Beyond the Bruises Ch. 02

A gay story: Beyond the Bruises Ch. 02 It had been over a week since Colt kissed me in my secret haven. I hadn’t visited there much since then, afraid of running into him. I was still unsure about my feelings for him. If I let my desires take over, I really liked him. He was handsome, sexy, and almost god-like. But when I used my brain, I knew I should keep my distance. I had learned the hard way not to fall for straight jocks! It only led to pain, and it wasn’t worth it. Sure, he might be tempting, but I needed to stop thinking about him.

I hadn’t been able to get him out of my mind all week, and it was starting to affect my work. Lost in my thoughts, I bumped into someone in the crowded hallway of the school.

“Watch where you’re going, gay boy!” James sneered, stepping closer. His two dimwitted friends flanked him, snickering like hyenas.

I tried to brush it off, “Sorry, I didn’t mean-”

“To touch me, huh? You think you can just get close to someone like me? Dream on, faggot!” James interrupted, his voice dripping with contempt.

His friends erupted in laughter, emboldened by James’ cruel words.

“Yeah, Scott, keep your gay hands to yourself!” one of them chimed in, adding fuel to the fire.

The hallway grew silent as curious eyes turned toward us. My heart pounded, and the weight of their insults crushed my spirit.

James stepped closer, his eyes gleaming with malice. “You’re lucky I don’t beat the gay out of you right now.”

I felt a surge of anger and humiliation welling up inside me, but I knew better than to fight back. They outnumbered me, and I had learned that it would only make things worse.

“Now get the fuck out of here!” James barked, shoving me forcefully against the lockers. I hit them hard, pain shooting through my body as I crumpled to the ground. Laughter filled the air, echoing in my ears. This wasn’t the first time I had been humiliated, but it still cut deep.

As I lay there, aching and broken, I couldn’t help but hate this school and everyone in it even more.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” I heard someone shout behind me, the voice I knew all too well in this godforsaken school. It was Emily.

Emily, one of the most popular girls at school, was incredibly pretty, smart, and genuinely kind. She had a unique ability to connect with people from all cliques and was known as a true social butterfly. Whether it was the jocks, the nerds, the cheerleaders, or the goths, Emily had friends everywhere. She could be found at any table in the cafeteria, welcomed with open arms. It wasn’t just her popularity that set her apart; she was genuinely caring and friendly, making her universally loved. She wasn’t like some of those two-faced girls who pretended to be nice to your face but then talked trash behind your back. No, Emily was genuine. She was the anti-bullying brigade, always standing up for others and against anyone who dared to cross the line. No one dared to mess with her or anyone close to her, as her father’s reputation as a high-profile lawyer ensured serious consequences for anyone who crossed her path.

Emily had made several attempts to befriend me, even though I had pushed her away like I did with everyone else. I didn’t need or want friends at school. But Emily was persistent, and no matter how hard I tried to keep my distance, she would continue to reach out. She genuinely cared about people, and her relentless kindness broke my heart each time I pushed her away. I knew that if I let her in, she would uncover my secret, the one I couldn’t let her or anyone else discover. So, I kept her at arm’s length, protecting myself from potential heartbreak.

“Are you okay, Scott?” she asked, concern etched on her face as she crouched down next to me. Her hand gently rested on my shoulder as she assessed if I was hurt.

“I’m fine,” I replied, shrugging off her touch, determined to stand on my own. I began to walk away, ignoring her pleas to stop.

“Wait, Scott!” I heard Emily’s voice behind me, but I was laser-focused on escaping the school premises. I couldn’t let the tears welling up inside me spill over in front of the entire damn school.

“You assholes, what did you say?” I heard Emily’s voice rise in anger as I made my way towards the exit.

“Relax, Em, we were just joking around,” James replied, attempting to brush off the situation.

“Well, I’m not laughing,” she retorted. “If I catch you bothering Scott again, I’ll grab those two little things you try to pass off as testicles and rip them away, understood?” The two toad-faced guys laughed, but their laughter quickly faded under Emily’s menacing glare I assumed. It didn’t matter to me; I had made it to the exit, and I rushed to my secret spot in the park to decompress.


I had been furiously drawing in my secret spot for a couple of hours now, trying to calm myself and forget what had happened. It wasn’t easy; I couldn’t understand why they couldn’t just leave me alone. I wasn’t hurting them, I wasn’t doing anything. Especially James, he used to be the one who sought me out, so why did he hate me now? Was it because I told him I liked him? But he turned me down, and I hadn’t even talked to him since that day. So why? I was in emotional turmoil, and it showed in my drawing. The lines were tense, the colors darker and more intense than my usual style, reflecting the storm raging within me.

Lost in my thoughts, I was partially lifted from my worries when I felt someone sit next to me. I turned my head to see Colt in his usual jogging attire, flashing his big, pearly white teeth and that god-seducing smile of his.

“What’s up, Scott? Had a good day at school today?” he asked, seemingly unaware of the turmoil that swirled beneath my calm exterior.

Suspicion gnawed at me. Had his buddies already told him how they humiliated and made fun of me in the hall? Was he here to add another layer to the torment?

“Yeah, fine,” I replied, my voice tinged with bitterness.

“Still drawing, huh? Do you have any other talents, or do you just spend your time drawing?” Colt’s words were casual, but his gaze felt penetrating, as if he were trying to see through me.

“Just drawing,” I responded curtly, my guard still up.

“Well, it’s impressive. I wish I could draw like you. You’re talented,” he complimented.

“What do you want, Colt?” I asked, my voice laced with suspicion.

“Nothing, I was just making conversation,” he replied, his tone sincere.

“Okay, well, I’m going to keep drawing then,” I said, determined to focus on my art and maintain my distance.

As I continued to sketch, I could feel Colt’s eyes on my face, studying me intently. It made me uncomfortable, and I turned to look at him, prepared to tell him to stop. But before I could utter a word, his lips were on mine. Surprised, my mouth hung open slightly, allowing his tongue to invade. It happened so quickly, before I could fully process what was happening, it was over.

“Why…why did you do that?” I managed to stammer, still reeling from the unexpected kiss.

“Because I wanted to,” Colt replied, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. “You looked so cute, I couldn’t resist. I might want to do it again. Is that bad?” His words sent a jolt through me, leaving me flustered and lost for words.

“N…no,” I mumbled, my heart pounding in my chest.

His smile widened, and that was all the invitation he needed. Colt shifted his position, straddling the bench, facing me. With his left hand behind my head, he pulled me closer, and our lips met once again. This time, he took control, his hands firmly gripping my face as he deepened the kiss. I tried to reciprocate, to match his passion, but his lips and tongue were strong and forceful, leaving me breathless and completely at his mercy. As our kiss intensified, he skillfully moved my leg over the bench, bringing us even closer. The sensation of his lips on mine, his dominance, and the undeniable chemistry between us ignited a fire within me. I surrendered myself to the pleasure, giving in to this captivating man who stirred desires I had long kept buried. As shown by my hard-on which was trying to force its way out of my pants, I was hard as steel and already leaking, I could feel it. All of that just from a kiss, I needed to get myself together. If he knew what was happening in my underwear he would probably be disgusted and put off by how pervy and easy I am, almost creaming my pants just because of a kiss.

I didn’t have much time to process as I felt him tugging at my shirt. Instinctively, I raised my hands, allowing him to remove my shirt, momentarily breaking our kiss. However, an instant wave of regret washed over me as I felt his gaze scanning my body. I was well aware that I didn’t have a muscular build. In fact, I was on the scrawny side, lacking the physical attractiveness, especially when compared to him and his chiseled physique. I wrapped my arms around myself, attempting to hide my perceived flaws, even though he had already seen everything.

“Nice tight little body,” he commented. Was it a backhanded compliment, veiled with mockery? “Little body,” did he mean it as an insult? Next to him, I felt diminutive and frail. He could probably break me in half with one hand. Speaking of his body, he took it upon himself to remove his shirt, and damn, my mouth fell open at the sight. The short, trimmed hair that covered his sculpted chest and the prominent abs were nothing short of divine. I had conflicting emotions–part of me yearned to touch his body, while another part wanted to shrink away in embarrassment. I must have looked pathetic with my shirt off next to him. It was evident why every girl on campus adored him and every guy was jealous of him. He seemed like a figure out of a dream, untouchable and perfect.

“You like what you see?” he asked, interrupting my reverie. I was still in awe of his flawless chest and now found myself drooling over the sight of his powerful biceps. I couldn’t find the words to respond. Instead, I swallowed hard, my throat dry, but I think he understood my silent admiration, as his smile grew wider.

Before I could regain my composure he was kissing me again, more passionately this time, he was ferociously attacking my mouth and I was trying my best to keep up with him. I felt like I was about to explode, just seeing his body and him kissing me had me ready to shoot. If I did, there was no way he wouldn’t notice. He would know I am a pervert and a quick shot that gets off on seeing him shirtless. He would definitely have good laugh about it with his teammates the next day. I need to focus to make sure this doesn’t happen!

But oh my God! I almost shot all of my load in my underwear when I felt his hand on my thigh. His hand was so big he could almost envelop my thigh with it. It was so close to my hard-on, and it was getting closer and closer. Until finally, I felt his big strong hand on my aching bulge. I let out a little moan when he applied a little bit of pressure on it. He stopped our kiss and looked at me with a big cocky grin on his face. He continued to slowly massage my cock through my pants while watching my reactions. I was biting my lower lip to prevent any moans from escaping, but I ended up whimpering every time his hand moved, which seemed to please him.

“Get up,” he commanded and without second thoughts or hesitation, I did. It’s like I wasn’t in control of my body anymore, he was. He could do or ask me anything and I would do it I’m sure. I was completely in awe of this hunk of a man in front of me. So when he unbuttoned my pants I was excitedly waiting for what he would do next. He yanked my pants and underwear to my knees, freeing my already hard cock. It was leaking copious amounts of precum by this point.

“Cute dick,” he said. Cute? I never thought a penis could be described as ‘cute’. You only describe little things as cute right? Like cute baby, or cute puppy. Well I guess I was unsurprisingly unimpressive in the penis department. My 6-inches was not very thick, all in all it was quite average. So mabye cute was an apropriate adjective to describe it after all.

I wasn’t able to overthink more as I felt his big hand wrap around my small cock, he could easily grab it all. He gave it a couple of quick rough tugs, smearing my precum over the length. And I still can’t believe what happened next, he put his lips around the head of my dick. He was sucking me. He was totally sucking my cock, making quick and short movements with his mouth. He was applying suction to the first 2 or 3 inches of my dick and it felt wonderful. It was my first blowjob and I was loving it. In fact, I was enjoying it so much that I was already ready to blow. It hadn’t even been two minutes since he started but I could feel my testicles telling me they were gonna be empty soon.

“I’m gonna cum!” I nearly shouted, to warn him of my imminent orgasm. He pulled his mouth out of my penis and started stroking it with his hand. It felt good, much better than when I do it with my hand. He had a strong grip which made it a thousand times better. He was smiling and looking up at me, those big blue eyes were hypnotizing me. But not for long, as I closed my eyes while I moaned and shot my load. He kept pumping my dick through my orgasm and even continued after. Once I recovered from the best orgasm of my life I opened my eyes again and I could see he was still looking at me, still with a smile on his face. I looked down at my cock, which was still hard, and I saw I had cummed all over his chest. There were globs of cum stuck in his chest hair, fuck! He’s not gonna like that, but I told him I was gonna cum! He should have been more careful but he’s going to blame me! I was starting to think about a plan to escape this situation before he got angry, but he said nothing.

He simply got up and pulled down his own shorts, freeing the most beautiful and the biggest cock I had ever seen! Granted I had only seen three dicks in real life, and his was bigger than the two others, but it seemed even bigger than most cocks I would see in porn. He seemed to be at least 8.5 inches long, maybe even 9, and thick! So very thick! Wow! That was a beautiful cock, he was circumsised and I could see he kept his pubes well trimmed and his big balls were smooth underneath. He was slowly stroking himself and I was mesmerized by the sight before me. I couldn’t take my eyes off it, he was so perfect!

“Think you could help me?” I heard him ask, finally making me look away from his delicious-looking lollipop. When I looked up at him I could see his cocky smile was back on his face. He had seen me stare so he already knew I wanted to help. So without saying a word, he sat on the table in front of me, both his legs on each side of me and I sat back down on the bench, his perfectly shaped-dick right in front of me. I reached out and took it in my hand, he removed his own hand to make space for me. It seemed so big in my small hands, I couldn’t even completely grasp it. It was so smooth and so hot, I had to taste it.

I leaned forward and kissed the tip, then I took the full head in my mouth, rolling my tongue around it. I swirled it and licked the shaft, from the tip to the base and all around. It was so beautiful! So thick and so long, so perfect.

He was groaning in pleasure as I licked and kissed his cock.

“Fuck! Your mouth is so good! So soft and warm.” He moaned.

I continued licking it and even tried sucking him a bit, but my mouth could not get very far down his big shaft. My hands were still wrapped around him, one hand around his shaft, the other hand at the base.

After a bit he pushed my head gently, helping me take more of him in my mouth. I moved up and down his shaft, licking and sucking it.

He moaned, “That’s it! That’s so good! You have the sweetest mouth! I love that!” He was telling me. I felt so happy about that. I wanted to give him as much pleasure as I could. So I took it even further in my throat, but I could only go as far as two third down. Still, it seemed to please him as I heard him moan. My own dick was still hard, sucking him was turning me on. I then decided to give some attention to his balls as well, I cupped them and licked them, and he was loving it.

I could see him grab the table with his free hand to support himself and I could feel his thighs tighten against my sides. His breathing was getting heavier as well. So I went back to sucking his dick, going down as far as I could, applying suction and using my tongue on his head. It felt like I had been doing it for hours, not that I was complaining I absolutely loved giving him head. His shaft tasted so good, and I felt good when I could hear him enjoying my work.

I was giving special attention to his head when he pushed me away, I felt disappointed when I didn’t have his big dick in my mouth anymore. “I’m gonna cum,” he simply stated and he started furiously stroking his cock. A few seconds later he was shooting a massive load onto his abs and chest, letting out a very deep and long grunt as he did so. When I say massive, the couple droplets of my own cum that were on his chest felt like nothing compared to the massive streaks and pool of cum he added. He was manlier than me in every aspect.

Unbeknownst to him, I had jerked my own smaller cock while I watched him cum and it was enough for me to shoot my second load under the table. That man had me so hot and horny, more than I thought possible. It had only been two minutes but I already missed the feeling of his cock in my mouth.

“Holy fuck!” he exclaimed as he got up from the table and pulled his shorts back up over his still massive dick. “That was fucking amazing! You are good!”

“Th- thanks,” I replied a little embarassed.

“I’m going to need you to do that again,” he said as he grabbed his shirt and put it on. It was a tight shirt and you could start to see wet spots from where the cum was on his chest. “Let’s hope people think its sweat,” he added with a big smile. “I’ll see you Scott, soon I hope.” He flashed me one more smile before jogging away, like usual. Like I didn’t just blew him.

Oh my god, what had I just done? The weight of the situation crashed down on me as I realized I had just given a blowjob to a baseball jock in such a public setting. What if someone had walked in on us or caught sight of us? This was absolute madness! How could I have allowed it to happen? But then again, he blew me too, so what did that imply? James would have never done that. Was Colt different? Suddenly, my father’s words echoed in my mind. He had once warned me about how some drug dealers would offer the first taste for free, hooking you in and making you crave more. Was this what had just happened to me? Because I was undeniably hooked, craving more of Colt’s presence and the electrifying connection between us. Did he just give me a quick blowjob to entice me to give him one too? And now, he knew I would give him one any time he wanted.

Damn it, damn it, damn it! What are you doing Scott? How can you let it happen a second time? Why can’t you just keep it in your pants?! You’re smarter than this this! Fuck! I need some time to sort this mess out, and I just realized I still had my pants down, so I quickly pulled them up, grabbed my stuff and went back home. I could use a good shower and some sleep!


As I walked home from another exhausting day at school, I stumbled upon a wounded and weary dog huddled in a corner. My heart went out to the poor creature, and I couldn’t bear to leave him there.

Without a second thought, I scooped up the dog, whom I later named Lucky, and headed straight for the shelter where I dedicated my time as a volunteer. Upon arrival, I shared the news of Lucky’s discovery with my fellow shelter workers, and they quickly sprang into action.

Over the next couple of days, I took care of Lucky, providing him with food, water, and a comfortable place to rest. I played with him, trying to bring some joy into his life despite the pain he had endured.

At the shelter, I carried out my usual responsibilities as a volunteer. I diligently cleaned the animal enclosures, ensured they had fresh bedding, and took the dogs for their daily walks. I found solace in these tasks, knowing that I was making a difference in their lives, if only temporarily.

In the midst of my duties, I discovered an opportunity to showcase my artistic talent. I began creating portraits of the shelter’s animals, capturing their unique personalities and endearing qualities on paper. These drawings adorned the shelter’s walls, attracting attention from potential adopters and spreading awareness about the animals in need.

Throughout this whirlwind of activity, I developed a strong bond with Lucky. I spent hours by his side, offering comforting pats and gentle words. In his eyes, I saw a reflection of my own struggles and the strength it took to overcome them.

As the week-end went by, I witnessed the power of compassion and care. Lucky started to regain his strength and trust in humans. The transformation was remarkable, and it fueled my dedication to helping more animals find their forever homes.

Although the timeline was brief, the impact of those few days left a lasting impression on me. Through my actions, I experienced the profound joy that comes from giving love to those who need it most. It reminded me of the resilience and capacity for healing that exists within both animals and humans.


“Oh fuck yeah that feels good,” moaned Colt. He had both his hands on my head and he was pumping his big dick in and out of my mouth. He had been throat fucking me for the last few minutes. It was pretty difficult to deepthroat his big cock, especially since I didn’t have much experience, I had tears in my eyes from the pressure in my throat. I was more focused on my breathing than on the sucking as he was obstructing my airways with his big piece of meat. How did I get here you may ask? Well it was pretty simple.

I was studying in my secret place in the park, when Colt showed up as usual. Except this time, he didn’t even bother to sit. He stood behind me, waited for me to turn around and look at him before dropping his shorts and underwear. Revealing his soft penis, which looked huge even in that state. I was drawn to this piece of beauty, and without saying a word I took it in my mouth. I gently played with his head with my tongue before going up and down on his soft length. In less than a minute he was fully hard and ready for action. I was either that good, or he was that horny. Difficult to tell.

I started out slow, enjoying myself. Slowly sucking half of it before going to lick his smooth balls. I even took my time smelling him while I was down there and god he smelled good. So masculine and virile, it was an intoxicating and addictive smell. It sent me into a trance where I wanted more and more of it. I went back to his hard cock and worked on it more aggressively than before. Swirling my tongue around, licking his shaft and making fast movements on it. Feeling horny and courageous I wanted to take all of it in my mouth. I tried right away but I only managed to get about 7 inches in my mouth, the last two would be difficult. But I perservered, I took it all out to catch my breath before taking it all in again. I repeated this process again and again, each taking a little more. I made sure to add a good amount of saliva to make it easier for the next time. After many tries I finally did it, I had all of his 9 inches in my mouth and throat. I could feel his trimmed pubes tickle my nose, I felt proud. Especially when I heard him let out a very deep and animal grunt, “Oooooooh”.

That’s when he took control, he grabbed my head and was now controlling the pace. Pushing all of his length inside my mouth then letting it there for a few seconds before releasing me. I could take a few quick breaths before he started doing it again. Each time, it felt like I was doing it for longer and longer. It was starting to get hard, but it seemed he was even more turned on than before. I had his huge dick in my mouth when we heard the sounds of plants rustling nearby and we heard kids talking and laughing. He quickly let go of me, pulled up his pants and sat down next to me. I don’t think they saw us because we couldn’t see them either. I don’t think they knew we were here, which was good because I didn’t want to be put on some sort of sexual predator list for having sex in front of kids. They probably could burst in at any moment because the sounds seemed very close. Which is why Colt and I stayed seated next to each other in silence, our pants covering our penises which were now devoid of any erection.

“I don’t think they’re going to go away any time soon,” finally said Colt, breaking the silence. “I have to go anyway, see you around Scott.”

He disappeared as quickly as he appeared. I guess it was going to be like that now, he would show up every now and then to have me suck his dick then leave like nothing happened. Just like James.


As the days at the shelter went by, my mind couldn’t help but wander back to the upcoming oral presentation I had to give at school. The thought of standing in front of the entire class, baring my insecurities, sent shivers down my spine. Anxiety gripped me like a vice, making it difficult to focus on anything else.

While I poured my energy into caring for Lucky and the other shelter animals, the looming presentation was an ever-present shadow. The weight of my secret, the fear of judgment and ridicule, intensified my anxiety to an unbearable level.

As the time for my presentation approached, I found myself pacing anxiously through the crowded hallways of the school. My heart raced, and my palms grew damp with nervous sweat. Thoughts of failure and humiliation swirled in my mind, threatening to consume me.

Amidst the chaos of students rushing to their classes, I caught sight of Colt and his group of friends. They were laughing and joking, seemingly carefree. In that moment, I felt a glimmer of hope. Colt was the closest person to me at school, and I thought maybe he could provide some comfort, a soothing presence to calm my frazzled nerves.

As they approached, my heart pounded in my chest, and I mustered the courage to reach out to Colt. Our eyes met, and for a fleeting moment, I saw a connection, a shared understanding. I opened my mouth to speak, desperate for his reassurance, but he simply glanced away and continued walking, as if I were invisible.

A pang of hurt shot through me, and my shoulders slumped with disappointment. I felt the weight of rejection, my hopes shattered in an instant. It was a painful reminder of my place on the outskirts, the invisible outsider yearning for acceptance.

With a heavy heart, I made my way to class, my steps burdened by the lingering sadness. The hurt lingered, but I knew I couldn’t let it consume me. I had a presentation to deliver, and I couldn’t let my emotions derail me.

Taking a deep breath, I entered the classroom, trying to shake off the lingering sadness. I took my place at the front, facing my classmates and the looming task ahead. Despite the lingering disappointment, I summoned my determination, refusing to let my emotions overshadow my performance.

As I began my presentation, I felt the familiar surge of anxiety. My voice quivered, and my hands trembled, but I pressed on. The words flowed, and my passion for the topic shone through. Despite the turmoil within, I found solace in my preparedness and knowledge.

To my surprise, the class listened attentively, their eyes focused on me. As I reached the conclusion of my presentation, a wave of relief washed over me. I had done it. I had conquered my fears, pushed through the pain, and delivered a solid performance.

When the teacher praised my effort and awarded me a good grade, a glimmer of pride flickered within me. I had proven to myself that I could rise above the challenges, that my fears didn’t have to define me. It was a small victory, but one that fueled my determination to continue pushing forward.

As I left the classroom, the sting of Colt’s dismissal still lingered, but it no longer held power over me. I had found strength within myself, and the realization that I didn’t need validation from others to define my worth. I had the power to rise above the hurt, to forge my own path towards self-acceptance and resilience.

As I made my way home, my mind continued to swirl with a mix of triumph and lingering disappointment. The sound of a car slowing down behind me caught my attention, prompting me to turn my head.

To my surprise, it was Colt’s sleek, expensive car gliding alongside me. The polished exterior gleamed under the streetlights, a clear reflection of his family’s wealth. The window rolled down, revealing Colt’s familiar face with a hint of sheepishness in his eyes.

“Hey, Scott,” he called out, his voice cutting through the cool evening air. “Need a lift? I can drive you home.”

“Nah, I’m good,” I replied, my voice tinged with weariness.

“Headed home to spend time with your folks?” he asked.

“No, my dad’s out. I’ll be home alone, studying.”

“Home alone, huh? Interesting. Maybe we can continue where we left off the other day?” he said, sporting a big smile. It dawned on me that he might have talked to me just for his own interests, not because he genuinely cared. Anger started to bubble up within me once again.

“So, you’re done ignoring me now?” I questioned.

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about earlier today, in the hallway. You walked right past me, as if I didn’t even exist.”

“I didn’t see you! I’m sorry if it hurt you, but I genuinely didn’t see you.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter. I don’t have time. I have a major test tomorrow, so I need to study.”

“That’s cool. Hey, mind if I tag along and study with you?”

“Why do you need my help?”

“Because you’re wicked smart, and I’m not! I could definitely use some assistance.”

I hesitated for a moment, wondering if he truly needed my help or if there was another motive behind his request. But if he genuinely needed assistance, I couldn’t just turn him away.

“Fine,” I reluctantly agreed. “But I’ll need to focus on my own studying, so you’ll have to take charge. Deal?”

“Deal! Come on in!”

I walked over to his car and settled into the passenger seat. The plush leather seats and the extravagance of it all made me uneasy. Coupled with the fact that I was still harboring some resentment towards Colt, I wasn’t sure how enjoyable the ride would be. However, as I sat down, I felt his large hand rest on my thigh. In that instant, all the anger melted away. Why did he have such an effect on me? How could I be so easily swayed?

“Let’s head to your place and study together. It’ll be fun!” he exclaimed with a wide grin before starting the car.

What had I gotten myself into?

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