Cloning Myself


A gay story: Cloning Myself Cody woke up to the harsh beeping of his alarm clock, hitting snooze for the third time that morning. He rolled out of bed reluctantly, his head still foggy with sleep. Stumbling to the bathroom, he caught a glimpse of his disheveled reflection in the mirror and ran his hands through his messy dark hair in an attempt to tame his bedhead.

After a quick shower, Cody threw on jeans and his favorite Star Wars t-shirt, the fabric soft and faded from years of wear. He could already smell breakfast cooking downstairs – bacon and eggs, his favorite. He rushed down to the kitchen where his mom was finishing up the food.

“Morning, sweetie,” his mom greeted him as Cody slid into a seat at the table. “Your dad already left for work and I’m heading out soon too. There’s some cash on the counter if you want to order a pizza for dinner tonight.”

Cody nodded, shoveling eggs into his mouth. It was Sunday, so no need to rush off to school. With both parents out for the day, he’d have the house to himself.

His mom gathered her things and gave Cody a quick kiss on the head before heading out. “Be good, see you tonight!” she called over her shoulder as she left.

Cody finished up and decided to head out to the garage to tinker on projects, since he had the whole day free.

It was nearly summer, and Cody was finishing up his senior year tasks well on schedule, so he could afford a free Sunday where he didn’t need to worry about school.

As he flicked on the garage light, he noticed a large object covered by a dusty old tarp in the corner. That was odd, he didn’t remember seeing that before. His dad did have a thing for collecting old junk from garage sales though.

Curious, Cody walked over and pulled the tarp off, revealing some kind of strange machine…

“What the heck is this thing?” Cody thought to himself. It looked like something straight out of a sci-fi movie. As he examined the machine, he noticed a large red button on the side. Unable to resist, Cody pushed it. The machine began to whir and lights flashed across the screens. Cody stepped back nervously.

Cody watched in awe as the screens on the machine lit up with digital readouts he couldn’t decipher. The entire device began to hum and vibrate, and a mechanical arm extended out from the side with what looked like a handheld scanner attached.

Before Cody could react, a bright beam of light shot out from the scanner and moved up and down his body. He stood frozen as the beam scanned over him. Finally, the light clicked off and the arm retracted back into the machine.

The screens now showed an image of Cody from multiple angles. “It… it scanned me!” Cody realized. Just then, the machine began to make strange noises, almost like it was printing something. After a few moments, a perfect clone of Cody stepped out from a door on the front of the device!

The clone looked exactly like Cody, from the messy dark hair down to the sneakers on its feet. It even wore an identical Star Wars shirt.

Cody stumbled backwards, staring in disbelief at the figure that looked exactly like him standing there. “What the hell? Who are you?” Cody asked warily.

The clone appeared just as startled. “I’m Cody. Who are you?” he responded in Cody’s voice.

“No, I’m Cody!” Cody said firmly. This was insane. How could this clone think it was him?

The two Codys stared at each other, equally freaked out by the situation. The clone spoke up again. “But… I remember everything. I’m Cody Walters, I live here with my mom and dad.”

Cody’s mouth dropped open. The clone thought it was him! It seemed to have his exact memories too. But how could that be possible? Cody’s mind raced, trying to make sense of this.

The clone looked anxious. “We’re obviously the same person. I don’t know how, but this is crazy. Are you some kind of clone of me?”

Cody nodded slowly. “I think so. I found this weird machine and pushed a button. It scanned me and then you came out.”

The clone nodded, seeming to accept Cody’s explanation. “Well that explains it then. This machine must have cloned you and transferred your memories to me,” he said, looking over at the strange device.

“So what do we do now?” Cody asked uneasily. Having two of him seemed dangerous and confusing.

The clone frowned, looking unsure. “I don’t know. I mean, we’re the same person essentially. Maybe we could take turns being ‘Cody’?”

Cody sighed, running a hand through his hair. “This is so crazy. I can’t have two of me running around! My parents would freak.”

He hesitated, thinking. As much as it unsettled him, the clone was an exact copy, down to the smallest memories and personality quirks. Maybe…

Cody took a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts. He needed more information to wrap his head around this insane situation.

“Let’s sit down and talk this through,” Cody said, motioning the clone over to some stools in the corner of the garage.

The two Codys sat facing each other, both still in disbelief over the events of the morning.

“I need to know more about you… or me… or, whoever you are,” Cody began uncertainly. “What’s something only I would know? Like a deep, personal secret?”

The clone Cody looked thoughtful for a moment before replying. “Okay, let’s see… about a month ago, I accidentally walked in on Jessica Myers changing after gym class. I hid in the bathroom until she left because I was so embarrassed.”

Cody’s eyes widened as the clone revealed the long-forgotten memory. He had never told anyone about that incident. This clone somehow contained his most private memories and experiences.

“Wow, okay, so you really are an exact copy,” Cody murmured.

The clone nodded. “It looks like I have all the same memories and thoughts as you up until the moment I was created.”

Cody sat quietly for a minute, absorbing this. He still felt uneasy looking at his doppelganger sitting across from him. But the clone seemed like a carbon copy of him in every way, memories and all. What else could he ask to be sure?

A slightly mischievous idea came to Cody’s mind. “Alright, one more test. Describe my, uh, my ‘me time’ habits.” Cody felt his cheeks flush slightly as he posed the embarrassing question.

The clone Cody hesitated, looking a bit uncomfortable. But he continued, wanting to prove his identity to Cody.

“Well, last night you were thinking about your crush Stephanie from math class,” the clone began. “You pulled up that bikini photo she posted on Instagram and imagined her in your room. You fantasized about her taking off her clothes and touching herself. You didn’t last long before you came into your bedsheets.”

The clone was amused, seeing Cody’s mortified expression.

“Actually, never mind the details,” he amended awkwardly. “Clearly I have your private thoughts and fantasies about Stephanie. But you don’t need me to go into more description. Let’s just say I know the kinds of things you think about her when you’re alone.”

Cody’s face was bright red now. He regretted trying to embarrass the clone with such a personal test question.

“Yeah, got it, no need to go on,” Cody said quickly. “I believe you have my memories. This is so crazy, having an exact copy of myself.”

Cody shook his head, still trying to fully comprehend the bizarre situation. He needed to figure out what to do next about having a clone.

Cody took a deep breath as he tried to think through the situation logically.

“Okay, so you seem to be an exact copy of me, complete with all my thoughts, memories and personality,” Cody said to the clone. “I guess that makes you, well, me too.”

The clone Cody nodded. “Right, I’m you in every way. I remember our childhood, our interests, everything that makes us who we are.”

Cody ran a hand through his hair anxiously. “The thing is, there can’t be two of us walking around. It would freak everyone out, not to mention probably being illegal somehow.”

The clone’s face fell as he realized the implications. “You’re right, having two Codys would cause problems. What do you suggest we do?”

Cody hesitated. He didn’t want to hurt or get rid of the clone when it was essentially just another version of himself. But he also couldn’t have this copy running around claiming to be him either.

Cody thought for a moment before responding.

“I don’t want to get rid of you since you’re me in every way,” Cody said. “But we can’t both be ‘Cody’ at the same time. Maybe we could take turns being me?”

The clone looked uncertain. “How would that work exactly?”

“We could switch off each day,” Cody suggested. “One of us goes to school or hangs with friends while the other stays home. Then we alternate the next day. That way we both get to live life as ‘Cody’.”

The clone considered this. “I guess that makes sense. But won’t people notice differences between us from day to day? Like if you learn something at school one day, I won’t know it the next when I’m you.”

Cody nodded, realizing the clone had a point. “Hmm yeah, that could be an issue. This whole having two of me thing is more complicated than I thought.”

Cody glanced back over at the strange cloning machine, gears turning in his head.

“You know, we should really take a closer look at that thing,” Cody said to his clone. “There’s got to be some kind of manual or instructions that explain how it works.”

The clone nodded in agreement. “Good idea. There must be more information about this device and why it created me.”

The two versions of Cody walked over and began examining the machine more thoroughly. They searched carefully along the sides and back, looking for any sort of panel or compartment.

“Here we go!” the clone Cody exclaimed. He had found a small latch that opened up a section on the back. Inside was a thick manual bound in black faux leather.

Cody eagerly grabbed the manual and began flipping through the pages. Diagrams and charts showed the inner workings of the cloning machine. As Cody skimmed further in, he found the operating instructions.

“Alright, here’s the section about using the device,” Cody said. He read aloud from the manual:

“‘The CLN 3000 cloning machine operates by first scanning the genetic and neurological makeup of the subject to be cloned. This data is used to produce an exact copy with identical DNA and brain patterns… Memory and personality replication provides continuity between the original and cloned subjects.'”

The two Codys looked at each other with wide eyes. “It literally says it makes perfect clones with all the same memories,” Cody said in amazement.

Cody’s eyes scanned further down the manual page and he let out an excited gasp.

“Listen to this! ‘Pressing the secondary button labeled ‘Integrate’ after cloning will withdraw the cloned subject back into the machine. This will integrate all new memories and experiences from the clone into the original subject for seamless continuity.'”

The clone Cody looked shocked. “So if you press that button, I’ll basically merge with you? We’d really be one person again.”

Cody nodded, filled with relief. “This is the perfect solution! We can combine so there’s just one me again. And I’ll gain everything you learned and did after being created.”

Cody and his clone shared an uneasy look, both absorbing this new information. The revelation that they could merge back into one being was welcome, yet also concerning.

“I guess we should try out that integration function, to see if it really works,” Cody said.

The clone nodded slowly. “It would solve the problem of having two of us. But it’s kind of scary thinking of merging together like that.”

Cody understood his clone’s apprehension. The idea of combining with a duplicate version of himself was unsettling. But he tried to sound reassuring.

“I get it, it seems weird. But remember, you’re me in every way,” Cody told his clone. “We’re essentially the same person already. The integration will just put us back together into one Cody again.”

The clone considered this and then replied, “You’re right, we aren’t two separate people. We’re more like two halves of the same whole. Let’s give it a try.”

Cody smiled, feeling hopeful that this would resolve the strange situation. He led his clone over to the cloning machine, where the “Integrate” button was now blinking expectantly.

Both Codys stood before the device, exchanging a nervous but resolved glance. This was it, the moment they would re-merge into one unified person. Cody reached out and firmly pressed the Integration button.

Cody and his clone braced themselves as Cody pressed the Integration button on the cloning machine. At first, nothing seemed to happen. But then a strange tingling sensation began spreading throughout their bodies.

It started as a mild buzzing in their fingertips that swiftly crawled up their arms and across their chests. The odd feeling intensified, becoming an almost electric vibrating energy that made their hair stand on end.

“Whoa, do you feel that?” Cody asked his clone uneasily. The clone only nodded, his eyes wide with uncertainty.

The vibration built within them like a rising charge, making Cody and his duplicate clutch their temples as an ache pounded through their skulls. It was as if their very brains were struggling against an invisible force, pressing inward.

Just when it seemed like the intensity would become unbearable, a brilliant flare of light burst within the cloning machine. Both Codys cried out as the energy peaked and then rapidly expelled outward, knocking them back onto the garage floor.

For a moment, Cody lay disoriented on the concrete, blinking up at the ceiling. The odd vibrating sensation had ceased, leaving behind a lingering tingle in his nerves. He slowly sat up, groaning as his head pounded from the after-effects.

As Cody’s vision came back into focus, he realized the clone was gone. There was no longer two of him sprawled on the garage floor. The integration had worked!

Cody shakily rose to his feet, pressing a hand to his temple. His mind reeled as foreign memories flooded in, moments experienced by the clone after its creation. He saw himself through the clone’s eyes, had its thoughts and felt its confusion.

“It’s like I lived two diverging lives, up until now,” Cody muttered aloud to himself. He was whole again, a single Cody with two sets of overlapping experiences. The cloning machine had done its job.

Cody’s mind raced with possibilities as he considered what he could do with this amazing cloning machine. Now that he knew the integration process worked flawlessly, it opened up so many opportunities.

He could use it to get ahead on schoolwork, Cody realized. The clone could attend classes and take tests in his place, then integrate its knowledge back to Cody later. His grades would skyrocket without even having to study!

Cody’s face flushed as he recalled the intimate details his clone had revealed about his private thoughts regarding his crush Stephanie. He felt embarrassed remembering how his duplicate had described Cody’s late-night fantasies about the pretty brunette from math class.

Cody shook his head, trying to clear away the awkward memory. At least that was all in the past now that he had re-integrated with his clone. There was no need to dwell on those awkward moments discussing Cody’s personal fantasies and habits.

Still, a small part of Cody’s mind couldn’t help but drift back to thoughts of Stephanie’s perfect, curvy figure hidden beneath her clothes… the way she playfully tossed her long hair over her shoulder when she laughed… how her eyes would smolder intensely when she answered a difficult math equation on the board…

Cody tried to push any inappropriate thoughts from his mind as he pulled out his phone. He opened up Instagram and navigated to Stephanie’s page, telling himself he was just going to glance at her latest posts, nothing more.

But as he scrolled through her photos, Cody felt his resolve weakening. There she was in a cute blue bikini, smiling playfully at the camera. The sight of her curves barely contained by the two tiny triangles of fabric made Cody’s mouth go dry.

He lingered on the bikini photo, zooming in slightly.

Cody’s fingers began to trace over the denim of jeans, his mind drifting off with the compelling image before him. His palm rubbed against the growing bulge in his pants, the warmth spreading through his body as he stared at Stephanie’s bikini picture on his phone.

A quiet moan escaped his lips as he unbuckled his belt, his hand slipping underneath to touch himself directly. The sensation of his rough hand against his sensitive flesh sent a jolt of pleasure through his body, making him gasp.

As he began to move his hand more firmly, he imagined Stephanie’s soft hands replacing his own on his throbbing length. With a deep groan, he continued to pump his hand over himself, his fantasies vivid.

Cody’s mind wandered as his hand continued to move rhythmically over his hardness, fueled by his fantasy about Stephanie. As amazing as the sensations felt, a thought crossed his mind. “If only I had someone else to stroke me…”

Cody glanced over at the cloning machine sitting dormant in the corner of the garage. A devious idea began to form. He could clone himself again, and the duplicate would surely be willing to provide the satisfaction he craved.

Cody tucked himself back into his jeans and stood up, suddenly eager to try this. He walked over and turned on the cloning machine, allowing it to scan his body once more. Within moments, an identical copy of Cody emerged.

Cody looked at his clone expectantly, hoping he would understand what Cody desired without having to explicitly ask.

Cody shifted awkwardly as his clone stepped out of the machine. Though they were identical copies, it still felt strange to be standing face-to-face with himself.

The clone Cody looked equally uncomfortable, avoiding direct eye contact. An uneasy silence hung in the garage as the two Codys stood there, the implications of duplicating himself now sinking in.

Cody blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Hey, so, I was hoping you could help me out with something,” he began evasively. “Seeing as you’re me, you know, you’d probably be up for it…”

Even though he turned 18 earlier that year, Cody had never had a girlfriend before. His mind was just too focused on other things like school, video games and tinkering.

The clone slowly nodded. “I can’t say I don’t have the same urge brewing after seeing Stephanie just now. Guess we’re on the same wavelength.”

An awkward silence followed as both Codys contemplated what to do next. The situation was strange, no doubt, but the mounting urge below their belts overpowered any hesitation.

“So, should we maybe just start slowly?” Cody suggested tentatively.

The clone nodded again. Both boys shifted closer, their hands trembling slightly as they reached for each other’s zippers. Cody undid his clone’s pants, exposing his identical stiff erection, while the clone did the same for him.

Cody wrapped his hand gingerly around the clone’s length, while the clone took hold of Cody’s. They began to stroke in unison, keeping the pace slow and experimental at first.

The sensation of the clone’s hand grasping his throbbing hardness made Cody inhale sharply. He increased his own tempo slightly, making the clone moan. They built up speed gradually, hands pumping each other’s aroused flesh.

“Is – is this weird?” Cody panted, even as he thrilled at the clone’s touch.

“Kinda, but it feels too good to stop,” the clone breathed, gripping Cody tighter.

Precum leaked steadily from their tips as the clone and Cody worked their hands faster. Their knees nearly buckled from the intensity.

Cody grunted with pleasure as his clone skillfully moved his hand along Cody’s rigid length. Though he had certainly touched himself many times before, the sensation of someone else grasping and stroking his most sensitive areas felt incredible.

“Ahh… no one’s ever done this to me before,” Cody gasped.

“Of course not, I’m you,” the clone replied, continuing his steady rhythm. “Just like you’re the first one to touch me like this.”

Cody nodded, increasing the speed of his own pumping hand around the clone’s eager arousal. He watched intently as the clone’s eyes fluttered closed, overwhelmed by the new sensations Cody was providing. They thrusted gently into each other’s grip, chasing the building tension.

“We should have… tried this cloning thing… sooner,” Cody groaned as the clone swirled his thumb over the slick tip.

“Right? This is way better… than doing it alone,” the clone agreed breathily.

The experience was surreal but exhilarating for the two Codys. After a lifetime of solitary self-pleasure, having another version of oneself provide those intimate caresses was mindblowing.

“So close,” Cody whimpered, bucking urgently into the clone’s grip. “Don’t stop!”

The clone increased his pace, clenching his eyes shut. “Me too, I’m gonna…”

The clone let out a strangled cry, his body tensing as he neared release. “It’s happening, I can’t hold it anymore!”

“Me too, do it with me!” Cody grunted through clenched teeth.

Both boys cried out as the pleasure peaked. Cody felt the clone’s cock pulse and erupt in his hand, hot cum spilling over his fingers. At the same time, thick ropes of Cody’s own cum shot forth, coating the clone’s still-pumping hand.

Finally the pulses slowed, and the two boys released their spent dicks. Panting, they collapsed onto stools, basking in the afterglow.

After their intense shared climax, Cody and his clone cleaned themselves up awkwardly, both flushed and avoiding eye contact.

“So… that was interesting,” Cody muttered, tucking himself back into his jeans.

“Yeah, definitely an experience,” the clone replied, nodding. “I guess we should, uh, integrate again so there’s just one of us?”

Cody hesitated. As unsettling as crossing that sexual line with himself had been, he couldn’t deny how amazing it felt. And if he integrated now, the pleasure would be just a memory. An idea occurred to him.

“Well, we don’t have to integrate right away,” Cody suggested. “I was thinking maybe we could try taking things further first. There’s a lot we could, you know, explore together.”

The clone looked uncertain. “I don’t know, man. This already got pretty weird. Maybe we should quit while we’re ahead?”

But Cody could see the flicker of curiosity in the clone’s eyes. “Come on, when will we get another chance like this?” he pressed. “Let’s make the most of having two of us.”

Cody hesitated, part of him still feeling unsure about the situation. But his curiosity won out.

“Okay, you have a point,” the clone Cody conceded. “It’s not often we’ll get the chance to really see ourselves from the outside.”

Cody nodded eagerly. “Right? It’ll be an interesting experience to witness my own body objectively.”

The two Codys stood there awkwardly for a moment, both realizing they would need to get fully undressed for this exploration. They slowly began removing their shirts and pants until they stood before each other completely naked.

Cody looked over his clone’s nude form with fascination. It was jarring to see his lanky body, the light dusting of hair across his chest and down his stomach, from this perspective. Cody noticed little details he had never paid attention to before – the sharp angles of his hipbones, the way his ribcage was faintly visible. Seeing himself completely exposed through another’s eyes felt both vulnerable and exhilarating.

“This is so trippy,” the clone muttered as his eyes roamed over Cody’s nakedness. “Now I get why girls at school like staring at me in the locker room.”

Cody chuckled in amusement. “Yeah, I guess we look pretty good naked from an outside view.”

They continued checking each other out, observing the similarities and minor differences between their bodies. The clone reached out tentatively and grasped Cody’s flaccid penis, making him gasp.

“Dude, you can’t just grab it like that!” Cody exclaimed, though he had to admit it felt intriguing to have his manhood handled by what seemed like another person.

“Sorry, couldn’t help myself,” the clone laughed. “Had to see what you felt like from this angle.”

Cody shook his head but smiled in amusement. As odd as it was, he understood the clone’s curiosity. After all, Cody was equally fascinated by the novel experience of seeing his own body through someone else’s perspective.

Cody gazed at his clone’s naked body, feeling both nervous and excited. This was uncharted territory, but he was determined to fully embrace the rare opportunity.

“Let’s take this to the next level,” Cody suggested, feeling emboldened. “I want to see what I really look like during… you know…”

The clone nodded eagerly, his manhood already responding to the building anticipation.

“Here, lie down on the floor and I’ll get things started,” Cody directed. The clone obeyed, stretching out on the smooth concrete.

Cody knelt between his duplicate’s legs and grasped the semi-hard length, gently working his hand back and forth. He watched in fascination as it stiffened under his touch, soon becoming fully erect.

Seeing his own hard cock from this vantage point was both jarring and thrilling for Cody. The smooth flushed skin, the swollen head glistening with beads of moisture – it was all so hyper-focused from this angle.

Cody continued steadily stroking the clone, mesmerized by the little reactions and pleasured grimaces on the duplicate’s face. It was bizarre yet intensely erotic to view himself building toward climax.

“How does it look?” the clone panted, bucking up into Cody’s grip.

“Incredible,” Cody breathed. “Seeing myself right on the edge is crazy hot.”

He increased his tempo as the clone moaned, his back arching off the floor. Cody could tell his duplicate was close now, the tension written clearly across his twisted expression.

“Oh fuck,” the clone choked out. “I’m gonna – I’m…”

He cried out sharply as he peaked, cock pulsing in Cody’s hand as ribbons of white shot forth and landed across his heaving stomach.

Cody watched in awe as the clone came down from his high, panting. It was surreal and immensely arousing to view his own climax from the outside. Cody’s own neglected arousal now ached with need.

“My turn,” Cody said eagerly as they swapped positions. Soon he was splayed out on the floor, groaning as the clone grasped Cody’s stiff length. The sensation of the duplicate’s hand pumping his sensitive flesh rapidly pushed Cody to the brink.

“Look at me,” Cody grunted, barely able to form words. “Watch my face… see what I look like when I…”

Cody moaned as the clone increased his pace, firmly working Cody’s throbbing erection. Cody could feel his peak building, the pressure coiling tightly within him.

“Oh god, keep going, I’m so close,” Cody panted, back arching off the floor.

The clone gazed down intently at Cody’s face, watching every minute expression as Cody hurtled toward release.

Cody’s mouth fell open, eyes squeezing shut as the sensations overwhelmed him. He was right on the edge now, his swollen cock pulsing urgently in the clone’s grip.

With a strangled cry, Cody felt himself let go, the pleasure exploding through his core. His hips bucked uncontrollably as he came hard, thick spurts of cum ejecting across his lower stomach.

Cody collapsed back, breathing heavily. The clone looked on in fascination as Cody slowly came down from the intense high.

“Wow… seeing my O-face from the outside was crazy,” Cody murmured, still catching his breath. “I had no idea I looked so…”

“Hot?” the clone supplied with a smirk. “Yeah, it’s really sexy watching you come undone like that.”

Cody flushed at the compliment, feeling both embarrassed and thrilled. As unsettling as this experience was, he couldn’t deny how exhilarating it felt to view himself in such an intensely intimate, erotic way.

“We should probably clean up and integrate back into one person soon,” Cody said eventually, though he felt a pang of reluctance.

The two Codys got dressed and tidied themselves up, then stood before the cloning machine. They exchanged an uneasy but excited look, both wondering what memories would remain after they integrated.

“Ready for this?” Cody asked. The clone nodded.

Cody reached out and pressed the integration button. Just like before, a dizzying burst of light flashed as the two became one again.

Cody blinked, steadying himself against the device as the memories aligned in his mind. The clone’s perspective of their erotic explorations surfaced, mingling with Cody’s own recollection of the events.

It was disorienting but fascinating to have both sets of memories – to distinctly remember touching himself intimately, yet also vividly recall the visuals of observing his own climax from the outside.

Cody’s head was spinning as the memories settled into place. He now possessed two diverging sets of recollections from today’s events – one from his own perspective, and one viewing himself through the clone’s eyes.

It was a lot to process. Cody glanced at the clock on the garage wall and realized only an hour had passed exploring the possibilities of the cloning machine. He still had time before his parents got home from work.

But Cody knew he couldn’t leave the cloning device sitting out in the open. The consequences would be unimaginable if his parents found it.

In a rush, Cody yanked the tarp back over the cloning machine, obscuring it in the cluttered corner once more. He needed to hide all evidence before his parents arrived.

Cody tidied up the garage, his pulse racing as he anticipated his parents’ return. He couldn’t stop thinking about the exhilarating and bewildering experiences he had shared with his clone in the short time since discovering the device.

Soon, Cody heard the garage door rumble open. He quickly composed himself and walked out to the driveway, intercepting his parents as they got out of the car.

“Hey, welcome home,” Cody said casually, hoping they didn’t notice anything amiss.

His dad smiled and ruffled Cody’s hair. “How was your day, kiddo?”

“Oh, nothing exciting,” Cody lied. “Just watched some TV and hung out.”

His parents headed inside, none the wiser about their son’s secret adventures with the cloning machine waiting hidden in the garage. He wondered if they knew anything about the machine…


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