Camp Counselors Pt. 04: A Steamy Gay Story Revealed

A gay story: Camp Counselors Pt. 04 (Last chapter takes up directly from Chap. 3)

I woke early the next morning. Brian was still dead to the world, so I got dressed quickly and headed for breakfast. I was the first one in the cafeteria, for which I was grateful, and I was able to eat a decent meal of bacon, eggs and coffee before the place got busy. Neither Brian nor Amy had shown up by the time I was done.

On my way out I tapped a couple of other counselors to help me get ready for the day’s activities, which would include the annual canoe races. I was glad to have something to take my mind off my sex life, which had gotten even more complicated in the last 24 hours. I was now having sex with one woman and two men, and it was beginning to feel like a lot to manage.

After lunch that day I had a brief chance to talk to Brian alone. It turns out he’d been with Claire last night — in our cabin, actually. He didn’t ask where I’d been, and I didn’t volunteer anything.

I headed for the lounge a little before 9. Without going in I could tell it was crowded and noisy, despite the lingering heat, so I decided to sit on the porch instead.

I’d been there about five minutes when Amy and Claire walked up. Claire said hi and went on inside, but Amy plopped into a chair next to me.

“Hey you,” she said.

“Hey,” I said, trying to sound as relaxed as possible.

She gave me a long look. I was trying to decide what to say when she spoke up.

“This isn’t really going anywhere, is it?”

“No, I guess not. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be,” she said. “We had some fun, but I don’t think either one of us is in love.”

“No,” I said, grateful that she was being so matter-of-fact.

“No harm done, then,” she said. She stood up, stepped closer for a moment and bent down to give me a peck on the cheek.

“Claire, though, is in love,” she said. “I hope Brian isn’t just toying with her.”

“No, I think he really likes her,” I said. “I mean, he hasn’t said much, but I get the feeling.”

“Good,” she said, smiling. Then she turned to go inside.

As she left I felt a tremendous sense of relief. Things had just gotten significantly less complicated.

Ten minutes passed. I was beginning to wonder where Oliver was when the lounge door opened and he came out. I felt a sudden twinge of excitement.

“There you are,” he said casually.


In a low voice he said, “Five minutes,” then stepped off the porch and headed for the maintenance building.

Again I had to force myself to let a full five minutes go by. Finally I got up and walked across the dark compound to the stairs that led up to Oliver’s apartment. Looking around and seeing no one, I headed up.

Oliver must have heard me; before I could knock the door swung open.

He was wearing a pair of basketball shorts but no shirt.

“Come on in,” he said.

The apartment wasn’t fancy, but it was definitely more comfortable than the cabin I shared with Brian. There was a largish room in front with a couch, a chair and a coffee table facing a TV. At the other end was a tiny kitchen with a hotplate and a refrigerator, and next to it a door led to what I assumed was a bedroom.

“Make yourself comfortable,” Oliver said.

Oliver went to the fridge and got us each a beer. Then he reached into the pocket of his shorts and came out with a small plastic case and a lighter. He opened the case and produced a tiny reefer.

“This shit is killer,” he said.

We lit the joint and took three puffs each. He put it out and slipped what was left back into the case.

The high was nearly instantaneous.

“Wow,” I said.

“Told ya,” he said, chuckling.

We gazed into space for a while, just being stoned. I started thinking about his dick, though, and in two minutes I got hard again.

I looked over at Oliver, and his shorts were tenting, too.

I was ready to get naked then and there, but Oliver seemed to be in no hurry. He looked at me for a long moment, then slid closer to me and leaned in for a kiss. The moment our lips touched Oliver’s tongue slipped between them.

I have had some intense makeout sessions in my time, but that one with Oliver might have been the best. He seemed to want to devour me, sucking my lips and exploring every part of my mouth with his tongue. I got very turned on.

Finally he broke the kiss and put his mouth next to my ear.

“Can I suck your cock?”

My dick throbbed.

“Let me think about it a second,” I said. “Okay.”

He laughed, stood up and walked into the bedroom, stopping only to whisk off his shorts. I got a look at his ass as I followed him, and the sight of his butt muscles working made my cock throb some more.

Oliver flopped into the bed. I stripped and sat next to him. Next thing I knew he had pushed me onto my back and slipped my cock in his mouth.

I can’t give you a — pardon the pun — blow-by-blow description of what happened in the next few minutes.

I was pretty high, for one thing. But there was something about what Oliver did to me that outclassed anything Brian had done, much less any woman. Lips, tongue, hands — he brought them all into play in a way that soon had me gasping with pleasure.

It turned out, though, that sucking my dick was just the preliminaries.

After working on my cock for a bit, Oliver moved down and began licking my balls. He started on the front, bathing them in saliva before taking them in my mouth one by one. Then he moved even farther south, licking the bottom of my sack, nudging it upward with his nose, and licking the backside.

Next thing I felt was his tongue on my hole.

I damn near jumped out of my skin. This was a first for me, and the feeling was intensely erotic.

I moaned a little as he circled the opening with the tip of his tongue, and when he inserted it into the tight opening I let out a moan.

“Oh, my God,” I said.

Oliver paused long enough to ask, “Never had this done before?”

“No,” I said. “I’ve played with my fingers some but nothing like this.”

He went back to work, sometimes flicking in and around the hole with the tip of his tongue, sometimes vigorously fucking me with it, sometimes licking the whole area in long strokes, sometimes a mixture of all three. I could feel myself loosening up; the normally tight muscles around the opening were so slack he had no trouble getting his tongue inside me.

Waves of pleasure radiated outward from my asshole. My legs started to shake and I made little whimpering sounds.

Soon I felt my orgasm beginning to build, though it seemed to be centered in my ass instead of my cock. At that moment, I realized, Oliver wasn’t even touching my cock; the ecstasy I felt came wholly from my ass.

Oliver must have sensed I was near the point of no return. He swallowed my cock again, and a split-second later thrust what felt like three fingers straight into my ass. One finger found the hard nut of my prostate, and in the next moment I learned what it is to have an anal orgasm.

It began with the hard contraction of muscles I didn’t even know I had — a series of them, bang, bang, bang, bang, deep inside. Somehow he continued stroking my prostate, and semen just flowed out of me.

How long this went on I have no way of knowing, but it seemed like a very long time indeed.

When the quivering and contractions finally stopped, Oliver let my cock slip from his mouth and gently withdrew his fingers from my hole. Careful as he was, that still made me wince.

He slid up to kiss me. He thrust his tongue into my mouth again, feeding me my own cum, and we made out some more.

Finally he broke the kiss and lay back.

I lay there panting, unable to speak and all but unable to breathe. Oliver watched me, gently stroking my chest with one finger.

“You seemed to like that,” he said.

“Like it?” I said. “Fucking hell, that was the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had.”

“Yeah, the ass is a major erogenous zone, and most guys never know it.”

I found myself wondering — not for the first time lately — what it would be like to be fucked. I felt for his cock, and it was still rock-hard.

I slid down in the bed so I could get a close look at his cock. It was bigger than mine, as I’ve said — thicker, for one thing, and a bit longer as well. The shaft was ramrod-straight, in contrast to mine, which curved slightly upward, and the head had a perfect mushroom shape. He was so excited and hard that the skin of the head had turned almost purple.

I opened my mouth and gave him several long strokes with my tongue, starting at the bottom of the shaft and ending at the slit. I tasted precum, and paused for a moment to savor the taste.

Oliver squirmed underneath me, making little gasping sounds. I loved being able to make him react like that.

I opened my lips and took him in my mouth, sliding my lips over the head and down the shaft as far as I could manage.

When I felt the head pushing against the back of my throat I paused to breathe, and tried my best to relax. I got another inch in after that — not all of him, but enough to make him moan.

I bobbed up and down on his cock for a minute, then let him go and moved back up his body, kissing him on the stomach, chest and neck. I felt his hard cock against me, and almost without thinking I threw a leg over his hips and straddled him.

The next thing I felt was the tip of his cock poking at my asshole.

I hadn’t intended this to happen, but now that I felt it a little thrill went through me.

My hole was still wet from the workout he had given my ass during the blowjob, and when I pushed back a little the tip of his cock slipped inside.

I pushed further, and the tip entered me a bit more. I felt some discomfort this time, but when Oliver gave a push, I willed myself to relax. About an inch of his cock was now embedded in my ass.

I lay there for a second, listening to Oliver breathe in my ear.

I felt him move. Somehow he managed to open the drawer of the nightstand next to his bed and get something out. Next thing I heard was the clicking sound of a small bottle opening, and then I felt something cool and wet drip into the cleft between my buttocks and run downwards to my hole.

Next thing I felt was Oliver’s finger sliding down the crack to my hole. I gasped when he nudged my cock aside and the tip of a finger slid into me. I moaned a little as he worked the oil inside the opening.

He took his hand away briefly, and drizzled more oil into the crack. Then he slipped the finger back in, and gently fucked me with it until the hole was good and slick.

He pulled his hand away, and I moved just enough so that the tip of his cock slid back in.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Oliver whispered.

High as I was, it wasn’t easy to think rationally, but I did my best. I lifted my head and looked him in the eye.


“I’ll put on a condom,” he said.

“Is it safe without one?” I asked.

“I’ve been tested recently, and I’m clean, but it’s your call.”

I thought for a moment.

“Let’s go without one,” I said.

“Okay,” he said.

Then he added, “You also know this is going to hurt? At first at least.”

“Yes, but I want to do it anyway.”

“Okay,” he said again. “Take it slow and give yourself time to relax.”

I took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and tried to let my muscles go. Then I pushed back slightly.

My asshole opened a little more, and he slipped in a tiny bit further. But when I gave another push I felt a sharp pain that made me catch my breath.

“Slooooowwww,” he said. “Give yourself time to relax. Push down, like you’re taking a dump.”

I took his advice, pushing against him briefly, then stopping to breathe, then repeating the process. The head of his cock was now mostly inside.

I gave another little push, and felt something give way, and another inch of him slid into me. It hurt again, so I stopped to breathe. When I was able to relax again, he started pushing slightly, and another inch came inside. It was getting easier now, and between my pushing back and his pushing forward, we soon got most of his cock in.

The feeling of fullness was strange, and not entirely comfortable, but I kept breathing deeply, and could feel my ass stretching to make room for him. After a few minutes I started a rocking motion, and then something even stranger happened: It started to feel good.

“Oh, my,” I said under my breath.

Oliver chuckled.

“Ok, brace yourself,” he said.

He moved underneath me, gradually pulling his cock almost totally out, then pushing back in slowly but steadily.

That really felt good.

“Do that again,” I said.

He pulled out once more, then thrust back in, a little more vigorously.

That felt even better.

“Why don’t you try taking control?” he said.

“Okay,” I said.

I moved upward, letting him slide part-way out of me, then pushed back against him.

“Jesus, that feels good,” I said.

“Try sitting up,” Oliver said.

I got my hands under me and pushed myself up. As I did I felt his cock shift inside me; the angle seemed to be better for both of us.

Now I could see his face, too.

He grinned at me.

“Now,” he said, “fuck yourself on my cock.”

So that’s what I did. I lifted and lowered myself several times, working him into me a bit more deeply each time. I felt his hands on my back and then their grip on my hip bones, helping me fuck myself on his absolutely steel-hard dick.

The feeling was intensely pleasurable, and I began to make little moaning sounds.

“Fuck me,” I heard myself saying.

I looked down. My own cock had hardened up again, and was bouncing up and down as I rocked myself. As I watched Oliver took his hand from my hip, wrapped it around my shaft and gave it a good squeeze.

“Oh, man,” I said.

There was no pain now. My ass muscles had relaxed so much that he slid in and out of me with ease. I picked up the pace, rocking back and forth on top of him the way a couple of girlfriends had sometimes done with me.

Soon he was pushing at me from below. I paused, letting him fuck me at his own pace, then sat back on him again. We worked together, both pushing for that ecstatic moment that we both knew was not far off.

Oliver made a grunting sound, then another and another.

“Gonna cum,” he said.

He was still holding onto my cock. As he neared his climax he started stroking it, slowly at first then faster and faster, matching the pace of our fucking.

It’s hard for me to describe what came next, so much was happening at once.

First I felt a twitching in my ass muscles, then a stronger contraction. Oliver gasped. His body jerked convulsively as he thrust roughly upward, ramming his cock into me. He let out a groaning sound I was sure could be heard a mile away, gave another thrust, and I felt hot cum spurt into my insides.

At the same time he gave a firm tug on my cock. I came, too, shooting a massive wad of cum semen that arced over his chest and landed on his chin. My ass muscles contracted again and again, milking his pulsing cock, and I shot another load of cum onto his chest.

This went on for some time — exactly how long I couldn’t say — but Oliver eventually let his hands fall to the side and lay back with his eyes closed. He was utterly spent. But the contractions in my ass continued, and he seemed to feel every little squeeze on his cock. I could tell, because he made a whimpering sound each time.

Eventually the contractions stopped. I lowered myself so that my chest was against Oliver’s, and for a time we just lay there breathing.

It was a long time before either of us said anything. Oliver finally broke the silence.

“Well, you seemed to like that,” he said.

I laughed, which made my ass twitch again, and the squeeze on his dick made Oliver twitch as well.

“Oof,” he said.

I lifted myself enough to look at his face.

“You’ve got cum on your chin,” I said.

“Lick it off,” he said.

So I did.

When I was done I looked at him again, and we kissed: a long, sensual kiss.

I pulled away, wincing when his cock, still not totally deflated, slid from my hole.

As I rolled to my side, I felt a trickle of something between my legs.

“Shit,” I thought. “I just licked my cum off a guy’s face, and his cum is leaking out of my ass.”

Oliver moved to make room for me on the narrow bed, and I rolled onto my back next to him.

“Well, what did you think?” he asked.

“That was the most incredible thing that ever happened to me,” I said. “In my wildest dreams I did not think it was possible to have so much fun with a cock in my ass.”

He laughed.

“I know, right? I’ve enjoyed it, too. But I also like being the one doing the fucking.”

“You call that fucking?” I teased. “Hell, I did most of the work.”

He laughed again.

“Ok, next time you can get on your back and I’ll do the work.”

“Next time?”

He looked at me.

“Don’t you want to try it again?”

“Hmm,” I said. “I’ll think about it.”

For a moment he thought I was serious.

“I’m just fucking with you,” I said. “Of course I want to do it again.”

He thought for a moment.

“Don’t you have a thing going with Amy?”

“Nah, that’s over.”

“That’ll make it easier, then.”

“Not totally” I said, and told him about what I’d been up to with Brian.

“Wow,” Oliver said. “You’ve come a long way this summer.”

“Feels like a long way.”

I told him that Brian and I had even discussed doing a threesome with him.

“I’m in,” he said. “I’ve done threesomes a few times, and they’re totally hot.”

We were quiet for a few minutes.

“I should probably get going,” I said.

“It’s not that late.”

“I know,” I said, “but I feel like a long hot shower. I have cum leaking out of my ass.”

He laughed.

“I know what that’s like,” he said. “You can shower here if you like.”

“Nah, I better go back to my place.”

He got out of the bed and went into the bathroom. I heard water running, and a moment later he came back in and handed me a wet washcloth.

I cleaned myself up as best I could and started pulling on my clothes.

Oliver, still naked, gave me a hug.

“I’m glad you came over,” he said.

“Me, too.”

I opened the door and looked around carefully before descending the stairs. True, there could be other reasons for being in his place other than getting fucked, but even so I didn’t relish the idea of being seen.

When I got back to my cabin it was empty. I quickly stripped and showered, and then pulled on a pair of boxers. I picked up a book and tried to read, but it was hard to focus; all I could think about was what it had felt like having Oliver’s dick in my ass.

It had felt pretty damn good, I thought, and I found myself hoping I’d get fucked again sometime.

I was asleep when Brian got back, well after midnight. Though he didn’t make much noise, it was enough to wake me up. We made small talk but I wasn’t in the mood to tell him about my night — not yet anyway — and he seemed no more interested in telling me about his. We said goodnight and in 10 minutes I was asleep again.

The next morning we both slept late. When we finally went for breakfast, just before the cafeteria closed, it was mostly deserted. I decided that now was as good a time as any to tell him about Oliver, but before I could he started telling me about fucking Claire the night before. ‘

It was a transcendent experience, he said.

When he was done describing it he said, “So, what did you do last night?”

He listened wide-eyed as I told him about meeting Oliver at the cove, and his mouth actually fell open when I told him about getting fucked. He questioned me minutely about the experience, and I think he might have been a little hurt or jealous that it hadn’t been with him.

I told him he would always be my first male love, meaning it mostly as a joke, but he seemed pleased to hear it anyway.

“I want to try it, too,” he said.

“Fucking or being fucked?” I asked.


“I’m sure we can work something out.”

“Did you tell Oliver about me?”

“Yes. I hope that’s okay.”

He paused a second and said, “Yeah, I guess so, especially if we end up having a threesome with him.”

“Maybe I can arrange it,” I said.

“The sooner the better,” he said. “We’ve only got a week left.”

“You don’t want to spend most of it with Claire?”

“I think I can handle both,” he said, smiling.

“What a stud.”


The next day I managed to get Oliver aside for a moment to sound him out about a threesome with Brian, and he suggested we come to his apartment that night. I was up for it, but Brian had already arranged to see Claire that night and we had to put it off for 24 hours.

While we were setting things up, Oliver gave me two blue pills and told me Brian and I should take them about an hour before coming over.

It was long after dark that night when Brian and I slipped out of our cabin and made our way to the maintenance building. We were both pretty keyed up, and Brian practically bounded up the stairs to Oliver’s apartment.

“Dude, chill,” Oliver said, laughing, when he opened the door. “I heard you coming half a mile away.”

He handed us each a beer.

“Either of you need to shower?” he asked.

“No, we cleaned up at our place,” I said.

“Good,” he said. “Then let’s get high.”

We sat down on the couch and Oliver lit a fat joint. We passed it back and forth without speaking.

I think we were all too focused on what was about to happen.

We’d only smoked half the joint when Oliver stood up, put it still smoking in the ashtray and headed for the bedroom. Brian and I followed.

We formed a tight circle next to the bed and started pawing each other. In seconds all three of us were naked, and the lust just boiled over.

I got things started by doing something I’d been fantasizing about since Brian first suggested having a threesome: I sank to my knees in front of them and took one cock in each hand.

After stroking them both for a moment I began licking them in turn. When they were both good and wet I rubbed the heads together, which made both of them gasp at once. Next I tried stuffing them both into my mouth.

That proved to be harder than I had imagined in my fantasy, given how big both guys were, but I did manage to get them both in partway. The feeling of their heads sliding together into my mouth must have been as intense for them as it was for me, because I heard both guys groaning. I turned my eyes upward and saw them both looking down at me, with their mouths open.

My own cock was rock-hard at this point, but I denied myself the thrill of touching it.

After a couple minutes of this Brian moved to take my place. He suckled our two cocks for a while, and then it was Oliver’s turn. He must have sensed Brian and I were close to cumming, because he stood up and pushed us both onto the bed.

At this point things get hazy for me. I can remember the frenzy as we explored each other’s bodies with our hands, lips and tongues, jacking and sucking, kissing and stroking, filling the room with the sounds and smells of sex. Then Brian got on all fours in the middle of the bed and demanded that someone fuck him.

Oliver and I knelt behind him and took turns loosening him up, working copious amounts of lube into his hole with one and then two and finally three fingers.

When Oliver thought Brian was loose enough, he kneeled behind him, slathered lube on his own cock and started working it into Brian’s ass. Brian grimaced a little but didn’t seem to experience as much pain as I had two nights earlier.

I watched, rapt, as Oliver’s substantial cock slowly disappeared into Brian’s hole.

Brian still showed no sign he was hurting; he merely closed his eyes and breathed deeply and before I knew it Oliver had bottomed out.

“Okay, Oliver,” Brian said. “Fuck me.”

Oliver started by pulling back nearly all the way, so that I could see his shaft glistening with lube, and slowly entering Brian again. He did this again and again, in long smooth strokes. Once he got a rhythm going, I moved on the bed and kneeled in front of Brian.

Taking his face in my hand I said, “Open up,” and when his lips parted I slid my cock between them.

The look on his Brian’s face as we fucked both his holes was one of pure bliss.

Oliver and I were gentle at first, but as our excitement increased we both got a little more determined, if not exactly rough. I don’t think Brian minded; he seemed to enjoy being used so vigorously.

His grunts soon turned to moans; I could feel vibrations in my cock. After a minute I stopped fucking his face briefly and bent forward, reaching for his dick. It was rock-hard and precum was pouring out of it. I started jacking him.

Soon Oliver, too, started grunting, and next thing I know he was slamming his cock into Brian’s ass.

“I’m gonna cum,” he said.

“Fuck me hard,” Brian said between moans. “Cum in my ass.”

I heard a rumbling noise in Oliver’s throat. HIs eyes closed and the muscles in his neck drew taut, and in the next second he let out a roar and drove his cock deep into Brian’s ass. Brian uttered a groan, his cock swelled in my hand and then he, too, came — hard.

Oliver was pounding Brian’s ass; he must have pumped a quart of cum into him. It felt like Brian had cum a quart, too: it gushed through my fingers and dripped onto the bed.

When Oliver was finally spent, he slumped forward, and then he and Brian rolled exhausted to the side.

I still hadn’t cum, so I knelt over Brian’s face and jacked myself furiously. I soon shot a massive gob of semen that landed on his cheek. Several more shots landed on his lips, nose and forehead. Then I, too, collapsed on the bed.

It was at least 10 minutes before any of us could say anything, much less move. Finally Oliver got up and went into the kitchen. He came back a few seconds later with three bottles of cold water.

We lay there in a tangle of arms and legs, but still no one said anything.

Finally Oliver took a long drink of water and said, “Well, I have to say, that was pretty hot.”

Brian and I could only mumble our assent.

Another few minutes passed; the only sound was our breathing and swallowing.

Finally Brian spoke.

“Round two?”

“Fuck yes,” Oliver said.

That second round wasn’t quite as frenzied as the first, but it went on nearly twice as long. Having sated our initial lust, we took more time to explore and please each other.

Two memories stand out for me:

The first was when Oliver led me into the living room and bent me over a chair so that he and Brian could take turns fucking me, and the weird feeling in my ass when Oliver filled it with hot cum.

The second was when Oliver showed Brian how to lie on the bed so that his head hung over the side, opening his throat. I will never forget the feeling of slipping my cock into his distended throat, then my balls slapping against his forehead as I fucked his face.

Once my second load of the night had gone down Brian’s throat I needed a break.

I sat back in the bed and watched as he and Oliver went at each other, almost as if they were wrestling. Finally Oliver rolled on his back, spread his legs and pulled Brian’s cock into him.

They had a good hard fuck, and it was hard to tell which of them enjoyed it most. The sight got me hard again — thanks, Viagra! — so I moved over and knelt next to them. When they started cumming I did, too, shooting what cum I had left into the eager faces.

When we were all done we spread out on the bed, gasping. It was some minutes before our breathing returned to normal.

The room positively stank of semen and sweat.

Eventually Oliver got up and went into the kitchen. He came back with three beers, and as we drank them we had a dope-inflected conversation about the relative merits of straight and gay sex.

I think we all agreed that both have their good points.

It was well after midnight when the party broke up. We exchanged a round of bro-hugs, then Brian and I crept down the stairs and quietly made our way back to our cabin. I don’t know about Brian, but I slept more soundly that night than I had all summer.


There were now just a few days before the end of camp.

I didn’t see much of Brian outside work hours. He told me that as much as he enjoyed sex with me, and with me and Oliver, he wanted to spend his remaining time with Claire. I didn’t mind; it meant I had Oliver to myself.

I’m not sure what it was with him; we just seemed to click. When we were in bed, it felt more like making love than just having sex. I certainly felt more of a connection with him than with Amy.

In a way this troubled me — it didn’t square with my idea of myself as a straight person — but in a way it didn’t trouble me at all. It just felt, well, natural.

Late Saturday afternoon, when all the kids had cleared out, the counselors threw a big party. Since we no longer had to be discreet, we held it in the counselor’s lounge, and practically everyone got drunk.

After a while Brian and Clare slipped away to our cabin for a goodbye fuck. To my surprise Amy got kittenish — departing for once from her cool demeanor — and we ended up back at the secret cove for a goodbye fuck of our own.

The next day was spent putting things in order for the winter, and the morning after that, a Monday, nearly everyone left.

I was staying one more night. As head counselor there was some paperwork I needed to do, and besides I had arranged to see Oliver one more time.

When I got to his apartment I found a note on the door saying “Come on in.”

Passing through the door I walked into a warm amber glow; a dozen candles burning around the room. I didn’t see Oliver, but on the coffee table was another note saying, “Leave your clothes here.”

I stripped, smiling to myself, and headed for the bedroom. It, too, was illuminated by a dozen candles.

Oliver was lying naked on the bed, his dick already half-hard.

He said those words that people the world over yearn to hear:

“Come to bed, you.”

So I did.

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