All Male Population Ch. 02


A gay sex story: All Male Population Ch. 02

Julian slowly woke up, just enjoying the soft, early morning light shining through the gauzy white curtains playing over his still closed eyes.

Then, the reality of his new life had him jerk upright, as if waking up from a nightmare. Beside him in the bed lay a man stretched out on his back, muscular arms bent behind his head. His blue eyes opened in surprise at Julian’s movement.

“Are you alright, love?” Michael asked concerned.

Gods, he is beautiful, Julian thought to himself, distracted by the male laying beside him. He smiled in spite of himself and the situation. The fact that Julian considered himself to be straight, and yet he found himself admiring his husband more and more, just spoke of Michael’s charisma and gentle personality.

It had been several days since he had had an artificial womb implanted, and at the same time, he had been locked in chastity and married to Michael. He had expected, feared, that the then-stranger would use the situation to force Julian to immediately endure intercourse and to forcefully make him submit to Michael’s every whim and desire.

That couldn’t have been further from what actually happened.

Michael insisted that Julian needed time to heal, physically, and mentally adjust to their new lives. Julian had argued initially, saying he didn’t need rest, that he immediately wanted to return to work. As a result of scientists trying to rectify their situation, science and medicine had taken a massive leap forward, leaving no pain after surgery and no recovery time needed. Eventually, Julian conceded that it might not be a bad idea to take some time, even just to adjust.

Michael had taken Julian from the police station to his home since he lived in a large, luxurious house with a backyard and pool, whereas Julian lived in a small apartment. Despite them being strangers, Michael treated him very well and always saw to his comfort above all else. Julian also took his own advice and took time off from work so they could settle into their new lives as a married couple.

Over the past few days, they had gotten to know each other, and he came to realise that, all things considered, they had the potential to be a very good match. Julian had been a little reserved the past few days while he was adjusting but he was feeling more and more like himself again.

Even from their very first interaction, Julian had noticed that Michael had a certain look in his eyes whenever they interacted. He couldn’t be sure, but it almost seemed like… love. And it didn’t help that despite himself and his preferences for women, he was very quickly warming up to his new life. Well, parts of it anyway, he thought as he was always aware of the cockcage.

“Yes, I’m alright. It’s just that today I woke up, and suddenly everything feels real. Everything that happened to me, us being married. Until now, it all felt like a nightmare that I was supposed to wake up from,” Julian said. He noticed Michael’s subtle flinch when he referred to their marriage as part of a nightmare.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean it that way, Michael,” he said softly. Without thinking, he reached out to place a comforting hand on Michael’s chest to let him know his words were sincere. It was the first time that he had touched his husband, and the muscled peck he touched sent a shiver of arousal through his body. Even as a straight man he had no choice but to be aroused by his husband’s perfectly sculpted body. Not to mention those blue eyes that seem to look into his very soul. And coupled with the fact that he hadn’t had any sexual relief in days, arousal was to be expected, Julian supposed.

Blood flowed to his poor, neglected dick still trapped in the chastity cage. He let out a soft moan of both arousal and pain. The chastity cage didn’t allow for an erection and after several days with no release, he felt like crying.

Michael couldn’t stand to see his husband in pain and pulled him tightly to his chest.”Tell me, please. What’s wrong?”

After a moment of silence he looked down at his slighter husband to see Julian’s face red as a tomato. His eyes were immediately drawn to movement at Julian’s crotch. Even through his pants Michael could see the chastity cage almost vibrating as the scrunched up cock tried to become erect but couldn’t.

“May I see? I want to help you if I can,” Michael asked. At Julian’s shy nod he had Julian lay back on the bed so he could pull off his pants, leaving him completely naked, save for the chastity cage.

His eyes drank in the sight before him; the most beautiful body, hairless torso and groin, slender yet slightly muscled arms and abdomen. Pink nipples stood erect in the cool morning air, matching his husband’s embarrassed face. Seeing Michael’s gaze travel over his body had Julian blush deeper and his hands unconsciously moved to cover his chest and privates.

“You have nothing to be embarrassed about, love. You are perfect. Please move your hands.”

He moved closer to inspect the cage. Julian gasped when he felt warm fingers turning the cage a little to each side, stimulating his drooling cock just a little as Michael looked for the tiny engraved model number of the cage. The sensation sent shivers down his spine and a moan fell from his lips and before he even realised it, he was pushing his hips forward, trying to get more contact with Michael’s hand.

The bigger male sighed in frustration. “Over the past few days, I’ve read up on the model of chastity cage the government issued for… motivation. Apparently it is one of the most secure models on the market.”

As he spoke, his eyes were still on the poor, cramped member that was desperately trying to get erect. Despite the fact that the cage prevented his manhood from erection, a string of pre-cum drooled from the small opening in the chastity cage.

“I can’t go longer without knowing, Michael. Why are you so good to me? I mean, with everything going on you could probably do anything you want to me and nobody would bat an eye,” Julian swallowed hard but decided that to be direct would be for the best. “And the way you look at me, as if you really SEE me, how gentle and caring you are with me… why do you do that?”

All the while Michael had been crouched between his thighs, cupping his desperately drooling penis while looking straight into his eyes. He planted a small little kiss on the part of his glans that peeked out between the metal frame before sitting next to him on the bed, their legs touching intimately.

“For the past year or so, I’ve found myself ready to settle down, to find someone to share my life with. I’ve been looking for the right person but didn’t find him. That was until a few days ago when we met, when fate brought us together. And I think we can both agree that despite the odds of being assigned a random man, we have a large chance at happiness if we both decided to work together at it. And, just for the record, I am fully prepared to give my everything for this marriage, for you. The second I heard of our marriage, I decided to love whoever fate paired me with,” the bigger man gently brushed his fingers over the slighter man’s cheek as he spoke.


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