Broadway Break

A gay story: Broadway Break Tess O-Meter — Green.

You don’t absolutely have to have read the rest of this series first, you can dip in and out. However, if you enjoy this and want more I would suggest going back to the beginning, as for a richer read and character development they are best when read in the order of writing. Broadway Lust Story, Broadway Love Story, Broadway Luck Story, Broadway Beginnings, Broadway Bust, Broadway to Vegas, Broadway Betrayal, Broadway Battle and Broadway Break. So if you enjoy this I would advise going back to the beginning.


Tony’s nostrils flared as he let the apartment door swing shut behind him. Hmmmm, what was that smell? Food. He hadn’t been expecting to come home to food.

He lobbed his keys and phone on the table. Then, grumbling to himself, he backtracked and moved them to the bowl Ty had brought expressly for that purpose.



There was a sense of urgency in Ty’s call, and Tony hurried towards it. “What’s wrong?” He entered the bathroom just as Ty started to topple.

Tony grabbed Ty’s hips and pulled him flush against his own body, “Careful. What’s wrong?”

Ty huffed, “Nice catch. Nothing. I wanted to know how you got on.”

Tony rolled his eyes, then focused on Ty’s own concerned dark eyes in the mirror. “Do you want to maybe finished what you were doing first?”

Ty flushed a little, “I was peeing.”

“Then pee.”

Tony held Ty tight against him and closed his eyes, humming loudly as if embarrassed as Ty completed his business. When he opened his eyes again Ty was grinning. “Okay, okay,” Ty said, ruefully “I just wanted to see you.”

Tony balanced Ty’s hips as he moved over to the sink. Wrapping his arms around his chest and waist to steady him as Ty washed his hands, he kissed and nuzzled the back of Ty’s neck, “You yelled so loud I thought something was wrong.”

He backed off and handed Ty two crutches. “Thanks,” Ty said as he swung back out towards the kitchen. “Seriously, how did it go?”

“I already told you on the phone. It was an exam and some bloods, it went fine.” He pointed at the couch and Ty swung over, sat with a frown, and allowed Tony to lift his wrapped ankle onto the low table.

“I should have been with you,” Ty complained.

Tony flopped to the couch beside him and turned his face for a kiss. As Ty’s lips curved against his, he took it deeper and dirtier, until Ty was clinging to his biceps.

Finally, Tony pulled back and smiled, licking his lips. “Yum,” he said and Ty laughed. “Babe, you’re meant to be resting that ankle, not trapsing around Manhattan with me.”

“It’s just a sprain.”

“It’s a bad sprain, and it’s not going to get better if you don’t take care of it.” Saying this he got up and retrieved an ice pack from the kitchen. Coming back he took his time positioning it, just so.

“Craig asked after you,” Tony said, referring to the specialist cancer support nurse that they knew. Both from being possibly Tony’s most longstanding fanboy, and from the last year of diagnosis, treatment and recovery.

“You see. He thought I should be there.”

Tony sighed. “No, he asked if you were okay, because he thought it was strange that you weren’t. When I explained, he said to take care and get better soon.” He leaned back on the couch. “It was only my third set of tests, Ty. I love that you like to come with me, but just this once it wasn’t sensible, okay?”

Ty huffed.


“Fine,” he allowed, grumpily.

Tony took pity and kissed him again, “Results in a couple of days, and you’re not to sit around worrying about it.”

“Aren’t you worried?”


Ty just looked at him.

Tony grabbed Ty’s wrist and held it in the air, then moved in under it for a snuggle. Ty smiled and relaxed a little.

“I’m really not worried. It’s been nine months,” Tony said, his hand resting on Ty’s flat abs, his head on his shoulder. “Maybe in about five years I might start fretting a little before the results come back, but right now. I have zero concerns.”

Ty considered for a moment and then relaxed fully, “Okay.”

“I do want to talk to you though. I need food first.”

Ty lifted his arm again, letting Tony free. “Just nuke it for two minutes, it’s ready to go.”

Tony peered in the microwave and saw two bowls with chicken, veggies, and rice. He set the timer and waited. “So you’ve been stood out here cooking?” he called to Ty.

“I was very, very careful and my foot did not touch the floor,” Ty returned.

“Hmmmm!” Tony muttered doubtfully, as he placed Ty’s food on a tray and brought it to him, with a bottle of water and chopsticks. He glared at Ty before going back for his own tray.

Tony sat on the couch and folded his legs under him, balancing the tray on his knees, facing Ty. “Oh, Hmmm, it’s good. Thanks, Ty.”

“You’re welcome. What’s up?”

Tony concentrated on his food for a while before continuing.

“Polly’s leaving the show.”

“Really? To do what?” Ty’s eyebrows raised.

“She’s going on tour. Crazy for You, first alternate. It’s US and far east, Ty. She’s gonna be gone a year,” Tony couldn’t help but pout.

Ty felt a pang, but he was pleased for Polly. “She’s always wanted to do that. She’s toured before, mainly for the travel.”

“But a year, Ty,” the frowny pout expanded.

Careful of his tray, Ty pulled Tony’s hand to his mouth and kissed his wrist, then the palm. “I know you’ve gotten really close on the show, but she’s a New York girl. She’ll be back.”

Tony smiled a little. “And she’s your best friend, I shouldn’t be so sad, but I’m really going to miss her.”

Ty nodded as he ate. Watching Tony thoughtfully.

“Randall’s gone now, and Izzy,” Tony mused as he ate.

“You’re thinking of leaving,” Ty said quietly.

Tony avoided Ty’s eyes, picking up his last bit of chicken. Finally he finished and looked up. “It’s been two and a half years. Longest I’ve ever been in one show. Even with my six months out, it’s a full two years of performance.”

“You think it’s time?”

“I’m starting to think if I don’t go now, I’ll be playing Tim at the twentieth anniversary,” Tony admitted and Ty burst out laughing.

Tony grinned, then collected both their trays and dumped them in the kitchen. He came back and resumed his earlier cuddle. “What do you think?”

“What do you need from me?”

“Your honest opinion, Ty. Don’t pamper me.”

Ty nodded. “You’ve shown people what you can do with this role, but going back to auditions and maybe even the chorus will be a big change.”

Tony nodded.

“On the other hand, Adam will be delighted to get ‘Tim’ back and he matches Peter better.”

Tony tapped Ty’s chest lightly in agreement, “He does. I think that too.” Peter was currently playing the lead role of Kevin.

Ty lowered his head and kissed Tony’s hair. “Honestly, Baby. I think it’s time as well.”

Tony hugged him close. “Phew. That’s a relief.”

“But,” Ty cautioned.

“What?” Tony pulled back, concerned.

“First priority when you finish.”

“Um. Find a new job,” Tony stated, like — Well Duh!

“Nope,” Ty grinned and kissed him again. “Honeymoon.”

Tony’s eyes lit up and he bounced on the couch. “Oh, fuck, yes.”

“You and me. Two weeks.”


“Puerto Rico.”


“Cal and Frank have a connection to a resort, so we should be able to get a good deal. And Frank told me the scenery is outstanding. I don’t think he was talking about the sea view!”

Tony cracked up, “What, you’ve been discussing this?”

“I may have started making plans.”

Tony bounced again, this time onto Ty’s lap. Careful of his weight, so he didn’t jog his ankle. Even so, Ty lowered it carefully to the floor.

“You knew this was coming,” he said, as he linked his arms behind Ty’s head and lowered his lips to his neck.

Ty angled his head to give Tony better access. “I may have had an inkling,” he admitted. “It’s about time you swept me off my feet.”

“Oh, is that what you want?” Tony muttered, flicking his tongue against Ty’s skin.

Ty just moaned, his eyes closing.

“Okay then,” Tony said as he gracefully lifted himself from Ty and onto the floor.

Ty’s eyes opened in confusion as his wrist was gripped, “Where’d you go?”

“Left leg,” Tony said, to remind Ty to keep his weight off his right. Before he pulled him to a standing position and in one move bent and swept Ty over his shoulder.

Ty’s feet left the ground before he realized Tony’s intent and his face bashed into Tony’s firm ass. “Whoa. Oww. Shit! What the fuck? Put me down.” He found himself moving swiftly backwards. Grasping Tony’s waist for support.

“Swept off your feet you said.”

“Tony, I’m too heavy for you.”

“As if,” Tony scoffed as he strode into the bedroom.

“Tony. Ahhh, Shit!” Ty yelled as he was flung into mid air and landed sprawled on the bed. Tony flopping down on top of him.

“How’s that?”

“Your knee’s in my balls,” Ty whimpered.

“Whoops,” Tony adjusted his position. “Now?”

Ty just laughed helplessly at the sheepish expression on Tony’s face. Before the laugh caught in a gasp as Tony lowered his head and attacked Ty’s neck with his teeth, as his hand slipped under Ty’s sweats and gripped his cock. Hard.

“Oh, fuck!”


A few days before Tony and Polly’s final performance it was gone midnight and Ty was on stage at Engagement with Fred and Pip.

Fred was the dance captain and often Ty’s assistant, but it was the first time they had danced together in a performance. They had six dancers and performers out with flu and tonight’s show had been a frantic panic behind the scenes to get performances out. Plus a heavy dose of improvisation.

Not that it showed. Which was kinda the point of being a pro.

Right now Ty and Fred were gyrating (almost humping) against Pip’s legs, as he belted out “It’s Raining Men,” and the crowd yelled and clapped.

Him and Fred particularly had been on the go all night covering missing dancers, and Ty for one was glad to be stripped down to skimpy briefs at this point. The sweat was pouring from him.

He saw Pip grin and wink over his shoulder and as he moved away from Pip and turned, his eyes locked onto Tony in the crowd.

Tony’s hair was still slightly damp from his post show shower. He was talking with a regular, but his eyes were dark and aroused on Ty’s. His face flushed.

Ty was so distracted he didn’t see a man in the crowd reaching for his thigh and was startled when Pip appeared suddenly at his shoulder. “No touching, Honey,” Pip warned before continuing smoothly with the number and pulling Ty a few paces back, a hand around his waist.

Ty was embarrassed to have nearly been caught out, but moved with Pip’s slow sexy thrusts. Pip’s groin flush against his backside, his hand spread across his abs.

Another man, who Ty recognized as a regular had taken the man’s arm and was shaking his head. They clearly knew each other and the man appeared good natured.

As Pip released Ty and moved for a quick dance snuggle with Fred who had come calmly over to them, Ty shook his head subtly at the security guy giving him a questioning look.

Had contact been made then he would have been turfed out, but Ty figured he had just had too much to drink. Not worth making a scene and upsetting other patrons.

He turned again as him, Pip, and Fred moved back into the regular routine and finished the number.

He was grateful as he moved off stage that it was the last dance number of the night.

Frank passed him and gave him a concerned look, but Ty just smiled. “I’m fine. He’s just a little overexcited.”

“You sure?”

“Yea, I’m good. Beat though. I’m outa here.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow, thanks for tonight.” Frank nodded and moved onto the stage where he and two other performers, would bring the tone down to a slightly less excited level with some sexy ballads.

Still, Ty smirked and wasn’t at all surprised to hear Frank’s voice. “I hope you’re all having a fantastic night.” Big cheer. “That’s great, but I’m gonna remind you all,” Ty had no doubt who Frank was glaring at, at this moment. “That trying to grope, kiss, or in any way touch the performers or staff will result in you being escorted from the club immediately.”

There was a loud murmur from the audience, followed by another cheer when Frank added, “This ain’t no strip club.”

Ty and Fred laughed and Fred, exhausted, staggered into the shower as Ty simply dragged on jeans. He would shower upstairs.

“Night, Fred. Good job tonight.”

“Bye, Ty. You too. Jesus I’m knackered!” Fred called back.

Sticky and pushing his dripping hair back, Ty walked into the corridor and found Tony waiting for him.

“Urgh, Christ, you’re disgusting. Stay away from me,” Tony demanded.

“Sure, because you’re always pristine when you walk off stage,” Ty smiled sarcastically.

“Superior talent,” Tony told him.

“Is that right?”

They went out the back door and up the private stairs.

“So the guy who tried to grab your package sends his sincere apologizes and says thank you for not making them throw him out.”

“Does he now?”

“Yea, he’s a bit wasted. College buddy of one of your regulars, who was totally embarrassed and made him apologize via me.”

“Fine, whatever. Won’t be the last time,” Ty advised as they entered the apartment. “You’re cooking. I’m hitting the shower,” he grinned as Tony muttered, “Please, God,” under his breath.

“Bring me a beer and I’ll give you the blow job of your life in the morning.”

“Why the morning?”

“Tony, I’m beat,” he glared and then realized Tony was laughing at him. Shaking his head he just stripped as he walked towards the bathroom.

Two blissful minutes of hot water pounding over his head and body later, there was a tap on the shower door.

He sighed as Tony’s hand appeared with a bottle.

“Thank you. I love you so much right now.”

“Yea, yea,” Tony muttered as he left.

Just over ten minutes later, Ty rinsed the bottle and left it by the sink, turning to where Tony had set up toasty sandwiches, ice water and some chopped fruit.

“Are you not even going to bother getting dressed to eat?” Tony asked, eyeing the towel wrapped loosely around Ty’s hips and his still dripping hair.

“Can’t be bothered,” Ty admitted. He was still flushed from his busy night, and quickly drained the water before refilling it and practically inhaling the sandwich.

Tony ate at a more measured pace and enjoyed the view as droplets of water ran over Ty’s throat, chest, and down his abs.

They took their water and fruit bowels to the couch and lounged for a while. Both coming down from their late performances. Chatting about their day and the honeymoon plans.

Ty ended up spawled on the couch, his head on Tony’s lap, as Tony combed fingers through his still damp hair.

“I can’t believe it’s our last show on Saturday,” Tony said, referring to him and Polly.

“I can’t believe we’ll be on vacation this time next week,” Ty admitted on a yawn, his eyes closed.

“I can’t believe it’ll be our first vacation together,” Tony added.

Ty frowned, his eyes still closed. “We did that Fire Island thing. That was three nights.”

“Yea, and we were working. And when I came to see you on tour, you were working.”

“I got a night off, when you came to Denver that time,” Ty argued.

“One night together in Denver is not a vacation, Ty. And nor is one day in Vegas. We might be totally incompatible, vacation wise.”

Ty lazily opened one eye and peered at Tony, glad to see he wasn’t serious. “Fun, sun, man-candy and fucking. Plus lots of sleep and cuddling. Possibly some Yoga and romantic walks on the beach at sunset holding your hand. That’s my perfect vacation.”

Tony smiled down at Ty, his expression soft. “Guess we’re compatible then,” he said quietly.

Then leaned down to press his lips gently against Ty’s, whose eyes had drifted closed again and was nearly asleep.

“Come on. Bed.”


Three nights later, Tony stood on stage, one arm around Polly, the other around a rainbow bouquet. Tears unashamedly pouring down his face as they accepted the applause and cheers.

He wasn’t entirely sure how they had gotten through the night.

He and Polly had several intimate scenes throughout the show, from dancing, kissing, fucking (fake — obviously), to arguments and a literal fight.

Both of them had welled up every single time they made eye contact. He thought it was possibly the worst performance of his life. But Adam (manfully hiding his thrill that the role of Tim was once again his), had reassured him in a whisper in the wings, that only the cast could tell.

Now Polly was ugly crying, her make up smeared like grey gloop all over her face. Someone was going to pay when she looked in the mirror and realized the whole cast had let her stand here looking like she was part melted.

Tony sincerely hoped it wouldn’t be him. She might barely come up to his shoulder, but Polly could for sure take him down.

Glancing towards the wings he saw Ty was still waiting for him. Perfect. He could hide behind Ty.

Finally the curtain came down and with it an overwhelming sense of loss.

It was over.

He took in a shaky breath and felt Polly do the same. “You okay?” she asked quietly. Blinking through her clumped up lashes.

Tony shook his head slightly and closed his eyes again, a look of pain on his face. “I hate this. I hate the end.”

Someone gently took his flowers and he opened his eyes to see Ty, a soft sympathetic smile on his face. Polly handed her flowers over as well and wrapped her arms fully around Tony’s waist, leaning her head on his chest and swaying slightly.

“It has to end so we can have new adventures.”

“I know,” Tony sighed sadly.

Polly and Tony were gently herded to their dressing rooms by the cast. Cleaned up and changed ready for late drinks at a nearby club.

Teased from the dragging sadness of leaving their work home and show family, back to laughter and excitement for what was to come.

By the time they were settled in a private section of the club, the group were rowdily making suggestions for how Ty and Tony could kick their honeymoon off early by experimenting with plane sex.

Tony leaned against Ty. Sipping his drink and feeling the heat from Ty’s body. Smiling as Adam and another cast member argued loudly over whether hand jobs, fingering and BJ’s counted as sex, or whether actual penetration needed to occur.

Ty turned his head and mouthed, ‘We’ll do it all’ over the music.

“On the plane?’ Tony mimed back and then blushed when Ty just winked.

Jesus. Be careful what you wish for.


Two days later Tony and Ty, having refrained from any form of plane sex due to the short flight time and fantastic movie selection, tumbled from the airport shuttle and into paradise.

Ty spread his arms wide and took a deep breath. “First thing I want is a sex on the beach.”

Tony looked unconvinced. “Ty, it’s the middle of the afternoon, and I don’t fancy the idea of sand everywhere.”

Ty frowned in confusion for a moment and then cracked up. “Jesus, Tony. One track mind, much. I said A sex on the beach. A drink, you idiot.”

“Oh,” Tony giggled. “Sorry, I have vacation brain.”


Still laughing they hefted the bags and checked in. Simply dumping the bags on the bed and walking straight back out less than two minutes later, after a quick excited peek at the exclusive pool.

They found a beach bar with possibly the prettiest barman on the planet, and idly wiled away the afternoon with booze and nachos. Rock on low, the sea nearby and nothing to do but chat and laugh. Neither of them could remember such a lazy afternoon.

They were too comfortable to move and ordered dinner at the bar so they could watch the stunning sunset. The barman made Tony blush when he expressed amazement that they had been together for several years, he had thought them newly hooked up, due to the non-stop chatter and laughter.

“You look infatuated,” he said, as he topped up their jug of iced water.

“We are,” Ty agreed and brushed a soft kiss to Tony’s cheek.

Tony ducked his head a little, pleased, but then stood. “Actually, I’m going back to the room.”

“Oh, okay,” Ty said, starting to stand.

“No, can you wait here a bit. Give me thirty minutes?”

“What for?” Ty asked.

Tony rolled his eyes, “It’s a surprise.”

“Not a clandestine meeting with the pool boy is it?” Ty asked, as he settled back on the stool.

“Busted,” Tony winked at the barman.

“Don’t worry,” the barman told Tony. “I’ll keep him out of trouble and send him along in a while.”

“Appreciate it,” Tony said and dashed off.

Ty watched him go. “I wonder what he’s up to,” he mused.

“I think, Senior, you will be lucky tonight, No?”

Ty grinned and raised his glass in a salute before settling to watch the last of the light fade from the sky.

When he arrived back at the room a half hour later, he pushed open the door to find himself blinking in flickering candlelight.

The sound system was crooning old jazz standards on low, there were exotic flowers in jars all around the large room, and an ice bucket with champagne nestled in it.

Then there was Tony. Stood, quietly waiting, a soft smile on his face.

Ty approached almost reverently, reaching to cradle Tony’s face and bring him closer.

Near black eyes gazing into warm hazel, as their breath merged.

“It’s beautiful,” Ty breathed.

“So are you,” Tony told him and stole a soft kiss.

They stood for a few moments. Faces and bodies close, but barely touching, before Tony roused slightly and pulled back a little. Turning to the champagne with a querying raise of his eyebrow.

“I’m a sure thing,” Ty chuckled. “You don’t have to get me drunk.”

Tony grinned. “Ah, but you’re fun on champagne,” he teased. “Anyway, you’ve only had a cocktail, two beers and a meal. Over the whole day, it’s not like you’ll be paralytic.”

“If I keep with the cocktails, beer, champagne and burgers for the next two weeks, I won’t be able to fit my ass on the plane to get back to New York. Let alone dance.”

Tony laughed now as he poured the bubbly into the glasses he had passed to Ty. “It’s our day off. We’ll go back to fuelling our bodies like dancers tomorrow.”

“Deal,” Ty agreed and they tapped glasses before sipping. “Fuck, I really like champagne. This is delicious.”

“Present from Frank and Cal, so it’s the good stuff.”

Ty sipped again. “They are the best fairy godfathers, ever!”

“Tell me,” Tony agreed, as he slipped an arm around Ty’s waist and started to sway with him, as they sipped.

When Ty finished his glass, Tony placed it aside before pressing more firmly against Ty and starting to move them into more of an impromptu dance.

Kissing and nuzzling as the music guided them in effortless but lazy movements around the room.

Ty stumbled slightly and his arms tightened on Tony’s arm and waist as Tony swung him suddenly into some backwards steps.

“What. What are we doing? Shit, stop this ballroom crap!”

“It’s a foxtrot,” Tony advised, adjusting his grip and dancing a nervous Ty backwards across the room in the opposite direction.

“Whoa,” Ty giggled and gripped harder. “Tony, I can’t foxtrot.”

“You’re a dancer, aren’t you?”

“That’s not how it works and you, n-ohhh shit!” it ended on a giggle as he was swung out.

When Tony pulled him back he wrapped his arms around Tony’s neck and held on tight. “Behave you idiot.”

Tony just gripped him hard and started to spin fast, until they were both laughing and breathless. Then he slowed into a waltz.

“Okay, this I can do,” Ty relaxed his death grip slightly.

“Hmmmm,” Tony laid his head on Ty’s shoulder and they drifted together, gently entwined.

“I didn’t know you could foxtrot,” Ty admitted a few minutes later.

“Polly wanted to learn more,” Tony told him. “She had the ‘Crazy for You’ gig lined up, so she asked one of the swings at ‘Empty Nights’ who teaches ballroom, to teach her and roped me in.”

“Will you teach me some?” Ty asked. Always a sponge for knowledge.

“No. I’m not good enough and it’s too precise. Specific you know. I expect we could do some classes with Laura though.” He pulled Ty a little closer and pulled back to look into his eyes. “For tonight though, I’m going to maintain the lead.”

“Is that right?”

In reply Tony just took Ty’s lips in an obscenely deep kiss that drove the breath out of his lungs. Even as his hands streaked under Ty’s shirt and raced over his stomach. Nails scraping across his abs.

Ty laced his fingers through Tony’s hair as he was pushed against the wall. Tony’s hard length pressing against his crotch.

Tony’s hands continued to caress his skin, chest and stomach, until with a mutter of frustration he leaned back enough to yank Ty’s shirt up and off, before taking his mouth again and continuing to claim his body.

Ty was shocked to find himself trembling. He could hardly catch his breath, Tony’s desire was so overwhelming.

Tony’ hands slipped under the waistband of his shorts and gripped the flesh of his ass, hauling Ty closer against him.

Ty’s head fell back against the wall. “Tony. I’m gonna cum,” he gasped.

Tony gentled his hold to soothe. Hands now gently stroking his butt cheeks, lips gentle on his face and neck. “No, not yet.”

Ty embarrassed himself by whimpering a little, which made Tony snort against his neck. Before he slipped Ty’s shorts over his hips and down, leaving him naked.

Ty stood and trembled. Watching Tony and stepping out of the shorts. His eyes closing as Tony kissed his way back up his body.

Knees, quivering thighs, a brush past his throbbing cock, lips on his hips, his flat stomach. Abdomen and chest. Heated, damp lips pressed to his.

“Tony?” he breathed, his eyes fluttering open.

Tony smiled and stepped back. His fingers brushing down Ty’s arms until he gripped his hand. “Come on. Pool.”

Tony towed Ty to the door that led to the garden and private pool, but he pulled back before he was tugged through. “Tony, what if someone sees? From next door.”

“They won’t. Look.” Tony pointed out a map of the garden on the wall. It was a bird’s eye view of the small garden and pool, with a line across the far corner. Most of the map was shaded green. Only the top corner, a tiny slice of the pool and patio was shaded red.

“It says that potentially someone on next door’s balcony could see that small corner. Nothing else is overlooked.”

“That’s curious information to have available,” Ty commentated.

Tony grinned and slipped out of his own shorts and t-shirt, dropping them carelessly on the floor. “It’s a known hook-up resort, Ty. That’s why most people come here. It’s also why the minimum stay is ten nights. Because everything, including the pool, gets deep cleaned in between guests.”

Ty followed Tony out to the pool, eyeing it cautiously. “Did Frank tell you that?”

Tony nodded as he slipped into the water.

“And he was sure about the deep cleaning?”

Tony let out a laugh, “Sure. He and Cal know the owners, you know that. Anyway, the water’s treated.”

Ty dipped his toes in, wrinkling his nose like he was worried someone else’s sperm were going to start nibbing on him. Tony just laughed at him, so with a huff, and putting his faith in the reliability of the resort’s hygiene policy, he slipped into the water and was immediately pulled onto Tony’s lap.

“Hey,” Tony smiled gently. The twinkling pool lights making his eyes sparkle.

“Hi Baby,” Ty’s voice was shaky as their cocks slid together, caressed by the warm water.

Enclosed by dark warm air, silky water, and each other. Ty and Tony sank softly into a languid embrace. There was just the sounds of lapping water, trembling breaths, and wet kisses as they tasted each other’s skin. Always, always coming back to suck on lips, or tongue, before roaming again.

Gradually their tasting and rocking increased in intensity, until they were gasping into each other’s mouths. Cocks rubbing together, leaking slightly into the water.

“Tony,” Ty moaned, even with Tony’s bottom lip between his teeth. “I don’t want to cum in the pool.”

Tony grinned and dug his fingers into Ty’s hair, taking control of the kiss and taking it deep, even as his free hand slipped under the water and gave Ty’s balls a quick, sharp squeeze.

Ty yelped and jumped in Tony’s lap.

“Let’s go,” Tony rumbled and with hands at Ty’s waist lifted him to stand. Ty grabbed his hand in turn and they giggled their way out of the pool, grabbing towels and dashing towards the bedroom.

Ty noted that Tony’s housekeeping earlier hadn’t included unpacking. Their cases had just been shoved in the corner. But he was too turned on to care as he whisked the towel over his body before sitting, still slightly damp, on the edge of the bed and reaching for Tony.

Tony let himself be pulled forward, before placing a hand on Ty’s chest and pushing him backwards. Then he sank to his knees and pushed Ty’s knees wider.

“Oh you’re more than ready for me, sweetheart,” he teased before licking across Ty’s balls and the bottom length of his cock.

“Tony, please,” Ty half sobbed as his hips lifted involuntarily.

Tony licked again, and then nuzzled the delicate softness at the base of Ty’s cock.

Ty’s feet didn’t quite reach the floor, hanging as they were over the side of the bed, so he could only fret, moan and slip his fingers into Tony’s hair.

“Please,” he whispered again. His knees jerking slightly as Tony’s hot tongue lapped at his cock, and his rough scruff brushed his balls.

“You taste of chlorine,” Tony muttered.

“Don’t care.”

Tony proved he didn’t either, as he took Ty deep and started to suck rhythmically, his head bobbing up and down.

He knew Ty was close and desperate by now, he had been effectively edging him for the best part of an hour.

Ty stroked his hair and murmured encouragement, all the while twisting and jerking like it was almost too much.

A few moments later Ty gasped, “Cumming,” and flooded into Tony’s mouth before going limp.

Tony wiped his mouth on one of the towels and crawled over Ty, who was now sprawled on the bed.

“Look at you, huffing and puffing,” he teased. “You’re supposed to be fit.”

“What. Ever. Tony.” Ty panted out, a ragged breath between each word.

Tony grinned and moved back a little. Lifting Ty’s legs and bending the knees, he then used the leverage to push him to the centre of the bed.

He gave Ty’s ankle a sharp tap as his legs started to sink back to the bed again. “Hey, keep those knees up.”


Tony having reached over for the lube he had left on the nightstand, simply hooked one of Ty’s legs over his shoulder. “Never mind, this will work,” he mumbled as he drizzled lube and started to open Ty up.

Within five minutes Ty’s feet were firmly planted on the mattress, his knees wide, and his hips thrusting as he rocked against Tony’s hand.

“I’m ready,” he gasped. Desperate.

“How’d you want it?” Tony rasped, more than a little breathless himself now.

“Just, come,” Ty gave up on trying to form words, and just lifted his arms.

Smiling, Tony lowered himself down. Slicking against Ty and kissing him, before reaching down to guide himself inside.

Balancing on one elbow, he pushed into the wet heat as Ty’s hands stroked over his hair and shoulders and chest. Caressing anywhere he could reach. Tugging him down.

“I’m here,” Tony smiled, as he bottomed out gently.

“Closer,” Ty’s eyes closed in some sort of painful bliss, but he kept stroking and semi-tugging at Tony.

“I’m here,” Tony reassured again, as their hard stomachs met. Sensitive nipples teasing each other, and Ty’s arms slipping around Tony as their lips met.

Tony laid his palms either side of Ty’s head and let his weight rest, as Ty embraced him. Still kissing as he started to rotate his hips and Ty moaned into his mouth.

Two hard bodies locked together. Damp with sweat and arousal, as Tony’s thrusts increased in speed and intensity until he felt Ty cum again, helplessly gushing over their stomachs.

Tony realised Ty’s lips, letting his head fall back and raised himself up for slightly more leverage. Thrusting hard, until a few aggressive pumps later he followed Ty over and collapsed again.

They lay entangled and dragged air into their lungs. “Holy shit,” Ty muttered after a while and found the strength to wrap his arms around Tony again and stroke his sweat slicked back.

Tony just turned his head to nuzzle Ty’s neck. “Okay?” he asked, simply.

“So, okay,” Ty reassured him.

They lay in the damp heat as their breathing slowly calmed and their bodies cooled.


For tonight.


Even on vacation Tony and Ty quickly developed a routine.

Ty ran most mornings, whereas Tony preferred to swim after a lie in.

They both hit the gym at least one every two days, and Tony signed them up for Yoga. Ty was already expert, but he hit it off with the instructor, Luna, and was learning loads.

They leaned to paddleboard. Went hiking. Hit the spa. Took a few tours. Tried local restaurants, and spent hours just snuggled watching the ocean. Waiting for sunsets. Enjoying the luxury of being together with no demands on their time or energies other than each other.

The freedom of relaxing in a place where they could touch and kiss with no concerns of anyone watching with condemnation or disapproval. No fear of worse.

And of course, endless hours. Magical hours, worshipping each other and learning there were always more secrets to learn about about each other’s bodies, desires and needs.

Twelve blissful nights gone, and somehow there were back in their favorite bar, ending their vacation with the same beer, nachos (and barman), they had started it with, and wondering how time had managed to speed up so. The afternoon falling fast towards evening.


Feeling as lazy as a cat, Ty pushed to his feet and stretched. Knowing his shirt was riding up and flashing his abs in Tony’s face, before meandering towards the gents.

On returning from the bathroom, Ty found Tony talking to a slightly older couple who had joined the table.

He would guess, in their early forties. Both with toned bodies, although the older man who may be more mid-forties, probably had to work harder for it.

A good looking pair who had the kind of tanned skin, that suggested they spent way too much time in the sun.

As Ty approached the table he heard Tony ask, “Oh, is it for money?”

Both guys looked slightly taken aback. “No, no, just for fun. Why are you professionals?” the smoother man asked.

Tony dug himself a little deeper, replying with, “Yes, we’re dancers.”

Ty snorted out a laugh as he sat and grinned at the couple, now looking confused, and patted Tony’s hand, “What are we talking about?”

“This is Carlos and Bill. They invited us to play cards tonight.”

Ty grinned as Carlos and Bill burst out laughing. “That’s real sweet, Honey,” he said to Tony, before looking at the couple. “Just to confirm we’re professional dancers on Broadway, not what Tony accidently implied.”

“Jesus, I’m so sorry,” Bill said, they were both still laughing.

“What I have missed?” Tony asked, his expression innocent and bewildered as he looked at the three of them.”

Ty kissed his cheek. “The invitation wasn’t for cards, Tony.” He looked back at the couple, “But we don’t share, sorry.”

Tony frowned, still confused. Ty rolled his eyes. “Sex, Tony. Do you want to go to an orgy tonight?”

Tony’s eyes popped wide. He gasped and then choked on his own breath. Ty grabbed his water bottle and rubbed his back as he bent double and spluttered.

“Shit! Cack. Cack.”

“I’m sorry, Tony. We didn’t mean to offend you.”

Tony waved his hand still coughing. Ty smiled, “He’s not offended.”

“No, no,” Tony guzzled more water. “You took me by surprise.”

“He’s a little sheltered.” Ty laughed when Tony’s elbow hit his stomach.

Bill ordered more drinks for them all while Tony pulled himself together, and then asked, “So Broadway? Would we have seen you in anything?” He looked at Ty.

“Well, I’m officially a chorographer now, at a club called Engagement, but I cover the dancers plenty so you may well catch me on stage.”

Bill and Carlos looked at each other, “Engagement. Love it there.”

“Sure do,” Bill agreed. “But haven’t been in, must be five years.”

“You should come back,” Ty said. “There’s some great new acts.”

“We will. We will. And you Tony?” Carlos looked at Tony now, “Can we see you in anything interesting?”

“Actually, I’ve just left a show. So currently unemployed,” Tony pulled an exaggerated sad face and Ty laughed.

“Why did you leave?” Bill asked.

“I had been there two and a half years. A small break, but still two years in one role, it’s a long time. I was ready for a new challenge.”

“Tony has three auditions already lined up when we get back. He’s in demand after ‘Empty Nights’, he won’t be bored for long,” Ty advised them proudly.

“We saw that show,” Bill said excitedly. “What part did you play? It was amazing.”

“Uh, I played Tim. The best friend also an arsehole role.”

Both Carlos and Bill frowned and shook their heads, confused.

“When did you see the show?” Ty asked.

“Last year,” Carlos said. “Almost exactly a year ago, in fact.”

“Ah!” Tony nodded.

“A year ago Tony was on a break from the show, so you would’ve seen Adam, most likely. Little taller, blonder, skinner?”

“Wait,” Carlos lifted a hand. “Are you the guy that was ill? We were sat next to this man who said one of the actors was out for six months having chemotherapy.”

Tony just nodded.

“Oh my God.” Carlos reached over and took Tony’s hand, his eyes concerned, “Are you okay now?”

“I’m really well, thanks,” Tony said, patting his hand.

“We donated,” Bill told them. “The guy we were sat next to told us about the blog. He was really upset because there had been something about you losing your hair, and he said how good you were in the role. We didn’t watch it, sorry, but we did go in and donate.”

“I can’t watch that sort of thing. I just can’t,” Carlos admitted, blinking rapidly.

“That’s okay. It’s great you donated. Thank you.”

“How much did you raise?” Bill asked.

“Well, there’s still a little trickling in. The blog’s still available. But over the initial six months and the first three months I was back, it raised over $750,000.”


“Yea,” Tony half laughed. He still couldn’t believe it himself.

Ty reached up and tousled his hair. “And the mop grew back, as you can see.”

Tony pulled a face and mumbled, “Not a mop.” Then turning back to the couple. “So you enjoyed the show?”

“We loved it,” Carlos enthused.

Bill nodded, “So much. And Carlos had a total crush on Randall Wynter, and your friend, Adam.”

“Hot,” Carlos confirmed.

“Waste of time though, as he was obviously with that girl.”

Carlos nodded and looked sad.

“What girl?” Tony wondered.

Ty was already laughing. “Do you mean Polly? She was playing Sandra. Dark red hair?”

They both nodded and Ty laughed straight from his gut.

Tony was also smiling, “Er, they’re not together.”

“Really? They were so convincing,” Bill said.

“Well,” Tony tried not to sound too abrupt. “They are actors, it’s kinda their job.”

“Oh, God. Adam and Polly. Imagine.” Ty was still giggling.

“I really don’t want to,” Tony admitted.

“Actually, I’m glad. I was worried about her. He was quite aggressive.” Carlos stopped, shocked when both Ty and Tony cracked up again.

“To be fair,” Ty managed. “Polly’s quite aggressive.”

“I think she would go more with feisty.”

“In a scary way,” Ty clarified, grinning. “But Adam? No.”

Tony was smirking into his beer. “Adam’s a sweetheart.”

Carlos sat up straighter. “Wait. Is he gay?” His mouth fell open when they nodded. “I think my gaydar’s broken,” he turned to Bill.

“Mine too,” Bill admitted. “I guess that’s the sign of a good performance.”

“Adam loves playing Tim,” Tony said. “Basically because he gets to be a complete dick. Pretty much opposite in every way to himself. He’s someone who takes care of everyone. Dishes out hugs. Fun and flamboyant. Lights up a room, you know. That sort of person.”

“He’s quite dramatic for sure,” Ty deadpanned and Tony burst out laughing.

Carlos and Bill both grinned, and Bill watching Tony chuckle asked, “Come on, there’s a story here?”

Ty just shook his head, grinning as Tony laughed harder. Grabbing his drink and sipping to try and calm himself.

“A few weeks ago,” he managed. “We were in my room, and suddenly there’s all this screaming from down the corridor. So we run into the dressing room and Adam’s running around the room, waving his arms around, screaming, ‘It’s gonna get me. It’s gonna get me. Somebody help me.'”

“The room’s empty,” Ty points out.

“Apart from this little bee,” Tony explains. “And to be fair, it was following him.”

“Probably his cologne.”

“So Ty steps in and captures this little buzzer and cups her in his hands.”

“Him. It was a him.”

“How can you possibly tell?” Tony asked, exasperated.

“I told you. It was a drone bee. They’re all males.”

“Oh yea. So anyway, Adam grabs this umbrella and starts yelling, ‘Ty, put it in the floor and I’ll get it’. With this umbrella over his head like he’s going to slay a dragon or something.”

Bill and Carlos were both laughing, thoroughly enjoying the story.

“And Ty is all stern like, ‘Adam, I am not taking part in the slaughter of an innocent bee that DOESN’T EVEN HAVE A STINGER!’ And Adam’s all, ‘Maybe it’s a mutant bee and it’s grown a stinger.'”

Ty just shook his head, grinning and lifting his drink.

“And grumpy here,” Tony nudged Ty’s arm. “Just rolls his eyes and goes, ‘For fucks sake. Tony, open the fucking door, it’s tickling me.’ So we go outside to the street and Ty opens his hands and this fat little guy just sits there, literally for three minutes getting himself in order before he flies off.”

“Probably feeling a bit ruffled.”

“It was just a baby though. I hope he found his family,” Tony mused, suddenly looking sad.

“I already told you. It was a drone, not a baby and it would have definitely found it’s family.” Ty rubbed Tony’s shoulder in reassurance, this had clearly been bothering him, giving Carlos and Bill a ‘look’.

“Oh, for sure. Bee’s can always find their way home. Everyone knows that,” Bill said robustly.

Carlos nodded. “Especially city bees,” he added helpfully.

“Really?” Tony asked hopefully, and they both nodded as Ty rolled his eyes behind his back.

“Okay,” Tony looked happier now. “Then when we go back inside, Adam comes running towards us and flings himself into Ty’s arms, like ‘You SAVED me. You’re so brave.’ And Ty’s face,” Tony broke off again to laugh. “I swear, it was like the perfect illustration of ‘What the fuck!’. So funny.”

“Hmmm,” Ty agreed. “Just a tad dramatic.”

“But the idea of Adam and Polly. He’s manic and she’s got this sort of intense high energy.”

“They would kill each other,” Ty stated.

The conversation moved on to other shows, and travel, then how we met stories.

Around an hour later, Carlos looked over the beach and then turned to Tony and Ty.

“It’s going to be getting dark soon. There’s a space come free, do you fancy a game of volleyball?”

He looked directly at Tony now. “It’s a game on the beach with balls, but that’s not code for anything!”

Ty cracked up as Tony rolled his eyes. “Very drool. Yea why not,” he agreed, and they worked up an appetite as the sun turned the horizon red.


Later that night, Ty and Tony returned to their room.

They had discovered that Carlos and Bill were in the lodge next to theirs, having arrived that morning. They were regulars and knew the resort well. Disappearing after volleyball to, as they put it, find some pretty, willing little thing to join them for the evening.

Ty wasn’t surprised. They had clearly liked the look of Tony, and had been open about how much they enjoyed playing with others.

After a romantic dinner, and a walk on the beach, where the moon had gifted them with more romance. They entered their lodge and Ty moved towards the kitchen, stopping at a strange noise.

Tony had paused as well. “What was that?”

The noise came again. Murmurs and a low moan.

Tony moved curiously towards the open patio doors. Another moan drifted in on the breeze, and Ty saw Tony peer out and then half duck behind the doorway, glancing at Ty with a look of astonishment on his face.

“Oh. They found someone,” Ty smirked as Tony shushed him.

He moved over and leaned against Tony, looking over him towards next door’s garden. They could vaguely see some movement and hear extremely arousing groans.

Tony slipped his arms half around Ty, but couldn’t tear his eyes away from the activity next door.

Ty pressed Tony’s hand flat against his abdomen, to stop his tickly fingers from absently playing his with navel.

Looking at his beautiful hazel eyes open wide in curiosity and wonder. “I’ve never seen anything like this before,” Tony breathed.

“Dude! I’ve seen your browser history,” Ty snorted and Tony’s grin flashed.

“I meant in real life. Real time. Jesus,” he added, breathing out hard as another loud moan reached them.

“Hang on,” Ty scooted to the bar and pulled out two beers, flicking off the lights as he came back. “Follow me,” he instructed in a whisper, before stepping silently onto the balcony and heading for the swing pod seat at the end of their balcony.

“Ty. Wait, what?” Tony hissed in a whisper, but Ty merged silently with the shadows like a fucking ghost and slipped into the seat, which swung gently with his weight.

Tony hesitated for a moment. Reaching down to adjust himself when more moans floated up. Then taking a deep breath he followed Ty as stealthily as he could.

Ty couldn’t see Tony’s flush in the gloomy light, but he could feel the heat as he threw himself head first into the seat before scrambling around. “Did they see? Did they see?”

“Relax,” Ty told him and pressed a hand to Tony’s thundering heart, before passing him a beer. “I can guarantee you they wanted us to watch them.”

“You think so?”

Ty laughed quietly, “I know so.” He got comfy and pulled Tony to the entrance. They were hidden in shadows now, no one could see into the pod. Their view of the patio next door was much improved.

“Whoa,” Tony breathed.

They could see now into the corner area by the small pool, where a wooden sun lounger had been pulled. Ty felt this proved his point, as there was more room elsewhere and those things were heavy. It was about the only spot that could be overlooked by Tony and Ty’s balcony.

Tony turned his head and looked at him for a moment before looking back at the show. Their eyes were adjusting to the darkness and Ty had been able to make out his expression. He understood too that this was deliberate, and was excited.

A young man was spread out over the lounger. He was slim, his body muscled but slender, a build similar to Tony’s. His skin was smooth, tanned, and hairless. Abs rippling with staggered breaths, his torso bent backwards. Head hidden by Carlos’ legs.

It was pretty clear that Carlos has his cock down the young man’s throat. Both Ty and Tony hardened further at the familiar sounds of gagging gurgles and the sight of Carlos’ slow deep thrusts.

The young man had both hands looped around Carlos’ thick thighs. Carlos was stroking his chest and throat and encouraging him with murmurs.

At the other end of the lounger, the man’s legs were spread wide and moving restlessly. Bill was pumping enthusiastically in and out of his ass, while rolling and tugging his balls and caressing his leaking dick.

As they watched, the man lifted the hand nearest them from Carlos’ thigh and sort of waved it in the air. Carlos reached for his hand and linked their fingers. There was something reassuring and friendly in the movement.

They heard the familiar choking disappointed groan that comes when a cock is withdrawn from deep inside a wiling throat, Ty swallowing in reflex, and the man’s head came into view as Carlos lifted him slightly, cradling his upper body.

“Are you okay, Christian?”

Ty gasped slightly as the man, Christian, spoke. Clearly trusting Carlos to hold him. “I’m close. Please Bill. Please. Fuck me harder. I’m so close.” He then reached up with his other hand and pulled Carlos down for a kiss. Their fingers still entwinned.

“What?” Tony whispered as Bill lifted Christian’s hips and started to pound him hard enough to shake the lounger.

“I met him. Christian. He runs some of the tour packages.”

“How old is he? He looks like a twink,” Tony asked.

“Twenty four. He told me he’s going back to the States next year to medical school.”

“Do you think this is how he’s paying for medical school?” Tony was still whispering, but really there was no need. The rocking of the lounger, loud grunts from Bill, slap of flesh against flesh and Christian’s aroused cries must have been audible down on the beach.

“No. They do it for fun.” Ty looked at him with a grin, “They wouldn’t pay you, why would they pay him?”

“Fuck off,” Tony laughed quietly and slapped at his arm.

“Urrggh, uuck, please, hard, urrgghh, Bill,” was being forced from Christian with every thrust.

As Ty and Tony watched, fascinated, his legs spasmed and he came hard over his chest and stomach with a loud cry that Carlos laughingly smothered with his hand. Bill pushed his legs even wider and pounded even deeper as he followed with a loud grunt, Christian going limp beneath him.

For a few moments there was just the sound of Bill’s harsh breathing and Christian’s sobbing pants, as he was stroked and soothed by the two older men.

Bill ran his hands over his hips, and lower stomach. Rolling his balls gently and fondly tugging on his cock. Making Christian wriggle and gasp then laugh a little.

Carlos caressed his heaving chest and his face. Pushing his hair back and speaking to him kindly. Once Christian had enough breath to murmur back, Carlos swept his fingers through the cum on Christian’s skin and held it to his lips.

With a happy moan, Christian licked and sucked at Carlos’ fingers. Bill slipped out and disposed of his condom before gently rubbing his fingers between Christian’s entrance and balls.

When Christian started to thrust into Bill’s hand, they heard Carlos ask him, “Are you ready for me?”

“Yes. Yes, please,” Christian answered, and was helped into a kneeling position.

Bill was sat waiting and took Christian into his arms. “Can I kiss you, Christian?” he asked.

“Of course,” Christian answered as he gripped Bill’s shoulders and widened his stance. “Why do you ask?”

“Maybe you got yourself a boyfriend since we last saw you.”

“No. No boyfriend,” Christian confirmed as Bill’s large hands gripped his waist and pulled him in.

Carlos stood behind Christian’s kneeling frame watching the embrace and slowly stroking himself with one hand, while with other he let his fingers play over Christian’s backside.

“You’re going to have to fuck me really hard when this is over,” Tony told Ty breathlessly.

“I didn’t know you had a Daddy fetish!”

“Fuck. You.”

“Make your mind up.”

“Do you need more lube?” Carlos asked Christian, exploring his hole with two fingers.

“No. No, I’m good.”

“Are you good tonight, Christian? Or are you bad?”

Christian smiled and laid his head on Bill’s shoulder. Holding on and letting Bill support him.

“Maybe I’ve been bad,” he admitted, and yelled when Carlos’ hand slapped his ass hard.

Tony and Ty both jumped in shock and then giggled nervously.

Christian’s yell turned to a moan and he pushed his ass back up in the air. “Really bad,” he said.


The sound whipped through the air.

Embarrassed, Tony hid his face in his hands. Ty chuckled and pulled him close. “I’ll tell you when the spanking’s over,” he promised. Tony nodded and pressed his face against Ty’s chest.

He could hear Christian’s begged, “Another. Harder. Oh please,” all of which were followed by harsh slaps.

Then Carlos’ amused voice. “Enough. You can’t have been that bad you little attention slut.”

Tony lifted his head to see Christian grinning and pulling back to kiss Bill again as Carlos covered himself in a condom.

“Christian likes it rough,” Ty commented.

Tony smirked and ran a hand down his chest, letting his thumb flick over Ty’s nipple. “I know someone else who likes it rough.”

Ty laughed quietly and moved Tony’s hand down to his crotch, then gestured at the small group with this beer. “Don’t you go getting any ideas, husband of mine.”

Tony smiled and gave Ty a few firm strokes through the light material, before relaxing back to watch the action. He left his hand covering Ty though. Grazing him softly and repeatedly with his fingers, knowing it would drive him crazy.

Ty hissed and moved Tony’s hand to his thigh. “Yep. You’re getting fucked hard, very shortly.”

Down below Carlos was moving the still kneeling Christian into position and lining himself up.

The desperate sound that Christian made when Carlos sank deep into his ass nearly made both Tony and Ty cum in their shorts.

Christian turned his head back onto Bill’s shoulder and held on tight as he was pounded hard from behind, Carlos’ hands gripping his hips and pulling him back as he thrust forwards.

The sound was a rhythmic, “uunnhhh, uunnhhh, uunnhhh,” noise that was strikingly like someone trying to start a car an uncooperative car.

Every so often, Carlos would pause and kiss Bill passionately while rotating his hips slowly, Christian under their hands sobbing out, “Please. Please. Fuck me.” Tormented by the slow pace.

Then Carlos would break the kiss and teeth clenched start slamming into his quivering ass again as Christian’s hands clenched and unclenched on Bill’s arms. His face a mask of pleasure and anguish.

As Christian finally went limp, his hands slipping down to his sides, Carlos came hard with a shout.

“Fuck me,” Tony whispered. They were both trembling as hard as the three men below.

“Patience,” Ty croaked, making Tony laugh a little.

Carlos pulled back and efficiently disposed of his condom. Helping Bill to pull Christian’s pliant body more firmly into his arms. He pushed Christian’s hair back from his face and asked, “Can you hold on?”

“I can’t,” it came out as a breathless pant.

“Do you need some help?”

“Please. Yes please.” All three men had been speaking suspiciously loudly and clearly all evening, and even though Christian was weak, Ty and Tony could make out every word.

They continued to observe, heart in their mouths, as Carlos gently bound Christian’s wrists behind Bill’s neck, with what looked like leather cuffs, and then brought his elbows together with more leather. This meant Christian would not be able to slip down Bill’s body.

Bill encouraged him and nuzzled his neck while this was done. Then Carlos gave Christian’s butt a friendly slap and he found the strength to come up on his knees a little, with Bill helping, and push his butt out.

Moaning and groaning as Carlos pushed copious amounts of lube into his ready hole. Then two fingers. Then three. Then-.

“Oh, fuck,” Ty breathed in wonder as Carlos started to dip his hand in and out of Christian’s expanding hole.

“He’s not?”

“He is!”

They watched entranced as Carlos’ hand disappeared entirely into Christian’s gaping hole.

“Holy Shit!” Ty gasped, then glanced at Tony as the pod started to vibrate. “What are you doing?”

Tony was rolling on his back, trying to wriggle out of his shorts and watch the action below at the same time. “Gotta cum. Gotta cum now. Help me, Ty.”

Trying not to laugh out loud, Ty grabbed Tony as he slipped naked into his arms and pulled him back against his chest, their legs tangling. “Okay, calm down.”

“Now, now, now,” Tony demanded in a whispered pant, then went rigid the moment that Ty gripped his cock.

He had been leaking so much there was no need for lube, and Ty twisted and jerked his fist quickly while Tony thrust into his hand and the young man below, with trembling thighs, rode the fist in his ass.

It only took around eight strokes and Tony arched as if he were being electrocuted and came all over Ty’s hand and their legs.

Ty whipped his free hand over his mouth and hushed him, as Tony let out a loud moan. The three men didn’t appear to react, but Ty saw Christian smile slightly as he lifted and then pushed down on Carlos’ fist.

Ty wiped his hand on Tony’s shorts and then just held him as Christian was fisted until he was hard again. With a final sloppy plop, Carlos pulled his fist free and wiped off the excess lube. Although he didn’t clean Christian up.

“Okay, Christian?” Bill asked, as Carlos pulled his hips back a little.

“Yes. I’m good. So good.” Christian smiled and kissed Bill as Carlos bent down and fiddled with something that Tony and Ty could not see.

When he straightened and helped Christian adjust his position, wrapping his legs around Bill’s waist and seating himself on his cock, they realized Carlos must have been putting a condom on Bill.

When Christian was settled, and completely at Bill’s mercy, appearing to have no strength left in his limbs. Carlos stood and covered himself, swiping lube over his cock before straddling the lounger and moving in behind Christian.

“No,” Tony mumbled.

“Oh my fucking God this is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” Ty moaned as Carlos positioned himself at Christian’s already stuffed hole and started to ease in.

“They can’t. He’s too small,” Tony protested, but he could feel himself stirring.

Ty tightened his arms around Tony’s waist, pulling him closer and making sure Tony could feel how hard he was. “I doubt it’s the first time,” he whispered in Tony’s ear.


“Hush,” Ty kissed Tony’s lobe and then nibbled a little. “Don’t fret. See how careful they are.”

It was true. The young man was as limp as a rag doll, as Bill and Carlos retreated and re-entered his body in gentle unison. His head lolled, eyes closed, mouth open. He appeared to be gasping, “Please, please, please.”

But every time Bill or Carlos took his face and kissed him, he accepted the kiss.

The older men fucked him together, gradually gathering speed, Christian’s body crushed between theirs. Until they were moving rapidly, Christian’s legs flopping behind Bill’s back like a puppet.

Carlos gripped his hair and pulled him away from Bill. Allowing Bill to grasp Christian’s dick. “Cum for us Christian. You cum and we’ll follow.”

Christian’s eyes fluttered but he couldn’t keep them open. His mouth moved silently. “Cum,” Carlos demanded and kissed him, as Bill worked his cock which started to spew his arousal over all three of them.

Bill and Carlos both jerked and stiffened, before relaxing and they leaned for a moment in a strange upright tangle of limbs.

Finally, with a groan, Carlos slipped carefully out of Christian’s body and quickly dealt with his condom, before releasing the leather binds and laying Christian gently down on the sun lounger.

Bill stood and stretched before dealing with his own protection and then grabbing a bottle of water. Carlos supported Christian as Bill held the water to his lips.

Ty and Tony were relieved to see him drink a little.

Carlos patted Christian’s face lightly. “Open your eyes, Christian.”

“Mmm, okay.”

“No, I need you to open your eyes.”

Christian’s eyes open lazily and he smiled at them, looking like a naughty angel. Before relaxing back into Carlos’ arms.

This seemed to satisfy Bill. “I’ll go run the bath,” he told Carlos before walking inside.

Carlos held Christian quietly for a while. Giving him small sips of water, and occasionally kissing his hair, or stroking his skin.

After about five minutes he asked, “Can you sit now?”

Christian nodded and blinked sleepily. Wincing as he sat himself up.

“Let’s get you cleaned up,” Carlos said and Christian raised his arms trustingly, allowing Carlos to lift him like a child.

Tony and Ty waited for a few moments, listening intently. Then Ty spoke, his voice like gravel. “Get your butt in that bedroom now.”

Tony didn’t need telling twice. He raced to the bed and crawled on, raising his ass ready.

Ty was right behind him, shaking, almost too much to hold the lube.

“Quickly, quickly,” Tony demanded.

“Alright,” Ty muttered as he started to open Tony up as fast as he dared.

Tony rocked back and forth on his hands and knees. Moaning and begging. “Jesus, now, Ty. Please fuck me hard.”

Ty wiped his hands on a towel and positioned himself. Maybe he hadn’t prepped as long as he usually did, but they had been fucking and switching for two weeks straight. If Tony wasn’t ready by now he was never gonna be.

Tony let out a guttural cry as Ty gripped his hips and thrust in hard. Before slipping back and slamming back in.


Ty, shaking from head to foot, paused briefly. “Is it too much?”

“No. Fucking nail me, Ty,” Tony begged and then cried out when Ty did just that. Over and over. Slipping an arm around his waist to hold him up when Tony started to collapse.

It was hard, almost brutal, and over fast. Only minutes after leaving the garden they both cried out and folded into a tangled heap.

When Ty was able to move, and the stars stopped flashing in front of his eyes, he slipped out and pulled Tony over into his arms properly.

“Shit, are you okay. Christ, I’ve never!”

“Good. I’m good,” Tony slipped his arms around Ty’s waist and snuggled close. “You didn’t hurt me.”

“You sure?”

“Bit sore. Good sore,” Tony managed, he was slurring. “Think I’m passing out. Good passing out,” he clarified after a short pause.

Ty just smiled, slightly amazed at them both, and held him tighter.


The following morning, Ty woke early and slipped out for his run before it got too hot.

It was only 5am when he quietly closed the door and turned on the path, stopping abruptly as he spotted Christian just leaving next door.

Christian smiled and walked the short distance so he could speak quietly. “Good morning, Sir.”

“Ah. Ty, please.”

The smile widened, “Good morning, Ty.” He looked at Ty’s shoes. “Going for a run?”

“Yes, before it gets too hot.”

Christian nodded. “I like to run as well. I love having the beach to myself.” He took a step and winced ruefully. “Maybe not this morning though!”


Stepping closer Christian lowered his voice. “Did you watch?”

“Yes,” Ty admitted, feeling his cheeks flush.

Christian patted his arm kindly and winked. “Have a good run,” he said before walking towards the reception.

Ty let out a shaky breath and turned towards the beach.

He actually had to walk for a good twenty minutes before he softened enough to run. By six, he was slipping back into the lodge.

Tony was still asleep. Sprawled face down on the bed, the sheet around his thighs, arse on full display, face squished into the pillow.

Ty gave himself a cursory swipe with a towel, to get the worst of the sweat off, and crawled carefully onto the bed.

Untangling the sheet from around Tony’s legs and stealthily straddling him. He eased his weight onto Tony’s back, pressing him into the mattress. Tony moaned, but didn’t wake.

Ty smirked and gently stroked Tony’s butt, easing his cheeks apart and exposing his hole over and over.

Still Tony didn’t wake.

Ty bent over and started to gently flick his tongue against Tony, before swirling and licking, then flicking again.

Tony started to moan and fret.

Ty gradually increased the pressure and speed, until, with a sudden jerk, Tony woke.

“Ugh. Fuck. What?” Tony’s hands fidgeted against the mattress briefly, but he was trapped by Ty’s weight. “Ty. Fuck!” His right hand reached back and gripped Ty’s thigh.

Ty ignored him and pushed his tongue deep inside Tony’s hole.

Tony, unable to buck him off, just jerked and screamed as he came. His cock trapped under his stomach.

Ty chuckled and still bent over just licked and licked, like a cat with a dish of cream, until Tony literally sobbed out, “Please stop. Ty, no more.”

He sat up and gently stroked Tony’s quivering butt cheeks. “Time to get up, baby. We’ve gotta pack.”

Then he lifted and moved around to pull Tony into a hug. Kissing his laughing lips, gently. “Honeymoon’s over.”

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