Blind Love Ch. 07


Alex showed his strength and stamina to Noah and his passion for him. He stood straight, picking up Noah, and moved away from the wall. Noah flexed and stretched his legs and buttocks, tightening his hold on him, teasing him, tensing his buttocks to push Alex a little away from his anus, bending forward and enjoying the depth of penetration he allowed Alex to achieve when he moved down again. He reached with his hands to caress Alex and touched himself. He held Alex’s hands and moved them around on his skin.

Alex felt like a new lover, even though his need for Noah was urgent and animalistic but he was conscious enough for the first time, to avoid pushing him forward, hurting or forcing him. He was letting Noah do what he wanted to, he took the time to slow down and hold him close against his chest and stomach, the pleasure of Noah rubbing his soft hands across his chest and moaning, made him feel incredibly sexy. He held his penis and masturbated Noah. He moved his pelvis a lot more fluently than he could while lying or kneeling because the whole of the leg was engaged in the action. They found ways to kiss and touch each other as Alex fucked Noah, in the standing position, the feeling of enhanced spontaneity thrilling to both. Noah grunted loudly as he felt Alex cum inside him. Alex placed him on the floor and got down on his knees and sucked Noah dry, as Alex’s cum slowly ran down his thighs.


“Get ready! We are already late, let’s get over this dinner.” Orazio huffed, waiting for his wife, Kira in the living room of their three bedroom SoHo apartment, surfing through his wedding pictures, smiling at the picture with Des, Cathy and Casey.

“Ori! Who are these people again?” She asked as she walked out like they weren’t getting late at all. But one look at her, dressed in a plain grey knee length dress with thin black belt, black wedge heels, sandals and a small black purse, was worth the wait. Her small petite frame, shoulder brown hair highlighted with streaks of lighter shades and bright hazel eyes bordered with black liner, made Orazio fall in love with Kira, all over again.

“Hmmm! I really got married up! Huh?” Orazio smiled at Kira, he got up from the couch and held her around her waist with one hand and with the other raised her face to him.

“We can cancel!” he offered and smiled, kissing her lips lightly, careful with her makeup. “She my aunt, from my mother’s side and lives outside the city, with her sons and family, like a typical Italian famiglia.”

“Nah! Let’s do this! I wanted to wear this forever! We shouId invite Alex. I really loved Noah… Noah is better for Alex… Alex looked…uh… what’s the word?” Kira smiled and hugged Ori closer, his tall, muscular frame.

“Alex looked content! Happy and content, like me. You know, I come from a rich Italian family and most of my relatives live in big houses unlike Des.” Ori upsold his family.

“Ya! Why do you think I married a slob like you? It’s the money from your famiglia.” Kira gave a soft chuckle.

“I can still call and cancel.” Ori moved closer to Kira, pushing their pelvis together.

“Let’s leave now, Baby! I want to make a good impression and not go there with messed up hair and a creased dress.” Kira placed her palm on Ori’s chest and pushed him gently. “Hope there are meatballs!” She added as she switched off the television and Oro grabbed his jacket and the car keys.


“This is weird right? I didn’t know we had a train crossing and such a rural landscape so close to the city.” Kira wondered as she looked out at the beautiful woods and an old railway crossing, with the lights and level crossing gate.

“Ya! We used to come here all the time, Zietta is really fun and a charming host. We once had a wedding here, I was really young but it was organised by her single handily. You met her at the wedding, she is still as strong and charming.”

“Ya! I like her… she is warm and genuine. Unlike my uptight family, everyone is just… how do I explain them… Hmm…” She struggled for the word. “Grey!” Ori helped and started laughing. “Heh! You can’t say that about my family… only I can call them GREY!” Kira joined in.

As they turned into the named gate from the main road, a few miles from the railway crossing, the large four level sprawling mansion with an old stone façade came into view. They had to drive for another ten minutes to cross the estate to the mansion. “Hmm! Rich famiglia, huh. Looks like I married up!!” Kira sighed, feeling nervous to meet Ori’s side of rich ancestral money and traditional family.


It turned out that there was nothing to be worried about or be nervous for Kira, the family was warm, welcoming and she felt right at home and there was a pot full of maccheroni alle polpette, translated as “spaghetti with meatballs” for non-Italians but the taste was no match to anything Kira had ever tasted, Zietta explained the recipe was in the family since least five generations.

“What is this again? It’s delicious!” Kira smiled as the family sat around in the living room after dinner.

“Corretto! It’s spiked espresso! Grappa makes everything delicious.” Ori smiled at Kira, “And I am not having any of that, because I am driving and we really need to leave, it’s past midnight.” He tapped his watch with his index finger.

“No! No! Nonsense! Non viaggiare così tardi, resta qui.” Zietta offered for them to stay back. “We have the guest room ready.” She said in broken English to Kira.

“No Zietta! We need to get to work early tomorrow. But it has been a pleasure and you will see a lot of me now.” Kira stood up to say her goodbyes.


“I need a smoke!” Ori stifled a burp, “Haven’t eaten so much and till so late in the night.” He yawned. “We could have stayed over!” Kira added, yawning.

Ori parked the car next to the railway crossing gate, completely deserted and dark besides the overhead lamp. He got down and took a puff of the vape after months and sighed. Kira sat in the car, she was surfing through the pictures she had taken of the night, when Ori started shouting, startling her.

“Hey! Hey!” Ori waved his hands to someone on the rail tracks. “Hey! Lady! Get away from there! Hey!” He waved frantically as the signal went red. “Shit! Shit!” He muttered and ducked under the gate and started walking towards the track, waving and shouting.

Kira instinctively took the car key, got down, locked the car and ran behind him. She pulled him off the track just in time for the train to pass, her phone and key fell down.

“What the fuck!” She yelled at him, “You fucking crazy!” she punched him on his chest, bringing him back from his sleepwalk. “Huh!” He shook his head from side to side. “There was a lady! She was wearing a red dress. She is… walking on the tracks… she must have gotten crushed!” He looked towards the track and mumbled. “There is no one baby! There is nothing on this track. Come back, let’s go home!” She held his hand and guided him away from the tracks to their car, after picking the phone and the car key.

Ori stopped in his tracks, his eyes got round with surprise as he looked in his car, he pointed towards the back seat of the locked car and covered his mouth with his other hand. “What?” Kira whispered, panic settling in the pit of her stomach. “It’s her! She is sitting in the back of our car!” He said slowly, swallowing painfully as his throat got suddenly parched.


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