Center Stage Ch. 03


A gay story: Center Stage Ch. 03 I walked away from Grey and headed directly towards the bar. I had just taken my first sip of the mountain dew with vodka that I had ordered when Sydney stepped up next to me.

“Hey there, Cameron, are you enjoying the party so far?” She asked with a smile.

She really was beautiful. I am positive that Dale’s heart must melt every time he sees this smile.

“I am, Sydney, I haven’t had this much fun in a long time. I’m glad that Grey brought me along.”

I returned her smile.

“Tell me something, Cameron, do you handle Zack at work the same way you handled Lucas tonight?”

I kept my face as smooth as possible, but I was floored. How the hell did she know that I worked with him? Houston we have a problem!

“I don’t know what you mean, Sydney?” I asked in what I hope was a confused tone.

Sydney smiled at me again and leaned over and whispered in my ear.

“Ariel Grey happens to be my best friend in the whole world. So let’s just say that I am in the know, and leave it at that. I will say this though. You really should handle his highness the same way you handled Lucas tonight. He needs a friend, and I think you just might be strong enough to crack that suit of armor he wears all the time.”

A tug on my pant leg stopped me before I could respond to Sydney. I looked down to see Madison sitting next to me. Madison’s tail was swinging back and forth. She was obviously happy about something. I leaned down and picked her up in my arms. She butted her nose against my check. I could see something black hanging out of the corner of her mouth. I reached up and gently pulled it from her. She immediately began licking my face. I looked down in my hand and saw a black piece of material. I looked at Sydney with a curious expression.

“What’s this, girl?”

“Where the FUCK is that bitch of a dog???”

I looked across the room and could see Lucas ranting and raving to a group of people. He pointed down towards his feet. The laugh that escaped my mouth was loud. Lucas was missing a chunk of his pant leg around his right ankle. I looked at Madison and she seemed to look back at me proudly.

“Did you do that, girl?”

She responded by putting her paw against my cheek and licking me again.

“I really can’t believe she has taken to you like this, Cameron, she is never this friendly. It’s almost like she understands exactly what you are saying.”

I grinned at Sydney.

“You can call me Cam, any friend of Ariel’s is a friend of mine. Let’s see just how smart she is, Sydney.”

I shoved the piece of material in my pocket and reached up and scratched behind Madison’s ears.

“Hey, Madison…”

She cocked her head and looked me expectantly.

“Do you remember who Grey is?”

A soft, low puppy growl rumbled through her little body.

“You want to go get him?”

She let out a little bark. I set her down and she took off through the crowd.

Sydney laughed.

“You are wicked, Cam, I love it! I still can’t believe how she’s attached herself to you. I also can’t believe how attached Zack is to you either.”

I choked on my drink, but managed not to get it all over myself.

“Excuse me?”

Sydney took me by the arm.

“Let’s step out on the balcony where we can have a little more privacy. Okay?”

I nodded my head and followed her out a set of french doors into the cool summer night. We sat down around a table and I waited for her to begin.

“First let me say that I’ve known the Greys for most of my life. We grew up living next door to each other. You could say that I am an expert on the subject actually. Now I didn’t mean that Zack was attached to you in a romantic sense. I meant that he really does see you as a friend. He just has problems expressing that.”

I laughed.

“No offense, Sydney, I am far from being his friend. If this is how he treats his friends, then I would really hate to see how he treats his enemies. He’s a cold hearted son of a bitch and hasn’t shown me any reason to think otherwise.”

Sydney nodded her head.

“No offense taken, Cam, I understand what you mean. I just wish you could have known Zack before he turned into a jerk. He was one of the sweetest guys you could ever meet.”

“Then what happened?”

“Lucas happened. It was about six years ago. Zack was just coming to terms with his sexuality. Somehow he ended up meeting Lucas, and everything changed after that. Lucas took control over him. He ended up getting Zack to out himself to everyone. A lot of people didn’t understand, and quite a few actually shut Zack out completely. It would have happened eventually, but Lucas used the situation to take over Zack’s life. He got Zack to think that he was the only person that cared about him. That he was the only one Zack could trust. After a few weeks Zack shut all of us out of his life. It wasn’t until a few months later that Zack caught Lucas cheating on him that he realized what had happened. Well that and the fact that Ariel ripped him about four new assholes.”

We both laughed. Ariel can be a very formidable woman.

“It took some time, but we slowly saw the old Zack coming back. He tried dating some more, but he seemed to get burned all the time. It was around that time that he gave up dating and men. Center Stage was born. It was his baby. He put every ounce of effort he had into making it successful. CSP is a huge success now, but it came at a cost. Zack stopped trusting people. He stopped letting people into his life. Now he only really deals with Dale and I. Of course there is Ariel as well, but he still isn’t the same person anymore. He doesn’t allow anyone to see what’s inside of him. That is why it was important for you to be here tonight. He knew you were strong enough to keep Lucas at bay, and that would give him the chance to relax and maybe just be himself for a bit. Acting like a bastard asshole all day long can really take it out of you.”

I sat back with a thoughtful expression on my face. I do admit that hearing all of this does explain Grey’s attitude, but it still doesn’t excuse it. Everyone gets dealt a shitty hand in life from time to time. That doesn’t mean he has to act like that towards people.

“I understand what you are saying, Sydney, but what do you want me to do about it?”

“All I ask is that you don’t shut him out. I am not asking you to kiss his ass. Actually I am asking you to do the opposite. Keep challenging him. Don’t let him get his way all the time. I understand that he is your boss, but I know from experience that assistants have more control than a normal secretary would. In fact I’ll let you in on a little secret, Cam.”

“What’s that?”

“You are the first personal assistant Zack has ever had.”

I looked at her with confusion. Is she fucking kidding?

“Sorry, Sydney, you’re wrong. I’m just one person in a long list of people that have worked for him.”

“You’re right there, Cam, but those other people you are referring to were not his assistants. Before you came along there were only secretaries. After he interviewed you he changed the position to personal assistant. My guess is that he saw a lot in you, and this way it gives him the opportunity to interact with you more. He wouldn’t interact this much with just a secretary.”

Okay. Now I was really fucking confused.

“Why would he do that? My understanding is that he treats me worse than anyone.”

“My guess would be that he has really started to see you as a friend, and he is scared. Like I said before, guys have burned him in the past. Even though there is no romantic interest there is still a possibility that you two could end up close friends. Well you could if Zack would stop being such a fucking prick. I really hope you can stick this out, Cam, I also hope that Zack decides to let you see the real him at some point.”

I smiled at Sydney.

“I’ll try the best that I can, Sydney, but it’s really going to be up to him. He is going to have to take the first step if wants friends. It’s going to take some time before anyone will believe it though. He’s been a bastard for so long…”

I was interrupted by the sound of the balcony door opening. Grey was standing there and looking back and forth between the two of us. He looked concerned.

“Um…Cam…Do you have anything to do with this?” Grey asked.

He stepped out on the balcony and turned sideways. That is when I saw her and I couldn’t help my laughter. Madison was attached to the pant leg of his jeans. He must have dragged her all the way out here. She was growling and tugging on his pants as soon as he stopped moving.

“Who is the smartest girl in the world?”

At the sound of my voice she let go of Grey’s pants and came bounding over to me. She hopped up into my lap and once again my face got covered in puppy kisses. I was petting her and murmuring into her ear.

“Well boys I need to find Dale. We need to make sure that Lucas isn’t causing too much trouble. I’ll be back.” Sydney said with a smile as she stood up and headed back into the loft.

She closed the door behind her. Grey stood there for a few moments looking uncomfortable. He must have decided to try and relax because he finally sat down in the chair Sydney had just vacated. Madison’s head turned to see where he was going. As he sat down by me she started to growl.

“I have no fucking clue why that dog doesn’t like me. She seems to be taken with you though. It seems you have that effect on animals as well as people.”

I could hear the traces of sarcasm in his voice.

“Jealous, sir?”

His head snapped up and our eyes locked.

“What would you know about jealousy? Isn’t your life perfect enough? And what is with the ‘sir’ shit? We aren’t at work. I do have a name.”

“You might not be at work, but allow me to remind you that I am here as a part of work…”

For the first time I saw some emotion crack through his mask. Anger.

“Are you going to keep throwing that in my face? Why don’t you just leave then, Cameron? You certainly aren’t being held here at gun point.”

“You are so good at that aren’t you?” I asked.

I seemed to be on a roll tonight. I received a look at a second emotion on his face. Confusion.

“What in hell are you talking about?”

“You know damn well what I mean. You are getting pretty good at pushing people away from you. You really should write a book or something on the subject. I am sure it will be a best seller.”

“I’m sorry. I forgot I was talking to the all-knowing Cameron. You think you know everything, don’t you?”

“I don’t think that I know everything. I’m observant, and even a blind person would be able to see the stone walls you’ve erected around yourself. If you would stop acting like such an asshole all the time people might actually want to be around you for more than five seconds.”

“What you really mean is that people wouldn’t hate me? Why don’t you just say it instead of beating around the bush?”

“I can’t speak for other people, Mr. Grey, I can only speak for myself.”

It was like I threw a lit match into a barrel of gasoline. He exploded with a fury.

“I told you I have a fucking name, Cameron, it is Zachary. I am so fucking tired of all this ‘sir’ and ‘Mr. Grey’ bullshit. Why are you so afraid of using my first name? What’s the fucking problem?”

I stood up cradling Madison in my arms. I’m sure the look on my face could have frozen the Atlantic Ocean in the middle of the summer.

“Afraid? Fear has nothing to do with it…”

His deep bass voice interrupted me. Its sound echoed off of the building.

“Then what is the problem? You don’t call me by my first name because…”

“I hate you.” I interrupted back.

His mouth moved but not a solitary sound came out. Ariel and Sydney wanted me to get behind his walls to help him. I knew there was no way of getting around his walls. So I took a different course of action. I gave him the blunt, honest truth, and exploded right through his walls. I walked towards the balcony door. I turned back to look at him and what I saw rocked me to the core of my being. Sadness. It wasn’t even that he just looked sad. He looked completely crushed. I couldn’t let that affect me though. He needed to realize the type of person he has become. If there was any chance for him to return to the boy Ariel told me about then I had to be strong. My voice carried out over the balcony like a soft summer breeze.

“You asked me before what I knew about jealousy. So let me share with you what I know about it. I’m jealous of you.”

His head snapped up and his eyes locked on to me.

“You have everything I’ve ever dreamed about. You have a successful company with amazing employees. You are doing something that you love. Let’s not forget that you could have any person in the world you wanted. All it would take is one of those smiles you gave Dale before. The problem is you don’t realize any of that. You’ve thrown everything away because you’re mad at the world. You are one of the luckiest people I know, but you don’t seem to understand any of that. You treat people like shit and you never show any concern or compassion to anyone. Even with everything you have, you could have so much more if you just let people in.”

His voice was so low I was barely able to hear him.

“So you hate me because you’re jealous of me.”

“No. I hate you because I can’t walk away. As much as you piss me off and hurt me, I know that somewhere buried deep inside of you is a good person. That is why I put up with your bullshit. I keep hoping that eventually this evil Hitler routine will wear off and the light that’s inside you will finally shine through. Everyday you seem to bury yourself deeper and deeper and it makes me feel like a fool for believing in you.”

“Well, Cameron, that was quite a monologue you gave there, but you really don’t expect me to believe it do you? This definitely out shines your performance with Lucas earlier. I really should pay you double time for this.”

As he looked back up at me I could see the mask had slid back into place. I knew this was a bad idea. I should have kept my big fucking mouth shut when I had the chance. I thought that this might of worked, but I was obviously mistaken. I don’t know why he does this. This is why I hate him. Wait. That’s not right. I need to be honest with myself. I hate him because I let him get to me like this. I couldn’t help the tears that filled my eyes. I took a deep breath. There is only one thing I could do now.

“This is exactly why I hate you. People put themselves out there and open up to you, but you don’t care. You rip them apart and then piss all over them. Don’t worry about paying me for anything sir. You don’t pay someone that doesn’t work for you. Consider this my resignation. I quit.”

I set Madison down and turned to open the balcony door. She pawed at my leg and I could hear her crying to be picked up again. I stopped at the sound of Grey’s voice.

“You can’t quit. I won’t let you.”

I looked over my shoulder and laughed. I had to look pretty foolish though because a few tears escaped from my eyes.

“You don’t own me, Mr. Grey, I refuse to let you push me around anymore. I deserve better than this. I would wish you all the best, but you already have it. You’re just too god damn stupid to see that. Goodbye, sir.”

I quickly wiped my face before stepping back into the loft. I scanned the room quickly and found a quick, easy escape path. I moved quickly across the room, but not fast enough to draw any unwanted attention. Just as I reached the door though a condescending voice laughed over my shoulder. I turned around and standing before me was Lucas. The way my luck was running tonight I should have expected it.

“Did you and your man have a little fight buddy?” He asked with a sneer.

I couldn’t even control my anger at this point. I didn’t even bother to respond. I turned slightly to my side and my right leg flashed out next to me. My foot caught him dead in the stomach and I could hear the air rush out of his lungs. I swung open the door to the loft and took off down the steps. I quickly hailed a taxi and was on my way home. What a fucked up night this was.

* * *

It wasn’t until much later in the evening when I was relaxing in a steamy hot bath that the ramifications of tonight’s events hit me. Did I actually quit tonight? It took me a few moments to decide. Yes. I would follow through with my impromptu resignation. I wasn’t worried about losing any money. As I said before my paychecks were fucking awesome. I barely had any free time to spend any of it though. This meant that I had a really nice balance in my checkbook at the moment. I could take a few months and decide on a plan of action. I was upset about not working at CPS though, and it had nothing to do with the pay. I really loved my job there. Sure I had to put up with ‘him’, but even that proved to be interesting from time to time.

After about thirty minutes of soaking in the tub I rinsed off and threw on some comfortable clothes. It was only about 11 p.m. I was still wired after everything that happened tonight and I knew I wouldn’t be finding sleep anytime soon. I had just settled down and started to watch some movies on TV. I opened a Zima and lit up a smoke. Just as I was getting into an awesome Julia Roberts film the buzzer rang out through the apartment. I sighed as I stood up and went over to the console.


“Good evening, sir. There is a Miss Grey here to see you. Should I send her up?”

“Yes, George, thank you.”

“Your welcome, sir, have a good night.”

“You too, George.”

I unlocked the front door and sat back down on the couch. I heard a knock at the door a few minutes later.

“It’s open!”

Ariel breezed into the apartment carrying a small box. She kicked the door closed with her foot. She gave my place a quick once over.

“Very nice, Cam, you have great taste.”

“You’ve seen the apartment before, Ariel, so cut the crap.” I said with a grin. “What do I owe the honor of this visit, my lady?”

Ariel plopped down next to me on the couch. She set the box down in front of her. A huge smile lit up her face.

“I don’t know what the fuck you did tonight, Cam, but it was bloody brilliant!”

My head snapped to the side to look at her. What the hell is she talking about?

“What do you mean, Ariel? I ended up telling him off, cussing him out, and I fucking quit my job.”

She surprised me again by giggling. Why does this seem so funny to her?

“I know all about it, Cam, I just came from Dale and Sydney’s place. They called me as soon as the party ended. It seemed that someone was on their balcony most of the night and was pretty upset. He wouldn’t talk to anyone so they called me. I rushed right over there. Do you know what I found, Cam?”

“I’m not really good at guessing games, Ariel, just tell me already.”

I smiled at her so she would know I wasn’t angry with her.

“I found a very depressed and upset Zack. He even started crying, Cam.”

Ok now she had my attention. Why would the man without a heart be crying?

“Crying about what?”

“He wouldn’t tell me exactly what you said to him, Cam, but whatever you said really threw him for a loop. Zack told me that he knew things were getting bad, but he didn’t realize how bad it was until you laid into him tonight. In one night you’ve been able to do what Sydney, Dale, and I have been trying to do for years.”

“What would that be?”

“He was actually himself for once, Cam, he let his guards down and talked to all of us. Zack didn’t try to control any of his emotions. He completely let go and just went on and on for about an hour. He cut himself off to the point that he didn’t think he could get things back. He felt that no one cared because no one said anything to him. He always ignored the three of us because we’ve been on his case forever. You were different though. You barely knew him, but you had his number. You called him on so many things tonight. I think we may have gotten Zack back for good, and that’s all thanks to you, Cam!”

She leaned over and gave me a huge hug. I pointed at the box on the floor.

“What is that?”

“It’s a thank you present from Sydney and Dale.”

She leaned over and pulled the lid off. After a few seconds a tan furry head popped up.


At the sound of my voice Madison sprung from the box onto the couch. She immediately pounced on me and began to cover me with sweet puppy kisses.

“What is she doing here, Ariel?”

“Dale and Sydney were actually planning on finding her a new home since she was having so many problems with Dale. After they saw the way she reacted to you…well they hoped that you would want her. They thought it was a perfect thank you gift.”

I scratch Madison behind the ears and grinned at Ariel.

“Do you want to live with me, Madison?”

She let out a tiny bark and then curled up in my lap. She fell asleep in about 5 seconds.

Ariel and I both laughed.

“I guess that answers the question then. She stays.”

“So, Cam…about your job…” Ariel began.

“Please let’s not talk about it. I did quit tonight. I can’t go back there.”

Ariel looked at me curiously.

“Did you really tell him that you hate him?”

I nodded my head.

“Do you really hate him, Cam?”

I paused for a second and took a deep breath. I asked myself that question about a hundred times since I left the party. I did a lot of soul searching to find the answer.

“No I don’t.”

Ariel reached over and put her hand over mine.

“Why did you say it?”

“I knew that no matter what I said he would most likely not care. You asked me to get through to him any way I could. I figured that if I could break through everything and make him feel, really feel, anything then it would most likely help him. Once he realized that he wasn’t as cut off from everything as he thought he was it would make his journey back an easier one. I didn’t actually plan on telling him I hated him, but he just pushed me to that point. The next thing I knew the words were out of my mouth. I wanted to take them back. He really does piss me off a lot, but I can’t honestly say that I hate him. When I looked at his face though I know that the slip was actually better than anything I could have planned. I didn’t just get behind his walls Ariel. I completely obliterated them. Well…I at least thought that I had. Not even two seconds later his mask was back in place. Suddenly I just couldn’t take it anymore.”

I paused to take a breath and then continued on.

“When I first started working there I was so excited to be working at CPS. I had heard such wonderful things about the company. I thought that Mr. Grey and I might actually become friends. Reality hit on the first day. We were certainly not going to be friends. After he put on his boss mask again tonight I just got tired of it. I couldn’t take dealing with him anymore. So I quit.”

Ariel squeezed my hand.

“Zack brought up a good question tonight. One that I’ve wanted to ask myself actually.”

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

“What’s the question?”

“Why don’t you ever call him Zack?”

I sighed.

“I never used his first name because that would imply I thought we were friends, and we weren’t. Even though I was supposed to be his ‘boyfriend’ tonight I still couldn’t cross that line. I couldn’t use his first name. I still can’t. Does that make any sense?”

Ariel nodded her head.

“It makes perfect sense. You know there was another reason I came here tonight.”


“Yeah…Zack thought I could talk you into coming back to work.”

I opened my mouth, but she put up her hand to stop me.

“After talking to you though I don’t see that working out. I think Zack needs some time to realize exactly how much you did for him. Here is my plan.”

Ariel went over the details of her idea for the next fifteen minutes. I had to admit it was a great idea. It might just actually work.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Two weeks later I stood in the elevator at CSP on my way up to his office. Once again I was wondering if I was doing the right thing by listening to Ariel. I guess I will have to wait and see. Ariel called me about 10 minutes ago. She just got back from lunch with him and they had a meeting with a prospective new client. There has been a temp in at my desk for the last two weeks. From what Ariel told me everything was running like shit. She had advised the temp right before the meeting that I would be in today after being out on sick leave. I would take over without him even realizing it. That is until Ariel called me in with some information for their meeting.

I walked into the office and found a very bored looking woman sitting at my desk. She was obviously bullshitting on the phone with a friend of hers. My desk was destroyed. It would take forever for me to get it cleaned up. I stood in front of the desk for a few moments waiting for her to acknowledge me, but she never did.

“Excuse me, miss…”

She held up her finger signaling me to wait a moment.

After a few more minutes I tried again.


She put her hand over the received and shot me an angry look.

“I am on the phone here. What are you blind?”

I quickly moved around the desk and snatched the phone out of her hand.


“I am sorry but please don’t ever call back here again. The bitch has been fired.”

I slammed the phone down and glared at her.

“You are sitting at my desk. I suggest you get your fat ass up and grab your shit and leave. I wouldn’t suggest you doing this on any other jobs because this incident will be reported to your agency. Now get the hell out.”

It took her a few moments to get her things together. She finally stormed her way out of the office. I found my headset in one of my desk drawers. I put it on and plugged it into the phone. I hit a button on the phone and got connected to security.

“Security speaking. What is the problem now, miss?”

Obviously the temp had no idea how to work the phone system.

“Hey, Ted, It’s Cameron. That temp is on her way out. Stop her and search her. Make sure she didn’t take anything on her last day here.”

“Cameron! It’s great to hear your voice buddy! Welcome back! I will make sure to check her out. She’s been putting everyone through hell.”

“Thanks, Ted, it’s good to be back.”

While I was waiting for Ariel to buzz in I started to clean up my desk. It took me about an hour to get everything back to where it should be. Just as I was finishing up the intercom sounded. I took a deep breath and hit the answer button. I didn’t say anything though in case he decided to page the desk himself. Luckily Ariel’s voice came over the headset.

“Hello. Could you bring in the files for the most recent show CSP has worked on please?”

“It will be my pleasure, Miss Bennett.”

I could hear the smile in her voice.

“Thank you so much.”

The line went dead. I stood up and entered the door that was hidden in the wall behind my desk. All the company’s records were kept here in one place. This way it was easily organized. All anyone had to do was call up or email me and I got the information sent down to the correct department. I grabbed the correct files and picked up my notepad. There was a good possibility I would be asked to stay and take notes, but there was the other possibility that he would ask me to leave. I headed down the hallway and stopped at the double doors. Here goes nothing.

I knocked gently on the door and waited to be admitted.

“Come in.”

I heard his voice through the door and took a deep, calming breath.

I entered the office and gently closed the door behind me. I had my best professional smile on my face. His office was big enough that a small conference table was set up in the corner. Ariel was the only one to look my way when I came in. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree. There were two ladies sitting at the table with them. I walked up quietly and set the files down next to him.

“Here are the files you requested, Mr. Grey.”

“Thank you…” He said as he looked up. “Cameron.”

I expected to see the mask firmly in place, but it wasn’t. Shock was written all over his face. I had to cover this up quick. I turned to the women at the table.

“Good Afternoon, ladies, could I get either of you something to drink?”

They both smiled up at me, but politely declined. I turned back to him.

“If you need anything else, sir, I will be at my desk.”

I turned to go back to my desk, but he stopped me.

“Cameron…would you mind sitting in and taking notes for me please?”

I turned back and he had an expectant look on his face. I gave him the best smile I could.

“Of course, sir.”

I sat down next to Ariel and began taking notes. I noticed a few times throughout the meeting that he looked my way every now and then. Ariel reached under the table at one point and grabbed my knee. I glanced over at her and she mouthed the words ‘thank you’ to me. All I did was nod back at her. Twenty minutes later the meeting ended. He got up and escorted the ladies out of the office. As soon as he shut the door behind them Ariel gave me a huge hug.

“This so totally worked!”

“I do have to admit it seemed pretty good. I can’t believe he actually looked shocked. I didn’t really expect a reaction.”

“He’s really been trying, Cam, though I must admit I haven’t seen that much reaction from him at work before. I think it’s a good thing he asked you to stay. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens when he gets back.”

Suddenly the door to the office swung open and he practically ran into the room. He shut the door quickly behind him. Emotions flashed across his face so quickly I couldn’t even distinguish them. Ariel stood up and gathered her things.

“I have to get to my meeting with my staff. I will call you later Zack to give you an update on the casting for that new show.” She turned and looked down at me. “Great to see you again, Cameron.”

She walked past Zack and patted him on the shoulder. She quickly exited the office. I stood up and walked around the table. It was time to face the music.

“Cameron…what are you doing here?”

It wasn’t the best conversation starter, but at least he was trying.

“Ariel can be very persuasive when she wants to be. It was either come back to work or wake up at the bottom of the river. So here I am.”

His face crumbled a bit and he turned to go back towards his desk. Damn it Cameron. Can’t you ever say the right thing?

“Wait, Zack…”

He spun around quickly.

“The truth of the matter is that I really missed my job. I would have come back sooner, but I thought with everything that happened it might be a good idea to wait a little bit. We really should have cleared this with you first. Maybe this was a bad idea…”

He just stood there staring at me. I sighed and turned to head out of the office. I hadn’t taken more than two steps when I felt his hand on my shoulder. I turned around to face him. I looked at him and there was an unreadable expression on his face.

“What did you say?”

“I really missed it here and…”

He shook his head and cut me off.

“Not that. What did you say before that?”


“What do you mean, sir?” I asked with a grin.


His face tightened.


His face lit up with that rare smile. Maybe Ariel was right. This might be able to work out after all.

“Cameron, I want to start over. I’ve been a total prick and we’ve both said some horrible things to each other.”

I opened my mouth to speak, but he held his hand up.

“Give me a second. It doesn’t matter if we meant what was said or not. Can we just start all over? I would like it if we could be friends. Could that be possible, Cameron?”

He stuck out his hand.

“Hi. I’m Zachary Grey. It’s nice to meet you, Cameron.”

I looked at his hand. I just shook my head and laughed. He looked at me with confusion.

“My friends call me Cam. Besides…friends don’t shake hands.”

I was taking a chance, but please let this work. I stepped over to him and gave him a hug. He didn’t do anything for a second, but then I felt his arms wrap around me. I pulled back a little bit and looked at Zack. He still had that smile on his face.

“Thanks, Cam.”

“No problem, Zack.”

The voice that came from behind me made my stomach clench in knots.

“Isn’t that sweet. The two lovebirds made up.”

I turned around and once again came face to face with my new arch nemesis. Lucas Ridgeton.

I couldn’t help the sigh that slid from my mouth. I turned and looked at Zack.

“I really need to talk to security. Any piece of trash could come strolling in here off of the streets.”

Then something surprising happened. Zack laughed. In all the time I’ve known him I have never heard him laugh or even giggle. I couldn’t help but smile at him.

“I am on to your little game, Zachary, I know that this slut is just your PA here. I’ve got a few friends that work in the company and they filled me in. He’s not your boyfriend.”

Zack sighed and look defeated. Lucas had an evil grin on his nasty face. He is so fucking stupid. Doesn’t he remember anything from our last encounter? I couldn’t let him embarrass Zack like this. If we were starting out fresh like we agreed then I had to do something. Friends are supposed to help each other out.

“What goes on here at work is completely professional, Lucas, this is a business. Our personal lives are not put on display for all of the employees to see and gossip about. Besides, how do you think we met?”

The smile faded a little from Lucas’ face.

“I still don’t believe it. Zachary is way too good for someone like you. I don’t know why he felt the need to get you to go along with this scheme, but I would guess he is paying you pretty well.”

“You will NOT talk to him like that you bitter piece of…”

Zack started going off on Lucas. I reached out and pulled him back. Lucas totally deserved it, but I was not going to let Lucas get to Zack like this. Zack was glaring at him and Lucas was laughing.

“Zack…” I reached up and turned his face towards me. “Ignore him, baby, he is definitely not worth the effort. Okay?”

As I was talking to him I ran my thumb over his cheek. His eyes widened a bit and he nodded his head. I am not sure if it was being called baby, or my hand on his face that caused him the shock. I would NOT let Lucas get to him. I leaned over and gently brushed my lips over his. Not actually a kiss, but enough to show there was affection between us. I pulled him against me and turned to look at Lucas.

“Leave. Now. If I ever see you inside this building again I will have you arrested for trespassing. Get the fuck out you piece of shit.”

Lucas glared at me and stormed out of the office. He slammed the door on his way out. Zack and I started laughing at that same time.

“Remind me to never piss you off, Cam, well at least never to piss you off again.”

I smiled at him.

“Water under the bridge. Remember, Zack?”

He nodded at me.

“So what was with the ‘baby’ stuff and the hand on my cheek?”

I couldn’t help the blush that crept over my face.

“Look it may have been over the top, but I had to do something to shut him up. I just went with the flow. I noticed though that you didn’t mention the kiss. Wasn’t it good?”

I grinned wickedly at him.

“I’m glad you think quick on your feet. And do you really call that a kiss? It was more like a brush. Maybe we should try it again.”

Zack smiled at me and took two steps forward. I quickly back peddled two steps. When did this turn into a Paula Abdul video?

“If you call me a cold hearted snake I will kick your ass, Cameron!”

I know I didn’t say that out loud!

“How did you know what I was thinking?” I asked with my voice laced with shock.

“You think that I didn’t pay any attention to you the whole time you worked here, but you were wrong. I noticed everything I could.”

“Why? If you were that curious about me then why treat me like that?” I asked as I stepped towards him.

“It was easier to push you away than it was to let you in, Cam, besides, whenever I play with fire I end up getting burned. You are hot enough to engulf the building in flames.”

He smiled at me and took a step towards me. My breath caught in my throat.

“You are so full of shit, Zack, I have to admit I like saying your name.”

He laughed.

“It has a smoother ring than ‘the lord of all things evil’ doesn’t it?”

I gasped.

“Ariel is going to die a very slow and painful death.”

“Don’t worry about it, Cameron, I’ve known everything you’ve ever said. When you first started working here you used to leave the intercom on. I’ve heard most of this directly from you. Hearing you say those things actually helped me push you away. Not that I wanted to do that though. I felt like I had to. You were the first person in a long time I felt like I could connect with, and that scared me. I didn’t want to connect with anyone or be friends. I just wanted to be alone. I thought that would make me happier.”

“Did it?”

“No. I do have a question for you though. I want you to answer it honestly.”

I looked at him expectantly. He walked over and stood right in front of me.

“Did you…did you mean it when you said you hated me?”

Hearing those words come back to me was like being punched in the gut. Why don’t I think sometimes before I talk?

“No, Zack, I never hated you.”

“Good. I never hated you either.”

I reached out and gave him a hug. It just felt like the right thing to do. It must have been because he hugged me right back this time.

“I’m glad we are friends, Cam.”

“Me too, Zack.”


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