A gay story: Brief Encounters Ch. 04 Chapter 4: Up Against the Tree
The light of the sun appeared between the tall pine trees as we drove down the highway at a steady 60 mph. My father was the driver while my mother was in the passenger seat talking with my father. I sat directly behind my father listening to music and staring out the window. Metallica blared through my headphones. I didn’t hear anything but the music.
We were on a trip to visit my Father’s brother, Uncle Marcus, and his family. My cousin Daniel, whom I hadn’t seen since middle school, was the one I was the most eager to see. We used to play together a lot when we were younger. His family had moved away to Colorado and I rarely got to see them except through photos. My cousin was overweight when I last saw him but had lost some weight since then. I had seen a few pictures of him and I had to admit my cousin was attractive.
It was summertime. So it wasn’t so cold in Colorado. My parents were eager to take a trip to visit my uncle’s family. At first, I didn’t want to come because I wasn’t too excited to be in a car with my religious parents for this trip. My sister escaped the car ride by having to move into her new college dorm room after she transferred. I had just recently graduated from high school at the age of 18. I hadn’t come out to my parents though. As I said before they are religious and they just wouldn’t understand me being gay.
The only thing I cared about on this trip was catching up with Daniel.
The SUV turned off the highway and onto a dirt road causing dirt clouds to swarm the vehicle. A car wash was going to be needed when we got back. We traveled for a few miles until the vehicle drove past a fence and onto another dirt road. The SUV eventually came to a stop on the driveway of my uncle’s two-story home. Which was painted white but the roof was a dark red. A few feet away was a garage. There was a large tree in front of the house in the center of the lawn.
I stepped out of the vehicle with my parents and stretched. I took in the surroundings. The tall trees, the sounds of the birds, the gentle breeze that came in. It felt good to be out in nature for once.
The front door of the house swung open and out came my Uncle Marcus wearing green cargo shorts and a white t-shirt. Following him was my aunt Carmela who had on a white pair of shorts and a pink blouse. My aunt and uncle hugged and greeted my parents then I did the same to each of them. I noticed that Daniel wasn’t around.
We walked up the large porch and into the house itself. There my parents spoke with my aunt and uncle. The house was large and spacious, the living room looked like it could house two bedrooms.
My aunt Carmela approached me and said, “Wow! You’ve gotten so tall! You and Daniel are basically the same height.”
“Thanks, where is Daniel?”
“Oh, he’s asleep right now.”
“Oh okay. Is there a bathroom I can use? I was holding it for a while.”
“Of course, use the one up the stairs across from Daniel’s room. The bottom one is broken. Your uncle has been at it for a few days now. Can’t fix the darn thing.”
I smiled and left my aunt. I climbed the L-shaped stairs to the second floor. The hallway had four doors, two on each side. The first door to the right I popped my head in and saw it was the exercise room. I walked a few feet more and the bathroom was on the first door on the left. I entered and did my business. When I came back out, I noticed the door to Daniel’s room was ajar. I looked through the space between the door and the frame and saw my cause face down with his right leg bent towards his stomach. I had to admit, his butt looked so good in that position. He had on black basketball shorts too. The desire to go in and touch it came to me but I decided not to. I hadn’t even told him that I was gay.
I stepped away from the door and walked back downstairs.
An hour had passed when we heard footsteps coming from the stairs. It was my groggy cousin coming down to greet us all. He had black shaggy hair and a goatee on his sharp jaw.
We briefly spoke and then he departed promising that we could talk after he showered.
While I waited for my cousin, I stood out on the back patio. Taking in more of the nature that surrounded me.
I had lost track of time because my cousin had appeared behind me. This time he wore military green shorts that ended mid-thigh with a gray sleeveless shirt. The shorts were a bit tight on him. “Hey there, Terry. Long time no see” he said to me.
I turned and hugged him, “It really has. You look great. A lot thinner than the last time we met.”
He smiled, “Thanks. I stopped eating so many cookies.”
The two of us shared a laugh. I was happy to be with my cousin. I missed him so much.
“I see you work out.”
“I do, my dad has a weight room. I will go there for a few hours.”
“The girls must love you.”
He flashed a smile, “Eh not so much. So what are you doing out here?”
“Taking in the scenery. It’s beautiful out here.”
“It really is. Hey, you want to go on a trek in the woods?”
“Sure, is it safe?”
“Of course it is. I take a walk almost every day. Let’s go.”
Together we walked down the steps from the patio and into the woods. I admit I was nervous. Despite my cousin’s assurance, I was still a bit worried about what could be out there. Daniel marched ahead of me giving me a good view of his toned butt. I watched as each cheek moved up and down as he walked. The sight made me want to reach out and grab it, but I knew I couldn’t. I loved grabbing a guy’s ass. Especially when going down on them. I had to keep my personal interests to myself though. The last thing I wanted was for my family to find out I was gay by molesting my cousin.
As we walked through the forest, my cousin and I caught up with each other. Occasionally he would tell me the animal that was making the sounds in the forest. He knew a lot. The bonding experience made my urges grow stronger. But I basically had to beat them down.
Daniel bent over to pick up a walking stick and my eyes instinctually went to his butt. There I saw what looked like brief lines. There was no way that he wore briefs so I concluded they were just a crease in the underwear. He walked with the walking stick and spoke, “So, you have a girlfriend?”
I shook my head, “No, how about you?”
“None at the moment. I had a few in high school but none of them lasted very long. Girls can be troublesome, you know.”
I simply laughed and said, “Yeah, I know what you mean,” even though I didn’t. I only had two relationships in school. Both of them had to be secret as I went to a Catholic school.
“So I gotta ask, are you a virgin?” My cousin asked.
“Yeah, I’m a virgin,” I muttered out.
He turned to me with a smile and said, “Hey, it isn’t a bad thing. I don’t look down on you for it. It’s good to wait. Especially nowadays. Girls like to give it up real easily.”
“I take it you’re not?”
He grinned, “Of course, not.”
We reached the top of a hill that looked over the sea of forest. In a space in the forest was his house. We must’ve been above a couple hundred feet over the area. It looks beautiful. I could even see the highway.
After the short surveillance of the area, we turned and walked further into the forest.
“Being out here doesn’t make you scared?” I said.
“No. Why would I be scared? Out here is just nature. The animals are more scared of you than you are of them. You’re more likely to run into another person than an animal that will eat you.”
“Wolves eat people,” I said with concern in my voice.
Daniel chuckled, “Stupid people get eaten by wolves. Wolves are just out here hunting their prey. You don’t fuck with them, they don’t fuck with you. It’s that simple.
We must’ve walked a mile because all I saw was green nearby. No evidence of that way we came. Daniel brought me to this small lake. “I like coming here. I put my feet in and take in the scenery. You should try it.”
I remove my shoes and socks and dip my feet into the water. I felt the cool refreshing water cover my feet. Daniel smiled and said, “Have fun with that, I got to take a piss.”
Before I could even say anything, Daniel was gone. I continued to soak my feet in the water, even digging my feet into the mud. After a few minutes of playing with the water, I noticed Daniel hadn’t come back. Worried, I put my socks and shoes back on and walked out in the direction he had gone. I checked my phone and saw no signal, so I couldn’t text him. I found myself at the base of a small hill, slowly I hiked it until I heard a noise. I turned in the direction of the noise and walked towards it.
Slowly, I hiked my way to the source of the noise and I popped my head from behind a tree. To my shock, I saw my cousin standing next to a tree. The front flaps of his shorts were open and his flaccid cock hung out as he urinated. I couldn’t believe how long his cock was when it was flaccid. He had pulled back the foreskin as he urinated. From my estimation, it was at least six inches in length.
I continued to spy on my cousin as he urinated. Each thing I found out about him made him hotter. I wondered how much bigger his cock got when erect.
Daniel finished and shook his member then tucked it into his underwear. As he grabbed the flaps I noticed his skin between the flaps and the underwear. It looked like he might be wearing briefs after all.
I waited a bit before I appeared before my cousin. I didn’t want him to think I was spying on him or something.
I walked out from behind the tree and said, “There you are!”
Daniel stepped back with a fist in the air, when he noticed it was me, he relaxed, “Be careful, Terry. You could’ve been punched.”
We walked back to the lake where he suggested something, “Wanna go for a swim?”
“I don’t have any swim attire.”
“Strip to your underwear, let’s go!” Daniel removed his tank top and then quickly removed his shorts, leaving just his underwear. Which turned out to be gray-colored Calvin Klien briefs. They looked absolutely amazing on him. His bulge was huge! I stared at them and that’s when he noticed, “Hey, this isn’t a free show. Come on, let’s go!”
I shook my head, “Sorry, I just didn’t expect you to be wearing briefs.”
“It’s just underwear, bro!” he said before jumping into the lake.
I removed my clothes and stood there in my red 2(x)ist briefs for a moment then joined him in the lake. He laughed as I jumped in. “You bring up my briefs when you’re wearing them too,” he said.
“I know, I was just surprised you wore them.”
We splashed water at each other and then played around in the lake for almost an hour.
The two of us walked out of the lake and turned away from each other. We removed our briefs and wrung them out then put our clothes back on. It was a good thing I had turned away because I was aroused. He was hung and wore briefs. What more could I ask for? A lot more actually.
We walked back to the house and hung our underwear to dry. Daniel went upstairs to put on a new pair of underwear while I went to the SUV to do the same.
When dinner time came, we were outside eating together. The entire family. It was a good time. My uncle told many funny stories about his job and growing up with my dad.
It was a quarter till 11 when all of us started rolling into the house. My parents were yawning. It was clear that everyone was going to sleep. My uncle offered my parents the guest bedroom while my cousin offered me his inflatable mattress and his room. I accepted the offer and went to his bedroom.
When the inflatable mattress was ready, the both of us climbed into our respective beds. We talked for a bit until Daniel decided to call it a night. He turned off the lamp and the only light that came into the room was the one from the moon.
It had been nearly two hours since Daniel turned off the lamp. He was sound asleep I could tell from his snoring. The inflatable mattress was almost the same height as his bed so it was easy for me to turn over and see my cousin. I couldn’t sleep. The memories of the day kept coming to me in my mind. The sight of his cock. The sight of his briefs. The sight of his wet briefs after the lake. I couldn’t get it out of my mind.
I wondered how much of a deep sleeper Daniel was. Because I had the urge to play with his cock. The entire time I was erect and wanting to do something about it. Jerking off was an option but I wanted to play with his cock. There was a chance he would wake up though. Again, the last thing I wanted was for my parents to find out I was gay because I was playing with my cousin’s cock in his sleep.
But the urge was strong. I hoped that I would be able to get out of the situation with my cousin if he woke up. I sat up in my bed and looked over at my cousin’s unconscious body. The moonlight revealed his body. He was asleep on his back, his head turned towards the window, away from me. His right arm was bent upwards while his other hand was over his chest. The bottom of his shirt was lifted slightly, exposing the happy trail that was on his stomach that ran between his abs. His shorts were around his pelvis with the waistband of his Calvin Klien briefs being exposed. Just below the waistband of his shorts, I saw his bulge. It looked like a hump in a field of black.
Cautiously, I moved myself onto his bed trying not to wake him. I lay down next to his body as he continued to snore. Slowly, I brought my left hand to his bulge and touched it. No reaction from Daniel. I moved my hand up and down gently. As I did Daniel continued to snore. I moved my hand to the waistband and slowly untied the string, next I dug my fingers under the waistband of the shorts and opened it. Once again, no reaction from my cousin.
I pulled back the shorts to reveal the black colored briefs he had on. It looked like he had a pear inside his underwear. The large curvy bottom with the shaft pointed north, pressed down by the fabric of the underwear. I left the waistband just below his balls and brought my hand to the bulge. I cupped his balls and used my thumb to massage them slightly.
Daniel muttered something in his sleep which caused me to let go of his bulge. When I saw him turn his head side to side I figured he was waking up. But thankfully he remained asleep. I brought my hand back to his bulge and began to caress it. My heart was beating so fast I felt it was going to break out of my chest. I was so excited and nervous.
My hand crawled up to the waistband of his briefs and dug under the waistband. I gulped. I felt this might wake him. But I was already this far into it. I had to continue. With my index and middle finger, I lifted the underwear releasing the scent of his body wash onto my face. We had showered before going to bed. Little by little, I moved the waistband south to expose his cock. I tucked the waistband under his balls.
There it was. My cousin’s cock. The foreskin skin covered the tip and the shaft was as long as I remember. His balls were hairy like his stomach. I licked my lips in anticipation. I couldn’t believe I had reached this step.
The hardest part was now. I lifted his flaccid cock with my finger and thumb until I was able to wrap my whole hand around it. Snores kept coming from my cousin, giving me the okay to continue. Slowly, I moved my hand up and down stroking his cock. The foreskin peeled back to reveal the purplish-colored tip. My mouth salivated as I wanted to put his cock into my mouth.
I gulped once again as I opened my mouth and brought it closer to the tip of his cock. My tongue made contact with the tip. I could taste some of the leftover urine. I licked the tip then took the cock into my mouth.
About half of the cock was in my mouth when I began to move my head up and down. As I did, his phallus grew in size. Not only in length but in width. It felt like I had a carrot in my hand. The length was about eight inches. I couldn’t believe how long he was. The foreskin naturally retracted.
I swallowed Daniel’s cock into my mouth, taking it further with each passing second. I continued at a slow rate in fear that any rapid movement would wake him. He continued to snore and turn his head from side to side while I slurped on his large cock.
Wanting to test myself on the large cock, I swallowed it. The upper half of the cock entered my throat and that’s when I heard my cousin moan. Then he snored once again. I felt the hairs of his pube tickle my nose as his cock was ensconced in my throat. Saliva had dripped out of my mouth and onto his balls.
I held it as long as I could but I finally released it from my throat and mouth. I couldn’t hold back a loud gasp and that’s what woke my cousin from his sleep. Daniel sat up quickly and turned on the light. He stared at me for a second then down at his saliva-covered cock. Then back at me.
“What the fuck are you doing?” he said.
I was like a deer in the headlights. Panic filled my body. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know what to say. I had messed up.
“What the fuck were you doing, Terry?” he repeated. This time his voice was louder and angrier.
I still said nothing. I cleaned the saliva from the corner of my mouth as he said, “Terry!” this time it was almost a yell. A yell I thought would wake up the house.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know what came over me. I shouldn’t have done that,” I said with tears in my eyes. I knew this would lead to him telling my parents that I was gay. I turned away from him.
“Terry, you’re gay?” he said in shock.
I sniffled, “Yeah, I am. And I am sorry. I wish you could keep this a secret.”
Daniel calmed down, “Of course. It’s your secret to tell. I just didn’t think I would find out this way.”
I rubbed my eyes and said, “Wait, you ain’t mad that I’m gay?”
“No, why would I? I was just in a bit of a shock. Not often you wake up to your cousin, who you thought was straight, giving you head.”
I laughed, “Yeah. I’m sorry. I just had a strong urge to suck on it. It’s a mighty fine dick you got.”
Daniel couldn’t resist smiling, “Thanks. And don’t worry, I’ll keep it a secret.”
“For real?”
“Of course, you’re the closest thing I got to a brother. Plus I know how your parents are.”
“Thanks, Daniel,” I was relieved that he wasn’t going to say anything to my parents. Who knows what would’ve happened if they found out I was gay? And that I was sucking my cousin’s cock in his sleep.
“You wanna finish me off?” Daniel said with a grin on his face.
“Of course.”
Daniel turned off the light as I lay on my stomach between his legs. He lifted himself up with his shoulders and stared down at me as I took his swollen cock back into my mouth. Now that he gave me permission, I was able to have the freedom to pleasure him the way I knew how.
Using my right hand, I stroked his shaft while my mouth and tongue worked the upper half of his cock. Soft moans left my cousin’s mouth in rapid succession. He had completely succumbed to my pleasure. I swallowed the cock into my throat and held it there. The throat muscles tightened around the cock sending pleasure through my cousin’s body. So much so that he ended up moaning. I saw his hand turned into a fist with the sheets between his fingers.
“Fuck!” he spat out as I continued to hold the cock hostage in my throat. I breathed through my nose wanting to keep the cock in my throat as long as possible.
Daniel moaned when his cock left my throat. I gathered myself while I stroked his cock. His cock was covered in saliva. So much so that it had dripped onto his underwear, shorts, and even the bed sheets. It looked like he was about to say something but I stopped him by taking the cock back into my mouth. Using my tongue I licked every part of the tip of his cock. Daniel would constantly tilt his head back from the pleasure.
My right hand was now stroking his cock at a faster rate. The bed moved up and down as I sucked on the tip of his cock. Daniel’s moans grew frequent and I knew my prize was near. I continued and he wanted to say something but couldn’t. His head slowly tilted back and his pelvis jerked as the first shot of cum shot into my mouth. I held my mouth on the tip as my hand stroked the saliva-covered shaft. Each cum shot was accompanied by a grunt.
Daniel delivered the last shot of cum into my mouth. I slid my hand along the long shaft to squeeze out any remaining cum. When I gathered all the cum I swallowed. I then licked the tip of his cock which was now red. He jerked with each lick.
We looked at each other and Daniel was about to speak when we heard footsteps in the hallway. Daniel turned off the lamp and I climbed back onto my mattress. Daniel turned over on his bed and whispered, “We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”
I smiled and whispered back, “Alright. Good night.”
The following morning, I woke up and turned to my cousin who was still asleep. He lay there so peacefully. The idea to give him morning head came to me but the noises in the hallway stopped that. I climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom, then I went downstairs.
My parents and my aunt and uncle were getting ready to go to the market. They invited me but I declined. The four of them left leaving me and my cousin alone. I went back to his room where he was still asleep. I sat on the bed and gently ran my fingers across his bare skin. The gentle touch awoke Daniel. He turned to me and smiled, “Morning, Terry.”
I removed my hand from Daniel and smiled, “Good morning, how’d you sleep?”
A grin grew on his face, “I slept well, especially after last night.”
“Do you still want to talk about it?”
“I do, but not here. Let’s go for a morning hike.”
Within a few minutes, we changed clothes and went out back towards the woods.
About a mile away from the house, Daniel finally wanted to talk about last night. “So I have to admit, you give really good head,” he stabbed his newly found walking stick into the ground as he walked.
I smiled, “Thanks.”
“I just never knew you were gay. I never saw the signs.”
“I didn’t really show any. I mean, how could I be with my parents? You know they wouldn’t approve.”
“Yeah, I know. And I’m sorry about that. I wish your dad wasn’t such a prick.”
I laughed, “Yeah, he sure it.”
“So how’d you get so good?” my cousin said.
The sounds of fallen leaves breaking beneath our feet were heard. As well as the sounds of birds chirping.
“Practice really. I date two guys in school and we’d have a lot of sex.”
“Oh really? At that private Catholic School?”
“Yeah, it’s an all-boys school after all. You’d be surprised how many of them have sex with one another.”
“I get that. Although I went to a public school, there was plenty of fornication. I did plenty of it. But I have to admit, your cock sucking skills were amazing. Heck, I’ll even say it’s the best head I’ve gotten.”
I blushed, “Thanks. They do say guys give better blowjobs than women.”
“I’d argue against that but fuck, you proved me wrong last night.”
I stopped my cousin next to a large tree and turned him towards me. My right hand pushed him against the tree, “Want me to prove you wrong again?”
A grin grew on his face. He turned side to side to see if anyone was in sight, then he turned back to me and gave me a nod.
I lowered myself onto my knees and gently rubbed his bulge. The erection, covered by his underwear and shorts, grew in size. My fingers moved up and undid his shorts dropping them to his ankles. My cousin looked so hot in his briefs. The bottom side of his erection pressed against the fabric of the underwear while the tip of his cock was exposed above the waistband. I tugged on the waistband pulled it down and tucked it under his balls. I noticed the cum stain on his underwear from the previous night.
Daniel’s long and thick cock sprung out before me. I brought my lips to the tip and slowly pressed against it. The foreskin moved back with the force of my lips. My tongue pressed up against the underside of his cock. My hands slide up and down his hips at a slow rate as his cock moved deeper and deeper into my mouth. Soft moans left Daniel’s mouth when I began to move my head back and forth.
My hands moved around his waist and my fingers slipped under his briefs. There I pushed the underwear down exposing his hardened cheeks to the air. I held each cheek in my hand as I moved my hands up and down. The firmness of his cheeks encouraged more passionate sucking from me. Daniel’s right hand was on the back of my head gently guiding me on his cock while his other hand lifted his shirt up.
As we continued, Daniel’s pants grew more frequent. An occasional moan would come out when I’d pleasure the tip. I moved slowly. Since we had more freedom I really wanted to pleasure his cock.
Daniel moved his pelvis forward shoving his cock into my throat. I grabbed onto his butt cheeks as his cock was ensconced in my throat. I gagged closing the wet throat muscles on the tip of his cock. Daniel was on his toes as I continued to his hick cock hostage in my throat. I felt his cock jerk in my throat. Then he planted his feet on the ground and released a pleased moan.
Taking time to recover, I stroked my cousin’s saliva-covered cock. I stared up at him watching him. He was silent but I could see on his face that he was enjoying every moment of it. I looked down at his long cock and began to wonder if he would fuck me. I ran my tongue along the shaft and then sucked on the tip. My eyes were glued to his face. Daniel tilted his head back when I sucked on the tip.
“Have I proven you wrong again?” I said with a grin on my face.
He smiled and bit his lower lip, “For sure. You’re such a good little cock sucker.”
“Wanna fuck me?”
Daniel’s eyes widened, “I don’t know about that.”
“Come on, I guarantee you’ll like it. Just pretend you’re fucking a girl.”
I rose to my feet and stood next to the tree. Daniel moved behind me now with his briefs around his knees. I pulled down both my briefs and shorts and parted my cheeks with one hand. “Come on, stick it in,” I urged him.
He was clearly nervous about it but he did as I wanted. I felt the tip of his cock press against my hole. I let out a moan and urged him to continue. Daniel plants his hands on my hips and pushed his long and thick cock inside me.
Slowly, the cock slithered inside me inch by inch. The feeling caused me to roll my eyes back. I grabbed onto the true for support then Daniel began to move his pelvis back and forth. At first, he was moving slowly but once he found a rhythm, he sped up.
I rested my face against the trunk of the tree as I felt the consistent waves of pleasure wash over me. It comes front rectum up my lower back, through my upper back, and into my neck. The pleasure was immense. His cock frequently rubbed against my prostate. I moaned and moaned as he fucked me.
Daniel was fucking me like a jackhammer. The sounds of skin slapping could be heard. My moans and his grunts teamed up to echo through the forest. I didn’t care if anyone heard. My cousin was fucking me.
Daniel’s pants became more frequent and I knew climax was soon. I held onto the tree with the side of my face still planted on the smooth trunk. My moans grew louder as did his grunts. Then Daniel slammed his pelvis into my smooth cheeks and I felt the gooey load release into my rectum. His cock twitched with each pump of load that filled my hole. Daniel’s knees were slightly bent and his upped body was lurched forward almost touching my back.
His grunts were intense but when the last shot of cum came, it was more of a cry. When he finished, he stood back up and slowly pulled out the cum drenched cock. I turned around quickly and cleaned off his cock. The contact of my tongue to his red tip caused him to jerk but I sucked on it to suck out any remaining cum.
When I was done, I pulled up my underwear and shorts. Daniel tucked his cock into his underwear and pulled up his clothes. “I loved how aggressive you were,” I said to him.
He grinned, “The girls say the same.”
We continued our trek in the woods and by the time we headed back home, our parents were back.
We spent the day with the family and then had a BBQ. In the evening, I was once again sleeping in my cousin’s bedroom. Naturally, I sucked him as a nice good night treat.
The morning of the last day I was there, we chose to keep in contact and visit each other more. He even gave me the pair of briefs he had on from the day we fucked. The precum stain was still there. We said our goodbyes and I left in the back of the SUV with a smile on my face and a fond memory of my cousin.