A gay story: Another First Date If you are worried that texting me would be too soon, it isn’t
John was greeted by this message from Riley when he went to shut off his phone’s alarm on Monday morning.
Shucks, wanted to appear cool and aloof
he texted back, rolled out of bed and started his day. The first order of business was starting the coffee maker. There had to be a way, he figured, of setting it to go automatically, but he had come to the conclusion that he and technology were never going to see eye to eye. Having pressed the button, he set off to the shower while it started percolating noisily.
As undressed for the shower, he took another look at his phone. No reply, but he did check the timestamp on the last one. Past midnight the previous night. Hopefully a reasonable sleep schedule was a suitable excuse for the late reply.
The phone buzzed while he was just finishing up the shower and he nearly tripped in his hurry to towel off and look at it. Don’t fall for this girl, he told himself. Literally, don’t fall over and break your neck in the bathroom in your rush to see whatever meaningless thing she has sent. That’s not how you want to die. Not after just one date, anyway.
He was disappointed, to say the least, to see that the buzzing was caused not by a message from Riley, but rather one from Carrie, his recent ex with whom his “friendship,” more in the “let’s just be friends” sense than in the actual, genuine sense of the word, was rocky, at best.
you still have my stuff
He was uncertain what “stuff” she was referring to, but whatever it was, she could have it. While they were together, they had never officially moved in together, but she’d spent more and more time at his place, which meant that he had gradually accumulated any number of items which she had brought over either for the night and then abandoned or to align his house more with her tastes.
He hadn’t minded at the time and, if he was being honest, didn’t mind it now. She had never been, for whatever other flaws she had had as a girlfriend, one of those annoying types who constantly pushed to make him or his domicile over in her image, just tweak it here and there, and besides, her tastes were never the problem. Outside of an errant toothbrush or other odd hygienic necessity, they had come to a point of being comfortable enough with most of the items just being “theirs” rather than “hers” or “his” and so he couldn’t tell what it was she could possibly want to retrieve, but he also couldn’t care.
Whenever he texted back. Pretty sure you still have a key. Just don’t forget to lock up if I’m not here.
Surely that was agreeable enough and would not start another pointless ex post facto fight about nothing.
not going to just walk in to your house like a creep
will u be there saturn day
Autocomplete was never her friend, he mused. He found her objection bizarre, thinking she should prefer to avoid contact if possible, but for all he knew she was using this as a pretext for another fight. Whatever.
Sure, not busy. He decided to ignore any further texts until he was not only toweled off but had ingested sufficient caffeine. It was not until then that he had even remembered he should at least figure out where he was supposed to be going to work this morning. John was what was termed a “consultant,” a vaguely important enough nomenclature for what he actually did to pay the bills, which largely entailed reporting to a different company every few weeks or months to listen to one idiot middle manager’s plan to screw over some other, equally idiotic middle manager of a different department, then sign off on it.
One might imagine that this type of “work” would be so obviously pointless that no one would ever hire a “consultant” for any reason, but one would be wrong. John was, while certainly not rich, able to make a decent enough living bouncing from company to company, none of which he ever had any insight into the actual workings of, signing off on plans, the success or failure of which never seemed to have any impact on himself, and telling human embodiments of the Peter Principle whatever they wanted to hear. Dumb work, but well-enough paid, and it kept him moving around. He even sometimes got to “consult” in foreign countries, although that particular type of “work” was not the norm.
In any case, his calendar dutifully told him where he needed to be in the next hour or so and so he finished up his coffee. As if by some cosmic coincidence, an apropos message from Riley popped up on his phone just as he closed the calendar app.
I guess you are at work?
don’t know where that is. forgot to ask.
guess you aren’t the only one bad at first dates
The first three messages had come in rapid succession, but the next did not arrive till he was finished brushing his teeth.
I will be much better on the second one
He texted back, seemed pretty good at it to me, considered for a moment, and then added pretty good at Mario Kart, too
by mario kart you mean anal, I hope
the memory alone was enough to start his dick hardening. that and mario kart He quickly added off to my mysterious work
The morning’s work was unremarkable beyond having to force himself not to check his phone repeatedly while some vaguely-titled executive droned on about “synergy” and “streamlining.” The job was an easy one, but one had to remember that what this type found most compelling an in underling, even a temporary one, was his ability to at least appear focused on whatever the boss was going on about, and texting away during an “important” meeting would be frowned upon. He felt he had shown admirable restraint by making it to lunch without checking for Riley texts. He even managed to order himself a light lunch at a cafe near work and find a table in the corner before whipping out his phone, embarrassingly anxious to hear from her again.
…but first he had to deal with more Carrie texts:
will come by
do u have boxes
where do you get boxes for stuff
He could feel his face involuntarily twist itself up into an expression of annoyance.
I don’t think I have boxes. Try a grocery store? They usually give them away
The only text from Riley was her preferred emoji of a sunglass-wearing smiley face. He took a bite of his sandwich while he pondered what the correct response, if any, to this could be. I mean, I won’t come off as too eager in any case, right? Like, she’s already made it clear she wants another date. Man, I’m such a dork.
He eventually settled on a non-committal nerd emoji, a smiley face sporting big glasses and buck teeth, which he hoped she would recognize as his parallel to her much cooler emoji, instantly regretted it, and then sighed and returned to his lunch.
Where are you taking me for our second date, dork?
I guess it translated well enough. He had not really considered where the second date should be. This was one of those annoying aspects that he had not missed about casual dating while he was with Carrie; one of the participants had to come up with some activity to justify the time spent together, even if that activity was ultimately largely superfluous. Sure, you wanted to do something fun, but it was secondary. Inevitably this responsibility had always fallen on him and inevitably he was terrible at it, mostly just suggesting the basics: dinner, movie, coffee for blind dates, etc. He often had found himself wishing he was one of those guys that had interesting hobbies that one could share as a date. Maybe I should take up hang-gliding or something.
I don’t know yet.
I’m also out of practice with second dates.
He held the phone slightly too long, some part of his brain trying to will a response from her into existence. Inevitably it came only after he had put the phone back down.
better come up with something fast, dork
my dance card might be full if you take too long
He momentarily wondered where and when people actually used dance cards rather than just referencing them metaphorically.
Ok, dancing it is he texted. PS bad at dancing also
You’re such a dork she texted back. Just take me to a movie. I like scary movies and seats in the back.
Well, that was easy. He texted back sounds great. you want to choose the time also, or should I handle that?
Saturday, I will leave the choice of theater and film to you
Getting through the rest of the day without texting incessantly was an exercise in willpower, but he managed it. The first thing he did after exiting the building and getting in the driver’s seat of his car was to whip out his phone in the hope of a new message, but there was nothing. She did leave the last message, so maybe she’s just waiting on me to say something else? He texted a thumbs up emoji, as much to acknowledge her plan as to stop himself trying and failing to com up with anything clever, and drove home.
Upon arrival at home, he again checked his phone, but there was nothing new. Shucks. I haven’t felt like this, like a teenager excitedly waiting to pounce on any word from his new crush since…well, since being a teenager. I need to find an outlet or I am going to drive myself nuts.
He marked the date in his calendar app, setting two reminders just to be sure, and headed inside to change. A good long run was just what he needed to stop thinking about Riley and it had the added benefit of giving him a reason to leave his phone behind. It seemed to do the job; he didn’t check his phone again until he had showered off, made and eaten dinner, and spent a while screwing around on the internet before bed. When he checked, she had left another single emoji message, of an eggplant, two hours previously. I’m old, he thought, but at least I am young enough to know what that means. He texted back an emoji of a peach and tried to get some sleep. The run had done his job and he only tossed and turned for ten minutes before drifting off.
The Tuesday morning alarm was no less unpleasant than the Monday morning one had been. He began his morning routine as usual, not even aware of the text Riley had sent at some point in the middle of the night until he had started breakfast. It was again a single emoji, this time of a smiley with hearts for eyes. They say communication is key to a healthy relationship, he thought, sent back a string of emojis: eggplant, right arrow, peach, and then finished getting ready for work. This is going to be the longest week of my life.
He filled most of his Tuesday morning drinking company coffee and lazily filling out a report template that he had made months ago and which had worked surprisingly well. It was amazing how almost all companies he had consulted for had the same problems, and how many of them were happy to try his suggested solutions, which he had been happy to copy-paste to executives in various industries over the last few months. Nobody seemed to notice or care that his expert advice was essentially a rephrased version of the first few hits on a google search for “increased employee productivity.”
An identical lunch order to the previous day, placed at the same cafe with the same cute blond barista, who gave him the same empty smile did little to alleviate his feeling that this week would not end. He checked his phone as he sat in the same seat as the day before. Riley had left another emoji about an hour ago, this time of a drooling face. As he couldn’t think of an unambiguous way of conveying via emoji the concept of inserting his dick into her drooling mouth, he opted for plain text instead. Saturday cannot come soon enough
He found himself wondering at the circumstances of her intermittent texts: was she just covertly texting at work? That would explain the irregularity of response time. Maybe she was not on lunch break? Maybe she didn’t get one. She had merely described her job as “office drone” and so he had not asked any more details about it on their first date, and so he didn’t really have much more of an idea of what she did than she did of him. In any case, with phone in hand and nothing to do for the next twenty minutes before returning to work, he decided to check the dating app for the first time since he had used it to connect to Riley. To his surprise, the boy he had responded to had actually sent him a reply, and it looked like kind of a long one:
Hey, how’s it going?
I’m new in town and looking for an older guy to show me around (and maybe show me some other stuff
I saw your picture and thought you looked kind of hot and your profile was funny (and also kind of hot)
If you’re interested, I’m up for anything. I don’t have a car, though (I’m working on it!) so only stuff I can uber/walk to, sorry!
John took another look at the kid’s profile. He kept referring to Liam mentally as “the kid” partially because the kid was pretty clearly at least a decade younger and partially because he just liked the sound of it. The kid was cute, shortish brown hair that had clearly had a lot of effort put into making it look effortless, a smile that one imagined was infectious in person. Why not? Riley, that’s why not. Better make sure. Don’t want a repeat of that “we didn’t say we were exclusive” situation a few years back…
Just checking, because I’ve been out of the game for so long, but a planned date does not imply exclusivity, right?
The response came almost immediately.
no dork
it better not imply anything
This was followed by an upside-down face emoji, which John did not know how to interpret, but was relieved by the response, anyway. A quick series of texts followed.
only rules are these
don’t give me a disease
tell me upfront if you’re getting serious with someone else
Fair enough, he thought. He was about to text as much when another text appeared:
and don’t run out of cum
I like cum, don’t make me regret it
He smiled. As much as entendre and flirting could be amusing, he was far happier with Riley’s preferred method: explicit, unfiltered sexuality. fair enough, just checking anyway. not running out of cum any time soon, anyway. He added: Saturday cannot CUM soon enough, I meant
Riley replied with the drooling emoji again, followed by a “back to work” and an emoji he assumed expressed her frustration.
This reminded him that he also had to return to the office, and so he did, making a mental note first to reply to Liam after.
Besides mentally crafting a reply, he did very little else that afternoon and so practically bolted out the door at the end of the day, anxious to be doing anything other than pretending to work. He had already scheduled the rest of the day for himself: write a reply to Liam, hit the gym, jerk off, shower, dinner, read, sleep. Having expended a decent amount of mental energy on the reply already, he was able to crank it out quickly:
Hey, Liam.
Thanks for the message. I wasn’t sure when I got on there if I would get any interest.
You seem cool so if you want to hang out and see how it goes I would be down for it. Honestly I have very little experience with guys but am happy to learn
The profile was actually the result of something going wrong and not updating but it’s all true
Hit me up if you’re looking for something casual! I’m still working out this being single thing so let’s take it easy
– John
Next was the “gym,” which is what Carrie used to call the “junk room” for the obvious reason. The junk included, however, some stray dumbbells, a treadmill which worked intermittently, and a yoga mat which had never once been used for its intended purpose but was suitable for various core exercises, which John had been neglecting as of late. Just looking at it made him instinctively feel his gut, and so, disappointed with what he felt, decided to start there before moving on to some upper body work. The exercise had the intended effect of taking his mind off of dating and texts, so he didn’t even consider looking at his phone until he was toweling off sweat.
There was a text from Riley, ugh, still at work, this eats ass. not in a good way.
I sympathize. If you want the good way… he texted back.
He checked the dating app. Besides some more old guys trying desperately to show him their hairy assholes, which he ignored, there was also a reply from Liam:
Hey, I am free pretty much all the time
Such a loser, I know
Do you want to meet up at a bar?
I don’t know if you drink
Anyway that seems easy
The rest of the reply was some vague details about which part of the city Liam lived in. It was not quite on the opposite side of town but too far to walk to. He remembered a place over there that college students frequented, as he recalled, looked it up to see if it was still operating, since he had not been there in years, and copied the link into his reply:
You know this place [link]? I could use a drink. You free tonight?
John decided to put off the jerk off session for the moment on the off chance that Liam was looking at his phone. He was pleasantly surprised when a reply came back less than a minute later.
Yeah, that sounds great!
I can be there in half an hour, ok?
Better get to that shower quick, he thought. He replied with a quick “see you then,” and double timed it to the shower. First date with a trans girl, now a first date with a guy. You’re becoming a player…a weird old bi player, but that’s still a player.
The quick shower plus the drive over plus the inevitably annoying search for street parking had taken up approximately two-thirds of the allotted thirty minutes, which seemed good to him. The place was called “Davie’s”. John had no idea who David was or why he would voluntarily choose to go by “Davie” instead of “Dave” but it was nice enough as far as these types of bars went. The place was mostly empty, to be expected on a Tuesday night, its only other customers a few groups of college kids, from which emanated the usual sounds of merriment. He pulled up to the bar, took a look around to check if he had not missed Liam, and, upon confirming this, ordered himself a beer. “In a bottle, please,” he’d added, just to be sure, noticing the number of cheap plastic cups that littered otherwise empty tables.
“Sure thing, hon,” the sweet-looking dirty-blonde barmaid answered, producing the requested beverage for him. She seemed to be not too much older than any of the patrons. He thanked her with a tip and she scuttled off to the other end of the bar with a smile.
He had finished around half of his beer by the time Liam came in, looking around anxiously, a few minutes later. John signaled him with a raised hand. Liam smiled and came over, John getting up from his seat to great the younger man.
“Hey,” he said. Not knowing what else to say in such a situation he added, “I’m John. I mean, I guess you knew that, but…”
“Hey,” Liam smiled. “I’m Liam…” there was just a hint of mocking in his tone. “Did I keep you waiting? Sorry.”
“Nah, I just got here, really. You want a drink?” John signaled for the barmaid, who came over without delay.
“Um,” said Liam, “I guess beer is the customary first drink? I don’t really drink a lot of beer.”
The barmaid smiled at the kid’s nervous energy.
“But I guess let’s just do that, I don’t want to hold you up.”
The bartender laughed. “Don’t worry about me, honey, you drink what you like.”
“Ok, then, let’s say rum and coke.”
“There you go, honey.” The bartender quickly mixed him his drink in a plastic cup, and John slid her some cash for it. She took it with a nod of thanks and disappeared down to the other end of the bar to wash glasses.
“Hey, you don’t have to pay for it,” Liam said.
“You’re what, like, 22? Fresh out of college? Probably working a shit job for shit pay, right?”
“Well, yes. But…”
“But nothing, kid, just enjoy your drink. I’ve been where you are. Someday when you’re an old creep going on a date with a much younger guy, you can pay for his drink.”
Liam smiled at that. “Well, thanks, but you’re not a creep. Did you guess all that from my profile?”
“Kind of,” he said. “Young, good looking guy on a dating app, new to the city. It makes sense. You’re either fresh out of college or fresh into it, and if you had a ready dating pool like a college campus full of young studs,” he gestured vaguely at the other patrons of the bar, “you’d probably not be bothering with older dudes like me.”
“Maybe I just like older dudes like you,” Liam said, an adorable grin on his face.
“Maybe, but I doubt I would be lucky enough that you’d even come upon my profile. There seems to be no shortage of older guys on there looking for hot young guys.”
“So thanks for calling me hot,” Liam teased, “but you’re right, there are a ton of old guys on there. Just like endless pics of old man anus in my inbox.”
“There you go,” John agreed. “See, nobody wants an old creep.”
“That’s true,” Liam said. “But you’re not an old creep, so your point is moot. You are a hot older gentleman. A daddy.”
John scoffed involuntarily. “Thanks, I guess. Is ‘daddy’ a compliment? I’m actually kind of new to this stuff.”
“What stuff, gay stuff?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“That’s just even hotter. Did you not know that’s, like, the number one fantasy for most gay guys? Turning a straight guy?”
“I was starting to get that idea,” John said. “But I usually skip the story parts of porn, so I couldn’t really say. Does ‘most gay guys’ include you in particular?”
Liam gave a non-committal head bob and took a sip from his rum and coke.
“Since you’re teaching me so much about all this gay stuff, can I ask you some more questions about it, or is that too ‘middle-aged guy who is just exploring his sexuality’ of me?”
“Very stereotypical of you,” Liam replied with a smile. “Next you’re going to tell me you just ended a long term relationship with a woman because you were somehow, in some way you couldn’t understand at the time, sexually unfulfilled.”
Now it was John’s turn to give a non-committal gesture of the head. “I wouldn’t say I couldn’t understand it at all,” he said. “Or that that was the only reason.”
“Oh, poor baby,” Liam teased. “But sure, feel free to ask this equally stereotypical fresh from a small town, wide-eyed little twink anything you would like. The gayer the better.”
John chuckled. “You’re sweet, kid.” He took a drink to give him a second to think of what to say next. “Ok, so, you’re a twink. Even I know that one. But does that make me a bear? Is that how it works? Is it a dichotomy, twink or bear and nothing in between?”
“You really are the clueless former straight guy,” Liam smiled that charming smile again. “No, we gays have all the best terminology; bear, twink, daddy, top, bottom, versatile, the list goes on. You’re probably an otter. Depends on how hairy you are, I guess, although I think otter is the right one in any case.”
“Ah, any other animals I should be aware of? Yaks? Ferrets? Naked mole rats?”
“As far as I know, no, but I’ll keep you posted,” Liam replied. “Or I would if I could have your number. Using that app’s interface sucks ass.”
“Agreed.” They exchanged numbers and Liam sent him an obligatory text saying “Hi, daddy” just to make sure they had gotten it right.
They had both finished their drinks, so John asked, “Another round? I’m buying.”
“I probably shouldn’t,” Liam said. “I am such a lightweight, I would probably be totally hammered.”
“Work tomorrow? What does a fresh faced twink do in this economy for work, anyway?”
“Temping, mostly. Which sucks, but it does mean I don’t have work tomorrow, at least.”
“So you can have that second drink, you mean,” John teased.
“Why not? I just get really slutty when I get drunk, anyway. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Then I better get you plastered,” John said, signaling the bartender for two more.
“Honestly, she sounds like kind of a bitch. You’re better off switching teams.” Liam ended his statement by placing his hand gently on John’s forearm.
“Why are we talking about this? Terrible first date practice to bring up an ex, sorry. I don’t know how we got started on this.” They were each a few rounds in and the conversation had gone so smoothly, John couldn’t remember how it had come to this point. Maybe this dating guys thing could work out, he thought. “What I do know is I have to take a piss.”
He got up from his barstool and Liam followed suit. “Now that you mention it, I kind of have to piss, too. I’ll join you.”
They looked around the now even more empty bar and found a hallway in the back that looked like the type that led to the toilets, so headed back there, past some empty tables and around a corner. The suspicion had been right, restrooms right there, but the two doors, adorned with “lads” and “lasses” signs that John found irritatingly incongruent with the otherwise vaguely defined but non-Irish pub style of the place, were close enough together in the little cramped hall that he expected them each to be the sort containing a single toilet, a sink, and not enough room to breathe. Opening the “lads” door proved this expectation correct.
“Age before beauty?” he asked sarcastically.
“Beauty, huh?” Liam rolled his eyes. “Go on.”
John squeezed inside, but when he turned around to close the door, found that Liam had followed him in. The kid closed the door behind him, locking it without even turning his head, and proceeded to lock John into a deep kiss before he even knew what was going on.
John felt the warmth of Liam’s lithe body against himself and reacted naturally, his arms embracing the younger man as their tongues danced together. Funny, he thought, even a couple months ago I wouldn’t have thought myself capable of enjoying this. Even after long ago admitting to himself he wanted to try sucking another man’s cock, the thought of kissing a man on the mouth still made him a bit hesitant. He didn’t really know why. Probably society. Yeah, that’s it, it’s society’s fault.
He felt Liam’s hand move slowly to John’s crotch and he pulled back from the kiss. “Woah,” he said, “not that I don’t appreciate it, but I actually do have to take a piss.”
“Ok,” said Liam, seemingly unfazed. “Take a piss.” He flipped up the toilet seat and started to undo his fly.
John just watched for a second, then undid his own fly.
“I said I’d join you,” teased Liam. He pulled his cock out of his jeans, letting it flop there.
It was, to John’s mind, anyway, gorgeous. His mind immediately went to comparing it with his own, which was easy to do, as he had also freed his own from the prison of his underwear. Both white guy cocks, decently sized but hard to judge flaccid, both cut. He had considerably more pubic hair than Liam, who seemed to have either trimmed his to be quite short, or shaved entirely recently before allowing them to grow back in. He became aware he was staring when a stream of piss erupted from Liam’s cock.
The kid had not, it seemed, been lying about having to piss. It was a strong, steady stream, which made a satisfying gurgling sound when it struck the water in the toilet bowl. “Do you need some help?” Liam teased.
John just chuckled. It was a new experience for him, so he had to take a second to relax.
Evidently Liam was not lying about helping, either. He reached over with his free left hand and took hold of John’s cock, his fingers wrapping gently around the shaft. He looked John in the eye as if to say “relax,” but said nothing.
John took the silent advice, anyway, drew in a breath, and let it flow. This was a new and surprisingly pleasant experience for him, the feel of fingers wrapped around his member while hot piss flowed out of it. He looked at Liam, almost embarrassed, whose stream had now started to trickle off. Liam’s hand began moving slowly, gently pulling on John’s stiffening cock, forward and back.
When his stream cut off, he turned and embraced Liam, his hand instinctively finding the younger man’s crotch, sending his fingers exploring. “We should probably get out of here before somebody else needs to pee,” Liam whispered, his face inches to the side of John’s.
John made a non-committal grunt, which was all he could manage.
“Take me home,” whispered Liam, “and fuck the shit out of me.”
John thanked whatever deities were in charge of gay sex because they were smiling on him tonight; despite being far too fucked up to drive home under his own power, the taxi service had been almost unbelievably prompt. He had no idea what he was going to do about his car being on the wrong side of town, even assuming overnight street parking was legal here.
“So, my place?” John had asked before the cab arrived, as they stood on the sidewalk. He wanted nothing more at that moment to take Liam into an alleyway and have his way with him but he managed to restrain his drunken self.
“We could go to my place,” said Liam, then, reconsidering, “but my roommate’s kind of an asshole.”
“Roommate,” John laughed. “You’re precious. We’ll go to my place; it’s across town, but what are you going to do?”
“What am I going to do when we get there?” Liam smiled mischievously.
“I have a feeling I already know the answer to that one.”
The taxi driver obviously recognized them as his customers and pulled up to the curb. He was a large, bald man who spoke with what John thought was some kind of vaguely eastern European accent, which made it difficult to understand whatever he was talking about for the entire trip. Not that that was all bad; it certainly kept John from either tearing off Liam’s clothes right there in the backseat or cumming in his pants. On the other hand, he was so anxious to get out of the cab that when he finally did he ended up tipping the guy something like 50% for his trouble just because he didn’t want to figure out the right amount before shoving a wad of cash at the driver.
Liam followed John in as the latter unlocked the door and flipped on the lights. “Wow, so this is how a real adult lives, huh? I can’t wait till I have my student loans paid off in approximately 50 years and can finally go into debt again buying a place like this of my own.”
“Are you always like this, or just when you’re drunk?” John asked, locking the door behind them.
“Like this? Like what?”
“Adorable,” John answered, “Are you always this adorable?”
“Oh, definitely only when I’m drunk,” Liam answered.
“I thought you said you got slutty when you got drunk,” said John. Liam had been halfheartedly looking around the living room that one entered directly from the front door, but he stopped at this remark and stepped towards John.
“I did say that, didn’t I? Oops, I always let that little secret slip.” He punctuated this admission by placing a finger to his lips.
“Well,” said John. “you know what they say about loose lips…” He began undoing his fly as he spoke, which did not go unnoticed by Liam.
“No, what do they say?” He had been slowly approaching and was now only inches in front of John.
“They suck cock.” John pulled his jeans and boxers down at once, letting his rapidly stiffening cock flop out.
Liam dropped to his knees in front of John and began kissing his cock. A kiss on the cock head was followed by Liam opening his mouth, taking first the whole head, then more, down and down the shaft.
“Aaah,” John let out a sigh of pleasure as Liam coated his cock with warm saliva, working it with his mouth while his hand, initially placed on John bare upper thigh, crept to his balls, where he began gently caressing.
“Mmm, mmm…” Liam made noises of pleasure but was seemingly otherwise lost in what he was doing. His eyes remained focused downward, concentrating on maximizing John’s pleasure.
John stripped off his shirt and tossed it aside, then stood there, just enjoying the one-sided pleasure of this young guy’s tongue massaging his dick for a while. Finally he tapped Liam on the shoulder, signaling him to stand up.
Liam stood and John kissed him, enjoying the taste of his own cock on the boy’s lips, then broke off the kiss and said “Strip. We’re going over to the couch.”
Liam quickly disrobed. John pulled off his shoes and socks, then finished the job of removing his pants. He admired Liam’s body for a second while the younger man was still getting undressed. Thin but not wiry, a build like a runner’s, smooth skin with very little in the way of body hair, the kid looked like a model. John sat on one end of the living room couch while Liam finished tossing away his boxers, revealing that beautiful dick, now partially hard.
“Get over here,” John commanded.
“Yes, daddy!” Liam responded. He initially moved to get back on his knees and continue his oral magic, but John stopped him.
“No, get on the couch. I want to see your sexy ass while you suck.”
Liam lay on his belly across the couch, his face in John’s crotch. He wordlessly went back to his work, putting his mouth on John’s rock hard dick and fondling John’s balls with his left hand. Liam’s right hand was under his body, and the slow movements of his arm told John that the boy was jerking himself while he sucked. John could not see this, but did get his desired view of Liam’s sexy ass.
It was pert and hairless, a slightly paler shade than the lightly tanned skin on Liam’s lower back. John would not be surprised if the kid worked out specifically to get this tight, fuckable ass; different, perhaps, John thought, in subtle ways, to how a sexy girl’s ass might be, but sexy nevertheless. He reached out his left arm, and took hold of the boy’s right butt cheek. He got a good feel, firm but not hard; smooth; just the right pushback against his groping fingers. He kneaded the warm flesh, giving it a squeeze, then a little smack.
“Mmm!” Liam reacted, interrupting the sloppily rhythmic slurping noises he had been making. He took his mouth off of John’s cock with another loud slurping sound. “Do you like my ass, daddy?”
“Suck,” John said, chuckling to himself at the repeated “daddy” epithet. I guess that one is not going away… He didn’t really mind; if anything it was kind of hot. Liam obeyed, happily returning to his work tonguing up and down the shaft.
John decided he would have to learn how Liam worked his magic. It was like simultaneous licking and sucking, his tongue moving independently of the rest of his mouth, his lips moving like some kind of pleasure machine, squeezing and releasing, as if trying to milk the cum out of John.
Ensuring that he Liam didn’t get that coveted cum too early required that John focus his attention away from that milking and onto something else. He let his hand drift to Liam’s crack, ran his fingers up and down its length a few times, and then pushed the cheeks apart as best he could. He could only catch the slightest glimpse of Liam’s little asshole from his position, but his fingers found it easily. He toyed with it a bit, then brought his fingers back to his mouth, applied some spit to them, and quickly replaced them back into Liam’s butt crack, eliciting another reaction from Liam.
“Ooh,” he cooed. He had taken his mouth from John’s cock and was now just letting his tongue flick against the cock head. “You do like my slutty little ass,” he said, wiggling his hips to emphasize it.
“I said suck,” John said. This time he took his free right hand, placed it on the back of Liam’s head and pushed the boy’s face back into his crotch. Liam resumed his noisy sucking. John applied the gentlest pressure to Liam’s head, and, sensing no resistance to this, applied more while raising his hips from the couch. Liam made a slight gagging noise but otherwise did not seem to object, so John relaxed momentarily, then repeated this, again with the only reaction being the sloppy noises coming from Liam’s mouth alongside the copious amount of spit John could feel dripping down his balls.
As he began fucking Liam’s face in earnest, John explored Liam’s asshole. He ran his fingers, slick with his own saliva around the rim, then pushed in his middle finger. He slowly removed it, then reinserted. In and out, in and out, slowly. Liam’s hips started to move slightly to meet John’s finger, pushing it deeper and deeper with each subsequent insertion.
Finally John removed his finger all the way, and, now joining it with his pointer finger, reinserted both fingers into the hole. Liam’s hole initially pushed against it but quickly relaxed, allowing both digits to explore his ass.
As John continued finger fucking Liam’s tight hole, he found himself increasing the speed of his thrusting, until Liam, able as he had been at servicing John’s cock began gagging loudly as the hard rod slammed repeatedly into his throat. Finally, choking and with drool overflowing his mouth, Liam forced his head back up, against and over the pressure of John’s hand in the opposite direction.
“Fuck,” he sputtered. He spit another big glob of saliva directly on John’s cock and spread it up and down the shaft and head with his hand.
“I want your asshole,” John said. He didn’t know why he had switched into such a dominant mode, but Liam seemed excited by it, in any case.
“Do you have a condom?” Liam asked.
“I do, upstairs,” John motioned with his head back to the stairs leading up to his bedroom. After having forgotten them with Riley and having made it agreed to the condition of not catching any diseases with her for non-exclusivity, he had been sure to pick up a box on his way home from work.
“Too bad,” Liam said. “I was really hoping for a drunk excuse not to use one.”
“Well, they are all the way upstairs…” John mused.
Liam smiled, and John was tempted, he had to admit, but decided to play it safe, at least for now. He couldn’t be sure how long his willpower would hold out, though.
“Get upstairs, you little slut,” he said.
“Yes, daddy,” Liam almost giggled. He hopped up and almost ran up the stairs, with John following leisurely behind, watching his tight little ass all the way up the stairs. Liam had no problem finding the bedroom without direction, and so walked in and casually sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for John a second behind.
Without saying anything, John stood between Liam’s knees, grabbed the boy’s smooth, hairless thighs, and pulled up, sending Liam falling back wards onto the bed. John dropped to his knees at the edge of the bed, Pulled Liam towards himself so that Liam’s ass was on the edge of the bed, his legs now over John’s shoulders, and took Liam’s hard cock into his mouth.
He sucked it once down as close to the balls as he could get, took it out of his mouth, then licked his way quickly along the shaft to the balls. He lapped at Liam’s ballsack, eliciting a little sound of delight from the younger man, then snaked his tongue to his asshole.
Fuck I love eating ass, John thought. He jammed his tongue right up Liam’s ass, tasting his sweet little shitpipe. Above him, Liam had started jerking his own cock again as John worked his tongue in and out, around and around. He could have done this all night. There was so much spit overflowing Liam’s little hole that he twice had to stop what he was doing and wipe some away from his lips before diving back into the kid’s tight, hairless ass.
“Please fuck me, daddy,” Liam said. “Put that big fucking dick in my tight little faggot asshole, please.”
John found the sudden use of a slur odd, but he didn’t particularly care at the moment; his cock was doing his thinking for him and all it wanted to do was stretch Liam’s tight asshole. He looked over to the nightstand, visualizing where he’d left the fresh box of condoms, mere feet aware, but practically on the other side of the world according to his throbbing member.
He grabbed his cock and pressed it against Liam’s asshole, slick with spit. He teased the hole with his cock head, guiding the tip of his cock up and down the crack.
“Please, daddy,” Liam teased him. Even in the low light he could make out the wicked smile on Liam’s face. “Breed me, daddy! I want your hot cum in my little faggot ass.”
Fuck it.
John pushed and his hard cock squeezed into Liam’s waiting asshole, roughly stretching it out. He could tell from the look on Liam’s face that he had not been ready for the sudden jolt of pleasure and pain that came with having a long, thick cock inserted into one’s anus in an instant.
“You like that, you little faggot slut?”
“Unnngh, yes, daddy, I love your big cock up my ass! Make me your little faggot bitch! Oh fuck!” Liam’s face was distorting with each stroke of John’s had dick. John drove it in and out with full force, pulling his cock out to the very tip and then reinserting all the way to the balls each time.
For as good as Liam had been with his mouth, he was somehow even better with his ass, which was clenching and relaxing, clenching and relaxing, squeezing every inch of John’s dick. Each stroke brought with it another wave of pleasure, running up the length of his member and up into his body.
“That’s it, bitch,” John continued. The words came without him thinking at all; all he could think about was the huge load of hot cum that was building in his balls. “Take my fucking cock up your little bitch ass.”
Liam was stroking his own cock furiously, moaning in pleasure with each stroke of John’s cock. Thanks to Riley, John found himself thinking, I know exactly how good he must be feeling. At the moment, though, he wouldn’t have traded places. Liam’s hole was clenching and relaxing, clenching and relaxing, trying to coax the cum out of him, but he didn’t want to end this just yet.
John pulled out and pushed lightly on the back of Liam’s lower thighs. Getting the signal, Liam scooted a little higher up on the bed, allowing John the room to climb up with him. He replaced Liam’s legs against his shoulders and pressed himself down on the younger man. It was easy to push his hard cock back into Liam’s sloppy, waiting hole now that he’d loosened up a bit.
“Yes, daddy, breed me,” Liam begged. John knew he wouldn’t last long in this position, driving the whole length of his cock deep into Liam’s ass with his whole body weight, but he also knew that it was exactly the kind of deep fucking that would send the kid over the edge.
“Yes, yes, yes, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me hard, fuck my little faggot ass,” Liam begged. He was on the very edge now, furiously yanking on his cock, squeezing droplets of precum from its tip. “Breed my ass, I want your cum, daddy…” His eyes were closed, lost in his own world of ecstasy.
“Fuck,” said John, “I’m going to cum in your asshole. You want daddy’s cum, you little slut?”
“Yes, daddy, yes…oh shit…” Liam couldn’t hold it in any more and his cock started spurting cum onto his hairless chest and stomach. The thick load splattered and pooled randomly all over.
John couldn’t resist. He scooped up some of the cum from Liam’s chest with the fingers of his right hand and put them up to Liam’s lips. “Clean up your fucking mess,” he commanded. Liam obediently lapped his own cum off John’s fingers, noisily slurping it all up and licking his fingers thoroughly to make sure.
This was enough for John “I’m cumming,” he grunted. “Oh, fuck yes…” as his cock went wild inside Liam’s ass, he felt an incredible wave of pleasure wash over him. The orgasm seemed to go on forever. His cock just kept convulsing; he had no idea how he had this much cum inside of him, but he never wanted it to stop.
When at last the orgasm subsided, he pushed Liam’s legs away, turning the boy on his side as he pulled his cock free from the death grip that the kid’s asshole had him in. He collapsed beside him on the bed and they both just lay there for a while catching their breath. Finally he decided to ask, “What’s with all the ‘faggot’ stuff?”
Liam just laughed. “Did it bother you, daddy?”
“No,” John replied, thinking it over, “just found it a little…strange, I guess. Like, it’s kind of like, a slur, right?”
“Yeah,” said Liam. In the dark John could only sense, not see that Liam was slightly moving his head from side to side as if considering it. “But that’s kind of what makes it hot, right? Like, I wouldn’t want some guy calling me that on the street, some guy just yelling it at me. It would probably scare the shit out of me. But with you, I mean, with some guy I am comfortable with, some guy pounding my ass like that, it’s safe. Like, just the right amount of, I don’t know, something. It just feels good.”
“I guess I get what you’re saying,” John said. “It’s like, some girls like being called sluts during sex. Same thing, I guess.”
“Yeah. And you always oblige them by calling them little sluts when you fuck them, right?”
“Oh, yes,” John said sarcastically, “all the many, many times I have been with a girl and she’s wanted that.”
“I’m sure you got plenty of pussy in your day,” Liam teased. “But now that you’ve tried a guy you’re never going back, of course.”
“Oh, someone is pretty sure of himself.”
“You seriously think you could go back to fucking girls after getting a taste of this sweet ass?” Liam had rolled over to look at John while they talked.
“Pretty sure that sweet ass is leaking cum onto my bedsheets at the moment,” John said. “Should we shower?”
“Nah,” said Liam, “I’d rather just fall asleep like this. No better sleep aid than an ass full of hot daddy cum.”
John sighed. This daddy thing is definitely here to stay, he thought, but he couldn’t disagree with Liam’s sentiment. They both drifted off to a drunken, satisfied slumber.
“Yeah, so, I should be in tomorrow,” John was desperately trying to finish his phone conversation with the office while Liam looked on, amused, wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist. “Just a bit under the weather, like I said, but nothing major.”
To be fair, that is not an inaccurate description of a hangover.
“Uh huh. Uh huh,” John could not escape HR. Liam smiled over his coffee cup. “Yeah, yeah, just…” This woman will not shut up.
John looked over at Liam to signal sorry about this.Liam took the opportunity to unwrap his towel and start taunting John with his flopping dick.
“Gotta go,” John said, and hung up. He turned to Liam, putting on his best playful yet stern face.
“You sure hung up in a hurry,” Liam teased, “something you need to do?”
“I need,” said John, “to go pick up my car from the other side of town. You, then, need to put on some clothes.”
“Aww,” Liam feigned disappointment. “You took the whole day off and all you want to do is go get your car?”
“No, we have a full schedule,” replied John. “First, we get my car. Then, we go to the clinic.”
“I called in sick, didn’t I?”
“You seem fine to me,” Liam smiled.
“Indeed,” replied John. He grabbed his own mug of coffee from the counter and took a drink. “but we’re going to get tested for every STI under the sun. My treat.”
“Is this your idea of a second date?” Liam chided him.
“In a sense,” said John, then, “In the sense that, assuming we’re both in the clear, it will be followed by me taking you back to my place and fucking your asshole for the remainder of the day.”
“Ooh, now that sounds like a second date.”
In getting another cab across town to his car, navigating to the clinic, and generally keeping Liam from grabbing his cock while they drove, John had not even thought of checking his phone for messages. It wasn’t till they were in the waiting room that the thought occurred to him, distracted as he was, that Riley might have sent something. He opened the message app to find that she had.
cannot wait for sat
work is killing me
ps horny as fuck
He saw that the messages had only come in this morning, so had had fortunately not kept her waiting too long.
poor baby
getting the tickets now
going to be a pretty spooky one. hope you don’t get nightmares
He switched over to the phone’s browser and started searching for an appropriate horror movie, but a reply came in quickly.
don’t care, will be too busy sucking your dick
Liam interrupted the resulting daydream, “Who you texting with, your girlfriend?”
“Something like that,” John teased.
“I’m telling you, you’re going to forget all about girls. Might as well just admit it now.”
“Sounds like somebody’s jealous…” now it was John’s turn to tease.
Liam just chuckled. “I guess that’s what I get for hooking up with a bi guy…”
“You’re going to get a lot more than that,” John said.
“Promises, promises.”
Two series of invasive tests and their respective negative results later, the two hopped back into John’s car.
“So, what’s next on the agenda for this morning?” Liam asked.
“It’s almost noon,” John answered. “How about I buy you lunch?”
“Hmm,” Liam said, “I guess I could eat.”
“Alright, what are you in the mood for?”
“I think you already know that,” Liam answered.
John tossed him a glance. “I meant to eat.”
“Oh, you’re no fun,” Liam said.
“Alright,” John said, “I know the perfect place.”
A few minutes later they pulled into John’s driveway.
“I thought you said we were going to eat?” Liam asked as John killed the engine.
“I’ll order in.”
They climbed out of the car and entered John’s house. “Where do you want to order from?” asked Liam.
“We’ll talk about that after I cum in your asshole. Get upstairs and get naked,” John ordered.
“Yes, sir, daddy, sir,” Liam almost giggled.
By the time John had reached the bedroom and finished stripping off his clothes, Liam was already lying on his back on the bed, fully naked, and waiting. John climbed up onto the bed beside Liam, positioned himself next to the younger man’s head, and commanded him, “suck.”
Liam propped himself up on his elbow enough to reach John’s hardening cock and did as he was told. With his free hand, he began stroking John while his tongue danced up and down the shaft.
Fuck, thought John, maybe what they say about guys being better at this is true. Or maybe he’s just exceptionally good. “Oh, yeah, that’s it,” he found himself encouraging Liam’s cocksucking. He watched Liam suck for a while, then decided to help him out with a hand to the back of the head. He guided Liam’s soft lips up and down his shaft, enjoying the warm, wet sensation.
While continuing to suck John, his eyes closed, Liam had begun to stroke his own thick, juicy cock. John watched as it responded, slowly growing and growing in Liam’s hand. It looked too good to resist. John shifted his weight, placing himself astride Liam’s face. Liam, for his part, never stopped sucking, allowing his hand to fall free to let John better position himself without ever changing his pace or even opening his eyes.
John lowered himself to a horizontal position. He took the tip of Liam’s cock into his mouth and began sucking. The warm, meaty feel in his mouth was like something out of a dream. He let his hips move automatically. Other than an increase in the volume of slopping sucking noises coming from Liam’s mouth, there was no sign that he objected at all.
John ran his tongue around the head of Liam’s cock a few times, then lowered his mouth onto it as far as he could. He held it as deep in his mouth as his gag reflex would allow, stretching his tongue down, down, the upper side of Liam’s shaft. When he had almost entirely run out of air, he allowed himself to pull back, take a breath, and repeat the process. Drool oozed from the corners of his mouth, but he ignored it.
Propping himself up on his right elbow left John’s left hand free to explore Liam’s ass. He ran his fingers up and down the crack a few time, eliciting a noticeably shiver from the younger man, who himself had begun rubbing John’s thighs as he continued to suck. John brought his fingers to his mouth, tasted them, then spit what moisture hadn’t already dripped down Liam’s shaft onto them. He quickly found Liam’s tight asshole and pushed his fingers in, first the middle finger alone, then, after a short interval of working it in and out, his index finger as well.
He paused his sucking momentarily to focus on fucking Liam’s face. He pushed his hips down, inserting his rock hard cock as deep as he could manage into Liam’s throat one, two, three times, the last time holding it until Liam began to cough and sputter.
“Fuck,” Liam managed between breaths. “Your cock is so fucking good.” He started sucking it again, to which John responded by fucking his face, this time accompanied by forcing his fingers as deep into the boy’s ass as they would go.
Once again Liam gagged, holding John’s cock in his throat until he could no longer stand the lack of oxygen. “Fuck me, daddy,” he sputtered, “I want your cock in my little faggot asshole.”
John dismounted and positioned himself between Liam’s thighs. He pushed Liams legs up to his chest, exposing that tight little ass. “Is this what you want, you little faggot bitch, huh?”
“Oh, yes, daddy,” Liam managed, still recovering from the face fucking. “Give me that big fucking cock.”
“Where do you want it? Tell me again, bitch. Tell me where you want this fucking cock.” He put a hand gently on Liam’s throat and pressed his body weight against the back of Liam’s thighs.
“I want it in my little bitch ass, daddy, please,” Liam begged, unable to hide his smile.
John pushed his hard cock in, forcing it up into Liam’s protesting hole with his whole body weight. He pulled out and slammed it back in again. And again. And again. Their flesh clapped together loudly with each thrust. Liam’s head moved this way and that, his face a portrait of ecstasy as John’s cock violated his deepest places.
“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” Liam moaned in time with each thrust. The cum was building in John’s balls but he wanted this to last. He thrust hard one more time, burying himself up to the balls in Liam’s tight asshole, then pulled all the way out and released Liam’s legs, which fell back to the bed.
John climbed up onto Liam, once again straddling his face, but this time facing the headboard. “Taste your ass,” he commanded. Liam looked up into his eyes and then grabbed his cock, guiding it to his mouth. He licked and sucked the head, using his hand to jerk John. John pushed away the boy’s hand, grabbed the headboard with his other hand, and began fucking Liam’s face again, thrusting hard into the boy’s mouth until Liam gagged again, spit pouring out of the corners of his mouth and merging with the already present pool of spit and pre-cum that had built up around him.
“Please fuck my asshole again, daddy,” Liam begged.
“Face down, ass up,” John commanded, and Liam promptly agreed, the two of them effortlessly untangling from each other.
John spit in his own hand and smeared it into Liam’s asshole, already a gaping, spit-covered mess, then slammed his cock back inside. “You like that, bitch? You like my cock in your ass?”
“Oh, yes, daddy, yes, I’m going to fucking cum, make me fucking cum daddy, please…” Liam was furiously jerking his cock as he begged.
It was, by this point, totally out of John’s hands. He couldn’t stop his hips from moving if he had wanted to. “Fuck, I’m going to cum in your ass…” he held on as long as he could, but it was futile. A wave of pleasure shot through him as he fired his first load deep into Liam’s bowels, then a second, then a third. He grew unsteady on his legs as he empty his balls into Liam.
“Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck,” Liam was lost in his own world of pleasure, shooting a stream of hot cum of his own as John exploded in his ass.
When they had both finished, John pulled out to see his handy work. Liam, still face down and panting, had his ass up in the air, beautifully gaped and a trail of cum oozing from the hole. For John, this was perhaps one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. An urge came over him and he bent forward and slurped up the trail of cum that had dripped its way down from Liam’s ass, over his taint, and all the way down to his shaved ballsack. I’ve always wanted to do that with a girl but never dared, he thought.
Liam, evidently surprised at the sensation, rolled over onto his back. “Wow,” he said “did you just…?”
John answered him by lowering himself and giving Liam a kiss on the lips, letting a glob of still-warm ass cum slide into Liam’s mouth. Their tongues wrestled with each other and the sticky, slimy cum until John pulled back.
“Fuck that was hot,” Liam said, a look of amazement on his face.
“Good,” said John. “Because I told you I was going to fuck you all day, and I’m a man of my word.”
Liam smiled.