Andy and Me – First Time Part 2 by *****


A gay adult story: Andy and Me – First Time Part 2 by ***** ,

Part 2 – Make sure you read part one first as this continues where the first left off.

After deciding to stay overnight, I picked myself off the floor and sat next to Andy on his couch, still in a haze of orgasmic bliss. We sat there for what was probably only twenty or thirty seconds but felt much longer. I didn’t want the silence to start getting awkward so I spoke up.

“Well since i’m staying here tonight, how about a drink? For some reason, I am really warm all of a sudden.”

He smiled slyly at me before answering. “Sure thing. What do you want?”

“Just water will do.”

“Ok. I’ll bring it through in a minute. I need to put on something to eat quickly as I haven’t eaten yet. What about you?”

“No I ate before I came over, but thanks.”

Andy got up and went into the kitchen, still naked. I smiled at his brazenness but was secretly glad that there was more coming later and that we were comfortable enough after what just happened to still be naked around each other. He came back though momentarily with a glass of water, which I took a large gulp of before putting it down. Whilst listening to Andy cooking in the kitchen, curiosity took the better of me. I wanted to know exactly how far he had been looking to go and how serious he was. I walked back over to his computer and started looking more in depth at the tabs he was looking at before I came over.

A few of them were straight up gay porn videos, a quick click through of them showed that they her mainly young and ‘first time’ doing most things you could imagine. Thinking back to what had just happened and seeing it again on the screen in front of me, made my heart beat faster and I started feeling horny again. Then along with the video’s were a tab about enjoyment of anal sex and how to have it safely, whereby it was supposedly very pleasurable. My heart skipped a beat. He wanted to or was at least thinking about us fucking each other and despite cumming not long ago, my erection started regrowing. I had never before thought about giving or receiving anal sex, as I didn’t consider myself gay or even bisexual. But thinking about it now… excited me and I had decided there and then that me and Andy were going to fuck each other.

I tried to regain my composure before going back through to the couch. I picked up my boxers and put them on again, trying to hide my new erection. After sitting back down and having some more of my drink, Andy came back through with his dinner and I when he saw I had my boxers on, I explained.

“Modesty my friend. You want anything more later on, you will just have to take them off again.” I gave him what I hoped was a sultry smile and he gave an intrigued look back. He put his food down and went and put on his boxers again.

“Works in reverse too.” He said. It certainly does I thought to myself, knowing they would be coming back off. Then for the next couple of hours, we were, for a lack of a better term, normal again. We chatted about whatever was on TV, about computer games and whatever else came across our minds. Thinking back now, it seems so surreal how normal we were being after what we had just done, but I guess it shows that we were doing it, not because of any feelings for each other, but because we were two horny eighteen year old’s who just wanted to get off.

About 11pm, we decided to go up to his bedroom and immediately my heart bean pounding as again I started to get horny. My mind began racing with thoughts about what could happen. I grabbed my clothes. Andy had left all his apart from his boxers upstairs, which was a bit cocky considering I may have baulked at the entire idea. But it reinforced in my head that he really wanted all this to happen.

After entering his room I dumped by clothes in a corner and stood there, wondering what I should do, just as he entered behind me and closed the door. I turned to face him and we both looked at each other, wondering how the other was feeling. All the time my erection was growing rapidly and I was resisting the urge to simply blurt out “Fuck me!” But Andy spoke first.

“We should probably get comfortable. Because I don’t know about you but… um… my boxers are getting a bit tight.” He was just as horny as I was! I was so glad that it wasn’t going to all end prematurely.

“Sounds good, because I know what you mean.” I said moving my hips slightly pretending I was trying to wiggle out of tight fitting pants. “But I distinctively remember saying that you would need to take them off, if you were interested on playing with what’s underneath. So what is it going to be?”Almost immediately he walked forward and pulled my boxers down slowly, watching as my erect cock sprung out over the top of them. He gave me a playful single stroke.

“I remember saying that it was the same for me too.” Andy said. I gladly responded by repeating him. I slowly pulled down his boxers watching his cock emerge and gave him a couple of strokes with one hand and massaged his balls with my other as his boxers dropped to the floor. Despite it only being a few hours since we had cummed, we were both rock hard. I walked backwards and sat down on his bed, legs spread, cock at attention. Andy walked over slowly, knelt down in front of me and then his mouth engulfed my cock. It was like electricity ran through my body everytime I felt his tongue flick over the end of my cock. His mouth was expertly working me into a frenzy and precum was starting to flow from me again, but I was determined I was not going to cum in his mouth this time, but in somewhere tighter.

After a minute or so I told him to stop and told him to stand up. It was my turn to blow him and I wanted it to be fun for us both. As he stood in front of me, I leant forward and swallowed him whole. I worked his shaft dutifully while my hand massaged his balls again. I heard him moaning slightly and he started to buck him hips slightly towards me. I didn’t want him to cum yet either but before I stopped I ran my tongue around the head of his cock a few times while stroking him, hopefully driving him into a frenzy as well. After I stopped I looked directly at him and asked him the question that needed answering.

“Andy. What do you want to do now? How far do you want to go with this as we have already 69’d tonight and I get the feeling you now want more?” A bit of a lie, it wasn’t a feeling but what I knew he had been looking at on his computer. He hesitated before responding.

“Honestly? However far you want to go, I will go… Just feel comfortable with it though, there is no pressure.” I smiled.

“Well I had some idea of what you had been thinking about when I saw what you had been looking at on your computer. I had a bit of a cheeky look when you were cooking.” His eyes widened as if ready to blurt out some defence to the various things he was looking at but I continued before he could. “I saw what some of the people said about men and anal and that it is supposed to feel great. And…well… it is worth a try, even if only once, but we will see.”


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