

A gay story: Attention Warnings: DaddyDom(No Age Play), Daddy Kink, Overstimulation(slight), Multiple Orgasms, Butt-Plugs, Creampie, Cum-Play, Mirror Sex, Romantic, and Praise Kink.

Please note that all characters involved in this story are 18+, fully consenting, and there is no age play present in this.




Cameron sighed and grabbed the remote for the television in the bedroom and sighed deeply, scanning through the channels as he looked for something to watch that he’d not already seen a hundred times. He was so bored. William was working, so he had to find something to do to amuse himself but he was out of ideas entirely. He had binged every anime that he wanted to watch already, and he didn’t really feel like starting a new show–he could never stop watching once he got started so it seemed like too much of a time investment when William was going to be home for the next few days because he’d decided to finally take a break.

The only problem was, William was still working. They had a last-minute V.I.P. client and William was leading the project from home because he’d already set up for him to be home. Cameron had been fine with that, William usually wasn’t all that involved with projects, even if he were the head of the project. But this time it was different. William had been holed up in his office all day, trying to piece together some design that frankly sounded like a train wreck of a request to Cameron. Pink Zebra print, flowers, llamas, bows, and glitter? Who the hell was the V.I.P. client and why are they spending money on something that sounds so atrocious?

Cameron was all for llamas from a distance, he honestly couldn’t stand the idea of any animal that spits being near him, but that was his prerogative. He could admit that his pediatrician had some cool llama art on the walls when he was a kid, but he was not about to spend V.I.P. client money on a piece of art with a llama and zebra print. It seemed tacky and difficult to design, like a literal nightmare. He couldn’t complain about Liam working, because he did it to take care of him, but he was worried.

William had been working on the project since Wednesday, and he seemed to be struggling with his time even before he came home from work earlier in the afternoon. William seemed to be working himself twice as hard because of the client, and whoever it was seemed to be declining every design they sent in for approval. William seemed to be overworking himself, and Cameron wasn’t really sure what to do about it. He wasn’t exactly in a position to tell him how to live his life, and William was older than him and had responsibilities that he didn’t. Even though they were both technically adults, they were at two totally different places in life. Cameron had no idea what kind of pressure William was under to meet the needs of the client, and because he didn’t even know who the client was, so he couldn’t even begin to imagine the impact a negative outcome could be.

It was clear that William was stressed and tired, and he wanted to help him. But he really was at a loss for how. Cameron sighed and turned off the television, deciding that he’d rather take a shower than just channel surf with no intention to watch anything. Cameron sighed a little as he looked through his drawers for something to put on. Cameron settled after a few minutes on a silky pajama tank top and shorts set that William had bought him. It was pink, and it was lacy and it made him feel honestly, kind of beautiful. William bought him so many outfits–stuff for every occasion imaginable, and to Cameron’s delight, William always managed to pick out stuff that accentuated the parts of him that he liked without the parts he didn’t like drowning it out. His face was by far his best feature, probably, but he really liked his legs, waist, and hips.

Cameron wanted to look pretty and feminine, and those parts of his body were the parts of it that he was proud of. His hands were on the smaller side, but they were still a somewhat weak spot for him. His hands were a lot smaller than William’s, and something about that made butterflies race in his stomach. Cameron walked into the bathroom and turned the knob on the wall up all the way so the bathroom was bright and he walked forward to the walk-in shower and turned it on, letting the water heat up as he undressed himself and put everything into the hamper.

Once he was finished with that, he hopped into the shower and grabbed his loofah, pouring some of his body wash onto it before he started washing himself. He washed off quickly and then grabbed his shaving cream and spread it onto his legs and shaved his legs and ass. Once he finished that, he ran his fingers through the hair at the base of his cock with a huff. William liked to shave him–and he’d done so in many different ways. He liked to do designs in the hair at the base of his cock. One time, he’d shaved everything but three stars, sometimes they were more intricate and took more time, but he didn’t do those frequently because Cameron would have to grow his hair out enough for him to do it. William seemed to settle on something more convenient–just a square about an inch and a half up and across. It did actually look pretty good, and he liked running his fingers through it, but he didn’t want to let it get too long so he trimmed it up a bit.

Once he was sufficiently clean and hairless everywhere but just the top of the base of his cock, he got out and stopped in front of the large mirror on the wall and brushed his fingers through his wet hair. His skin was still tinted pink from the temperature of the water, and he quickly pulled on his panties and then the pajamas. After a once-over, he confirmed that he looked pretty. He giggled a little and grabbed his lotion, sitting down on the edge of the garden tub to apply it.

Once he was done, he walked out into the bedroom and saw that William still wasn’t in the bedroom. Consider him worried, it’s well after midnight. He walked over to where his robe was and pulled it on, tying it around his waist before he walked out of their bedroom and roamed down the hallway to the stairs. Once he hit the middle floor where the living room and kitchen were, he headed towards the stairway that led back up to William’s office.

He knocked on the door before he peeked his head into the room when he heard no response and caught sight of William. He was slumped over on his desk, one of his arms folded over on his laptop with his head resting on it while his other arm was outstretched on the desk, his pen still clasped between his fingertips. Cameron would’ve been worried if he couldn’t see William’s back rising and falling with his breaths. “Daddy,” Cameron said softly, walking into the room and putting his hand on William’s shoulder.

William jerked awake, his head pulling up with enough speed to knock his slightly out-of-place glasses right off of his face and down onto his computer. “Cameron, baby, what’re you doing up?” William asked, his voice deepened from his sleep. Cameron reached forward and brushed his hair out of his eyes, smiling down at him.

“I was showering,” Cameron said softly, and William reached out blindly for his glasses, sighing a bit. Cameron giggled a little and reached forward, picking them up before he slid them into place on his face. “Why are you sleeping on your desk?” Cameron asked, and William sighed deeply and shook his mouse, pulling up the plans he’d been working on before he had fallen asleep.

Cameron’s initial thoughts about the piece of artwork was correct–it looked as atrocious as it sounded. Glitter and pink zebra print was cringe-y enough, why did they have to make it so specific? “I can’t get a design that the bastard will accept,” William said tightly, his eyebrow twitching in annoyance. “We typically handle pieces for businesses, celebrities, sophisticated pieces of artwork that thousands of hours go into and I swear to fucking god I’ve never had such a hard time getting approval for a piece.”

“That’s because the whole idea is pretty terrible. Who actually likes pink zebra print, and why would they pair it with a llama?” Cameron asked, and William shrugged as if to say who the hell knows and let out a frustrated sigh before he turned to Cameron and reached out, clasping his wrist in his hand and tugging him forward between his legs. William buried his face in his stomach, letting out a sigh as he wrapped his arms around his waist and held him still. “What are you doing?” Cameron asked playfully, reaching his hands up to run his fingers through William’s hair.

“I need a recharge,” William said, his voice muffled into his robe. Cameron nodded and started combing his fingers through his hair more as William fell silent. “I don’t think I can do this piece,” William said after a few minutes, sighing deeply. “I can’t make a llama not look stupid on a pink and black background. He wants it realistic but colorful. Glittery, but not cheap.” William griped. “The whole idea sounds like something a four-year-old would make. How is it so fucking difficult?”

“Have you tried looking at it from a different angle?” Cameron asked, and William peered up at him. “Try doing layers. Do the zebra print as the background, and then put lace over it. It’ll mute down the bright poppy-ness of the pink and black. Over the lace, do a layer of resin, and put diamonds and glitter.” Cameron suggested, and William hummed a bit. “Once the layer dries, you can put a white background that’s smaller than the background, and paint a watercolor llama outlined in black. That way, its outline is obvious, but the colors don’t have to be contained. And, then you can put flowers in the resin on the same layer, and then sand it down so the edges are rounded, and put a giant black bow on top of it.”

“You have a good point. Something like that might work, actually.” William said, his hand reaching around him to scribble the idea down on a piece of paper on his desk. Cameron slid over out of the way so he could see. “Was something wrong, beautiful?” William asked, and Cameron shook his head and stepped forward, putting his hands on William’s shoulders.

“Nothing,” Cameron said, and William stilled for a moment, raising his head and pushing his glasses up on his nose as his deep eyes scrutinized him. Cameron blushed a little and looked away from him, unable to keep from biting his lip a little. William stood up and put his hands on Cameron’s hips, making Cameron’s heart speed up in his chest.

“Have I left you feeling lonely?” William guessed, and Cameron paused for a moment, torn between saying he was a little lonely, and denying it because he didn’t want William to feel bad. Cameron was a giant attention whore and he knew it. He’d probably never leave the house again if William stayed home and gave him all of his attention. Cameron just liked the attention. William’s attention. And William barely ever made him feel lonely anyway, so a one-time event wasn’t something Cameron was too concerned over. William obviously had work, and he could understand that.

“No,” Cameron denied, looking up at him through his lashes as he bit into his lip. William raised an eyebrow at him, putting his hand on his lower back, and pulled him closer, up against his chest. Cameron let out a slightly hitched breath as he looked up at William shyly.

“My little lovely,” William said, his tone coming out soft and inquiring. Skeptical. Cameron huffed a little and poked out his bottom lip. William smiled softly, reaching his hand out to run his thumb along his cheek gently. “I’m so sorry for burying myself in work. I’ve been neglecting you,” William said softly, sincerity wringing through his words. Cameron flushed brightly, his heart speeding up a little.

“I’m not upset, I just was worried about you, honestly,” Cameron said softly, and William pulled away a little to look down into his eyes and brushed his hair out of his eyes. Cameron sucked in a deep breath, arousal beginning to seep through him at the proximity. William’s eyes were finally focused on him, his attention centered fully on him and it had his heart racing in his chest and arousal flooding through him. His face heated up more and he felt his cock stiffening in his panties.

“Still. Would you like me to make it up to you, my love?” William asked, wrapping his arm tighter around him. Cameron moaned softly when his cock brushed against William’s chest, and he wrapped his arms around William’s neck and lifted himself up on his tip toes so that he was a little taller.

“Well,” Cameron said breathlessly, biting into his lip for a moment. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt for you to take a break, right?” Cameron asked, and William nodded, leaning down to press his lips against Cameron’s cheek and he carefully brushed kisses along his skin, tingles, and warmth trailing into him. Cameron bit his lip and nodded. “Okay, but you’re not making anything up to me, got it?” Cameron said sassily, and William chuckled and gripped into his waist and lifted him up.

Cameron giggled and buried his face in William’s neck, wrapping around him tightly as William’s arm slid down and hooked under his ass. Cameron blushed brightly and looked up at William shyly as he held on to his neck. “You’re adorable, little one,” William murmured softly, carrying him out of his office and down into the living room, and then up the other set of stairs across the room.

“I love you, Daddy,” Cameron said, leaning forward and pressed a kiss to William’s ear. William chuckled softly and kicked open the door to their room, carrying him over to the bed. William sat him down on it gently and smiled as he looked over him, his deep brown eyes dark with desire as he roamed his eyes over him hungrily. Cameron flushed and sucked in a deep breath as William reached down and pulled the tie on his robe, pulling it until it was undone, and then he gently pushed it off of his shoulders, his fingertips grazing his skin lightly.

Cameron’s breath caught in his throat and he shivered a little, tingles trailing behind his fingertips. The look in William’s eyes had Cameron’s stomach doing somersaults, lust beginning to take over him. The look in William’s eyes was so full of desire and longing that it made Cameron feel a little lightheaded and warm. William’s warm hand landed on the back of his neck, slipping into his hair as he used the slight grip to lead his head back gently. Anticipation raced through Cameron as William leaned down over him, hyperaware and focused on the close proximity.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, Cameron,” William praised him in an amazed tone as his eyes roamed over him like it was the first time he’d ever seen him. Cameron let out a shaky breath as William’s lips met his and fire raced through him, an electric current that made him shiver a bit traveling through him as his skin began tingling. Their lips moved together, dizzied breaths escaping Cameron’s lips each time they parted for a half-second. He could feel William’s warmth wrapping around him, lust fogging his mind over as he tangled his fingers into William’s hair. It was soft and smooth between his fingers, and his heart was hammering in his chest, the sound of his blood rushing in his ears.

William felt like gravity, everything in him was drawn towards him, his warm hand sliding around to the small of his back, fingertips slipping beneath the back of his shirt and slowly sliding up his back. Cameron let out a soft moan, unable to help his body trembling slightly beneath his warm and steady hands, his cock twitching in his panties as he clung onto William and pulled him closer to him.

He wanted more, he wanted him closer until nothing was separating them them at all. He was desperate, his desire to be intertwined with him clouding his mind as he pulled away from the kiss and whimpered a little, his fingers tugging on William’s hair a little. “Please,” He breathed, his legs parting more as he tried to pull him closer.

“Don’t worry, you’ve got my attention now, lovely,” William purred into his ear, pulling back just enough to pull his tank top over his head and then he found himself being lifted up and tossed carefully back onto the bed. He bounced a little as he gasped, surprise crossing his face before he propped himself up on his elbows and met William’s eyes. William’s hands tugged on his tie, his movements speeding up a slight bit as he tossed the tie onto the bed and then started working the buttons on his shirt.

Once he was shirtless too, he crawled onto the bed and laid down beside him, drawing him into his arms and capturing his lips again, his hand catching the small of his back to hold him closer to him, leading his lips in a kiss as William’s hand laced through one of his and pressed it down against the bed over his head. For a moment, William was only kissing him, his hand clasped in his gently. It was all so gentle, it made his mind fog and his breath race. Anticipation crept through him for when William’s fingers would eventually touch him harder. Cameron whimpered when William’s fingers pulled from his, he wanted to clasp his hand back around his but a half a heartbeat later, William’s fingertips pressed against his fingertips. It made Cameron’s breath catch, his lips moving more fervently against William’s. He couldn’t stand the thought of pulling away to ask what he was doing, but he didn’t really seem to need to when he could steal little gasps of breath in between them.

Cameron shivered a little when he felt William’s fingers running over his palm, then down to his wrist, his fingers felt so warm and soft against his skin. Cameron could hear his own heart, feel it speeding in his chest as William’s fingertips ran up the center of his forearm, up to his shoulder, and then along his collarbone. “Please,” Cameron couldn’t help but gasp when his fingertips trailed down his breastbone, over his abdomen, lightly dancing along the waistband of his shorts. They were doing little to hide his arousal, his entire body was practically vibrating with excited energy as William’s fingertips slipped into his shorts and lifted him up just enough to pull them off of him.

His hands skimmed along the outside of his thighs as he pulled them off, and Cameron flushed as he let out a shuddery breath. The air around them even felt different, somewhat muted but warm, fuzzy somehow. William’s eyes landed on his erection, and Cameron couldn’t help but blush deeper when his eyes followed his. He could suddenly feel the wet spot on them, pressing against the head of his cock. He couldn’t remember quite how he’d even managed to get so turned on under the gentle touches, it felt so different from what he was used to.

William teased him, but this felt different somehow, more intimate. It was different, Cameron could tell that just by the look in William’s eyes, but how? Why did it suddenly feel so hard to breathe? The air felt thick and heavy in his lungs, but somehow it wasn’t off-putting. He felt so shy under his gaze like William was looking through him but still somehow at him. He’d never felt so naked in his life, and he wasn’t fully undressed yet even.

“You’re perfect, Cameron,” William murmured as he slotted himself between his legs and caged him down to the bed, his elbows on either side of his head. “I love you so much, little one,” The words seemed so much louder to him than they really were, they jumped out to his lust-fogged brain and captured his attention. He sucked in a deep breath as William’s lips began following the same path his fingers had taken–first his fingertips, then his palm, his forearm, his shoulder, over his collarbone. Each brush of skin felt so much better in the heat of the moment.

It was intoxicating, and Cameron had no idea how to handle it. He was filled with desire, his entire body begging for more. “I-I need you,” Cameron gasped softly, his eyes staring up at William pleadingly, weakly. He was so aroused his body felt heavy, and William’s eyes were like fire as they roamed over his face, and a hand came up to brush his hair out of his eyes as William looked down at him.

“You’re bewitching, Cameron,” William said, and Cameron let out a little whimper as he pulled away but he quickly shut up when he felt William’s fingers slipping into the legs of his panties and tugging them down over his hips, tossing them over out of the way before his fingers worked the fastenings of his pants, pulled off his pants and boxers. Cameron could’ve cried from sheer joy when William returned, those deep brown eyes roaming over him hungrily. “Flawless in your beauty and grace,” William murmured into his ear as he wrapped his arms around him and rolled him slightly so that he was on his side, William’s hand landing on his lower back before skimming down over the swell of his ass. “I love you,” William murmured into his ear.

“I love you too,” Cameron breathed, looking up at him with hooded, arousal-darkened eyes as he felt William’s erection brushing against his hip. Cameron couldn’t help but shiver a little, excitement coursing through him. He felt so needy, he hadn’t been this close to orgasming without penetration in so long, every nerve ending in his body was screaming at him for William’s length. “I need you,” Cameron whispered, and William’s eyes darkened as he swallowed and nodded, his fingers brushing against Cameron’s hole.

Cameron let out a desperate noise, his body aching with his desire, please please please echoing through his head on repeat as he pushed back into William’s fingers. “I’m ready,” Cameron said, and William chuckled a little as he trailed kisses over his forehead.

“So soon, beautiful?” William asked, and Cameron nodded his head. At this point, he rarely required being fingered–William kept toys in him as much as possible, and he fucked him enough that he was nearly always stretched enough to accommodate his size. Cameron nodded and sucked in a deep breath, wrapping his arms around William’s neck. “Okay baby,” William murmured and rolled him back onto his back, his hands gripping into his thighs as Cameron hooked his legs over his hips, and watched on bated breath as William grabbed the lube off the bedside table and lubricated himself up.

“Please, I-I wanna feel you inside of me!” Cameron pleaded when he felt the head of William’s cock pushing against his hole. It caught on the rim for a second as William leaned down and pressed their lips together again, tangling their tongues as he slowly started pushing inside of him. Cameron moaned into the kiss, fighting against the urge to push back into his length as he felt his insides slowly stretching around William’s length. Warmth was quickly filling him up, pleasure seeping through him as William pushed in deeper. More and more, until Cameron was trembling and moaning softly as William’s hips pressed against his ass. “D-Daddy,” Cameron stammered, and William smiled softly down at him.

“Hmm?” William hummed softly, his hands reaching up to unwrap Cameron’s arms from his neck, pushing them down against the bed as he laced their fingers together, using the grip as leverage to thrust into him.

“Daddy, fuck,” Cameron gasped, his back arching as pleasure thrummed through his body. He felt so warm, he was wrapped in William’s arms, and every inch of his body was tingling with excitement. He just wanted him, all of him, forever. “Pl-Please, move,” He pleaded breathlessly, his fingers digging into the backs of William’s hands.

“Of course, lovely,” William practically purred into his ear, his teeth lightly grazing the shell of his ear as he started rolling his hips. “How do you want it tonight, hmm? Slow and sensual?” He asked, his pace matching the words as Cameron whimpered, his hips pushing back into the thrusts. “Or would you rather me fuck you like the beautiful little doll that you are?” William continued, speeding up his movements until he was thrusting into him. Cameron’s eyes rolled back as he let out a loud moan, his fingernails scratching into the back of William’s head as a wave of pleasure knocked him breathless.

“The s-second please,” Cameron pleaded, trying to clear the haze from his mind but it wasn’t happening. He loved the way it felt to have William inside of him, his body molded to William’s shape. Liam’s length made him feel full, and the way his eyes looked over him had his body burning beneath him. William’s thrusts were perfectly aimed and timed, each one was sending shockwaves of pleasure through him, and he could barely wade through it. He just wanted to sink into it and let himself float.

“Your wish is my command, treasure,” William hummed, and Cameron moaned as William’s thrust began to speed up. Cameron pushed his hips down to meet William’s thrusts, pleasure taking him over as their bodies moved together. William’s eyes roaming over him made his heart speed up and his body burns up under their piercing gaze. Each precisely aimed thrust of William’s hips had his cock ramming into his prostate, and it had stars dancing behind his eyes. He couldn’t think with William’s eyes on him, all he could focus on was William’s eyes on his skin, the feeling of William inside of him, and the sensations coursing through his body.

Look at me more, Cameron mentally pleaded, only me, forever. It sounded like a good enough compromise to his lust-fried mind. He always wanted to feel William moving inside of him, to have his eyes roaming over him with that deliciously intense gaze that made him feel so confident and sure of himself. William made him feel so good, his touch was like kindling on a fire, it sent desire blazing through him.

William’s hands stayed locked with his as he moved within him, each thrust sending jolts of pleasure radiating through him. It felt amazing in more ways than one–the warmth was prevalent, grounding. The strength behind his grip made Cameron’s insides hear up. But there was more. His thrusts were somehow gentle and strong, controlled but somehow still erring on the edge of ravenous. Liam wasn’t kerosene, he was fire–beautiful, uncontrollable, and uncontainable–and his touch was safe, and protective, and Cameron felt so warm and fuzzy beneath him.

“F-Fuck,” Cameron gasped when William changed his angle just a bit, and pleasure burst through his veins and made him feel as if he were floating. “H-Harder, please, Daddy,” Cameron pleaded, and William smirked down at him, those deep brown eyes so full of desire as they roamed over his face, and fuck he was trembling under his gaze. The appreciation in his eyes made Cameron’s heart pound and pride swell in his chest.

“You look so beautiful when you’re desperate for me,” William said, his voice thick with arousal as his hands loosened their grip around his hands and pulled away, leaning back a little and hooked his knees over his shoulders before leaning over him more. Cameron moaned loudly as the angle shifted and William was deeper. So much deeper, he could’ve choked.

“Holy shit,” Cameron cried out and shuddered, tremors coursing through his body as William thrusted his hips. Cameron’s hands immediately moved, going to cling onto his shoulders, his back arching as the thrusts slowly gained speed. Every inch of his body was wringing with pleasure, his thighs trembling as his feet dangled over William’s shoulders.

Cameron tried to meet his movements halfway, but his body wasn’t cooperating with his thoughts as moans began flying from his lips. He could hear his moans echoing around them, the sound of the headboard banging against the wall the only other comparable noise in the room and even that was being drowned out by the volume of the noises leaving him. He couldn’t quite catch his breath, everything was so mind-numbingly fantastic that he couldn’t–and he couldn’t look away.

He was weak, flying, soaring. “D-Daddy,” Cameron cried out, his body tensing around William as he lost himself to an orgasm. It knocked him momentarily blind, the world fizzling away as pleasured shudders consumed him and he found himself clinging onto William harder, his fingernails digging into his shoulders. “Mo-More,” Cameron pleaded, arching his back up. William groaned and bent over him more, thrusting into him harder. The head of William’s cock bashed into his prostate from a different angle, sending euphoria ricocheting through him.

He could feel his cock rubbing between his thighs with each thrust, his cum acting as lubrication and he couldn’t help but push up a little in a half-baked attempt to rub his slightly overstimulated erection against William’s muscular abdomen. Even after an orgasm, he was still hard as a rock, he wanted more attention, more praise. More everything, anything.

“The way your eyes get darker when you get aroused is making me lose my mind,” William said huskily into his ear, and Cameron whimpered in response, his body tensing a bit as he tried to pull William closer to him. The position didn’t really allow it, despite it feeling good and Cameron whined softly. “Don’t worry, I’ll give you as much attention as you want, my little treasure,” William said.

Warmth spread through Cameron and he whimpered. “C-Closer,” Cameron pleaded, and William smiled softly down at him and leaned up off of him, letting his legs fall down off of his shoulders. Cameron cried out when William pulled out of him, his arms reaching out for him. “No,” He whined.

“Shh, I’ve got you, beautiful,” William said, lifting him up off of the bed. He turned them towards the mirror on the wall and pulled him up into his lap and turning him around so that his back was against his chest. Cameron couldn’t help the blush that trailed up his cheeks as he looked over himself in the mirror. The distance between the bed and the mirror gave him a pretty wide view of himself and every reaction he had–but it also meant he could see William.

Cameron whimpered when he felt the head of William’s cock pushing against the rim of his hole, and then he lowered him onto it. “W-Whoa,” Cameron gasped, tingles spreading through him, his entire body feeling fuzzy as pleasure knocked into him. He was so full, William was hitting his prostate differently, or… something… because it felt so good. It was different, he knew that–he just didn’t know how. But it felt amazing. William’s hand landed on his abdomen and then he was rocking his hips. Cameron moaned, his head falling back against William’s chest as he started rocking his hips back toward William’s.

“Close enough?” William hummed, his lips running along the back of his neck as he started to push up into him harder. Cameron could feel him dragging along his insides, each thrust sending waves of pleasure washing over him. He could see William’s hands, one on his chest and the other firmly planted on his lower abdomen, and he was somehow managing to lift and drop him with no visible strain. Cameron’s thighs trembled as he put his feet on the bed and pulled his knees up a little so they were bent, squeezing his thighs together. His intention was to stimulate his erection… the lazy way… but what really happened was William’s length was shuffled inside of him and he was thrown into an orgasm.

He shook and trembled, his orgasm ran into him full force and made his vision white out. His body tensed and his eyes rolled back and he found himself coating his thighs and abdomen with cum as William held onto him tighter, soft words being whispered in his ear as he slowly rolled his hips. William’s hand roamed up his chest, running his fingers over one of his nipples, sending pleasure exploding through him and he couldn’t help but cry out. The moment felt coated in heat, his tone deep and desire filled, his touch warm and gentle but full of need, it felt like everything was just so soft.

He wasn’t even looking directly at William anymore, by all rights this should’ve felt less intimate, but William’s hands ran over his skin so gently. He could feel William’s chest against his back, and his arm around him, and his hand moving over his nipple. Again and again, pleasure washing over him in waves that made his mind lag out on him. “Daddy,” Cameron whimpered softly, meeting his eyes in the mirror.

“Those beautiful little noises are driving me mental,” William groaned, biting down into his shoulder a bit as he bounced him on his cock. Cameron couldn’t respond, not with each movement of William’s length inside of him making pleasure course through his body. William’s length was pulsing inside of him, his fingers as they started tugging on his nipple and rolling it, the way his dark hair fell into those dark eyes and–fuck, he felt like he was going to explode. “I love that, you’re so incredible. You feel so good around me, little one.” The praise, oh it was turning him to mush.

He melted back into William’s chest, resting his head on his shoulder as he watched their bodies moving together in the mirror on bated breath. Every touch felt elevated, his body felt warmer than usual, arousal washing through him in waves, comingling with the pleasure already overflowing out of his body. Everything was simmering just below his skin, his body heating up and his mind blanking out a bit.

“F-Feels so good,” Cameron gasped, his hands gripping down into the blankets on either side of them, just for something to hold. He didn’t know where to put his hands, but he didn’t want them in the way of him seeing what William was doing to him.

“Spread your legs, baby boy,” William directed, his voice deepened from arousal and sending shivers down his spine. Cameron whimpered in confusion, unsure how to position himself, and William’s hands left him only to grip into the backs of his thighs, down by his knees and he watched with his heart racing in his chest as William spread his legs, managing to effortlessly position him up onto his knees with William’s legs beneath him, and fuck. Fuck. These were positions he’d never tried before, and the sensations kept slightly changing–but only just enough for him to detect the change, not to pinpoint it.

William’s hands settled on his hips and Cameron’s breath caught in his chest as he lifted him and dropped him back down–and then he was basically being bounced on William’s length. He was being held into place, he could see his own face as he was being fucked, his eyes watering and his body trembling. His cock was bouncing too, hitting against his abdomen with each movement that sent pleasure echoing through him. Everything faded away but the pleasure, the wonderful pleasure that he was drowning in. He was tingling and hyperaware of each brush of their bodies together, he couldn’t think–it was so so fantastic.

After a few days of being left to his own devices, this was a much-needed recess from his own mind. “Y-You spoil me,” Cameron murmured in a daze as William chuckled behind him and pressed a kiss to the back of his neck, his movements barely stalling. Cameron moaned as he met William’s eyes in the mirror, so much love and admiration in them that it made him feel so warm. William was a total softy, he had a way with words that would probably make most people swoon, and in those eyes, Cameron could see the emotions swirling through his eyes even with the pleasure clouding his mind.

“You deserve to be spoiled,” William said, the gentleness of the tone lulling him, and Cameron whimpered, his thighs trembling. Cameron couldn’t understand how William managed to keep his tone so steady when he was moving him, when Cameron was pleasured, his voice just failed on him and he stammered and slurred. He was a mess, but William was perfect. “Your body deserves to be treated with tenderness,” The words made his face heat up, unable to help the moan that fell off his lips.

William’s eyes on him, so full of admiration, had Cameron’s body melting and his pride swelling… but William’s soft words whispered heatedly against his skin? Those were his, special, engraved in his mind forever. William’s hand came up and gently pushed his head up and to the side a bit, capturing his lips in a kiss. Cameron whimpered into the kiss, a haze of arousal and desire clouding his mind as their tongues moved together. The kiss hindered the pace a little, but the strength was still there because William’s hand went back to grip into his hip, and it made his toes curl as each movement hit his prostate.

All that Cameron cared about as ecstasy flowed through him was William’s length inside of him, moving and battering his prostate. William was warm behind him, he was surrounded by the warmth and it resonated through him and made him feel so soft and floaty. His erection was throbbing between his legs, and he didn’t even think about touching it. The sensations coursing through him had him moaning into the kiss, his lungs burning a little in search of oxygen. William pulled back from the kiss and brushed his lips along his cheek. Cameron’s face deepened in color as William’s dark eyes staring into his made his heart thump. There was something so sensual and pleasurable about the way they seemed to stare right into him. It made his entire body shake, desperation crawling through him. It was mind-boggling to him how William could just look at him and turn him into a squirming, desperate mess.

“Y-you make me feel so good…” Cameron managed to get out between soft moans and breathless gasps, his head falling back onto William’s shoulder. He could feel his orgasm getting closer, he was dangling just on the edge. “I’m so close,” Cameron whimpered, and William leaned down and pressed his forehead to Cameron’s.

“You want to cum for me again, beautiful?” Little one, beautiful, treasure, baby boy, each name that rolled off of William’s tongue had him sinking. Cameron nodded his head breathlessly. “Go ahead, make a mess for me, baby.” Cameron let out a moan, his eyes rolling back into his head. William was touching every inch of him, stretching him, and filling him to the brim. With each rise and drop of his body, William’s cock was dragging against everything that made Cameron’s body quiver. Coupled with the pleasure, were the soft words, the gentle caresses, and the way his eyes never left his–it was all so intimate and warm that he felt a little intoxicated by it.

“Such a good boy, Cameron, open your legs a little wider, precious boy,” Cameron moaned in response, the pleased tone in William’s voice resonated through him and he complied easily, sliding his knees farther apart on the bed.

“S-So big,” Cameron panted in a daze as he tried to stifle the moan of pleasure that escaped him when William rolled his hips up into him, as he trailed his hand up his abdomen and chest, up to his neck and wrapped his hand around it, squeezing lightly. Cameron gasped, his eyes rolling back as he shuddered in his arms, his mind fogging over. He was sinking into an abyss of pleasure, everything crashing down over him.

“What was that, my treasure?” William asked huskily in his ear, a breathy chuckle leaving his lips as he started bouncing him up and down a little harder. Cameron sank back against his chest, crying out loudly, his body arching back into William’s as he shuddered. Every thrust jolted him, his body just melting into William’s touch as he felt the circulation being cut off to his head.

“C-Cumming,” Cameron choked, his orgasm crashing down over him as William’s length bashed into his prostate and sent a tsunami of pleasure washing over him. William groaned behind him and thrusted up into him deeply, his hands clenching on his hips as warmth flooded through him. He convulsed in William’s arms, his mind blanking out entirely as the world disappeared around him. The only thing holding him to earth was William–he was Cameron’s gravity in the moment, and he was floating on cloud nine.

“You look so beautiful as you cum for me, little one,” William hummed into his ear as he pulled out of him, and Cameron whined when he felt a little bit of cum trickling out of him. As soon as he was laying on the bed, he thoughtlessly rolled himself over onto his stomach and shakily pulled himself up onto his knees, his fingers immediately going to find his hole in an attempt to fill himself. He could feel it, hot and warm inside of him and he wanted it to stay.

“Shh, baby,” William purred in his ear as he led his fingers away from his hole. Cameron whimpered in complaint, but William shushed him. Cameron relaxed when he felt William’s fingers running up beneath the cum and led it back up to his hole, pushing it back inside of him before he felt the cool metal tip of a plug pushing inside of him. When it settled into place, Cameron sank down onto the bed, his eyes hooded as he felt aftershocks of pleasure vibrating beneath his skin. He looked up at William and smiled up at him in a daze before his eyes fluttered closed.

William pulling away from him made him whine, but he was too tired to do much more than just somewhat vocalize his disapproval. He didn’t want William to move, he felt so close and connected to him and he did not like not the distance even a little. A few seconds, or a few minutes later, Cameron couldn’t really tell, he felt himself being lifted up off of the bed. He couldn’t hold back the soft sigh that left his lips as he cuddled up to William’s neck, his scent washing over his senses. Oh, he was so warm.

The soft cottony feeling in his brain made him cling onto him tighter and he sank into his touch, everything bleeding together.


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