An Erotic Tale Ch. 06

A gay story: An Erotic Tale Ch. 06 This story is a continuation from the series “An Erotic Tale”. To get a better understanding of these characters, it is best to read the previous 5 instalments in the series.

This story is fictional and for entertainment purposes only.

Remember, knowledge is power! Educate yourself. Always practice safe sex!

I found myself standing on the doorstep of Mike’s house ringing the buzzer…

Since the break-in and discovery of Jeremy’s pursuit of my boyfriend a week ago, we hadn’t really spoken much. Mike would text me every day asking if I was ok, and I would reply via text. That was about the sum total of our communication.

In the past week, I had been busy making the necessary changes to my apartment as well. I had hired a security firm to install an alarm system as well as a security gate on my balcony door. So almost three grand later, I felt safer in my home — almost. The only issue still weighing heavily on my mind — besides the psychotic stalker, was the discord between Mike and me.

So here I found myself standing on his doorstep waiting for him to open the door…


The door swung open to reveal Mike standing there with a look of surprise on his handsome face. He was barefoot, wearing faded Levi’s that hugged his hips and ass lovingly, and a well-worn white T-shirt that had seen better days.

Staring at him, I felt my heart give a little skip. I had missed him terribly this past week. Shame and guilt crowded my chest while we stood there staring at each other. I had done this to us. I was the reason we hadn’t seen or spoken to each other in a week. My irrational need for independence had driven a wedge between us that I hoped was not too big to bridge again.

All my life I had had no one to depend on besides myself; wishing I would find someone willing to share my joys and sorrows with — who would shoulder some of life’s ups and downs. And now standing before me was that person I had longed for, and what did I do at the first opportunity? I pushed and pushed wanting ‘independence’ when all along my independence laid in the security of our relationship with this man who loved me unconditionally.

God, I was such a fucking idiot!

“Carson? I wasn’t expecting you.”

I could hear the hesitancy and shock in Mike’s voice, and it made me cringe slightly. Again it reminded me that I was the reason for this awkwardness.

“Hey, um, could I maybe come inside?”

That seemed to jolt Mike back into reality. Hastily stepping back inside, he motioned for me to enter before he closed the door.

Feeling even more awkward now that I was inside, I shoved my hands into the front pockets of my jeans and hunched my shoulders slightly.

“We, um… I need to talk to you. Is this a good time or –”

“No, no this is good.” Mike hurriedly interjected. “Let’s go through to the kitchen. I think we can both do with a beer.”

Nodding I followed him down the foyer into the kitchen. I couldn’t help my eyes straying to the tight ass beautifully cupped by the denim moving enticingly in front of me. A whole week without Mike seemed like a year.

I moved to sit on one of the kitchen stools at the counter, while Mike reached into the fridge and extracted two cold beers. After twisting the cap off both, he handed me one before moving back to lean against the opposite counter. I could feel him staring at me as we sipped our beers but I kept my eyes focused on the bottle resting in my hands.

Finally I looked up.

“I missed you,” I whispered so softly, and I wondered if Mike had heard me. From the slight widening of his eyes, I knew that he had, and that he had not been expecting me to say that.

“I missed you too baby.”

I nodded, but remained seated even though every part of me screamed to go to him and feel his arms around me.

“I’ve been doing a lot of thinking this past week. Firstly I wanted to apologize for my reaction the last time we spoke.”

I shook my head and held up my hand as I saw Mike was about to object. “No, let me finish first.” Even though I knew he wanted to say something, Mike subsided against the counter once again and motioned for me to proceed.

Taking a deep breath and a fortifying sip for courage, I continued.

“I acted like an ass last week. The whole break-in, as well as the Jeremy thing was not handled well. I reacted in a knee-jerk way, when I should have let you explain first. That is on me, and I am sorry I caused this rift between us.”

I took another sip of my beer, placed it on the counter, before moving to stand in front of Mike.

“All my life I’ve only had myself to rely on. Being orphaned at such a young age, and then being moved from foster home to the next has jaded me a bit I guess. I learned that nothing lasts forever, and the only person you can depend on is yourself.

I guess that is what I’ve been doing with us as well. I was worried that because this — us, fell perfectly into place and seemed to be the stuff fantasies are made off, it wasn’t real. I expected it to end soon, and may have subconsciously been sabotaging us. And when this Jeremy thing popped up it was like the perfect excuse I needed.

But that’s not what I want anymore. I want us to be real. I want this asshole to leave me the fuck alone. And I want Jeremy to realise that he had his chance and he fucked it up and that you belong to me now.”

Throughout my speech, Mike had been staring at me. I could see that his body was tensed, and as I finally finished my monologue, he straightened, placed his beer on the counter next to him and pulled me into his arms.

I went willingly. Allowing my arms to creep around his waist and hold on for dear life. Jesus how I missed this; the feel, the scent and more importantly the love I could feel pouring off Mike. I closed my eyes and held on wishing this moment would never end.

“You little shit. God, don’t you know that you are it for me? There’s no one else that can compare to you. It’s been hell trying to keep from going to you this week. I had to satisfy myself with fucking text messages. Do you have any clue how much I hate goddamn texting?!”

The horror in Mike’s voice when he spoke about texting was just too much for me. I felt the laughter bubble up, and then I was holding onto Mike for an entirely different reason — so I didn’t fall flat on my ass with laughter. Before long Mike had joined me, and we both sounded like a couple of loons standing in the kitchen cackling.

As our laughter finally subsided, I looked up into Mike’s face. Smiling softly, I turned my face up to his, intent on reaching his lips with my own. Mike leaned down, and just as our lips were about to touch, I whispered, “I love you, Mike”

Mike stilled for a second before he too whispered “I love you baby, and don’t you ever forget that.”

Our lips met and it was like coming home after years of being absent. The familiarity and comfort that kiss generated almost brought me to my knees.

Mike pulled me closer against his body as his lips plundered mine. He nipped and licked the seam of my lips, before sliding his tongue into the welcoming warmth of my mouth. Our tongues met and danced across each other, as the kissed deepened, became more erotic. Our hands began an exploration of the others body as our mouths played out its lustful battle for dominance.

As we pulled apart, our chests heaved from exertion. My body was straining the confines of the clothing, and I wanted nothing more than to press my naked body against Mike’s and enjoy him. But I knew that there was still too much unresolved between us, and we needed this time to sort things out before we rushed back into the mindless pleasure we would no doubt find in Mike’s bed.

Stepping back out of his reach, I moved back to the counter to collect my beer. I turned and glanced at Mike over my shoulder.

“There’s still a lot to talk about. Let’s get that over with before things get any more heated up.”

Mike’s left eyebrow arched a bit and a slight smirk appeared on his mouth but he nodded in agreement. He reached over to collect his own forgotten beer, before following me out into the living room.

I sat down on the sofa while Mike took possession of the recliner.

“Tell me about Jeremy. And how was I oblivious to these calls?”

I could see Mike would rather talk about anything else besides Jeremy, but I also knew he would answer. He wanted things to be right between us as much as I did.

“It started soon after he returned from his little trip. Apparently things didn’t go as he had planned, so he thought I would welcome him back with open arms. He would call about 3 or 4 times a week, wanting me to have dinner with him ‘just to talk’. He said he wanted to apologise for the way he left our relationship. I told him I wasn’t interested in his bullshit and I had moved on. Obviously he took that as some challenge to try and get me back.”

I listened quietly throughout, even though I really had to contain myself from asking if I had been the rebound guy.

“The reason you didn’t know about the calls, apart from the fact that I was an ass and hid it from you, was that he mostly called the bar at night, when he knew I would most likely be in the office. And me in my infinite fucked up wisdom thought I would be able to deal with it without you ever having to find out about him. They say hindsight is 20/20, and I guess that is true. If I had known how this would blow up in my face, I would have told you about Jeremy a lot sooner.”

Smiling over at Mike, I nodded my head. I could understand now that I had all the facts. Wasn’t it exactly what I had done to Mike about Ron? How could I be a hypocrite and punish Mike for doing exactly the same thing I had done?

“I guess we both should have trusted the other more. ”

Mike stared at me for a long time before he replied, “Yeah I guess we should have.”

“The night of the break-in, he called you on your cell. I thought he only called you at work.” Mike cleared his throat, before taking a hefty swallow from his beer bottle.

“He used to only call at the office. That first night you came into my office; that was him on the phone.”

Wracking my brain, trying to think back on to that night I went to thank Mike for the flowers. I was so nervous I don’t think I heard much of the conversation, but I do remember hearing him talking on the phone while I approached his office door.

“So when did he start calling on your cell?”

“It was just after we had run into him at the restaurant. I guess he didn’t believe me when I told him I was seeing someone else. Seeing you, he must have realised that I was serious about being over him.”

I could understand now why Jeremy had redoubled his efforts. He must have known that I would question who was calling Mike so often, hoping to unbalance our relationship somehow. If only he knew that he had almost succeeded!

Another thought struck me. If what Mike said was true, and I had no reason to doubt him, could Jeremy be jealous enough to want to hurt me? Could he maybe have known about me longer than he let Mike believe?

“Mike, er, about Jeremy.”

Mike must have noticed my discomfort, because he straightened in his seat.

“What is it?” I could see worry etching his brow.

“Do you think it could be a coincidence that I have this stalker after me, and Jeremy is playing the jealous bitch? Do you think it’s possible that he could be behind the gifts and the attack?” I could see the wheels turning in Mike’s mind; fitting the puzzle of my stalker into the timeline of Jeremy’s attempts to rekindle their relationship.

“Jesus, I never even thought about it before. Do you think — ”

Mike broke off shaking his head at whatever he was about to say.

“No Carson, I don’t think it could be Jeremy. At least I think he would have more sense than to do something this stupid. I’ve known him for a long time, and even though he can be petty and childish, I can’t see him being this vindictive.”

Mike was scowling, staring down at the carpet.

“Shit! I can’t take that chance — I won’t take this chance, not with your life. We’ll call the detective first thing in the morning and ask him to check out Jeremy just to be sure.”

I could see Mike was having a hard time with this. He stood up and walked over to the patio door staring out into the darkness. I could see his face reflected off the glass and the concern clouding his features.

I got up from my own seat and went and stood behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and propping my chin onto his shoulder. His hands came up and rested lightly on my clasped hands. We stood there for a few minutes in silence.

“I had an alarm system and security gate installed in my apartment.”

At first Mike didn’t move or speak, and then he slowly nodded his head once. I was surprised by his lack of reaction. I expected him to praise the fact that I had done the sensible thing to ensure my safety, but just a nod I was not expecting.

Disentangling my arms from around his waist, I turned him to face me.


He looked down at me, but didn’t say anything. He turned and moved back into the living room, sitting down on the edge of the sofa. He hung his head and used the thumb and index finger of his right hand to press into his eyes, as though trying to rub the weariness out of it.

I crossed over and stood in front of him.

“Mike, what’s wrong?”

Looking up at me, I was surprised to see anger in his eyes.

“What do you want me to say Carson? ‘Well done baby, great job of protecting yourself from the lunatic stalking your ass. Let’s hope the alarm patrol company get to you quick enough before the crazy man with the knife cuts you’. Because if that’s what you were expecting then you in for a serious disappointment.”

Ok so sarcasm so does not become Mike!

“What the hell do you want from me Mike? Just do nothing until he decides to show his next hand. I am not going to sit around fucking twiddling my thumbs while this asshole toys with me.”

Ok so I was getting pissed now as well. What the hell did Mike want from me? Why was everything always a fucking issue or fight?

“What I want is for you to move in here like I asked you million times before. We both know that if he does manage to find out where you are staying, there are two of us to deal with as oppose to just you. Why must you always overcomplicate things Carson? Just for once suck in your goddamn pride and let someone else help you.”

Fuck! We were back to the issue that started the conflict between us in the first place — besides Jeremy of course. I knew Mike wanted to protect me, but I also knew that running and hiding wouldn’t solve anything.

Once again we were at a stand-off. I could feel the anger and frustration billowing off Mike in waves and honestly I wasn’t too far off from those feelings myself.

I wanted Mike to understand and realise that if we weren’t a couple, and I was being pursued by an anonymous threat, I wouldn’t have him to run to; I would be fending for myself with the help of the police. And I understood too, that I did have Mike, and we were in a relationship, but that didn’t mean he could realistically fix every one of my problems.

I knew Mike was offering his help, wanting to share the burden. I understood and appreciated this about Mike, but something deep down was telling me that the only way to catch this person threatening me was to make myself seem accessible. If I was to hold up in Mike’s house for an indefinite time, who was to say this maniac would ever surface?

I knew I was playing a dangerous game, but I also knew our best chance of catching this asshole was to function like normal, letting him know I was on guard, but also that I wasn’t totally inaccessible to him. This may be the stupidest thing I have ever done in my life — and I might not live through it to regret it, but intrinsically my gut was telling me to let this game play out.

“I know what you’re saying Mike, and believe me I know the risks, but my gut is telling me I’m doing the right thing. I know you think I’m being stupid and irresponsible, but have you ever felt so strongly about something that it was like it was a tangible part of you?”

Mike was staring at me like I had completely lost it.

“Look I know you want to do what you think is best for me and Jesus so do i. I don’t want this fucker hurting me or anyone more than he already has, but I need you to believe that I know what’s best for me. I need your support and understanding more than ever now.”

I knew I sounded like I was begging, but I didn’t care. I wanted Mike’s help, but I also wanted this shit-assed situation to come to an end. I could see the struggle on his face; part wanting to throw me over his shoulder and lock me in his bedroom, and part wanting to agree to what I was asking.

“Goddammit, you’re going to make me grey before I hit 40.”

I let the breath out I didn’t even know I’d been holding.

“But before I agree to anything, I want to set some conditions. ”

Now it was my time to look wearily at Mike. I nodded for him to continue.

“Firstly, anything remotely seeming like a threat to you physically and you pack your bags and get your ass over here immediately. Secondly, anymore attempts at a break-in and the same apply. Lastly, so much as a bad feeling about someone looking sideways or staring too long at you, you let me or the detectives know immediately. Do I make myself clear?”

Knowing when I was beat, I promised, and basically sealed my fate.

Mike stood up and walked over to me. Pulling me into his arms, he buried his face in my neck and just held on tight. We stood like that for a while before Mike turned and led me from the room.

I followed him to his bedroom. He turned and closed the door before leading me to the bed. I could feel my heart pounding in anticipation of what was to come. It felt like our first time all over again.

I placed my hands on his waist and his lips met mine halfway. The kiss was soft and erotic, before quickly escalating to hot and lustful. Our tongues reached out and teased, before slipping inside wet and eager.

I felt his cock rubbing against mine through the denims, and I quickly reached the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head. Running my hands over the hard ridges and planes of Mike’s chest made me desperate to feel his hard cock in me.

We grappled with each other’s clothes, until we were both blissfully naked. I reclined on the bed, as Mike came over me, kissing and biting my neck as I ran my hands all over his body.

“Please, Mike, don’t make me wait any longer.”

Reaching inside his bedside drawer, he withdrew the lube.

“Turnover baby — I want you on your hands and knees.” I immediately scrambled to obey, aching to feel Mike’s length sliding deep into me.

I waited for the feel of his fingers coated in the lube, but jumped when I felt his tongue swipe across my hole instead. I dropped my head onto the bed and moaned. Over and over his tongue lashed my hole, making me squirm for more.

When I started begging, Mike held my hips firmly in his hands before driving his tongue deep into my passage.

I cried out. Oh God, it felt fantastic as he tongue fucked my ass. Sucking and biting the puckered hole, before forcing his tongue deep inside. I writhed as his tongue threaded into me, making my cock jump and twitch, dripping with precum.

Soon he was withdrawing, only to replace his tongue with a two fingers and then three. It burned a little, but I was so wet from his tongue that his fingers slid right inside me.

I heard the lid of the lube being opened and then the coldness of the gel being spread between my butt cheeks.

“Oh God Mike, that feels so good,” I whimpered in need.

I felt Mike place kisses all over my lower back, while his fingers worked to stretch me. He worked my tight passage, searching out and massaging my little pleasure spot, before spearing his fingers apart — stretching the tight ring of muscle.

I spread my legs further apart, lowering my torso so that my chest rested against the sheets. This allowed Mike’s fingers deeper penetration.

“Now Mike, now!”

He lined the head of his cock up with my hole. With a grunt, his cockhead breached my entrance. Mike stopped to allow my body to stretch around his size, before thrusting further into me.

“Fuck baby, you look so beautiful all stretched around me.”

All I could do was moan into the bedding, and grip the sheets as Mike rode me nice and rough. I was begging Mike to fuck me harder. He complied and sound of damp flesh meeting damp flesh was filling the room.

With every thrust inside me, Mike was hitting my prostrate and I could feel my orgasm building. I reached underneath me to stroke my cock, but Mike slapped my hands away.

“Jesus Mike, you’re gonna kill me.”

Mike let out a low laugh, but increased his pace, changing his angle slightly. It now felt like he was rubbing directly on the nut inside me, the friction so intense that it left me feeling raw. It felt like my sperm was boiling in my balls, wanting to explode from the pressure.

“Come for me baby,” Mike ground out.

I closed my eyes and focused the pleasure, willing my orgasm on. A tight slap on my ass made me jump, but that triggered my release.

“Ah Mike, ah — Aaahhh!” I moaned as my cock spasmed and cum shot from my cock in short hot spurts. I felt as though I would never stop coming, as my body clenched and spasmed in time with my orgasm.

Behind me, I felt Mike thrust hard and deep into me as my channel squeezed his dick, and he roared in rapture as he in turn blasted me with hot spunk.

We both collapsed on the bed, panting with exertion and satisfaction. I felt my ass clench in reflex, as Mike’s softening penis slipped from my body in a rush of sticky fluid.

“That,” I panted, “was absolutely, fucking amazing.”

I felt Mike’s chest rumble with laughter, as he moved to lie next to me. Turning on my side, I looked over to see him lying on his back with his eyes closed with a grin on his face.

Smug bastard! But I couldn’t help smiling myself.


The following two weeks were relatively normal. Mike seemed to want to sleep over a lot, but I didn’t really mind, even though I knew what he was really doing.

We had spoken to the detective about our suspicions about Jeremy, and the detective was looking into the matter. It seemed that Jeremy had an alibi for the night of the attack, but they were still checking the night of the break-in and the possibility of him sending the anonymous gifts.

Mike had made it clear to Jeremy that he wanted nothing more to do with him. Their relationship had been over since he’d decided that he wanted a sugar daddy more than he wanted a real partner. So far we hadn’t heard or seen from Jeremy. I secretly hoped that it was him who had been harassing me. I knew that if it was and we couldn’t prove he’d attacked me, he would get of scot free. But on the other hand, I wanted it to be him so that this whole sordid mystery could finally be laid to rest.

I was tired of constantly looking over my shoulder; being on guard wherever I went. And even though I was glad Mike and I were back on track, I couldn’t help feeling stifled by his constant concern.

To top everything off, Mandy was slightly perturbed with me as I hadn’t been spending much time with her lately. Apparently she had met a new guy that she was dying for me to meet.

On the Wednesday evening I was supposed to meet Mandy’s guy, I couldn’t seem to get out of the office. It seemed that half the office was out sick with flu, and the work had to be redistributed so the rest of us were carrying twice our normal workloads.

I finally managed to leave, but it was almost 7pm. I had called Mike earlier to let him know I would be working late, and made me promise I would call him when I was leaving the office. I waved to the others that were still sitting at their desks as I walked through the office towards the lifts. As I waited for the lift, I chatted with a colleague who had joined me on his way out as well. We rode the lift down, and left the building, before parting ways outside.

As I walked to wards the parking lot, I glanced around (which has become a habit now), taking in my surroundings and looking for anything suspicious. Seeing nothing alarming, I continued to my car, deactivating the alarm, before stowing my briefcase in the trunk.

As I glanced up, before sliding into the driver’s seat, I noticed a man standing outside the entrance of the building I had just exited.

He had on what looked like a work uniform, and a peak cap pulled low over his face. But that is not what troubled me. What bothered me was the fact that he was just standing there, staring straight at me, oblivious to everything around him.

There was something vaguely familiar about him, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. In that instant, I just knew that I was staring at the man that had been harassing me for the past months, and I knew that ready or not, this was going to end tonight one way or the other.

As I stood transfixed, he started walking towards me. As he closed the distance between us, I knew that I had only a few seconds to react. I reached inside my pocket as unobtrusively as possible, taking my cell out and hitting the redial button.

I knew I needed to let Mike know where I was and what was happening in case this all went south faster than a hooker’s knickers on a busy night.

As he approached me, I noticed the blade he had in his hand, and my heart started pounding as I felt the blood rushing to me head.

At the same time I heard Mike answer the phone through the speaker, and with as little movement as possible, I dropped the phone onto the driver’s seat.

“Carson, are you there…” I could hear coming faintly through phone, and hoped like hell the guy standing three feet from me with the wicked looking switchblade couldn’t hear it as well.

Now I know you must be thinking, why the fuck didn’t I just get into the car and drive away, but the simple answer is… I’m an idiot! Well that and the fact that I was not going to turn tail like a pussy and run from this douche bag — no matter how fucking scared I am right now.

I wanted this over with, and instinctively I knew he did to, or why would he bother showing himself like this in a public place (well semi-public, because goddammit, where’s another person in a deserted parking lot when you need one?!).

“So you finally decided to do this face to face, instead of sneaking up behind me.”

Ok now I know it’s not wise to taunt a psycho with a blade, but I needed Mike to know what was happening without alerting my attacker that I had made a call on the cell phone.

“A bit of a ballsy move doing in front of my office building where anyone can see you.” God, I hope Mike was hearing this and calling the cops.

He just continued staring at me, which unnerved the shit out of me. He moved his wrist and I saw the blade flash under the lights in the parking area.

His face was still partially shadowed by the peak of the cap, but once again I got the feeling of familiarity. I knew I had seen this man before, and I strained my brain trying to place where.

“What do you want? Why me?”

I was desperate to know what his intentions were. He obviously came prepared to do some damage. He was slightly shorter, but had at least 20 pounds on me, which did not look like flab. He had some muscle under that uniform.

However, I knew that if things got physical, I would at least get some punches in. Growing up as a skinny scared kid in foster homes, knocked about by some of the bigger kids tended to make you know how to take a punch. Added to that, all my time spent in the gym was not just for show. I had some pretty decent workouts with the punching bag, so at least I had that on my side. Hopefully it wouldn’t come to that.

I hoped Mike had figured out what was going down and was on his way with the police in tow. I knew I couldn’t stall him much longer.

At the same time I thought this, a car blasted its horn somewhere down the street. Stupidly, I allowed myself to be momentarily distracted by it, and before I knew what had happened, he was on me.

He launched himself on me, shoving me up against the car. My adrenaline kicked in, and somehow I managed to grab his hand before he could bring the blade down across my cheek.

In the struggle, his cap got knocked aside, and I was finally able to place how I knew him.

No! That thought raced through my head as we struggled for control of the weapon.

How could this be? Why the fuck would he want to hurt me? As far as I could recall, I had done nothing to instigate the violence and hatred he obviously had towards me.

“Fucking whore!” he screamed into my face.

Spittle flew from his mouth and his eyes looked glassy and crazy.

He managed to land a punch on my jaw that dazed me for a second. In the split second I was seeing stars, he rammed his fist into my stomach, making me double over in pain.

It felt like someone had ripped my innards out and then shoved it back inside. I desperately fought back the nausea I felt taking over, as I breathed through the pain. Knowing I couldn’t give in, or he would kill me, I brought me knee up and shoved it as hard as I could manage into his groin.

He howled in pain, clutching himself and in the process dropped the blade. I went for it, but he blocked me, and let rip with his meaty fist into my side. The pain shot into my body and I knew he had managed to break or at least bruise my ribs.

He grabbed me again, and we went crashing onto the hard concrete. As he landed on top of me, I brought my arm back and elbowed him in the face. I heard a crunching sound and felt some satisfaction that I had broken his nose.

“Motherfucker!” he yelled falling against the side of the car holding onto his bleeding nose.

As I scrambled for the weapon, he kicked me, unbalancing me so that I went sprawling back to the ground again. I retaliated with a foot to the chin.

By this point we were both bruised, in pain and bleeding. I knew I couldn’t do this much longer as the blackness was calling to me; a reprieve from the pain.

Finally, I managed to get the blade in my hand, and I turned to see him leaning dazedly against the side of the car, blood pouring from his nose and a slight wobble in his step.

“Don’t move. Just don’t fucking move!” I told him, none too steadily myself.

He looked up to see me brandishing the weapon in my hand.

“What you gonna do with that slut? Seems to me the only weapon you should have is the one’s sticking into your back” he smirked at me, spitting a wad a blood and saliva onto the floor.

The reminder of him stabbing me in front of my apartment had me seeing red. In that instant, I had visions of me stabbing him in the neck repeatedly, as he begged for mercy. A pretty gruesome thought, which I did not know I was capable of having until now. The urge to hurt him was so overwhelmingly, it literally took my breath away.

“You fucking coward. Is that what gets you off? Jumping people from behind because you’re too much of a pussy to take them on face to face?!” I snarled the accusation at him. “What the fuck did I ever do to you crazy asshole? ”

The look he gave me was so full of menace that I actually cringed back slightly. In the distance I could finally and blessedly hear the sound of sirens as they rushed towards us.

“You don’t even know do you? You pretty boys are all the same” He spat another wad of blood for good measure. “Walking around with your head in the air, thinking you’re God’s gift; not caring about who you walk over.”

To be honest I was completely lost. My confusion must have shown on my face because he grunted in disgust before continuing.

“All the times I brought you gifts, but you never even thanked me for them. Just took them and laughed with your friends. You laughed at me; at the fact that I wasn’t sophisticated, or as smart, or as rich as you. But I showed you didn’t I? I showed you what real men do. But no, you had to go whore yourself out, when I was right there in front of your eyes.”

I was honestly in shock. What he was saying was crazy. He really was delusional.

Before either of us could say anything further, the parking lot was filled with police cars, sirens blaring, lights flashing.

Uniform offices rushed forward, weapons drawn. They handcuffed my attacker and led him away. He glanced back, staring at me. The corner of his mouth lifted in a ghost of a smile, and he mouthed, “I’ll be back later”, before the officers shoved him into the back of the police car.

Detective Duncan came running forward, yelling for a medic to attend to me. It was only when he reached down to take the weapon from me, that I realized that I was still clutching the blade in my hands.

“Are you ok Mr Landry? Mr Grayson called and filled us in on the situation.”

I nodded, glancing around expecting Mike to be there.

The detective saw my preoccupation while the medics worked on me. “He will probably be here any minute. Remember we have flashing lights that lets us drive through red robots.”

As if on cue, Mike screeched to a halt behind a police car. The car had barely come to a stop before he was out; ignoring the officer who told him he couldn’t park there.

And then he was next to me, cupping my face, kissing me and not giving a damn who saw us. The detective spoke to the officer who had trailed Mike from his haphazard parking job, reassuring him it was ok.

“My heart stopped when I heard what was happening” Mike whispered into neck. “God, I couldn’t get here fast enough. I called the detective on my way. Jesus, don’t ever do that to me again!”

“I’m sorry, Mike. I all just happened so fast and I reacted as best I could. All I knew is that I needed to let you know where I was. I knew you would get here.”

The detective cleared his throat and we pulled apart.

“I’m sorry to interrupt. I know you want to be alone, but we have some official business to sort out first. Mr Landry, did you perhaps recognise your attacker?” Detective Duncan had taken out his little notebook and pen while he was talking.

I could feel the pain killers the medic had given me taking effect, but I nodded. “Yes, I’ve seen him before. A few times actually. He was the guy that delivered Mike’s gifts at the office.”

“Jesus Christ.” Mike said.

Knowing him as well as I do now, I would bet a months’ salary that this would give him a complex. He’d feel guilty as though this was his entire fault, and I’d probably never get another gift from him again. I sighed as I thought this.

“Did he say anything about why he targeted you?” Detective Duncan asked.

I repeated what he had told me.

“He must have built up some kind of fantasy relationship around you. You receiving all those gifs must have tipped him over the edge and made him believe you were rejecting him.” Duncan explained.

“Either way, I’m glad it’s finally over.” I breathed as I finally allowed the meds to take effect.

Mike leaned down and kissed me before saying he would follow the ambulance to the hospital.


It’s been two months since the incident in the parking lot, and life’s been good so far. My boss was extremely understanding about my situation and the fact that I took another weeks absence from work.

I finally got to meet Mandy’s new guy — although it was a very odd meeting with me lying in a hospital bed and Mandy sobbing in his arms over my poor broken ribs.

Leonard Barnes, aka ‘My Stalker/Attacker’, was tried and convicted for attempted murder, breaking and entering, and a list of other charges. He was going away for a very, very long time.

Now Mike on the other hand. Mike was, well Mike. He went from protective Mother Hen to broody and guilt-ridden (as I had predicted), back to overprotective, and now finally settling in to hot stud boyfriend/lover.

I had officially moved into his house two days ago. We were still tripping over each other trying to find a rhythm, but mostly the transition was going smoothly.

Mike was due home from the bar anytime now. He had called earlier to say he was heading home, and I had sprung into action getting everything ready for his surprise.

I was making dinner for us, as a celebration-cum-private house-warming. Dessert was going to be a decadent and gluttonous affair, a sort of christening of our bedroom.

I heard the front door slam, and seconds later Mike was striding into the kitchen. He stopped short and glanced around.

“What’s all this?”

I smiled and went over to plant a wet one on his lips. “It’s just a little private celebration for us.”

We sat down, and dug in. I must admit everything was good, and if I’d had any doubts, Mike made sure I knew how great dinner was. After working together to clear away dinner and set the kitchen to rights, we headed upstairs.

Mike detoured quickly to lock up and set the alarm, before he joined me in the bedroom. He shut the door as he came in and I smiled and beckoned him into the en-suite bathroom.

By the time he joined me, I had the shower going and was halfway naked. His clothes soon joined mine and we were cocooned inside the steamy cubicle.

I leaned in and placed kisses on his neck and chest, nipping his pecs lightly with my teeth. He groaned and pressed closer and I could feel that he was fully aroused.

He reached behind me for the sponge and squirted shower gel on it, working up a lather while I was busy working on his nipples.

I had one caught between my teeth, flicking my tongue against it, while my fingers strummed and teased the other one. He arched his back slightly, and I felt his hand cupping my head, holding me to him.

The other hand holding the sponge slowly tracked its way across my back and shoulders, moving lower to my buttocks.

I released his nipples, and he glided the sponge over my chest and down my arms. He knelt in front of me, washing my legs, but completely ignoring my straining erection which bounced and twitched in front of his face. I groaned in disappointment when he stood up and directed my body under the spray, rinsing the suds off me.

I pressed my body back against him, and felt his cock slip into the space where my legs and buttocks meet. I adjusted the angle so that I could glide myself back and forth on his cock, slippery with water and the soap running off my back.

Mike moaned in my ear, pushing himself harder against me. He thrust like that for a while, while he used his right hand to wrap around my cock. My head rested back on his shoulder while we moved in time to our own music.

As pleasurable as this was, I didn’t want Mike to come like this. I stopped his hand and pulled away from him to reach down for the sponge Mike had dropped. I reached for the gel and lathered the sponge again. It was now Mike’s turn to be washed.

I paid close attention to his nipples and chest as I knew he was very sensitive there. Once I had the rest of his body lathered up, I squeezed the suds from the sponge into my palm. Dropping the sponge, I used both hands to anoint his hungry red pole with the slippery foam.

Mike closed his eyes, let his head fall back into his shoulders and held onto the sides of the cubicle while I slid to my knees before him and went to work.

Up and down I moved my hand, squeezing as I went, cupping his sac, reaching between his legs, up into the dark furrow of his ass. I varied the pressure, sometimes light sometimes tight, always keeping him on edge, never knowing what was coming next.

As the soap washed from his body, I leaned forward and licked at the head, sucking it into my mouth, taking him deep as my fingers searched and played with his secret hole. Taking him to the back of my throat, I swallowed, placing pressure on the head as it lodged deep, moaning around him, making his cock pulse and dance on my tongue.

Mike moaned, and then swore as the feelings got more intense, his climax was building higher, rushing to escape from his tight body. Over and over I took him deep into me, keeping the pressure hard, knowing he would enjoy the darker side of his pleasure, so close to sensual pain.

His hips rotated, picking up the rhythm he used when he fucked me. I could feel his legs shaking, shivering to hold him up and I knew he was close, seconds from shooting into my eager mouth, giving me his salty passion that I loved.

Harder and faster I sucked, licked, jacked him off with my other hand, while all the time teasing his perfect little hole.

Mike was moaning now, louder and louder, urging me to finish it, give him the release he sought, and as I lodged him deep in my throat, I penetrated him, sliding my finger up into that tight passage, searching out and finding his hard little nub, teasing it violently, Mike grabbed my head, forced himself deeper still, and emptied his balls into my waiting throat. Over and over he jetted and pulsed, giving me more than he had ever before, while I waited for his storm to pass.

He sagged back, leaning heavily against the tile wall, his cock slipping from my mouth as I withdrew my hand from his ass.

He looked down at me, and I could see that the fever was still burning in his eyes. He simultaneously reached to lift me up and turn the taps off, and then we were in the bedroom.

Naked and wet, he threw me across the bed before straddling my body. He drew my hands above my head and told me to keep them there, before licking his way from my neck to my cock. He paused to play with my nipples, biting them mercilessly, until I was writhing in ecstasy.

He spread my legs wide, cupped my sac in his hand, sucking it whole into his greedy mouth. My ass, still wet from the shower, glistened in the muted light. His finger stabbed deep, probing, twisting, fucking, before adding another and then another.

I screamed, yelled my excitement. Encouraging his hands to dwell deeper, explore. He let go off my sac, to spit onto his probing fingers, easing their passage even more.

“Yes. Oh God!” I screamed.

Mike was breathing heavy, and I could see that he was fully aroused again. His cock was jutting from his body, the angry head pointing at me. I knew I needed that inside me now.

“Please Mike, I need it. Put it inside me.”

“Yes, I’m going to tear that hole up. Make it so you can’t sit for days.”

Abruptly withdrawing his hand from me, I felt my hole given an involuntary twitch, trying to close itself. Mike reached behind him for the lube, coated his cock, lined himself up with my hole and thrust. A single thrust and he was lodged balls deep inside me. My back arched off the bed and my hands gripped the sheets as the feeling of fullness spread through me.

“Yesss” was all I could moan.

Draping my legs over his shoulders, my ass lifted clear off the bed. The angle forced him even deeper into me and we both gasped at the sensation. He jackhammered into me, so hard and fast, I could barely feel him, except for the friction.

My prostrate screamed in agony so delicious I felt tears sliding down my face. My body was awry with conflicting sensations so intense, my cock exploded into satiation. Creamy fluid coated me, salty and warm, but my cock retained its hardness.

Soon Mike was slowing down, pulling my legs off his shoulder and around his waist, sitting back so I was astride his body.

Staring into his eyes, I began riding him. I held onto his shoulders as I bounced on his cock. Our lips met, open-mouthed, tongues tangling, licking, and sucking. My cock rode between us, rubbing against our stomachs.

“That’s it, fuck my cock baby. Ride it! It’s yours!” Mike spoke into my ears, the guttural sexy words pushing my arousal higher.

I could feel Mike swelling even more inside me, making the ride harder, tighter.

“Oh, oh!” I was moaning like a bitch in heat.

“I’m coming, oh fuck yes, yes! Oh, oh, Fuuckk!!” I yelled into the room, throwing my head back as I shot my load between our bodies, my ass clamping tight like a vise around Mike’s penetrating cock.

“Ohhhhh” Mike groaned as he too coated my insides with his steaming hot sperm.

Spent we fell to the bed, weak, sated and so much in love.


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