Camp Pass


A gay story: Camp Pass authors note: I was more careful about health concerns than I write here, but less careful than was recommended at the time. I’m not a healthcare expert. Always take the amount of care you feel is appropriate. That includes condoms.

I would appreciate anyone with both editing experience and an interest in my stories who would help edit my work. It will be the follow-up to this chapter

The pandemic had been going on for a year. I was working from home and loved it.

My wife had been laid off but was enjoying free time and not having to worry about exposing herself to the virus at her work. Enhanced unemployment benefits made it financially possible for her to take a break for the first time in years.

The amount of togetherness was a blessing for our sex lives. No commute and not feeling like you were running the rat race left a lot of energy to spare. We got up to some adventures in private and went to a swing club once things had loosened up a bit. We didn’t swap, but being fucked in public, and seeing men who would have ravaged her had she given as much of a nod was both hot and empowering for her.

I shared the story of my NOLA adventure with her. She found it a turn-on but felt that being present in that kind of hookup could affect the dominant and submissive energy we had established together. She knew I would play with men again, but wanted to hear about it after the fact when my erection would not have to be shared.

After some time, being around each other 24/7 meant we didn’t have stories about our day to share, and we started to feel like we were getting under each other’s feet. She said she would appreciate some alone time. The thought had crossed my mind before, but I hadn’t shared it as I thought it might hurt her feelings.

Then I found out about a men’s only campground about an hour from us. It was clothing optional, had a small lake and a large pool, and a hot tub with a comfortable area for sunbathing. I found it on a gay hookup site, and so I knew this wasn’t a standard nudist community where public sexuality wouldn’t be welcome.

I hadn’t been camping since I met my now wife. She is NOT an outdoors type. I used to keep camping gear in my trunk and take off for quick weekend excursions when I was younger. I found it a cheap getaway, and a nice change from the urban area I lived in. I wasn’t one for hiking or mountain climbing, but I was an experienced car camper, and still had a lot of accessories I had relied on back in the day.

This seemed like a great opportunity for me to get to camp, to give us a break from each other’s company, and potentially find a new playmate or two.

I booked my stay for a primitive camp spot. For the next few weeks, I gathered a tent and all the gear I needed and wondered what awaited me. My wife was aware of my plans, but I had not shared the nature of the campground. I wasn’t sure I would get up to anything naughty and didn’t want to set expectations in her horny mind that I might not fulfill.

Once the big day came, I packed up and shipped out after some vigorous but comforting ‘goodbye for now’ sex. I was very tempted to share that I was about to spend days surrounded by naked men who enjoyed sex with other men, but I kept the fantasies to myself and used them to make my cock as hard as it had been for some time. She noticed and commented that I was going to miss her cunt very much. She was both right and wrong.

The camp setup was quick. The campground wasn’t huge, but it was secluded in the woods of a rural county in Southern Indiana. There were trailers and RVs and a few cabins including a four-man bunkhouse that had tempted me when I first began planning my trip. But the appeal of not being forced to sleep with strangers told me a tent was my best choice.

Primitive camping was divided between two areas. One was known for louder music and lights and possibly noisy gatherings, while the other site was intended for quiet evenings and campfires for light. I chose the quieter option. I figured I could visit the party area, and retreat to a peaceful place when I was ready to call it a night.

The pool area and shower house were well constructed but not plush. Cinder Block buildings with a lot of wood. Very butch. The pools were big with both a heated and unheated pool as well as a very large hot tub and lots of lounges for getting as much sun as the sky would provide.

The campground was advertised as clothing optional, but most were not choosing that option. There were men of every body type, including some who helped improve my image of my decidedly Dad bod. I had eaten well during the pandemic lockdown and was sporting a gut. I’m fairly hairy, so I’m a bear type now. I didn’t see much modesty and no judgment. After 45 minutes of self-induced anxiety I said out loud “When in Rome…” and stripped down to the full Monty save for some tough sandals and a towel to lay wherever I might choose to sit.

The atmosphere was very casual. There wasn’t that edgy sex energy where everyone is obviously sizing up partners. The days had been hot, and so I went to the pool. This was where the best bodies and biggest cocks came to show off, and where the people who enjoyed that kind of stimulus went to enjoy the scenery. I saw two different dicks that were bigger than I’d seen in any pornos. They were both sporting cock rings of different types. When I caught sight of the largest cock, my mouth actually dropped a bit. I’m not good at estimating length, but it was huge and it was thick. When I was finally able to tear my eyes from it, I looked up to see the man attached to that cock staring at me with a smile. You could tell he enjoyed being appreciated.

I was sporting wood from that point forward in the day. I wasn’t alone, and if any researcher wanted to get a good understanding of the spectrum of penis types, this would have been a great place to start. Hard, soft, semis, cut and uncut, and a full complement of sizes. Some long and thin, some thick and short, and all the other possible varieties. I had been imagining being surrounded by cock, and now I was living the dream.

I went swimming after another round of battling my opinions of myself. The cool water was clean, not too chlorinated and the crowd was small enough that I had space to swim several laps without having to avoid or be avoided by others.

I stopped to catch my breath and sat on the shallow end. Another bear type, taller and with a smaller belly sat near me and asked if I was new. He shared that his name was Bob and explained that he was a regular and had a trailer onsite with his partner. I gave my name and a handshake and owned up to being a newbie. He was friendly and not very flirty at first. He moved closer during our conversation until our knees were touching as we shared where we hailed from and what type of work we did. The flirting ratcheted up. He told me how to find his trailer and invited me to stop by later in the evening.

I was sporting a solid erection during the conversation. As he mentioned he needed to head back to check in with his partner, he looked at my dick and said he hoped he would see the both of us later. I plunged back into the pool to cool myself off and to distract myself from my new daydream.

After getting rid of some of my sexual tension, I made my way to a lounge to dry off and catch some sun. I had sat and pulled a bottle of lotion from my bag when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see an older gentleman who would feel at home in any silverback/Daddy pictorial. He smiled and said he hoped he was the first to offer to spread some lotion for me. I had a genuine smile when I told him I wouldn’t dare pass up an offer from such a good-looking guy.

This was my first real physical contact of the adventure. And it was wonderful, even though it was merely teasing. My new friend Ed began with my back before moving to my arms and raising them to cover my sides and underarms. He glided his slick hands around me, making me feel I was being touched everywhere. He openly grabbed both nipples and circled his fingers around them while they grew stiff. My cock would have been straight up were it not for a bit of age and gravity. He advised that open sex in the pool area was considered inappropriate in the daytime, but things got friskier after dark. He then moved to my legs and feet, massaging my feet and toes in a way that relaxed me almost enough for my hard-on to fade. But then he moved to my upper thighs and I again showed my flagpole. He did lotion up my cock and balls, but he realized I was near triggering due to the sexual tension, and he didn’t want to make me come poolside. He said he was going to go wandering and hoped we would run into each other again. I thought my dick might become like a compass and point me to him wherever he might be.

Now I’m super horny, but also very hungry. I had brought some MREs from a surplus store with me. I had no previous experience with them and thought this would be a good time to see how practical they were.

The meal was adequate, but it wasn’t what I was hungry for.

I decided to wander as the evening began. I walked through the primitive tent sites, greeted my neighbors, and then walked on to see more of the space. As I wandered past the pool, I found several RVs and trailers belonging to folks who rented lots for the season. They were homey with some minor landscaping, comfortable furniture, and firepits.

I noticed a neon sign in one RV with a patio set for hosting small groups. When I walked closer, I saw it was a penis alternating from cumming to flaccid. I smiled and heard a familiar voice sharing that they had just installed it yesterday. The voice was from my new friend who had loitioned me down and heated me up by the pool.

He asked me to sit and join him, and I was not going to let the opportunity to share more time with him pass. As I sat, he called his partner to step out and meet me. The RV door opened and I saw Bob, the first person I had met on the campground!

Bob and his partner Ed had been together for 10 years and spent the last 5 summers in this campground. It was a second home to them, and they had a community of friends they loved spending time with. They shared how much they enjoyed making new pals with campers who passed in and out of the place. They were open about the sexiness of finding new asses and cocks passing by their window each day. I asked how they stayed monogamous with so much temptation, and they said they did not believe in monogamy, but most of their adventures were shared experiences.

They explained the campsite was different for different people. The standard camping experience, albeit with nudity and no minors, was available for those looking to get away for some quiet. The pool and sauna area had a strong party vibe on weekends, and that kinky fun was to be had in a few special spots in the wooded areas beyond the tent sites. I knew they had already sized me up, and expected them to offer some wet sloppy man fun. As I was horned up and hard, I couldn’t resist asking where the kinky spots were. They offered a tour but wanted to put some clothes on because some spots were remote and thorns or itching weren’t part of their kink. I was already in cargo shorts and a t-shirt, and only slightly sad to see two nice cocks hidden behind fabric. I knew I would see them again.

We walked past the tent sites down a trail I had not noticed previously. After a short walk, we reached a steel outbuilding with an attached concrete shower block. A door from the wet room led to a small barn full of hay bales, a bar, and more sex furniture than I’d seen in one place before. There were 3 St Andrew’s crosses, several benches, 2 slings, and a wall with holes obviously intended as a glory hole wall. My new friends asked if I liked the setup, or if I was shocked. I admitted I was both shocked and pleased. I asked when things got really naughty here, and Bob said it gets hot whenever horny people are there. Ed said he was horny now, and the bulge in Bob’s shorts made his reaction obvious.

I realized the question about a setup was a double entendre. They were regulars here, and both members of the couple were the first folks I’d spoken with for any amount of time. They had noticed me and likely began a well-practiced hunt and snare routine. I didn’t feel any sense of danger. What some might view as a trap, I saw as the prize at the end of a very short maze.

I wondered briefly about how many times they had run this same game on newcomers. But my thoughts veered sharply when Bob came well within my personal space and asked if I wanted to try out any of the equipment.

My wife and I met when we were both new to the BDSM scene. She was a type A personality who enjoyed submission and being dominated and having choices about sex made for her. I was always known as the nice guy. But I had some anger issues I was learning to release by taking more control. Directing a submissive lady through an intense sex session did a lot for my ego, and made me feel less helpless in everyday situations. We had both managed to have some crazy sexy adventures and to work through some of our individual issues. We’d left the public BDSM scene to others, but our relationship was still built on an explicit power exchange.

I thought about my wife, and about the situations she had placed herself in because she gave herself over to trust and curiosity. I still felt no danger, and if I made a loud enough fuss, the campsites were close enough that I could draw attention if the need arose. I decided to give in to trust and curiosity.

I was familiar with all of the furniture. In events my wife and I had organized and hosted, we had created play spaces in several locations. I was used to much lighter equipment due to the need for transport. Everything here was solid wood or metal, and neither the furniture nor anyone bound to it was going anywhere easily.

I played the innocent and asked how the St Andrews cross was used. Ed and Bob smiled, thinking I was walking unwittingly into their plans. Bob offered to “show me the ropes” (-1 for an easy pun) but was very careful to ask for my consent. This put me at a relative ease. I said I was up for a lesson. He requested that I step in front of the cross with my back to it. He went to a wooden chest to grab some things, and Ed came to me, his chest touching mine, and asked that I step back.

Once I was against the cross, Ed grabbed my wrists, asking if he could place them in the appropriate position. Again I consented. He raised my arms while staring into my eyes. He placed each against an upper arm of the device and held them there. While he raised the intensity in the room by continuing to lock eyes with me, Bob wrapped some very comfortable leather cuffs to each wrist and attached those cuffs to the cross. He said that he wasn’t going to bother with the leg cuffs as he wanted to make sure I didn’t feel helpless… just yet. He talked about floggers, riding crops, and sensory toys that were more effective when a partner was bound.

Ed shared his perspective having experienced the business end of all those toys and more. He talked about how his skin felt more sensitive when he was bound and how the slightest tingle could make his cock super hard. His shorts indicated the memories had the same effect on that big dick. Bob, the more dominant of the couple, looked like he could literally be in heat. He was flushed, focused, and tenting his cargo shorts.

To prove Ed’s point about increasing sensitivity, he asked if I was ticklish. I said no, and he took it as a challenge. Asking for consent again, he began lightly running his fingers up the insides of my forearms, tracing up to my armpits and then lightly scratching at them. It didn’t make me want to giggle, but it did make me hot. I knew that an event had begun, and I was being led to something I had been seeking. Ed’s hand began to wander. He rubbed my shoulders asking if I was comfortable with my arms extended like this. I was fine, but comfortable didn’t seem to be the right word for my feelings.

He traced my arms again before moving to the hollow between my neck and shoulders. Realizing I was actually not ticklish, he turned to a new tactic. He ran his open hands around my neck cheeks and forehead. He said he wanted more area to work with, and asked if I would be willing to lose some of my clothes to let him wander more. We were in an enclosed room with no concern for thorns of poorly placed pointy plants. I said I was fine with nudity obviously, and thought I should just put all my clothes to the side for now. Both men were eager to join me.

Now I’m nude, and back in cuffs with my arms outstretched. Every penis in the room was straight or curved upwards. Bob’s was actually dripping. He was too civilized to drool from the mouth, but his cock was not. You could trace his steps by following the spots of precum on the wooden floor. I was thinking about how they would taste when Ed returned to his explorations.

Neither of us felt a need for coyness at this point. After circling my chest with his open hands and grabbing my small breast, Ed quickly got to my nipples. Breast play was one of my favorite activities in an SM scene and it was enlightening to be on the other side of that. He began pulling my nipples and then twisting them. He kept turning them until I gave a reaction. Ed’s smile looked predatory, but I was willing prey.

I started to shift, pulling away as he worked my nips. He focused on the left one and it was actually painful, but I was committed to playing my part to the limits of my capacity. My dick softened a bit as I focused on my mind. I closed my eyes, trying to put myself in a proper headspace to really experience the sensation. It was similar to tasting some extremely hot sauces and learning to put yourself on the other side of the pain. Ed brought his lips to my right nipple and began to suck. It was low intensity initially and it felt wonderful. My left nipple was on fire, but I was completely focused on the right. Then I felt teeth. He bit lightly and then pulled back to ask if I was OK with that. I consented. He dove back and pulled that nipple with his teeth until I reacted vocally.

Bob was pulled by the noise from his role as an observer and stepped behind me to begin his own petting. And it really felt like being petted. He glided his hands up and down my ribs, across the back of my shoulders, and made his way around my chest until he met Ed’s head still working my right nipple. He pulled Ed into me, and Ed ratcheted up his light assault. My hips started swaying, and as my cock got harder, those hips began to push forward. My cock wanted to touch skin and to be touched. Bob was ready to move faster, and he began to trace my hips and thighs but didn’t waste much time before he grabbed my balls and massaged them. He wasn’t the only one dripping at that point. I was throbbing, and I was moaning and I would have traded all my virtues for a good orgasm at that moment.

The boy’s well-practiced routine took a different turn. They took their hands away leaving me wiggling and grasping and twisting in my bonds. Each detached a cuff from the cross, but didn’t remove the cuffs.

If Ed had not suggested the spanking bench, I would have probably thrown myself on it.

I thought I was open to anything at that point. But Bob was intent on literally opening me. He appeared in front of me with a bottle of lubricant. I don’t know where he pulled it from, but I’m glad it was available. He said that he and Bob brought lots of first-timers here, and they had a favorite activity and asked if I consented to be fucked. I answered yes with no hesitation though I’d only had toys in my ass previously. These guys had a lot of experience, and I felt that I was in a safe space, all evidence to the contrary.

I felt a hand that must belong to Ed as I was still locking eyes with Bob. They attached cuffs to my ankles, and then attached those cuffs to the bench, limiting my movement. The bench had just the right amount of padding to ensure comfort. Ed then began to circle his palms over my ass cheeks. He was warming me up on multiple levels. As he became slightly more vigorous, he was regularly spreading my cheeks and I could feel air on my hole. It wasn’t a breeze, but a slow stream of cool air from Ed blowing lightly on me. Bob came around behind me, and I heard the click of the bottle, and what I assumed was lube squirting onto his hands. His slick and slightly cool finger brushed my anal entry. He circled it while Ed held my cheeks apart and continued his blowing.

Bob entered me with a single digit, and pumped my ass, pushing it deeper with each thrust. His experience allowed him to target and locate my prostate quickly and gave me a more intimate massage than I’ve ever imagined possible. I was so focused on the connection between my prostate and my cock that when Bob took things to the next level by adding an additional finger, I barely noticed. I think that was the point of no return. At least one of these men was going to fuck me. I should have thought about condoms. I should have thought about the fact they had obviously engaged in anal with several partners. I confess I actually did think those thoughts, but I shut them down, closed my eyes, and decided to follow the energy in this dark little room in the middle of a forest and find out where it took us.

Once I realized Bob had two fingers in me, I knew we were on a progressing journey to his dick in my ass. Being restrained was ironically freeing. I gave up control and was relieved of the burden of choice. If I had asked them to stop, I think they would have. But I was in heat, and so were they. Two fingers gave way to three, and my ass gave way easily. I could have probably cum just from being fingerbanged. But Bob and Ed also expected to come, and they wanted me at a fever pitch when that happened.

Ed started rubbing my back moving up slowly to my shoulders while Bob continued to violate my ass, using real force to hammer away and prepare my sphincter for a more serious intrusion. Ed, as he moved to my shoulders, brought himself around my side till he was standing in front of me, his curved erection looking taught and tense. I couldn’t see Bob, but I was well aware of where he was and where he was going. His fingers slowed, and then left me. I began to tense as I knew the next step in this dance. Hell, I’ve done the same thing to my wife in a public play space once. My light anxiety was disrupted when Bob asked me if I had been fucked before. I shared that it was going to be a new experience. And while I still couldn’t see his face, I could hear his smile when he asked me to trust him and to let him know if he was overstepping any limits I had.

As if Bob was playing a ‘good’ cop, Ed took the more aggressive role, at least verbally.

He began a stream-of-consciousness ramble. Telling me I was obviously looking forward to this. He told me they had never had such an easy time getting a little cock hunting fag locked down and lubed up before. Ed taunted me and said I was obviously looking for some big men to plow me front and back. He waved his cock around in my face and laughed as my eyes followed it. He stepped closer and let his big dick touch my face. It left a slimy trail of precum as it tracked from one cheek to the other. I could feel his cream cooling on my nose. He poked it toward my lips and told me to go ahead and start sucking.

As soon as it got close enough, I sucked the head into my mouth hard enough that this bear of a man would need to pull it out if he didn’t want to be there. I wanted to suck him till he came. He wanted to be deeper in my mouth, and with no fanfare, he started sawing that big prick into my face. I felt hands on the sides of my face, and he rocked his hips back and forth into me. Once Ed settled into a rhythm, Bob placed his rod across my hole. He began rocking his own hips, and I could feel that hot lubricated meat gliding up and down the crease of my ass. He lifted a bit so that the head of his dick began pushing against my anus. He was going to fuck me now. When he first pushed the head in. I tensed, really clenched, up. He pulled out and said that the first time could be uncomfortable, but that he knew I was too horny to stop.

The next time Bob’s cockhead pushed into my ass, he held it there. I arched my back and lifted up from the bench. He used just enough force to stay lodged in me. I thrashed as much as the restraints allowed, but he explained that laying still, and “taking it like a good little bitch” would make things easier. The pain level had dropped slightly, and so I relented, rested my weight against the bench, and was still. The burning remained. Bob slightly pulled back, poured some more lube on the part of his dick that wasn’t already violating me, and humped back in, adding slightly more length. The uncomfortable expansion of my butt continued, but the burning was a bit less. He lay across my back, kissing my neck and shoulders, and began hunching himself further and further up me while wrapping his large hands around my wrists to make me feel even more immobile.

He was fucking me. I would have let my mind explore all of the sensations of that, but Ed was railing my mouth like a disposable jack-off sleeve. Watching me be reamed for the first time by his lover was just as exciting as my passion for slobbering over his cock and balls. I was pushed by Ed back onto Bob’s dick, and then pushed by Bob’s thrusts further onto Ed’s hunk of meat. It felt like an uncoordinated tug of war but then slipped into a seamless undulation. Their experience again became evident. Bob pushed me onto Ed’s cock, rearing back to meet my ass as Ed returned the favor.

I admit I felt lost for a bit. I had fantasies of being used, but those fantasies always focused on me. This event was focusing on two very impressive penises and these boys’ need to cum. I wasn’t a part of the decision-making process. I was merely the conduit that connected these men. I could feel sweat dripping on the back of my neck as Ed leaned over me, verbally humiliating me for wanting to swallow his jism so badly. Bob was quiet except for grunting and huffing. But I could feel his perspiration falling on my ass as he gave himself an intense workout.

Ed’s words began to become fewer, more spaced out until finally his hard breaths and grunts of satisfaction fell into the same cadence as Bob. The quiet refocused me. I knew we were coming to the climax in every sense of that word.

The two guys I was bracketed by were ready to orgasm, and they appeared intent on releasing themselves into me simultaneously.

Bob’s pistoning became slightly off the beat they had established. But Ed was the first to spasm I think. He went completely rigid, particularly his cock. His pubic hair was pressed into my face, and I had the whole of his dick in me. The same was true for Bob suddenly. He stopped pulling out of me. I think I could have enjoyed seeing their faces. I wonder if they were looking into each other’s eyes. But I could see nothing. I could feel everything though. Hands that held me now felt like they were holding on for support. the two steel straight poles that became my true North and South felt like they flared inside of me. I thought Ed’s cum might go straight into my throat. But I felt it begin filling my mouth and surrounding his cockhead. I could definitely taste his cum. And I could feel Bob’s semen filling my anal cavity! It was hot! I think my ass actually expanded to contain all of it! This is what I fantasized about so often while I jerked off. I didn’t have to think about what the cum inside me might feel like anymore. I knew for certain now, and I would never forget.

My dick had been fluctuating from erect to soft throughout this encounter. If I was able to think about the fantasy I was living out, I was rock hard. But at other points, if I focused on the feeling of two cocks in me, my dick would soften up a bit. I had not cum yet, and once the buffeting between the two bears slowed down, my cock came back up.

Ed thanked me for allowing them to share me. Bob remarked that being such a good fuckboy deserved an award. I was still bound, and so what happened next would be dealer’s choice, and I wasn’t holding any cards.


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