Bodybuilder Bi-Barbeque Pt. 01


A gay story: Bodybuilder Bi-Barbeque Pt. 01 After working out I would always hit the gym’s jacuzzi–and usually Julio, Jerome and Tim did the same. We weren’t really friends–just four guys who’d come to rely on each other for spotting and occasional assists. No one else nearby was built or experienced enough to trust that way. But after a while it became usual for us to arrive at the same time and finish our workouts with a good hot soak. Any talk centered around advice and comments on how we were doing in our routines. So it was a total 180 for me to suggest we break in the new cabin I’d recently rented in the hills outside the city.

Julio was the most private of all of us, saying little if anything, ever at all. Born in Brazil, he was tall and acted tough–the very embodiment of the strong, silent type.

“I can’t. Brenda has plans for the weekend,” he said without emotion. He looked at Tim as if passing the ball.

“Jeez, Todd, I dunno–Shiela says I gotta clean out the basement–her mother’s coming.” His rancher-boy face looked even younger now that his blond hair had been buzzed. Below that face was a gymnast-type body so muscular, no one would dream of taking advantage of his cornfed looks.

‘Brenda’–‘Shiela’–it was news to me these guys were even attached! It took my little cabin invite to discover even that much.

“Shit–my woman got plans–she always got plans for my black ass,” Jerome’s voice boomed against the tiled walls, his mammoth body dwarfing the tub. “–but here’s the thing, brothas–I’m th’ man–you feel me?–and I want t’go see Todd’s place.” He broke into a dazzling smile, his wide lips forming dimples in his high-cheekbone face. “So here’s a question for you boys… ”

Tim, Julio and I looked at him with utter surprise–it was the most Jerome had ever spoken, other than to comment on how sore his muscles felt.

“… are yo ‘the man’ with your chicks?”

Tim was already pink from the jacuzzi, but his face turned bright red. “Sure I am…” He didn’t sound convincing though, and Jerome chuckled, deep and rich.

“Where is this place?” Julio bypassed Jerome’s challenge. “Does it have running water?”

“It even has a hot tub–and a river beside it.” I watched Julio’s lady-killer, dark eyes become more interested. “And I’ve got a couple cases of Corona–and steaks, and… ”

“… I’m not ruining my whole regimen on beer and steak,” Julio flexed his massive, hairy chest and huge biceps.

“So??? Don’t! But steak’s protein, brotha’–pure protein… ” Jerome’s finger pointed right in his face.

“… you ever go fishing?” Tim sat up, his gigantic delts gleaming, his smooth, full-sized pecs a marble-like work of art.

I nodded. “There’s trout–I think Rainbow.”

“How big?”

I parted my hands, exaggerating for his benefit (I actually hadn’t the faintest idea).

“Hmmmm–almost as big as my ‘Black Beauty’,” Jerome reached into the water, feeling up his Speedo, then chuckling.

Even Julio laughed at that. “OK–but not before eleven–I gotta give Brenda a big present,” he felt up his own crotch, drawing more laughs.


It was around 3:00 when they arrived. Being late May, the sun had finally gotten hot enough to sit out on the raised, cedar deck.

So far the talk had centered around sports, and I was increasingly glad I’d gotten the beer. Without it, I pictured them just sitting there looking out at the woods and river.

“You want another, Julio?”

He killed his second and shrugged his huge shoulders. “Why not? I’ve already blown my carb intake for the whole week.”

“Fuck it, man–you could use some fat on you,” Jerome looked him over. “b’sides, with all that fur, who th’ hell’s gonna know?”

‘God. Leave it to Jerome to say something like that’, I thought to myself. All I needed was for them to get into some kind of argument.

“Fuck,” Julio pawed his red tank top. “I’ve tried shaving it, but my skin’s too tender.” His rugged, dark, unshaven face looked momentarily vulnerable. “Brenda uses that cream shit, but… ”

Tim polished off his second Corona. “Jesus–who’d want to shave a chest like that? –I sure wouldn’t.”

Julio kind of smiled. “Yeah? –she says I look like a sasquatch.”

“Take it off–we’ll tell you, man–” Jerome nodded over at him.

I wanted to go get them fresh beers, but this was getting interesting.

Julio peeled up his tight muscle shirt, his abs rippling as he went. Once off his dark-skinned body, he flexed his huge, hairy pecs, examining them critically.

“I’d give anything to have a chest like that,” Tim eyed his masculine tits. “it’s a regular forest!”

“When I see that? –I sees a real man, brotha–with a capital ‘M’.”

“No shit? –she wants me to at least trim it some,” he ran his fingers through the black field of curls.

“It always takes a brotha t’appreciate a brotha–you feel me? –all chicks think about is how they look, man!”

Julio’s dark mahogany physique had few equals–his pecs burst out below his bullneck like two halves of a melon, his dusky areolas the size of dollar coins–smack in the center–his rubbery nubs poking out from the curls.

“–you’re right–I like having a hairy chest–it feels…I dunno…sexy, or somethin’…”

It sure as hell looked sexy–every single one of us running our eyes over how his black carpet coated those giant-sized pecs, gathering in the deep valley between and turning to a dusting of hair, which travelled over each ripple of delineated abs, only to re-gather and swirl around Julio’s deep, muscle-stretched navel before trailing in a gathering river down his taut, brown, lower belly.

There wasn’t an ounce of cushioning anywhere–his mocha skin sheathing his musculature like satin–his biceps like bulging, vein-accented, rolling boulders. Even his big forearms were coated in manly hair.

None of us actually said out loud we agreed his hairy chest was sexy–but the silence–the way Tim, Jerome and I just sat there gazing at him, sipping our beers–that said it all.

Feeling the tension–that turned-on, awkward, sexual, silent tension–I got up. “More Coronas?”

“Um, yeah, sure… ” Tim kept looking at Julio, as did Jerome.

From the kitchen I could hear them start discussing bench presses and dumbbell flys–how Jerome felt he’d reached a plateau–not gaining any muscle lately on his pecs at all. I caught my reflection in the glass door, pausing to size myself up. Of the four of us, I was the oldest–thirty-two–and had been a second-string quarterback in college.

With the guys’ help, I’d gotten back the physique I once had–and then some–broader shoulders, nice abs, bigger biceps, and kept my strong-jawed, brown-haired good looks from aging.

“Hey, Todd! –get out here!” I heard Tim call.

Grabbing the bottles, I found them all shirtless, wearing only their gym shorts.

“Take it off, man–we’re comparin’ pecs.” Jerome’s naked torso turned my humble lawn chair into a superhero’s throne.

I handed out the beers, then pulled off my shirt, feeling a bit on display as their eyes gave my body the once-over.

“See that? –Todd’s are like Tim’s, huh?” Julio said to Jerome, “–and mine are like yours, except yours aren’t hairy.”

“–and mine’re black, baby–an’ yo’s is mocha.” Jerome felt up his gigantic swells, cupping each mound proudly. “–but yeah, they’s got them slopin’, slab-type kind’a tits–and ours… ”

“… hell,” Tim swigged his third beer, “–yours put Shiela’s to shame!–I mean, Jesus Christ–they just bounce out there, suspended in space!”

Jerome’s laugh was deep and full, making him have to get up, lean over the railing and spit onto the lawn.

“You’re just so damn HUGE–you’ve got it all… ” Tim looked at Julio, then Jerome.

Jerome turned around, spreading his enormous arms out on the railing, his naked torso on display. “Oh yeah? Like what? — What’ve I got, Timboy?” His look was suddenly very serious–challenging–taunting.

“Jeez–you don’t know? — You guys should be in competition–you’ve got the height, the delts, th’ pecs, th’ biceps–lats–abs–glutes… ”

“… glutes???–shi i i i t!–cut th’ bodybuilder jive, man–” Jerome turned his broad, V-shaped back to us. “–what you’re really sayin’ is, you in love wi’ m’ hot, black BOOTY…” He suddenly shoved his gym shorts down, mooning Tim–his ebony, bowling-ball, naked butt cheeks framed by his snow-white jock.

Tim’s farm boy face suddenly turned beet red, drawing hoots of laughter from Julio. “There’s glutes for you, boy! –want’a feel??” Jerome arched his deep-spined back, thrusting his whole, round, shiny-black butt practically in Tim’s face.

Julio hooted. “Alright! –show it OFF, dude!”

“Fuck you, brotha!–I ain’t your showboy!–where’s YOUR glutes???”

Jerome reached back and snapped his jock supports, swinging his hips like a male stripper.

Suddenly Julio was right up beside him, shoving down his own shorts, his lightly-furred ass bumping Jerome’s.

Tim’s mouth opened and closed like a landed trout, his face flushed, his big brown eyes staring at their jock-strapped, hunky, naked globes bouncing and smacking.

Craning his head around, Julio saw the effect their bareassed striptease was having and leaned into Jerome and whispered.

“You got it, man!” Jerome gave him a brotha grip. The two suddenly turned to face us, Jerome making beatbox percussion through his lips, their heavy white jock-pouches swaying to the beat as they bumped hips and played the role of go-go studs at a private party.

Tim looked stunned, conflicted, almost paralyzed–his eyes unable to not view the way their beefy pecs jogged and jostled–how their weighty pouches jounced about like cock-and-balls hammocks, the waistbands sagging under the strain, showing glimpses of black pubic bush at the base of their undulating, hard, muscular bellies.

Getting into Jerome’s lip-buzzing beat, they turned toward each other–slogging their full baskets–occasionally thudding them together.

Jerome raised his left arm and flexed his giant bicep into polished granite. Laughing, Julio leaned-in and first kissed, then licked the football-sized muscle.

What started off as a joke–a way of teasing Tim and I–got the better of the two, with Jerome all of a sudden locking his arm over Julio’s handsome head, urging him to really have at his huge muscle.

Julio seemed to shudder and then slurp the hot, rockhard mountain, his tongue laving its vein-popping strength and power.

As Tim and I stared in wide-eyed silence, Jerome’s hip-hop buzzing stopped as he reached his free hand down between Julio’s furry-brown thighs, to openly fondle his sex-filled, meshed pouch.

“You’re a fuckin’ stud down there, huh, man? –son-of-a-bitch! You’re turning me ON doin’ that!”

Feeling Jerome’s big hand squeezing his basket, Julio’s face moved lower, tonguing Jerome’s huge, glistening pecs, his lips pulling on each fat, erecting nipple.

“Oh yeah, brotha’–you know HOW, huh?–don’cha’ baby?–shi i i i I t!”

Jerome’s own jock-pouch grew huge, the unmistakable, angular thrust of his python-sized cock pushing out the mesh. He was throwing a giant rod over having Julio’s hot mouth all over his hot chest.

“Goddamn!–what you all DOIN’, man??–huh?–Jesus, Julio–yeah!–suck them big black tits!!!”

Tim stared hypnotically, one hand feeling up his own meaty chest, his other between his blond-furry thighs. Seeing that, I walked up behind him, and, not knowing why–or even what I was doing–let my knuckles lightly graze the back of his bullneck.

Tim moaned and pushed against them, making me run my knuckles up his nape, then slide my hand down onto his huge, shotput shoulder, feeling the mighty size of it–the power–my fingers daring to move further down onto the swells of his chest.

Even as I did this, my eyes were fixed on the raunchy scene before me–Jerome pulling out Julio’s elastic waistband, letting the muscled Brazilian’s turned-on rod suddenly spring free.

“Aww fuck, Julio–FUCK! –” Jerome’s big eyes stared at the flared, dark, slightly-pointed head lancing up through a jungle of cockhair.

Tim moaned below me, throwing back his head, finding my crotch and rubbing into it, his blond, buzzed scalp massaging my shorts-bound, blood-engorging meat. I moaned too, my hands gripping his jaw, pushing the back of his head deeper into my crotch.

Julio came off Jerome’s tits–the huge, shiny swells wet with his slobbering, the nipples erected into baby cocks–and roughly shoved Jerome’s jock completely down. “Holy Fuck!” He gasped as ten thick inches of hard, black meat slapped Jerome’s abs, the head a shiny, mauve-toned mushroom, oozing syrup.

Jerome dug under the waistband to pull his enormous, black balls out over it. “C’mon, baby–show me–lemme see yours.”

Julio kept staring at Jerome’s throbbing billyclub, quickly pushing his jock down to his ankles. When he stood back up, his own thickly-veined nine-incher swung stiffly up to the left, its deep mahogany, curving shaft capped by an impressive helmet, sunlight glinting off its glassy-taut surface. A gush of thick, curly cockhair wreathed his vee, coating his fat nuts.

“Aw fuck, man!–look at you, baby!–FUCK!”

Unable to stand the sweet thrills of Tim’s head rubbing across my cloth-trapped cock, I peeled both shorts and jockstrap down my hairy thighs and right off my bare feet. Naked and horny as hell, I thrust my eight-inch throbber up the back of Tim’s muscular neck.

Staring at the lewd display of Julio and Jerome’s naked cocks and balls, Tim let out a groan, feeling my bare dick thumping up his neck and scalp. His hands came behind the chair, pulling my thighs into him, my aching rod skating out past his cute ear, my big skin-blessed nuts flopping over his shoulder.

“Oh yeah!–uh HUH!–we’s all horny now, huh?–muscle-fuckin’ horny!!–some brotha’ luv goin’ down… ” Jerome’s giant hardon swooped out, slapping his abs as he headed right for Tim. Squatting down, he grabbed Tim’s gym shorts and stripped the cute stud bareassed.

Tim’s pink, seven inch, beer can whopper sprang out of his dark blond bush like a mushroom-capped Bavarian sausage–smacking his tanned belly–his beefy, golden- fleeced balls thudding the chair. “Oh God!” he whispered.

“Goddamn! Why you wanna hide that phine whiteboy slab’a steak? Huh?–Jesus, Julio–look’it what our Timboy’s been keepin’ secret!”

But Julio wasn’t focusing on Tim. He was kneeling behind Jerome’s crouching body, running his hand down the deep indent between the musculature of Jerome’s expansive back, wondering if he dared go any lower.

I masturbated my hot, turgid cock into the crease of Tim’s neck and shoulder, my furry nuts slapping his upper back, staring down at Jerome sliding his huge hands inside Tim’s blond-fleecy, inner thighs. “I bet Shiela don’ take th’ time t’do any’a this here shit wi’ yo’–huh, baby?” Jerome’s beautiful, muscular face and full lips broke into a snow white smile as Tim swallowed and shook his head.

“She don’ fool wi’ these fat pink rocks you got blessed with, do she, huh? –nuhUH! She thinks they’s ugly, huh?”

Tim nodded, then moaned deeply as Jerome fingered his jiggling, tender-skinned bag.

“Yeah, I knows aaaaalll ’bout that, man, ‘cuz m’bitch hates even seein’ mine when I tromp aroun’ buckass.” Jerome pets and then pulls Tim’s hang into his palms. “–‘put yo’ clothes on’,” he mimicks her high pitched voice, “–‘I don’ want’a have to see all ‘dat hairy shit hangin’ when I’s on th’ phone!'” Jerome’s face grows intent, examining the rich folds of Tim’s soft ballskin. “–dumb bitches–don’ know what’s phine ’bout a dude–don’ know how hot-lookin’ peaches like yours is… ” Jerome squatted lower on the deck, eye-level with Tim’s blond-hairy crotch.

Tim shuddered–“Uhhhhh”–feeling Jerome’s full wet lips suddenly slurp in one of his smooth male nuggets, his head falling over the back of the chair.

I couldn’t take the horny sight–couldn’t stand the sweet, ripe thrills it sent up my shaft–and pressed and frictioned my whole horny cock over Tim’s horizontal face.

“Oh, Jesus!–oh Jesus!” I watched Tim’s pink tongue lash out at my satiny, flared helmet–watched helplessly as I shuddered out a drool of cockcandy, feeling his sweet cupid lips nibble my knob as he tongued into my wide-open slit.

“Tha’s it, tha’s it–handle that big black butt, Julio, you brown stud–smack it!–ride your bigass meat up my crack!”

I heard a thud and saw the dark Brazilian flat on his back–his head under Jerome’s crouching ass–hearing next his muffled moans as Jerome lowered his spreading rounds against Julio’s eager mouth.

“Oh baby!–baby! Mmmm, MMMM!–eat that showered-up asshole, you studluvin’ bastard! Lick m’ big ol’ balls like that, baby–uh huh!, uh HUH!”

Tim reached up, his head way back, flattening my uptilting rod against his face, riding his lips over the fat vein snaking up my shaft. I flopped my naked, furry nuts over his forehead–wanting to blow, wanting it to last forever–not knowing what the fuck I wanted, as I watched Jerome hook a large finger around the base of Tim’s pink porker.

A collective groan hit the air as all four of us zoned-off into horny, man-loving bliss–as Julio, flat on his back–pried Jerome’s huge tool down into his Latin mouth–as Jerome took Tim’s dong right down to the pubes–as Tim lip-locked my whole cockhead, his head so far back over the top of the chair, I shoved a whole half of my shaft down his swallowing gullet.

“Oh Jesus God,” I gasped, my balls gathering in warning, snapping up to the base of my aching cock.

Tim’s tongue lashed at the webbed skin just below my cocklips–my spot-of-spots–the place I rubbed by thumb and first finger over just before I knew I was going to….

“UUUUHhhhhhhghhh!” I saw the fleecy clouds–the blue, blue May sky–colored dots, fireworks bursting in the middle of the day.

My cock throbbed and flexed, unloading a glut of pent-up jizz down Tim’s milking throat. My knees nearly caved, my hips pistoning my nerve-sparking, sperm-shooting piece in-and-out of Tim’s cock-sucking, virgin mouth.

Suddenly Tim seemed to gag, his throat throttling my orgasming dong, his body shuddering, his nipples turning to bullets. Tim’s hips shot up from the chair, burying his seven-inch, porkroll to the base of his bush in Jerome’s hot, blowjob mouth!

Pulling my still-shooting dick free of Tim’s gasping face, I pumped the rest of my load over his buzzed blond head as he quaked and seized in orgasmic thrills.

Tim stared hypnotically, one hand feeling up his own meaty chest, his other between his blond-furry thighs. Seeing that, I walked up behind him, and, not knowing why–or even what I was doing–let my knuckles lightly graze the back of his bullneck.

Tim moaned and pushed against them, making me run my knuckles up his nape, then slide my hand down onto his huge, shotput shoulder, feeling the mighty size of it–the power–my fingers daring to move further down onto the swells of his chest.

Even as I did this, my eyes were fixed on the raunchy scene before me–Jerome pulling out Julio’s elastic waistband, letting the muscled Brazilian’s turned-on rod suddenly spring free.

“Aww fuck, Julio–FUCK! –” Jerome’s big eyes stared at the flared, dark, slightly-pointed head lancing up through a jungle of cockhair.

Tim moaned below me, throwing back his head, finding my crotch and rubbing into it, his blond, buzzed scalp massaging my shorts-bound, blood-engorging meat. I moaned too, my hands gripping his jaw, pushing the back of his head deeper into my crotch.

Julio came off Jerome’s tits–the huge, shiny swells wet with his slobbering, the nipples erected into baby cocks–and roughly shoved Jerome’s jock completely down. “Holy Fuck!” He gasped as ten thick inches of hard, black meat slapped Jerome’s abs, the head a shiny, mauve-toned mushroom, oozing syrup.

Jerome dug under the waistband to pull his enormous, black balls out over it. “C’mon, baby–show me–lemme see yours.”

Julio kept staring at Jerome’s throbbing billyclub, quickly pushing his jock down to his ankles. When he stood back up, his own thickly-veined nine-incher swung stiffly up to the left, its deep mahogany, curving shaft capped by an impressive helmet, sunlight glinting off its glassy-taut surface. A gush of thick, curly cockhair wreathed his vee, coating his fat nuts.

“Aw fuck, man!–look at you, baby!–FUCK!”

Unable to stand the sweet thrills of Tim’s head rubbing across my cloth-trapped cock, I peeled both shorts and jockstrap down my hairy thighs and right off my bare feet. Naked and horny as hell, I thrust my eight-inch throbber up the back of Tim’s muscular neck.

Staring at the lewd display of Julio and Jerome’s naked cocks and balls, Tim let out a groan, feeling my bare dick thumping up his neck and scalp. His hands came behind the chair, pulling my thighs into him, my aching rod skating out past his cute ear, my big skin-blessed nuts flopping over his shoulder.

“Oh yeah!–uh HUH!–we’s all horny now, huh?–muscle-fuckin’ horny!!–some brotha’ luv goin’ down… ” Jerome’s giant hardon swooped out, slapping his abs as he headed right for Tim. Squatting down, he grabbed Tim’s gym shorts and stripped the cute stud bareassed.

Tim’s pink, seven inch, beer can whopper sprang out of his dark blond bush like a mushroom-capped Bavarian sausage–smacking his tanned belly–his beefy, golden- fleeced balls thudding the chair. “Oh God!” he whispered.

“Goddamn! Why you wanna hide that phine whiteboy slab’a steak? Huh?–Jesus, Julio–look’it what our Timboy’s been keepin’ secret!”

But Julio wasn’t focusing on Tim. He was kneeling behind Jerome’s crouching body, running his hand down the deep indent between the musculature of Jerome’s expansive back, wondering if he dared go any lower.

I masturbated my hot, turgid cock into the crease of Tim’s neck and shoulder, my furry nuts slapping his upper back, staring down at Jerome sliding his huge hands inside Tim’s blond-fleecy, inner thighs. “I bet Shiela don’ take th’ time t’do any’a this here shit wi’ yo’–huh, baby?” Jerome’s beautiful, muscular face and full lips broke into a snow white smile as Tim swallowed and shook his head.

“She don’ fool wi’ these fat pink rocks you got blessed with, do she, huh? –nuhUH! She thinks they’s ugly, huh?”

Tim nodded, then moaned deeply as Jerome fingered his jiggling, tender-skinned bag.

“Yeah, I knows aaaaalll ’bout that, man, ‘cuz m’bitch hates even seein’ mine when I tromp aroun’ buckass.” Jerome pets and then pulls Tim’s hang into his palms. “–‘put yo’ clothes on’,” he mimicks her high pitched voice, “–‘I don’ want’a have to see all ‘dat hairy shit hangin’ when I’s on th’ phone!'” Jerome’s face grows intent, examining the rich folds of Tim’s soft ballskin. “–dumb bitches–don’ know what’s phine ’bout a dude–don’ know how hot-lookin’ peaches like yours is… ” Jerome squatted lower on the deck, eye-level with Tim’s blond-hairy crotch.

Tim shuddered–“Uhhhhh”–feeling Jerome’s full wet lips suddenly slurp in one of his smooth male nuggets, his head falling over the back of the chair.

I couldn’t take the horny sight–couldn’t stand the sweet, ripe thrills it sent up my shaft–and pressed and frictioned my whole horny cock over Tim’s horizontal face.

“Oh, Jesus!–oh Jesus!” I watched Tim’s pink tongue lash out at my satiny, flared helmet–watched helplessly as I shuddered out a drool of cockcandy, feeling his sweet cupid lips nibble my knob as he tongued into my wide-open slit.

“Tha’s it, tha’s it–handle that big black butt, Julio, you brown stud–smack it!–ride your bigass meat up my crack!”

I heard a thud and saw the dark Brazilian flat on his back–his head under Jerome’s crouching ass–hearing next his muffled moans as Jerome lowered his spreading rounds against Julio’s eager mouth.

“Oh baby!–baby! Mmmm, MMMM!–eat that showered-up asshole, you studluvin’ bastard! Lick m’ big ol’ balls like that, baby–uh huh!, uh HUH!”

Tim reached up, his head way back, flattening my uptilting rod against his face, riding his lips over the fat vein snaking up my shaft. I flopped my naked, furry nuts over his forehead–wanting to blow, wanting it to last forever–not knowing what the fuck I wanted, as I watched Jerome hook a large finger around the base of Tim’s pink porker.

A collective groan hit the air as all four of us zoned-off into horny, man-loving bliss–as Julio, flat on his back–pried Jerome’s huge tool down into his Latin mouth–as Jerome took Tim’s dong right down to the pubes–as Tim lip-locked my whole cockhead, his head so far back over the top of the chair, I shoved a whole half of my shaft down his swallowing gullet.

“Oh Jesus God,” I gasped, my balls gathering in warning, snapping up to the base of my aching cock.

Tim’s tongue lashed at the webbed skin just below my cocklips–my spot-of-spots–the place I rubbed by thumb and first finger over just before I knew I was going to….

“UUUUHhhhhhhghhh!” I saw the fleecy clouds–the blue, blue May sky–colored dots, fireworks bursting in the middle of the day.

My cock throbbed and flexed, unloading a glut of pent-up jizz down Tim’s milking throat. My knees nearly caved, my hips pistoning my nerve-sparking, sperm-shooting piece in-and-out of Tim’s cock-sucking, virgin mouth.

Suddenly Tim seemed to gag, his throat throttling my orgasming dong, his body shuddering, his nipples turning to bullets. Tim’s hips shot up from the chair, burying his seven-inch, porkroll to the base of his bush in Jerome’s hot, blowjob mouth!

Pulling my still-shooting dick free of Tim’s gasping face, I pumped the rest of my load over his buzzed blond head as he quaked and seized in orgasmic thrills.

Jerome suddenly groaned over Tim’s erupting rod, cream flowing out his big lips as he slurped the fountaining thing free. It flexed and jerked in rigid, mid-air spasms, spewing fresh cream all over Tim’s heaving, concave belly.

Jerome’s huge black torso rose up, his lusty eyes watching Tim’s big fucker shoot and bob–his kneeling body suddenly contorted in blissful agony–his hands bending his huge, muscular black cock down deep into Julio’s eager throat.

I moved quickly–my balls smacking Tim’s shoulder–racing around behind Jerome and Julio. Spreading open Julio’s husky thighs with my feet, I fell to the deck, grabbing his neglected helmet-headed manmeat–briefly marvelling over the handsome heft and shape of that South American beauty–and shovelled the turgid thing into my yawning mouth.

I knew nothing about cocksucking–only knew I hungered to have Julio’s sexy power in my mouth–to taste, to savor, to have, to worship.

My lips are wide–a real cocksucker’s mouth when I smile in the mirror–so there was no worry over any tooth-grazing as I basted his silky-solid love muscle and felt the flared, wide-holed head pop past my tonsils.

“Take it!–FUCK!–take m’ hot load!!!!” Jerome shouted down as Julio gulped and swallowed.

My lips instinctively knew what to do–knew at least what made a man like me lose all control–knew the nerve-studded terrain of what made my own love rocket blast into orbit. But Julio’s muscled monster–unlike mine–was rakishly curved in its arousal, and its girth grew even fatter just before the slightly smaller, helmet head.

Was his trigger the same as my own??

“Oh fuck!–lick m’ big black balls–yeah!–oh fuck!” Hearing this, I pictured Jerome pulling out of Julio’s gagging mouth, flogging his creaming, ebony-toned monster cock while Julio basted Jerome’s heaving lovesacs with Jerome’s own jizz.

The image made me lash my tongue over the underside of Julio’s cocktip–just below the peehole–while reaching in to fist the curvaceous shaft.

Julio’s body heaved about the deck. “Christ!–YES!–do that!–DO IT!”

I madly flicked his tender flange–my muscular tongue tip frictioning the sweet skin where shaft joined head–my hand pumping his flexing, curvy chorizo, and felt his slogging ballbag plump-up and hug his cockbase.


I dove down to swallow and coax his erupting rocket–the thick sausage turning to iron–the muscular underbelly flexing as a geyser of yogurt blew into my guts.

I gagged and swallowed, my hand massaging his unloading, hair-sprinkled, massive balls.

“Oh fuck, yeah–give it to him, Julio–take that load, Todd!”

Julio heaved his hips up into my throat, my face in his thick, yet sweet black bush–my chin buried in his soft, cum-happy balls–my hands grabbing his meaty, hairy pecs.

“Uh–uh–uh–uh–uh–UH!–oh God!–UH! UH! UHNNNG!”

I had to come off it, my throat unable to swallow what Julio’s horny cock kept unleashing. Dripping jizz onto his hairy thigh, I used both hands to pump out the rest as Tim and Jerome stared at the pornographic display of Julio’s eight-incher spewing all over the place.

“Oh stop–stop! –too much!–oh God!” Julios muscular belly heaved as he gasped, his balls lengthening, his curvaceous cock throbbing out the last of his hot cream.


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