Carved by Angels Ch. 05

A gay story: Carved by Angels Ch. 05 Horns and sirens echoed outside, the city full of life, drama, problems. Hating the fact that so many people out there were alive and laughing, enjoying the Friday night while Chay wasn’t.

Oh hell… I thought I was done with tears… Weary, swollen eyelids protested as his dark, tormented eyes filled with tears again. The salty crystalline droplets soaked into the pillow – one of the few things he had saved after Kichay’s death was the pillow the little human used. The sweet scent had left the fabric long ago. Summer had left him, for eternity, banished just as Kichay was.

Curled up on his side, facing away from the door, Sajery buried his face in the soft blue satin, breathing deep as he sucked in air for the start of more weeping. Wailing.I’m so scared…What if he denies me? What if he can’t even face me? So many thoughts swirled in his head, all of them throwing themselves at his heart, injecting it with poison – he couldn’t let anything get in the way of his plan. Nothing, not even his own self doubts. It would work, it had to work, it had to…

He sat up suddenly, quick as lightning as his face became a glare so terrible, Haziel trembled under it.

Surely tearing apart the room and screaming utter madness would’ve terrified anyone of the thought to dare enter without permission…

“What do you want?” He was horribly defenseless, it was cruel to jump so much vulnerability.

Cringing badly, the hostile bite of the demon’s words pierced deep. Behind thick blond bangs, Haziel set his chin and raised to his full height, “I-I wanted to see if you wanted some company..”Oh fuck… Cursing at his wavering voice, the angel didn’t even acknowledge the fact that he swore, internally or not. The tray he held in his hands shook ever so slightly; Haziel eyed the demon and his set face of determination softened.

His eyes faded into a memory, without meaning to. So often, so frequently it happened. Forgetting what just occured, Sajery slipped into the bittersweet times.I said that to him… First time we met… The rink, the skating rink. They turned it into a fucking punk skate park now… Everything felt numb, the sirens he hated had faded away – a faint humming sound replaced all other noise. Kichay’s voice he used to hear, was so quiet, two shades under a whisper. It mocked him, sometimes that sweet voice that called out his name, told him of love, laughed at him. Kichay was laughing at him.

“Am I going mad?”

Setting down the tray, Haziel felt tears come to his eyes; the utter desperation and despair in that question. A shaking hand rested upon the demon’s shoulder, the crimson skin contrasted greatly to the pale porclein. No hand flew out to strike him, as it did sometimes. The pain Sajery radiated was so much, far too much. It made him feel dizzy almost. Such an unusual sensation… “I don’t know…I don’t know, my sweet.” The affectionate term was like candy on his lips, pleasing and left a craving for more. Never had he felt this way, the need to give so much love, so much that it rivaled those in the skies. The banished angel slowly crawled onto the bed, and lay behind Sajery, curling his lithe body into the curve of the demon’s. So cautious, so careful.

Not once did Sajery strike him this time.

The fog lifted, and clumsily from exhaustion, the demon turned to face the angel, not realizing he accidently hit the angel’s pale, soft cheek hard. Tear-filled brown eyes took in the vision that was torn from the skies, and remained with him, saw those bright blue eyes falter closed as he kissed the angel’s neck. Stirrings of emotion crackled in his heart; the immediate fear struck him, but without caring, he passed his lips across the sweet skin. “I don’t deserve you…I don’t deserve your gifts.” Breathless, he lay on his side as his arms gathered the angel and crushed the slight frame against him. The younger’s body was shuddering delicately, like a flower caught in the gust of a strong wind, “S-Sajery…” The whisper told him to continue, to let him unleash the aching of loneliness and heartbreak. To bury himself to hide away from the sorrow of unspeakable depths.

Raising up more, the demon gently laid some of his weight on the angel’s chest as he tucked his arm under the angel’s neck, the other roaming across shoulders, tugging the loose robe open, exposing what lay underneath. Shivers of lust rattled up his spine as his lips shyly met the other’s.Oh gods… A spark grew in his heart, it scared him but his love for the angel rose up into the skies from where he fell. Sliding his tongue across Haziel’s, Sajery took his hand away from caressing a collarbone to tenderly cupping the angel’s cheek.

“Haziel…Haziel,” He couldn’t say it. Not now, not ruin everything. So close, so close to professing his love.And I can’t…

But he could see it, with glazed blue eyes, Haziel merely whimpered in return. A whimper instead of declaration that would burn their souls forever. Raising his hands to rake through the demon’s dark locks, the angel pushed away the bangs from that dark crimson face and mouthed the words before taken in a savage kiss of passion and lust. Equally hungry, the little angel dragged the demon closer, scooting upwards so now he sat up, his back pressed against the cracked headboard of their bed. Together they both fumbled at disrobing each other, first the shirts, the robe tops.Oh gods, it feels so good… Hands flitted everywhere, along his torso, to his shoulder’s, and finally to his wrists, pinning them to the headboard as well. To be pinned like this, it hurt a little, that jagged shard of pain wormed deeper into his heart.

But its his way of keeping us apart…

He loves me, I know he does. He’s scared, he doesn’t want to feel.. Losing his mind over a dead human for nearly a decade…When he hits me, when he hurts me…He doesn’t mean it.. Oh Gods, what a twisted world humans live in, what I’ve fallen into….

Dragging a tongue along the neck, down into the hollow at his lover’s throat, Sajery went lower. The younger whimpered, murmuring his name, his pleading for more. Lips found a pert nub, and with a smile, he flicked his tongue, teasing. “You taste like the sunshine you once bathed in above the clouds…” Sunshine and the promise of hope, in a youthful body of an angel. The younger’s hands twitched, Sajery released them, savoring the feel of them pressing them closer. Closer, to dull the ache they both felt. “Oh fuck,” The surprisingly daring creature suddenly straddled his body; groaning, Sajery rocked upwards, hands resting upon those jutting hips. It was so touching, so endearing, to stare up into that face, to see it betray emotion and the sensations, all so new.Just like how Kichay was… They way Haziel parted his mouth with each breath, lips trembling as they created friction. That bright pink dusting of color across the high cheekbones, sweat beginning to form.

“You’re so beautiful, the heavens must weep…” “The things you say,”

He grinned, and that too, disappeared, replaced with a shaking breath. So much pleasure, running through his nerves. Letting his body ride Sajery’s rocking, he tugged the demon to sit upright, and the arms he loved so much wrapped around him. One sliding into the curve of his waist, brushing against the small of his back, the other sifting through his hair. Arching his back, the angel tipped his head back, loving the kisses, the small bites the demon made to his neck. So much power in those arms.

Their limbs tangled, driving the passion to new heights. That clouding only lust can bring erased all their worries, that place where lovers went. Nothing but love remained.

“Ah, S-saje,” Frowning minutely, the demon’ closed his eyes, and tucked the younger’s head into his shoulder; arms wrapped around his back, fingers curling.Oh gods he’s so warm… The head of his shaft was engulfed in fire, so inviting, so ready. “It’ll pass, I won’t hurt you, darling…” Kissing shoulders, mumuring sweet nothings, everything but that cursed word, the demon waited. Haziel’s thighs began to shake, support himself up as he tried to lower himself down.

The arms around him drew apart, and the fingers that ran through his sweaty, knotted locks now held his hips. Easing his muscles, Haziel looked into the eyes of the demon and his heart nearly hammered its way out of his heart. Nothing his heart could ever feel would rival the twisted, unlikely emotions as he felt now. “It feels, different this way…A-Almost like I can’t do it.” Shudders cascaded throug his body, he could feel himself clenching as Sajery slowly lowered him onto him. Eyes rolling back, Haziel almost fainted, the onslaught of so much information to overload on… His angel’s body had never felt nor dreamed of such pleasure. Another minute slipped by, and happily so, he rested his cheek on his lover’s chest and waited.

Gritting his teeth, Sajery slowly withdrew himself, and pushed back in with the same caution. Gasping, he fought for control before repeating, breathing fast. The angel’s supple body betrayed more tremors, only the whimper he had learned to catagorize as “ohpleasemoreohplease”, encouraged him to continue. Licking his drying lips, he embraced his precious angel as he rocked upwards at the agonizing slow pace. Haziel whined at his shallow thrusts, raising his hips, bouncing gently upon his lap.Fuck…Strike me down…I think my heart is on fire…

Something deep within him was grazed, a quick jab that had him forget to breath. Swearing outloud, Haziel wrapped his legs around the demon’s waist, sealing their union. “Gods, Sajery, I-” Again, he almost said it. It was a battle – when he forgot the forbidden words, the demon was quick to save him from slipping and vice-versa. Were actions truly better than words? Their lips locked in a searing kiss, their bodies entwining, carrying each other to the skies, reaching for a star to grab onto and whisk them away from the twisted land. To feel his body jerking at the thrusts, to have his bangs dance before his lust-filled blue eyes, it was so overwhelming. Everything an angel wouldn’t dream of, love, of finding pleasure through the body. It was so human and pathetic.

Well worth it.

Tingling in his lower abdomen grew over the minutes of passion. Both him and the angel were groaning, moaning, whimpering, so open and both on fire. His hands grabbed at the angel’s buttocks, cupping them before digging his fingers in; the startled gasp was so sweet to hear. He was close, his angel was close, crying out at his harder thrusting. This was the same way him and Kichay had first made love. His tears had faded, replaced with emotion. “You first, Haziel, god, make me follow you,” Finding his lover’s length, he began to stroke it in time to his thrusts – the double pleasure had his angel gasping, clinging onto him, riding his length harder and with more desperation. That shrill cry ended shortly, gasping replacing his voice as he burst into oblivion. The tightening and spasming was more than he could take, and Sajery as well, spilling over the edge with a groan. Slick with sweat, he held Haziel tight to him, hands moving from his back to his hair, sweeping along as they trembled together, overtaken.

“It’s okay, its alright…I’m here,” Whispered words in his hear reassured him his heart did not explode.Oh my holy land…Its so intense, like that first time… The first time they moved together in such lust, the angel could have sworn his chest had burst from the strength of finding bliss. The dizziness attacked him, with a mere touch of his hand, Sajery slowly withdrew, and tucked the angel into his arms. Lying on his side, Haziel felt the thudded under his ear, listened to it.

They remained as such for a long time, wordless, merely enjoying being so close to another.

*”You wrecked the room again…” The demon paused his mindless stroking of the angel’s hair, hearing the question and nodded internally. Indeed, he trashed the room again, angered that he couldn’t find the perfect furniture.Would Kichay care? What had played in his mind for the last couple months since the little angel appeared in his life was percisely that.What if everything I’ve done…What if everything I have done isn’t out of love… What it was was from his pure selfishness. The stupid questions, the stupid worrying – staring at the ceiling, his head propped on the angel’s crown, his eyes lost their guard. He knew this was wrong. Everything. The killing, the souls collected. If he couldn’t bear what he did, how could he expect Kichay to?

Unknowningly, this part of his rational mind was fading away, losing to the strength of his guilt and blind reassuring to himself that it was alright. He loved Kichay, he wanted him back so much. Everything he did was for Kichay, and Haziel knew his heart was reserved.

What a twisted world this was.

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