Bear with Me – I Didn't Expect That!


A gay story: Bear with Me – I Didn't Expect That! This is one of those hard to believe stories that is actually true. It tells of something that happened to me recently on one of my rare days off work.

I awoke well rested and frankly horny as hell, so my mind immediately turned to the possibility of hooking up with one of the regulars on my app of choice. Morning sex is the best, however it was a working day for most people and the opportunities for a hook-up were few and far between.

Having exhausted all realistic options I resigned myself to the fact that the most practical path to immediate relief was going to be via checking out some porn. I have a bit of a fetish for “hidden camera” clips, especially if they appear genuine. It didn’t take long to track one down.

The scene took place in what appeared to be a shop store-room and was filmed from above, a high shelf perhaps. The room itself was very nondescript, a table stacked with papers, and a door opposite the camera.

This video was HD, so quality and detail were excellent, something that is rare for this type of clip. Not much happened for around about a minute, which is fine by me, the anticipation helps build the excitement so I resisted the temptation to skip to the action. At long last the door opened and two men entered the room.

The first of these was of average build, with a hint of a belly, mustachioed and mostly bald. At a guess he might perhaps be of eastern European origin. He wore blue jeans and a too-tight fitting body shirt buttoned only half way up, revealing a thick pelt of salt and pepper chest hair.

The second man was taller, slimmer and quite muscular. He had short grey hair and was wearing only a tight fitting tee-shirt and shorts. All in all I couldn’t help noticing that this guy was pretty well put together.

He turned away from the camera and bent down to begin removing his shoes. The first man took this opportunity to run his hand over his prospective partner’s still clad buttocks and the cleft between them. This is something I’ve seen before, an assertion of roles. A “top” declaring himself as such. His bottom paused for a moment to enjoy the caress before continuing to disrobe, dropping his clothes on the floor in the corner of the room.

By this stage the top was standing fully naked watching his partner and by the looks of his erection, clearly enjoying what he was seeing. His cock, although slightly below average size, was beautiful. Cut, with a wide, deep purple coloured head, the shaft bulging with thick veins. It was clearly rock hard and pointing almost vertically. The very muscular body of the the second man was also quite furry although with nowhere near the coverage of the first, his shoulders and back being for the most part hairless. Although not yet fully erect, his uncut cock was quite large, his level of arousal clearly indicated by the glistening drop of pre-cum on the tip.

At this point the two men embraced and indulged in a passionate kiss. You could see the first man forcing his tongue almost aggressively into his partner’s mouth and hear the second’s low moans as he submitted willingly to this invasion. The top, hungry for more, pressed firmly down on the second man’s shoulders, guiding him to his knees. The bottom dutifully ran his tongue from the base of his partner’s cock to the tip, before engulfing the whole member in his no doubt soft, warm and moist mouth.

What followed was slow, sensual and expertly performed oral sex, lasting almost 10 minutes, both men abandoning themselves to their two, albeit distinct, pleasures. At long last the bottom threw his head back and looking up into the eyes of his dominator said in a low voice (but clearly audible): “I want you to fuck me with this beautiful cock”. He rose and turned to lean on the table, resting on his elbows. The top temporarily exited the picture, returning with a bottle of lube that he was applying liberally to his erection. He then squeezed some more onto his fingers and spread it over his bottom’s dark, furry cleft. In response, the bottom arched his hips, thus spreading his muscular cheeks and allowing his top full access to his most sensitive area. The moment had arrived, the top positioning himself behind his willing, submissive partner and guiding his rock hard, throbbing member with one smooth thrust deep into the other man’s body.

I was thrilled by this perfectly choreographed interaction, but also I have to tell you, a little shocked. Not that watching this sort of action could ever really shock me, but for the simple reason that the second man, the slim, muscular bottom, was me.

It all started about six months ago when I began having my hair cut at a barbershop in a local suburban shopping centre. There were three barbers working there, but I always seemed to get the same guy, a gentleman who didn’t say all that much, probably because he spoke only very limited English. He was good at his job and it was nice to lay back and relax while he cut my hair without having to try and sustain a conversation.

I would place my hands on the arms of the chair concealed by the gown and after a while I began to notice something a little unusual. He would sometimes press his body against my hands as he worked and I became curious to know whether he might be doing this deliberately. The next time I visited the shop, the same thing happened and I began to wonder if there might be a way to find out whether it was accidental or not. When he pressed against me this time I moved my hand a little, just enough to make sure he knew that it was me he was pressing against and not the chair. It didn’t seem to bother him, and I noticed that my hand had rubbed up against something hard in his jeans, although that could have just been his keys. I began to think that it was time to take things a little further.

On my third visit, I went there just before closing time, it was quiet and he was the only one working. This time he started pressing against me pretty much straight away, and after a little while I got up the courage to give him a little squeeze. He reacted by stopping what he was doing, but he certainly didn’t pull away, indeed he pushed even harder. I continued rubbing the front of his jeans and two things became clear to me. The first being that he was enjoying this as much as I was and secondly, that this was unlikely to be the best haircut I had ever received. He continued working however despite the distraction, and finally finished the job. For a moment it seemed as though that was where it would end, we proceeded to the counter so I could pay him.

As he took my money he looked me in the eyes and spoke. “One moment please, you wait”. He left the counter and walked to the shop’s door, closing then locking it. I must admit that at this stage my heart skipped a beat and I felt that unmistakeable, exquisite tingle as the precum starts to flow. He then walked past me towards the back of the shop, uttering only one more word: “come”. “Here we go” I thought, dutifully complying with this request.

As much as I should be offended by this infringement of my privacy, the sheer erotic effect of watching myself being penetrated on film was something I found overwhelming. The memory of how this felt was still fresh in my mind and boy it felt good. Now I could see the detached expression on this man’s face as he used my body purely as a vessel for his own pleasure. Having on occasion experienced anal sex from the other side with women, I know exactly what he must have been feeling. It is warmer, tighter yet at the same time paradoxically smoother, more velvety soft than any other form of sexual penetration.

When a man first enters me there is a moment when my erection temporarily subsides as I adjust to the invasion. But as the rhythm of his thrusts increases in intensity, I become almost painfully hard. I also become quite verbal: “yes, fuck me, god I love your beautiful cock” and eventually “I want you to cum in me, I want you to explode deep in my willing hole, I want to feel your seed flowing out of me”. Or words to that effect.

But nothing can approach the intense pleasure a bottom experiences when you orgasm with another man’s cock doing the same deep inside you. It feels as though you are about to explode. So, as the video I am watching comes, quite literally to it’s climax, I am reliving that moment myself. My top shudders uncontrollably as he ejaculates, while at the same time I am watching wad after wad of my own cum exploding onto the concrete floor below.

Right then, at home in front of my computer screen, I was doing much the same.


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