Breaking the Stallion Ch. 04

A gay story: Breaking the Stallion Ch. 04 This story contains graphic content and potential trauma cues for sensitive readers. In this story, like in many of my stories, the Dom is an irredeemable psychopath who inflicts significant harm on the Sub. If this is not the kind of story that you would enjoy, then I strongly recommend backing out now.

Please email me via the site’s feedback feature if you have any suggestions or spot any typographical errors. I’m just an amateur rando who writes smut for fun, so any help is appreciated. My goal is to reply to every (constructive) email.

This is purely a work of fiction, by and for consenting adults. Any resemblance to real people or entities is unintended and purely coincidental.

Chapter 4: Create Habits.

As a professional horse trainer, I’d learned the principles necessary to break a horse’s spirit. And since I met Brock, I ruthlessly applied those principles. I had broken down that straight jock into my own plaything.

Eventually, through trickery and manipulation, I claimed my prize. I fucked Brock.

After breaking this barrier, our relationship’s dynamic intensified dramatically. Brock could no longer turn down my demands. Brock could no longer stand up to my abuse. Indeed, Brock was not even allowed to cum without me. Having made him dependent on me to get off, this was an easy rule to enforce.

Further, Brock was not allowed to wear clothes when the two of us were together alone. Given that Brock now spent most of his time with me, this meant that Brock was usually naked. In short, I was living my personal sexual fantasy.

I set up an air mattress in my dorm room for Brock. He rarely slept in his own dorm. Every morning, Brock would wake up, clean himself out, and present his ass for me. I would proceed to tongue-fuck his asshole until he was close to the edge, and then mount him until we both exploded; Brock into the sheets below him and I into Brock.

There was nothing in the universe that made me happier than fucking Brock. And after months of effort, I had finally trained this dumb stud into yearning to be fucked. Thanks to my efforts, Brock exemplified the adage of, ‘young, dumb, and full of cum.’

My favorite way to express my power over this stallion was to make him cancel his plans so that I could fuck him. Indeed, if there was to be a prime directive in Brock’s life, it was to be filled by his master’s cum. Once, the urge came over me while finishing my advanced accounting homework.

‘Where are you?’ I kept my texts perfunctory. The question itself was superfluous. I made Brock share his location with me on his smartphone, but I enjoyed the obeisance of him reporting his location to me. It was important to me that Brock obeyed me. Not only did I get off on the power of it, but I also wanted such obedience to be ingrained into him. I wanted obeying to be a habit.

Brock’s reply text came moments later. ‘I’m in study group at Smith Hall.’

‘Do you have your plug in?’

I’d purchased a small rubber plug for Brock to wear during the day. My stated reason was that doing so would help train him to more tightly hold my cock inside of him, thereby increasing both of our pleasure. The true reason was to give Brock a constant reminder of what his ass was for.

As I stared at my phone, I watched the three little dots blink and disappear for several moments before he replied. The length of his reply in no way justified how long it took him to respond. This made me wonder whether he was lying, whether shame kept him from hitting ‘send,’ or whether he’d tried different replies before he finally settled on a simple ‘yes.’

‘Yes.’ This was all his message said.

I wrote back immediately. ‘Yes, what?’ He wasn’t getting off that easily.

To further reinforce Brock’s submission, I gradually introduced honoraries into our relationship. Ultimately, I planned to disallow Brock from calling me Olly or Oliver, and to punish him out of the friendly terms he pulled from his boring straight male vernacular. Indeed, his use of ‘Bud,’ ‘Bro,’ and ‘Dude,’ had always made me gag. I intended to make him refer to me as ‘Sir,’ ‘Master,’ or, perhaps when the mood struck me, ‘Daddy.’

I watched the three little dots appear, disappear, and reappear for over a minute before Brock could bring himself to send those fugacious but consequential two words:

‘Yes, Sir.’

That’s a good boy.

‘Good. Now leave your study group and come back to my dorm. I want your ass.’

‘We have a project due at midnight. Can I have a few more minutes?’

‘No. If you’re not here in fifteen, then you’re not getting off for the rest of the week.’

Use unrelenting pressure to change undesired behavior.

‘I’m on my way.’

‘Good boy.’

Ten minutes later, I heard a knock on my door. Twenty minutes later, I was plunging my rod between Brock’s sinewy cheeks. Thirty minutes later, Brock was plugged again.

After I filled him up, I immediately grabbed the plug.

“Shouldn’t I clean myself out first?” Brock protested, “Like, isn’t that unsafe? Or at least, unsanitary?”

“It’s fine. I want my cum inside of you. Now put your clothes back on and go back to study group.”

I didn’t bother addressing his concerns directly. I happened to know that people did this all the time, and that Brock would be fine. But I saw no need to validate Brock’s concerns of being ‘safe’ or ‘sanitary.’ If your Sir wants to bury his cum deep inside of you, and if your Sir orders you not to spill a drop, then the conversation is over. I would not reinforce Brock’s questioning of my authority by addressing his concerns.

Brock knew better than to continue his line of questioning. He was almost out the door when I quickly added, “Let me know if you need help with your project.”

I had awakened something in Brock. Ever since I started getting him off with my tongue, fingers, or cock in his ass, he showed less desire to top. He was still extremely interested in women—I knew for a fact that he still regularly watched straight porn—but his focus transitioned away from his cock and more toward his ass. With just a little push, Brock had become a bottom.

As much as I’d like to take credit for this transition, I knew that Brock had always—in his heart of hearts—felt this desire. Of course, I’m incredibly skilled at pleasing a man with my tongue and with my cock. But I’m not some mythical sex-god who can ‘flip’ a straight guy. In truth, I was just helping Brock become who he truly was on the inside: a submissive bottom.

Brock’s inner sub-bottom id and my sexual prowess notwithstanding, I was most surprised by Brock’s change in porn habits.

Earlier in the year, I installed some malware on Brock’s laptop. I was helping Brock improve his grades and self-actualize; who could blame me if I wanted to access his browser history? And who could further blame me if—occasionally—I wanted access to his webcam?

Near the beginning of the year, Brock spent most of his screentime on boring, traditionally straight porn categories. ‘Redhead with glasses swallows load’; ‘White stepson satisfies Latina stepmom’; ‘Compilation of brunettes taking facials.’ Snooze. However, as the year progressed and to my delighted surprise, the genres of videos started to shift. Fewer videos focused on the women. Fewer videos showed men topping. By the end of the school year, when I had Brock completely whipped, locked, and under my control, the titles of his favorite videos were quite different. ‘Dominant stepmom pegs whimpering stepson’; ‘Chastity sub goes down on his mistress’; ‘Cheating hot wife cleaned out by her cuck.’

This was a fascinating development. I’ve read articles about how the porn industry ‘creates its own audience’ by training viewers toward certain dynamics. Was I, implicitly or otherwise, training Brock to prefer a submissive role? Was my power over his tangible sex life trickling into his fantasies? This turn of events inspired me to take Brock’s submission deeper.

I would make Brock live with me over the summer.

Having a muscle-bound stud to fuck at my leisure was an opportunity I didn’t want to pass up. Further, the last thing I wanted was for Brock to be ‘deprogrammed’ if I left him to his own devices for a summer. I knew first-hand that, if you let a well-trained horse spend unsupervised time with its more impish counterparts, then good training can go right out the window. I needed to close the deal and make Brock mine.

Happily, I had several points of leverage to make this happen. First, Brock had next to no money. Second, with Brock’s mediocre transcript and lack of work history, finding anything over a pittance wage would be nearly impossible. By contrast, I co-owned a successful ranch with my mother. And I could always use a ranch hand with a body like Brock’s.

The best time to get concessions out of a man is when he’s hungry, horny, or tired. As Brock and I walked home from another party, Brock was all three. As always, I walked ahead while Brock followed in my wake. I inhaled the familiar air of late spring before breaking the subject.

“You’ve never told me your summer plans. Do you have a job lined up?

“No,” Brock answered flatly.

He had spent the evening chatting up some boring sorority girls. I knew that he wanted nothing more than to go back to my dorm, let me fuck him until we both exploded, eat fast food, and then fall asleep. But he would get none of that until he agreed to what I wanted.

I forced the conversation forward. “Do you at least have a place to stay?”

“I haven’t thought much about it. Probably my parents? The dorms here are expensive as hell.”

I believed him when he said that he hadn’t thought about it. Brock had many wonderful qualities, but foresight was not one of them.

“Well, what are you going to do about money?”

“Not sure. I don’t want to take out more loans than I have to. I don’t want to live with my parents, but that’s probably what’ll happen.”

Perfect. This was my in.

“Have you thought about rooming with anyone?”

“Yeah, but I’d need a job first. And even then, I’d have to worry about rent, utilities, food, and all that other bullshit. At least when I live with my parents, I don’t need to deal with that.”

Indeed, Brock was terrible with money. And I knew—thanks in part to my electronic spying—that he was running out of funds.

“Yeah, I hear you. And let’s be honest, you’re not great with money, are you?”

Brock laughed, chagrined. “You got me there. And I’m not exactly rolling in dough anyway.”

I stopped in my tracks, then turned to look at Brock. He was taken aback by the abrupt change. And I could tell that he was antsy to get back.

“How about this,” I looked intensely at Brock, “Come live on my family’s ranch for the summer. We always need help taking care of the horses and bucking hay.” I looked Brock up and down, adding, “And frankly, I could use a body like yours.”

Brock shivered in the cool summer air. I knew that my low-brow double entendre wasn’t lost on him. This was the decision-point. I couldn’t force Brock to live with me. And he knew deep down that, once he agreed to taking me on as both his employer and his landlord, my hold over him would be nearly impossible to break.

Notwithstanding, we both knew that Brock couldn’t turn me down. Not only because I had fostered a codependency in which he was unable to refuse me, but because he was broke. Not simply ‘broken,’ but financially broke. A steady paycheck for four months while receiving free housing was not something that Brock could turn down.

“Well, I mean, that’s really generous . . .” Brock trailed off.

I stood my ground. I knew that Brock was horny. I knew that Brock was hungry. And we both knew that we wouldn’t be moving from that spot until Brock agreed to my terms.

After humming and hawing for a few moments more, Brock accepted my generous offer. I knew that I should have been poised and gracious. I knew that I should have kept my face straight, but I couldn’t help the evil grin that grew across my face.

Later that night, I fucked Brock like an animal. The usual modicum of reservation I kept was nearly gone. At this point, I barely needed to care that Brock got pleasure from my massive cock impaling his ass. Nor did I need to care whether Brock was able to walk the next day. In fact, I preferred that he couldn’t. I had won another victory over Brock, and I deserved my spoils.

As I bent Brock over the bed, I didn’t bother with my usually effortful rimming. I spat on his asshole, rubbed my saliva in his hole to open him up, then pushed my cock in all the way to the base. There would be no slow, gradual approach tonight. No. Tonight, I was using Brock.

Brock’s body shuddered as I repeatedly and violently plunged my rod into him—as I pushed my rod through him. He gasped for air before letting out a whiny moan. As he did so, his body curled forward, and his face rested against the mattress. My brutal approach overwhelmed him.

“No you fucking don’t,” I commanded as I grabbed the back of Brock’s hair, pulling his head back. “Don’t you fucking bend forward. Arch that fucking back for me. Present that ass to me.”

I continued thrusting forward, pulling Brock back into me with his hips and with his hair. To my delight, Brock bounced back into me in rhythm. A guttural groan escaped his throat. My bitch was loving this.

“Does my stud want to cum?”

I had started introducing dirty talk into our relationship. Much to my delight, doing so made Brock cum sooner and harder. He secretly loved to be degraded.

“Yes, p-p-PLEASE!” He could barely get the words out as I violently fucked him.

“You can ask better than that.” With great difficulty, I kept my tone level despite the force I was applying through my hips. It’s important to appear calm when dominating an animal.

“P-please, I want to cum!”

I stopped my thrusting and held Brock’s hips close to mine. I lowered his arched back toward the mattress, which increased the angle of his thighs against his torso. This put additional pressure between the head of my cock and my stallion’s prostate; such was the source of Brock’s pleasure and, thus, the source of my control.

I spoke calmly and firmly, “If I’m going to be your boss—not to mention your landlord—for a few months, then you’ll need to follow our ranch’s policies. Specifically, you’ll address me from now on as ‘Sir.'”

“W-what? What the fuck? What year is this—AGH!”

I twisted my hips forward, increasing my pressure against his P-spot and interrupting his complaint.

“That doesn’t matter. My house, my ranch, my rules. Now if you want to cum, then you’re going to ask me properly.”

Brock sighed and wiggled his hips impatiently. “Please, Sir, make me cum.”

“There’s a good boy.”

I rotated my hips upward, putting full and direct pressure against Brock’s P-spot. I pushed myself all the way inside of him and fucked him with quick rocking motions. He was in heaven.

After a few minutes of quick, gentle rocking, Brock spasmed, cumming all over the bed.

“Goooooood Boy” I repeated as spurts of cum leaked from his caged member. I wanted him to associate the trigger phrase, ‘Good Boy’ as a reward.

After Brock finished, I repositioned my hips, anchoring my knees against the mattress. I wasn’t finished.

I pulled Brock up from the mattress, then pushed down on his lower back to increase his arch. I didn’t care now whether Brock had any stimulation. It was my turn. And I wanted him in the best position so that I could fuck him until I filled him with my seed.

I pulled myself out until the head nearly popped out of Brock’s anus, then plunged myself deeply back into him. A low oomph escaped Brock’s chest at my pressure.

“You didn’t think we were done, did you?”

“Well, n-no. I guess you hadn’t finished.”

“What was that? Who is going to finish inside of you?”

Brock sighed. “You’re going to finish inside of me, Sir.”

“That doesn’t sound like begging. I want you to beg.”

“Please finish inside of me, Sir,” Brock said, exasperated. I wondered whether I’d pushed too far as I picked up my pace. I knew that I shouldn’t fly too close to the sun. I knew from years of experience training horses that, if I pushed my authority too hard or too fast, then the animal would react unhelpfully. But I wasn’t thinking clearly as I slammed my hips against Brock’s ass cheeks, burying myself inside of him.

Only a few moments later, I felt my cock pulsing. It was about to happen. I pulled Brock close to me, burying myself as deep as I could as spurt after spurt filled that beautiful blond boy. I held him there for a moment longer.

“What do we say?”

Brock hesitated uncomfortably. “Thank you?”

“Be specific.”

He hesitated again before replying. “Thank you for cumming inside of me, Sir.”

I knew that I was demanding too much too quickly. In retrospect, it was a miracle that Brock didn’t kick my ass then and there, take the key to his chastity cage, and never see me again. The fact that he didn’t suggests that he loved this. I inferred—rationally or otherwise—from Brock’s compliance that he was, in his heart of hearts, a sub. My sub.

I pulled my cock out of him. It was still half-way erect and covered in cum. Notwithstanding my cum, however, my cock was otherwise clean. I had to hand it to Brock: for a ‘straight’ guy, he was excellent at douching. I wouldn’t have minded if he had painted occasionally; growing up on a ranch had acclimated me to the cacophony of natural sights and smells that emanated from living animals. But I was grateful for Brock’s effort, nonetheless.

“You’ve been a good boy for cleaning yourself out for me. You’re a natural at this.”

“Uh, thanks,” Brock replied awkwardly. He usually had a hard time making eye contact with or speaking with me after our sessions. I chalked Brock’s trepidation to ‘post-nut clarity,’ but also sought to push through it. Training Brock to obey me even when he wasn’t horny was an important step in his training.

“But I think we should put your douching skills to the test,” I continued, “Clean me off.”

“W-what? ‘Clean you off?’ Like you want me to clean off your dick?”

“Yes.” I looked at Brock casually, as if what I was asking was normal. I had learned that displaying confidence when asking for something unorthodox had an implicit gaslighting effect. As if to say, ‘Yes, and this is a normal, ordinary thing that I’m asking of you.’ And Brock had shown himself to be particularly susceptible to my gaslighting.

“Uh, o-okay. I’ll grab some paper towels.”

“No,” I continued to speak casually, but with an authoritative undertone, “Not with paper towels. I feel confident in how well you’ve been cleaning yourself out before I fuck you. If you feel confident too, then I want you to clean me off without paper towels.”

“W-what do you mean? Am I supposed to rub it off with my hand?”

I smirked and shook my head at Brock. He knew what I meant. I continued to speak nonchalantly, as if what I demanded was perfectly normal.

“I’ve been doing you a favor, Bud. Helping you talk to girls, helping you improve your grades, and helping you release all that pent-up energy has taken a lot of time out of me. You can do this for me, right?”

Brock looked up at me apprehensively for several moments before sinking to his knees. He looked down at my dripping cock, then back up to me. I just grinned at him triumphantly. There was a good boy.

Nervously, Brock wrapped his hand under my scrotum, raising my cock and balls up to him. He nervously opened his mouth and started licking the cum off my shaft.

“You are not very good at this,” I laughed, “But you’ll get better with some practice.”

The implicit message was, of course, that Brock would be doing this from now on. I could think of no better way to assert my dominance over Brock than for him to kneel before me and clean my cock with his mouth. Specifically, for Brock to clean my cock with his mouth while pushing through his post-nut clarity and after said cock had mounted and filled him.

I placed my hand on the side of Brock’s head as he worked. I then ran my fingers through his messy, dishwater-blond hair, pulling his head toward my groin.

“Don’t just lick it nervously like that,” I admonished, “Take the whole thing in your mouth and suck. That’s the way to clean it.”

Brock obeyed, taking my entire cock in his mouth. Had I been fully erect, I would have been much too voluminous for Brock’s mouth to comfortably take my entire girth. But my cock had softened down to about thirty percent of its full erection.

“There’s a good boy,” I softly cooed. I looked up at the ceiling, closed my eyes, and enjoyed the shudder that rippled through my body. My cock was still overly sensitive from having just cum. And the orgasms that I had while inside Brock were particularly intense. I let my victorious feeling wash through me, relishing my accomplishments. I had won. I had broken my straight jock.

A few short weeks later, Brock and I were in a cab on its way from my hometown airport to my family’s ranch. Our bags filled the trunk. We both sat in silence as the cab driver—who mistook us for a couple at arrivals—stared ahead at the road. Likewise, Brock stared silently out the window at the passing trees. It occurred to me that Brock hadn’t realized just how ‘rural’ my hometown was. And without a car, without money, and with minimal cell service, Brock must have realized that he would be completely at my mercy out here.

“Here we are, folks,” the driver looked at me in the rearview mirror, then conspicuously at the meter. Even as well-to-do as my family was, paying for a 40-mile cab ride—with the additional charge for being out-of-town—was nigh physically painful.

As we walked through the front door, I heard my mother’s shrill voice ringing upstairs.

“Olly,” she shouted as her light footsteps pattered above us toward the stairs, “My boy is home!”

Moments later, both Brock and I were in my mother’s tight embrace.

“I’ve missed you so much, Olly! And who is this tall glass of water?” My mother conspicuously eyed Brock up and down. Though my mother and I didn’t always see eye-to-eye, we shared our taste in men.

“This is Brock, Mom,” I spoke slowly, “He’ll be staying with us for the summer.”

A knowing look grew across my mother’s face.

“So, should I prepare the guest room, or will he be staying . . .,” she trailed off, somehow unwilling to finish the loaded question.

“No need. He’ll be bunking with me.”

I hadn’t told Brock that my mother wasn’t expecting a guest for the summer. I had hoped that the awkwardness of the situation would make him less likely to make waves by demanding a separate room. Whether Brock would have complained without this additional pressure, I would never know. As I walked confidently to my bedroom, Brock gulped nervously and followed behind me with his head down.

“I’ll order pizza,” my mom called after us, “from that parlor in town you like. We haven’t had a pizza night in so long!”

“Thanks, Mom,” I called behind me as I entered my room. As soon as Brock and our luggage were inside, I shut the door.

Brock silently looked around my bedroom. I hadn’t redecorated since high school, so I was somewhat chagrined by my old boyband posters, my bookshelf of harlequin romance novels, and my elaborate gaming PC setup.

‘No profit is without honor except in his own country,’ as the saying goes. But in my case, cringing about my childhood interests fit the facts. There were more than a few aspects of my childhood that I felt shame about.

I acted quickly to distract Brock. I pushed his back toward the bed, making him lose balance and fall face-forward onto the sheets. Given that Brock was so much stronger than me, I knew that his movement was more due to his submission to my implicit command than his imbalance.

“Woah,” Brock turned around to face me, still laying on the bed, “N-now? In your bed? Isn’t your mom just in the other room?”

I unbuckled my belt and began to slide it from my jeans.

“Is that back-sass I hear?” My tone was joking, but the implicit threat wasn’t lost on Brock as I held my folded belt in my hands.

“N-no—” Brock started.

“Take off your jeans.”

“Wh-what? Now?”

“Take off your jeans and bend over the bed, or I’m not unlocking you for the rest of the summer.”

Brock looked dejected. I noticed that, when I ordered him around like this, he began to look more resigned than defiant. He used to look at me defiantly. But now, when I ordered Brock to do something demeaning, at worst a sad look of resignation would flash across his face. This was progress. I had broken the defiance out of Brock and replaced it with acceptance of my authority over him. Eventually, I would train my bitch to smile for me when I ordered him around. Baby steps.

Taking his time, Brock slid his jeans onto the floor, then turned around as instructed.

‘CRACK!’ my belt flashed across Brock’s ass.

“Next time I tell you to get undressed, you’re not to back-talk. Understand?”

Brock sighed, “Yes, Olly.”


“Yes, Sir . . .”

My cock was as hard as iron from Brock’s modified response. No, not iron, but steel. Or perhaps titanium. I could have exploded at any moment.

I gripped the waistband of Brock’s boxers and ripped them down and off of his legs. Before I grabbed his ass and hips and fucked him like an animal then and there, a thought occurred to me.

“You know, Bud,” I spoke slowly, “I’ve always been the giver in this relationship.”

This was obviously a lie. I was actively stealing Brock’s time, his youth, and his very identity. But what’s a little gaslighting between a Dom and his sub?

“I think it’s time for you to start pulling your weight. I’m always the one to take care of your tight little asshole. I want you to take care of mine.”

“W-wait,” Brock started to protest and then thought better of it. “S-so, you’re going to unlock me? You want me to fuck you?”

“No,” I laughed, “I meant with your mouth. I’m always the generous one for rimming you before I fuck you. I want you to rim me, Brock.”

Brock simply nodded. “Yes. Yes, Sir.”

“Good boy. I’m going to hop in the shower, and when I’m out, I want you naked on the bed. Understood?”

“Yes . . . Sir.”

Even in his broken and whipped state, Brock still hesitated before using the honorary. I would work on this later.

Half an hour later, I walked back into my bedroom wrapped in a towel. Brock—my obedient pup—knelt on the bed with his legs spread. I could see the contours of his abdominals. I followed the hard lines of his Adonis’s belt, which led down to his cock, which in turn strained against its cage.

When I was satisfied with ogling Brock’s naked body, I slid off my towel. As a point of principle, I wasn’t ever to be less clothed than Brock. His body was there for me, and not the other way around.

“You need to warm me up first,” I demanded, holding my rigid cock in my hand, “Now crawl over here and give it a little kiss.”

Brock obeyed, crawling along my bed, approaching my cock with his beautiful face. He leaned in with his mouth slightly agape, awkwardly preparing to kiss the shaft.

“No, that’s not how we do it,” I laughed, grabbing the back of Brock’s head and shoving his head onto my cock. I impaled his face for several moments before pulling his head back and slapping him across the face. “Let’s show less hesitation next time.”

As Brock’s head bobbed up and down on my cock, I picked up his phone and unlocked it. I turned on the camera app, pointed Brock’s phone at his face, and snapped several photos. When Brock realized what I was doing, he tried to pull his face away. My hand, which tightly gripped his hair, didn’t allow him to move.

“Not so fast, Mister ‘Straight Guy,’ I’m setting your new wallpaper. Whenever you look at your phone, I want you to see yourself from my perspective. I want you to see yourself looking up at me with my cock in your mouth.”

I ignored Brock’s whining—though I enjoyed the sound of his complaints when my cock was in his mouth—and continued. “Let this be a reminder. I don’t care how you self-identify. Call yourself ‘straight’ if you think that being otherwise is such a bad thing. But straight or not, you’re mine. And you know that you’re mine. Your mouth is mine. Your ass is mine. Your tongue is mine. Your cock is mine.”

Drunk on my own power, my voice rose as I continued my tirade. “You’re going to eat my ass now. And when I’m satisfied with that, then you’re going to go back to bobbing that handsome face of yours on my cock until I explode into your mouth. And you’re going to swallow every goddamn drop. And after you’ve proven to me that you’ve swallowed every drop, then you’re thank me for the cum you just swallowed. Then you’re going to crawl into my bed. You’re going to be the little spoon tonight. And I expect you to grind that big, beautiful ass into me until I’m asleep. And if I wake up in the middle of the night and I want to cum in that ass, then you’ll present that ass for me, and thank me for it.”

I then pushed him aside and crawled onto the bed on all fours. I faced away from Brock, assuming the position that Brock normally assumed. This was not something that I would have been comfortable with if I wasn’t confident in my dominion over Brock. Indeed, like most people, I’ve always associated topping with the position of dominance. I wouldn’t have been ready to let Brock ‘take care of’ me if I wasn’t confident in my control over him. But now, he was already my conquered love slave. And I intended to use him as such.

I felt Brock’s face slowly push itself between my ass cheeks. I looked ahead, exhaling blissfully. This summer would be heaven. I was back on my home turf, with complete power over this straight jock. I held complete control over this fit, virile stallion. I had broken my stallion.


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