Cambiar Prison Academy

A gay story: Cambiar Prison Academy I looked around what appeared to be a normal classroom. Maybe 25 of us boys in the room with a silent stoic man standing at the front, reading a book. He was waiting. My mom drove two and a half hours to the airport this morning – crying the entire way. They had me “surrender” into police custody there and board a plane. I have no idea how far I am from home. Even though Dad’s lawyers warned me it would happen, those two minutes I had the cuffs on scared the crap out of me. The door to the classroom swung open and two unformed guards escorted in a tall kid with ashy blonde hair. Like the rest of us, he was wearing yellow cargo pants and a v-neck white t-shirt. The men sat the new kid down and walked out. I could see at least two men outside guarding the door. Escape must be impossible.

The man at the front of the class cleared his throat. He was of medium age and build, indistinct in appearance. He wore the same grey and and black unformed spotted by every other troop except his had a few special insignias. He turned and wrote, “SIR” on the board behind him. He used no markers or ink, the instructor’s hand wrote the words on the board with touch alone.

“What’s the S.I.R. for?” A voice shouted out in the back. A few laughed.

“Sir.” The instructor said correcting him without punishment. “It’s an honorific given to men like me who’ve proven themselves worthy of society. For some reason or other… you lot have failed society. That’s landed you here.” He turned to address the entire class. “You are all at least 18 years of age and have graduated at Track 1 education. Yet you’ve all still committed crimes or acted subversively…”

The Sir picked up a notecard from the desk. “Before we get started I’m required by law to read you this card:

“In our society, punishment is more severe and attempts to avoid jail reach new heights. As many of you know, since you have been incarcerated or were about to be, prisons are open air bastions of anarchy. In exchange for mined materials, these prisons are allowed to do whatever they want. Many of you would not survive long in such settings. Cambiar Academy has permission to remove any felon from the prison system and, after a three-year program, release them back to the public. The facility is only open to members of the LGBT community. If you lie about your orientation to skirt justice, you may suffer mental or physical anguish, paralysis, or death. Now is your last opportunity to return to your prison sentence without suffering additional penalty. If you fail out of your academy after this moment, you will suffer death.” He looked up. No one moved.

“Any questions? Okay. Once a class of students is assembled the exam will begin. Which is now.”

“What’s the exam for?” Asked a kid who wore a baggy grey tank-top instead of the white shirts everyone else had on. He clearly came in off the street like me- no way he would’ve worn that in prison. The kid was was about 5’6″, very thin with tan skin. I was checking out his ass, round and shapely. Honestly in this shorts he looked fucking great… he knew it too.

“The exam will help decide the way you’ll be spending your time here at the academy.” The instructor said

“What does that mean?” He asked again. It’s always the waisian kids asking all the questions in the front of the class. I wonder what he’s in for.

I looked around to see if there was anyone else worth looking for. A slutty looking Twink, maybe 5’7-8 with a bushy top of curly brown hair. The way he crossed his legs told me his Grindr account had more than a few DMs. There were a few other big fellas like me in the class also. One had a bunch of face scars. I’ll stay away from him.

“The exam will divide you into one of three equal groups. That’s all I can say for now. Please follow me as we enter the door to your right.” He walked and unlocked the door, holding it open gesturing for us to go though. Inside was pitch black darkness. The big lad with the face scars pushed everyone aside and strode into the dark. After a few second of waiting, everyone cautiously followed.

Once we were all inside, the door closed. We were clearly in some auditorium or other large indoor room that had been blacked out.

“LIGHTS!” The instructor said and a smattering of other staff all put on sunglasses. The whole room was filled with rows and rows of treadmills. As I thought, all the windows were covered in thick black fabric. The room had no other decor it looked like an empty multipurpose space. There was the door we came in on at the side and a large wood door at the front with a clock above.

“This program only accepts those in good physical shape. Please run.” The treadmills started spinning. “Feel free to take a break but every second you’re not on the treadmill, it’ll speed up. Go until we tell you to stop.” A small horn blasted as everyone jumped onto their treadmill and began running. They weren’t going too quickly, nothing more than jog.

After about 30 minutes of running, some were showing signs of struggling. After 90 minutes, people began falling off. A tall ginger kid on the treadmill next to me leaned: “Why didn’t they tell us you had to be fit on the application? It’s nervewraking to not know if you’re in the program. I thought this was like a sure thing with my plea deal.”

“They have to weed people out who might lie on their application.” Shouted a kid from the row behind us. One of the larger guys on a treadmill in the back collapsed. Staff came with a stretcher and removed him.

“I wonder if there will be other exams.” Asked a very short latino kid to my left. “I hope to make it out in one piece no matter what it takes. I cannot go to prison”

“And what was with that LGBT stuff?” Face-scars asked, he was in front of me and the ginger. “They’re not gonna make us do any of that shit right? My dad told me he did a one year for a hit and run when he was in college and they just had the men do poetry and stuff.”

“Not sure.” I said. “You’re not gay?”

“Nope.” Face-scars responded. “You?”
”Bi.” I said.

“I’m also hoping for no gay shit, no offense.” Said the guy on the treadmills behind us. Then another guy collapsed. Again the staff came and remove him. Another was too exhausted and left his treadmill for too long – when he tried to get on, it threw him off immediately.

After what had been 3 hours, the treadmills finally wound down. The crowd of recruits started cheering. There were 15 boys left.

“Thank you all for your participation. Please follow me to the lounge.” The instructor led us through the wooden door at the front of the space and into a large courtyard. Couldn’t see much in the dark but it looked like a college campus. Trees, grass, buildings surrounding us.

It was cold and in the middle of the night. We turned right at a fountain and into a large brick hall. “You’ll get a tour of the grounds tomorrow after the exam is complete.” The instructor said. He tapped an ID card against a keypad at the edge of the door and it opened. A few more doors followed until we moved into a decadent, ornate lounge.

Red curtains covered stained-glass windows beside an enormous fireplace. A male and female doctor (or people in lab coats rather) stood at the front of the room next to a table piled high with foods from around the globe. As we all filed in, the man began to speak. “Now, we will conduct one on one interviews with each of you. Please feel free to eat or relax while you wait for you name to be called. We’ll be starting with Liam. Thank you!”

“Me?” I asked, like an idiot.

“That’s right! Come on down!” The woman said.

I followed the instructor and the docs to a door at the far end of the lounge. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the others lunge at the food. Damn I’m hungry too. The instructor tapped his card against the lock on the door and led me into a long hallway of what appeared to be a modern scientific lab, totally alien to that place I had just left. He turned hard into a small exam room. Looks like the doctors – wax-paper covered seats and all. The man and woman sat down and made themselves comfortable, the instructor excused himself, closed the door and returned to the rest of the group.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Please remove your clothes and sit on the exam table,” he said. “I am Dr. Hurtz this is my colleague, Dr. Virginia we’re going to be conducting your assessment today.”

“Assessing what I’ll be up to this year? I figured that would be a written exam – like what job I wanted.

“What job you wanted?” Dr. Virginia repeated.

“You know dish washer, librarian etc. I’d prefer banker but I doubt that’d an option here.” Both laughed.

“You’re funny!” She said. “But we actually don’t assign tasks, academy students take care of themselves by working with each other and other years here at the academy. Did you know the feast you saw earlier was prepared by students?”

“That’s incredible.”

“We instead dictate only social standing. We control the personal life. You take everything else,” said Dr. Hurtz.

“How’s that?” I asked.

“Please sit down and we’ll begin the exam.” He said.

I took off my clothes and sat.

“Your underwear as well. Don’t worry, won’t bite.” Dr. Virginia said smiling at me, as if having told that joke a million times. She pulled out a thick packet and Dr. Hurtz pulled out a small leather-bound book.

She started reading off the packet, her voice shifting: “Hi Liam. Would you say you’re more of a top or a bottom?”

“What does that have to do with anything?”
”Answer please,” She said firmly.

“I’m a top.”
”Have you ever bottomed?”

“Yes.” I said. “It’s not for me – the sensation it’s pleasurable … I like the intimacy of it but little else. Prefer to fuck – easy when you’re bi. Pardon my language ma’am.”

“You’ll fit in nicely here.” Dr. Hurtz said, “Dr. Virginia can you get his vitals?” She nodded and moved toward me, wrapping a blood pressure sleeve around me and pumping it.

“Liam did you find any other people in your class attractive?” She asked.

“Maybe a few. I’d rather to keep to myself and get through the program than date around.”

“Who’s going to take care of your needs?” Dr. Virginia asked, almost sultry in her voice. The suddenness surprised me.

“It’s true Liam,” Dr. Hurtz said while she removed the blood pressure sleeve, “men who don’t ejaculate regularly suffer all sorts of maleffects! Failure, weakness, fatigue.”

Dr. Virginia produced a cup with a sparkly blue liquid in it. “Please drink this solution and lie down with your face in the ring at the end of the exam bed. We’re going to perform a quick body scan.” There was a moment of hesitation but I’ve come too far to quit now … and go to prison? Never.

Dr. Virginia and Dr. Hurtz began shuffling around as I did as I was told. The blue liquid had no taste. The end of the exam bed has one of those rings you could put your face in like a massage bed might have. But it looked like there was a screen beneath it directly in front of my face. I laid down.

“Count down from ten for us Liam,” Dr. Hurtz said. Before I got to 8 the two of them were waking me up. It felt like a took a a 15 minute nap or something.

“Did you just drug me?”
”The drugs put you in a trance-like state that help us gather information from you in an efficient way. Your desires, your fantasies, your fears, your whatever else we want. Please send in the next boy. We’ll want Drew. Your little crush from the classroom earlier…”

I couldn’t find the strength to respond as I wandered back down the hall outside. A guard loomed behind me. When I got back into the Lounge, there was a moment when everyone looked up. Most of the other boys were sitting around eating and drinking and talking. I saw Drew sitting with to the latino kid from earlier and two other kids I didn’t know.

“Drew? They want you next.”

“Oh” He looked up at me surprised then got up.

I sat down in the chair Drew was in. He slowly walked over to the door where the instructor was waiting in the doorway. Across from the Latino kid who had a glass of water in his tiny hands. He wasn’t bad looking that’s for sure: short, thin, soft looking skin chest flat like a board. “Hi. I’m Liam” I said.

“Robbie.” He extended his hand, half-heartedly and when I grabbed it he squeezed back … this kid’s gotta end up being one of the bottoms. He wouldn’t be bad as mine …at least I could be nice to guy. I’ve heard the stories about what happens in real prisons. Kidnappers…Slave gangs…

“Are you hungry?” I asked. The lad was shaking. Before he could answer I wandered over to the food table and stocked a plate and brought it back to where we sat.

I wonder if the Docs were telling the truth… we’re really gonna get assigned a lover? There’s no way some of these boys are gonna want to get fucked in the ass. A new kid plopped down on the chair next to Robbie and Me right as I sat down.

“So how was your exam? What did they ask?” It was Kil, the grey-haired Grindr Twink. Aka one of the others the docs said were into boys. He was absurdly hot.

“Are we really supposed to know? I don’t think they’d want us talking about it.” Robbie said.

Kil looked at him as if to say “fuck off” and then repeated his question.

“Well it’s a bit shocking. Are you sure you wanna know?” I asked. Robbie got up and walked away immediately.

“That’s a shame,” I said.

“I know he’s cute…” Kil said before looking at me.

“I know right,” I said, confirming his suspicions. Kil laughed. “I would fuck him though? Maybe you could watch if I let you,” I continued.

“Oh would you be so kind?” Kil teased back.

“Depends on if you behave.”
”And how do I behave? I just wanna be a good boy.”
”Oh so you’re a slut? I figured but damn…”

He laughed. “Really. What happened?”
I learned in close: “They asked me if I was a top or a bottom?”

”Seriously. Then they drugged me and I woke up a few minutes later.”
”You’re joking!” He slapped my leg. “Let’s spy on Drew! Figure out what they did to you.”

His eyes alone made me want to do whatever he asked. God I can’t say no to these twinks.

“There’s no way we’re gonna be able to see into the exam room, how could we get in without the docs noticing…” I said. “Plus there’s no reason to get kicked out.”

A voice called out from the edge of the room. Only Kil and I heard it. We turned to see … a goth girl? Maybe 5’4″ with giant platform boots, huge fake tits and black bangs. The perfect e-girl. Kil and I exchanged a glance. Before I even opened my mouth, she raised a finger to her lips. We followed her silently up to a door. She tapped the key card and we three were alone in a hallway. It was sterile, like a military base… or a prison. This was on the other side of the lounge from where they were testing the kids. How big was this place?

“There’s a secret viewing room.” The goth girl said. “I couldn’t resist not showing it to the newbies.” She smiled.

“Thanks! I’m Kil by the way. This is Liam”

“Hi.” I said. I think my subconscious was trying to flirt.

“Hi. I’m Alex. In here.”

We slid down the grey hallway turned right and ducked into a dark-room where, up against the wall, was a small pinhole of light. Kil immediately looked inside pressing his face hard against the wall. After 3 seconds he recoiled away staring at me. I looked inside:

Drew was lying face down, naked, with his face tucked into the ring at the top of the exam table. I could see the screen under his face, which was blank when I passed out but now was blaring vivid pornography of all types: lesbian BDSM, gay, solo big dicks and pussies getting played with. Dr. Virginia had a curved plastic device 7″ inside of him. She was sliding in and out, occasionally jamming it right into his prostate. The dildo(?) was connected to the ceiling via a hose or cable of some kind? The screen under Drew’s face began playing sounds and sex noises – we could hear it through the wall.

“Reaction normal for lesbian fantasy.” Dr. Virginia said her eyes on a monitor mounted to the wall. Dr. Hurtz recorded a note.

“Switching to strap-on….. moderate to low response for strap-on,” she said. Dr. Hurtz jotted down another note.

“Let’s try cross-dressing.” I noticed the porn changed to cute femboys getting dolled up and then railed. Almost immediately the unconscious drew moaned. “Oh look at thatttt!” Dr. Virginia said grinding the torture device into Drew’s prostate. He moaned again before orgasming a few dribbles of loose cum into the bucket below.

“Pretty common actually.” Dr. Hurtz said furiously writing notes.

“Really?” Virginia asked.

I pulled away from the pinhole, more surprised than anything else. My ass did feel a little strange all of a sudden. And I wasn’t horny at all… maybe they milked me dry? Oh god what the hell kinda place is this.

“I recommend you trust the process boys.” Alex said with a smile.

“Did you know about this?” Kil asked.

“Yes. I get a test performed weekly. Except I’m not knocked out for mine. They stop giving you the drugs after a while.” She looked at me, “some of the tops don’t have to it. Don’t worry.”

“Are you trans?” Kil asked.

“Nope. I’m just a fem! I exist for my master’s pleasure.”

I could feel Kil looking at me but I just stared on dumbfounded.

“Do you not believe me?” Alex asked before raising his skirt for us to see a tiny pink cock locked in a purple chastity cage.

“You are so cute!” Kil said before throwing his arms around the goth. “Tell me. Who’s your master.”

“Oh I love him!” Alex nodded, then paused. “I think I’m saying too much. We should get you back before someone notices you’re gone.” Alex said.

“Oh come on! You can tell us a little bit more. What’s security like around here?” I asked.

Alex’s face suddenly changed. “We really shouldn’t talk about that. This is a good place.”

“Okay fine. I can’t wait for that test though!” Kil said, trying to lighten the mood. I could tell he was slightly disappointed he couldn’t get more info. The two laughed as Alex led the way back into the lounge.

The Ginger kid, Thomas, was the last to get his test. None of the other guys knew what was happening and I didn’t have the heart to let them know. Most of these kids were pretty straight – I doubt they’d respond well to the info. Ginger told me that he, like most of these men, just applied to the program as a way to avoid prison for some bullshit charge. “I was driving while high hit someone and you know … even thought she was fine her dad went after me and this is better than prison.” He told me. “I just hope to god there’s no gay shit. I’m like… as straight as they come. No offense.”

“None taken pal.” I said.

Also got a chance to talk to George, who was in off a gun charge. Didn’t feel right for a shy kid. He was about 5’8, chubby, filipino. He probably didn’t know it but he had a perfect fat ass. Before I could ask him about his life before we all ended up here, the instructor got our attention.

“Thank you all for your good behavior during this time.” The instructor began. “Welcome all to the program. You’ve all been officially admitted. Congratulations.” There was a soft cheer that burned out. Everyone was still wondering why they asked us all if we were tops or not. “I’d like to introduce all you first years to the Dean of Cambria Academy, Dr. Oscha.”

An absolutely beautiful woman in a white pantsuit walked in front of the gathering. She raised her hands as if to silence the room: “Cambria academy helps those struggling with their LGBT identity find peace. For those of you who thought you could sneak in here and avoid prison you will be molded into a member of our community.” She paused to let the words sink in. Thomas shifted in his seat, a few others did too.

“Tonight you’ll be broken up into your Relationships. You will live together, work together and be graded together. If you perform poorly, you will be transferred to the general prison population.” There was some murmuring in the crowd.

“We have 3 types of relationships: Couples, or groups of one top and one bottom and a Poly room of one bottom and three tops, and a Switch Room, where 4 of you will have a little extra fun!” She giggled like a school girl. “The ground rules are that … there are no rules! Have fun boys! For many of you, first night is always the hardest! You don’t have to enjoy sex, but you will be assessed on how well you play your role as a top or bottom. Tops must take control of their bottoms and bottoms must submit to tops. Have fun boys! You may stay in the lounge late tonight. Your dormitory will be here on my left,” she gestured over to a set of doors where were promptly opened. Seemed like a normal hallway.

“You all will find lubricants, numbing creams, enemas and other intimacy toys in your dorms should you require them. And all of you, as part of your inspections, have been cleared of all sexually transmitted infections. Thank you all!” The dean added on her way out. Most of the instructors followed her out, a few remained on guard.

For the first time since we all arrived, we were alone, finally locked up. Almost as soon as the Dean and her entourage left the room, some of the other students wandered into the room. Kil and I spotted Alex among them. He waved at us and we waved back.

The instructors left behind a large board with all of our names on it, breaking us up into our groups. I hate to admit it but I was a little upset when I saw that Kil was paired off in one of the “polyamorous rooms” with 3 people I didn’t know. He seemed unfazed by the information, looking around to find his “tops.” I found my own name next to “Drew,” the repressed kid. I looked over at him and saw he was already looking at me. He looked away, embarrassed. God why couldn’t I have gotten the Twink!

George was crying, he was assigned as a bottom in the other room of three … the ginger lad was one of the tops in that room and he was laughing away his relief. I didn’t understand what was going to happen here? Why on earth would these straight guys just turn gay?

By now there were at least 30 new students in the lounge. I saw that the face-scars lad, who’s name I learned was Bruce, talking to another tattooed maniac from another class. They dapped each other up upon first sight and were laughing and joking, sipping from the booze that had been snuck in to celebrate the special night. Robbie walked up and introduced himself to Bruce. The big man just slapped Robbie’s comparably tiny hand out of the way and gave him a huge bear hug picking him up a foot off the ground…. Except it never ended…. After a few seconds, Robbie started squirming and thrashing, trying to slip out to no avail. Then he started really pushing, which just made Bruce and his friend laugh. I noticed Robbie and Bruce were paired up in one of the couples.

“Come on man. Let’s show him the room.” The guy said to Bruce, who nodded as the two walked into the dorm hallway. Robbie’s eyes grew big and he started screaming. The two rounded a corner and slipped into one of the doors and when the door shut, we heard nothing more.

“The point of this is that there’s no rules. It’s a little challenging sometimes.” A voice said behind me. I turned to see another student standing next to Alex. “Hi. I’m Jack. I’ve been told you already met my partner Alex?”

“Yeah that’s right.” I shook his hand.

“It must be a lot to take in. I remember the first night was absolutely the worst. I was freaking out.” He said.

“Yeah… is he gonna be okay?” I said, gesturing to Robbie, who was likely getting broken in by his new master. “And what does it even mean, being assigned a ‘top'”

“Robbie, I think his name is,” Jack looked over at a nodding Alex for confirmation, “was assigned to be a bottom because he tested well as a bottom. It’s his natural place. That what the test was for. Alex told me you saw it.” 
”I did. But that doesn’t mean it’s right to just let some macho duchebag turn a nice kid into his fleshlight for 3 years.” 
”What if the kid wants to be a fleshlight?” Alex asked. Eyes beaming at me.

“Good girl!” Jack said, ruffling Alex’s hair and kissing her forehead. What the hell kinda place have I landed in?

“Anyways…” Jack began, “I’m supposed to give you this.” He handed me a key-card with my photo on it. “It’ll get you through the doors you can access: dorms, lounge, bathrooms. Oh yeah! Bathrooms are at the end of the hall, one for each year. They suck. Try and enjoy yourself! I taught this cutie here how to suck dick the first night.

“It took a while. Hehe” Alex chimed in.

“We’re going to bed early. Good luck rookie!” Jack and Alex rubbed noses together and giggled.

If I was going to last in this place, I had to learn a little more. Maybe an escape would be possible… it seems like they give us a lot of freedom. And what is going on with this psycho-sexual nonsense. These doctors must have a prison sex fantasy. Probably filming everything in every room. No way I’m fucking that Drew kid. He doesn’t want me. But he is cute. Though I probably shouldn’t think like that. Fuck this place is already messing with my head.

“Hey Liam.” I looked up. It was Drew. “I was wondering about going to bed.” He said, kinda like a question.

“Yeah sure. Don’t worry about it, it’s been a long day. I don’t know where our room is – sorry man.” I said.
”No … I found the room it’s just…” he was red in the face. “I’m a bottom and only tops can open and close the doors.”

“Oh …” I was caught off guard. “Oh yeah of course. I’ll come now. Let’s go.”

I walked through the crowd, Liam following close behind me. A few older years talked with other newbies white pouring another round of shots. Liquor does make straight guys a little less straight…

The dorm was at the end of a long hallway, room 1014. My and Drew’s names were plastered on the front. The section of the hallways with all the new students rooms were yellow-lined, red for the second years, blue for the third years. I noticed the blue doors were allowed to remain open and the student freely mingled between them. More dick hanging out than I would’ve expected.

Tapped the key-card again the door to the room. Ding. It flew open. The room itself was small, two desks on the left side, a window at the back, one full bed on the right, pushed up against the corner. There was a small shelf of cubbies at the foot of the bed. In one of them was an assortment of sex paraphernalia, lube, dildos, a prostate massager, wipes, poppers … before I could make a full inventory Drew’s voice snapped me out: “I thought there would be two beds.” He was saying more to himself than anyone. The door slammed shut and he jumped.

“Listen Drew,” I began, looking down at him, “I’m not gonna do anything you don’t want. I’m not like that. I’m just as freaked about this place as you. Let’s just try and get through this together.”

He was hesitant, but agreed.

“I’m gonna head out and try and get some more intel. Go crash and I’ll see you in the morning. You’ve shared plenty of beds before. It’s not weird.” Drew laughed and nodded. He started taking off a shirt as I flew out the doors.

I checked out the bathrooms. A row of toilets, no stalls and through another door a giant group shower, a steam room and a sauna. Not bad. No one was inside right now.

As I was talking back to the lounge, I noticed Tom the Ginger tapping into his room. He gestured to invite me in. The music was blaring – they weren’t lying about the soundproofing in this place. This room was slightly bigger than mine. There was an enormous king bed and a bunk bed. Two desks were pushed together and George was dancing on top. Not just dancing, twerking. He was clearly blackout drunk.

“I had four sisters and a single mom raise me I know how to dance baby!” He slurred out before bending all the way over and shaking his ass. He was shirtless, only sporting tiny yellow spandex shorts. Looked so sexy, his curves perfectly hugging the few clothes he wore.

He hopped off the desks and turned off the music.

“Boo! Keep dancing slave! You have to do what we say!” A kid yelled from the bunks. Didn’t know him.

“You guys gonna have to get me…” George almost lost his balance, grabbing onto Thomas to steady himself. “You’re gonna have to get me more drunk if you want this PUSSSAYYYY.” He screamed smacking his ass. “Nah I’m kidding!” George mumbled to Thomas. “None of that gay shit.”

“You’re gonna do whatever the fuck we want bottom bitch.” The kid in the bed yelled. “Unless you wanna get fucked the 3rd years! I’m sure they’d love more fresh meat.”

“Shut the fuck up!” George yelled.

“Don’t make him dance on the table, he’s too drunk. He’ll break his neck.” I offered.

Another kid I recognized from the treadmills pulled a chair up near George. “Give me a lap dance slut. The lady said you’re our bottom. So listen to us or we’ll all fail and get sent to real prison.” He turned the music back on and sat down. George got down onto all fours before swinging himself off the desk.

Thomas handed George another shot which he took without thinking. After a moment…George began dancing, slowly letting the alcohol fuel his body. The screaming and the fight faded from him and he went back to shaking his ass in a minute.

“I’m Ivy by the way,” the kid getting the lap dance from George said to me. “I know you’re another top. Saw your name on the board.” He smacked George’s ass, who was too drunk to notice. “I’m Mikey!” The guy in the bunk bed yelled. Both were black. This program is pretty diverse I thought. Am I allowed to think that? Probably fine right?

Ivy pulled the dancing George down onto his crotch, his huge hands easily holding George’s perfect ass against him. George put up a little fight, pushing off Ivy’s legs and standing up, “Yall tryin’ take advantage of me. I’m no slut you don’t get this big boy.” He spanked his ass at Ivy again and laughed. He turned to move toward a bed but tripped on his own feet and fell over, passing out immediately.

I tried to wake him up but he just mumbled some nonsense and pushed me away. At least he’s alive I thought. Ivy slowly pushed past me and knelt down near the floor. He took off George’s shoes and socks. He was maybe 6’5″, absolutely jacked, muscles coming out of his neck. I noticed he was very handsome right before he slid George’s teeny shorts off. No underwear. George began a complaint that almost sounded like a moan when he realized he was naked. Ivy then scooped George up like a baby, easily lifting him off the ground, before slowly walking across the room and setting him in the king sized bed.

George mumbled and slurred out some words like any drunk while the big fella reached into one of the drawers in his room – just like the one I have – and pulled out of a bottle of lube and a small handtowel. He tossed them both on the bed.

“I’m gonna sleep in this bed and keep George company tonight. Anyone got a problem with that?” Ivy asked.

“Nope” Thomas and Mike replied, each taking a spot in the bunk-bed. “Think it’s time for you to head on out Liam.” Ivy said as he turned off the music.

“Yeah…” I responded. The door shut behind me.

I walked down to the lounge to see a few groups still congregating there. I had a few “drinks” – if you can call a vodka lemonade a drink- with a few “Couples” from the second year (the reds). Most of them reminded me of gay couples I knew back home. One couple mentioned they had a hard time adjusting, another couple said they were assigned in a poly room last year. All of them said the test was the best thing that ever happened to them. For the first time I started to believe.

“Have you met your bottom yet?” One asked me.

“I have … I had to let him into our room since only I can open the doors… it’s a little weird.”

“It’s not weird! Take advantage of that before it goes away next year! Make him suck you off every morning!” The guy said before his partner smacked the back of his head.

“Don’t play into their games.” The partner said. “Jeffery my man.” He slipped a hand into the guy’s arm, “took his time courting me. It made the whole thing better. The guys who prefer force are off in the dorms having orgies and wondering why they’re so miserable.”

“I would get it over with.” Another chimed in. “Donny waited 2 months to fuck me and while I said I wasn’t ready I was dying to get fucked about two nights in.”

Another hour or two of talking and drinking, I wandered back to my room. I tapped in and tried to be as quiet as possible. No need to wake the roomie. But Drew sat up instantly. 
”How was it?” He asked.

“Why is it so hot in here?” I asked.

“I’m sorry I like a hot room. I can turn it down. He pushed himself out of bed and walked over to the thermostat. He was wearing the same yellow spandex shorts George was wearing, and a white shirt. God he looks so sexy. Blood began rushing into my dick. No. I can’t try and fuck this guy.

“It was fine. Talked to some people.”

“Cool. Sorry again. Goodnight.” He climbed into bed and turned with his back to me, facing the wall in he corner. Starting to feel a little bit of the alcohol, I stripped off all my clothes except my underwear and slid into bed. I had to admit I was starting to feel a little horny. All these beautiful twinks wasted on straight boys. God if I was with Kil right now the two of us would be on round 8, digging through the sex cabinet for more toys. Before I could stop the train of thought… my dick was growing beyond my control. The erection was taking over my mind and the thoughts of sex wouldn’t go away. Soon, I was fully hard, my dick sticking up into the sheet. I glanced over at Drew to confirm he was still asleep but now he was on his back, facing me, looking at it. Then he looked up at me. And in his embarrassment turned around quickly. Not to brag but he probably just saw the biggest cock of his life. I’m about 9″ thick as a cucumber. “I uhhh” I started to say but decided against trying to say anything. I turned away from him.

No matter how we tried to position it, our bodies were always touching in some way. He’s 5’7 I’m 6’2 and eventually we gave up trying to pretend and let ourselves fall asleep with arms shoulders and thighs touching. At one point in the night I woke up, my dick regaining it’s firmness instantly as I realized Drew was on his side and nestled his cute butt right up against my hip. I pushed the thoughts away and let my self fade to sleep, slipping an arm underneath Drew to make his neck more comfortable. He sighed a little. Maybe tomorrow, I told myself.

Day 2 –

Woke up, Drew gone. Clock on the wall read 10am. He slid off my arm around 6am and curled up in a ball occupying 30% of the bed. I got up, grabbed my card and wandered out to go to the bathroom. There was an armed guard at the end of the hall. Walked the opposite way and into the toilets. Inside was one the stalls hanging onto a toilet was George. He was naked and clearly still drunk.

I walked closer and patted him on the shoulder: “You’re gonna be alright we’ve all been hungover. Just wait it out man.”

“Huhhhh” George mumbled out while leaning against the stall wall.

“You need some water? Are you okay?”

“Yeah” he slurred out. I filled a disposable paper cup with tap water and walked it over to him.

“Thank you” he managed to say before spilling most of the water into his mouth.

“How was last night?” I asked.

“I passed out early. Don’t remember much after getting to my room. I think I fell over or something I’m so sore … like everywhere.” He started dry heaving.

“Feel better man. I’m gonna shower.” I had to get out of there before he puked. I walked to the neighboring toilet and took a nice long morning piss.

Went through the second door and into the showers/steam room. It looked like there were a few figures in the steamer, but no one in the shower. I stripped off and set my clothes on the hook and hopped in. Surprisingly good water pressure here. Maybe 6 shower heads with some body wash dispensers on the wall. The door to steamroom flew open and two figures walked out.

“Oh Hi Liam!” It was Kil and another guy I didn’t recognize. They walked into the shower area and Kil turned on two heads. “Liam,” he continued, “This is Dayton. He’s one of the tops in my room.” He turned his attention to Dayton, “Com’ere you have to feel how good the cold water feels after a steam. Liam can you believe he’s never been in a steam room?”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Liam.” 
”Hi Liam. This really does feel good.” Dayton said with a southern drawl. Not so often you hear people who talk like that anymore.

“You know it would feel even more amazing if you let me suck your cock right now.” Kil said, starting right at Dayton and putting a hand out. Dayton smacked it away: “I told you I’m not into that gay shit. Stop.”

“You don’t want a nice warm mouth around your dick right now!” He protested.

“Fuck this place.” Dayton sighed before walking out.

“Ugh!” Kil screamed out. He slapped the shower walls before cranking the temperature of his water up. Finally remembering I was watching the entire time he screamed at me: “I hate this place! They stick me with the three boys who want nothing to do with me.”
”If you’re still offering that nice mouth of yours…” I said. He looked me up and down, spending a while at my dick before agreeing in a resigned sarcastic tone that would’ve turned me off if I wasn’t so horny. 
”Can you fuck me till I cum?” He asked, arms crossed.

“Come baby.” I said, putting my arm out.

He squished a few pumps out of the soap dispenser on the wall. “It’s lube,” he corrected me. “Lube dispensers on the Wall and only one top in sight. This place really is a prison” He slathered it around his shaved pink hole.

“Try not to insult me before I fuck you.” I bent down and picked up one of Kil’s legs and hoisted it into the air. He gasped and swung the other one around me, throwing his arms around my neck to stop himself from falling. I was now holding him up off the ground, pushing him against the wall. Once I had him pinned there I used a spare hand to guide my dick right against his lubed hole. I began lowering him onto my length, slowly but fast enough for him to understand who was in charge. Once I got to the 7th inch of my dick, Kil finally laughed and moaned out, “Oh fuck yeah Daddy.”

That was all I needed to hear before I could fully fuck this man and make him mine. He just surrendered to me. I picked up the pace pulling him off the wall and slamming his hips into me while I thrust hard into him. He dug his fingers into my hair and pressed his tongue into my mouth. God I knew he was going to be an amazing fuck. His hole tightly gripped my dick as I slid in and out of him. “Daddy fuck! Daddy yes! Yes” Kil moaned out like a whore.

“You’re such a little slut” I said before sinking him completely onto me. “You need a daddy don’t you slut?”

“You own this pussy Daddy” he panted with bulging eyes, impaled onto my cock. I went back to my faster pace, working over his prostate with long deep thrusts. He squirmed with pleasure every time my twitching dickhead scraped against his little boy button. After 4 minutes of vicious thrusts, he dug his claws into my back and shot a huge load right onto my chest, screaming and moaning for ten second while 4-5 ropes shot out. I slid into him completely and held him delicately while he twitched to the end of his orgasm. “Oh you’re fucking good.”

“Who am I baby?”

“You’re my Dadddyyyyy” He said, backing to the toying voice, then bit my ear. I lifted him up off me and set him on the ground. He turned and bent over with palms against the wall. “Use me. Finish yourself off in me Daddy.”

I slid in almost instantly and humped away. Didn’t last long in such a tight hole, maybe came a few minutes after I first got in. Alway good to breed some pussy. The rush to my head when I came for the first time in days … nothing better. After I slid out, Kil stood up straight and stretched out, he turned to leave the shower before I grabbed his wrist: “Excuse me. You left a big mess on my chest. Come clean it up.”

“Let me go get a towel.” He offered.

“No. Use your tongue. You made this with part of your body, you’re gonna clean it with part of your body.”

“Yes daddy.” He’s so much shorter than me he bent over a bit and began lapping at my chest. Drinking up his own cum.

When he was finished he kissed me on the cheek and walked out. I took a steam for a while and then grabbed a towel off the rack to dry off. What a great way to start the day.

Went back to my room, got changed into the yellow cargo pants, white shirt combo all the 1st years have to wear. One of the instructors (I’ve since learned they were officers of the guards and in change of security and logistics) told me breakfast was in the cafeteria across the quad. Finally a chance to get some sun. I wandered out of the dorms, through the lounge and out two big doors into the quad. Finally in the sunlight, I got a better look at the green space which I had only seen in the dark. There were buildings surrounding us entirely, and large fences everywhere there wasn’t a building. Each one apparently contained difference “practice rooms” or places where classes would be. I saw some guys congregating over by one and figured it must be the cafeteria. Wandered in, tapped my card at a register, got in line.

There was a huge spread of all manners of food. Traditional fare like eggs, bacon, waffles, but also oatmeals, yogurts, cereal… not bad for prison food. I grabbed some toast, yogurt, and coffee – usually don’t eat this early, but that fuck this morning was truly a special occasion. After I gathered my food and exited the line there was an instructor waiting. “You may only sit with those you room with. Please see seeing chart for reference.” He announced to me and a few other guys with yellow pants. The older guys seemed to know how it worked. I scanned the room and spotted Drew at a table in the middle of the room.

“Hey man.” I said sitting down.

“Hi.” He looked up then back down at his food.

He must not want to talk. Fine. I started eating at my food, making it through the toast before Dr. Oscha, the white pantsuit clad Academy director appeared next to our table.

“Please come with me Liam.” She said, no tone at all. For the first time, everyone around us, mostly older students finally noticed us. I stood up. “Drew dear.” She said reaching out and caressing his cheek. He froze. “Be a good boy and clean up after Liam. As you know he had a busy morning.” She slid her hand off Drew and walked away briskly. I followed.

She led me away from cafeteria the through a few more doors. She was talking, pointing out things along the way. “This is the gym! That’s a late-night snack bar!” She said in that tour guide tone. We went up a flight of stairs and into a hallway without windows. I tried to take mental notes in my head of the weak points for a possible escape but it didn’t look great. Every staircase had a key lock on it and there wasn’t a corner without a guard. Cameras everywhere. She turned into a room, despite the small door, the inside was huge. It was clearly the office of a director.

“Have a seat please.” She said. I complied, sitting across from her desk. The desk itself was maybe 6 feet long made of wood with small screens built in facing away from the director. Perfectly viewing angle from my seat. She was sat in her big director’s chair, leaning back.

“I’d like to welcome you to our community. I’m so glad to see you’re acclimating well. Tell me: how’s Drew doing?”

“Great. Thanks for the welcome.”

“I noticed you chose to have sex this morning with someone outside of your room instead of your assigned bottom. As lovely as that was for you two, what’s wrong with claiming your own boy?”

“Drew isn’t gay. Or at least not gay yet. I’m not interested in forcing anyone to have sex with me.”

“What if he needs a little force to become himself! Sometimes we need our friends to push us.”

“I don’t know about that.” 
”Here look at this. I’m sure you were curious about how this ended.” She typed into her computer and an video feed appeared on the screen in front of me. It was like a security camera shot of the inside of George’s room. Mike, Thomas and Ivy were all there drinking. Dr. Oscha fast forwarded the tape, cutting to when George started dancing on the table. “And here’s where you leave I think” she mused as I watched myself leave the room.

“You’re spying on us.” I said. “I bet you have one of these from my trip to the showers this morning too. Doesn’t surprise me.”

She looked away from the screen for the first time: “You’re a prisoner. Do you want to join the general prison population?”
”No.” I said.

“Then play along with me Liam.” She stopped fast forwarding the tape, excited, “Oh look quick!”

I looked at the screen and saw Ivy spooning George, his hands wrapped around him, holding him in place while Ivy slid his black dick in and out. One hand was overing George’s mouth the others easily pinned George’s wrists. George was squirming around. Uncomfortable. Ivy’s dick was huge, easily 10″, and George was forced to take it. A virgin’s hole turned into a sex toy. Dr. Oscha fast-forwarded again then stopped. Now, Ivy was pushing George flat onto his stomach, ass in the air, and squeezed on more lube. Now no longer holding his hand over his mouth, Ivy used a hand to press George’s face into a pillow as he relentlessly fucked him. Long deep thrusts fully stretching out his new bitch. Dr. Oscha fast forwarded again. Now Ivy was fucking George doggy and the resistance had fully been fucked out of him. He was now throwing himself back against Ivy’s massive member. Ivy spanked him hard and George leaked a few ropes of cum out while moaning like a whore. Dr. Ochsa froze the video: “George went from ‘not-gay’ to moaning on some delicious cock. Ivy’s the most well-endowed in your class, you know.” Dr. Oscha teased at me.

“You must enjoy watching this stuff.”

“Oh Liam! Of course! There’s nothing better than watching a natural bottom finally realizing his place in the world.”

I had nothing to say. She typed into the computer again, then video of me fucking Kil in the shower this morning showed up. I had his back against the wall and was slowly lowering him onto my dick. Except this angle showed the entire room … and Drew was peaking at both of us hidden behind a door. “Look! Your assigned bottom clearly wants some of your big monster … help him find himself!” She said.

“Maybe he just wanted to shower alone…” I said, watching Drew watch me fuck. When Kil shot his load on my chest Drew shoved a hand down his pants. He touched himself for a moment then ran off. The video cut.

“He’s a little curious and obviously horny. He has some experience crossdressing. Try that.” She said. “I expect you to do something…or I’ll transfer him to a different room and he’ll end up like little Robbie here.” She typed into the computer and up on the screen in front of me appeared Robbie, shackled at the arms and legs to a full bed in his room. There was a gag in his mouth and a buttplug inside him.

“If you hate people being forced to do things – don’t make me send Drew to Bruce. Bruce loves forcing people to do things. I don’t even think he’ll let little Robbie eat today.”

“How can you preside over this madhouse what the hell is wrong with you!” I shouted.

“Shhhh” she put a finger up to her lips. “That’s enough. Let’s go back to cafeteria. Another outburst from you and you’ll be on a bus out tonight.”

I lowered my head and followed her back into the cafeteria. I joined Drew back at our table. Dr. Oscha climbed on top of a table and was handed a microphone by an instructor.

“Hello Members of Our Community! Unfortunately, I was a little disappointed in our 1st Year’s behavior last night. Starting now, there will be no sex except between authorized couples.” A groan rushed out of the crowd. Especially from the older guys. “I have authorized the medical team to perform a semen retention exam on all of you each morning. Those of you who do not have an orgasm will be punished severely.” Another loud groan from the cafeteria. “These rules will be in place until further notice.” Dr. Oscha said before hopping off a table and walking out, flaked by a team of security guards. Another instructor raised his voice, he was far less nice sounding: “Get to class now! NOW!” Everyone instantly scrambled to their feet.

Classes at the academy were designed to help acclimate “troubled” young men into society. Which classes you took depended on weather you were a top or bottom. I guess the switchy kids took both? Not sure about that. The only class all students took was P.E. We went back to the gym where we ran on those treadmills yesterday. They made us break up into our rooms and stretch out. At the front of our class was a couple from the 3rd years who was showing us how to do each stretch. I thought I could stretch all on my own but following the rules meant letting Drew work my muscles. He started with me on my back and Drew stretching my legs, lifting them one at a time into the air to get my hamstrings. I rolled on my side so he could get my arms, replicating the couple at the front.

After stretching I played some basketball with a few other tops while Drew did yoga with some others.

After P.E. I went to a weightlifting class. It felt good to know I’d be able to keep my gym routine going in here. Bruce, aka face scars, was really hitting the metal hard, telling all the boys about his exploits with Robbie – even offering anyone a free run at Robbie’s throat. I heard from Thomas (the ginger lad) that the bottoms were off at “art” class. And to be honest, painting sounds a little more fun than a bunch of guards screaming at us to hit more reps. I decided to do some legs (squats and lunges) with the limited time we had left.

Classes began to blur by. I had a class on hunting, most of which was in a classroom and all about survival skills, another about history. Most were boring and the teachers weren’t great. Apparently, the bottoms had cooking classes and educate classes. This place reeked of some twisted fantasy. Dr. Oscha’s maybe…

Classes end at 7pm. We go straight to dinner in the cafeteria. Drew and I sit across from each other after making our way through the buffet line. Food was significantly worse than breakfast.

“Get used to it.” A 3rd year said over to me.

I had a steak that was more like a hamburger without a bun and some french fries. Tasteless. Drew had a salad that was pretty much just half a cup of lettuce and a bowl of fruit (mango and pineapple). We ate in mostly silence until I tried to break the ice: “How was class?”

“Boring. Mostly just female stereotypes distilled into education form.” He said, rolling his eyes.

“We did mostly weightlifting and physical stuff. Not fun.”

“I had to learn the different types of dresses Liam. You’ve got it better.”

“What’s wrong with dresses?” I asked, not judging.

“I guess I liked it. Fashion is kinda interesting to me.”

“I think boys who wear dresses are cute. Or girls. Who doesn’t look good in a dress?” I said and Drew laughed.

“Same!…. That’s actually why I’m here.” He said looking down at his food.


“My mom is like …” He stopped while I begged him to continue… “My mom is like an important person in politics where I’m from. And I was sending pictures of me crossdressing or doing “gay” stuff like wearing certain clothes. And so she got me sent here.”

“That’s awful. I can’t even imaging what that would be like.” 
”No offense Liam, but I’m not a criminal I don’t belong here!”

“You don’t. That’s terrible. But at least you’re away from her. You can do whatever you want now?”

“I guess.” He smiled a little. Drew was obviously gay – I knew that from the minute I saw him – but the crossdressing was a surprise. And the fact that he’s talking about it with me… and he’s so cute. I bet he look adorable in a skirt.

As dinner ended, we joined the students in clearing plates and doing dishes. All freshmen had to do the dishes. Every other top was off in the lounge but I felt bad abandoning Drew so I stayed and cleaned with the rest of the bottoms. After we finished, Drew and I walked to our room.

Later that night, after a few hours of sitting around in the room chatting about the lives we left behind – Drew changed into short shorts and climbed into bed shirtless. I was still sitting at my desk – which had nothing on it. He looked too sexy.

“Drew?” I asked.

“Yeah?” He turned to face me.

“This is gonna sound weird but did you cum while you were watching my fuck Kil in the shower?”

He said nothing. Eyes wide.

“Dr. Oscha showed me the tape from the shower. Don’t worry man I’m not mad or anything we’re all horny boys.” 
”No. I didn’t cum I’m not really gay so when I saw you in there I waited for a while and then I left.” He stammered out. “I used to jerk off a bunch of times a day and I’ve seen like gay porn before and that’s what it looked like.”

“Thanks for saying I look like a porn star.” I laughed. “So you jerk off to gay porn but you’re not gay?” 
”I guess I’m a little curious. I’ve seen men I find attractive but I’m mostly into girls.”

“You know that’s okay right? I’m bi and I’m mostly the same way…but in reverse.” He laughed.

“Have you ever had sex? Done anything with a girl or …” 
”Nothing.” Drew responded. I got up and walked over. “I can’t believe you’re a virgin.” I took off my clothes and got in bed. “Well if you wanna jerk off go ahead.” No one should go to bed horny.” 
”I’m not horny” he said, our bodies on top of each other.

“I can see your dick. It’s hard.” I reached out and grazed the tip with my hand. He surprisingly didn’t pull away.

“Can I kiss you?” I asked. He lunged forward and pressed his mouth against mine. He slid off his underwear and began frantically jerking off. His dick was … little. Maybe 3″? We began making out. My tongue entered his mouth and after only about 30 seconds he nutted. Cumming loudly and shooting a bunch of ropes all over our bed.

He apologized immediately and ran to get a towel to mop up his load. Then he started apologizing for the whole ordeal as the post nut clarity set in. “I’m sorry you didn’t cum… or like I guess you did earlier but you can also jerk off if you want. I just don’t wanna get fucked by you I’m sorry your dick is just so huge.” He mumbled standing at the foot of the bed.

I know my queue when I hear it. I pulled by boxers off and let my dick flop out. It was semi hard.

“This thing? Don’t worry.” I pulled my boxers up. “I’m not gonna do anything you don’t want. You’d be crazy to start with this dick. Have you ever fingered your self or put anything up that cute ass of yours?” 
He nodded, shamefully.

“Maybe you can do more of that tomorrow? Let’s just hit the hay. I’m sure you’re exhausted.”
”But what about the exam tomorrow. Dr. Oscha said everyone has to have an orgasm.” Fuck he was right I had completely forgotten about that. “Don’t worry – I’ll take care of it tomorrow.” I said.

He smiled at me and got back in bed. Did I notice a twinge of disappointment in his eye?

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