

A gay sex stories: Confessions It had only been a few weeks since I had come out to my family. It had taken me a long time to do it, as I had already turned 18. My parents had been supportive, although I noticed they weren’t too happy about it. That week my dad told me that my grandfather, his father, was inviting me to spend the weekend at his house in the country. It was something he had done many times. My grandpa and I were very close and I loved spending time with him, but this time, going to do it openly as a gay man, I felt a twinge of unease. How would my grandfather receive me? My dad noticed and reassured me:

-Don’t worry, we’ve told him… about you -it still seemed taboo to talk about this, which hurt me-, and he’s taken it well. In fact, he’s even more eager to see you after hearing about it.

I felt better, but still a little uneasy. As it was, on Friday, when I got out of school, I took the bus to the town where my grandfather lived. When I arrived at the station, he was already waiting to take me home. I felt a bit uncomfortable, but he came smiling towards me and gave me a big hug, with all the love in the world. That made me so happy, I loved my grandpa very much and a rejection from him would have hurt me very much.

We spent the rest of the day doing farm work. My grandfather had been cultivating fruit and vegetables for years and I liked to help him when I went to his house. That physical labor meant he had an enviable body for his age, even though he was not yet 60 years old. My grandpa was a tall, stocky man, with a thick beard still black in color, although it was already whitening quite a bit, still really handsome. His body had powerful muscles, although he also had an incipient belly that made him even more attractive. In addition, he used to wear tight T-shirts and jeans that enhanced his beautiful forms even more. I admired him a lot, although I had never thought about him sexually. He was my grandfather!

That night we were having dinner, chatting about a thousand inconsequential things, when I noticed that my grandfather was trying to steer the conversation towards a topic he found embarrassing. I felt him nervous, for the first time in my life talking to me.

-Well, Eddie, your father already told me… -he began, stammering.

-Yes, Grandpa, I hope you didn’t mind…

-Sweetheart! -he said warmly-. Nothing at all! To me you are my child and I don’t care if you are gay or not. I’m sorry your parents and I didn’t give you enough trust to tell us much earlier -he said, a little sadly.

-It’s not that, Grandpa -I hastened to assure him-. It’s just that… well… I’ve had a hard time dealing with my desires myself… they’re a bit peculiar…

My grandfather looked at me a bit puzzled and asked:

-What do you mean, haven’t you already had experiences, with peers, with boys your age?

-No, I haven’t, Grandpa. You see, it’s just that… -I didn’t know how to go on. I was so embarrassed to talk about these things with my grandfather, but at the same time I felt completely compelled to do it, I don’t know why.

-Come on, Eddie -he encouraged me-. You can tell me anything. I want there to be absolute trust between us. Don’t worry, I’ll never judge you.

-You see, Grandpa, the thing is that boys my age don’t interest me at all. I’ve always been attracted to mature men, men of a certain age, strong, big, powerful…

-I… understand -he said, raising an eyebrow.

-I’ve always imagined myself in the hands of such a man -I continued-. I’ve fantasized… well, about him possessing me, making me his… in fact, I like to think of a big, powerful man doing whatever he wants with me… making me his plaything -I blushed red as I said this.

-Yes, I see… to be like a possession of his, like a puppet in his hands….

-Even more than that -I continued, reddening even more, but without stopping. I had to release at that moment everything I had in my head, to confide it to someone, and who better than my dear grandfather? -When I say become his plaything… I really mean it. I dream of being very small and being in his hands LITERALLY. Every time I see the hands of a mature male all I can think about is what it would be like to be so tiny that I could be in the palm of those hands, inside his fist. And not only that…

-Go on, don’t keep anything inside -my grandfather encouraged me, listening with big interest.

-I like to imagine myself worshipping his feet… his giant, sweaty and smelly feet… even that he puts his huge foot on top of me and my whole body is underneath it… at his mercy…

-Wow -smiled my grandfather-. That sounds pretty humiliating…

-Yes -I admitted, blushing-. I like to feel insignificant, inferior… to that man -I looked anxiously at my grandfather-. Am I sick, Grandpa? Will you stop loving me for this?

-I’m not going to stop loving you for anything in the world. And I can’t tell you how glad I am that you’ve confided in me. And… I think you’ll be glad you did, too. Come here -he said enigmatically, holding out his big arms.

Moved to tears, I got up and went to my beloved grandpa. I melted into an embrace with him, as I closed my eyes and let myself be carried away by my emotions, feeling as if a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

After a long time hugging, I tried to let go, but my grandfather wouldn’t let me go. I felt the enormous strength of his arms, but also something strange. I felt as if my body was changing. A strange sensation came over me and it seemed as if my grandpa’s arms were getting bigger and bigger around me. Alarmed, I opened my eyes and what I saw left me speechless. I was no longer in his arms, I was in his fingers, my grandfather had become a giant of colossal proportions!

I looked around in bewilderment, at the giant, fleshy fingers wrapped around me, at my grandpa’s huge face… I realized that he wasn’t a giant, it was me who had shrunk to a size of about 4 inches or so. Also, I don’t know how, but I was suddenly naked. My grandfather dropped me onto the huge palm of his other hand, which I was sitting on, and he laughed good-naturedly, with laughter booming in my tiny ears.


I couldn’t help but tremble with fear and excitement. The situation was fascinating, but at the same time totally terrifying. My grandpa noticed this and was quick to reassure me, switching to a much softer tone:

-Hey, easy, easy, sweetheart. I’m not going to do you any harm. You’ve told me your fantasies and now it’s my turn to reciprocate… well, by making them come true! -he said jovially-. Tell me, how do you feel, do you like how big and powerful I am, do you realize that right now I could just squeeze you between my fingers without the slightest effort? do you like feeling my power over you?

Completely overwhelmed and amazed to hear my grandfather talk like that, I could only nod my head, while looking him up and down: his huge eyes, his immense beard, his colossal chest… I couldn’t help but look at his crotch, considerably bulging under his jeans. I thought about the size of the monster hiding there, and my mouth went dry. My grandpa noticed and his grin grew wider.

-You like this, don’t you? -and his free hand grabbed the huge bulge and brought it to the fore-. Don’t worry. You’ll get a chance to play with it.

He spent a few minutes with me in his palm, as he teased me with his huge fingers, caressing me, but also pushing and pulling me down, as he laughed.

-So you like being a mature man’s plaything, eh, little Eddie? Well, here’s your old grandpa to make you happy, of course!

My head was spinning. On the one hand, terrified to see myself in the hands of a giant, even if he was my beloved grandfather. On the other hand, I was experiencing unknown and unbelievable sensations being a toy to that enormous man. At one point, my grandpa said:

-Well, it is time to fulfill the other part of your fantasy, isn’t it?

His huge hand lowered me to the floor. I saw myself between his giant sneakers, looking up at my grandfather. I can’t explain what I experienced having that colossal body in front of me. That incredible torso, the titanic legs and… the monstrous sneakers that my grandpa was now untying.

His socks followed and in a second his bare feet came into view. A strong foot odor flooded the room. It was disgusting, but to me there could be nothing so intoxicating. My grandfather gently nudged me with one of his fingers until I was lying on the floor, stood up and, smiling all the time, lowered his huge right foot onto my tiny body. I was enveloped by the warmth, the smell and the incredible softness of the giant plant’s skin. My arousal was such that I thought I would ejaculate right there without touching myself. It was as if that was my natural place in the world, the place where I belonged, under the foot of that gigantic and all-powerful male. My grandfather seemed to read my thoughts, because he then said:

-So, you wanted to feel inferior and insignificant, huh? Well, that’s what you really are now. You are less than a worm, an insect that I can crush right now just by lowering my foot…

My grandpa repeatedly rubbed his huge plant on my body. I started to shake, very excited, and, without being able to help it, I came, releasing what seemed to me an incredible amount of cum, although my grandfather probably didn’t even notice it. After having me under his feet for another long time, alternating one and the other, he said,

-Well, let’s go now to the main attraction…

He unbuttoned the titanic jeans, sat down and put me on his balls, next to his huge cock. Even at my normal size, I would have found it impressive. Being so tiny, it was simply… a monument to manhood. Even flaccid it was twice as big as my body. The smell emanating from his entire crotch was simply indescribable. It almost made me dizzy, as my tiny cock was getting hard again. Then my grandpa put his huge hand on it and began to stimulate it. Soon it began to grow and harden. If it was already flaccid it was impressive, I can’t tell you what it was like when it was erect. It looked like a huge obelisk. Then my grandfather took me also in his hand and putting me next to it, he began to rub it vigorously. For a few minutes I was violently shaken between his cock and his hand, until I noticed that it was growing even more. The inevitable was coming. Then my grandpa changed my position and put me directly in front of the monstrous hole that immediately began to release huge white spurts, with incredible force, on me, while my grandfather let out tremendous howls of pleasure. My arousal also peaked at that moment and, without even touching me, for the second time in a few minutes, I made my insignificant contribution to that immense viscosity.

My grandfather sank back in his chair, relaxed and looked at me:

-Well, it’s about time to go to sleep. And we’ll have to put you somewhere safe, won’t we? -he said with mockery in his voice.

He put his underpants back on and, without telling me anything or even asking me, he slipped me into them, still soaked in his semen. He then went to bed. I felt a little bad about his indifference, but it seemed so incredible to be in my grandpa’s underpants, to be next to his giant cock and colossal balls, that I couldn’t help but feel like the happiest person on earth.

The next morning, I woke up and felt the giant stirring. My grandfather pulled me out of his underpants, said good morning and took me to the sink, where he washed me lovingly between his huge fingers. Then he showered and took me to the kitchen table for breakfast. I thought he would make me big again, I tried to talk to him, but he wouldn’t hear me, so I took some of his breakfast from his fingers and, when we finished, he said softly:

-Well, Eddie, how did you like the experience? Was it as you had imagined?

I nodded vigorously and thanked him. Shouting, I asked him if he didn’t plan to return me to my normal size. He replied in his resonant voice:

-That’s up to you. Do you want to go back to your life or would you like to remain a man’s pet?

I didn’t hesitate. I answered that I wanted to remain his pet. But then I remembered something and told him:

-Dad is supposed to come to pick me up today…

-Don’t worry about that, I’ll take care of it. Well, if you want to be a pet, you’ll have to be treated as such…

He got up and came back shortly after with a hamster cage in his hand. He put it on the table and opened it, in a clear invitation, while he said to me:

-Remember my hamster Lucky? You were so upset when he died! Well, now you will be the new Lucky…

I still didn’t move, the prospect of being in a cage didn’t seduce me at all, but it seems that, once I had chosen my destiny, I didn’t have much to say anymore. My grandfather took me in his giant hand and put me in the cage, then proceeded to close it, without another word. Then he got up, dressed and went about the house, doing chores.

I stayed there for quite a while, lost in thought. Had I done the right thing? Was this what I really wanted? Being locked in a pet cage was beginning to overwhelm me. At some point I heard my grandpa talking on the phone and, mid-morning, I heard a knock at the door. He reached over and grabbed the top hook of the cage, leading me suspended by his huge hand to the door, which he opened.

The huge figure of my father appeared on the threshold. His body, as large and strong as my grandpa’s, gave me sensations similar to those of the previous day. My dad did not seem at all surprised by what he saw, and what did get me in total shock was what he said to my grandfather:

-So, you’ve put the little faggot in his rightful place, haven’t you?

I was terrified to hear such disparaging words from my father. And even worse was my grandpa’s reply:

-You can take him away now. It’s yours. Now you can do with him whatever you want…

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, I was going back home as a toy in my dad’s hands! Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined such a thing. My grandfather continued:

-But, of course, better hope I don’t find out that you treat him badly. I want him to be very happy…

I was moved by those words. In spite of that conspiracy among the males in my family, which I couldn’t understand, my grandpa still loved me and cared for me.

-Don’t worry, Dad, I want him to be happy too. But don’t doubt that he’s going to experience everything you’ve told me he likes. He’s certainly going to know what it’s like to be the plaything of a mature man! Hahaha…

Both giants laughed heartily. Their huge guffaws gave me chills. And, after saying goodbye, I, still in the cage, was carried by my father’s giant hand to the car, while I wondered what was going to be my life from then on…



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