Closet Confession Ch. 01


A gay story: Closet Confession Ch. 01 he following story, every word, is absolutely true. The names have been changed, that’s all.

I don’t know when it was I first knew that my ass would eventually be trained to take cock. At least that’s what I tell myself, even though I know it’s a lie. The truth is that I know exactly when it happened. It was just before Christmas right as I had just turned 18.

It was About the same time I started to see hair sprout on my balls, that I had started to notice my Aunt Elizabeth. By the Christmas of my 18th year, just to be around her was a hardship to me, and I choose the word HARDship on purpose. As the years moved me farther and farther past puberty I was finding it more and more difficult to keep my hands off of her whenever she came for a visit. She had an ass that made my mouth dry and the end of my pecker wet every time I stared at it. And I spent as much time as I could get away with staring at it. Aunt Liz was my father’s youngest sister and was married to my Uncle Ed, who was a rancher. It boiled down to this; they were the perfect couple. Ed was the fucking Marlboro man and Liz was the perfect six-foot Barbie doll.

Liz spent almost as much time in the tanning bed as Uncle Ed did astride his favorite Justin Morgan, Bo. Liz had honey-blond hair that lay in thick layers all the way down her back, her skin year round stayed just dark enough to compliment her almond brown eyes. Ed was a dark man with thick shoulders and a salt-and-pepper mustache. Liz’s blouses were always cut low, and her skirts and her heels were always high. Ed was seldom seen in anything but denim. In a pair of tight cut-off jeans and just the right amount of visible bra-lace, Liz was absolutely deadly. In the summer mending fences, Ed would walk around most of the day in a pair of faded jeans and a set of black leather cowboy boots. Wiry black hair covered his arms and his chest, and he had a small scar just below his right eye that would become more visible as his skin turned dark. A near miss with a bronco and a piece of barbed wire fence when he was about my age he told me once. I had noticed all these things about Aunt Liz long before, but before that particular Yuletide, I had never realized how much I had also noticed Uncle Ed. That was the year when everything changed.

My mother and Aunt Liz had been Christmas shopping that day. I guess that no one thought about the fact that it happened to be the last day of school before Christmas break. In our school system back then, the last day of school before the long Christmas holiday was a half-day when we did nothing but have some dipshit school assembly where our half-assed band played half-assed versions of some half-assed Christmas songs that no one had ever heard of. I had decided early that morning to just say fuck it and play hookey. I saw them pull up in the driveway, but thought nothing of it. Guess they just had no idea I was in the house at the time. Didn’t bother me not to be noticed, as I was busy listening to Twisted Sister way too loud via my new Walkman. My mother and Aunt Liz hurried in the house to unpack and try on the things that they had bought. In those days my bedroom was across the hall from the room where my parents slept, and as they passed by they must not have noticed me there on my bed absently watching them. As soon as they had settled in with their bags of treasure, it happened. Aunt Liz in one smooth motion peeled off her blouse and dropped her short skirt onto the floor. What I saw in front of me made my heart skip a beat. Long slender legs that went from the ground up to a set of hips that stretched out just far enough beyond the edges of her satin panties. Any more and her butt might have been too wide for her slender frame, any less and she may as well have been a boy. No, this was the kind of ass that was created for one purpose- to be bent over and fucked, repeatedly and without mercy.

There were no tan lines whatsoever visible anywhere along her fake-baked backside, not even when she snapped the clasp of her bra and threw it down across the bed. My as yet virgin member was immediately rock solid. It happened so fast that my head started to pound to the rhythm of my heart as it violently pumped blood down into the spongy tissue. Precum immediately began to ooze from the tip of my half-bald erection. In that moment I was filled with visions of my Uncle Ed, in his faded work jeans and his Stetson. And I could smell him, the way he always smelled- a strange mix of sawdust, sweat and horsehair. I saw him, tall, solid, stone faced, standing behind Aunt Liz, shoving the length of his engorged shaft into her bowels. I saw the expression on her face, a mixture of torment and bliss. I saw her slender body in profile, her tight breasts heaving with her labored breath, her tight stomach clenching in rhythm to Ed’s thrusts, I saw her long honey colored locks shifting first to one side, then to the other, free falling across the top of her arched back. I saw Uncle Ed manhandling her for no other purpose than his own pleasure, ignoring her grunts of pain as well as her sighs of pleasure. She was his. His to be broken, his to be trained. Like one of his prize colts. She was his to buy and to sell. She was his to feed and care for, his to discipline and display. As she snorted and bucked, he snapped her back down with his invincible leathery hands. As she bent and tried to crawl away he pulled her back to him, his thick arms tensing and releasing like coiled springs. His thick member appeared then disappeared behind her over and over again like a piston, until he finally grunted his release, and they both collapsed into a sweaty mound onto the thoroughly mussed flannel sheets.

I saw him lying there, naked yet still invulnerable. Heard his breathing, light and shallow now, but somehow still masculine. I felt his hands and arms. They felt heavy as they lay limp underneath and across my exhausted body. And I could still smell his smell- thick, musky, overpowering. It was intoxicating, and everything went black. When I came to, my mother’s bedroom door was closed and Aunt Liz’s perfect body was gone from my sight forever, but the damage was done. Pandora’s box was wide open and the lid was cut in two. It wasn’t until later that day that I figured out what had really happened- Seeing my Aunt Liz naked and vulnerable had given me an erection so suddenly and so intense that I had, out of pure instinct, reached down and begun to message my cock through my tight jeans. When I came, it must have been so intense that it put me into some kind of mild shock.

I would masturbate again later that day, and many, many times in the days that followed. I noticed a pattern start to emerged. My thoughts would always start out with a naked, tanned ass, just like Aunt Liz, but would without fail end up with a thick, veiny shaft. Sometimes it would be shoved sack deep into my rosebud emptying white lava into my tight tunnel. Sometimes it would be overpowering my gag reflex and delivering its precious cargo directly into my gullet. Either way my mind’s eye always saw me eagerly accepting a load of hot manjuice into my inner regions. From there, it became simple math. I didn’t WANT Aunt Liz, I wanted to BE Aunt Liz. I wanted to be beautiful, I wanted to be soft, and I wanted to be feminine. But most of all, I wanted to be bent over and naked in front of a tower of sinew and muscle. I wanted to listen to his grunts and sighs and moans as he took me over and made me his obedient philly. I wanted to taste him, I wanted to feel him, but most of all I wanted to smell him.

My life was different after that. And I knew it would be a long, hard road. But I also knew that eventually I would come to know what only Aunt Liz knew in my vision. I would know what it was like to have a big, solid brute thrusting away inside me, not caring whether I was in pain or pleasure. I, too, would have a steel rod splitting apart my perfect little ass.

I could hardly wait.

To Be Continued…


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