Bi Bridges – More bridges


A gay sex stories: Bi Bridges – More bridges After Jim finished me off in grand style, we hung out for a bit more and kind of set some ground rules for any ongoing encounters. Both of us are loners and realize that at our age we like it like that. Despite having 6 decades under our belts things still work well enough to enjoy some gratification of the flesh with a healthy dose of mutual respect. Neither of us are interested in making out or cuddling, we just enjoyed play with cocks and getting our rocks off. We planned out a ride for the following Thursday to check off some more bridges from the to do list.

The following Thursday turned out to be 80+ degrees and lots of sun, perfect day for a ride. We met up at a gas & go, double checked our gear and route before headed out. What’s great about being retired is that you can pick ride days that typically don’t have a lot of traffic and today did not disappoint. The route we chose had been freshly paved the year before and the road was flawless as a young coed’s midriff. Riding along my thoughts drifted back to the weekend before and how nice Jim’s cock tasted. Which caused a stirring in my pants, which required an adjustment. If you have ever been following a biker, you may have noticed them standing up and shaking one leg or the other to unstick things.

We arrived at our first waypoint and pulled off to the head of the bridge and parked for the token Bike/Bridge photo. This one dated back to 1904 and featured a multiple kingpost design. Jim and I walked out on it, admiring the mortis and peg construction. As I was looking up, Jim reached around and began stroking my crotch, “I saw you needed to adjust on the ride, ever do it on a bridge?” he quipped. Returning the grope, I reminded him that we had 3 more bridges on to cover on our ride, but technically we did just have sex on a bridge. He grinned, “Onto the next then.”

Our next stop was just a few miles up the road. Just long enough to get settled into the ride and acclimated to the rising temperatures. Again, we parked and recorded our token pics and strolled about bit. Jim was leaning over checking out the tenon work, which gave me the initiative to reach around and grab Jim’s crotch. My efforts were rewarded with his stiffing — though I could tell by the direction it was soon to get bound up in pants. Not wanting him to suffer I reached down the front of his pants and gently moved his growing hard on to a path that would allow it to expand. I guess it was my turn to be the tease, “Ok, so we can check this off the ‘Bridges I had Sex on’ list. On to the next!”

We loosely geared up and headed up the road about a half a mile to our next stop. This one was like the previous bridge, having been built about the same time with the same construction. Being a bit further off the main road and located on dead end road we had a bit more privacy. While I was capturing the Kodak moment of my ride back dropped by the bridge, Jim decided it was his turn to reach down someone’s jeans and stroke their cock. “Just returning the favor”, he stated. He seemed to be enjoying himself as he swirled his fingers around my sweaty balls and used the moisture to slide up and down my cock. About the time I became fully erect he pulled his hand out, sniffing his fingers and proclaimed that “Hmm, approaching ripeness with earthy musk tones. To be savored later.”

Gearing back up we road another 20 minutes to our last waypoint. Technically this was not a covered bridge as it floated on pontoons, nevertheless it had a wooden deck, and offered great views. Unfortunately, it was also in the center of a village so no groping or fondling here. Jim offered the option of returning to his place, which I readily accepted.

The ride back was great with lots of nice turns and twists allowing us to enjoy what bikers enjoy most. The 80+ degree weather continued to bake us and by the time we arrived we were both a bit sweaty.

Jim suggested a quick shower before dinner, how could I refuse. We both stripped down and hopped in enjoying the cool stream and mutual application of soap and water as we washed each other thoroughly. We quickly dried off and plopped down on his bed and fell into a sideways 69, apparently both of our favorite position of the moment. It’s nice that we are both about the same height as our dicks line up perfectly with each other’s mouth. Being on our sides also allowed for some nice leisurely stroking, cock worship and edging. We both kept this up for about a 1/2 hr and it was as if our bodies became synced up and our swelling dicks demanded release. Both of us began sucking as hard we could which resulted in both of us firing off at the same time, with the same intensity and volume. Synchronized orgasms are the absolute best. We both collapsed back loosely holding each other’s cocks as we recovered savoring the after taste of our cum.

Being toughly sated we got dressed and sat on the back deck enjoying a beer and plotting out our next run.


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