Cheating gf leads to MM with bestie Pt. 02


A gay story: Cheating gf leads to MM with bestie Pt. 02 Gf caught cheating with my best friend pt2 A sexual beginning.

Afterwards, we’d all climaxed closely together. We had got up and onto the bed where we were all sat against the headboard, all shiny from our sweaty impromptu sex session. I found myself sandwiched by Don and Danielle. My hand was playing gently with Danielle’s wet pussy. My other hand was wanking Dons already hard again cock. Both of them had a hand around my cock and were gently stroking it.

Me: I really enjoyed that guys. Don when your cock accidentally slipped up my ass it made me have an intense urge for you to fuck me with it. As it sat there it felt so good but not as good as when you actually fucked me. Who would have guessed that both of us would discover together such a deep desire and enjoyment of a big stiff cock. Who knew that fucking and sucking each other would have been our way of revealing it! Don your cock is amazing and you have a marvelous big peach of an ass. I want you to know that you can fuck me again anytime you want. I’ll happily suck your cock and let you use my ass. My horny Danielle, I presume the same applies to you, too? Anytime? Do you want to allow Don to fuck you anytime he wants to like I have offered.

Danielle: Both of you can fuck me whenever you want to. Anytime or anywhere my pussy welcomes you both.

Don: Thanks for that theBoth of you. Thinking about having sex with you again has made me so hard that one of you is gonna have to help me out! This night isn’t over whilst our cocks can still get hard. But Yeah I agree Mally. I had no idea that I would like cock so much as I did and I loved having your big cock in my ass a lot. You know too that my ass is yours anytime you want it. If you want me to suck your cock then just ask or if you want, just put it in my mouth.

Danielle: Guys, watching you two fucking each other and sucking each others big cocks surprisingly really turned me on once the shock of seeing my lovers cock stuck up my boyfriend’s ass. That looked hot by the way and it made me very wet. I have no problem Mally if you want to continue to have man sex again with Don. I actually want the two of you to have that intimate relationship. I believe the bond between you will only get stronger if you’re regularly fucking.

Me: I appreciate that Danielle but if I know you like I think I do, there’s a “but” coming. Right? We can fuck each other…..but…?

Danielle: no Mally there isn’t A “BUT”! There are a few terms I require too.

Don: Mally let her have whatever she wants!!

Me: So what is it that we can do for you, babe? You know you can still continue to fk Don now that it’s not a secret as it was earlier today?

Don: I wanna be able to fk both of you whenever. If you want me to just say.

Danielle: Ok, the first thing is Don needs to finish what he started before you burst in and stopped me from being finished when I was close to a climax. Are you going to recommence fucking me from behind whilst you Mally, you are going to put your big cock in my mouth and watch Don as he fucks your sexy girlfriend in her tight pussy.

Secondly, boys, as much as possible, I want to be there when you have sex. Watching how you two handle each others big cocks just makes me get really wet and need of some cock myself.

The last one boys is simple. Sex outside of this triangle will be seen by me as cheating. If either or both of you break this, then I will walk.

I don’t need a response from either of you. I’ll know you’re in agreeance if I receive your cocks, as I stated earlier, one in my mouth and one in my pussy with the next twenty seconds.

Danielle bounced into doggy position in the centre of the bed her face and hands close to the edge where I was now standing with my cock in my hand. I watched as Don’s stiff cock flexed as he shifted into position on the bed, knees planted firmly between Danielle’s legs. She’d parted her legs fairly wide apart exposing her ass and pussy to Dan’s gaze. Don had placed his cock so it was resting unaided along her crease, the fat exposed tip pointing towards me.

I slipped my cock into her mouth at the exact same time as Don’s cock entered her pussy causing her to moan as loud as possible for someone with a mouthful of cock. Don really started going at it with some vigour and aggression, slapping her ass playfully at the same time. I’d forgotten how well Danielle sucked cock. I also had a flashback to when Don and I had been in this very same position in the past as some random and horny party girl had invited both of us to follow her upstairs as she wanted both of us to fuck her! Good times we’d enjoyed in the past times that we’d accidentally managed to somehow replicate this evening as Don and Don had gone gay together and had culminated in the two of us joining forced to run a train on my horny from watching men fuck, girlfriend.

Before my thoughts could continue any further, I could see that Danielle was close to cumming. Just moments later and in an exaggerated fall down on to her side, her shaking climax took over as me and Don observed, our cocks in hand but eyes flashing knowingly at one another’s. I knew I wanted Dons cock in my mouth again and then for him to use it to tuck me in the ass again. I think Don was thinking the same as our blatant cock gazing remained resolute and unbroken. Don did have a long, thick and straight pointing cock. It was hypnotic. My was an inch or two shorter than his in length but mine has a slight dildo like curve towards the top. Still aesthetically pleasing to the wandering lustful eye. I was pleased with it.

Don: Well, I think two cocks has overwhelmed her temporarily.

Me: Oh Danielle fkg loves the attention I give her with my hard cock and she always cums hard. I think her having two cocks at once is what sent her over the edge! She usually needs 5-10 minutes to recover before she is ready to go again.

Don: Well, Im sure you must be thinking the same as I am, but I’d really like to have some more of your curved but beautiful cock of yours Mally. I bet you fancy some more of mine right? Mate, I will let you decide who gets what first.

Me: Yeah, I can barely take my eyes off of yours, Don. To be fair, I’m happy whatever we end up doing, but as you’ve given me the first option, I’m gonna have to ask you to sit your ass on my face so I can have a good mouthful of ass.

Don nods in agreeance and is already standing beside me, waiting for me to lay down. As my head rests backwards onto the floor, Don is already grinding his ass across my mouth where it meets my outstretched tongue. Don smacks my hand away from my cock and replaces it with his own and wanks me gently. With both of my hands now available, I’m able to spread Don’s ass apart allowing me easier access to his hole. I’m so turned on by Don’s ass in my face that I end up guiding it forwards and down onto my cock which slid straight in.

Me: Don fuck my cock with your big sexy ass. Ride my cock and make that ass shake. Fuck my cock Don. Yes fuck it good. Yes just like that Don. That feels so good, Don. I love having my cock fuck your ass. I can see that you enjoy it too!

Don: Mate I love riding on your curved cock as it hits my prostate just tight. As a matter of fact, I think I’m just about close to cumming. Mally can you cum on me and not inside me this time. I wanna feel like I’m your personal slut so cum on my ass or on my face and then wipe yr cock clean across my ass.


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