California Dreaming

A gay story: California Dreaming I was just out of high school and looking for a little adventure before I started college in the fall.

I was good looking, had a firm, slim, tanned, 5 foot, 8 inch, 135 pound, long legged 19-year-old body, with long brown hair that hung down to my shoulders. From behind, with my long hair, slim hips and slender legs, I could easily be mistaken for a cute, hot girl. I knew there was something there because I had been hit on by both girls and guys, even though I was totally straight.

I filled my backpack with a few belongings, and headed out to the freeway with the idea of hitchhiking to California so see what I could experience. I was young and confident without being cocky. I was laid back and easy going without being a push over. I was open, friendly and comfortable meeting new people. I was looking forward to just enjoying myself and being open to whatever experiences I would encounter.

It was a warm summer day, I was dressed in cut-off denim shorts and a tank top. I stuck our my thumb and I was on my way. As you can imagine, I had no problem getting rides the entire trip. I will talk about some of those exploits in another series of stories.

For now, let me jump ahead in time. I had hitched rides all the way to LA, arriving there early one morning. I happened to be let off in Anaheim, close to Disneyland so I decided to spend the day with Mickey and friends. I don’t recall everything that went on while I was in the park but I do remember there was some good music, some fun rides and I met some interesting people. By nightfall I was ready to head out but before the fireworks. I went on one last ride: Its A Small World.

It was fun but after that last ride, I couldn’t get that damn song out of my head. “It’s a small world after all,” was rambling around in my head, over and over again as I headed out of the park, with no particular place to go (and a nod to Chuck Berry).

I found myself on a relatively busy street heading north thinking I would head into LA proper. I stuck out my thumb and was picked up after a few cars passed me by. It was a guy, maybe in his 30s or early 40s. He seemed nice and friendly.

Remember, I’m just a 19-year-old straight dude fresh out of high school. With long hair and a slim body. I was also on an adventure — on the road, open, curious and with the attitude of being receptive to experiencing new things and letting things happen.

I only had a few non serious sexual experiences with girls up to this point. I was curious and looking for more. And California was “the” place to be. I didn’t want to miss out on any of that if could help it.

So, I was picked up by this seemingly nice guy. I thought I would ask him where I could find some hot action in town. He was friendly, like I said, and easy to talk to. I figured he might be able to head me in the right direction. When I asked about finding some action, or a good place I could hook up with some hot girls he just looked at me and smiled. I could see him thinking.

However, he had something else in mind.

He told me there wasn’t too much going on right around here. This was Disneyland territory after all (whatever that meant). He looked at me again like he was deciding something. Then he just came right out with it.

This friendly guy casually asked me if I would be willing to let him suck my cock. He was real smooth about it. It came out natural, like he was just giving me directions to where I wanted to go. And he was so nice about it — asking “my” permission if it was okay for him to suck “my” cock.

This was not the first time I had ever been propositioned, but the way he said it took me completely by surprise. It was so matter-of-fact and low key. I couldn’t think of anything to say.

I looked at him and just thought, “Oh.” Or maybe I actually said it out loud.

I mean, I had thought of having my cock sucked but I always thought it would be with a girl and I would be the one asking or encouraging “her” to suck my cock, not the other way around.

I was speechless. He glanced at me, while he was still driving. I was stalling for time as dozens of thoughts were rushing through my mind.

It had been a long day. it was starting to get late. I was still interested in seeing if I could find some action (not really thinking I would). I was thinking I wanted to hook up with some girls and see how my luck would turn out. I had no particular place to go. I didn’t even know where I would be spending the night.

And here this guy was propositioning “me.”

He was freely offering to give me a sexual experience without me even having to do anything, or so I thought. And I had never had my cock sucked by anyone before. But he was a guy.

BUT I had never had my cock sucked before.

I was like a deer caught in headlights.

He must have been a good salesman because after he asked the question he didn’t say anything. He stayed silent. He just glanced at me and waited for me to respond. There was that long pause. It seemed to last forever. I didn’t know it at the time, but in any sales or negotiation situation, whenever a closing question was asked, whoever spoke next…lost. Well not really lost, but in sales after a closing question is asked, the next person who speaks is the one who is getting sold something. In this case, that was me.

So the question was hanging out there. Would it be ok if “he” sucked “my” cock.

All of this was running through my mind. It seemed like forever, but it was only a few moments. I checked him out again, in light of this new development — giving me more time to process the request.

I then blurted out, “sure.” Not really knowing what I was getting myself into.

I was just going with the flow. I was looking forward to just enjoying myself on this trip and being open to whatever experiences I would encounter. I just never imagined it would be this experience.

He said he knew a place close by we could go to and then didn’t say too much else as he drove a short distance to a nearby motel. He was in and out of the office pretty quick with a key, like he had done this before. And he seemed familiar with the desk clerk. There was a small diner and convenience store attached to the motel’s office where he also picked up a couple six-packs of beer.

I followed him up a set of stairs to our room, thinking what have I gotten myself into, but also feeling a little tingle of excitement.

He obviously had done this before. I was new to this and he probably sensed that.

Once inside our room, he told me to get comfortable and started feeding me beer. I don’t really recall if he was also drinking. He must have been, but the beer was obviously for me. To help me get relaxed and take the edge off.

After some small talk and some time passing, I was getting a little buzz going on when he asked me to take off my shirt. Even though I was a little shy about doing this, I was also “all-in” at this point. I stood up and pulled my shirt up over my head.

He saw my tanned and taught torso. His eyes widened a little. He licked his lips. He said that was very nice, while looking at my well defined, bare chest. He looked into my eyes, back down my chest to my hips, then back up again and with a bob of his head he indicate for me to remove my jeans. I slipped off my shoes, pulled down my pants, taking my shorts with them. I was standing naked in front of him. He was sitting in a chair staring at my hot body. I could feel the hair on my skin begin to rise. I could feel a stirring in my groin. I felt a tingling sensation, both from the cool air on my naked skin and also from his admiring gaze.

I noticed him lick his lips. I was becoming aroused. So was he. My cock was stiffening.

He took his time looking me over. Starting at my eyes and slowly working his way down my body, all the way to my feet and back up again, pausing at my hips, then back up to lock eyes with me.

He stood up. Walked over to me. Put his hands on my chest. Ran his fingers down my chest to my stomach. Moved them to my sides and slid them down to my hips.

He was still fully dressed.

I was completely naked… and aroused.

He leaned in and let his lips touch my chest. Then he slowly kissed his way down my chest, down my stomach, stopping at my engorged cock. He glanced up at my eyes, then leaned in and engulfed me in one smooth motion. He took my entire member inside his mouth and just held it there for what seemed like forever.

I leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and took in a deep breath. He pulled away, letting his lips glide over my cock, and slowly leaned back in, sucking my cock deep inside his mouth.

I placed my hands on his shoulders to brace myself. He pulled completely off my cock. There was a small pop as my cock slipped out of his mouth. He stood up and guided be back onto the bed. Laying me down.

I was in a trance, letting him position me, letting him move me, letting him guide me. It was if I was I was in suspended animation. He was pulling my strings, I was his willing puppet.

He stood up. I was laying naked on the bed. I opened my eyes, still in a trance-like state. I watched him remove his clothes. I noticed his body but didn’t give it much thought other than, oh, that looks nice, as I closed my eyes again.

I felt the bed give as he positioned himself between my legs. He used his hands to gently pull my slender, lean, legs apart. He paused for a moment and gave me an instruction. He told me that when I was getting ready to cum, that I was to place my hands on his head (like this) as he showed me what he wanted me to do. That was like a deepening instruction that temporarily caused some mild confusion on my part.

He told me relax and enjoy myself as he leaned in and took my willing cock back deep inside his mouth, again in one smooth motion. Holding it for a moment. Then using his lips, his tongue, his entire mouth, sliding off then back in again. In and out… again and again. Rhythmic, smooth, deep motions.

My mouth was open. I was breathing heavily. I was clenching the sheets of the bed with my fingers. I was curling my toes. i started to move my hips, meeting his inward sucking with my outward thrusting. Sowly at first, and then following his lead, slowly picking up the pace.

Faster and faster.

Breathing and panting. Fingers and toes clenching and releasing. Beads of sweat forming on my body… on our bodies.

Oh, my God!

I could feel the sensation building inside me. I was reaching the tipping point. It seemed liked he was sucking my cock forever. It was coming to a climax all too soon. I didn’t want it to end. I was making small, moaning noises. He was like a machine.

Here it comes.

I grabbed the sides of his head with my hands. He could tell I was ready even without my hands on his head.

I started grunting. I was panting. My hips were thrusting. My cock was swelling. My cum began shooting into his mouth. I felt his mouth working overtime. I felt his throat swallowing.

Over and over again.

I didn’t want it to end.

Oh, fuck!

Oh, my God!

I was finished. He was still. His mouth was still on my cock. I could feel my cock begin to soften, just a little. I was still pretty hard. Oh, to be a 19-year-old stud again.

In time he let me slip from his mouth. I was slowly coming down from this high. He was satiated. He was licking his lips. He rolled to the side so he was now lying next to me with his head and mouth still down by my hips. He rested one hand on my stomach.

He started to make small circular motions with his hand, circling my naval with his hand in broad, gentle strokes. It was almost as if he was feeling the tenseness of my stomach, the fullness of my bladder.

I had completely forgotten I had been drinking a lot of beer. I was feeling my full bladder. I was getting ready to relieve myself.

Now, here was my next surprise of the evening. The first was being propositioned. Having a stranger ask if he could suck my cock. The next surprise was the exhilaration of having my cocked sucked for the first time. Wow!. What the Fuck! Erotic doesn’t even come close to the organism I just experienced.

But there was more to come.

He got up and took me by the hand. He led me into the bathroom. We were both naked. We were both glistening with sweat. We had calmed down somewhat but we were both still hard and aroused. Getting even more aroused in anticipation of what was coming next.

What was he doing now? I was just letting him lead me, move me, guide me. In slow motion it seemed, he led me to the bathtub. He let go of my hand and laid down on his back in the tub. His positioned himself so he was partially sitting up with his back against the tub wall.

He pulled me by the hand. Positioned me so I was in the tub and straddling his legs. I was getting more turned on as he was guiding me into position. I was feeling my bladder oh, so full. I was still in that trance-like, buzz-like state. Letting him lead me, guide me. Telling me what to do with his non verbal language. He reached up and pulled my hips closer to him.

He looked into my eyes. He told me to take a deep breath. And as I slowly let it out he told me to just let it go…

I started a slow trickle that soon was a gushing torrent of piss. I was pissing all over his body. He opened his mouth, indicating were he wanted me to direct my deluge.

The emotions were running wild. There was relief of releasing my overflowing bladder. There was the eroticism of seeking him take my piss into his mouth. There was the curiosity of watching him drink my gushing piss. There was the excitement of the moment.

Even though I was pissing every last ounce of pee out of me, I was also rock hard. I was as hard as I have ever been. I was totally turned on by what I was doing,

I was totally turned on by what I was seeing… hearing… smelling… tasking… feeling…

I was totally, fucking turned on by this experience.

I was still in a daze.

I don’t recall what we did next or how we did it, but he somehow go us both showered and cleaned up and before I knew what we were doing, he was drying me off and leading me back to bed. Both of us clean and naked. Me following his lead.

Both of us still hot and horny as hell.

I think this was all that he had hoped it would be. This was what he had wanted to happen from when he first saw me on the side of the road with my thumb out, when he picked me up.

And for me this was one, hot, fucking experience. I mean, oh, my God!.

As he laid me down, naked on the bed. Without any thought, I simply asked if he would like to fuck me.

There was no thought involved. It was just a natural reaction to the moment. I was totally in the moment and just went with flow. It was like I was watching myself experiencing all of this down there, yet at the same time I was also complexly inside my body.

It was surreal,

Associated… dissociated. Outside of my body… inside of my body.

I was totally turned on!

It was like I was hearing and watching myself ask him if he wanted to fuck me, without it actually being myself.

He looked at me. He saw something there that I couldn’t quite put my finger on when he looked at me.

He didn’t say a thing.

He used his hands and flipped me over onto my stomach. Naked, hard, horny… totally surreal, totally turned on.

And he was too.

He didn’t waste any time. It was almost like he didn’t want to give me anytime to think and change my mind.

I didn’t.

And he didn’t hesitate.

He found some lotion. He lathered my ass and his cock. He mounted me from behind. There wasn’t any foreplay. It was as if the entire night was leading up to this one moment.

He entered me. I was still in an erotic numbness. In a daze but with all of my senses on overdrive. It was overwhelming. I don’t even recall when he came. I didn’t even notice I had cum again without anything or anyone touching my cock. He fucked me so thoroughly that I came all on my own. It was all a blur of sweat, friction, cum, writhing — naked bodies engaged in one intense fucking session… Holy shit!

I didn’t recall falling asleep.

I didn’t recall anything until the morning sun was peaking in between the curtains.

He took me to breakfast in the adjacent diner. Then he drove me back to his place. A nice home somewhere in LA, I’m not really sure where.

He told me last night was something special and he wanted to help me out. When we were talking earlier I had let him know I was hitchhiking north heading to San Francisco. He offered to buy me a one way ticket from LA to San Francisco. He also gave me a small camera and a few other things he had around the house. At the time I didn’t give it much thought but later I realized he was showing his gratitude for the time we had spent together. It wasn’t really that much, but hey, I was just this naive 19-year-old.

All the while he was also just talking to me. He was telling me that I could make a killing out here in LA. He said with my youthful looks, demeanor, and curiosity, any door would be opened to me. With my submissiveness and no-holds-barred, adventurous attitude I could really go far if I decided to stay for awhile. He said my willingness to be guided and molded — with no rules or restrictions holding me back in any situation made me quite unique. Quite a commodity.

What he had said was food for thought.

This was the fork in the road.

This was a turning point.

This was another tipping point.

I wondered what would have or what could have happened if I had turned down that one way ticket to San Francisco and stayed in LA.

That’s the next part of this story.

After Disneyland (LA LA Land) — The Turning Point

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