Catching the Eye of a Mob Boss Ch. 02

A gay story: Catching the Eye of a Mob Boss Ch. 02 Jace:

I was eating my microwaved dinner when my phone started ringing, I checked caller ID and saw an unfamiliar number. Weird, I answered in case it was work.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hello is this Jace Ederson?” asked a hauntingly familiar beautiful voice and I froze. “This is Diego Salvatore, we met earlier today, you ran into my body guard.”

“I…I..…remember.” I stuttered out, surprised I was even able to get that much out.

“Oh good” Diego responded with a satisfied tone sneaking into his voice. “Well I wanted to apologize for causing so many issues for you this morning, and was wondering if I could make it up to you by providing you a possibly lucrative opportunity for you and the company you work for.”

“I…I don’t understand.” I responded to that not sure I was hearing anything that Diego was saying.

“I understand you work for an architecture company and write proposals for companies all across the city of New York. I have a building that needs an upgrade, more specifically my own personal office space and was wondering if you wouldn’t mind taking a look at it and giving me an appraisal of what your firm could do to modernize the space and make it more functional for my…unique needs.”

“I ummm I would have to confirm with my boss, he is the one that sets up the appointments with the companies interested in doing expansions and renovations.” I responded flabbergasted by this man Diego Salvatore. What did he really want?

“Then it’s a good thing that I have already spoken to him, and told him that I would personally choose which architect from his team I wanted to have come look at my office and draw up the designs and blueprints. He seemed very accommodating” Diego replied. “Come in tomorrow say around 8 in the evening and we can discuss this more in-depth”

“Wait wh..” *click* the line went dead. I pulled the phone away from my ear to confirm that the call had been disconnected by this crazy man.

What the fuck? I thought. He’s insane. And why he did call me personally after calling my boss and how in the world did he get my fucking number. I’m not going tomorrow this man is fucking crazy.

That didn’t change the fact that I was standing in front of his office building at 7:55 pm the next evening. I had tried talking to my boss about how fishy this was, but he wouldn’t listen he just went on and on about how much this would mean for the company if we got this gig and so what if the client was asking for a particular architect it wasn’t that unusual, besides clients are allowed to have quirks especially when they are paying so well. Blah blah blah.

Well even if all those answers were complete and utter bull shit it didn’t change the fact that I needed this job, and I didn’t want to damage my chances of keeping it by refusing to go see a man that as far as I knew was looking to do legitimate business with the company I worked for. Besides he said it was as an apology.

I entered if not confidently, at least without shaking like a chicken. In the building there was a shiny foyer and a very capable secretary sitting at a desk and typing away. I walked over hesitantly and cleared my throat. She looked up and smiled

“You must be Mr. Ederson. Mr. Salvatore is expecting you just head over to the elevators and I’ll buzz you up to the top floor.” She said cheerily and pointed toward the gold plated elevator doors across from her desk on the other side of the foyer.

“Thank you.” I reply in a quiet voice. I walk over to the doors and they slide open without me having done anything. I look back at the secretary but she has returned to typing busily on her computer. I shrug and enter the elevator. The doors slide shut and I’m sent up to the twentieth floor to see Diego Salvatore again.

The doors open and I’m greeted by another secretary typing busily on her own computer. She looked up as the doors opened and waves me over to her.

“Mr. Ederson. Mr. Salvatore is currently in a meeting that went longer than expected however he told me to tell you he will be out in a few minutes to meet with you and to please have a seat and you can ask me for anything that you might need while you wait.” With that she turned back to her desk and started taping frantically at her computer again.

I looked around a little confused but saw a seating area with what looked like a relatively comfortable couch. I walked over and plopped myself down, and tried no to fidget too much as I waited.



God this man needed to leave so I could move on to more pleasurable business. The Chinese had sent a last ditch effort to try and convince me to not ruthlessly kill my hostage, and yet still try and retain some control over the industry. Frankly I was done. They had my answer and this was getting old.

“I have already told you my answer, and this stupid last ditch attempt to try and save face is frankly despicable. You now have 24 hours rather than 48 to clear out of my city before I start sending body parts to your master’s door step. I’m thinking I would start with a toe or maybe an ear of the precious girl. What do you think a 19 year old girl would be more ok with loosing? How much do you think she will blame her father for doddling and not coming to her rescue like he is supposed to? Hmm? Now get out of my sight before I make it 12 hours.”

The hench men’s face turned slightly pale and he quickly gathered his things before sprinting form the room towards the elevators.

Finally. I can get to something much more pleasant than threatening spineless ninnies who don’t seem to understand the words coming out of my mouth. I thought.

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