College Days Pt. 05


A gay story: College Days Pt. 05 Saturday was here, and I couldn’t be more miserable.

Sure, I had no classes, but I was stuck in a dormitory with almost no one here. Most of the guys here either go home for the weekend, work, or just get away from school for a few days. The only people here I knew were Phil and our dorm advisor Josh. I didn’t know Josh too well, honestly. We were friendly, but not friends. But he and Phil were the only friendly faces around here on the weekends.

I’m from out of state and don’t know anyone in town well enough to stay with them, so I’m stuck in the dorm on the weekends. It’s usually not that bad, but it does get boring sometimes.

What makes it so bad this time is Bodhi and Ryan aren’t here. Ryan usually goes home for the weekend (local) to do laundry and see his family, which I knew before. Sure, Ryan and I crossed some new boundaries yesterday, but I wasn’t about to ask him if I could shack up with his family. Bodhi doesn’t have family here to visit like me, but he spends most of his weekends working to put some money in his pocket. So I had no one to play with.

This seemed like an ideal time to work on my big project and other homework. It felt like it’s been ages since I worked on this, when it’s really been barely a day. So much has happened in that time though. I not only lost my virginity, but I lost it to a guy. And then we had sex again. Then that whole thing with Ryan. I felt like a completely different person since I worked on this last, and I kind of am.

I started getting hard thinking back on Bodhi and Ryan. Just thinking about their cocks again really got me going, but I put it in the back of my mind. I wanted to focus on something that wasn’t sex. At least for a little while.

Working on my project for Professor Starr was actually just what I needed. I stopped thinking about Bodhi or Ryan or sex in general. I just focused on my schoolwork, which is what I’m supposed to do in college, right?

You know when you’re stuck on a problem or issue, and you’re thinking on the problem over and over again, but get nowhere? That’s where I find myself with this whole situation between Bodhi and Ryan. Any chance I had to myself, I was thinking about it. It had only been a little over 24 hours, but it consumed my thoughts. Was I gay? Was I bi? Was I just experimenting? So working on this homework is actually a relief. I could clear my head. So I worked on homework until later in the afternoon. Then I got hungry, so I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

As I left my dorm, Phil was also leaving his. I spotted him and spoke up.

“Hey, Phil.”

“Oh, hey, Danny.” Phil said softly.

“Where you headed?”


“Me too. Want to go together?”

“Oh, okay.” Phil said.

Phil was a bit shy and introverted. I’d say we only ended up friends because he was Brad’s roommate, but once you got him out of his shell, Phil was pretty cool. I liked him. He was nice and easy to talk to.

Phil and I made it to the cafeteria. We sat down and ate our food and talked. Phil was opening up a little more now; talking louder, looking me in the eyes more. It was nice seeing him like this. He would do this thing where he’d blush beat red and get all embarrassed if he felt he was talking too long and said, “Sorry, I’ll shut up now.” I just smiled. It was so cute.

We ate our food and headed back to the dorm. I invited Phil into my room to hang some more. He reluctantly agreed. We each sat on a bed and turned on my Playstation and just played games for a while. Phil was really coming out of his shell. He spoke up more, seemed more confident, smiling more. He was enjoying himself. I smiled at him. It was exciting seeing him like this.

We stopped playing games for a while and just talked. Nothing in particular at first. We were just shooting the shit for a while. Like friends do. At some point while we were talking, I moved over to the vacant bed with Phil so I could be closer to him. Phil didn’t seem to mind, so we continued our conversation. We kept talking and hanging out well into the night. Eventually, we got onto the topic of girlfriends.

“Have anyone back home?” I asked.

“No.” Phil replied. “Never really had one. What about you? You got a girlfriend?”

“Same here. Just me.”

“I’d like to hookup with someone while I’m here.” Phil blurted out.

I laughed lightly at that. “Wouldn’t we all?”

Phil laughed. “I’m serious. I want to get over this shy shit and fuck someone!”

Hearing him swear caught me by surprise. He never swore like that in front of me before. He usually doesn’t say much of anything. I just smiled at him. I think I was crushing on him.

After that outburst, his eyes grew wide. I think he just realized what he said, because he started to get red and embarrassed again. It was just so cute. I couldn’t help but giggle at him a little.

“No need to be embarrassed.” I said. “We all want to do that. Some of us have already done it. You’ll get there.”

Phil looked at me when I said that. “Have you?”


“Who? When?” Phil asked curiously.

“It was two people, and both of them were yesterday.”

Phil looked surprised. “Really? Who were they? Anyone I know? I know that’s a small list, but is it?”

I wanted to lie to him, I really did. I wanted to tell him just any two random girl names and go on how I met them at a party and how I “totally nailed them” or whatever, but I didn’t. And honestly, I wasn’t trying to seduce him. I just didn’t want to lie to him in that moment.

I wanted to be honest with him, so I was. “Bodhi and Ryan.”

Phil’s jaw dropped and he froze in place. Like he really did. He didn’t move a muscle for at least a minute. I actually had to snap my fingers to bring him back. He actually did a snapback to reality. Yep, still cute. Still crushing. Fuck.

“Wait, you what? Really?” Phil finally blurted out.

I laughed. “Yes. Bodhi and I fooled around in the showers and my bed. Ryan and I also did the same thing, but in the gym showers.”

“In the same day?” Ryan asked.

“Yep.” I smiled.

“Apparently, I need to shower more.” Phil joked.

“You really should.” I said back and smiled at him. Yes, I just flirted with Phil. I’m going for broke.

Phil smiled before turning red and looking away again. This boy was driving me crazy with that. I wanted to pounce on him right then, but I kept it together. He finally composed himself before speaking up.

“How was it?”

I think back on it and get the biggest smile on my face. “Honestly? Amazing.”

“Really?” Phil asked.

“Yes.” I said. “Granted, I have nothing to compare it to, but it was incredible. It’s all I’ve thought about.”

“Are you thinking about it right now?” Phil asked.

“Yes.” I said. I still didn’t want to lie to him.

“Me too.” Was all Phil said.

I looked at him. “Have you ever wanted to?”

“I didn’t really think about it before.” Phil said.

“Well, if you want, we can try it here.”

“Here?” Phil asked. I didn’t respond. I just leaned into him slowly. I wanted him to catch on to what I was doing before I did it. He did, and he nervously leaned in as well. I closed the gap between us and our lips finally met. It was soft and gentle. I kissed him for a few seconds before breaking away.

“Your lips feel nicer than I was expecting.” Phil said before smiling and getting red again.

I smiled back. “Want to keep going?”

Phil smiled and nodded. I leaned in and kissed him again. After a few seconds, I stuck my tongue out and poked it through his lips. He took it into his mouth and wrestled it with his own. My cock was yearning to break free, and I’m willing to bet Phil’s was too.

I placed my hand on his thigh and moved it up. I reached his cock and grabbed it from outside of his shorts. He gasped and broke the kiss.

“Is this okay?” I asked.

“Yes.” He replied. “Your hand feels good. Just surprised me is all.”

With that, I rubbed his hardening cock through his shorts again. He relaxed and moaned softly. I went back to kissing him as I slid my hand under his waistband and grabbed his cock with my bare hand. Phil gasped again, but didn’t break the kiss. He moaned into my mouth as I stroked his cock up and down.

I broke the kiss and looked at Phil. “Do you want to take this further?”

Phil nodded right away. I smiled. I got down on my knees on the floor in front of him. I grabbed his shorts and started sliding them down. Phil lifted up enough to help me. As I slid them off, his hard dick flopped out. It was bigger than I was expecting, but I wasn’t complaining. I grabbed a hold of it and looked up at him. He just looked at me. I wrapped my lips around his dick tip and lapped my tongue all over it.

Phil moaned louder now, so I knew he liked it. So I went to work on him. I took more of his cock into my warm mouth and sucked. He leaned his head back and moaned again, which only got me going. I grabbed his hand and placed it on my head. He took the hint and grabbed my hair and guided my mouth along his cock. This was my happy place.

We kept this up for about ten minutes before Phil warned me he was about to cum. I just sucked harder and faster, wanting his cum. It would only take a few more seconds before Phil practically screams as he floods my mouth with his cum. Shot after shot, I swallow it all.

When Phil finally stopped cumming, I licked up every drop of cum I could find on his dick. When I was satisfied, I moved back up to Phil and kissed him again. This time, he kissed me back with more energy. More lust. I imagine tasting his own cum, given the circumstances, really sparked something in him. I broke our kiss and slipped his shirt off, then mine as well. I had the sudden urge to kiss his chest, and feel his bare chest on mine, and damn it, I was going to do it.

I pushed him onto his back and planted kisses all over his neck, chest, and nipples. He started moaning again. I was really getting into it when he spoke up.

“Can I do you?”

I look up at him, knowing what he meant. “You sure? You don’t have to.”

“I want to.”

I got a naughty little idea. “Okay, but just lay there like that.”

Phil was confused to say the least. I didn’t say anything. I just slipped my shorts off, got on my knees on the bed and straddled his chest. I inched my dick closer to his face He was getting nervous.

“Relax.” I told him. “Just do what comes natural.”

Phil took a breath and stuck his tongue out and licked the tip of my dick, which sent a shiver up my spine. He proceeded to try to copy what I did to him. Just playing with the tip at first. Once he got more comfortable, he wrapped his lips around the tip and ran his tongue all over it. That made me moan softly.

Soon, he took more into his mouth. He could only take a little more than half of my cock in before he started gagging, but boy did he work it. What he lacked in experience he made up for in enthusiasm. He started getting into it. He even grabbed my ass and pulled me further into his mouth. Seeing him really enjoying sucking my dick brought me so much pleasure on top of the euphoria I was already feeling.

After several minutes of this, I warned Phil I was about to cum. He just kept sucking. I took the hint and grabbed his head and kept him there as I shot rope after rope of my cum into his eager mouth. I’m surprised at how much cum there was. When I finished, I looked down at Phil. He had cum leaking out of his mouth, running down his chin, and landing on his chest. All while he tried to copy me again by licking up my dick for stray cum. It was the hottest thing I had ever seen. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and took a picture. Phil made sure to lick my cock spotless before taking it out of his mouth. I backed up and leaned down and kissed him passionately. Tasting each other’s cum in our mouths and having my cum being squished against our bodies as we held each other close was so erotic. I couldn’t get enough.

After making out for several minutes, we break the kiss and cuddle in the vacant bed. I showed Phil the picture and he blushed.

“Can I keep it?” I asked.

“Only if you send it to me and no one else.” Phil replied.

“Oh hell no.” I said. “I’m going to be jacking to this forever.”

Phil laughed at that. I sent him the picture and cuddled up to him again. “So how was it?”

“Fucking great!” Phil exclaimed. Hard to believe you didn’t do this before yesterday.”

I laughed. “I could say the same to you.”

“Really?” Phil asked.

I started licking up my cum that was smeared all over Phil’s chest still. “Clearly.”

Phil laughed and softly moaned as he felt my lips and tongue on his chest again, devouring my cum. When I finished, I kissed him, letting him taste me again.

We made out for several minutes before drifting off to sleep.

That’s Part 5, guys! But good news….I’m uploading Part 6 as well! If all goes well, both should be up within a day of each other. Let me know what you think in the comments!


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