Chasing Rusty Parker – Ch. 22


Chasing Rusty Parker – Ch. 22 by laurasfox,laurasfox Chapter Twenty-Two — While Still His

They were both lying on one side, and Matty found it exquisitely pleasurable like this, because it allowed Rusty to align his entire body with him so that they were the closest they could be. Rusty was moving slowly in and out of him, all the while caressing his neck and exposed shoulder with his lips. While the first time had happened fast and in a sort of blur of mixed emotions and the pressure of experiencing everything, all at once, now they were as near to making love as they could be.

As friends. Rusty had seemed a bit puzzled, too, regarding the nature of their relationship, but Matty was willing to take that over being straightforward nothing else but simple buddies. All jokes aside about being buttfucking pals and whatnot, what they shared right now was beyond simple pleasure.

Rusty’s kisses were soft and intimate while he moved one hand to caress Matty’s arm down to the fingers. They interlocked their hands and rested them on top of Matty’s hip while Rusty continued to fuck him slowly. It was so nice to feel that they were taking their time, that they could have this and enjoy it for as long as they could last.

At a certain level, Matty had always believe that his crush was nothing more than that. That if he ever got close to know the real Rusty Parker, he would end up disappointed, the picture constructed in his head having nothing in common with the stark truth of a person in flesh and blood, with his own flaws and demerits to which anyone alive was entitled.

Whatever he was experiencing right now had nothing in common with that sort of anticipated outcome. On the contrary, it was more than he had ever wanted or dreamed about. Rusty was holding him so gently, as if he were afraid Matty would disappear if he let go.

Maybe that was just the romantic part of him going slowly and completely crazy in the most delicious way possible. Rusty probably always had sex like this. He wasn’t the king of Sunny Hill for nothing. He knew how to make love, and that was what made him so popular with the girls.

Matty knew for a fact that Rusty didn’t look at him and see a woman, though. It seemed that he enjoyed that Matty had a cock; he liked to stroke it, even put it in his mouth, and that meant that there were no misunderstandings in that area whatsoever.

Even now, it happened again. Rusty let go of his hand to reach for his cock and began moving it over the hard thing with purpose. Matty moaned and tipped his head back, while he struggled to move his hips to get more of that pleasant sensation. Rusty’s grip was too gentle, and Matty needed more.

At the same time, the pressure inside his ass was growing, too. Rusty seemed to understand his every moan and plea, so he increased the pressure, turning it into something fiercer and unyielding. His lips pressed hard on the side of Matty’s neck and he began moving his hips in short thrusts that hit the right spot, over and over.

Fuck, Matty thought. When he didn’t have Rusty anymore, he’d be in big trouble finding a suitable partner. From sex to banter, no one would compare to what he had right now. No point in dwelling on it, though. He lost himself in the dirty whispers Rusty poured into his ear, while his own body gave in.

Even after, Rusty continued to move slowly in and out of him. Matty could tell his partner had climaxed for a second time, as well, which meant that they were both on equal footing when it came to pleasure. At least, he hoped so, because he felt so deliciously spent that he couldn’t imagine himself capable of anything else but sleeping at this point.

Rusty snickered in his ear and rained kisses over it until he became so ticklish that he had to react. “Rusty!” he complained, when a sneaky tongue lapped at his ear from its lobe and across the edge.

“What?” came the drawled reaction. “I’m in the mood for ear.”

“So? Order some takeout or something,” Matty suggested.

“Nah. It never tastes as good as homemade meals.”

“Because of Jonathan.” Well, he wanted to pretend a great deal that he wasn’t jealous, but he wasn’t entirely sure that he was capable of that. Rusty hadn’t cared to elaborate in regards to how Jonathan Hamilton had given him the gay, whatever that was supposed to mean. Could it be that Rusty had a bit of a crush on his best friend’s fiancé? Not that Matty didn’t understand why. Jonathan was handsome, sexy in an unattainable sort of way, which had to challenge Rusty, who was always up for any provocation. And also an accomplished home cook, as Matty had had the chance to sample that very evening.

That was quite the high bar if he thought about it. He had no particular inclinations toward such activities and even if he wanted to start learning, his dorm room was not fit for culinary endeavors.

Yes, Jonathan Hamilton was the kind of guy to become the target for a straight guy’s crush. Case in point, Maddox Kingsley had been known to be as much a lady’s man as Rusty. Of course, that had been before his later to become fiancé had set foot on the grounds of the Sunny Hill campus.

“Why do you bring Johnny boy into this?” Rusty asked, stopping his train of thought. He smacked Matty’s ass playfully and climbed out of the bed.

Matty took a moment to admire the guy he had just had sex with. He had crushed on Rusty before having the slightest chance to see him in all his naked glory. Clearly, he was doomed because there was no way another dude would compare to that. “He gave you the gay,” he pointed out eventually, while Rusty was using a towel and wiping the sweat off his head and the back of his neck.

He turned toward Matty, his hair spiky and pointing in all directions. He looked very much like a sexy porcupine. “The what?”

Matty rolled his eyes. “It was you who said it. Care to tell me what happened between you two?”

Rusty grimaced like he had been ordered to lick a lemon.

“What? Is it something bad?” Matty asked, somewhat alarmed now. “Something Maddox doesn’t know about?”

Rusty waved. “He knows. Well, I was a major ass one time and had to apologize. To punish me properly, Jonathan flaunted the goods for like a second.”

“The goods?” Matty asked slowly.

Rusty made a demonstration by grabbing his cock by its root and swinging it in a circular motion quickly. “Sometimes I wonder how gay you are.”

“Ha-ha, funny,” Matty said dryly.

“Wait, what kind of goods did you think I was talking about?” Rusty narrowed his eyes.

Matty shrugged. “Like the ass or something.”

“The ass?” Rusty gawked at him like there was no way he had just said that. “The ass?” he repeated a little louder. “Did you just imagine Jonathan frigging Hamilton wiggling his ass at me?”

“What’s so hard to imagine?” Matty protested. “I bet a lot of guys would like to wiggle their asses at you. Especially the gay ones.”

Rusty rubbed his chin and raised an eyebrow. Something of how he was staring foreboded nothing good. “Have you ever wanted to wiggle your ass at me, Matty?”

His mouth went instantly dry. He turned his head away. “All the time,” he replied, offering a vague answer instead of a clear admission of how he had been crushing on the guy in front of him from the moment he had seen him.

Rusty laughed and plopped himself on the bed. No, not on the bed, but on top of Matty, crushing him. Good thing he had turned already or Rusty would have been able to tell that he was hiding something. He could feel hot breath on his cheek and heard Rusty chuckling in his ear, but pretended not to notice.

“Matty,” Rusty drawled, “are you jealous of Jonathan?”

“Why would I be jealous of–oh, fuck you, Rusty,” Matty blurted out and hid his face even more.

Rusty laughed out loud, seemingly very satisfied with himself. He didn’t appear to give a damn that he was really crushing Matty. “You’re so like a cat,” the whisper poured some little truth right into his ear. “You don’t straight up say what you want.”

“Cats don’t talk, Rusty,” Matty retorted, using his most tutor-like voice, not with only a little difficulty.

“You know what I mean,” Rusty continued just the same and proceeded to lick his ear with no sign of caring for his self-preservation.

“Stop it,” Matty growled.

“Nope. I’m going to hold you under me like this until you admit to being jealous of Jonathan because he showed me his dick.”

“Never,” Matty declared.

“I see. So you want to go to war with me, huh?”

Matty gasped in outrage as Rusty positioned himself for penetration, by what he could feel happening behind him. He tried to push himself up, but Rusty pushed him back down with one firm hand between his shoulder blades.

“Since you’re so stubborn, we’re going to do it like this,” Rusty explained. “You’re going to make a lot of fuss, and I’m going to give it to you until you mewl like a cat in heat.”

“Eww, Rusty,” Matty protested again. “Have you ever heard a cat in heat? I’d take fingernails on a blackboard instead.”

Rusty just laughed. “Then I’ll settle for the next best thing.”

“Which is what?” Matty asked while Rusty easily slid inside him due to all the lubrication already available. He moaned and had to slap one hand over his mouth as to not give his insolent bed partner any more satisfaction.

“I won’t let you get away until you shout, from the top of your lungs, that you’re jealous and want me only for you.”

“Can I say it really quickly right now?”

“No way you’re getting out of this. And can’t you tell? I’m already so hard in your ass that it would be inhumane treatment to pull out.”

“Inhumane to you or to me?” Matty asked.

“Both, hopefully,” Rusty offered and began moving his hips.


Wow, Matty was pretty awesome. That was the third time they were going at it tonight, and it was a lot more than what he had expected with his cute tutor being a virgin and all. Nonetheless, it looked like the dude could take it, and he even continued to have a mouth on him, even with his ass so full of cock.

It made him shiver in pleasure hearing the sounds of their bodies coming together. Matty offered just the right amount of resistance to play into Rusty’s suggestion of acting like he didn’t quite want it while secretly wanting it. He even held his head turn to one side but with his chin high, to show that he disagreed with the treatment his unbelievably sexy ass was getting.

“Still resisting?” Rusty grunted as a myriad of delightful sensations spread from where he was connected with Matty to the rest of his body.

“Still,” Matty assured him and shot a dirty glance at him over his shoulder.

“Good thing your ass is squeezing me so hard. It looks like someone can only be honest with the lower part of his body.”

“My foot is actually itching to become friends with your ass,” Matty replied, “so your theory doesn’t exactly stand on two feet.”

“I don’t need two feet,” Rusty said brightly while putting his all behind it, “to give it to you.”

“I hope you’re not going to make some lame joke about having a third leg,” Matty said, but his breath was coming in short pants, a distinctive sign that he actually liked it.

“I was going to, but now you ruined it.” Rusty pulled Matty close to his chest, forcing him to arch his back so that they continued to fuck.

All that dry spell he had been going through since the start of the college year was a distant memory. He was now holding someone in his arms, someone he knew, not some ephemeral presence in his life, but a person who no longer had the shine of novelty which always drew him in, but something a lot more important.

Matty knew him, he played into his games without needing any explanations, as if they had been born to be so close, a little more than friends, a lot more than just pals. It tickled him in all the right places that Matty was jealous of Jonathan, even if he had no reason to be. Yeah, he was getting owned, and it was a damned pleasant feeling.

“You’re my one and only buttfucking friend,” he promised while ramming in with increased speed now.

“I know,” came the arrogant reply.

Rusty felt himself trembling with a different kind of desire. He knew about sex, almost everything, he liked to think, but this sudden and increased urge that he would want nothing less than to wrap himself inside Matty and feel safe that very moment was completely new. He couldn’t remember anything similar to have happened to him before, all throughout his life.

“Say it,” he said breathlessly, “say that I’m yours, too.”

Matty was gasping for breath just the same. “You’re my only buttfucking friend,” he replied, mistaking Rusty’s demand for something else.

Sometimes, you had to take what was available in front of you, Rusty thought as he sensed himself getting too near to still be able to keep his sanity and prolong their sexual act. “Here’s the proof,” he said, grunting and holding Matty close.

There was no witty comeback. Matty just moaned prettily and pushed his butt back, meeting him thrust for thrust. Rusty didn’t hold back; hopefully, everyone else in the house was deep in sleep and was not listening to him right now letting out those animal-like sounds.

Usually, when he had sex, it was a well-staged performance. Sure, he liked it. Yeah, he fucking loved it, the prelude, all the teasing, what happened in the middle, and of course, the finish. But he was on top of it, controlling everything, down to the smallest sound he made.

With Matty here, moaning and quivering under him while gripping his hands hard, all that carefully planned production had been long forgotten. He was free, he was enjoying himself with no limits to restrain him, and all those new sensations were going to his head, making him heady, forcing him to soar to new heights.

When they collapsed, they did it together. And then, the laughter came, just as free and unbound, straight from Matty’s chest.

“What’s so funny?” Rusty asked, pretending to be pissed that his glorious performance was a cause of amusement.

Matty turned his face, as much as he could do so while still being crushed and held against the bed. “You couldn’t make me say it.”

“Yeah, ’cause, you know, it kind of slipped my mind since your asshole was squeezing my dick so hard,” Rusty explained. “I felt lightheaded. Obviously, my brain was no longer getting enough oxygen.”

Matty snickered again. “Do you happen to breathe with your dick?”

“I cannot live without it, so you could say that,” Rusty replied promptly. He hugged Matty tightly and rested his head against the other’s. “This was a great fuck, Matty. Glad you chose me.”

“Like I had a choice,” came the smartass reply.

“Good. It’s better that you don’t have choices.”

Silence followed, falling over them like a warm blanket.

“Do you think they heard us?” Matty asked.

“The other guys, you mean? Eh, they’ve heard worse, I guess. And don’t worry, you don’t have to do some walk of shame in the morning. The people here are not like that.”

He could tell that Matty still had other questions but decided to be patient and let the other decide. To his surprise, Matty remained silent for quite a bit. He was about to initiate a new conversational thread, when his wait was brought to a halt.

“Do you like the cat boy more than me?”

They had been over this, had they not? But Rusty didn’t know if he could tell Matty what exactly pulled him toward Slicky Coolplums, without making things appear as some sort of a joke. Slicky had been there for him when he needed a distraction the most, during the basketball game. And then, Matty had come and dragged him to his room to read to him from that stupid book, which helped him forget about the bitterness left behind by his dad’s attitude. They were complementing each other, and Rusty hoped Matty wouldn’t ask him to give up on pursuing the cat boy, because, somehow, he needed them both in his life.

“No, not more,” he eventually replied.

“Less?” came the expected follow-up.

“No, not less either.” Honesty was the best way forward, or so they said.

“What, really? You like us both the same?”

Rusty made room for Matty to turn, but he didn’t move away. He kept him trapped between his arms and looked at his cute face, taking in every line, from the well-defined lips to the shape at the nose to the glimmer in his eyes. “Yeah,” he admitted. “You two are like the best stuff to have happened in my life lately.”

Oh, fuck, he hadn’t meant to be that honest. He was the king of Sunny Hill, or, in other words, the king of fun and no-strings-attached sex and shallow feelings.

Yet, with Matty, he sensed that he could be honest to a degree. “What are you doing next Saturday?”

“I don’t have anything planned in particular,” Matty replied. He appeared a bit relieved by the change in topic. Maybe he wasn’t that crazy to talk about the cat boy, either, while they were in bed together naked.

“How would you feel about coming with me to a birthday party?”

“Here, on campus? Whose birthday is it?”

“No, not here. It’s going to be a bit of a drive. Maddox is going to lend us his car, I’m sure.” He hadn’t asked yet, but he supposed that his bestie wouldn’t say ‘no’. And then, he added, after a short sigh, “It’s my brother’s birthday.”

Matty’s eyes grew wide. “I had no idea you had a brother.”

“Half-brother. He’s going to turn ten. What do you say? I could play the clown. You could… it doesn’t matter. You just come with me. There’s going to be cake. I think.”

“Sure. I’d love to come with you.”

“Really? It might be boring.”

“Rusty, I said ‘yes’,” Matty said gently. “And it doesn’t matter if it’s boring. They’re kids. I suppose that the party won’t go raging for the entire night. What does your brother like? I must bring a gift.”

That was a tough one. He hadn’t bothered to get to know his siblings, so he couldn’t exactly tell what Gabriel was into. He wouldn’t be caught dead calling his dad to ask, either. If the man knew what his other son liked, it would be like a stake driven through his chest. If he didn’t, Rusty would pity his baby brother, and that wasn’t an option, either.

He pushed himself up. “Dunno,” he said with a shrug. “The same things all boys his age like.”

“I’ll google it, then,” Matty said brightly, as if it wasn’t weird that Rusty had no idea what his baby brother preferred. “I bet he likes superhero stuff. All boys like that stuff.”

Rusty turned toward Matty abruptly. “Matty, you’re a genius.”

“Because I know how to google things?”

“You haven’t googled anything yet and still came up with an awesome idea. We’ll dress up to make Gabriel a surprise. We’ll go as superheroes.”

This time, Matty reached for his phone on the nightstand. “What superheroes? Do you have something specific in mind? Like Superman and Lois Lane? No way I’m going to be Lois.”

Rusty laughed. “Okay, you’re right. Not Lois ’cause I want to see you in a tighter outfit.”

Matty looked at him wide-eyed. Was he going to protest against that? But he had a lot to show off.

“Hmm, let’s see. I guess I’ll be Hawkeye, because I just like the suit and him being a circus performer and all, plus, it’s pretty random and I like that. As for you…” Rusty pondered while taking in Matty, stretched as he lay on his bed. “I know,” he said, snapping his fingers. “You’ll be Nightwing.”

“Nightwing,” Matty said slowly. “Why?”

“Because you’d just look good in that outfit,” Rusty replied, confident of his choice.

“Okay,” Matty agreed, albeit reluctantly. “But what if we’re not on your brother’s list of favorites? We don’t want to disappoint him, right?”

Disappointment was a dress code in the Parker family. Why not go for it? The kid wouldn’t be disappointed, but Rusty could barely wait to see his father’s face when he’d come through the door dressed like that. It all worked out perfectly so that he wouldn’t go there looking like he would rather be somewhere else or punch somebody in the face.

Thanks for reading pls vote or comment “I don’t think he’ll care. We’ll just be two super cool dudes dressed as superheroes. You said it yourself. Kids dig this stuff. I’ll take care of everything, don’t worry. As for the gift, we’ll buy a little of everything. I mean, I will, of course. He’s my brother.”

“No, I can’t let you buy everything. Let me pitch in. And I want to go shopping for toys with you.”

Rusty gave Matty a naughty look. “I really thought it would be completely different when you’d say that.”

As expected, Matty rolled his eyes. “I believe you have a closet stuffed with those.” Then, he turned and grabbed the fat guy candle from the nightstand. “We didn’t light it up.”

“We could do that another time.”

Matty turned the ugly thing in his hands. “Can I have it?”

“Sure.” Rusty shrugged and plopped down on the bed. “I don’t have its original packaging, though.” He pointed vaguely toward the closet. “It could be in there, somewhere.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll take it as it is.” As if he was afraid that Rusty would take it away from him, he pushed himself up and searched for his hoodie and stuffed the thing in one of the pockets.

Rusty watched him for a bit. Matty had such a great body. Too bad he hid it under those nerdy clothes all the time. But maybe it was for the best because Rusty really didn’t need other dudes ogling Matty while he was still his. That thing with Jamie — he had dodged a bullet there.

“You’re staring,” Matty pointed out and passed by him, close enough so they could sniff each other.

Which was exactly what Rusty did, leaning near and then grabbing Matty in his arms. “I fucked you,” he said with a grin.

Matty tsked. “Always the smartass, aren’t you? By the way, you’re behind on our deal. I haven’t done one thing to your asshole.”

“We’ll get to that in due time. It’s not like you’re in a rush to find a boyfriend, right? You know how important is to study during your senior year.”

“Studying and getting freaky with you. Those two things are at the top of my list,” Matty said.

“Good,” Rusty concluded. “That’s smart thinking on your part. But then, I expect nothing less from you.”

That was a given, then. He pulled Matty into his arms and kissed him on the forehead, to seal the deal.


Waking up with someone wrapped around him was a bit new. Usually, his bed partners preferred to leave before midnight, like fairytale creatures. Or maybe that was good for keeping up with appearances, the kind he’d rather keep up, just because. He looked at Matty, or better said, at the crown of his head, as they lay together, his cute tutor partly on top of him, one arm thrown in abandon over Rusty’s abdomen.

He could totally dig Jonathan and Maddox right now. They were waking up most mornings like this. How come some people know, without a shadow of a doubt that they were good for each other? That there would never be anyone else?

He had a great friend in Matty. Well, since last night, a buttfucking friend, too, and it seemed so cool and uncomplicated to just have someone like that in his life. It made him feel like there were no longer missing pieces, no matter how hard he looked at himself.

And they would so rock by dressing up for his brother’s birthday party. They’d look awesome and all. Was there any fanfiction written for Hawkeye and Nightwing? It would be a crossover, and those weren’t as popular as the fics that involved characters from the same universe, but still, it was worth checking.

Happy with that realization, he moved one hand slowly so as not to wake up Matty and took his phone. Using that one free hand, he started examining the results returned to him by the search engines. What the hell? There was very little to find, and the one he did read, the guys were just cuddling in bed and saying ‘I love you’ to each other.

He pursed his lips. Well, it didn’t matter. It looked like Rule 34 didn’t apply to everything-everything as the credo on top said.

“What are you doing?” Matty asked and lifted his head.

Rusty pushed him down, preventing him from sneaking even a peek at the still open page with the fanfic with the reciprocal I love you’s. Matty would probably think that he was going bonkers.

Matty pushed himself up, eventually, and Rusty hid the evidence by closing the browser on his phone.

“I guess I should be going,” Matty said and began fishing for his clothes.

“Why so soon?” Rusty asked.

Matty looked strangely at him. “I didn’t even plan to stay the night.” He rubbed the back of his head and laughed, looking cute and embarrassed. “Which was damn awesome, by the way. Still, I need to do some things,” he added vaguely.

“Sure, sure,” Rusty hurried to reply. “You gotta do what you gotta do. We’re still on for the birthday party, right?”

“Totally. By the way, what’s your brother’s name?”


“And we’re still on for shopping together for the gift, right?”




They looked at each other for another moment, and then, they moved at the same time and met in the middle. Rusty brushed the hair off of Matty’s forehead and then kissed it. Matty hugged him briefly.


He ran to his dorm, his heart full. He had had sex the entire night with Rusty Parker. Had it been real? It must have been. He felt his forehead as if he could still feel Rusty’s kiss there. It had been so chaste and nice after all the crazy stuff they had done throughout the night.

And they would even go to Rusty’s brother’s birthday together. Just how cool was that?


Well, well, it seems like there’s a new sheriff in town… and his name is Connor Williams. We could go down a dark path and say that it appears that our planet is doomed if her staunchest defender has stepped down from his role, but there appears to be a silver lining to Mr. Williams’s abdication.

Everywhere you look, there’s no shortage of worlds that need saving, and our accomplished fellow student has identified another cause worthy of his pursuing. And who needs more saving than you, our dear guys and gals of Sunny Hill? Ever since you put one foot after the other, even hand after foot, and the other way around, until you got on all fours… on these not so holy grounds, you’ve been partying, drinking, hooking up… Yes, yes, we’re looking at you.

Not that we’re pointing fingers. No, far from us. After all, your wrongdoings and blunders are our raison d’être… We wouldn’t kill the cash cow. Just joking. We’re not making any money, and we can assure you that our killer instincts are only similar to a bloodhound sniffing prey… We never deal the finishing blow.

What will be your next move, Rusty Parker? Our pertinacious Mr. Williams is after your crown, armed with all the doggedness of a grand inquisitor.

For now, we’ll sit back and enjoy the show. We hope it will be at least mildly interesting. Play with your foe for a bit, Rusty Parker. Don’t finish him with one punch. There’s nothing more disappointing than a K.O. in the first ten seconds.


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