Break In


A gay story: Break In After I finished selling the latest stuff I had to offer from a house I just recently robbed on E-bay, I went on and started driving my car around to see what other houses I can possibly rob next. I used my laptop (That I’ve stolen) to download a system where I can deactivate any type of alarm that runs through any house. Do I enjoy doing this? Yes, because I usually robbed people who got tons of money so they wouldn’t notice a few things gone.

While I’m driving around I notice this beautiful gothic house surrounded by trees. I stopped my car and parked near it. There’s a gate and beyond the gate is a pathway leading up to the front porch of the house. Looking at the gates, it seems that it goes all around the property. I got to climb over this gate then. But not today. I still have to find out who lives here. 

Weeks had passed and everyday I drove by the house at least two times. I notice only one person lives here. He’s pretty tall, I would say he’s about 6’4 at best. He has a beard going on with decent size black hair on the top of his head. Maybe reaches to his neck. His body looks to be well kept up with. One day I saw him with a white tank top and his hairy chest was well built. He seems to be in his late 30s. I tried to do research on him and his house but I couldn’t find anything. I really want my plans to go smoothly like the others’ cause I really don’t want to run into him with a bag of his things. Who knows how badly he’ll beat me up.

I’ve decided, tomorrow night will be the day to break in. It seems he is never home on Friday nights only. Every Friday he leaves at 8pm and goes out wearing a button up shirt and jeans. Maybe he goes out to a bar or club. But he gets back at around 11pm.

I get out of my shower and admire my body for a few seconds. My favorite thing about my body is my chest. They are well defined but I’m not satisfied with them yet. I’m only 20 years old and I have a lot more years to train them. Also, I get compliments from my friends about how well and round my ass is. I have abs but they aren’t very visible. When I workout my abs then yes. I’m 5’11 and my weight is 180 pounds. I start to shave my face with my brown hair getting in the way of my sight as I do so. I get into my bed with only my red boxers on and just think about my plan on robbing his house. Nothing can go wrong. I’ve been doing this for a year already.

It’s 7:30 pm. I came only with my bike and two duffle bags. I had parked my car at a store that is open 24/7 and rode my bike all the way here. It’s a small town so it wasn’t far. I’m wearing all black. Black sweater, shirt, pants, shoes, gloves, hat, and socks. The only thing I’m not wearing black is my red boxers. I see him already getting ready to leave. He is in his truck and all of a sudden the gate opens. Must be a remote control that opens it from his phone. As he pulls out I get ready. I put my bike behind a tree and I am ready to run in through the gates when he leaves. Once he left I made sure he was out of sight then I took off running before the gate closed. I made it. 

I walk up to the porch and see it is just a keyhole. No keypad. I bring out my bobby pin and try to unlock it. I’ve been very good with these since high school, trying to break in my teacher’s classroom to get back my phone when I got in trouble. I hear a click and I turn the door handle. I’m in. I checked beforehand about any alarms. There was none so I didn’t have to worry about that. I close the door and my quest has begun. I start rumbling through everything and trying to leave everything as it was. This is a pretty big house for one guy. Does he even have a family? I go up to his master bedroom and I see a picture. It’s him with a woman and a little boy. It seems this picture was taken years ago judging how young the man looked. I never saw the woman or the little boy anywhere in the house when I was doing my stalking bit. My guess is that the woman was his wife that left him or died and the little boy was his son and he just probably moved out. Anyways I resumed what I was doing. I put some jewelry in the bag next to some fancy dishes I took from the kitchen. 

I’m down on the first floor and second floor. My bags are full. I stopped by a door and it looks to be a basement. I opened the door and I heard a buzz. I don’t know where it came from. It went off for not even a second. I’m walking down the stairs not thinking anything about it. Once I got to the bottom my heart stopped. I’m looking at a well made bed in the center against the wall and on the walls are many kinds of whips hanging. They are going from thin to thicker. A wooden paddle with a hole is also seen. There’s a wooden stock and a chair but not any kind of chair. It’s those types of chairs where you would sit down and place your legs on top of the support to hold it where the doctor can examine your asshole. A stirrup chair. But this chair had straps on it. Straps where your legs, arms and even your head goes. Oh my god. What did I even walk into?? 

Well this guy was currently kinky and into some weird shits. I don’t see anything that looks like it can get me money. I see a huge cabinet at the end so I walk up to it and open it. Whoa! There’s lots of things in here. Sexual things. No… sexual toys! Dildos, butt plugs, things I don’t even know what they are called or do. There’s this black box at the bottom. I reached down and opened and what I saw made me gasp. There are pictures of a guy tied up getting fucked by a dildo. It definitely wasn’t the guy who owned this house. The guy in the journal looked way younger. Judging by the picture, the young guy does not look happy. Was he being raped…? There’s more. It showed up being in that wooden stock with his ass bloody red. What the hell. I put the photos back into the box and closed the cabinet. I try to calm myself down. Ok! I got what I needed now it’s time to go. I’ll just forget what I saw here. I get my bags and start to head up the stairs. I reached the top and right when I was about to close the door, a hand with a white cloth pressed against my face. I start to struggle. But I was no match. It all happened so fast. And before you know it I blacked out.

What the hell? My head is spinning crazy. I open my eyes trying to think what happened. Where am I? I reach trying to rub my head but my hands are tied down. I look over and my hands are tied to the headboard for the bed. Spread out. Shit! What the fuck!  I try to sit up but the same thing goes for my feet. They are tied up with ropes to the bed corners. I’m laying on my back on top of the bed spread eagle. These fucking ropes are tight too. What the hell happened? He came back?! How did I not hear him? Why was he home so early? I’m in his basement that’s for sure. Oh shit. Am I going to end up like that guy in the pictures? FUCK FUCK FUCK! Should I scream? No, there is no point. There isn’t a house near here. Then the door from the top of the stairs opens.

“Ah! You’re awake Clark.” His voice is deep. Wait, how does he know my name?

“You know, you really shouldn’t have brought your phone and wallet when robbing someone’s house. Dumb bitch.” He laughed when he called me a bitch. But fuck that was really fucking stupid of me to bring those. I need to come up with something to say. Something that he can take pity on. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry man! I just needed money to take care of my family. I swear I don’t want any trouble.” I said, trying to sound convincing. 

“Tsk tsk. There’s something off about what you just said to me.” What? What does he mean? “What do you mean..?” 

He pulls out my phone and he unlocks it with a face scan. “Judging by your Instagram posts and contacts, you seem to be living on your own. With your very own apartment. Mom and Dad are living a few states away and it seems they cut you out of their lives. Therefore, they shouldn’t be a problem.” A problem? “Then your two friends that you have in this town. I’m not too worried about them since they are both junkies who love drugs. They’ll just forget about you and replace you. You’re not even close to them. That just leaves you with me. For however long I decide to keep you. Weeks, months, or even years.” He got all that information from my phone?!

“WAIT! Please man. I’m a jackass for robbing you but please I won’t do this again. Let me go and I won’t say anything. PLEASE!” I start to beg but he seems to give zero fucks about it. 

He pulls out a knife and points it at me. I shut my mouth. “Now that no one knows where you are, you belong to me now. Say goodbye to your old life. No more holding on to the past. Your new life is starting right now. Here I’m going to fuck your mouth and hole countless of time. You will address me as Sir. Understand?” 

I’m frozen. I open my mouth but nothing is coming out. I can’t live like this. I’m staring him down into his eyes but there is no man behind those eyes. No man would do this. This is a monster. 

He walks up to me.


He slapped me across the face hard. “I expect you to answer me quickly when I give you a question. Do you understand?” 

“FUCK OFF! You’re a sick person! You need help with whatever shit that you have going on!” I try to be tough. I won’t go down easy. That might be my biggest mistake.

“I won’t forget what you just said. In here I’m going to teach you on how to be a good and obedient slave. It might take some time before I can let you go back upstairs. Down here, I’m going rape you, torture you, humiliate you. Making sure you please with anything I tell you to do. You get the idea right?” A wicked grin shows up on his face

“Please don’t rape me.. I just needed money.” I start to form some tears. Shit! I need to be tough! “And I need a slave.” He responded

“How long will you keep me here…when can I be let go?!” 

“Boy, your old life is over. Forget it! *SMACKS* You’re mine forever. Understand!” *SMACKS* Still recovering from the hard slaps he just gave me, he pulls out the knife again and starts cutting my shirt, socks, pants off. Leaving me with just my underwear. “You look sexy with your red undies.” He starts rubbing my thighs and bulge. 

I close my eyes. This can’t be real. This can’t be! “Hey, no closing your eyes. I want you to see all of this.” My eyes are still shut.

“OW!” I screamed loudly. I open my eyes. He just smacked my balls. “You will obey me. Oh and say sir to everything that you say to me. If not you’ll get another hard smack to your balls.”

“Yes sir!” 

“Good boy” He starts touching every part of my body. Sucking on my nipples. Fuck what is this feeling? No one has ever touched me there. “We will need to remove these boy hair. Slaves don’t need them”

“Please sir, don’t.” I was proud when growing my body hair on my chest. “You have no say in this boy.” He starts to untie my bonds. This is it. I can make a run for it. “Boy, don’t try anything stupid.” He glares at me. “Yes sir.” I have to be convinced that I will obey him. 

He takes me off the bed and I walk behind him as he leads to some chains on the floor which are connected to the ceiling. I look over and I see the stairs going up to the living room. Is it now or never. I sprint towards the stairs but he was just one step ahead of me and turns around and grabs a handful of my hair. “FUC- LET GO!” He pulls me to the chains on the floor pulling my hair hard. “You stupid slut! Only sluts will think that stupid. You are for sure born to be a slave. Don’t think I will forget that, you’ve just earned your first punishment.” He puts the chains on both my wrists and pulls the end and my wrists are now above my head raising me till my toes are touching the ground.

“Now it’s time to get rid of all that hair on you.” He pulls out a cream but no razor. “Now I’m using this extreme permanent removing cream to make sure you have no hairs left on your body. And as for your punishment. I’m going to shove some up your hole. I didn’t have to before but you decided that once you tried to escape.” He started applying on me and I didn’t fight back. My head was pounding still from that hair pull. 

“There you go. Now I’m going to leave you like this for 10 minutes. I’m going to serve myself a drink.” He leaves the room. After a minute passed my whole body started to feel like it was burning. FUCK FUCK FUCK! I scream so loud that I’m sure he can hear me. Every part of my body is burning. My hole is killing me. There’s no way I can last 9 more minutes like this. “PLEASE I’M SORRY FOR TRYING TO LEAVE! PLEASE SIR!” I begged and begged but he never showed up until the 10 minutes were over.

Hope you enjoy that. He comes back in with a bucket of water and a cloth. As he was washing me down clean, all of my hair is now gone. “Ah- so smooth now.” He’s rubbing all over me. “Please…just stop sir. I just.. I just wanted money….” 

*SMACK* He swung hard across my face. “You broke into my house. Now I’ll break into you. Now time for the fun stuff.” He unlocks my chains and guides me towards a wooden stock where you put your head and hands through and locks in place. Leaving your ass vulnerable. “Get in boy.” 

“Yes sir.” I get into the stocks and he locks it in place. He starts to get a bar and leather black cuffs and puts them on my ankles. Then he attaches the bar to both cuffs leaving my legs spread out. He goes by his collections of ships that he has on the walls and picks one out. “Alright boy, time to get your body used to this whip. It won’t make you bleed but it’ll definitely hurt a lot.” I don’t know what to say. He’s not like he’s going to have a change in heart towards me. “How many times will you hit me?” That’s all I can think about now. “20 on each cheek boy. And you’re going to count them all. Mess up and we start back at square 1.”

*SMACK* “!” FUCK! That shit was painful. How am I going to do this 39 more times!




*SMACK* “TWENTY!” I screamed in pain crying. I hated every second of that. “Good boy! I’m so proud of you. I love seeing you cry like that. One more thing we have to do then you’ll be able to rest.” Ok.. just one more thing..

He takes me out of the stock and it hurts to walk. He has me laying on the bed and ties up my wrists to the bed frame. But he doesn’t tie my ankles down. He starts to take off his pants and he isn’t wearing any underwear. Holy shit! He’s rock hard and his uncut cock is about 10 inches. He then grabs a lube bottle and then I figure right there what’s going to happen. “No.. please.. I’m a virgin..Do anything else besides that. I’ll suck it for you!”

“Ah- So I’ll be the first to pop your cherry huh? Good, makes things more exciting. Don’t worry you’ll be sucking my cock more in the future. But right now I’m going to fill you up with my cum. When I do, you belong to me. You’re nothing without me.” He starts to raise my legs over his shoulder. My hole is now available to him. No… NO! THIS CAN’T HAPPEN! I freak out and started to move my legs. Trying to cover my hole. “NO GET AWAY FROM ME YOUR FUCKING FAGGOT. GET OFF OF ME!” He starts to grin at my struggle. “Hold still boy! This is going to happen no matter what. If you relax then-” 


“What the FUCK!” Fuck.. I just kicked him right in his face. “I’m so sorry! I’m so so sorry si-AUGHH” He just landed a punch in my stomach. Again, again, and again. I’m out of breath “please sir..I’m sorry…” 

“Fuck this.” He throws the lube bottle away. “Just for that, I’m going to fuck you raw. And it will hurt a lot. But I don’t give you shit anymore. You’re nothing more than a stupid fucking slut. You deserve everything that is going to happen to you while you’re with me.” He starts to grab my legs again over his shoulder and aims his big fat cock towards my tight role. “Oh yes, I’m about to burst into your cherry hole.”

I tried to calm my breath down but it isn’t working. I’m about to get rape. 

He pushes his head in and it isn’t going in. It hurts a lot already. “AUghh, Please its to big sir.”

“I don’t fucking care” He then pushed all 7 inches in it, holding my ass “AUGHH FUCK! TAKE IT OUT PLEASE! IT’S TOO MUCH FOR ME PLEASE SIR. HAVE MERCY ON ME!” He pushes the remaining inside of me and now all 10 inches are inside of me “Fuckkkk this feels so good. Good-bye cherry. I’m going to turn this tight hole into a pussy” I scream to the top of my lungs. Begging him to stop. I start to cry and gasp for some air everytime he pulls out and pushes back in. He keeps a steady speed going. Until something feels weird inside of me. Something wet. He begins to laugh “Holy shit boy! I really did pop your cherry! You’re fucking bleeding all over my dick. Take that as your punishment for kicking me.” I begin to cry harder. My hole is being destroyed every second he is inside of me. 

He pulls out his shirt and I have a good view of his body. Muscular, hairy, and big. He starts to pull my legs down and holds them still. He leans forward and kisses me. At first I didn’t let him in. I was too busy crying and trying to hold back my scream. But he pushes his tongue inside my mouth and kisses me passionately. His beard smells good too. I can feel his hairy chest on my now smooth chest. He speeds of the thrusting. Now he is rapid fucking me. Everything still hurts and I scream inside his mouth. Wait what! Everything starts to feel funny. I can’t control this new feeling. I start to shake my legs uncontrollably. FUCK! It feels weird. He doesn’t care. He pulls away from my mouth “You feel that boy? I’m fucking destroying your prostate. Fuck boy! I’m getting ready to breed you. Going to fill you up with my kids. You’re gonna carry my fucking kids inside your stomach you fucking bitch!”

“PLEASE DON’T CUM INSIDE ME SIR! PLEASE!” My pleading leads to deaf ears and he leans forward and puts his mouth all over my lips and starts passionately aggressively kissing me again. My mind is spinning, he’s hitting my prostate and he is nearly close to cumming. I start to scream again, pulling on my bondage that is keeping my hands down to the bed. Then I feel a hot warm squirt up my ass. One, two, three, no eight hot squirts he shoots from his cock. He grunts while his tongue is still on me.

He lays on top of me for the next 5 minutes forcing his kisses down my throat. He gets off of me and pulls out his 10 inch dick out of me. Cum and blood were on his dick. To my surprise my 7 inch cock is pulsing. How the fuck was I enjoying that? He laughs when he notices. “See! What did I tell you boy. You love getting fucked raw? Well I will keep that noted. Looks like we won’t be using no lube at all.” I’m in too much pain to respond to that. I just wanted to cum now.

He gets off the best and grabs an ice pack from the minifridge he has down here and something else in his other hand I can make out. God why does he look sexy with his soft cock hanging between his legs. It’s like a hairy god is coming towards me. Why the fuck am I thinking this? I’m straight! It’s probably my dick thinking that. He then puts the ice pack on my cock. 

“FUCK WHY! It’s too cold sir”

“That’s the point stupid slave. You think I’m going to let you cum? Fuck no!” He starts to laugh as my dick gets soft. “I’m going to lock you up with this chastity cage. You will never touch your cock freely again. You will cum and I say you can. Which is going to happen rarely. Slaves like you need to learn that your needs don’t matter. It will never matter. Your main focus will be to take my cock up your ass and throat. And to be entertaining for me to torture.”

“No sir please.. Just let me cum once. Please, I’m begging, sir.!” 

“Shhhh” He begins to put it on me and locks it. He shakes it making sure it’s secure. “You’ll probably cumming in a month. But I could move it longer if I wanted to. Now it’s time for you to get some rest.” He ties my ankles down and leaves to get an object and comes back to me. “Open wide” It was a big red ball gag. I refused and turned my head and closed my mouth. “Fine, I like a little breath play.” He pinches my nose forcing me to take a breath from my mouth. And I did. He places the big red ball gag into my mouth and ties it tight behind my head. This is so uncomfortable. He steps away and admires his work. “Somethings missing. Ah!” He goes back and grabs a butt plug. I started to shake my head, I can’t handle anything in my ass right now. 


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“NHMM PLWWSE” I try to beg him not to put that in me. But it all came out muffle.

He puts it on me. “To keep my cum deep inside of you. You’ll always be filled no matter what.” Now he takes a step back and admires his work yet again.

“I think tomorrow I will love to play with your chest and nipples. They are well defined. Thank you for working that out for me to play with. Get some sleep boy. Be thankful I gave you a bed.”

I tried to put together what my life is going to be like now. But I just can’t see myself doing this forever. 

“Oh and..” he stops by the stairs and turns to me “.. call me Master Chris. Good night Clark.”

He turns off the light and I am left with only my thoughts and blue balls.

To Be Continued…

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