ‘mansion on the hill’ house at the outskirts. He was known for almost always keeping to himself and not many knew much about him.

“So, what’s the deal with this contest? What’s so special about it?”

“It’s a cock-sucking contest.”

“Oh, well that’s out of the question then! There is no way I am asking Becky to take part in something like that!!!!”

“So, that’s the thing. She couldn’t even if she wanted to. It’s only for men. Apparently, that’s Mr. Brunedale’s kink.”

Blair’s jaw dropped, realizing what Curt was saying. He finally understood his reluctance in sharing and what he meant by ‘something he wouldn’t do otherwise’. He opened his mouth to state why he couldn’t take part in it but shocked himself when he responded, “I just don’t see any other way.”

Was he really even considering it? There was no way that he was gay! Did he really want his first sexual experience to be with a man?!?! All these sorts of thoughts raced through his head but every time his mind came back to Becky’s crying face from her dream wedding being crushed and how one night’s compromise could fix it all.

Brian sighed, “What are the details?”

“Well, we are just at the cutoff for the signup but I can find out if you can get in.”

“So, what exactly is the contest?”

“I haven’t exactly been there for it but I was told that it’s two rounds where all the contestants, wearing masks, compete side-by-side to see who is the fastest to get a climax.” Curt was carefully choosing his words to sound better. “Once a contestant finishes their first round, they immediately move to the second room and start the second round. Whoever is done with both fastest wins the.”

“Isn’t this risky?”

“No, all of the participants are tested to ensure they are clean.”

“Am I really going to do this?” Blair asked. “No, I am really going to do this!”

“Ok man, let me make a call but I honestly find it hard to believe that you aren’t a shoe-in, since you are younger with an athletic build.”

“Alright, man this sucks.”

“Literally! Sorry, not so funny…”

Blair waited for Curt to come back into the room, still dumbfounded at what he had just agreed to. After a couple min he returned with his hands out, “You’re in.” Blair was not sure if he was relieved or sorry to hear that.

“Well, this could solve everything if I can win.” As Blair said those words, his heart sank. “What if I’m not the fastest?”

“There is that risk. I mean you do masturbate, don’t you?”

“Well yeah I do, but being able to make another guy cum as fast as possible is another thing…and it’s not like I masturbate to cum faster.”

“You have time, you can always do research on the internet until Saturday.”

“Yeah, but that would all just be untested theories.”

“What are you getting at?”

“Well, it’s so disgusting to even say it but I should practice on you.”


“I mean, experience would be the best way to grantee better performance and I would rather do it with someone I know well better than anybody else.”

“Man! I don’t know if I can do that!”

“Please dude! This is for Becky! I have to win! I am not gonna suck cocks just for fun! At least you can just cover your eyes and pretend it’s a hot chick, not like I can pretend it’s anything other than it is.”

“Fine! Gosh! Only because you are my closest friend would I even consider this!”

“Thank you feels weird to say, but for Becky’s sake…thank you. So how should we do this?”

“Never would I have imagined trying to come up with a plan to do something like this… Why don’t you leave the room and I will let you know when to come back in?”

“Are you going to wash?”

“I shouldn’t, I am not really dirty anyway and you don’t know what to expect for Saturday anyway.”

Blair shuddered at that thought, but turned and walked out of the room and closed the door. They both had gym shorts and T-shirts on and he thought that maybe even though it didn’t matter, but he’d take his shirt off anyway. He could feel his heart pounding in his throat, thinking about what he was about to do. Could he go through with it? No, he had to go through with this if he was going to come out victorious Saturday.

“Ok, I guess I’m as ready as I will be.”

Blair grabbed the doorknob and took a deep breath before coming back in the room. Curt had turned the lights down and was naked sitting on a wooden chair in the middle of the room with a blindfold on. As Blair approached him, he thought he saw Curt’s semi-erect cock twitch, as if it was getting ready for what was to come. He walked over to Curt and got on his knees in front of him, far enough away that he was not yet touching him.

“I need you to tell me when I am doing it right. I need to be the best on Saturday, for Becky’s sake!” The last part of that he said more for himself than anything.

Blair reached out his right hand and placed it on Curt’s left thigh. He felt him jump at his touch, and saw his cock also twitched again, more noticeably than previous. He could better see how Curt maintained himself “down there”, his balls were clean shaved and his pubic hair well-trimmed. He reached out his other hand towards his crotch, imagining what would feel good for him, and cupped his testicles in his hand. Curt gasped and as though a switch was hit, his cock was rock hard and a full erect 8 inches. Blair took a deep breath and speaking to himself said, “now or never.,” as slid his hand up to the base of his cock and leaned forward. He stuck his tongue out and licked up the underside of his cock until he reached the tip and slipped the head right into his mouth. As he slid it into his mouth, he focused his attention on the bottom of the head with his tongue. The taste was not as bad as he expected, kind of a musty/milky taste. He took as much of him in his mouth as he could before he found his gag reflex and quickly pulled back. He was intent to make him cum as quick as possible, so he didn’t dare take him all the way out as he slid it back into his mouth without even removing the head. He heard Curt gasp as he worked, slightly tensing up. With his right hand, he began fondling his balls as he continued to slide up and down on his shaft.

“Right there,” Curt whimpered.

Blair began stroking his cock with his left hand as he sucked. Curt’s legs straightened out fully as his breathing clearly became ragged. “Ugh, I’m cumming! I’m cumming!”

Blair just kept going, as he felt Curt’s cock begin to throb as he jettisoned his load into his mouth. Blair wasn’t ready for that, and released his lips tight grip before gagging on his friend’s thick load in his throat, instinctively swallowing most of what had gotten into his mouth. As he pulled off of his cock, he felt a second and third load splash on his face and chest. Strangely, he had a mix of disgust with a weird sense of satisfaction for what he had achieved.

Blair was collapsed on the chair, exhausted from the climax he just had while Blair pulled out several tissues to wipe the cum-load from his face and body. “Do you think that was good enough?” He asked.

Curt responded, not even lifting his head “I’m not sure but that was the most incredible experience of my life.”

Blair quietly finished cleaning himself up and left, with Curt still slouching in the chair. He had an actual plan and a goal now. This Saturday he needed to be the best cock-sucker around to give his future wife the wedding of her dreams. He paused, considering the incredible conflict in that statement but dismissing it. He unfortunately didn’t have another choice.

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