Coby Pt. 02


A gay story: Coby Pt. 02 Any and all sex in this fictional story occurs between humans over the age of 18 years.

Thank you, as ever, to @kenjisato for his thoughtful and thorough editing.


Coby, Part 2

After that crazy afternoon, I really wasn’t sure how Coby was going to react. He seemed pretty fine when he left – stoked, even. But, you know how the mind works… Was he freaking out, beating up on himself? Wracked with guilt? I’ll wager he was fucking his girlfriend with a vehemence she hasn’t seen before! Heh heh.

What a thing the human psyche is. You just don’t control it: simple fact. I learned long ago that all you can do is buckle up and try to enjoy the ride because you are going to be taken to some truly unexpected places in your life, if you have the courage to follow it.

Actually, Coby and I started texting semi-regularly after that. He was totally fine with what we did. With his newfound desires. Have to admit I was quite fine with it me’self. I was even musing on the potential for a repeat, ah, performance. Not that I would force it, try to orchestrate it. Have to let Coby take the lead. It’ll happen if it Coby wants it to happen.

It ended up being a while until we connected again one-on-one. Next time we were face-to-face was at his house: they were hosting a family get together. And as we’d agreed beforehand, we didn’t even try to find time alone, we just grooved on hangin’ with the big group.

It wasn’t for another couple of months that we finally connected one-on-one. Coby came down to my place on a Saturday afternoon. He made up a story about hanging out downtown with friends. Evidently still struggling with his Mom about freedom and autonomy.

As last time, we soon had beers and snacks and the pipe at the ready and we were installed on my couch listening to some tunes. More Esperanza Spalding – her previous album. We worked the pipe first, relieving it of its bowlful in short order. Scant minutes hence, we were feeling no pain.

“This music is intense man. Very different from the last one. Also awesome. *pause* You know my Mom is being such a pain. Feels like it’s getting even worse the older I get. She’s so clingy. It’s driving me crazy.”

“Well. Obviously it comes from a place of love. You did have a bit of a sheltered upbringing, out there in the extreme ‘burbs. On the other hand I think it’s also true that you’re a bright guy and you’re not gonna put yourself into sketchy situations. Right…? Not to mention, you could more than defend yourself if it ever came to it.”

“Obvie. Dad’s no help either. He never stands up to her on things. He just smiles and does his Indian head-shake, or pretends he has work to do.”

“Well, it wouldn’t kill you to check in with your Mom via text once in while. No effort for yourself but a big payoff with your Mom. I promise you she’ll calm down. A bit at least.”

“‘Suppose you’re right. *pause*…She does love me a lot.”

“Family: whattayagonnado, eh?! Can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em.”

Who says a little dad-joke can’t be useful on occasion?!

“Here, gimme your phone.” I try for mysterious.

“Uh, no! What’re you up to?”

“C’mon, trust me. Gimme gimme.”

He huffed a bit but went over to his coat. His phone was soon in my hand. I opened his text feed with his mom and started a new dm:

> Hey mom! lettn ya no alls good. chillin at dundas square. ya good?

And sent it, without showing him. Did I mention I have this inner, sometimes not so inner, smartass…?

He grabbed the phone forcefully from me when he heard the ‘message-sent’ swoosh sound on his phone. The hand that wasn’t holding the phone started curling into a fist as he read the text. Uh oh: maybe too much?!

Whew, luckily he only smiled and punched me without the initially-anticipated force.

“Cool. You’re actually so right, you know. Fuck, it’s like literally 10 seconds. Heh heh, she’s flipping right now, right?!”

Ding! She replied:

> Coby, everything ok?

Ding! Another:

> the truth!

He wrote back, with some prompts from me.

> yes mom! all good.

And again:

> jes decided to try to be a better son

> Gotta go. love ya!

“That’ll do it. See: easy!”


> love you too! *heart-emoji*

“Heh heh, she’s probably reaching for a kleenex at this very second! Job done.”

A fresh bowl was dispatched and we were officially well-buzzed. I was definitely feeling it, and got a bit cocky.

“I know this is totally inappropriate but I’m saying it anyway. Speaking of your mother, she is a total hottie. A most desirable woman.”

“Huh. Yeah, I suppose you’re allowed to share that, whatever that was. Um, why?”

“Don’t know. It just came out. I blame the bud. Then again, you did bring her up. Twice. *pause* Soooooo, have you ever thought of her, you know, sexually?”

“Wow! No bullshit here, man. Right to the point eh? You are in a mood!”

“Ha ha I know. Ain’t it awesome?”

“The truth?: ‘course, bro. I mean, you’re right: she’s hot. Simple fact.”

“Whew. That’s heavy.”

“What can I say. I’m only human. Fuck, I mean I don’t perv on her – have never. *pause* Well, almost never. If she’s sunbathing topless in the backyard… *sigh* Like I said, I’m only human. I can’t deny the reality, which is that she is fine.”

We sat back, each lapsing into silence, both of us doubtless musing on Coby’s mom’s physical form’s many charms. [Ed. Hmmm, too many possessive descriptors? Couldn’t resist. But it’s fun right, you can’t deny that. Let’s do it again: Coby’s mom’s physical form’s many charms.]

Then without warning:

“You know, like, last time I was here…?”

“Uh, last time… hmmmmm, ‘was a while ago eh….nah, not really. Remind me…?”

“Har har. Fuck you very much too. *pause* But seriously, there was one, um, thing that came up that day…

“Well in truth, there were a couple of things that came up that day… ah, repeatedly…”

“Shut the fuck up and let me talk!” He punched me in the arm. Not lightly.

“Ow. Fuck! Oops. Ok. Sorry. Serious. Straight face…”

“It’s… Um, I’ve been thinking about this a lot.” Longer pause, then a big sigh. “And I want your help with, uh, something. I need your help, I think…”

“Okay well. Sooo, not talking about Mom anymore… *smile* Lay it on me man.”

Coby seemed to visibly steel himself.

“Remember when you, um, called me, um, Cobita?” *zing* Coby grabbed his crotch. “Oh shit it just happened again just from me saying it out loud! That’s fucked up man. But also hilarious. Ha! Anyway. When you said it that day, I think it kind of melted something inside me… Or like, maybe it flicked a switch or…”

“Ooo, I like where this is going…” Drumming outstretched fingers together campily.

“Fuck you!” Punched me again but followed through, pushing me off balance a bit. “Trying to be serious here. *pause* Actually it’s funny you brought up my Mom because, um, I’ve been raiding her lingerie drawers.”

My eyes involuntarily bugged out: “No shit!!”

“…And I’ve tried on a couple of panty/bra sets. And, and…”

“You lucky fuck, you…” My turn to punch him – in the gut – playfully.

“I know right?!…But I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. I mean it feels awesome – and I look hot if I do say so myself. But, I don’t know, I want more. But I don’t know what.”

“I think I can help. You know I think I’m going to switch to gin and tonics for the rest of the night. You want?”

“Sure why not. Gin’s a nice clean buzz.”

After hitting the kitchen to whip us up a couple of nice g-and-t’s, lemon slice’n’all, I took Coby straight to my room. I emptied my drawer full of lingerie/sex-toy odds’n’ends, dumping everything onto the bed. Thigh-highs, bathing suits, fishnet body-stockings, stap-on harnesses, dildos, buttplugs, you get the idea. Coby looked over my odd collection with wide eyes and a smile.

“Shit dude. Check you out. Secrets revealed.” He ran his hands through my odd collection of skimpies. “Actually maybe I’m not all that surprised, heh heh. *pause* That doesn’t bother you does it? Me saying that?”

“Pas d’tout. I’m comfortable with my kinks.”

“I meant it in a nice way….That I’m into it. Looking forward to it”

“No worries. I get it. Too.”

But before I let him play, I took him to the bathroom to perform The Transformation! He couldn’t stop smiling, grinning actually. I keep some makeup on hand, ’cause you never know… After stripping him naked I stood him in front of the mirror and applied some rudimentary makeup – to the best of my abilities – which are sadly meagre. A deep deep burgundy lipstick, some mascara on his already luscious lashes, a hint of blush under his cheekbones, and just a dusting of blue eye shadow. He didn’t need any brow enhancement, his were lush but not too thick – very black. I don’t think I overdid it. Pretty amateurish honestly, but hey, Coby’d be gorgeous wearing the proverbial burlap sack…!

Then I brought out my shaver. He didn’t have chest hair yet, but he had that line from his bellybutton down to his crotch. That went first. After which went all his crotch hair, ‘xcept for a landing strip. I didn’t do a close shave: just trimmed it all then a gentle go-’round with the electric, crack n’all.

Having black hair, there was a huge difference visually, sans cheveux. Big difference in feel as well. Coby seemed quite satisfied, if his jaunty erection was any indication. Plus the fact he couldn’t keep his hands off his balls.

“They’re unbelievably smooth… I fucking love this!!!!”

“Right?! First time I had my balls waxed was mind blowing – had no idea the skin is so soft.”

Finally, his underarms. Truthfully, armpit hair on women turns me on like crazy, but, at least this time, we’re going for stark contrast; full transformation.

“Hey, how d’ya think Alessia is gonna react? To this…?”

Alessia’s his girlfriend, btw. He thinks a mo.’

“Well, we’ve actually already talked about shaving, both of us, like down there. I’ll have to come up with a good reason for doing it without telling her first. Fuck…”

“She’ll go crazy for it, I promise you.”

“You think…? I hope so.”

“Tell her you were really bored, and suddenly got super curious, ’cause people talk ’bout how soft the skin is, down there. Oh, and then offer to shave her. *pause* Does she have any idea of your, uh, your other side, shall we say?!”

“Nah. I feel like, like I need to tell her – soon! But, fuck, it’s so hard. I mean, I think she’s pretty openminded – she talks as if she’s fine with gayness. But who knows how she’d react – when it’s personal – you know…?”

“You know what you should try?: One time you’re having sex… no, after – after you’ve had sex – pretend to suddenly get the idea to try on her panties, just for fun – make a joke out of it. Make a silly show out of prancing about and posing. See how she reacts…”

“That’s actually a good idea… *pause* You know, I’ve never thought about any of this – so many possibilities…!! But, you know, I’d totally share Alessia with you. Like, a threesome. *pause* Probably not gonna ever happen.”

“Well, hey, what’s she doing right now?! Call her up!”

“Ha ha. If only. She’s hangin’ with her regular posse.”

I got behind him and turned us so we could both look in the mirror. Coby’s eyes went wide and he puckered his lips – to look sexy, campy whatever. But he couldn’t prevent the grin that usurped his whole face, as he checked himself out in the mirror, every few seconds looking at me.

“Woooooww. Look at me. Holy, I’m so fucking sexy. Sorry if that sounds arrogant but I don’t really give a shit!”

“I can’t stop looking at you! Perving…”

“Oh, perv away: I am!”

Back in my room. I got him into one of the body-stockings – which were crotchless – we had to work to get his cock through the hole. Then a pair of see-through boyshorts over top. Mmm mm: so tight on his buns. We shaped his fro to be as fem as possible – whatever that means… When we were done he looked damn’ hot. An utterly gorgeous, sexy woman. Aye-Aye-Aye.

“Wow. Don’t I just look like something! Shiiiiiiitt. Fuck I could almost cum right now – without even touching myself. Whew. Breathe, just breathe. Okay I’m good. Shit – look at me. I mean, I want to fuck me!”

“That makes two of us! You are officially a woman.”

I went over to him. Holding him close, I turned him ’round and gave a butt-cheek a nice full-blooded full-palmed, slap. Most satisfying.

“Oooohh naughty. Are you going to have your way with me? (Again).”

He said while wiggling his butt at me, inviting more. I accepted enthusiastically, with a round of resonant slaps. Maybe harder than he anticipated but he went with it. Then I switched to gently stroking the cheek I had been punishing.

“Mmmmm mmmm. Better. Thank you. *pause* Ok, now! Say it…! Please?”

“Say what?”

“You know…”

I tried to feign ignorance, but couldn’t hold it. In truth I loved saying it – made my brain vibrate to hear it out loud, even if it’s me’self saying it.

“Hmm, you sweet sweet thing. My sweet Cobita. You are officially My Sweet Cobita. Come here.”

His eyes did the same dilating thing as last time, but he didn’t try to repress his smile, or the pelvic thrust as he felt that zing again.

I turned him back around and stared intently into his eyes, taking in his beauty, until I couldn’t resist anymore and leant forward to kiss him. So gently our lips met. So soft. Cobita’s lips quivered a bit as we made that initial tentative contact. He pulled me closer and the kiss quickly developed into a deep lip-lock. He moaned as our lips smushed together and his whole body melted into mine, was it submissively?

Eventually: “Holy shit this feels so natural. I feel completely girly right now. You know? I can totally feel this, desire to be desirable. But most of all I feel feminine.”

He closed his eyes for a moment. Then,

“You know what? Here’s what I want. When I’m dressed up like this. Well, not… but, you know. When I’m dressed up, I am a her ok? Only female pronouns.”

“Can do. Might might fuck up a couple of times. K?”

“Natch. No sweat. I prob’ly will too.”

We spontaneously came together again and fell on the bed in a tangle. After another lovely languid, grope-y kiss, Cobita decided I had to put on the other body-stocking. I stripped off and soon had it on – I had the same difficulty, getting my hard cock lined up through the crotch-hole. In my defence, I was well distracted. As if in a heavy haze of lust, I couldn’t take my eyes off Cobita lounging, resplendent, on the bed. I didn’t put on any panties, leaving my cock exposed. Then I jumped back on the bed crawling right on top of her, giving her a horizontal hug. I couldn’t resist her luscious lips. We both had lipstick smudges all over our faces in moments, but who cared? Cobita squirmed with pleasure below me, rubbing her clit all over my cock.

“Mmmm mm. I could do this forever.”

“Me too.”

“I feel like… like, like you’re my man.” Her voice was rising again, like last time, but more natural. Just flowing with the groove – the persona she was developing, as a woman.

Holy. I was so damned horny. But at the same time I was really feeling in love with my new lover, my Cobita. Even just the sound of her name: Cobita. It sparkled. It suited her so perfectly.

“I hope you know that I love you Cobita. I am utterly in love with you. I can’t believe how fast this happened. I mean, it’s crazy, right? But my whole insides are going crazy: gushing. I can’t think how else to describe it. How, how are you feeling?”

“Yeah.” She thought for a moment, then answered with a voice at the same time calm and somehow buzzing with energy,

“It did start to feel kinda heavy a couple a’ times, back, when I was getting dressed – after seeing myself, in the bathroom mirror… *pause*…Not bad heavy. More like important heavy. Like, I’m going to remember this day, heavy. But also fun at the same time. I’m so grooving on feeling free. Um, there’s a word…”


“Yesss. Love that word. And loving how it feels being uninhibited. At the same time as I’m basically designing, writing, creating – me! In real time. With you….” She nuzzled into my neck.

“You are truly something else, you know that?! Not sure how much longer I can hold myself back…”

“Did anyone tell you to hold back…?!” Cocked eyebrow, voice dripping with snark.

“Well, now that you mention it…”

I could feel the energy of her excitement, emanating from her whole body. I quickly got off her and spun her ’round so her butt was sticking up and laid another delicious slap on a sweet buttock.

“Yesss. You bad man.”

I took a scrumptious cheek in each hand, caressing them lovingly for a moment, before moving my hands up to grasp her panties, pulling them down to just above her knees.

“Mmmmm someone’s focused!”

Smiling defiantly. “Oh, it’s going to be a looong night. I intend to keep you very busy. Aaaand, for the record you literally just told me not to hold back…”

She pouted, “That’s fair.”

In seconds my nose was buried in her crack as I gave a thirsty lick from her balls up to her rosebud.

“Oh fucking wow… I wasn’t complaining, btw. Fuck, your tongue is unbelievable on my pussy. Seriously though, who knew that little, puckered, fucker had so many gazillion nerve endings or whatever, that like, light up your brain and take over your, like, being… Person. Or something. Ssso goood. Don’t ever stop licking me. Fuuuck!”

I gave her pussy an extended slathering, covering it with copious amounts of spit. In between lapping at it, I was also occasionally applying more pressure – enough to penetrate just a bit. To wake her sweet pussy up. Get her ready. At the same time I was languidly stroking her balls and clit, running my open hand all the way up to the tip and down to cradle her balls.

Finally giving in, I slid my body up to align with her pussy. First I gently nudged against her, at the very edge of penetration, waiting for a reaction.

“Mmmmm mmmmnnnn. Yes I want it. Go on. Give it to me. Slowly though please?”

“Oh my love. I would never hurt you. How’s this?”

“It’s so good. You can go a little more. Go on. Yeeeeess! Your cock is inside me again. You’re taking me… Mmmngh”

After a few seconds I pulled out. To give her a few seconds to relax.

“Come on you tease. Put it back in. Please.”

I popped the head back in, waited a second or two, then thrust all the rest of the way in slowly but firmly until our pelvises joined. Bliss. I had to hold back from coming for a moment, before I was ready to begin thrusting. Fucking her in earnest.

“Hope you’re ready for this.”

As I said: in earnest. Long slow, full thrusts. All the way in, all the way out. It took ten-ish times before she was open enough so that my rather bulbous head didn’t pop in each time.

“Fffuuuck. Sooo gooood. Take me. Take my pussy. Make me your woman. Make me your Cobitaaaa!”

I kind of growled in answer, and got up on my elbows so I could thrust with more force. Torque.

“Holy shit your sweet sweet ass looks un-fucking-believably gorgeous at this angle. I, aye aye aye. I wish I could bury my face in your ass at the same time I was fucking you. I know that’s stupid.”

I leaned over on one arm freeing the other to caress a cheek, occasionally grabbing it and spreading her open so I could see my cock as it thrust into her lovely pussy, the repeated obliteration of her rosebud. What a sight!

“Oh fuck. Yes. Give it to me. I’ve been thinking about this since last time. Ohhhh.”

Cobita suddenly pushed against the bed and raised her ass up. I quickly shifted to follow and just like that I was up on my knees and we were doing doggy             . With her delicious globes in my hand I started thrusting into her with gusto, really thwacking my pelvis against her ass as my cock bottomed out. Puckering up, I mustered as much spit as I could and let it drip onto my cock, revitalising the lube. Holy, what a difference. Cobita noticed too:

“Ah. Yessssss. What a feeling – holy shit – so wet. Fuck this ass mister. Make me take it.”

“Ooo is that a Hazel Moore quote?!”


“She’s this porn performer….The way she says ‘make me take it’ – very hot.”

“Well, no, but I get her. Give me more. More than last time. I’m ready. Please?”

“Hoo wheeee, well jimminy cricket someone’s hurtin’ baaaaad…! *pause* Hey, small favour?”


“Say it one more time… Hazel’s thing.”

“Mmmm. Make me take it!”

Well, talk about *zing*!

Well she asked for it… I removed all restraints and started wailing on her. I mean wailing. Or is it whaling? Either way, she had to brace herself against the headboard to prevent her head slamming into it each time I harpooned her blowhole. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.) Holy crap what a glorious feeling, not holding back, letting that primal animalism come out. My face surely had a goofy grin.

“Unh. Unh. This what you wanted? Huh!?”

“Fuuuuuck Yesss. Holy shit you’re fucking me ha…! ha…rd-uh. Unh. Unh. Yes. Yes.”

I lifted both hands off her cheeks and gave each a hearty slap. Her perfect ass. Bubbly. Muscular. Firm as hell. Smooth. I gave each cheek a few hard slaps but it was too distracting so I grabbed them again. Hard. Pulling them apart to revel in the sight of my cock spearing her sweet sweet rosebud. That feeling – the endorphin rush – washed through me which almost made me come, so I backed off for a moment. I took the opportunity to lean down putting one arm around her chest and the other grabbing her clit – which was still hard and bouncing around.

“Ohhhhhhh that’s so nice. I’m almost there. I’m close. Just from you fucking me. Fuck that’s insane!”

“You’re a slut for my cock; face it…” Only half-jesting.

“No, argument, here.”

I pinched a nipple to add to her stimulation while grinding my pelvis against hers which moved my cock around inside her pussy. Unbelievable feeling.

“A little faster please – on my clit. I’m so close. Pleeeeease.”

I spit on my hand and stroked her clitty firmly. I got back to fucking her ass as well but I couldn’t get a lot of oomph from the position I was in.

“Actually let me do that. You can get back up and fuck me like you were. Big Boy.”

She gave an enticing wiggle of her derrière. Who would refuse such an invitation? I’d been ready to come for a while and have been keeping it at bay.

“Here you go lover. Unh.”

“Oooo yesssss. That’s it. I’m getting close. Fuck this is crazy intense. Unh. Unh.”

I quickly added some more lube to our union to make sure she was in no discomfort. Then I grabbed her hips, locking my fingers around her hip bone so I could get maximum torque.

“Ohhhh yessss. This is soooo fucking good. I’m getting there.”

I had another gush of emotion/horniness over Cobita’s glorious body – pure reification! Maybe deification. I had to reach ’round to have a feel of her titties, even though I couldn’t thrust as hard. I slipped my hand under the bodysuit to tweak her nips. Ooo she liked that! Cobita sucked air as I pulled her nipples away from her body.

“Fuuuuuck! That is crazy. You know I think my body is changing. I can remember a couple of times Alessia has like played with my nipples during sex. I liked it and all, but it didn’t feel, like, sexual really. But now, since we started all this, when my nipples get touched it’s like a direct line to my cock, my clit – you know…?”

“Yeah. Same happened to me. Took me a while to kind of ‘train’ myself – my nipples – to feel sexual.”

“Hey, I’m gonna turn ’round.”


In a sec Cobita was on her back and splaying her legs out for me, which I grabbed, after I reinserted my cock in her pussy. She quickly grabbed her clit again and resumed her fast stroking. We looked into each other’s eyes with intense lust. Such an array of emotions hinted at in her gorgeous eyes. I felt another gush of love. This was going to be some orgasm.

I leant down slowly as we gazed at each other, until our noses touched and I planted a lingering kiss on her lips.

“Come for me darling.”

Cobita groaned, pushing her pussy up harder onto my cock. I got back upright so I could fuck her hard. She was getting close. I grabbed her legs for extra leverage and finally got back to crazy fucking, wailing on her – our bodies hitting together hard enough that we’d feel it later.

With a free hand, Cobita impulsively pinched a nipple, and a moment later she again thrust up hard against me as her first shot of come hit herself in the face! She screamed and bucked holding her clit up as the second shot rocketed out straight up in the air. That did it for me and I slammed all the way in, holding there for a second as my first shot released deep in her pussy. Then I pulled out and gave her a couple of thrusts until the second wave of euphoria washed over me and again I held my cock in deep.

“Holy. I can’t believe how amazing your cock feels inside me. I’m never going to not want this. Wow. What the fuck am I even saying?!”

“Hey, come on: chill. This is a judgement-free zone. You’re just blissing on the high of coming. You’re allowed to be outrageous.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

She straightened her legs out as I lay beside her and we cuddled for a while.

“Shit, that was one of the strongest orgasms I’ve ever had. Pretty much the longest too. It almost felt like a multiple orgasm or whatever.”

“Maybe it was.”

She was on her back and I was beside and leaning partially on her. Her arm lay down my back and, hand on butt. It felt simply intimate. Coming down together. No words needed. We cuddled and dozed.

Maybe half an hour passed. We woke up slowly, still cuddling, not having moved much. I was feeling horny again. You know, that particular horniness you get when you’re just coming out of sleep, up into full awareness, cock unbelievably hard. Mmmm. And Cobita showed signs of feeling the same.

I nuzzled into her neck and draped a leg across her. “Mmmm mm, you’re yummy to wake up to. How’re you feeling?”

“Mmmmm, amazing.”

“You know what…?” I reached down to fondle her naughty bits.


“I’m in the mood to get fucked. Do you think you’d be able to, like, butch-out for me?”

“Ha ha, butch-out? Hmm.”

She looked down at her clit which was coming back to attention, at the thought.

Smiling, “Fuck yeah! I’ll give it to ya! But hey, what about something to eat first?”

“Great idea!”

That got us moving. We were soon in the kitchen laying out some prepared meat, cheese, crackers, olives, whatever else took our fancy.

Cobita hadn’t put the boyshorts back on, so we both had our goodies on display, and we both took advantage, copping feels as we nibbled.

After a decent snack, “Hey,…shower?”


We slipped off our bodysuits in my room then were soon in the shower. I thought back to the first shower we took together, I was so concerned with trying to make things comfortable for Cobita – well, she wasn’t even Cobita yet, at that point. There was a moment during that shower: we came together in a delicious hug, naked bodies joined from head to toes – all wet and steamy; then as I leaned down to take one of his nipples in my mouth, he cradled my cheek with his hand. I remember, in that moment, suddenly feeling submissive t’wards him; I sooo could have let him top me, right then and there. ‘Seems my time may have come!

Cobita, soap in one hand, pushed me against the wall, proceeding to lather my upper body up. Then she got to her knees to soap my legs and feet. Finally she gave my nethers a wonderful lathering. Fingers slipped a couple of times – accidentally on purpose – along my crack but she couldn’t get far in this position. So she turned me ’round; I put my chest against the tiles and pushed my butt out invitingly. She spread my cheeks as well as she could with soapy hands, running her thumbs back and forth across my rosebud.

I was grooving on the wonderfulness of her thumbs as they woke up my rosebud. Every once in a while a thumb would push a tiny bit harder against the very opening, testing its readiness for more. Oh, I was ready for more. I wanted this delicious human being to utterly ravish me. I pushed my butt out even more, my legs were already spread as far as the tub allowed.

She got me under the water to rinse off my nether region, before putting me up against the wall again and returning her attentions to my butthole. She went right for it, giving me a lusty, full-tongued slather. She could get a better grip now to spread my cheeks, and got her face right in, attacking my hole with a wet lively tongue, alternating between slathering all about, and penetrating, with quick, little, tantalising stabs.

“Ohhhh. Cobita. That is so delicious. I am so ready! Bedroom?”


We quickly dried off and were bed-bound. I lay back up against the headboard and Cobita installed herself between my legs, after spreading them as far as I could manage. I’m no gymnast…

“Hmm, kind of feels like I’ve come full circle, you know?”

“Un, no actually…”

“Remember that first time I, we, *pause* when I first started, um, spilling my shit… I remember the very first thing I said is that I wanted to play with your cock.”

“Ha ha, yes I remember. I hadn’t even thought about it – it was a pretty crazy day – neither of us had a clue what was gonna happen next, right?!”

“Good times. *pause* Well, getting back to the circle again, I want to play. With this!”

She grabbed my cock and waved it about like a light-sabre, a fully self-aware grin on her face.

“Hey I really hope you don’t mind me saying this, but I can-not believe how far you’ve come in a really short time. It’s crazy, you are so natural, comfortable, seemingly even confident, like this. Does that jive for you?”

She made a little show of slapping my sabre against her extended tongue a couple of times, before:

“I can tell you that right now in this moment, Yes! Def! Fuck it feels so free. So freeing. Fuck I can’t even describe it. *pause* But tomorrow: who knows?”

And with that, she took me into her mouth, a good few inches, all wet and warm, a slightly freaked-out look in her eyes.

“Feels a bit weird, putting something so big into your mouth…”

“Yeah, I always feel a bit self-conscious at first. But after a bit, you’ll get into a groove. Try closing your eyes.”

She closed her eyes and took me back into her mouth. I felt her tongue swirling around my cockhead, then she took me deeper, until I felt the beginning of her throat, before pulling back.

“Feels amazing!”

“I like it.”

“Mmmm, ditto.”

She took me in again, gave me a few, more energetic bobs, all wet and warm – and that look still in her eyes! I resisted the urge to grab her head and face-fuck her.

“Let’s see how bad my gag reflex is.”

With a deep breath, Cobita slowly worked her way down until I nudged the beginning of her throat. She tensed a little, and made as if to gag a bit, but stopped herself. Steeling herself, she took me into her throat. She held it for a good few seconds, her body twice protested, with a bit of a retch – but it didn’t deter her.

After a few seconds she had to pull off, spluttering.

“Holy shit I did it! Fuckin’ deep throat baby. Boom!”

“Too much. Felt fucking unreal…”

“I can do better!”

With that she inhaled my twitching cock. She had me so revved up. Watching her in all her glory, makeup and hair appealingly disheveled, her glorious body gloriously naked, for me to utterly devour with the most offensively objectifying male-gaze. As if that wasn’t enough, she was ensconced between my legs giving me untold pleasure with her attempts to deepthroat my cock. What a lucky fucker – no idea what I’d done to deserve such paradise!

Three times she was able to take my cock and hold it – in her fucking throat!!! – for a decent amount of time – for a first-timer. I could see so many emotions in her eyes – she tried to keep eye contact throughout – was successful mostly: freaked-out-ed-ness; lust; I was going to write ‘camaraderie,’ but to be honest: it was love; pride in her achievement – I could see them all in those searing eyes.

I was getting too close to coming and I really really badly wanted to be fucked before I came, so I pulled her off and up, giving her a full-body (well, from the knees, up) hug and a smooch.

“You are full of wonders, my sweet Cobita, you truly are. You had me so close, but I really need you inside me, k? You ready?”

“Uh, duh!”

“Where d’ya want me?!”

“I want you on all fours – put dat ass right here.” She mimed a space between her hands, right in front of her crotch, giving her hard clit a shake for emphasis.

I willingly swung ’round and presented my pasty-ole-white-man’s ass, such as it was, to her.

“Hey, your butt doesn’t look bad in this position…” Full-on teen snark.

“Fuck you!”

“Uh-yeah, I’m tryin’…”

I gave him a funny, awkward kick – rather a sideways sliding kick tbh.

“Ok, fuck me. As in now. Please”

So she did. Popped it right in, in one go.

“Holy shit that’s big. Shit. Shit. Oh, it’s too much…” I had to pull it out.

Second time she tried to enter more carefully, thankfully holding still with only her head inside me. I took a second, but I knew I was good: I slid down taking all of her lovely hard clit, until I felt her balls smush up against my ass. I had Cobita’s clit all the way inside me. Another gush of emotion took over my brain/heart for a couple of seconds. Good thing I was not standing up. After it washed over me, I was suddenly super-horny. Ready to get fucked. So I leaned my face down into the mattress, sticking my wanton ass up in the air – high as I could; as open as I could; as invitingly sluttish’ as I could. I could go on.

“Take me, sweet. Give me that gorgeous clit. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me.”

“It’s ok, you can call it my cock. I don’t mind. It kind of feels more like a cock right now. *pause* I feel, I feel so so many things right now. I still am grooving on being femme, but it also feels totally rockin’, fucking you like this! Oh, oh, what did you say before…?”

“Oh, um, I said, d’ya wanna butch out!”

“Yeah yeah that’s it. I totally feel like I’m butching out. Like, it’s exciting to be pretending to be, like, the aggressor or whatever. But I’m still, like… *smiles deviously* Who am I, again…?!”

“You’re my Cobita.”

“Fuck that still melts me – every time. I get such a kick out of that: every fucking time you say it – or even, all I have to do is think it – it sends a *zing* to my crotch.”

“You’re too much. Fuck me! Harder. Harder. Fuck me deep.”

“Aw, yeah, take that. Yeah! And that!” And so on. She was really giving it to me – probably the hardest I’d ever been fucked. No signs of discomfort – only amazing crazy horniness.

“Ohhhh yessss. Fuck me Cobita. I’ve been needing this for a while. Thinking about you, and your beautiful body, and your eyes, and your scrumptious cock. Have I told you that I love your cock. Especially right now. Ahhhh, Fuck meeeee…”

I couldn’t talk anymore. I surrendered myself utterly to her cock, and her pounding. Yes, she was pounding me. I’d never been fucked that hard before. I got into kind of a trance-ish zone: in the moment, not thinking, just taking that cock – whack, whack, whack, whack, whack… I couldn’t even muster the effort to stroke my own cock. I wallowed in Cobita’s cock. It was all that mattered. All that existed. Whack, whack, whack, whack.

“I’m gonna come soon. Ohhhhh, so good. What a sweet ass. You know how to take my cock.”

I was too entranced to offer much conversation.

“Love. Your. Cock.”

“Where do you want my come?”

That woke me up a bit.

“Ooo, I want you in my mouth. I want your come.”

“K. Turn around. I’m so close!”

I spun around with wide-open, searching mouth, and soon enough had her cock well in my mouth. Mmmmm mmm. Boom, right away there was the first spurt – always the strongest. I was prepared: had my tongue back to block the forceful blast. Then I was able to suck and swallow the rest. Except for her bucking about. Had to grab her cheeks to keep her steady. Needs must…

As her orgasm waned, we collapsed onto the bed, catching our respective breaths.

“Fuck that rocked. I see what you mean about coming – after you’ve been fucked. It’s really powerful.”


“Hey! But you haven’t come yet have you?”

“Not yet. Feel like helpin’ me out?!”…Aiming for charmingly cute. Blech.

She didn’t wait. She crawled over me ’til she was up close with my cock again.

“So, yeah. I guess it’s official. I, fuck… I like playing with cock. Mmmm I like your cock.”

She sucked me in again, having mustered a lot of spit, which felt heavenly, wet and warm. She bobbed up and down slowly but steadily, a hand stroking the base of my shaft, the other hand fondling my balls perfectly. I was still in that perpetually horny zone so it wasn’t going to take long for the inevitable.

Then Cobita gave me a couple of unbelievable deep throats, and I was on the verge.

“Ohhhhh, you are the best cocksucker in the worl… shit I’m gonna come. Where do you want it? Quick!”

She answered by taking me deeper for two bobs, then she slowed as she went all the way down, to my pelvis: nose-to-belly. That did it: my head was thrown back and my pelvis bucked up in orgasmic release – fuck hopefully I hadn’t knocked any teeth out.

She pulled back a bit to take the rest of my come into her mouth, swallowing it as it came.

“Cobitaaaaaa… you darling. That was fucking amazing. I feel so, so, done – complete – replete!”

“Shut the fuck up.”

“You shut up. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I so needed that, after all we’ve done today. C’mere.”

I pulled her into a sideways hug. We just held each other, faces in each others’ necks. Chest to chest. Cock to cock. A nice warm, coming-down-together moment.

“Wow, we did do a lot of crazy shit today.” She seemed to drift off into thought, memory. “Mmmm.” Her memory made her snuggle closer.

“We should hit the shower at some point.”

“Yeah. In a bit.”

“So, where are you at, when it comes to talking to Alessia ’bout, all this?”

She chuckled. “Not totally sure yet. But, I think I might try a couple of your ideas.”

“Well, I have no facts to base this on, but honestly I don’t think you’re going to have trouble with Alessia. I mean, fuck, who could ever resist you, no matter how you presented yourself to them?!?!”

“Fuck you!”

“Ha ha! So, how into you is she?”

“Again, fuck you! Seriously, no – yeah – we’re actually getting serious. It’s good. It’s fucking good.”

“That’s totally amazing – happy for you. Would love to meet her.”

“Yeah, that’s gotta happen, for sure. Leave it to me.”

“Hey! Gimme your phone.”

No attitude this time. I typed:

> hey mom, most of us are just heading home now. I’m headin to the train stn.

15 seconds go by.

> hi love. your dad will be at the stn waiting for you.

> sweet! k love ya!

“Precedent set. You just have to remember once in a while…”

“Anyone ever tell you you’re a smartass?”

And with that we hit the showers, and I was seeing Coby off to the train station.



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