Boys of Eternity Pt. 03

A gay story: Boys of Eternity Pt. 03 BOYS OF ETERNITY: The Merging Of Forever And A Day (Part 3)

Four excruciating, long days had passed since Alex and I had hung out for the very first time, and we were now on the fifth day of being apart. We had only seen each other in school and were only able to communicate through text and video chats once we left the school. His mother had taken a full week off from work and wanted him around the house. He told me he was busy doing in-house chores for her. Since they had moved to Missouri at the beginning of the school year, there were still many things to fix up at their house.

I also learned that his parents hadn’t bought the house, but instead, they were renting it out until they were very sure it was what they wanted. Some tiling needed to be installed down in their basement, and the spare bedroom needed repainting. Apparently, the walls had a grungy, dark brown wallpaper. They were going to strip it and repaint it to transform the room into very bright colors. Also, he said the fireplace looked as if it hadn’t been cleaned in years, and they needed to make sure it was safe to use. Although, they may need a professional to come out and do that.

I was so proud of him. The more I learned about him, the more I adored him. He was a killer drummer, played sports and had the skills to do handy work around the house. Those are all things that I had no idea how to do. If it was me, I would have had to go online to view videos on how to do everything.

While he was busy at his house, I did my best to stay busy with my music. My new private teacher had taken me down the path of improvisation. He had me playing all these different patterns in every Key. It was something you just don’t do in regular music class in any high school. He told me that if I was able to play all my scales, chord tones and multiple patterns in all Keys, I’d stand a better chance of getting my ideas out from inside my mind and through my saxophone.

It made sense what he was saying, but everything he was teaching me was so new, and I was struggling. Clearly, I didn’t have all the scales and patterns down as second nature. Every time I tried improvising, I felt very mechanical, and I didn’t really have any ideas flowing. It also didn’t help that I was separated from Alex this past week. After sealing the deal and becoming his boyfriend and professing our love for each other, it was hard to stay focused when I couldn’t even see him for more than five minutes at a time.

Alex and I were both feeling the pangs of separation. As much as I adored all the pictures he texted me, I wasn’t able to touch his face or feel the warmth of his hug. And even all the sexy talk through text was just that, sexy talk. It was nothing like the real thing.

When we did video chat, Alex didn’t have a problem, since his room was in the basement of their house. He had more privacy. For me, I had to close my door and cover myself with a blanket to muffle the sound. I wasn’t ready for my parents to hear me making kissing sounds and telling somebody “I love you” on the phone. If it wasn’t for all the video chatting, I think I would’ve gone crazy. At least we were able to see each other’s facial expressions and hear each other’s voices. A few times, we were able to get sexy.

On this fifth night of being apart, Alex showed me around his room during our video chat. It was hard to see and imagine everything, since it was only through a small phone. He had his own private bathroom with a full shower in it, and the colors of his room were bright and cheerful, which matched his personality. In the corner of his room was a shelf filled with stuffed animals. There was one cute plushy toy in particular that I kind of made a big deal about.

“It’s SOOOO cute!” I had the biggest grin on my face. The stuffed animal was fat with whiskers, but it wasn’t a cat. It was just a big fat blob of lime green cuteness. “Where did you get that?!”

“I won it at a carnival back home in Michigan. I spent a lot of money trying to win it, but it was worth it.” He seemed rather proud of his win. “You like it that much?”

“Yes! I wish I had one like that. I don’t even have any stuffed animals. Just a few video games.” I frowned a little. “But seeing your room and your toys, you just seem so open and colorful, and it makes me feel happy looking at everything.” His personal space gave me warm feelings. I imagined what it would be like if we ever lived together. Is that even possible? I tried not to think about that too much, but it was definitely something that I wished for.

For a little while longer, we chatted until we were both very sleepy. We said our good nights and made kissing noises. Alex blew me a kiss. “I’ll see you tomorrow in Band. Good night, baby.”

I blushed, although he couldn’t tell, because it was a little dark in my room. “Good night, sweety. See you tomorrow.”

The next day at school, I walked inside the band room, eager to see him. I looked around, but he had not shown up yet. I texted him and asked him where he was.

Me: where you at? I’m in the band room already

Alex: I’m here already. Just not in the band room. c u in a sec

There was a wink at the end of his text.

Me: okee pokes, sweety

Within a minute, the band room door swung open, and Alex walked through. There was a huge smile on his face, and he waved at me. A couple of students said hi to him, and he fist-bumped one of them. Immediately, he walked up to where I was seated in the saxophone section. We still had a few minutes before class started, and most of the other students were still loud and running around the room. Alex kneeled down on the floor beside me and poked me on the arm.

“I love you,” he whispered. He curled his lip and just smiled.

I smiled back. “I love you too,” I whispered. “But I feel like you’re not saying something.”

“Maybe.” He stood up. “Maybe you’ll see after class.” He then turned and walked to the back of the room where the drum section was.

After class, we both walked together toward my locker. Alex was already prepared and had his book for his next class. He was acting strange, but in a funny, good-natured way. When we finally got to my locker, I turned to him. “If we weren’t in school, I’d pin you down and make you spill the beans on whatever it is you’re holding in.”

A sly smirk spread across his face. “You know, I’m the one who usually pins you down. I might actually like it if you do that to me.” There was a sassy tone in his voice. “You gonna open your locker?”

I poked him in the stomach. “Maybe I WILL pin you down.” I then spun around and turned the numbers on my lock to open up my locker. “Five, eight, zero, one.” The lock clicked open, and I pulled on it. Before I opened my locker, I turned to Alex, and while nobody was looking, I blew him a kiss.

Ignoring my kiss, Alex reached over and pulled on my locker. It opened up, and I froze. Staring at me on the middle shelf of my locker was the fat, lime green, cute plushy animal. “Oh my god!” I think my voice might have carried down the hall to the other end of school.

“It’s yours, baby.” I could tell he wanted to hug me, but he held back. “I wanted you to have it. We still have another day til we can hang out after school, so I thought you could have this in your room as a reminder that I’m always there. Plus, you don’t have any stuffed animals, so this can be your first.”

My lips puckered, and I wasn’t sure what to say. “You’re the sweetest boy in the universe.” It came out as a whisper. “I love it a lot. I… I love you so much.” I paused. “How did you know my locker combination? I’m not mad, just curious.”

“Baby…” He started to laugh, then stared at me with an incredulous look. “You do realize that every time you open your locker, you say the numbers out loud, right?! I’ve heard you say it twice before today. And today makes the third time. Five, eight, zero, one.”

I looked up and to the left while thinking for a few seconds. “Ohhhhh, shit. You’re right. I DO do that, don’t I?”

“It’s all good. Just try not to say it too loud next time, so nobody’ll hear you. Come on.” He tugged my sleeve. “I’ll walk you to your next class.”

I grabbed my book and locked my locker back up, and we walked down the hall to my next class. Once we reached the door, we said our goodbyes. I wanted so badly to kiss him, but I couldn’t. I just watched him walk back down the hall to his class. While I was staring at him, I caught a glimpse of a couple of other students, a girl and a guy, pecking each other on the lips before they too separated. She went into class, and he walked down the hall in the same direction as Alex. Emotions of sadness and anger welled up inside me. How fair is that?!

Later in the day, Alex and I saw each other a few more times. We had lunch together, and English also. And before I left school, we gave each other a quick kiss in the bathroom after everybody had cleared out. He then walked out into the parking lot to meet his mom.

At night, once we were both settled into our rooms, I called him so we could talk again on video. It was so good to see him again. But with all these feelings still pent-up, neither of us could take it. It was very clear how horny we both were, and just the sight of each other was driving us nuts.

I could hear him breathing, and he asked me, “Can I see you naked?”

“Of course.” I flipped on a small corner light, and I took off my underwear and pointed the phone at my body.

“I wanna see your face also.” He gave me a pleading look. “That’s the best part of you. You’re so cute.” Already, he was taking off his underwear, and his cock was rock hard.

We both set up our phones so that we could see each other’s bodies and faces. Just being in his energy and seeing him on camera made me want to shoot. “Sweety, I already know I’m not gonna last long. I’m so horned up right now, just from looking at you.”

He snickered and stuck his tongue out at me. “Go ahead and cum if you have to. I don’t think I can last long either.”

I nodded and started tugging at my dick. I stuck my finger in my ass and watched him do the same. A minute must have passed by, and my balls were already tingling. I saw his body tremble, and I knew he was as close as I was. Gods, neither of us have any stamina when it comes to sex.

I faintly heard his say, “Fuck… I’m cumming, baby.” I saw his body shake, and I knew his cum was splattering all over his stomach.

I gave myself one more tug, and my loins felt like they were exploding. My body shook, and my cum hit me in the face. Alex had already sat up, and he was staring at me intently.

“That’s so hot, baby,” he told me. “Let me see your cum.”

I put the phone up close to me and showed him all the cum on my face and chest.

He licked his lips. “If I was there, I’d lick you clean.”

I giggled. “You know we’d both lick each other clean. But since you’re not here…” I took a pair of my dirty underwear from a pile and wiped myself. I saw him wiping up also.

He glanced up. “You know, starting tomorrow, I can hang out at your place after school again. We don’t have to apart anymore.”

“I know. I’ve been counting down the days. It’s been really hard not being able to hold your or kiss you.”

“Soon, baby. Soon.” He blew me a kiss.

I saw him toss his cum rag to the side, and he pulled his blanket over him. From that point, we talked for another twenty minutes before deciding to call it a night. Once again, we said our goodbyes and good nights. It was nice, but it still left me feeling empty. Once the light on my phone was out and I was lying in my bed in the dark, I realized how lonely I felt without him. Thankfully, I was tired from my earlier orgasm. I was drowsy enough to fall asleep, and I welcomed that, since I didn’t want to feel that loneliness anymore.

The next thing I knew, my phone was dinging. My eyes popped open, and I looked at the time. It was three minutes before my alarm was about to go off, and there was a notification of a text from Alex. That was enough to make me excited and wake me up a little bit more. I turned my alarm off so that it wouldn’t ring, and I opened the text up.

Alex: Good morning! I miss you 🙁

My heart thumped. Immediately, I texted him back.

Me: you’re so sweet! Morning!!! i miss you back

Alex: You sleep okay??

Me: yessss :)))

Alex: I really wanna see you in person. can we meet up this morning??

Me: YES!!!! What you have in mind?

Alex: told my mom to bring me to school early so I can practice the drums but i’d rather see you. you able to come early??

Me: yessss where should we meet?

Alex: around the building facing the football field?? Nobody hangs out over there before school, and being so early no one will be at the school anyway

Me: okee pokes, c u soon, i love u!

I quickly raced to the shower, rinsed, dried, brushed my teeth and put my clothes on. In just a few minutes, I was out the door running down the street to meet up with the boy of my dreams. It was record time for me. When I finally reached the school, I ran around the building and saw Alex sitting on the sidewalk waiting for me.

At first sight, he immediately jumped up and ran toward me. Just in case anyone happened to be passing by, we didn’t hug. Instead, he puckered his lips at me and made a kissing sound. He then led the way to a corner that was hidden by a few trees and bushes. Once we were completely shielded, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in very close.

Alex had a cute smile on his face, as he stared at me. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you for the longest time. That quick kiss we had in the bathroom at school wasn’t enough. I feel like it’s been FOREVER.” He quickly leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. I didn’t resist. Our tongues were dancing in both our mouths, and the wetness from his saliva made my heart race.

“I wish we could do this all day.” I looked at my phone. We have like forty minutes before Band starts.

“It’s not all day, but at least it’s something.” He kissed me again. “Seeing your face and talking with you on the phone was so awesome. But having you in my arms is over-the-top. All I wanted was to be with you.”

“I know.” I held him tight and pressed my forehead to his. “I have no words. Being apart from you was the absolute worst feeling in the history of worst feelings. I hope that never ever happens to us again.”

We were both wearing thick jackets, but it was still very cold. We snuggled as close as we possibly could and stood there holding each other in silence. I could hear him breathing, and every so often, he would peck me on the cheek with his lips.

“Will you… you know how you like it when I spit in your mouth?”

“Uh huh.” I nodded.

“Will you do that to me?” The look on his face and the tone in his voice made me think he was pleading and begging for it.

I slowly placed my lips against his and stuck my tongue in. He did not move. He became completely submissive and allowed me to explore his mouth. As I licked his lips and everything inside, I was building up as much saliva as I could. My mouth was full of it. Finally, I sealed our lips and unleashed every drop of my spit into his mouth.

“Uuuunnngg… mmmm….” Alex drank it up and swirled it in his mouth. His breathing was heavy, and his face was red. “That’s sooooo hot.” He looked around, then at me. “You made me so horny.”

“You made ME horny,” I told him.

“We have plenty of time.” He ran his finger up my arm and around my chest, and I understood what he wanted.

I undid my jeans, and he did the same with his. I quickly went down on him and sucked the tip of his beautiful dick, before I came back up and kissed him. “Should we just jack off really fast? It’s freezing.”

“That sounds like a plan.”

He gently took hold of my dick and began stroking it up and down while staring directly into my eyes. I did the same, gently grabbing hold of his. Our heads moved forward, and our lips locked once more. Sucking on each other’s tongues and jacking each other off put us both on the edge.

Within a minute, I heard him moan. “Emmett, babe, I’m gonna cum.”

No way I was gonna let him waste it. I kneeled down and engulfed his cock. As soon as it was inserted into my mouth, he exploded. Stream after steam of his hot boy juice slid down my throat. I licked him cleaned and jacked myself off. “Ahhh… I’m gonna cum too.”

Before I could finish my sentence, he was already on his hands and knees, sucking up the thick milky fluid from my swollen cock. He didn’t spill one drop. He stood up and smiled, then licked his lips. We kissed, and I could taste my cum inside his mouth.

We eventually pulled apart, mainly because of the cold. I looked at the time. “Band’s not gonna start for a good while. We can go inside and wait where it’s warmer.”

“Yeah. That’s probably a good idea.” He pressed his cheek to mine. “I didn’t think this through. I just wanted to see you, and touch you, and kiss you.” He tilted his head toward the sidewalk. “Come on, babe. Let’s get you in the warmth.”

Alex peeked around the corner to make sure nobody was there. Once he saw that all was clear, he signaled, and I followed out into the open. It saddened me that we had to hide everything. We couldn’t hold hands while we walked, and we had to make sure our conversations weren’t too loud, for fear of somebody hearing us. It was times like this that really made me wish to be in a bigger city with him.

We walked quickly in silence, a foot apart from each other. Every time we breathed out, a misty cloud would expel from our mouths. I touched his face for a brief moment. “Your face is so cold, and it’s a little red.”

“We’ll be inside in a minute.” He kissed two of his fingers and placed them on my lips.

Within thirty seconds, we were at the front door of the building. Alex pulled on the door and held it open for me. There was a twinkle in his eye that made me melt. Once inside, we walked toward the gym. A few kids were already there, hanging out and running around. We decided to sit on the floor away from everyone and just chill out.

Alex glanced at his phone. “Band won’t start for another twenty-four minutes.”

I leaned up against the wall. All the while, I wished I could lie down and put my head in his lap. At this point, since we were surrounded by other students, we just chatted about random things, nothing of great importance.

He did lean over once and whisper to me, “Your cum was sooo sweet. I can’t stop thinking about it.”

It was enough to make me blush. Any compliment from Alex causes my blood to rush, making me feel wild and special inside. “You always taste good. I can never ever get enough of you.” I added, “You’re coming over to my house after school, right?”

“Of course I am. We’ll walk together.” He touched my hand with his finger before slowly withdrawing.

The rest of the school day was like any other normal day. At the end of the day, while waiting at Alex’s locker, I heard his voice. “I’m heading over to a friend’s house to check out some of his games. He was walking with a girl I knew only as an acquaintance.

She waved at me. “Hey, Emmett.”

“Heya, Josie.” I waved back. She then took off in her own direction, leaving me and Alex alone.

Alex took one look at me and grinned. It was so cute and boyish, and it melted my heart. He nearly did a happy dance where he was standing. “I’m so excited to go to your house again!”

“Me too.” I wanted to hug him, but I refrained. “Do you like anime?”

His eyes were wide, and he nearly resembled an anime character come to life. “I LOVE anime! You wanna watch some?”

I laughed, because his own excitement was making me excited. “Yeah! We can watch something…” I leaned in closer and whispered, “after we make out… and stuff. Then we can cuddle and watch something.”

On the way home, we talked about how sly we were, jacking off and swallowing each other in the freezing cold on school grounds. Surely, we weren’t the first students to do something sexual at school, but it was fun and thought-provoking, nonetheless.

We finally reached my house. Upon walking in, we set our bags down in the hallway, then immediately headed toward my bedroom. He stopped us. “Wait. I want you to know that I actually love being around you. The sexy stuff is awesome and a dream come true. But… I love you way more than all of that.” He paused. “Just so you know.”

I was speechless, and I felt myself welling up inside. He hugged me tightly and pressed his nose to mine. I finally managed to get some words out. “I love all the sex n stuff with you too. But I definitely love you way more than all of that too.” We stood in place, holding and caressing each other.

After a minute, he tugged me, and I followed him to the bedroom. The entire time, neither of us could take our eyes off the other. We were like prey to each other, but in a romantic and lustful way. Once in the bedroom, we sat next to each other on the bed. His hands were already all over my legs and moving up to my button on my jeans. I moved my arms out of the way so he could do whatever he wanted. By this time, he was already kneeling in front of me.

Once my button was undone, he unzipped me and pulled my cock out. He was gripping it with his left hand, and his right hand was massaging my back. Before sticking it in his mouth, he looked me in the eyes. “I’ve been wanting to do this all week. Being away from you made me want you even more.”

And with that, my cock was shoved straight into his mouth. The suction from his lips and his tongue swiping across it made me scream. “Aaaaaahhhh… ohhhhh… that feels so good! Fuck! It feels good.”

He stopped to let me catch my breath. “I absolutely love your dick, baby.” He then pushed me onto my back and pulled my jeans off. Once they were off, he too stripped off his jeans and underwear. He then pulled me forward so that my ass was hanging off the bed.

I whimpered. “Baby… don’t… I’m not really the cleanest right now.”

He didn’t say a word. I saw his head gradually move closer to my hole. He seemed to be contemplating something and taking his time. I sat up on my elbows and watched him. After nearly fifteen seconds, to my utter surprise, he very slowly touched his nose to my hole. I heard him inhale deeply, and he pushed gently into me, his nose sinking inside my dirty hole.

I repeated myself. “Baby, please don’t. I’m not clean. And it’s not… it’s not just a sweaty dirty.” I felt helpless and wasn’t sure what to do. If he in the slightest became grossed out by me, I didn’t know what I’d do. My heart pumped faster, and my muscles were tense. Fuck! What is he doing?!

His head tilted upward, and his eyes met mine, right before his tongue licked the outside of my hole. I screamed again. “Unnnggghh!” My body was shaking, and his tongue was darting in and out of my dirty ass. Harder and harder he pushed with his tongue. It was like he was overcome by a ravenous hunger, and he wouldn’t stop.

As he ate my ass out, both his hands push my legs toward me and apart. I helped him out and grabbed my legs with my arms, holding them in position. When I did, his left hand grabbed hold of the base of my dick. Slowly, he stroked it up and down. His right hand came up to my ass, and he pushed two fingers inside me.

“Aaaahhhhh… oh my god, baby!” My eyes were wide, and I felt like I was on fire. It was like little sparks of electric all over my skin and through my spine. He was jacking me off and shoving his fingers in me pretty hard, his knuckles hitting the outside of my hole every time he pushed in.

He knew if he continued, I would spray everywhere. He slowed his pace down inside my ass, and his left hand stopped moving. Very slowly, I could feel him swirl his fingers around inside me. And then it dawned on me. As good as it felt in me, I knew, as soon as he would pull his fingers out, they would be covered in filth. I was horrified. I was breathing hard, and I sat up on my elbows again.

I watched him swirling his fingers around in me. He looked mesmerized. And then, I felt him stop, and I could feel his fingers slowly pulling out of me. It freaked me out. “Baby…” I didn’t know what else to say.

He didn’t even acknowledge me. His fingers slipped out, and they were a soiled mess. Not a word escaped from his mouth. He was just staring at it. My world was ending, because I knew he would turn around and puke. My head was shaking from left to right, and I was ready to jump up and run to the shower.

Before I could say anything, and before I could make another move, he closed his eyes and shoved his dirty fingers into his mouth. I could see his tongue moving around. My heart was thumping, and my dick twitched. Strangely, watching him lick up all my filth, turned me on. It took about twenty seconds, and he finally opened his eyes. When he pulled his fingers from his mouth, they looked as clean as could be.

His left hand released from my dick, and he pushed me back onto the bed. Once I was down, he wrapped his fingers around my pole, and once again, he buried his face into my ass. Faster and faster, he jacked me off while licking my hole. And with his right hand, he began wildly jerking himself off.

This lasted for nearly a minute until we both peaked. My legs and my ass tensed, and cum sprayed everywhere. It was on my face, my chest, my stomach and on my sheets. Even after I shot my cum everywhere, he continued to lick me. I heard him grunt, and I saw his body shake. I knew he was spraying the side of my bed and the floor with his cum.

For a few moments, we were both silent. All that could be heard was our heavy breathing. I sat up and gazed at him. He looked empty and silent, but very happy. It made me giggle. I motioned for him to come up to me, and he climbed up on the bed and sat next to me. His face was just a few inches away from me, but he hesitated and would not kiss me.

My forehead creased. “Kiss me.”

He shook his head from side to side. “I can’t.”

“You always kiss me after we do things together.” I twisted my lip.

“Not this time.” He turned his head slightly away from me.

I let out a sigh and gently turned his head back toward me. Before he could say another word, I leaned in and pushed my lips onto his. I then slid on top of him and pinned him down with the back of his head on my mattress. His lips tightened a bit, but I did manage to slip my tongue inside his mouth.

I knew why he wouldn’t let me kiss him, but at this point, the entire experience had already turned me on. Once my tongue entered into his mouth, I tasted my own filth. I sucked on his tongue until he stopped resisting. Our mouths were wet, and he was kissing me back. And just like he always did, he filled my mouth with his saliva. Only this time, it was his saliva with a hint of my own dirty mess.

Eventually, we came to a halt. This new sexual experience seemed to settle. Silence ensued as we lay next to each other, our arms wrapped around each other while gazing into each other’s eyes. We were satisfied and content. We had become very subdued in each other’s arms, and our minds were like a clear lake. We remained quiet for some time. Words didn’t really need to be said. The feeling itself was better than anything. It was a strangeness I had never before felt. The longer we lay still together, the more I felt like I was falling into a deep ocean of love.

I closed my eyes and just felt his touch, his closeness. I seemed to have disappeared. My thoughts were gone, and I felt expanded in all directions. In that moment, I couldn’t tell where I ended and where he began. All I could feel was a complete oneness with him. We stayed like that for what seemed an eternity.

My head was spinning, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. It was unforgettable.

Alex finally broke the silence. “I can feel you. Like, really feel you. I don’t even know how to explain it.”

“You don’t have to, sweety.” I kissed him on the cheek. “I think I’m feeling the same thing you’re feeling. It feels like I’m lost inside of you, like I don’t exist anymore, and neither do you. But it feels like it’s an US that exists, kinda like one thing.”

He was silent for a few seconds. “Yeah. That’s it. That’s exactly how it feels to me.”

He whispered, “It doesn’t even feel right to tell you I love you. It feels like the two of us as one, are love itself.”

“That’s exactly it.” I kissed his lips and stared deeply into him. It seemed as if hours had passed, or maybe seconds, while we stared into each other. “But for the record, I love you, Alex. I love you til the end of days and beyond.”

“And I’ll always love you, Emmett. I’ll always want you, and I’ll always love you, for forever and a day.”

For another few minutes, we basked in the feeling of oneness with each other. Alex was first to come to his senses, and he glanced at the time. “We should clean up.”

We both stood up and walked toward the bathroom. Once in there, I turned on the water in the shower and waited for it to warm up before we both stepped in. As the water hit us, we just stood facing each other, staring into each other’s eyes.

The longer we stared, the more I felt expanded. That feeling of oneness never left. He could tell that I wanted to say something, but I actually had no words. He just smiled at me. “I know.” He kissed my forehead. “I still feel you. Every part of you, like the universe exploded in us and we both disappeared.”

I nodded. “I can’t tell where I end and where you begin.”

Alex kissed my nose, then giggled. “I’m excited to watch anime with you. It’s not every day that I get to watch something I love with somebody I love.”

His words made me feel wanted. “Maybe we can cuddle and watch anime every day together.”

“Maybe.” He pressed his lips to mine. “Maybe someday, every day will be a thing for us.”

We continued to stand in the shower with our foreheads pressed together. Time had stopped and seemed to no longer exist. The hot water was raining down on us, and all our thoughts had dwindled to nothing. He didn’t exist. I didn’t exist. Sex didn’t exist. All that existed in that moment was a feeling of forever and day that expanded in every direction.

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