An Impromptu Volleyball Connection

A gay story: An Impromptu Volleyball Connection Jessie stepped onto the sand, still out of breath from the run down from his house to the beach. He scans the courts and finds his friend Tony doing some practice serves with another young guy. He smiles and jogs over to say hi to his buddy.

“What’s up stud?” Tony exclaims as he gives Jessie a hug.

Jessie blushes — he’s entirely out and proud but he’s still taken aback sometimes by Tony’s audacity when it comes to public comments about his body. He admires Tony’s complete confidence when it comes to his homosexuality. He truly embodies the word “pride.” Even though he’s barely out of college, his emotional maturity exceeds that of most older gay men.

But all humbleness aside, Jessie is a stud. Just under six feet with a lean runner’s build, a crisp jawline, and bright hazel eyes. He goes about his activities in this lazy beach town with a quick confidence that often stands out in the sea of bums.

And Tony isn’t too hard to look at himself. Soaring well over six feet tall (and still growing!) his light tan skin and sparkling eyes draw him lots of looks. He has a strong charisma and a musical soul that is hard to resist.

Jessie waves hello to Tony’s warmup partner, a nice young bloke, definitely straight, but kind and fun to play with. What’s his name again? Ah yes, “Adam!”

“So we just need one more?” Jessie asks.

“Not it!” Jessie and Adam declare simultaneously.

“Fineeee, I’ll go ask around.” Says Tony as he drags his feet through the sand begrudgingly.

The two look on as Tony scours the beach for a lone person looking to play. From afar, they see him start chatting with some guy, who Tony then leads over to the duo. At first, he looks like a generic white, lean volleyball dude. With his hoodie up and big sunglasses on, it’s hard to actually identify him. “Have I met this guy before?” Jessie wonders.

He soon joins the groups and introduces himself: “Hey, I’m Nelson!” His voice is deep and slightly raspy, perfectly matching his surfer’s drawl. Before he knows it, Jessie is shaking his hand, which is notably large and rough, and firm. Oh and without the hoodie, his adorable face and bright white smile shine beautifully. Jessie feels blood rush to his head and his crotch. “Hi, I’m Jessie!” he manages to fumble out in a slightly shaky voice.

They split into teams (Jessie and Tony as usual) against the two new guys (Adam and Nelson). Nelson serves first, hitting a graceful, but speedy, bullet right at Jessie. Jessie shanks the ball and mutters “Crap.”

“It’s all right, let’s get the next one,” Tony says encouragingly.

But Jessie doesn’t get the next one or the one after that. He’s trying to get his head in the game but can’t help fixating on Nelson’s easygoing demeanor on the other side of the court. He’s already joking around with his new teammate. And he can really play. The way he hits the ball is effortless but powerful.

In only a few minutes Tony and Adam are down 6-1 and it’s time for the first side switch. Ducking under the net, Jessie gives a low high five to Adam and Nelson, as is customary. He murmurs “Nice serving!” to Nelson and feels a rush when their hands touch and Nelson flashes his a full-toothed smile. Even during the brief touch, Jessie relishes those large calloused hands. His mind is already roaming to thoughts of those hands on other parts of his body.

The game is quickly over and Jessie’s embarrassment over his terrible play is lessened by Nelson’s good-naturedness.

“Should we run it again and switch up the teams?” Nelson asks.

“Yes let’s do it!” Jessie replies, a little too excitedly. It’s quickly followed by a brief panic. He’s not ready to be teammates with this new and gorgeous man just yet. So he slides over to Adam and says “Me and you?”

During the second game, Jessie is finally starting to feel more warmed up. He’s making solid passes to his teammates and getting good reads of the defense before placing shots over the net. These teams are more evenly matched and they get some great rallies. Ultimately Tony and Nelson come out on top.

After a brief water break, Nelson asks “Ready for the grand finale?”

“Yessir,” Jessie replies and slaps his palm against Nelson’s. He can’t get enough of those hands. But he’s finally feeling more confident and ready to build chemistry with his new teammate.

Before they start the game Nelson and Jessie chat about their defensive strategy. Nelson demonstrates how he’ll stand at the net when Jessie is serving and use different combinations of fingers behind his back to signal where he’s going to block the offense. This is the first time Jessie has really looked at Nelson’s back and he can’t help following his fingers down to his ass. It’s small but looks firm and muscular, gently outlined by his athletic shorts.

Jessie feels the blood rush to his crotch again. “FOCUS!” he commands himself.

Before serving, he finds that he’s unable to actually look at Nelson’s finger signals because that angle is just too distracting, so he intuits what the signals are and focuses on his serve. Miraculously he manages to start out the game with a couple of powerful serves that he and Nelson are able to convert to points to take the early lead.

However, Tony and Adam quickly take the momentum with a few shots that hit the net and roll just in their favor. After one of these small dinks falls short on Nelson’s side of the court, he launches his full body into the sand to try and get it up. He just misses and lets out a frustrated cry coupled with a laugh about the absurdity of the situation. He seems incapable of actually getting mad, but playfully teases the other team about their good fortune. He’s so sexy in this moment. As Jessie grabs his hand to help him up, they really lock eyes for the first time in the evening. The energy connection is almost tangible. Jessie’s heart flutters uncontrollably in his chest. After what feels like minutes of contact (but is probably only a second or two), Nelson lets go of Jessie’s hand and proceeds to slap Jessie’s ass while saying, “Come on, let’s get this next point!”

Ass slaps are a common act of camaraderie between teammates, but this one feels different. It felt like Nelson’s palm was more open than is typical, and maybe lingered a second too long. It wasn’t quite a grab but also wasn’t a pure slap either.

Jessie pushes the flood of fantasies out of his mind and doubles his focus on the game. Somehow his compartmentalization works, and he’s able to find flow in his serves and hits. It’s still a super close game, with the teams trading point for point. But eventually, he and Nelson are one point away from the victory. Jessie serves a solid floater into the middle of the court. Tony receives it and delivers a solid pass to Adam, who sets him right at the net. After playing with Tony lots, Jessie is able to read his body language and predict what happens next — a hard-driven ball to the back of the court. Jessie is perfectly positioned to receive it and launches it high and toward the middle of the court, where Nelson is waiting. Perfect. Nelson sets him butter and Jessie jumps and swings hard — launching a spike over the net that Tony and Adam can’t return.

“YES, DUDE!” Nelson shrieks with glee and embraces Jessie in a big bear hug. Jessie’s adrenaline is pumping and he hugs back — for the first time smelling Nelson’s salty, slightly musty skin. It’s intoxicating.

After shooting the shit after the game, Tony and Adam meander off to find dinner. At this point it’s getting pretty dark — the sun set probably half an hour ago. The beach is nearly empty. Jessie and Nelson are lounging on the sand, which is still warm from baking in the sun all day.

“I’m glad you came to play with us today!” Jessie says, heart, racing now that they’re alone.

“So am I,” Nelson replies, flashing those bright white teeth. From this close, Jessie can see the small dimples that emerge when he smiles, accentuating his boyish face. His eyes are deep and full of mystery. Both guys lay in silence — clearly not wanting to leave.

Jessie’s thoughts start racing: “Is this guy actually into me?” “There’s no way he’s actually into me.” “He seems totally straight.” “But what about that one butt grab?” “And why is he still here” “No he has to be straight.” “I’ve never even seen him on grindr.” “Yep, definitely straight.”

He’s snapped out of his spiral when he feels electricity explode from the outside of his thigh. He yanks away his leg instinctually before he even realizes that it was Jessie’s hardened fingers grazing his skin.

“Oh damn, I’m sorry dude!” Nelson says quickly.

“Oh, what? No. Shit. Sorry, you just scared me.” Jessie stammers back.

Despite his heart nearly beating out of his chest, Jessie smiles, locks eyes, and reaches out to gently touch the exposed skin just above Nelson’s knee. Nelson’s expression softens and then a devilish grin takes over his face. Nelson reaches his own hand back onto Jessie’s thigh. This time Jessie doesn’t recoil but relishes in the rough touch of the palm on his quad. Nelson gently rubs his hand up and down Jessie’s leg — still with that devilish grin on his face. At this point, the blood flow to his crotch is uncontrollable and he pops a rock-hard boner.

Jessie looks around nervously but sees no one. Despite being on a public beach, feels like they’ve disappeared into the evening dusk. Jessie’s breathing excitedly increases.

Nelson props himself up to a seated position and moves his hand up Jessie’s side to his neck. That strong hand guides Jessie’s face closer to his own. Nelson’s eyes are open as if to study Jessie’s face with great intent. He slowly moves his mouth over Jessies and kisses him confidently and firmly. His mouth is soft and warm and tastes almost a little sweet. Jessie loses himself in the kiss. He fully surrenders his mouth and feels his body go limp. Nelson explores with his tongue, growing hungry for more. Jessie matches his energy — giving his all to satiate Nelson.

Nelson pulls uses his arms to pull Jessie in closer so that their chests are pressed together. Jessie’s body explodes in a sensory overload. Nelson’s torso is tight against his. Both of their small, but muscular, pecs press together, stimulating their nipples and turning them on so much. And even lower, their crotches mold together, each using their erection to feel the other’s.

Jessie breaks away from the kiss for a desperate gasp of air. “Holy shit you’re so hot,” he whispers to Nelson.

“Oh yeah?” Nelson replies and reaches down to cup Jessie’s ass in his hand. It was the same as during the game, but now Nelson was not holding back. Squeezing Jessie’s ass in his hand, Jessie felt himself start to ooze pre-cum.

“Fuckkkk” Jessie murmurs. This moment was totally worth all the times his optimistic gaydar was wrong.

At this point, Jessie loses control of his body. He’s fully submitted to whatever Nelson wants to do to him. They both know where things are headed, but Jessie’s heat overtakes him and he looks Nelson in the eyes and says, “I want you to fuck me.”

He immediately feels Nelson’s dick pulse against his own, and he slaps Jessie’s ass. Hard. Just like a volleyball. Jessie is weak with desire.

Nelson hoists him up and presses him against the wooden pole holding up the net. He rips down Jessie’s shorts and tugs down his own. He’s too intent on what’s about to happen to fully step out of them so they hang around his ankles. He hawks up some spit and spews it on his erect dick — some also flies onto Jessie’s bare ass and the droplets send chills throughout his whole body. He feels his hole open in anticipation. At this moment, he wants nothing else in the world besides Nelson inside of him.

Nelson lubes up his cock and the spit and sweat let it slide smoothly into Jessie’s receptive ass. Jessie doesn’t bottom much, but when he does, it usually HURTS at first. He’s in shock because this time there’s no pain. And it’s not because Nelson’s dick is small. No, that dick is certainly not small. From a glance, it reminded Jessie of the dildo under his bed — perfectly proportional and girthy. It looks almost magnificent, standing tall and framed by a wild patch of pubes.

Nelson thrusts his full length into Jessie’s depths and hits Jessie’s prostate like it’s never been hit before. Jessie feels shock waves from his ass to the tip of his dick and for a second he worries he might cum just from that one pump. But he holds on, directing Nelson’s hands (fuck, those huge hands muscular hands) away from his dick — one wrapping around his torso and the other wrapping around his neck.

Nelson thrusts deeply and rhythmically. He’s able to feel the resonance of Jessie’s response and perfectly match it to amplify their collective pleasure. He fucks like he plays — strong, graceful, and attentive.

Jessie wants the moment to last forever but knows that it can’t. He feels Nelson quicken and deepen his thrusts in response to both of them reaching their climax — sending more pleasure radiating outward than he even knew was possible. Nelson’s hands tighten around Jessie like a sexy snake.

Just as they’re both on the cusp, Jessie grabs Nelson’s hand on his throat and presses against it — signaling him to grab even harder. At this point, he’s about to come undone.

Nelson’s breathing reaches a fever pitch and he groans a beautiful, sexy groan as he tightens his choke hold on Jessie and pumps even harder. Jessie swears he can feel the rocket of Nelson’s cum fill his ass and he feels his own orgasm spilling over. His dick spews cum across the sand like a pistol — totally hands-free, and the orgasm swells up to fill his entire body. It feels like every cell of his body is alive in that moment. He and Nelson feel elevated to a higher plane of existence — totally connected and blissed out beyond belief.

Nelson pulls out and wraps Jessie in a tight bear hug from behind. It’s good timing because Jessie can barely stand on his own. He turns around and kisses Nelson’s neck — it tastes like sweet sweat and even though Jessie’s dick was only limp for a second after that earth-shattering splooge, he feels it swelling once again.

But not wanting to spoil the sanctity of the moment, Jessie breaks free of this volley boy’s spell and pulls up his pants.

They saunter off the beach together, euphoric over this impromptu fuck. When they finally part ways, they do so with a customary ass slap. “Nice playing, see ya on the court soon.”

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