An Unexpected Mating Ch. 02

A gay story: An Unexpected Mating Ch. 02 *Thanks to the advice of all, I am going to try and make this chapter easier to read than the last, so I am changing to first person while designating at the beginning of a section who the first person is for. I don’t want it to be difficult for you to read, plus I wanted to make sure people won’t get confused during the dream sequence to come*


I could hear the alarm clock blaring at me that it was six-thirty in the morning. I opened my eyes and looked at the bastard wanting to throw it across the room. Instead, I slapped at it before it created a headache and sat up in the king-size bed in my room located in the west wing. I sighed realizing I hadn’t slept much last night.

The cause of such restlessness had been the new arrival at his home yesterday. Marcus Hennley. When Molly and Darius had first told me that they had a godson, I looked at them trying to figure out why they would cherish a human so much and where they had been hiding him for the last one hundred years. I came to find out that he, like the rest of them, was vamp.

Molly had been so excited every time she received a letter from him and even more so when he had written to tell her that he wanted to be close to the couple again. Molly wouldn’t stop talking about it for several weeks. Seeing how happy she was led me to offer up the east wing to the nomad godson. But, I had had no idea the effect he would have on me.

The first glimpse of him dancing around my kitchen with Molly had made me smile. She was so happy. And then as he had stood in front of me, I felt as if my body was going through the change again, from human to vampire, which was part pain and part ecstasy. Who knew a guitarist could look so good?

He looked like a skate boarder with his black hair slightly spiked and his Vans. He was slightly shorter than me with sexy brown eyes the color of dark, rich coffee. But, most of all, it was the smile that had zinged through me. It was slightly cocky and lopsided but was genuine, which was nice for a change. Too many people I knew would smile and nod just to please me.

It was his gorgeous body and sexy smile that had made it difficult to sleep along with his talent of creating chocolate heaven in a cake. All I had dreamed of last night was wondering how the oozing chocolate confection would taste being licked off Marcus’s body. I shook my head as I got out of bed and stretched popping the kinks out from not sleeping well and being up too late watching movies with Molly and Darius.

That was another thing. Marcus had just disappeared up into the east wing last night. I thought he would have at least said goodnight or maybe even stayed to watch Bruce Willis kick Alan Rickman’s ass. But when I had asked Molly about it, she had just smiled and said something about Marcus being on his own for so long and needing time to adjust.

Well, I would need to adjust to having the man in my home since I wasn’t sure of his sexual orientation while mine had been blasted over the news and internet since I had opened Eternity Computers and Security. I didn’t mind if people knew. I showed them I didn’t care about their foul words pertaining to me and just squashed them with my intellect in business. It was rather satisfying to have someone who had shunned you for being a “faggot” come crawling on hands and knees hoping you won’t bankrupt them.

Unfortunately, most of the time, I would allow them a second chance. I may be a vamp, but I wasn’t completely heartless. I actually happened to like humans and playing at the business politics game. It was one of the last things that kept my interest these days. It was also the reason I didn’t feed off humans any more but instead used pigs blood.

I sighed and walked to the small fridge I kept in my room for a packet of the blood and put it in a glass. I took it with me into the bathroom to turn on the walk-in shower. I drank it down waiting for the shower to warm and set the empty glass on the counter before getting under the spray.

I would normally go downstairs and workout or swim but after the night of almost no sleep, I just stood for several minutes under the hot water. My body finally relaxed and I finished cleaning myself up. I went slowly through the rest of my routine; get up, shower, get dressed, all while listening to my morning playlist including New Order’s “Blue Monday.” Who didn’t love a little eighties techno in the morning?

Once in my grey Armani suit with white shirt and blue-grey tie, I walked out of the west wing and downstairs exactly at 7:15 a.m. Molly already had my normal oatmeal and fruit ready for me. She smiled at me as I kissed her cheek thanking her for breakfast. At five minutes to eight, Darius came in while I was reading the newspaper.

“Good morning Darius. Nice choice of movie last night, but next time it’s mine,” I smiled as Darius groaned. He never did like the old movies I liked to choose. He was always about action.

“Where is our new addition,” I tried to ask casually.

“I went up last night and made sure he was okay before going to bed,” Molly said. “He was asleep when I checked on him and probably will be for some time. He mentioned not needing to rehearse with his new band until after 3 p.m. I will make sure he wakes before that. He also will probably get in late.”

“Does he have transportation set up yet?”

“I doubt it,” Molly said sitting down with her coffee.

“Well, let him know he can use one of the cars. I will make sure he has insurance to drive it. I will have the company call you to get his driver’s license information. I would say let him use the Range Rover. It has hauling power if he needs it.”

“Thank you Patrick,” said Molly. “I know he will appreciate it. I know I do. I am sorry that he is affecting your life.”

She had no idea, “Don’t be sorry Molly. Sometimes change can be good,” I stood up knowing that something had definitely changed since seeing Marcus’s beautiful brown eyes. “Come along Darius, it is time to get to work.”


Even with my self-attention in the shower, it had taken more than an hour to fall asleep last night. I kept seeing Patrick eating the chocolate cake I had made last night, which caused me to toss and turn during the night. I had never been this affected by a man, even though he was a little different than the men that I had been around.

All of a sudden, I felt like I was on a boat in my dreams. When the motion got more violent, I sat straight up in bed suddenly. I looked at Molly who was smiling at me holding out a cup of coffee for me.

“Good Afternoon, Sunshine. It’s one o’clock in the afternoon and I remember you saying something about needing to be at rehearsal at three. Drink your coffee, get a shower, and come have lunch with me before you leave,” she turned around and left the room closing the door quietly behind her.

I sat there a little dazed before her words sank in, “Shit,” I said as I realized how much I needed to do before leaving and needing to call a cab that would take time to get here.

I ran to the shower turned it on and stepped in wanting to scream at the cold water while drinking the hot coffee. As the water warmed, I finished the coffee and hurried through my shower. I was out of the shower and wrapped in a towel within ten minutes and putting gel in my spiky hair before finding a pair of loose jeans, a Beastie Boys t-shirt that I put over a white long-sleeved thermal shirt, and my Vans.

I grabbed the coffee cup and headed downstairs where Molly was putting out fixings for sandwiches, fruit, and chips. She also knew that with me just waking up that I need the glass of blood she handed me right away. I gulped it down handing the glass back to her.

“Thanks honey. I appreciate you taking care of me. I couldn’t sleep very well last night. It happens to me in new places.”

Molly just looked at me skeptically and said, “Mmmm-hmmm. Patrick told me that I need to get your driver’s license info. He’s allowing you to use his Range Rover. It has plenty of room to move your items around when they all get here for the band. Plus, it will be cheaper than having to get cabs all the time.”

“He’s letting me use a car,” I asked stunned. “How many would he have?”

“He has six cars, the limo, and several custom motorcycles…some he has built and others that were gifts.”

“I wish I could fit everything I need on a motorcycle. Now that would be fun,” I ate my sandwich as I tried to picture where I would place everything on a cycle and failed miserably as I laughed.

“What time should I expect you home tonight,” Molly said with a smirk on her face.

“Aw, Mom…you know I won’t be home until late. We have a gig tomorrow and tonight is the only time I get to play with them before the party,” I chuckled. “Do you want me to call your cell when I am on the way home?”

Molly smiled, “I have missed you. Now get yourself in gear and give me your license.”

I did as she said and while she called the information into the insurance company, I grabbed my guitar, turn tables, and my favorite pair of drumsticks. I grabbed a hoodie from my bedroom and walked downstairs where Molly was waiting.

“You are all set. I brought the car to the front. Be careful,” she took my head in her hands making me lean down and kissed my forehead.

“I will, I promise.”

I left her standing on the porch watching as I drove down the lane knowing it was going to be a long day.


As normal, I arrived home at 5:30 pm. Upon entering the house Molly appeared out of the dining room with a smile. I leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek and smiled at her.

“Oh God Molly, is that what I think I smell it is?”

Molly smiled, “Yes. We are having lasagna, salad and garlic bread; all your favorites.”

I smiled, “Molly you are a saint. I will go get changed, come down, and set the table. Darius will be in soon.”

I raced upstairs like a child getting his favorite treat but stopped as I reached the second floor. I could smell him. That smell had stayed with me all night yesterday and all day today. There was something about him that made me smile at odd times and think erotic thoughts at other times. I just knew somewhere in my heart that he was important, but I didn’t know how. I thought it might be romantically, but fate had a way of laughing and he most likely was straight.

I turned away from the east wing and entered the west wing. I changed quickly into jeans, a black sweater, and my biker boots. I knew I would want to ride later after dinner and I had a feeling where I would end up, but for now I was going to eat my favorite food.

After dinner, I stayed to talk to Molly about Darius picking her up for the party the next evening which would begin with dinner right after work at 6 p.m. I then got up from the table and thanked them both allowing them to clean up and go to their own house on the property to have their own time together. I went directly to the large garage which housed my cars and motorcycles.

I spent some time looking over the motorcycle I had built to be raffled off tomorrow and smiled at the rose theme. I always did a suggestion box for the theme and had found out that my Director of Sales was a fan of Beauty and the Beast therefore suggesting roses. Roses happened to be my favorite, too. Looking at the sleek design, I knew she would love what he had come up with, but it was never guaranteed who would receive it.

The chopper was sprawled like a large cat with chrome designed into roses along front and back ends. The body art was on one side was of Beauty with her hair blowing in the wind turning to roses. The other side showed the Beast holding the famed rose with petals slowly falling. I had enjoyed creating the romantic bike instead of putting flames or skulls on it as most men wanted.

I left the Rose bike and went over to the motorcycle I had built for myself two years ago. It was simple and in my favorite colors midnight blue, silver, and sea green. For fun, I had even painted a merman and a mermaid on it. I quickly got on it zipping up the leather jacket I had put on when leaving the house, and started the bike.

I let the engine roar then I was off. I went along the driveway to the road into Boston. I took the long way into town, which took twice the time but the scenery was worth it. When I finally entered Boston, I stopped off at a coffee shack to get my favorite Mexican hot chocolate. Even over the drink, I could smell him.

I got back onto my bike and rode smelling his scent; a mixture of his hair gel and black licorice. I ended up at a house in the middle of suburbia where the house looked more like a commune for a bunch of band members around their twenty to thirties. The garage door was closed but I could hear the band practicing inside. Ever since I had hired them two years ago, because the last band I used for the party broke up, I had found them to be fun.

I quickly noticed a skylight on top of the garage that sat back from the main road and sprinted to it. I jumped and floated to the top without a noise. I knew that Marcus wouldn’t notice my scent since he hadn’t known me long. But, I was wrong. Looking through the skylight, I noticed him suddenly stop playing and look around then up to the ceiling where I stepped back from before he could see me.

I jumped off the roof and ran back to my bike and left him to his rehearsal. I was still confused as to how he knew I was there. Unless, he was feeling the same things I was. Being so unsure threw me. I liked being in control.

My thoughts continually ran back to where he was rehearsing as I got closer to home. I parked my bike in the garage like normal and headed into the house. I checked the clock in my bedroom as I changed into a pair of workout pants. It was about 9:30 p.m. and I plenty of time to work out and swim. I grabbed my trunks on the way out of my room and stayed in the gym until midnight.

I headed up to bed and read until early in the morning. I finally had to sleep knowing I would be woken up in a few hours. I decided at that moment to work from home until noon. I called and left a message for my assistant and then got underneath the sheets in my bed. The last thought I had before falling asleep was that he still wasn’t home.


Slowly unlocking the door to the main house, I checked the hall clock and grimaced at the time. Shit, it’s 4:00 a.m. I needed a shower and a good amount of sleep before the gig tonight.

The rehearsal had gone really well and I was pleased that we were able to add songs and adjust others to my skills and abilities. They had been practicing songs that their last guitarist couldn’t do in the hopes the guy would get his shit together. It was nice to feel like a contribution instead of being a detriment.

I had already called and woken up Molly to let her know I made it home. I was trying not to wake the only other occupant in the main house as I tip-toed up the staircase then entered my bedroom. I immediately stripped off my clothes and took a quick shower feeling the sweat wash from my body. Who knew that playing in a band would so much work?

After my shower, I put on a pair of boxers and got into bed hoping for sleep.

During the night, I felt something watching me. I mumbled and turned onto my back from my side. I could hear something breathing in my room. I sat up in bed reluctantly and when I looked around, I noticed it was still dark outside and that…Patrick was in my room watching me at the foot of my bed. He was completely naked in my bedroom watching me. I blinked watching him. He just smiled back at me.

He slowly grabbed the bottom of the blanket and sheet covering me and crawled under it. I was really starting to think I was losing it at 4:30 a.m. in the morning. That was before I saw him rise up under the blanket and then felt his fingers lightly tracing my legs from my toes slowly up my ankles to my calves. He tickled the skin behind my knees and slowed to a sluggish pace as his fingers started to trace circles up my thighs.

My body reacted as my cock filled to full and my hips lifted off the mattress. I lightly rubbed against him as he sat between my legs under the covers. I jolted but stayed in bed where I was. His large hands were now lightly running from my hips down into the seam between my legs and torso. I moaned out loud and my breaths became pants as my hips lifted again.

It was at this time, I realized I was naked under the covers as well. Patrick, as a vampire, would be able to see everything in the dark under the covers. It made me wonder if he liked what he saw. So far, I would guess yes as the large form under the blanket leaned down and started tracing the seam with his tongue, from hip to my inner thigh on each side slowly.

I could feel his gorgeous hair gliding along my hips, stomach, and throbbing cock as his tongue went even lower to caress my balls. My hips tried to rise up, but were met with the resistance of Patrick’s hands on them. He was torturing me, and I finally gave him what he must have wanted as I arched my back and moaned his name loudly.

Then, I felt heaven. His tongue ran up the bottom of my cock and his mouth clamped over the top of my cock. I almost screamed with ecstasy at the feeling of his warm mouth around my cock. He pulled the tip out of his mouth and breathed upon it sending an erotic chill along its length. I actually growled at the feeling. His mouth then drove onto my cock, and I did scream in passion at the feel.

God, he didn’t stop sucking. His head under the blanket just kept up a steady bobbing with the occasional swirl of his tongue on the head to get his breath. He had one hand on the base as he sucked then pumped up and down my length to help my passion rise within. When I thought I couldn’t handle anymore, he stopped.

I was breathing so hard that I had to consciously think about breathing in and out. His head appeared above the blanket that had fallen to my waist but his hair obscured his face. His tongue and mouth moved up onto my stomach. He used his tongue to fuck my belly button making me groan at how sexy the man was and everything he was doing to me.

His tongue moved up to lick circles teasingly around my nipples without actually touching them until his teeth nipped at each of them individually. He licked and nibbled along my collar bone and even bit down making my hips jump. I called out his name again.

That was when he pulled his hair from his face and straddled my hips. His gorgeous body was on display for me, and his cock was just as hard and glistening with pre-cum as I guessed mine was. He shook his long hair back behind his shoulders and smiled again at me. He then leaned down and kissed my lips lightly, almost tenderly.

I slowly wound my arms around his neck and enjoyed his slow light kisses. But, I couldn’t stand it for long as I deepened the kisses by running my tongue along his lips and then pushing through them into his mouth. I heard a small moan and a breath escaped him as he returned the kisses. My tongue was fucking his mouth deeply, and I couldn’t get enough.

Patrick suddenly pulled back up sitting across my hips and thrust his hips. His cock rubbed against mine creating a breathy moan that barely released from my lips. He continued to rock against me for a minute more then moved back in between my legs. He pushed my legs up to my chest and as I watched, he lowered his mouth and tongue to the crack between my ass cheeks.

The first lick didn’t even touch the hole but teased the edge. The next one swirled around the outside of the hole completely. The third was a full on lick directly onto the rosebud. My head flew back against my pillows as I silently screamed my ecstasy. My cock was twitching and throbbing uncontrollably.

His tongue continued long, slow licks until his eyes connected with mine and his tongue penetrated my rosebud sending lightening through my whole body. His tongue fucked me in and out as I growled my want. I tried pushing myself at his tongue and he seemed to grin even with his busy tongue.


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Slowly he removed his tongue leaving my hole very wet with his saliva. He crawled up so his cock was close to my entrance using his hand to spread his pre-cum all over his beautiful, full cock. His hand then directed his cock and slowly his hips pushed the head of his cock into my ass. I groaned in slight pain but the pleasure was so much more. The slow slide of his cock into me was torture, but his eyes told me he didn’t want to hurt me.

He was fully seated and caressed my hips as he began to slide all the way out except the head of his cock and then back in to the root. His eyes closed as his slow fucking obviously gave him pleasure. He didn’t speed up or get rougher, he just moved in and out running his cock along my prostate and enjoyed the tight opening twitching at every pass.

He opened his eyes again as he moaned my name at the feel of my tight ass on his cock. He leaned forward allowing his body to lay on mine as he continued his attentions to my ass. He kissed my lips desperately enjoying his movements, but he did start to move faster and harder as our tongues mated.

My legs wrapped around his waist as he continued to increase his rhythm and his breaths became pants in between our kisses. My hands were running up and down his spine until they rested on his ass cheeks begging for him to go deeper. My cock was being rubbed gloriously between our bodies and the pressure was becoming too much.

His movements were hard, deep, and he was grunting with each thrust. He was just as close as I was. I had to stop kissing him as my head fell back and I screamed his name and came in-between our bodies as he growled and filled my ass with his cum at the same time.

That is when I woke up. 6:00 a.m.

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