Coffee Shop Barista Turns Pt. 02


A gay story: Coffee Shop Barista Turns Pt. 02 There I was, in big muscleman Shawn’s apartment. He was just wearing shorts when I arrived and probably wanted to show off his massive ripped-up body. But then, he removed them and exposed a cock so big that my first reaction was that it wasn’t possible and I must have been hallucinating! Everything was shaved smooth, which made him look even more muscular and defined. His erotic scent was similar to what I liked smelling when he visited me in the coffee shop, but much stronger this time. He works out so hard and must not have bathed for a while.


It all started so innocently when Shawn repeatedly came into the coffee shop where I work. He always arrived right after he lifted weights at the gym next door, and always sat in the same place knowing that’s where I could serve him. Thinking back on this I realized he was carefully courting me. He’d never been with a guy and neither had I. Both of us felt clumsy trying to negotiate our growing friendship that from the outset had a sexual undertone.

My roommate Jenifer was intuitive and helped me deal with my confusion and feelings towards Shawn. She could see my situation clearly and knew I was fascinated with his enormous muscled-up body, but that I also felt he was a very special guy. The honest, sincere, and caring type you could depend on under any circumstances. She essentially emphasized going with my true feelings above all else.

Shawn and I are such opposites physically. I’m small at 5’7″, and cute in a feminine sort of way. I have a very firm, toned, and smooth body. While Shawn at 6’2″, weighs 300 pounds, consisting of pure, dense, and hard muscle, slab after slab of it. I began to understand that underneath that intimidating muscular body was the sweetheart of a man who was very interested in me.


So, as I saw Shawn in all his naked glory less than five feet away, my confusion and reservations were starting to break down, while instinctual and overwhelming sexual urges surfaced. The visual was mind-blowing, and I could smell powerful masculinity emanating from the massive stud body standing before me. Almost whispering, I finally said…

“Oh Shawn, I’ve never seen anything even close to such manliness. You’re so very big and strong, and that ‘thing’ is gigantic…. Everything smells so powerful and erotic. I don’t know what to do…. Please help me.”

“Jay, seeing you in the coffee shop every day was everything to me. I literally couldn’t wait to see you after my workouts. I lifted harder than ever to show you how big I was getting… Showing you everything today makes me feel like such a stud. You don’t have to do anything. There’s no right or wrong, and there’s no hurry.”

Shawn’s words made me feel love and immense care for him. My eyes were glued to his, and our souls meshed. I tried, but really couldn’t stop myself from also staring at the slabs of heavy muscle around his chest, arms, and shoulders. He was mammoth and he loved how I took him in.

I was too shy to look directly at the gigantic cock, but then it started engorging and I couldn’t prevent myself from quickly glancing directly at it. My thought was that I would not be embarrassed if I was careful not to look directly at it for more than a second or two. I reluctantly moved my gaze away from it, then glanced back again to see it move around heavily as it expanded.

Shyness had me moving my titillated eyes away yet again, but the enormity of it drew me back, and this time I saw it engorge even further. At that point, I was so mesmerized that my eyes stayed glued to it. I observed how it slowly elevated and moved out to the side, inching up on his massive thigh to a forty-five-degree angle now. It started jerking heavily each time it moved further up, and then the two immense balls showed themselves as if they knew there was an enthralled audience.

The exposure to super-big gonads and the expanding mass of a gigantic cock generated a powerful smell like nothing I’d ever experienced before. It was so stinky, but there was something about the potent musk that made me want more of it. The size of everything was monumental and powerfully attractive.

At that point, I realized I had been staring at it for who knows how long, probably like a deer in the headlights. Embarrassment penetrated every part of my body and I panicked. Abruptly turning, I ran into the bathroom and quickly closed the door behind me, slamming it shut. I didn’t know exactly why I was feeling so uncomfortable and didn’t know what to do. That’s when I heard a soft knock at the door and heard Shawn say…

“Please don’t worry, Jay. I’m very sorry about being so presumptuous. I didn’t mean to make you feel so uncomfortable. I feel terrible about this.”

I could tell he was truly concerned and blamed himself. I was mixed up because of uncertainty and confusion about being tempted by such a big manly stud. Frankly, I was also very intimidated by Shawn’s giant cock, even though I was extremely attracted to it. I also felt very overmatched and unworthy of Shawn. On one hand, I wanted him desperately and had these powerful urges to touch and kiss him all over, and to smell and even taste his giant slabs of muscles, and of course his incredible cock.

I could tell Shawn was leaning on the door because it bowed slightly inwards. He was so patient as I remained deep in my thoughts and completely silent for what must have been at least five minutes. Then, I leaned up against my side of the door and could feel his energy right behind it, with only the wood door between us, and I explained…

“Shawn, you are overwhelming me so much that I’m having problems accepting what is happening to me. Please understand that I feel very attracted to you… Your body and you. Seeing you so completely, and being so close, was staggering.”

“Jay, I don’t want to scare you off, and would never assume I could do whatever I want.”

“Oh Shawn, you’ve swept me off my feet.”

“Jay, I need you so bad… I think I’m falling in love with you.”

“Me too, Shawn…. Should I open the door now?”

“Yes. Let me put some clothes back on first.”

“Shawn, please stay like you were when you showed off for me. I liked it so very much and want to see everything again…. Just give me a minute to freshen up.”

I told myself that it was now or never with Shawn, and I thought about what Jennifer said regarding my true feelings. I wanted to let Shawn know I was his, and so I removed all my clothes to make that point evident. Looking at my naked body in the mirror, and acknowledging to myself that I looked very attractive and sexy, I grabbed the doorknob and turned it. I knew that the simple turning of the knob was opening the most significant life-changing event of my life. I pulled open the door and presented myself completely to my stud man, who was less than two feet away now.

The look of joy and sexual attraction on Shawn’s face was priceless. He eyed my smooth little body up and down. I let him have his fill of it and kept looking at his eyes as they feasted on me. Then I was engulfed in that powerfully masculine smell like before, but being so close to him it was much more pungent and erotic.

I kept looking up into his eyes and realized my little four-inch cock was rock hard now and sticking straight up. I could see Shawn’s eyes move to it, and stare. Not only that, but my nude body and diminutive penis, as presented to him, was making him moan and grunt deeply.

Feeling more sexual and confident, I started looking over his amazing body. Being so close he looked even bigger and more powerful. Enourmous muscles were stretching his taught skin and they were encircled in veins of all sizes. A drop of sweat dripped down and rolled over one of his massive bulging pecs. I was so infatuated with the display of his upper body that I was a little started when a massive and heavy object bumped into me. Shawn’s colossal cock was erect and pushing up against my little body, only inches from my face. It was so stinky, but I didn’t care and was so captivated by it. Oh god, it was extremely big and thick. The massive mushroom head was oozing clear and thick pre-cum that started slicking up my firm little chest and got all over my now perky nipples.

We simultaneously hugged each other tight. My head rested on his bare chest and I remembered the time I rested it there in the coffee shop when he took his tank top off. This time I didn’t hold back my urges and rubbed my face all over his big smelly pec muscles. I focused on using my nose and it bent from side to side as I slid it across him. I was breathing powerfully through my little nose and my nostrils noticeably flared. All the while Shawn’s giant cock was up on my chest and sliding around on me, precipitated by the gobs of pre-cum that now inundated my little upper body and even dripped down to my crotch, eventually covering my little balls. The gigantic cock was so hard and heavy that it would push me around as we continued to hug passionately.

Shawn’s hands were all over me and I was reassured of my own sexual attributes. He made me feel that, under no uncertain terms, I was extremely attractive to him, almost beyond control. I’ve never felt so sexy and alluring.

At that point a wave of super potent musky smells hit me and without reservation I found myself focusing on his giant and juicy cock. Instinctively, I lapped on the massive mushroom head. The thick and clear pre-cum gel I tasted and swallowed was amazing, and I wanted more and more of it. I pushed myself off Shawn and as our hug loosened I got more access to the massive cock head, and shaft, which had stupendous girth. I licked it like a lollipop and loved the musky flavor. Strings of pre-cum formed between me and the gigantic cock.

Then, for the first time, Shawn took proactive sexual action and gently pushed me down to my knees. Once settled I was shocked at the size of the two gonads inches from my face. They were extremely plump and completely smooth. The smell I experienced was beyond formidable, and it drew me inexplicably to the heavy sperm-packed orbs. They seemed fuller and plumper than before. Shawn moaned in total lust as I started rubbing my little nose all over them. They felt more dense than I thought they’d be and much more heavy.

Shawn could see my nostrils flaring as I took in their manly stink. After getting my fill of stud musk I began licking them lovingly. Their erotic taste was beyond sexy. Pre-cum was now getting on my face as it oozed down the super-thick shaft and onto my forehead and down to my cheeks, lips, and nose. Now strings of thick gel were forming between the massive balls and my face. Shawn moaned again at the sight.

I leaned back on my knees as the strings of clear pre-cum gel stretched further but stayed intact, and looking up into Shawn’s eyes, I proclaimed…

“This is the incredible. You are incredible. I’ve never been so turned on in my life. I want this more than anything… I love you so much.”

“I love you, Jay. I’m giving you everything I have to give. Look how fucking big you make me.”

His words created a warm feeling deep inside me, and that, coupled with my intense sexual urges, was the most amazing state I’d ever experienced. He touched my head gently with his left hand and through his fingertips he communicated his need to be sucked off. I felt his hand carefully and delicately coax my nose and mouth off his big gonads, and up to his enormous cock, which he pushed down for me to get to.

In sexual overdrive, I lustfully went to work worshipping it. Now I thought about his cum, and wanted it more than I thought possible. At that moment it was everything to me. After lapping the giant cock and rubbing my little nose up and down the thick shaft, I settled in on sucking the big head while simultaneously pumping the shaft with both my hands. Being such a massive cock meant that my little hands stroked the shaft with a long pumping action. Of course, the cock head was much too large to fit in my mouth, but I nonetheless generated good and effective suction on it.

I realized I could worship him like that until I collapsed from exhaustion. I literally locked myself into servicing the monster cock, focused suction by my wanting mouth, coupled with long pumping strokes of the giant shaft. I knew then that it was what I was made to do. Shawn could see I was a natural and was filling my mouth with delicious pre-cum, which I continuously swallowed greedily. Now Shawn grabbed my head with force and held it in place as he rotated his hips forward trying to insert more big cock into my mouth. He was grunting too, and it sounded so dominant.

Surprisingly, he stretched my mouth to such an extent that the big cock head fully penetrated it. After that, several inches of shaft also penetrated. Incredibly, my mouth and oral cavity were being forced open way past the limit. I could feel it hit the very back of my throat every time he rotated his hips forward. Shawn was losing total control and for the first time, I felt how much of a stud he really was. He probably could have dislocated my jaw, but even in his lustful state of mind he never lost track of me and my safety. I liked being manhandled like that.

Shawn then expressed his deepest sexual urges, and in a super low voice, he said…

“I’m gonna feed you such a big wad and blow open your mouth with sperm.”

Then, I felt his cock harden and thicken even more. All of a sudden there was a jolting twitch of his entire muscled body, his hip pulsed forward, forcing my head back, and streams of super thick cum exploded out of his cock. I pulled my mouth off it after the first massive jet of sperm. I swallowed it in one gulp such that I didn’t get much of a chance to taste it. But subsequent and prolific ropes of wad forcefully spurted all over my face and body, and I could enjoy and savor the taste of sperm. Shawn was grunting so loud as he reveled in his extreme manliness.

Sperm layered my face and body and I was repeatedly scooping it up with both my hands and eating it. I even used my fingers to scoop gobs of wad from my nose, cheeks, and chin, pushing it towards and into my waiting mouth. I felt like such a little slut and relished in that feeling as I continued to eat Shawn’s sperm ladened cream. I said to myself, this is how a big bull must come because there was just so much of it. I even flashed back to a video I saw of big bulls being milked mechanically and recalled how it titillated me, and how I would masterbate thinking about it.

Shawn lifted me up off my knees and held me tight. Cum was now all over both of us as I leaned into him. I felt so loved and had such powerful feelings about Shawn. I sensually lapped at the thick gobs of wad forming on his muscular chest. As I did, I rubbed my little hard cock on his big thigh, and quickly came harder than ever, and told him I loved him dearly. It was an immense feeling that changed my life forever. As he cradled me in his big arms I felt his right big hand on my left ass cheek, and he was rubbing and kneading it as his finger glanced across my little asshole, several times.

I first thought it was an innocent touch, but then he did it over and over again. It felt amazing and I got up on my toes so he could reach it more easily. I also pushed my face into his big muscled chest and whimpered uncontrollably as I smelled his powerful scent. Then, as if on cue, his gigantic cock flopped into me with a thud, almost fully hardened, reminding me just how massive it is. It was as if the mammoth cock was telling me it wanted my ass. At that point, I heard Shawn say to himself…

“Mmmmmmmm, so fucking small, so fucking tight, so fucking pure, and so fucking pristine…. Untainted, and never ravaged by massive cock.”

What was unfolding didn’t compute by any stretch of my imagination. The size difference was astronomical. Shawn was getting into it and was now pushing his big finger into my super-tight asshole with growing force, and it felt like he was about to breach it. The gigantic cock was pulsing and twitching on my little body. I wanted to slow down and leaning back from him, I said…

“Shawn, listen to me. That feels so good but we need to talk about this. Please stop. Please.”

Shawn realized he was losing control and came to his senses. He removed his finger, which had already somewhat entered my ass, and released his muscular hug so I could step back and assess everything, and he could as well.

We both settled down and I suggested sitting on the couch to talk. I noticed his gigantic cock was still semi-hard and close to full erection status. It was even dripping again. Clearly, my ass excited him extraordinarily. I saw a large beach towel draped over a lazy-boy recliner and grabbed it to cover the couch so we wouldn’t stain and soil it with cum and his oily stinky body….

“Here, Shawn, let’s sit down.”

We sat almost touching each other. His cock was sticking up and curving slightly over his thigh opposite me. I tried not to look at it and stay focused. It was just so big and juicy. I could even smell it again. Staying composed, I said…

We need to talk about our needs, and wants…. And our limitations.”

“I’m so sorry, Jay. I told you before that I would never assume anything about you, and here I did just that.”

“Shawn, I admit it’s erotic to think of, you know, your big cock, and, you know, fucking my ass with it. I’m so small.”

“Yes, you’re very tight too. I think my urges are because I love you. Know what I mean?”

“I understand, you have urges to make love to me, and it’s perfectly natural. When you touched me there I thought about it too, especially when your gigantic cock was bouncing off my little body to get my attention.”

“Really? You thought about it too?”

“I did…. But Shawn, look how big that thing is.”

Now we were both looking at his cock, and it was fully hardened, and swaying around. Every cell in my body wanted to go down on it again, but I wanted to get some closure on what happened. We both fantasized about it, and Shawn was losing control, which was disconcerting at best. As I thought about what to say next I could feel my asshole tingling and figured it lingered from when he rubbed his finger on it so much. In any event, it made me think about what it would be like if he mounted me. Staring at his immeasurable cock didn’t help with my focus. Finally, I said…

“Shawn, can we forget about those kinds of thoughts for now? It will give me time to reflect on it and what it would mean.”

“Of course, Jay. I suppose I need to think it through myself.”

I couldn’t help staring deeply at his cock. I leaned in closer to it and loved what I smelled. Shawn could see I was sniffing it, so he spread his massive legs, rotated his hips forward, and opened up everything. Vast waves of musky cock and ball scent rose up and into my nostrils. The sheer size of everything was astonishing and it was apparent I would never fully comprehend the magnitude of it. We both knew I was about to suck him off again.

I kissed him passionately on his lips, and then his cheek and forehead. Then I whispered in his ear…

“I’m gonna suck on that monster again. It’s so big and so smelly right now.”

I moved my little body off the couch and positioned myself on my knees, between his opened legs, and went to work. It was so good that I found myself almost constantly whimpering and moaning. There was still semi-dry cum all over and I loved how it smelled, intermingled with all that cock and ball stink. I was in heaven.

The thing was, my ass never stopped tingling, and I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about the giant cock that I was sucking, licking, and smelling, pounding my ass open. I was so excited that I wanted to share my thoughts with Shawn. I didn’t care about my concerns at that point and decided to share the nasty things circulating in my brain, so I said…

“What would happen if you stuffed this thing in my tiny asshole? Just think what it would do to it… I mean, it’s so tiny and tight.”

“Fuck, Jay, I’d love to fuck your ass. I’ve fantasized about mounting you, then pumping you into oblivion.”

“Do you think about breeding my ass?

“I started thinking about breeding you when I saw you in that super tight outfit at the coffee shop. Your ass looked so amazing, like a small and compact bubble butt. After that, I kept fantasizing about it.”

“Mmmmmm, you must have blown a ton of sperm pumping your gigantic cock.”

“Oh yeah, I unloaded all over the place.”

“Are you gonna do that now if I keep prompting you. Look how big and hard it is.”

“Fuck yeah.”

I lost myself worshipping Shawn and wanted it to last, so I started edging him. In doing so I would release my mouth from his cock or balls whenever I sensed he was close. I waited at least a minute before going back to work on them. As I waited I would focus on smelling him and letting him see my nostril flaring while taking deep breaths in through my little nose. Of course, I would whimper from the powerful musky stink.

Eventually, Shawn was begging me to finish him off. With the help of my little hands pumping the monstrosity faster and faster, while simultaneously dialing up the suction generated by my mouth on the bulbous cock head, he exploded violently. His entire powerful body repeatedly jerked around in spasms, driving my head and body back, and forcing the gigantic cock to pop out of my mouth and rain down gobs of cum on me…. Just talking about butt fucking was overwhelming for him.

I’d eaten so much of his sperm from the first time he exploded, and it had crusted and moistened my little body, but I still wanted more sperm and feasted on it like I was famished. Even Shawn emotionally noted it with a combination of lust, amazement, and pride. It tasted so rich and erotic, and it was thick, and densely pearl white. In contrast, my cum was so watery, clear, and without much volume. But he was potent beyond belief, and I loved knowing I was assimilating his abundant sperms orally, and as a moisturizer through my delicate skin.

Now my body and face were layered with cum, big white gobs of it slowly rolling down my smooth and thin little body. Still on my knees, I scooted back a few feet from the couch so Shawn could see my sperm-covered body, and began touching my little cock for him. It was small, but so hard, and it was aching from so much excitement. He grunted as he watched me.

I could feel the heavier gobs of sperm-laden wad move down my chest and stomach. My little body was glistening to varying degrees depending on how much of the pearly white wad was deposited on different areas. Some spurts seemed glued to where they landed because they were so dense and sticky. I worked my little cock between my thumb and index finger. I was looking into his eyes, but the closer I got, the more I found myself looking directly at his gigantic cock, semi-hard and still throbbing and pulsing about. Then, as I reached a climax, I said…

“I love showing you my hard little cock like this.”

My clear and watery emissions spurted lightly out comprised mainly of little droplets. At most it was three small spurts, and fully emotional, I said…

“I love you and need you so very much.”

When I expressed my love and need, my ass tingled again, but this time it was even more discernible. Shawn’s gigantic cock was now between a semi-hard and rock-hard state, and with seemingly perfect timing, it flopped around heavily in unison with my tingling asshole.


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