Black Daddy at the Y Catches a Spy

A gay story: Black Daddy at the Y Catches a Spy Shit, what a week, Sam thought as he lay down on the chaise lounge on his deck. He sipped his beer and closed his eyes.

Budget week was always hell on Capitol Hill. First, it was closer to two weeks, and it meant 16-hour days, nights on the office couch, triple checking thousand line- item drafts coming out of the Appropriations Committee, updating the boss and his boss, overseeing your own staff, fighting with the Republicans on the other side, making sure all the paperwork was done, ad infinitum.

Sam worked for the Democratic side of a U.S. House Committee. Most of the time his job consisted of research, some writing, and making sure the members, i.e., Congress-people, were happy. Then, there was budget week.

It was the late 1970s and Sam was enjoying a relaxing beverage as he sat on the balcony of his DuPont Circle apartment in Washington D.C. The sun was down and street noise rising as folks rushed to Friday night activities.

‘I am going to hang here, sleep late, and enjoy a do-nothing weekend,’ he thought from his second-floor deck. There was a noise from the balcony directly above, the top floor. A chair moved; two guys were talking. Wait … what did that guy say?

Sam’s view of the balcony above was blocked by an outdoor carpet the tenant had laid across his deck. The conversation, however, stirred Sam’s imagination.

“He is very good looking, but he seemed down to Earth,” said a voice that sounded like a young white guy. “He was flirting with me, but I was working, and the owner was there so I had to pretend I wasn’t interested.”

There was a second voice. “I saw him, well, think it was him, in a loop at a dirty bookstore. He was pretty hot,” said the second man. It sounded like a black guy a few years older than the white kid. “I lost my concentration when a guy whispered to me from a glory hole.”

Sam met the tenant above when the man moved in and since then Sam had made a point of saying hello while getting mail and passing on the stairs. He was a sexy black guy, well-built, friendly smile but aloof. He seemed very straight, sometimes he wore a military uniform, recalled Sam. So … he was gay? And who was the white guy?

“What did you do?” asked the young voice. “If I saw you in a dirty bookstore I’d fight to get in your booth. I’d blow you while you watched a fuck movie.”

“That’s not going to happen,” the older man said. “I was on leave somewhere out West. I am not going with you to any X-rated store.”

“I can dream can’t I,” said the white guy. “Do you want another beer? I’m going to look at the steaks.”

Feet hit the deck above and someone went into the apartment. ‘The white guy is checking on dinner and the two of them are … lovers?’ thought Sam. ‘Why else would two men who lived near DuPont Circle, gay center of DC, be talking about glory holes?’

Sam learned later he was overhearing Jamie and Robert, a white youth and black man who had found each other at the 7th Street YMCA in 1978 as the gay movement grew. For a brief moment the two men saw their fantasies fulfilled. Jamie was an eager youth seeking a demanding daddy; Robert wanted a submissive lad eager to follow orders.

The young guy called out ‘dinner’s ready’ and feet walked on the deck above. Sam sipped his drink and filed the information away. He closed his eyes, relaxing in the Spring warmth. He slept.

Sam woke. It was dark. He was groggy. Streetlight filtered through the trees created shadows filled with silence. There was a rustling sound from the deck above. There was a moan.

Sam stopped breathing. There was a familiar sound. It was wet, liquid moving on something. There was another moan. Wait a second. That’s … that’s … it’s a blow job, Sam realized. The sound was that slurpy wet noise of a mouth moving up and down on an erect cock, the saliva and precum flowing as the sucker’s hand jacks the stiff shaft. Sam had heard plenty of blowjobs. He had given some and he had gotten a few.

“Fuck, boy … damn … suck it,” said the deep, sexy voice that Sam figured was the older black guy. ‘Hell, the guy’s probably my age,’ thought 31-year-old Sam.

Someone in the street below yelled and people laughed. Must be 2 a.m., bars are closing, thought Sam. There was a lull on the deck above. Then the black man spoke in a husky, half-moan, “Shit yea … lick those balls.”

Someone moved off the patio couch above, a man stood up.

“Stay right there boy … stay right there … I’m going to fuck that pretty mouth …” the man commanded. “Here you go, take it boy … Hmmm, hmmm … take that black cock.”

A deep moan, wasn’t the top guy doing the talking, thought Sam, must be the young white guy. Rustling, moving. The slurping stopped and someone inhaled.

“Need to catch my breath,” said the youth. The slurping started again, stopped.

“Put some lube in my butt daddy,” whispered the voice. “I want to suck you while you finger my ass. … ohh shit.” A pause and the blow job started again.

Sam figured the daddy was getting his fingers in the kid’s ass, stretching him out, getting him ready, while the young guy went back to worshipping cock. These guys are hot, thought Sam as he rubbed his dick through his pants. He realized he had been so worn out he had fallen asleep in his office clothes.

“Come here boy. Sit on my cock,” breathed the top. Someone stood up, feet shuffled, and one foot came down hard. The kid was straddling the couch, positioning his hole to take some dick, thought Sam.

“You be quiet boy. Can’t have none of your screeching,” whispered the man. “You need to yell, you bite daddy’s shoulder. You got that boy?”

“Go slow daddy, go slow … Oh fuuuuck … go slow … Ungghhh,” the young guy grunted.

Sam knew fat daddy dick had just gotten lodged in the lad’s tight butt. He remembered he had seen a white youth dressed in short cut-off jeans going up the stairs. They had exchanged looks but the kid kept walking.

‘Damn, you lucky dog,’ thought Sam of the older man. ‘Don’t blame you, that is one cute ass.’

Sam heard the couch creak, straining to hold the lovers as they tried to move quietly. There was the familiar fuck sound of skin slapping against skin, as the kid moved his butt up and down and the black guy groaned. Both were breathing heavy, then the kid let out a little high-pitched cry, ‘Unnghh.’

“Shhhh boy, shhhh,” said the top. The humping stopped. “Take it easy kid, let it happen.” Movement began again.

“Go slow daddy … Hunnh,” the kid said, voice hushed, the fat black cock in his ass sending him to heaven.

“That’s it boy, that’s it … give it to daddy, give it to daddy,” the black man whispered in time with his thrusts. The boy’s muffled grunts rose in intensity, the tempo of the slapping grew faster and the breathing louder. They were close.

The couch squeaked and its legs rocked as the two voices combined, “Oh yea … Hunnh hunnh hunhh,” neither able to control their noise and spasming bodies, the big man letting out an extended groan as he pumped his load, and the boy released a muted sigh as he felt daddy’s sperm coat his anus.

The two caught their breath, then silence. City sounds covered up the sounds of the lovers. A bus coughed and changed gears, then Sam heard kissing and the couch creak as the lovers got comfortable.

“That was good kid,” said the black man as the smooching continued. The youth responded, “Thank you daddy.” Both of them groaned simultaneously and said ‘Shiit.’ Sam assumed the stud’s cock had gone limp and fallen out of the bottom’s butt. Someone stepped away from the couch, then returned.

“That was hot,” said the youth. More kissing.

The lovers gathered their clothes and went into the apartment. A light went out.

‘Wow. That was … Wow,’ thought Sam. ‘Those two sounded hot as hell. Two horny studs right above me.’

He mulled it over. ‘I’d go to bed with either of them or both of them at once,’ he grinned. ‘I’ll have to bump into the black guy, accidently on purpose. See where it goes.’

He rose silently, went into his apartment, and quietly closed his balcony door.


Sam got up late. It was Saturday. He had cancelled plans because he knew that the budget week process would be all-consuming. Now it was done, and he wanted to enjoy a lazy day.

Sam was gay. A recent romance had gone sour, and he was free man again. Not like he and his lover had been exclusive to each other but Sam had enjoyed being close to one guy. Oh well.

He skipped his usual Saturday run, took a shower and hit the streets, checking out the boys in their skimpy summer shorts and tight T-shirts that showed off muscles built in gyms over the winter. I love spring, Sam laughed.

Sam was an attractive guy with a promising career. He was thirty-one and had risen to a position of influence on Capitol Hill. His job demanded he act straight and look straight — short hair, Brooks Brothers suit, no clone mustache.

He fit in with the gay scene of the late 1970s, keeping in shape with Nautilus workouts, bicycling, and dancing at the clubs. He stayed limber with yoga, and every day he defined his arms and tightened his stomach with the three ups — sit ups, push-ups and chin ups.

Sam fit a gay fantasy of the day. Six-foot tall, trim, sharp features, built torso and round butt. He wasn’t effeminate. “Straight acting and appearing” was the phrase.

He wandered into a popular bookstore and got bored with all the young women in the place. Gays helped to revitalize this neighborhood, Sam thought, now the ladies have decided it’s hip to be here. Oh well.

He walked around the corner to Surging Rainbow, the gay bookstore. Nothing on the ‘new in-stock’ table grabbed him, a disappointment as he had hoped to pick up a history of gay New York that had gotten good reviews. He couldn’t find it and approached the check-out desk.

The clerk had ducked down behind the counter to get something but rose as Sam got there.

“Excuse me, have you got … ” Sam said, his question trailing off as he recognized the clerk. It was the youth that Sam had seen in his stairwell, the guy who looked so cute in cut offs going to the apartment of the stud that lived above. This was the bottom that had fucked up a storm on the deck the night before.

“Yes, what is it?” the lad asked. He was impatient, busy. It was Jamie, who had been working at the store for about a year.

Sam couldn’t help being taken off guard. Jamie was a total babe. About twenty-one, slim, smooth skin, Ramones t-shirt sprayed on a well-toned torso, and thick brown-blonde hair hanging over greenish hazel eyes. My, my, my, thought Sam, guys must come for miles just to look.

Sam recovered. “I was looking for that New York history, I couldn’t find …”

“The one by Gottlieb, the N.Y.U. professor, yea that’s popular,” Jamie asked, words going a mile a minute. “Did you look in the non-fiction section?”

“I did, didn’t see it,” Sam mumbled.

“I’ll look,” said the kid and he was gone, hustling over to the various book sections, the new books table. Apparently not there, Sam thought as he marveled at the kid’s energy.

The boy called out, “Hang on, I know we’ve got it” and walked into a storage closet. He returned in 20 seconds, holding a book above his head, and stepped behind the counter.

“I knew we had it. Like I said, that’s been popular,” he said in a rush.

“Thank you for your trouble. I want that but want to look a little longer,” said Sam.

The clerk nodded, put the book aside, and turned to the next customer.

Sam went to the magazine section and thought about approaching the clerk. Damn, I have GOT to talk to him, should I mention last night? No, that would be weird … what should I say?

Sam looked over the magazines and picked up a Blueboy with its fresh young guys and a second monthly with a black model on the cover. That should send the clerk a message, thought Sam. He decided to get Roll Call, a weekly read by Capitol Hill powerbrokers and wannabes.

He waited for the rush at the counter to slow and walked over.

“Thanks again for getting that book, you guys seem to have everything,” Sam said as he looked Jamie in the eyes. He put the two magazines face up on the counter and said, “These too.”

“That book is popular, and non-fiction doesn’t always do so well,” the boy said smiling as he looked at the magazines. “On the other hand, these both sell well.”

“I’m not surprised. They usually have a beauty or two,” Sam winked. They were alone at the counter and the store had gone quiet. “This one, Blueboy, you could be in that.”

“Yea, right. Although, a friend told me there’s a model this month that looks like me,” Jamie said as he flipped pages. “Let’s see, here he is, does that look like me?”

Sam liked where this was going. He looked at the photo and pretended to think it over. “Umm, let’s see … You know what? You’re cuter than this guy. He has kind of the same hair and bone structure, but you are definitely hotter.”

Jamie blushed. “That’s very nice but I don’t think so. I’ll probably still be here in 10 years selling gay books.”

“Naahh. The way you work you’ll own this place. And a dozen like it,” said Sam.

“I do enjoy this place,” Jamie smiled. “Not many bookstores can say their customers buy gay skin mags and Roll Call.”

As Jamie rang up the items Sam tried an opening. “You know what, you look familiar. Do you know the brown stone on 19th Street with the red door? It’s a three-story apartment building.”

Jamie looked wary. “I have some friends on 19th, not sure about a red door. Why do you ask?”

Sam realized he had moved too fast. “I’m not trying to get personal. I live there and I thought I’d seen you. I’m on the second floor.”

Jamie shut down. “I don’t know, can’t remember if I’ve been there.”

Sam gracefully exited. “Anyway, thanks again for your hard work,” he said as he gathered his bag and left.

Well … shit, thought Sam. Now the guy thinks I’m an oddball who will follow him home. Still, at least he knows I’m alive and that I’m gay.

Jamie went back to helping customers. Saturday was always busy.

During a lull, the boy thought about the customer who knew that he visited the townhouse that neighbors called ‘the place with the red door.’ That was his lover Robert’s building. And if daddy — Robert — found out someone had connected his apartment to Jamie, he’d order the beautiful book clerk to stay away for a while. Robert was a 10-year Navy man who was careful he never be touched with even a hint of homosexuality because it would end his career.

Jamie couldn’t recall ever seeing the customer. He visited Robert two, three times a month so it was possible he’d never bumped into the guy. If the man did live in Robert’s building, thought Jamie, then I’ll have to find a way to avoid being seen there. He knew he couldn’t stop visiting his daddy.

Sam was thinking things over too. After leaving Surging Rainbow he picked up groceries, made dinner, stripped down to his jockeys and relaxed with his new purchases. He couldn’t focus on the history book, so he picked up Blueboy.

‘I was right,’ Sam thought, ‘that kid is cuter than the centerfold. The question is, does he live here or was he a one-night stand?’

Sam reached into his underwear and fondled his dick as he pored over the model’s humpy butt and hairless torso. The cock shots were less than impressive because gay magazines were wary of showing hard-ons. Bored, Sam flipped pages until a story illustration caught his attention. It showed a white man and a black man bumping large erections, but the writing was the usual ’12-inch throbbing cock’ stuff and Sam put it down.

He picked up the magazine with the hunky black guy on the cover. The shirtless model showed off a well-built chest and his tight jeans displayed a promising bulge. Sam found the layout featuring the black man with a cute white guy, both getting undressed.

The second photo was a stunner. The black man stood over the kneeling white guy, his semi-erection hanging near the boy’s mouth. ‘Damn, that is hot,’ thought Sam. He was not a much of a porn fan, but he was attracted to black men. The photo sent a jolt to Sam’s balls.

He put the magazine down, went to his bathroom, got some lube and returned to the sofa. He looked again at the interracial lovers and put some grease on his palm. He started jacking.

Gays in the 70s were free to be loud and proud in Dupont Circle and a select few ‘Boy’s Town’ neighborhoods nationwide. The rest of the country, forget it. Gays wore a mask to satisfy straights even though other gays saw through the disguise. They recognized each other with a look. As long as they kept their mouths shut, no one was the wiser.

Sam wasn’t thinking about that as he jacked off to the magazine lovers. He thought about adoring the black man’s cock, kissing the pretty boy, and being part of a three-man orgy. He closed his eyes, and the dream took over. He stroked harder and fondled his nuts. He got some lube on a finger, placed it on his hole and tickled. He put it in to the knuckle.

He was getting close. Images crossed his mind. A guy from college he secretly watched jacking off in the shower; a favorite porn star stroking his veiny cock; the way the dick moved in the sweatpants of a guy in his softball league. In his vision he saw a naked peach-colored Jamie straddling Robert, riding him like a cowboy, the man’s ebony phallus pumping hard into the boy as he rose and fell on the thick meat. Robert’s eyes were closed tight as he thrust into whooping Jamie, and Sam lost control, his rock-hard dick exploding cum three feet in the air. Sam caught his breath and let go of his softening penis and settled back on the couch. “Woah,’ he said as he felt the afterglow.


Robert gazed at the shorts on the waiters at a hip gay bar he snuck into during a business trip to Manhattan. All the boys were young, attractive and white with feathered hair like Farrah Fawcett. They wore wifebeaters and shiny, silk running shorts that clung and swished on their bottoms and thighs. The reddish-pink shorts glowed in the nightclub’s lights, sending eyes to the waiters’ crotches.

Robert felt a fool but couldn’t help buying two pairs of shorts. He returned to his hotel, took a shower, lay down naked on the bed and rubbed the smooth silk over his body, massaging his torso and testicles, and using it to jack his stiff cock. The fabric was soft. His grip was tight.

He closed his eyes and fantasized about one of the waiters, a blue-eyed boy who stood close and stared longingly at Robert. The prick tease actually batted his lashes, Robert grinned. But fuck, he was damn near irresistible. He conjured an image of doing the youth doggy style, pumping his muscled black thighs against white boy’s butt while the kid looked over his shoulder and batted his lashes.

The fantasy sent Robert close to the edge. He stopped himself and put the shorts in his suitcase. He didn’t want to get any sperm on the silk. He’d save that for a session with Jamie. Still, he had to get off. He got some hand lotion, stood in front of the full-length mirror and jacked himself until he sent ropes of cum streaming down the glass. He wiped it off, didn’t want the maid to see it.


A few weeks later Sam didn’t get home until 10. His committee had held hearings on skyrocketing gas prices and half the committee members shamelessly showboated for the cameras in hopes of making the nightly news.

He changed from his suit to a pair of shorts, a Polo shirt and socks. He muted the lights, put on DC’s jazz station, opened a beer, and stepped onto his balcony.

He ate and listened to a melodic standard from the Great American Songbook. Written by white men, interpreted by black men. A hushed voice from the balcony above carried through the quiet night.

“Thank you, Robert, those are nice,” said the voice that Sam recognized as the book clerk. The kid was calm, quite unlike his hurried behavior in the store. “I saw pictures of those waiters. They must get the best-looking boys to work there.”

“I bet you look better in them than any of those kids,” said the voice that Sam recognized as the muscular black man that rented the upstairs apartment. His voice was deep, slow, sexy. “Why don’t you try them on?”

Sam heard steps into the apartment. They soon returned.

“This silk feels great,” the boy said in a breathy voice. “What do you think?”

“Those are nice,” Robert said. His voice was gentle with some gravel in it. Sam figured he was getting horny looking at the lad. “Come here. Let me feel those.”

There was silence. Sam listened to a melancholy saxophone as he stared into the cloud-covered night, imagining the black man stroking the silky pants, his dark fingers lingering to pet the boy’s peach-strawberry thighs. Sam was getting hard.

He could barely hear a whisper. ” … about the nicest present you ever gave me,” the youth said. “How can I thank you daddy?”

Silence. Someone stood. Two people walked into the apartment and the balcony door closed.

‘Son of a bitch,’ Sam reflected. ‘Those are two of the hottest fuckers I have ever heard.’

He stared for a moment into the night, thoughts coursing over his face. He decided. He went into his apartment, turned off the lights and left the radio on. He stepped onto his balcony, listened, and soundlessly went to the stairs.

He kept his head down and crept on all fours as he moved up the fire escape. He reached the black stud’s balcony, put both hands on the top stair and lifted his eyes over the floor. Sam saw two chairs and a postage-stamp table with some empty beer cans. The balcony door was closed.

Subdued light came through two kitchen windows facing the balcony. Both were open a foot or so. Sam listened. All he heard was traffic noise and his radio.

‘Wait a second,’ he thought. ‘The music is coming from this apartment. These guys listen to the same station I do.’

Sam lifted his head to see through the windows. One was blocked by a kitchen table. He turned sideways and saw movement through the second. Sam got on the balcony on all fours and crawled closer. He scrunched down so only his eyes and top of his head were above the sill, legs cloaked in darkness. He looked.

A gray light revealed two lovers kissing. Robert stood shirtless, his muscled back and torso dark as ebony, his butt straining against khaki pants. Jamie’s new shorts clung against his hairless skin as his pale arms and hands caressed the burly chest of the big hunk. The boy licked his lover’s nipples.

Robert’s hands cupped the boy’s bottom. He squeezed the soft flesh and kissed the lad’s neck and ears. The bookstore clerk moaned.

“I’m starting to love these shorts,” Jamie sighed.

“You look very fuckable,” whispered Robert.

They threw off shadows in their slow-dance foreplay, the long loft-style apartment lit by a single table lamp. Jamie’s milky skin caught the light and glowed against Robert’s dark body.

Sam watched the stud put a finger from each hand under the shorts and move them gradually towards the kid’s hole. The boy shuddered, his head fell back, and his legs dipped and pushed hard against the big man. Both those thick fingers must have skimmed the boy’s delicate hole, thought Sam.

“Ohhh, daddy, that’s good,” Jamie cried. He lifted one leg and hooked it around Robert’s thigh, pushing his anus back against the digits. The pretty lad put one hand on Robert’s crotch and caressed the lump there. The two of them were lost in each other, touching, squeezing, kissing.

The boy gently pushed the humpy stud away and sat down on the couch that faced the window where Sam lay staring. As the lovers repositioned themselves Sam felt a shock as the kid looked him right in the eye. But Jamie showed no sign of seeing the voyeur. The reflection on the glass must have hidden anything outside the apartment. Sam relaxed.

The boy grasped Robert’s belt and unclasped the buckle. He left it hanging as he lowered the zipper and reached his hand in, found the cock, and fondled.

“That’s it boy,” Robert breathed. “Take ahold of daddy’s dick.”

The man’s back blocked Jamie’s face but Sam could tell the boy was staring at the purple-black cock, mesmerized by the meat as it grew in his hand. The two lovers turned slightly, giving Sam a profile view of their sex action.

Jamie shook himself from his dick daze and looked up at Robert. The man nodded.

The boy gripped his lover’s khaki pants and underwear at the waist with both hands and pulled them down. Sam saw the big cock jump out, and he said a silent ‘wow’ as it bobbed in the air, half hard, blood starting to fill the veins that pulsed up the sides of the gnarled beauty.

Voyeur Sam licked his lips. The cock was about eight inches long, powerful, and jet black with a plum-colored helmet head that drooled droplets of precum. The testicles hung heavy in a baseball-sized pouch.

Jamie grabbed the shaft with one hand and jacked; he cupped the balls with the other, his fingers lightly kneading the sensitive flesh.

Robert threw his head back and let out a continuous moan, savoring an eager-to-please boy giving joy to his daddy. ‘Damn, where did I find this guy?’ he laughed to himself.

Sam was sweating, his heart pounding, his dick hard. He had never been this close to two men fucking and sucking. He had seen guys at the baths getting it on, and blowjobs at the gay adult movie house. This was different. He was secretly watching two men in their prime showing their lust and love for each other.

Sam wanted to jack off but kept his cock in his pants. He knew he was wrong. He’d lose his job if he were caught. ‘Gay Senate Perv Fired’ would be the headline. Masturbating would make it even worse. Still, he couldn’t stop looking.

“That’s good boy,” said Robert in his deep, firm voice. He moved back slightly causing Jamie to let go of the cock he’d been stroking. The black man bent down and took his pants from around his ankles, folded them neatly, and put them on a nearby chair. Sam could see Jamie’s eyes move as he stared at the stud’s bobbing dick.

“Lie down son, I want to fuck your mouth,” Robert commanded.

The boy obeyed. He lay sideways on the couch, face near the edge of a cushion, and his hazel-green eyes locked on the beautiful phallus. His tongue darted out to wet his parted pink-red lips.

“That’s right boy, you follow orders real good,” Robert whispered. “Now it’s time to find if you’ve learned how to make daddy happy.”

Robert leaned down and his dark dick grazed the boy’s strawberry cheek, eyes and nose. Jamie moaned as the satin-soft, hammer-hard meat brushed his pale skin. The boy lay motionless, eyes closed, mouth open as he luxuriated in the face massage he was getting from a fat, black cock. He inhaled the man’s ball musk and his own dick hardened.

“Give me your hands son. All I want right now is that juicy mouth,” Robert directed. Jamie tentatively raised his arms and Robert grabbed both at the wrist with one of his outsized hands. He lifted, pulling the boy’s face closer to his hard, sweaty package.

Jamie was in heaven. He’d long fantasized a strong man would take control of him. Robert was on top, in charge, and the youth loved it. The ebony cock brushed against his forehead and Jamie pressed his lips against the testicles, wanting to suck them in but waiting for daddy’s direction.

“I like that son … put your mouth on my nuts,” Robert breathed. He looked down and watched the adorable white boy’s lips caress his balls. “No hands kid, just your mouth … real soft boy … yea you know what daddy likes,” the muscled stud murmured, lost in joy.

Sam was entranced. Playing against the shadows of the apartment a hunky black man towered over a pretty white kid, his erection straining against the boy’s wet mouth. Sam shut out the night’s street sounds as the boy worshipped the man. Sam’s dick was hard, bunched up in his pants. He wanted to be the man. He longed to be the boy.

Sam lay on the hard floor of the balcony and stretched out his cramped legs, careful not to bump against the nearby table. The night was getting chilly. He couldn’t leave, it was a one-of-a-kind show. He turned back to the lovers.

“That’s real good son. You’re learning what daddy likes,” Robert purred. He pet the boy’s hair with one huge hand and pulled him in tight to his balls. Jamie moaned louder. Robert knew that Jamie liked to be up in his package, nose against his balls and tongue in his taint. The boy’s face fit just right in his crotch. Robert’s head fell back, eyes closed, absorbed in his sensuous domination.

“Now it’s time for you to show me,” he muttered. “Show me how you suck a man’s cock.”

He stroked Jamie’s brown-blonde hair with one hand and placed the helmet head of his phallus on the boy’s lips. He gently pushed in an inch. Jamie opened his mouth, groaned and his whole body twitched as he rose to swallow the probing meat. His tongue came out and licked all around the cock head and neck, the skin taut, shiny.

“Whoa boy … take it slow,” Robert crooned. “We got all night. Go slow. Show me how you dream about sucking daddy.”

Jamie moaned at the horny words. He worked up some saliva and swallowed another inch of Daddy dick. Without thinking the boy gently touched the shaft as Robert pushed deeper.

“Boy, I told you no hands,” Robert admonished the eager lad. “Just mouth baby, just your hot sucking mouth.”

Jamie pulled back his hand and concentrated on sucking the helmet, moving it around his slushy wet maw, and licking the sensitive underside of the head with his tongue.

“That’s good boy, now you got it,” Robert mumbled. “Fuck yea … don’t stop … keep working that dick.” He tensed his thighs, and his cock slid an inch deeper and tickled the boy’s throat.

Jamie continued sucking, pleasing his daddy, looking up with his long-lashed eyes at the powerful stud. Jamie let the cock sloppy-pop out of his mouth, a string of saliva running from lips to meat. “Daddy?” he asked quietly. “May I touch your balls?”

“Yes, you may boy. That’s good you asked,” Robert said. He looked down into Jamie’s questioning hazel-green eyes, then bent down and kissed the boy on the mouth. He rose and took hold of Jamie’s head with both hands and slowly pumped his dick in, pulled it back, pumped it in, and face-fucked the beauty for about ten strokes.

“Hold my balls and love my cock son,” Robert said in a throaty voice. He watched as the lad caressed his nut sack and swallowed his meat, spit drooling on his cheeks and chin.

Jamie lay on the sofa in the faint light, hairless torso shiny with sweat, dick erect, one hand cupped under Robert’s testicles, and head turned sideways to better tongue, slurp and adore his black lover’s bloated eight-inch cock. The boy moaned deep in his throat, his heart ka-thumping and rushing blood turning his peach skin strawberry. This was what he wanted, longed for, to serve daddy body and soul.

“Boy, I love how you suck me but now it’s time to fuck that pretty butt,” Robert grunted. He stepped back, pulling his cock from Jamie’s mouth. He opened a drawer built into the coffee table and pulled out a tube of lube. He squeezed a glop into his hand and began stroking his dick. Jamie’s eyes widened in the murky light as he watched the veins pulse thicker each time the stud stroked up, down, up, down.

“Get up on that couch,” Robert ordered. “Push that pretty butt up in the air. Spread your legs.”

Jamie turned and put both knees on the couch as he gripped its top. He opened his ass and looked back at Robert with desire and fear. He wanted that dick inside but knew it could hurt.

Robert put more lube in his hand and placed it in the cleft of the kid’s butt, sliding it up and down, slopping grease around with oily fingers. He put one in the anus up to the knuckle and moved it around. Jamie grunted and pushed back. Robert put a second finger in the boy’s hole.

“Those legs and butt are just about perfect,’ Robert thought as he looked at the boy. He reached out and gently jostled his lover’s nuts. Jamie moaned, “fuck yea daddy” and spread his legs wider as Robert placed his cock head on the kid’s hole.

The lovers were lost in each other, the world shut out.

Then the world entered. A brassy “KEE-RASH” came from the porch and both men jumped a foot in surprise at the discordant noise that pierced the quiet and shook them from their lovemaking.

“What the fuck was …,” shouted Robert as he stared towards the sound. The balcony. He saw some movement in the darkness, strode to his porch, hit the light switch and threw open the door.

“Who’s out there?” he demanded. He stood naked in the doorway, his thick dick bobbing in the night, face rigid with rage. “What the fuck is this?”

The light shone down on a white man on the balcony, frozen in fear, the little table upended.

Jamie’s face came around Robert’s torso, his big eyes taking in the strange tableau of a man cowering like a rabbit in a trap. The fellow was spot lit against the dark 2:00 a.m. neighborhood. A gray halfmoon looked down from above.

“I … I’m sorry, let me explain …” the man croaked. He could see the large guy looking down at him and behind that he saw the cute bookstore clerk poking his head out. The man started to get up. “Please, I can … let me …”

Robert was furious. Furious at someone invading his space, at the surprise of the noise, at his super-horny fucking being interrupted. Robert also thought quickly. He didn’t like being the center of attention, he was appalled at neighbors getting a glimpse of his life and seeing his lover. He took control.

“Get in here, now!” Robert said, voice thick with fury. He began to step onto the balcony, remembered he was nude, flicked off the porch light, waited a half second for his eyes to adjust to the dark, and strode towards Sam. He put an iron grip on the man’s shoulder and pulled him into the kitchen. He bumped into Jamie, pushed the boy aside, kept a grip on the stranger, and threw the man onto a chair next to the couch.

Robert calmly closed the kitchen door and gently pulled down the shades of both windows. He turned off the radio, shot an angry glance at Sam that said, ‘Don’t Move Sucker,’ opened a closet door and pulled out a baseball bat.

“OK mister. Who the fuck are you and what are you doing here?” Robert demanded in a voice thick with menace as he looked down on sad Sam.

The voyeur looked up at the two and licked his lips. It didn’t help that both of the men were nude. And beautiful. He fell back on his training as a lawyer and realized he didn’t have a case. He’d have to tell the truth and throw himself on the mercy of the court.

“I’m sorry, please, look, I’m sorry,” he said, forlorn, abashed. “I live downstairs. We met when you moved in.”

“I know him,” Jamie interjected. “He comes to the store.”

“That’s right, I met you at the bookstore,” Sam said. “That’s why …”

Robert loudly cut in. “Jamie, put some clothes on. And get me my bathrobe.”

The boy went quickly to the bedroom and returned, handing a bathrobe to Robert. The built Navy man put down the bat and slipped into the mid-length robe that ended about two inches below his crotch. Jamie wore sweatpants, leaving his smooth chest on display. The salt and pepper duo stood above Sam, staring, curious.

Robert barked at the uninvited visitor. “That’s why, what? You still haven’t told us anything. What’s your name, for starters.”

“Sam Halloran. I live below you,” Sam said. “A couple weeks ago I fell asleep on my balcony. I heard the two of you … screwing around. I wasn’t trying to listen, I fell asleep, and you woke me up.”

“And that gives you the right to sneak around and watch us?” Robert said, incredulous. “I don’t give a shit you live here. I’m calling the police.”

Sam was desperate. “No, no. Wait, wait. Hear me out,” he pleaded. “I’m not … I made a stupid mistake.”

Jamie spoke up. “Let him finish Robert. Then we’ll call the police.”

Robert gestured impatiently at Sam, “So … let’s hear it.”

“Like I said, I heard the two of you. I didn’t try to, I fell asleep, and you woke me up, and it was hot,” Sam said. “I’m … gay. I’m gay too, I couldn’t help hearing you. It was hot, OK?”

“Is that why you followed me to the bookstore?” Jamie asked.

“No, no. I didn’t know you worked there,” Sam said. “That was a complete coincidence. I swear. I went there to get a book, you were there, and I remembered I’d seen you here. When we spoke, I realized you were the guy with Robert.”

Robert thought the story was so ridiculous it was probably true. Now that his shock was over, he began to see the humor in the incident. He figured he’d play the injured party a bit longer.

“I ought to have you arrested,” Robert said. “Do you think it’s OK to do this because you’re gay?”

“I don’t know what I was thinking,” said shame-faced Sam. “There’s no need to involve the police.”

Jamie got a glass of water and gave it to the humiliated man. The boy had read about situations like this. Two gay men with a disagreement, each ‘outing’ the other to the straight world. Each ruined. Gays destroying gays.

The boy decided it was time to lower the temperature, so he sat down on the couch and looked at Sam.

“I remember you,” he said. “You’re the guy that thought I was cuter than the Blueboy centerfold. I have to admit, that made my day.”

Sam gave a weak smile, unsure where to take that, concerned it would further anger Robert. “You guys are … gorgeous. It’s no excuse, but … I couldn’t help myself.”

Robert sighed ‘Oh brother,’ sat down on the couch and draped his arm around his lover’s shoulder, pulling him closer. “We’re gorgeous Jamie, that makes it OK to sneak around, invade our privacy, watch us fucking. Hell, maybe we should give the guy more of a show.”

The hunky top shifted one leg and his shorty bathrobe fell open, giving Sam and Jamie a view of his balls and half hard dick. The evening may have turned completely weird, but Robert hadn’t forgotten that he and Jamie had been in the midst of a pretty hot fuck before they were so rudely interrupted.

Robert’s right hand moved down, and his fingers tickled the boy’s nipple. Jamie placed his pale hand on Robert’s dark thigh and squeezed the muscle. Sam wasn’t sure what was happening, was this some trick? He couldn’t stop staring.

Robert leaned down and kissed Jamie’s neck, gently touching lips to the soft flesh. The boy sighed and closed his eyes. Robert was full of surprises, he thought.

“This is what you wanted to see isn’t it, neighbor?” Robert said knowingly. “You wanted to see the big black stud give it to the pretty white boy.”

Jamie turned and gave Robert a full open mouth kiss. His hand moved higher on the hunk’s thigh, the fingertips just touching the testicles, teasing. The lad was a bit of a showoff; he knew that he and Robert were beautiful. He couldn’t help noticing people staring at them when they went out together.

Robert raised his big left hand and pet Jamie’s chest and neck as their kiss lingered. They stopped to catch their breath and nuzzled, and Robert’s hand went down to Jamie’s sweatpants. He put his hand under the waist band and fondled the boy’s dick. Jamie sighed in happiness.

Sam stared in wonder. They may be putting me on but it’s sexy as hell, he thought. He looked around to see if anyone else was in the room, maybe they’re setting me up. No, no one was there. These two are real.

“It’s time for these to come off,” Robert mumbled in Jamie’s ear as he gripped the top of the sweats. Jamie raised his butt so Robert could peel them down and his dick flopped out, growing, eager. “Look what we got here,” the big man said as two fingers pinched the head of Jamie’s cock. The boy giggled; the pants bunched around his ankles.

“Like what you see, peeper?” joked Robert.

“I like it a lot. Do I just ‘see,’ or can I play?” Sam asked in a husky voice.

The watcher wants to play, thought Robert, so let’s see how reacts to this.

The big man abruptly grabbed Jamie’s butt and hips and pulled the youth into his lap, the kid’s dick bouncing, his arms over his head. Robert said in Jamie’s ear, “Raise your legs sweet meat,” the boy complied, and the stud tugged the boy’s sweats over his feet and threw them at Sam. The peeper brushed them aside and stared at the nude kid, his lovely strawberry-peach body lying atop Robert’s ebony torso and legs.

Sam saw Robert’s thick erection shoved into Jamie’s thigh, bent and straining against the skin, stuck there, pressing hard. Then it bounced free, eight thumping inches, veins popping, the purple helmet head bumping against the youth’s nuts, the stiff black phallus moving with a life of its own and standing tall against pink boy-dick.

Robert humped a few times, frotting his cock against Jamie’s penis. The boy sighed, ‘Do it daddy,’ and spread his legs wider. He rubbed his butt and thighs against the stud’s crotch. Jamie loved it; it felt so good when he lay atop Robert as the big man held him, petting his chest, kissing his neck, hard dick throbbing.

Sam took off his shirt and loosened his belt. He stood and pulled down his undies and pants in one move. His fear had dissipated, replaced with lust as he watched the lovers, understanding Robert’s game.

The white man’s cock was half hard, hanging against thighs muscled from aerobics and bicycling. Like Jamie he was toned with little hair, and a sheen of sweat covered his taut stomach and arms with biceps large as lemons.

“Not bad neighbor,” joked Robert. “I was wondering if we were ever going to get to see Mr. Peeper’s body. As long as you’re up, could you turn on the radio?”

Sam got the music going and watched the two lovers for a moment as they continued their grind, Jamie pressing his butt into Robert, the top stud humping his dick higher, black cock arching up to rub against the boy’s erection.

Sam couldn’t stop himself. His tugged his dick as he stood in front of the lovers, and it rose to seven inches or so, with pinkish-brown skin and a pulsing vein up one side.

Jamie and Robert slowed their humping and focused on Sam. Jamie rose off his lover and kneeled in front of the peeper. “Let’s have a taste,” he said as he got some saliva on his lips and took Sam’s cockhead in his mouth and gently sucked.

Robert stood up next to Sam and placed his ebony erection in Jamie’s face. He swiped it on the kid’s cheek and neck. The youth dropped Sam’s cock and sucked Robert’s. He went back and forth sucking and nibbling at the two rods as the standing men pinched each other’s nipples. They sidled closer so their legs and arms touched as they looked down on the beautiful lad with the tousled blonde-brown hair working their dicks.

Jamie rubbed the wet cockheads together and the studs groaned in joy. He attempted to fit both the dripping heads in his warm mouth. They were too big, so Jamie licked and slurped, his mouth wet with saliva and precum, back and forth, his eyes closed, elated to serve two stiff dicks, two hot men. His dick stood straight up.

The boy paused his adoration to stare at each cock. He licked some precum in Robert’s slit. He kissed Sam’s pink-red head.

“One’s vanilla and one’s chocolate but they both taste like cock,” he said.

Robert caressed Sam’s butt as he watched Jamie’s double-suck. The black man put his fingers in the crease of the ass and searched for the hole. It was dry so he put his hand in Jamie’s face, slipped two fingers in the boy’s mouth and got them wet. He put his fingers back against Sam’s hole and swiped the saliva around.

Sam reveled in the front and back attention, one tickling his butt, one laving his dick. He humped his cock into Jamie’s mouth, then pulled back so Robert’s fingers pushed an inch into his anus. He placed one hand on the back of Jamie’s head for balance as he continued the fucking motion, getting pleasure as he pushed in, out, in, out.

Robert stepped back and grabbed the lube sitting on the coffee table. He squeezed out some grease on two fingers and returned to fondling Sam’s butt crack. One thick black finger slid in the white man’s ass, then two. Sam groaned. His legs wobbled a bit. This was so good. His anus caressed; his cock sucked.

“Jamie, I think it’s time we really welcomed our guest,” Robert said. “Why don’t you sit on the couch?”

Jamie followed Robert’s order, his erection standing tall between his spread legs. Robert pushed Sam down on all fours in front of the boy. “Okay neighbor, let’s see what a cocksucker you are. Now we get to watch you,” Robert said.

Sam lowered his face to Jamie’s crotch and opened his mouth. He licked up one side of the youth’s seven-inch cock and took the head in his mouth. He sucked on it, eyes closed in bliss. ‘This is getting good,’ Sam thought as he swallowed a couple more inches of the boy’s smooth phallus.

Robert jacked his cock as he watched the two white men have sex. His oiled dick stood tall and shiny, black as midnight, veins crisscrossing, balls bouncing. He glopped some more lube on his thick meat and got down on his knees behind Sam. He poked his erection against the man’s hole.

“You know the drill neighbor. Spread those legs,” Robert commanded.

The white man repositioned his legs and Robert quickly grabbed his hips and pumped half his dick deep into Sam. The black stud exhaled a “Oh yeaaaa,” as he luxuriated in the tight anal channel gripping his cock.

Sam opened his mouth and groaned as the fat dick drove deep in his ass. Jamie’s cock popped out, bobbed fully erect, wet with saliva. Sam willed his anus to relax thinking, ‘Fuck … it’s busting me open, let it happen, let it in.’

Robert concentrated on fucking the tight ass. He pumped in an inch and moved his hips around, widening the hole, pulled back, and pumped back in again. The hunky stud smiled as he thought, ‘He’s not as good a fuck as Jamie but this is one hot ass.’

Sam was getting used to the meat in his butt. He was getting that ass-fucked feeling. His body was sweating as a glow seemed to flow from his groin to his head. His balls and dick tingled. It felt like he was getting stroked from the inside. The cock hit a nerve and Sam gasped in surprise, joy and pain. It hit again and all he felt was joy.

Sam the voyeur had lost his voice, overwhelmed by the orgy he was experiencing with two guys he barely knew an hour ago. His thoughts were disjointed, ‘Now I know why Jamie calls him daddy. … Oh fuck yea, do it daddy, fuck that ass, fuck my ass …’

Jamie watched the two men and fondled his cock and balls. He enjoyed watching Robert fuck other men, he’d seen it at an orgy that his lover helped organize at the Y. The boy felt jealousy combined with a live and let live attitude that recognized men needed variety, new ass.

Jamie grabbed his cock and pressed it against Sam’s face, his lips. He picked up Robert’s dialogue of taunt and tease. “Suck dick voyeur, eat some cock,” he breathed as he took hold of Sam’s face and pumped his dick into the man’s drooling maw. The boy’s erection flopped in and out of the man’s mouth as Robert continued his steady pumping, the two lovers spit-roasting neighbor Sam.

The slap of skin on skin joined the sighs and groans of the orgiasts as the scent of sweat filled the room. The two tops stopped talking and concentrated on getting a ball-draining cum from their new toy, Jamie pumping Sam’s face while Robert slid his thick meat into the man’s tight bottom. They were close.

Robert went first, spurred by watching Sam suck Jamie and the friction on his cock as he plunged it in and out of hot ass. The big stud grunted in pleasure as the orgasm rose from his toes to his crotch. He tensed his butt and shoved his dick completely in the anus. Robert’s thighs spasmed uncontrollably as he sent a bolt of cum into Sam’s bottom.

Robert’s joy drove Jamie over the edge. The blonde boy yelled out an “Oh yea,” as his cock danced and pumped cream into the air, on Sam’s cheek, into his mouth. Sam kept licking, tasting, sucking up the juice as best he could, his tongue out, eyes closed in rapture. He was pleasing two hot men who used him as their pleasure machine.

Robert slapped Sam’s ass. “Now that’s a hot fuck. Thanks neighbor,” he laughed. He fell back into the comfy chair that matched his sofa, closed his eyes and caught his breath. “Next time … next time if you want to fuck …. You’ll have to ask. You can’t just sneak up here and watch.”

Sam sat on the sofa with Jamie and put his arm around the boy. “It’s a deal,” he said and kissed Jamie on his forehead. “I’m sorry I spied on you, OK, I never should have done it, I won’t do it again. But Robert, one last thing.”

Robert looked him over. “What’s that?”

“Next time. I get to come.”

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