Almost Brothers

A gay story: Almost Brothers Author’s notes:

Picture Rusty: Gay. 5′ 11″, medium build, toned, slightly hairy. Dark hair, handsome. roughly 33 years old.

Picture Scott: Straight. 6′ 2″, husky build, toned. slighty more hairy than Rusty. Brown hair, handsome. A few months older than Rusty.

Picture Cooper: Gay. 5′ 8″, stocky build, well muscled, well toned. some hair on chest, dark treasure trail. More handsome than Rusty and Scott, but not a “pretty boy”. roughly 31 years old.



Rusty Jordan was sitting on the sofa, watching TV. His roommate, Scott Barber, hadn’t come home from work yet but it was only two hours from when he normally gets home. A few minutes later, Scott walked in the house. He sat down on the sofa next to Rusty who noticed Scott’s eyes were red as if he had been crying.

“Is something wrong?” Rusty asked.

“I visited Mom’s grave.”

“Oh. You ok?”

“No,” Scott said and leaned to Rusty. “Hold me.” Rusty took him in his arms as Scott began to cry. Rusty held him tightly as the sobs racked through Scott’s body. Rusty held his former foster brother without saying anything, just held him until Scott was done crying. After a few minutes, Scott pulled from Rusty and wiped at the tears in his eyes.

“What brought this on?” Rusty asked.

Scott sighed. Then he dug into his right rear pant pocket and pulled out an envelope. “Read this,” Scott said and handed the envelope to Rusty.

First, Rusty read the return address. “It’s from the prison?” Rusty asked. Scott nodded. Rusty put his arm around Scott who relaxed against him as he pulled a sheet of paper from the envelope and read it. His eyebrows rose. “He’s eligible for parole? I don’t believe it!”

“Yeah, that’s a pisser,” Scott said.

“I don’t believe it!”

“Well, it says he’s “eligible” it doesn’t mean they are gonna let him out. Besides, its been 15 years now so I guess its time.”

“It says you can give testimony on his behalf.”

“When hell freezes over,” Scott said.

“So what are you going to do?”

“I’m gonna go up there and tell them they can’t let that lousy piece of dog shit go free, that’s what I’m gonna do.”

“Are you really?”

“Fuck yeah! And I hope he’s there when I tell them. I hope he’s there when I tell them I don’t want that fucker no where near me, near you, near your folks or anyone else!”

“Good. That’s what you should do.” Rusty handed the letter back to Scott, who shoved it back into his pocket. They sat there together for a moment. Then Rusty asked, “Are you hungry? There’s left over fried chicken in the ‘fridge.”

“No, I think I’m just gonna lie down.”


“See ya in the morning,” Scott said as he got up and went to his bedroom.

An hour or so later, Rusty went to his room. However, he looked in Scott’s bedroom and saw him in his bed, lying on his side wearing only his boxer shorts. He was awake and staring off into nothing. Rusty went into the room.

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah, just bummed out, I guess.”

Rusty sat on the bed and Scott rolled over onto his back. He rubbed his chest and then moved his arm over his head and closed his eyes. Rusty reached out and put his hand on Scott’s broad chest. He began to massage him there.

Scott sighed. “You haven’t touched me like this in years.”

“I figured you were due.” Rusty moved his hand to Scott’s stomach and fingered the circle of hair around Scott’s navel.

Scott whispered to Rusty. “Make me feel better?”

“Sure,” Rusty whispered. He moved his hand to Scott’s underwear and began to rub him through the material. Scott’s dick grew under Rusty’s fingers until it was rigid and pointing towards his navel. Rusty parted the fly, slightly, and rubbed his fingertips over the top ridge of Scott’s dick. Then he reached inside and massaged Scott’s big balls, feeling the hairy, crinkly skin of the scrotum. Next, Rusty worked Scott’s cock and balls out of the fly and continued to play with Scott’s balls while his cock grew stiff, holding itself an inch over Scott’s body. The huge, blunt head flared and the shaft throbbed over his belly. Rusty traveled his fingers up to the ridge of the glans while watching Scott’s nuts floating around in their sac.

“Mmm. That feels good, Rusty.”

Rusty held Scott’s cock up and ran his fingers through the large expanse of dark brown pubic hair surrounding the organ. He squeezed the shaft and a small drop of precum appeared at the tip. He dabbed a fingertip in the precum and let it form a small, clear thread. Then, Rusty rubbed his finger around the head. Next, he leaned over and spit some saliva on the head and then started pumping Scott’s cock up and down, alternating with a hard and soft squeeze, slowly at first, then faster and faster, again, squeezing hard and softly. It took both of Rusty’s hands to hold the entire eight inch, thick shaft. Another spit, now, and Rusty pumped Scott faster.

“Yes. That’s it. Yes,” Scott hissed through clenched teeth.

Rusty dropped one hand to Scott’s balls and pulled on them. He let his fingers massage Scott under his nuts, producing more precum. In this way, he masturbated Scott for several minutes until Scott began to moan. He tossed his head from side to side, occasionally looking down to watch Rusty jacking him. Rusty felt Scott’s cock grow increasingly hard until he knew Scott was going to come.

Then, Rusty stopped. He let go of Scott’s dick and moved his hands to Scott’s thighs. “Fuck, don’t stop, Rusty!” Scott said. “I’m so close!” Rusty grinned. He leaned over and kissed Scott’s chest. He kissed him there, and then kissed his nipples, licking and biting them, also. Scott writhed under him. “Oh fuck!” Rusty kissed down Scott’s broad chest and stomach, pausing to lick his navel while Scott’s dick head brushed against his chin. Rusty grabbed the dick and held it up, again. He kissed and chewed his way into Scott’s bush, enjoying the musky scent which defined Scott.

Next, Rusty sat up again. He gripped one of Scott’s nipples in his fingers. He teased the huge nub, rubbing his fingers over it. Scott reached out and grabbed Rusty’s head. He pulled Rusty’s face to his nipple. Rusty sucked and chewed Scott there. He grabbed Scott’s cock with both hands and started jacking him hard and fast. Scott’s dick grew intensely hard in his hands. His balls contracted next to his body. “Uh Uh Uh Uh Uhhhh Uhhh AHHH!” Cum flew out of Scott’s cock and landed on this chest. One huge drop landed on Rusty’s cheek. Two more full streams followed, coating his hairy stomach in great drops, then more and more cum streamed out, coating Rusty’s hand with the hot, white liquid. It dribbled down Scott’s long cock and pooled in his thick bush. Scott fell back onto the bed, breathing hard and fast.

The distinctive odor of semen filled Rusty’s nostrils and he wanted to taste Scott. However, he didn’t. He continued to pump Scott until his flow ended. Then Rusty let go of the softening organ. He went to Scott’s bathroom, washed his hands and then brought a towel to Scott who cleaned himself.

“I’m hungry now,” Scott said as he rolled off the bed and pushed his soft dick into his under shorts.

Rusty got up to leave. “There’s chicken in the ‘fridge.”

“Yeah. And…ummmm….thanks.” Scott said. “I do feel better.”

Rusty nodded to Scott as they left the bedroom. Scott headed for the kitchen and Rusty went to his bedroom and then took a shower. A few minutes later, he joined Scott in the living room. Scott was watching ESPN’s SportsCenter while sucking the meat off a chicken leg. “I almost forgot to tell ya,” Scott began. He licked his fingers and wiped them on a napkin. “Andy called me today. He scheduled us for a couple of games, one on Thursday and the other a couple of weeks from now.

“Cool.” Rusty said as he plopped down on the sofa. “Who are we playing against Thursday?”

“The Reds.”

“And in a couple of weeks?”

“The Dragons, I think that was the name.”

“I know we’ve played the Reds but have we played the Dragons before?”

“Not yet this year, but we played them a couple of times last year, I think before you started playing. Not too shabby. If I remember right, we’re one and one.”

“Tie breaker, then?”

“I guess so.” Scott chomped on the chicken leg again and shoved mashed potatoes behind it.

Hours later, Rusty woke up on the sofa. He fingered the remote control to turn off the TV and then headed for his bedroom. He paused in front of Scott’s bedroom door and slowly opened it. The TV was on, casting a glow over the sleeping man. Rusty looked at him with genuine love as if Scott was his real brother. He was glad he let Scott move in with him after all those years. It was good to have him around again. Rusty closed the door and went to bed.


A couple of weeks later, Rusty drove into his driveway and noticed Scott’s truck was up on brackets and Scott was underneath it. All he could see of Scott was from the waist down: large but firm stomach, nice package and thick thighs encased in denim. Rusty got out of his truck and walked to where Scott lay.

“Hey, Mr. Mechanic, can I hold your tool?”

“Here, hold this!” Scott said from under the truck. His hand appeared, grabbing his crotch.

Rusty squatted down and peered under the truck at his shirtless brother. “What are you doing?”

“I’m trying to get this fucking nut off!” Scott replied.

“I’ll get your nut off.”

“I knew you would say that,” Scott said as he rolled himself out from under the truck. “Hand me a socket wrench and three-eighth’s socket.”

Rusty found the wrench and socket and handed it to Scott. “Thanks, Bro.” Scott said and pushed himself under the truck. Rusty watched Scott’s biceps bulging as he wrestled with the stuck nut. Then the wrench moved. “Gotcha, you bitch!” Rusty put his hand on Scott’s thigh. He moved his hand up to Scott’s crotch. “Cut it out, Rusty, before I have to use my tool on ya!”

“Is that a promise or a threat?”

Scott glanced at Rusty from under the truck. “You fuckin’ perv.”

“While you’re at it, change my oil, ok?” Rusty asked as he stood. “I left the keys in it.”

“Ok, just as soon as I finish here.”

“Thanks, Bro.”

“No prob.”

Soon, Scott came into the house. “I changed your oil. Your good for another 3000 miles, dude.”

“Thanks man, do I owe you anything for the oil?”

“I could use a blowjob,” Scott said jokingly.

“In your dreams, Scott. Go get cleaned up. We have a game tonight.”

“That’s where I’m headed.”


Rusty and Scott were at their baseball game. The league they are on is nothing fancy, just a bunch of guys on different teams having fun. They don’t play for money or glory, just for bragging rights. Rusty was sitting in the dugout as his team was up at bat and was checking out the catcher for the other team. The man was about Rusty’s age, he guessed, with dark black hair. He was short and stocky with huge arms and thick thighs. But the man’s best attribute, Rusty determined, was his ass. It was rounded, thick and meaty, like two bowling balls. The catcher’s striped pants hugged his body like a glove. Rusty watched as the man squatted to receive pitch and imagined him squatting on something else. Rusty nudged Scott who was sitting beside him. “Do you know him, the catcher?”

Scott looked at the man. “I think that’s Coop. Mark Cooper is his name but he goes by Coop. I don’t know him well, only met him a couple of times. Why? You got the hots for him.”

“He’s fucking fine!” Rusty said.

Scott looked back to Rusty, “Rumor has it he bats on your team.”

“No shit?”

“I don’t know it as fact, but that’s what I’ve heard.”

“Damn, he’s got a nice ass,” Rusty told Scott. Then they heard the Umpire call the last out for the inning so Scott got up and grabbed his glove. Rusty continued to sit on the bench and watched the catcher’s ass as he strutted to his dugout.

Scott tossed a glove to Rusty which hit him upside the head. “Are you gonna play or stare at his ass?”

“I’d like to stare at his ass some more,” Rusty said.

“Come on, you perv, lets get this game over. And then its Miller Time!”

Afterwards, most of the guys on the team headed to a local sports bar, The Goal Post, to celebrate the win and hash out the game together. Rusty liked hanging out with the guys there, enjoyed the “male bonding”. Most of them knew he was gay and it was no big deal.

After about an hour, the guys were having fun, joking around and harassing the young, pretty, red haired, big-boobed waitress. Sitting next to Rusty, Scott guzzled on his beer and then tapped Rusty on the shoulder to get his attention. Rusty turned to him as Scott reached into his back pocket and produced an envelope. “Read this,” Scott said as he handed the envelope to Rusty.

Rusty looked at the return address. “Another letter from the prison?”

“Yes.” Scott replied, again drinking from his beer bottle. He watched Rusty reading the letter and saw his eyes grow large.

“I don’t fucking believe it!” Rusty said.

“Isn’t that a fucking kick in the head?”

“They granted his parole?!”

“Stupid, fucking goddamn sons of bitches. Yeah.”


“I don’t want to alarm you but….watch your back, Bro, ok?”

“Fuck! What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know.”

“Do you think…” Rusty began.

“I don’t know what to think. You were there, you know what he said.”

“I should call Mom and Dad, I guess, and let them know.” Rusty sighed.

“That would be a good idea,” Scott agreed. Then he said, “Look, Rusty, I’m sorry about this.”

“Scott, its not your fault. You and I both know that.”

“All the same, I feel bad.”

“First thing you should do, get a restraining order, just in case.”

“I did that today. You should probably mention that to your folks. I included our address, my work address, and your work address on the restraining order. But your folks will have to do their’s on their own.”

“Look, Bro, I’m here for you. Just like always.”

“I know, Rusty. I love you like a brother, you know that.” Tears formed in Scott’s eyes as he absently tore the label on his beer bottle.

“Likewise, Scott. Like a brother.” Rusty put his arm around him.

“Fuck this,” Scott said. “He doesn’t get out for a couple of weeks so, fuck it. Let’s have some fun. I’m going to get another beer. Ready for a refill, Rusty?”


“Good, while I’m there, I’m gonna try and get that red-haired pussy to come home with me. I need to get laid.” Scott winked at Rusty who smiled at him.

When Scott returned, he had two beers in hand and three guys following him. “Look what I found, guys,” he said to the table, “These losers where at the bar.” Behind Scott were three men from the Dragons, the team they beat tonight. Scott introduced the men to his team. “This is Randy, John and this is Coop!” While he said Cooper’s name, Scott, again, winked at Rusty. The guys introduced themselves although some knew the other team members. Chairs were pulled from a nearby table however, Scott offered his chair to Cooper.

“Coop! Sit here!” Scott said.

“Thanks.” Cooper said to him as he sat down.

“Coop, this is my brother, Rusty.”

Cooper held out his hand and they shook. “Nice to meet you, Coop,” Rusty said and gazed into Cooper’s colbalt eyes and broad smile with solid white teeth. He had his baseball cap on, facing backward. Very sexy, Rusty thought. Cooper had jet black hair which stuck out in all directions from under the cap. It hung around his ears and curled at the ends looking unkempt and yet sexy at the same time. In front, Cooper’s hair dangled over his forehead.

“Same here,” Cooper said. It was then Scott leaned down to Coop and whispered something in his ear. “Really?” Cooper asked and then looked at Rusty.

“What did he just tell you?” Rusty asked.

“Ummm…nothing.” Cooper replied.

Rusty looked up at Scott who shrugged his shoulders. Rusty started to ask Scott what the hell was going on when the red-haired, big boobed waitress came up behind Scott and wrapped her arm around him.

“Hey, big boy, I get off at eleven,” she said. Scott turned around and smiled at her.

“Ok, so when do I get off ON you,” Scott told her before he followed her away from them.

Rusty and Cooper laughed as they watched them leave. “He can be so charming,” Rusty said sarcastically to Cooper.

“I don’t thing charm is what she’s after,” Cooper replied. Then Rusty and Cooper joined the guys in the conversation about tonight’s game, having a heated, but friendly, discussion about a controversial call the umpire made at one point in the game. Nothing was settled, nothing was agreed upon by either team, but they all had fun razzing each other about it.

Soon, Cooper got up, mentioning he had to piss and left the table and Rusty watched the man’s round ass walk away, noticing the tell-tale indentations of a jock strap framing his butt. Mmmm, Rusty thought. He waited a discretionary amount of time before getting up and heading to the men’s room, himself. Once inside the men’s room, he saw Cooper was the only man in there, standing at a urinal. Rusty approached the one next to him, unzipped his pants and began to piss.

“You don’t buy beer, you just rent it,” Cooper mentioned as he saw Rusty next to him.

“That’s no lie,” Rusty replied. He glanced down as Cooper shook his dick. Rusty noticed he was uncircumcised and detected dark, black pubic hair around it before Cooper stuffed his dick into his pants and walked to the wash basin.

“Even though we lost, I enjoyed the game tonight,” Cooper announced as he washed his hands.

“Me, too,” Rusty said. “I love playing ball. Scott and I were on the varsity team in high school.” Rusty finished pissing. He shook the last remaining drops from his dick before turning to face Cooper. With his dick still hanging out, he looked at Cooper and saw the eye movement as Cooper glanced down quickly. Rusty zipped his pants and walked to the wash basin. He looked at Cooper in the mirror as he washed his hands. “You guys have a good catcher.”

“I’m the catcher.”

Rusty turned the water off and reached for the towel dispenser next to Cooper. He looked at him. “Yes, I know.”

“I appreciate the compliment. I’ve been a catcher since I was in college. Do you ever pitch?” Cooper asked, staring into Rusty’s eyes.

“That depends on who’s catching.” Rusty was inches from Cooper.

“I hope you can pitch for me sometime, you know, if you want to,” Coop said.

“I’d like that, in fact, I was thinking, Id like to….” Rusty was interrupted by the men’s room door opening. A man nodded to them and walked to a urinal. “….pitch tonight.” Rusty finished.

“Do you pitch fast or slow?” Cooper asked with a slight smile.

“I like to start off slow, and then give them the fast ball.”

It was then the man looked back at them questionably.

Rusty and Cooper chuckled together and then acted casual as they left the men’s room and walked back to the table. Scott was there, sitting alone.

“Where is everyone?” Rusty asked as he sat down next to him. Cooper sat next to Rusty.

“They left. Fucking pussies!” Scott drank heavily from his beer.

“And you’re drunk,” Rusty said.

“I am not.” Scott slurred his words.

“Scott, give me your keys.”

“No, I can’t, Gina is coming home with me.”

“Who is Gina?” Rusty asked.

“The waitress with the big fucking tits! She’s gonna make Scott feel so good!”

Rusty rolled his eyes. “Scott, man, you can’t drive, dude. Give me your keys. I’ll give them to Gina and she can drive.”

“You swear? You swear you’ll give them to her? Because, I think I love her.”

“You don’t love her. You just want to fuck her.”

“Yeah, fuck. That’s what I want to do to her. Just like you want to do with what’s his name, Coop, yeah, Cooper, you want to fuck him?” Scott drunkenly leaned forward to look at Cooper. “Rusty likes you. He likes your ass, dude. He wants to……”

“Scott! Shut up!” Blushing, Rusty looked at Cooper. “He’s drunk.”

“No kidding,” Cooper said.

“Scott, look at me. Look at me.”

Scott looked at Rusty. “What?

“Give me you’re keys or I’m taking you home and you won’t get any pussy tonight.”

“Well, fuck, since you put it that way,” Scott said and dug out his keys.

Rusty grabbed Scott’s key ring and then looked around for the waitress. “Hang on, I’ll be right back,” he said to Cooper. Rusty got up and went to the Gina. He handed her the keys while she explained she didn’t get off for another 30 minutes. “Just get him home, ok?”

“Ok, honey,” Gina said. Then she added, “I’ve got a friend. I think she’d like you. You’re handsome.”

“Does she have a brother?” Rusty asked.

“Yes, I think so. Why?”

“I’d want to take him home, instead,” Rusty winked at her.

“Oh,” Gina said, understanding.

“Just make sure Scott gets home.”

Rusty went back to the table. Scott had moved next to Cooper and had his arm around him. He was talking, “…love him like a brother. I do. He’s been so good to me.”

“Yeah, I know, Scott.” Cooper looked up at Rusty and grinned. “He’s fucking wasted.”


“Hey, there he is, my Brother! Sit down here, Bro! Get me another beer!”

“Scott?” Rusty began.


“I gave Gina your keys. She’s gonna take you home, ok?”

“I’m gonna fuck her tits!”

“Ok, fine, fuck her tits.” Then to Cooper, Rusty asked, “Can you take me home?”

“Sure, but do you think its ok to leave him in this condition?”

“I’ve seen him worse. Gina’s going to bring him home. Scott’s a big boy.”

“I’m a big boy with a big DICK!” Scott announced and they laughed at him.

“I’m leaving now, Scott.”

“Ok Bro.”

“Don’t drink anymore or you won’t be able to get it up.”

“Fuck, it’s up NOW! Wanna see?” Scott reached for his zipper.

“Scott, I don’t want to see your dick.”

“Do you want to see my dick?” Scott asked Cooper in a drunken slur.

Cooper waved him off, “No, but thanks for the offer.” Cooper grinned at Rusty who rolled his eyes.

“We’re outta here,” Rusty said.

“Ok” Scott said and drank from his beer.

Rusty and Coop headed for the door. They walked outside the bar. Rusty put his arm around Cooper as they walked to Cooper’s car. “I feel bad about leaving him like that,” Cooper told Rusty.

“He’s gonna be ok. Gina promised me she’d get him home and I believe her. He’ll be fine.”

“Does he always get so drunk?”

“Sometimes, but not very often. Tonight, he has a reason.”

“Why?” Cooper asked.

Rusty hesitated for a few seconds. “It’s a long story. Ask me again sometime.”

Cooper drove Rusty to his home he shared with Scott. Cooper followed Rusty through the garage and into the house. Once inside, Rusty offered Cooper a beer and he accepted. Rusty returned from the kitchen, two beers in hand and found Cooper sitting on the sofa. He handed an opened beer to him and they drank as Rusty sat down next to Cooper.

“Tell me something,” Rusty began.

“What’s on your mind?”

“When Scott brought you to the table tonight, he whispered something in your ear. What did he say?”

Cooper grinned at Rusty. “He said you said I had a nice ass.”

“That fucker.”

“Did you say that?” Cooper asked.

“Yes. And you do.”

“I have to tell you I’ve heard that before.”

“I’m not surprised.”

Cooper moved closer to Rusty. “Has anyone told you YOU have a nice ass?”


“Ok, fine. But has anyone ever told you that you have a great body to go with that nice ass?” Cooper asked.

“Yes,” Rusty said, smiling at Cooper.

“And are these guys still in your life?”


“Good. Because I want to do something.”

“What do you want to do?”

“This.” Cooper leaned to Rusty and kissed him. It was a quick kiss. Their lips met for a second or two. Then Cooper pulled away, just slightly, gazing into Rusty’s eyes. Rusty leaned to Cooper and resumed the kiss, this time it lasted for several seconds.

“Mmmm, you kiss well,” Rusty told him.


“Now there is something I want to do.”

“What?” Cooper asked.

“Stand up.” Rusty told him. Cooper leaned forward, set his beer on the coffee table and stood.

“Turn around,” Rusty instructed. Cooper turned around and Rusty raised a hand. He put it on Cooper’s round ass and rubbed him there, feeling the hard flesh through his striped baseball pants. “I’ve wanted to do this all night.” His fingers traced along his jock straps. “You’re wearing a jock strap.”

“Yes, most catcher’s do, along with a cup, if their smart.”

“You still have the cup on?”

“No, I took it off after the game. It’s with the rest of my gear in the trunk of my car.”

Rusty continued to rub Cooper’s ass. Then he saw Cooper’s hands move to the front of his pants. Rusty heard him unbutton his pants and the zipper being pulled down. Next, Rusty saw Cooper push his pants down revealing his solid butt. “Oh man!” Rusty whispered as his hands rubbed the two hard globes of flesh which were covered with dark black hair. “That’s fucking awesome.” Rusty said.

Cooper turned around to face Rusty. He grabbed the bottom of his baseball jersey and pulled it over his head. Rusty smiled as Cooper’s broad shoulders, thick arms, well defined chest and tapered torso came into view. There was a small patch of dark hair between his pectoral muscles, which where capped with nickle-sized nipples each surrounded by a thin line of dark hair. His chest stood out almost an inch from his lower body. Below, Cooper was hairless, except for a swoop of hair around his navel and which disappeared into his jock strap. His stomach was round and yet flat at the same time. Cooper took off his shirt and then fished his cap out of it and replaced it on his head.

“You are so sexy!” Rusty said.

“Thanks. You are sexy, too.”

Then Rusty stood up. He quickly set his beer on the table next to Cooper’s. He pulled Cooper to him and kissed him hard, their lips meshed together and pulled on themselves. Rusty felt Cooper’s breath on his mouth. It drove him wild. He felt Cooper’s hot flesh with his hands and arms as he held Cooper tightly. Next, he felt Cooper pulling on his shirt and allowed him to unbutton his shirt and strip it from his body. It fell to the floor next to Cooper’s.

Rusty stood over Cooper by three inches, looking down on the man’s stocky body. He attacked Cooper’s neck, sucking and biting him there. Then up to his chin, tracing his tongue to Cooper’s chin and explored the cleft which divided it into two distinct halves. His tongue grazed over Coop’s one day-old beard stubble and it sent waves of pleasure throughout his body.

Cooper dove his head to Rusty’s chest and engulfed his left nipple, passing his tongue over the engorged tip. He ran his hands over Rusty’s muscled back. Rusty ran his hand down Cooper’s toned stomach and shoved it into the man’s jock. There he found Cooper’s erect cock throbbing with desire. Cooper gasped with pleasure.

Then Rusty pulled away from Cooper. They two men simultaneously reached for their beers. They drank while looking at each other and both gasped as the cool beer ran down their throats.

Next, Rusty reached out and grasped Cooper’s hand in his own. “Follow me.” Rusty said.

“Certainly,” Cooper replied. Rusty led Cooper to his bedroom. Once they were inside the room, Rusty closed the door. He kissed Cooper passionately and while doing so, pushed him so Cooper fell onto the bed. Rusty kneeled down before Cooper who sat up quickly. Rusty pulled Cooper’s pants down to his ankles, pausing only to pull his shoes off before removing his pants completely. Next, he spread Cooper’s legs as they hung over the bed and shoved his face into Cooper’s crotch. Cooper fell back on the bed and placed a hand on the back of Rusty’s head. He ground Rusty’s face into his crotch. “Ahhh yeah, suck my jock.” Cooper whispered.

Rusty sucked and pulled on Cooper’s jock, feeling the hard flesh it contained. He reached under the straps and grabbed Cooper’s nuts. Rusty massaged the huge, hairy balls and then, pulled Cooper’s uncircumcised cock out of the side of the pouch. Cooper’s cock head remained half-way sheathed in its skin. Rusty licked the precum from the piss slit. Cooper moaned in appreciation.

Next, Rusty grabbed the wide waistband of the jock and pulled it down, exposing Cooper’s six inch, and thick dick. It sprung over and landed on Cooper’s stomach and then held itself suspended over his flat belly. Rusty removed Cooper’s jock, tossing it over his shoulder. He held Cooper’s cock and pulled the foreskin down to reveal a huge, plum shaped head. Rusty took Cooper’s cock into his mouth and sucked on the head and played with his foreskin. He ran his hands over Coop’s taught stomach and played with his nipples.

After a few minutes, Rusty stood up and took his off his clothes. All of a sudden Rusty heard noises from outside his room. He silently quieted Cooper with a finger to his own lips and they listened. They heard muffled giggles of laughter and then Scott’s bedroom door closed. “Scott is home.” Rusty said as he pulled his pants off and tossed them aside. “I have to admit I feel better knowing he is here.”

“I can make you feel even better,” Cooper said.

He sat up and grabbed Rusty’s briefs, pulling them down. He looked at Rusty’s seven inch cock and reached out to touch it. He grasped Rusty’s dick and slowly pumped it as he leaned to him and they kissed. Then he licked Rusty’s neck and licked his earlobes. He kissed and licked his way down Rusty’s body pausing to suck on his nipples. Next, he lowered his head and took Rusty’s cock into his mouth. He sucked on the glans and flicked his tongue around the shaft and then, down to Rusty’s nuts. Cooper licked and sucked on them while Rusty’s cock rested on his face.

Rusty pushed Cooper on the bed and rolled him over onto his stomach. Rusty slid between his legs and massaged Cooper’s ass. “Damn, I love feeling your ass!” Rusty exclaimed.

Cooper looked back at him. “Want to feel it from the inside?”

“Hell yes!” Rusty said. He spread himself behind Cooper and moved his lips to Cooper’s butt. Starting just above his balls, Rusty ran his tongue up and into Cooper’s crack which hugged his tongue tightly. He flicked his tongue into the thick hair there, licking and kissing him all the way to the base of Cooper’s spine and then, down, pushing his tongue into the deep, hairy crevice. Cooper tried to open his legs but Rusty held them closed. He loved the feeling Cooper’s thick ass cheeks against his tongue. Rusty licked to where Cooper was hairyest, right at his opening. He parted the hair with his tongue and probed the tight ring.

Cooper moaned and tossed his head back. He grasped the mattress with both hands and moved his hips around slowly, feeling Rusty’s tongue pressing to gain entrance. Finally, Rusty released Cooper who spread his legs. Rusty pushed his entire mouth and nose into Cooper’s crack. “Ah yes, Rusty!” Cooper whispered to him.

A few minutes went by and Rusty pleasured Cooper. Then he sat up and kneeled between Cooper’s legs. Cooper looked back and watched over his shoulder as Rusty moved his cock to Cooper’s butt. The hot flesh of Rusty’s hard dick pushed into his ass, probing his opening and Rusty laid his entire cock between those luscious, rounds, hard, hairy mountains. Rusty thrusted his cock up and down as Cooper clenched.

Soon, Rusty leaned down onto Cooper. He whispered in his ear. “Ready?”

Cooper turned his head to Rusty and they kissed. “Yeah, I’m ready. Do it.”

Rusty got up on his knees and reached into the table by the bed. He produced a small vial of lubricant and spread some on his hard cock. Cooper lifted his hips, keeping his broad, muscled shoulders and head on the bed. He grasped the mattress again in both hands, spread his legs and relaxed. Rusty grabbed his cock and aimed it for Cooper’s hairy opening. Again, he parted the thick, jet black hair growing around Cooper’s asshole with his cock and pushed. His cock slipped down and pushed against Cooper’s nuts. Rusty repositioned himself and pushed. Same thing happened.

“You ok back there?” Cooper asked jokingly.

“Sorry, it’s sort of slippery.” Rusty replied.

Cooper moved his knees further apart and Rusty grasped his cock just behind the head. He pushed again and this time, his dick head slipped in, only about a half-inch. He froze, not wanting to lose ground. He thrusted his hips and punched the entire head into Cooper.

“YES!” Cooper gasped.

Rusty pushed again and another two inches disappeared into Cooper’s stretched hole.

“Wait.” Cooper said. Rusty looked at Cooper. He was grimacing while grasping the mattress even tighter. Then his face relaxed. “Ok, ok,” Cooper said. “Give me the rest of it, now.”

Rusty grabbed Cooper’s hips. He slowly inched three more inches of cock into the Cooper’s tight opening. He pulled back until just the head remained clasped by Cooper’s ring. Then he thrusted one more time and all seven inches of his cock slipped easily into Cooper who grunted like an animal.

“Ah fuck! Fucking hell, your cock feels good in there.”

“Damn, you are TIGHT!” Rusty said.

“Don’t stop now, man. Fuck me, Rusty.”

Rusty started out slowly, easing his cock in and out of Cooper’s tight entrance. Occasionally, he looked down to watch his cock stretching the handsome man’s delicious ass. However, he more enjoyed watching Cooper’s muscled body reacting under him. Cooper’s shoulder’s bulged; his biceps and triceps bulged also, holding onto the bed. The muscles in his back flexed and relaxed. His meaty ass clinched tightly around Rusty’s cock. Faster now, in and out, harder, more determined. His balls bounced under him, sometimes colliding with Cooper’s big nuts.

From somewhere, far off it seemed, he heard Scott cry out. Immediately, he knew why. Back now, to the man under him. Rusty’s cock was immensely hard, being held almost captive by Cooper’s tight ass. Then Cooper shifted under him. Rusty rolled with Cooper, keeping his cock buried in the man. On their sides now, Rusty grabbed Cooper’s thick leg and pulled it up to Cooper’s chest, grinding his cock deeper and deeper with each thrust.

Cooper grunted and groaned, called out Rusty’s name and urged him to continue. Rusty kissed and licked Cooper’s back, tasting his sweat and feeling his muscles contracting. Faster now, he drove his cock into the vise grip formerly known as Cooper’s asshole. Rusty reached around Cooper and grabbed onto his cock. Cooper was completely hard and Rusty felt the foreskin moving against the hard flesh under it. Rusty felt his balls pulling up and his cock growing even harder. He knew he was close to shooting a huge load in Cooper’s ass. However, Cooper then pushed Rusty over onto his back. Rusty’s cock slipped from him as Cooper rolled onto Rusty. He grabbed Rusty’s long hard cock and held it perpendicular to Rusty’s body. Cooper positioned his feet on either side of Rusty’s torso and with one easy motion, squatted down on Rusty’s cock, as if getting ready to receive a pitch. Rusty remembered his thought from earlier in the evening and smiled.

Cooper put his hands on Rusty’s chest and held himself over Rusty, easing himself up and down while tossing his head back. Cooper’s cock thumped on Rusty’s hard stomach.

Then, Cooper looked down at Rusty and their eyes met. “Fuck me. Fuck me, Rusty.” he said, gasping. “Goddamn, you’re good.”

“You’re so tight, Cooper. Ah man, I’m gonna come.” Rusty lifted his head some and Cooper leaned to him. They kissed. For several minutes, they sucked and licked each other’s lips, chin, cheeks, earlobes, eyes, foreheads and tongues. They tasted each other’s sweat and it drove them wild.

“Come inside me, Rusty. Shoot your huge, hot load inside me. I want to feel you come inside me.”

Rusty grabbed Cooper’s thick arms. He held onto Cooper tightly and shoved his cock deep into him. His body tensed like a twisted rubber band and then all of a sudden, Rusty felt his entire body seize up as a massive orgasm racked his soul. Cooper met Rusty’s up thrust. Rusty shot his hot load deep into Cooper. Over and over and over and over, he came, hoping it would never end. Then all of a sudden, Rusty relaxed. Still, his cock throbbed in Cooper’s ass, emptying his nuts of all available sperm. Cooper continued to rock back and forth on Rusty, feeling his cock throbbing inside him until Rusty was done. Cooper laid on Rusty, kissing and licking his lips, while Rusty’s chest heaved under him until, finally, Rusty kissed him back. Then, very slowly, Cooper rolled off of Rusty and laid beside the man. He kissed Rusty’s chest.

“Awesome,” Rusty whispered. “That was fucking awesome.”

After a few minutes, Cooper moved up and over Rusty. His cock was hard. Rusty took the uncut cock Cooper offered him into his mouth. He sucked Coopers cock, feeling the foreskin with his tongue while Cooper’s balls banged on his chin. Cooper fucked Rusty’s face for several minutes before shoving his entire cock deep into Rusty’s willing mouth. The huge head pushed into Rusty’s throat, almost choking him. He relaxed his mouth around the thick dick. Cooper grunted over him and while Rusty had the head in his throat. Cooper came, shooting his hot wad right down Rusty’s throat.

Cooper fell onto the bed and Rusty rolled with him, keeping Cooper’s softening cock in his mouth. He laid his head on Cooper’s slightly hairy stomach and suckled his cock for ten minutes before releasing it from his lips. He continued to suck and kiss Cooper’s sheathed cock head while Cooper ran his hands through Rusty’s hair. Soon, they fell asleep.

About fifteen minutes later, the door to Rusty’s room opened. Scott looked in and saw the two men were naked and asleep. Rusty had his head on Cooper’s stomach not far from his crotch. Scott grinned and chuckled once silently to himself. Satisfied Rusty was ok, he closed the door. Scott went back to his room and told Gina it was time for her to leave.


The next morning Scott, dressed for work, knocked on Rusty’s bedroom door. There was no answer so he slowly opened it. The bed was empty and a light was on in Rusty’s bathroom. He walked to the bathroom and saw Rusty standing naked in front of the vanity, rubbing shaving cream on his face.

“Hey.” Rusty said to Scott’s image in the mirror.

“Coop leave already?” Scott asked.

“Yes.” Rusty said as he began shaving.

“Is that his cap you’re wearing?”

Rusty blushed. “Yes. He gave it to me. Said he has many more.” He shrugged. “I like it.”

“Are you going to wear it all day at work?”

“I was thinking about it, but I’ll probably take it off in the car.”

Scott walked to Rusty and stood behind him, watching Rusty shave. In a quiet voice, he said. “Rusty, last night, I heard you guys.”

“I heard you, too.” Rusty told him.

“No, wait, you don’t understand.”

“What do you mean?” Rusty asked.

“I was just making sure you were ok.”

“What are you trying to say?”

Scott moved closer to Rusty. “I looked in on you guys, you know, afterwards.”

“You did WHAT?”

“I opened your bedroom door and looked in to make sure you were ok.”

“Why the hell did you do that?”

Scott looked at Rusty. “Think about “last” time.”

“Oh.” Rusty’s half face not covered with shaving cream blushed with embarrassment.

“I’m sorry, man, I don’t mean to get into your business, but I had to make sure.”

Rusty looked at Scott. “Scott, I appreciate what you did but Coop isn’t like that. He’s a nice guy.”

“I know. I know. Well, actually I don’t know him very well but yeah, he seems like a nice guy. I just had to make sure.”

“Scott,” Rusty began, “Thanks. I appreciate you looking out for me. But I’m fine. Cooper is a great guy.”

“That’s what the guy’s say about him, too.”

“What? You didn’t?”

“Yes, I did. I just wanted to make sure he’s not…you know….”

Rusty sighed. “He’s not.”

Scott nodded. “Can I ask you something?”

“I don’t know. Depends on what you want to ask.”

“Last night….with Coop, did you…..I mean, ummmm, did he….?”

“Fuck me?”

“Yeah, did he?” Scott asked.

“No, I…did him.”

Scott was grinning now. “That explains it.”

“Explains what?”

“I thought I heard you, you know….like the earth moved.”

“It did.”

“No shit? He was that good, huh?”

“NO *I* was that good.”

“You fucking stud!”

“So, while we’re talking about last night…how was Gina?” Rusty asked.

Scott thought for a second, “Sloppy,” he replied.

“Sloppy? What does that mean?”

“Sloppy, you know, easy to get into, easy to get out of.”

“Oh, you mean, like used goods.”


“Well, maybe I shouldn’t say this, and you have to swear not to repeat it.”


“Cooper is definitely not sloppy.”


“No, not cool. HOT!”

“That’s good, Bro. I got to get to work, it’s late.”

“See you, later, Bro,” Rusty said.

“Yeah, you too.” Scott said and left.


All characters and story copyright 2004


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