Cruising & Cock – I’m Addicted Pt. 09


Cruising & Cock – I’m Addicted Pt. 09 by Herewegoagain2023,Herewegoagain2023


A brief resume if you haven’t read the previous parts of this story.

My names Sam, I’m twenty two years old, short, muscular and addicted to cruising and cock. I love sucking cock, I love getting fucked my cock, I love spunk and piss but I’m not queer, I love fucking women too. I live with dad and to earn more money we been filming porn together.

If you’re confused, please have a read of the previous chapters.


Just so you’re aware this chapter contains a gay incest scene and the term “son or boy” means that the character is over eighteen years of age.


After filming a medical fetish porn film with dad on Friday night I had a quiet weekend, I needed it to allow my buggered arsehole to recover, I had a lay in on Saturday morning, by the time I got up dad had already gone out so I went to the gym, met a few friends and ended up having a few beers, I’m not a big drinker despite being a keen rugby player, the two don’t necessarily go together, and then having a evening in gaming at a mates house, it was the same mate that is the local porn dealer and it always ended up with the lads watching porn, I just hoped that the porn didn’t feature me.

Sunday, if dad and I were both at home, dad cooked a traditional Sunday lunch, I helped dad in the kitchen, well I laid the table and dad did the cooking and we stuffed ourselves, over a beer dad asked, “what have you got on next week?”

“Work, gym, work, gym,” I answered.

“If you want to earn some more money there’s a porn shoot on Tuesday evening,” dad said.

“Will you be there,” I asked, I felt safer if dad was around knowing that he’d step in and stop things if I didn’t want to do something, better him than the tradie.

“Certainly will, what’s better than watching your son get fucked up the arse,” dad laughed, “the boss man wants you to do two scenes and I’m doing one scene, your cock and hole are more in demand than mine, not that my arsehole is for sale.”

“Not yet anyway dad,” I said, I wondered if he would open up his arse one day.

“For that remark you can do the washing up and let your dear old dad fall asleep in front of the television this afternoon,” dad laughed.

“Well, you’re not getting any younger, surprised you can still get hard, I could give you a hand,” I told him and stood up and dropped my shorts and bent over the table and waggled my arse, I still had my underwear on though.

“What did I do to get a son like you, offering your arse on a Sunday as well, you’ll never go to heaven,” dad said and as he walked past to get the dessert he slapped me hard on my arse, I yelped, the bruises I’d got from having a hypodermic needle shoved in each arse cheek at the last porn shoot were tender, dad laughed.

Over dessert I asked, “So what are the porn shoots he wants me to do?”

“The one on your own is a twelve men fucking your arse in turn while you’re restrained over a fuck bench, they’ll either spunk in your arse, spunk over your arse or spunk over you face,” dad said with a perfectly straight expression on his face.

“What?” I said, my facial expression was a what the fuck expression.

“If the boss man has got any financial sense, he’ll be charging the men that are lined up to fuck you a fee,” dad said.

“You don’t have to do it Sam, up to you but just think of the money,” dad told me, I was thinking how my arsehole would feel after taking a dozen cocks.

“I’m doing a shoot fucking your sisters,” dad said.

“What? but I haven’t got any sisters, and you haven’t got any daughters unless you haven’t been telling me something,” I told him.

“You can be thick sometimes Sam, of course you haven’t got any sisters, my two daughters are porn actress,” dad said and just shook his head at me.

Dad carried on, “He wants to do a whole series of family shoots and we’re the family.”

“Does that mean…?” I asked.

“You’ll have to wait and see Sam,” Dad said and smiled at me, “but before you ask, I don’t know what your other shoot is, he hasn’t told me.

Monday I was back at work, covering for somebody that was on holiday, so I was on a new route, I hated that as not knowing the area it always took longer, and I was always running late. Pulled up outside a smart house on a small estate, all detached houses, each one of a different design, double garages, shutters on the windows, well-kept gardens, you know the type of house. Parked on the drive was a black ford pickup, it was gleaming, I’d love one of those but even selling my cock and arse it would take a long time to save up enough money to buy one.

I loaded the delivery up on the trolley and wheeled it around to the side gate and back door, we were given delivery instruction, “side gate, back door, ring bell and enter” I’m surprised it didn’t say “and kneel down and bow head,” some of the customers seemed to think that we were servants.

I rang the doorbell opened the door and walked into a huge designer kitchen, all very smart and very expensive. I heard a man shout, “I’ll be with you in a minute,” so I stacked the bags of groceries on the island work top. I heard the man come into the kitchen and said, “No substitutions, frozen products are in that cooler bag,” pointed at a bag and then turned around, I recognised who it was, it was Charlie, the lad I’d met when I last went cruising.

“Hello Sam, I didn’t realise you delivered here,” Charlie said.

I looked embarrassed at seeing him, Charlie was looking good, dressed in a designer tee shirt, expensive looking jeans and a pair of trainers, he filled the shirt and jeans nicely showing off his muscles and tatts and here I was in my grotty old work uniform, hardly designer gear. “You’re looking good Charlie,” I told him.

“You don’t look too bad yourself, better if you weren’t wearing that work gear,” he laughed and then quickly said, “I don’t mean naked,” he looked embarrassed.

“It’s OK mate, I know what you mean, have to wear this when I’m working though, even wearing underpants instead of a jockstrap,” I told Charlie. “Nice house you’ve got here, guess that’s your car on the drive as well.”

“Its not my house, well it is sort of, one of dads company’s owns it so I get to live here as a perk, and the car is a company car like I told you. I rattle around here, just me and occasionally my sisters dog,” Charlie told me. Oh, to have a well off dad I thought, “I work from home so go a bit stir crazy sometime that’s why I swim and gym a lot.”

“What do you do for a living?” I asked, I’d assumed that he did a physical job.

“Don’t say anything but for my sins I’m an accountant, most people just go, oh, when I say that,” Charlie said.

I couldn’t resist it and went, “Oh.”

Charlie just laughed, “do you want a cup of tea, I’m putting the kettle on?” he asked.

“Sorry, I can’t, my van is tracked so I can’t spend too long at each delivery point, I have to arrive at the next delivery at a set time window,” I told him, I needed a drink as well, “bit of a cheeky question but could I use your toilet, dying for a piss.”

“Course you can Sam, just down there, first door on the right,” Charlie pointed out of the kitchen. I had a quick nose around, separate dining room and smart lounge, a study and a few other doors that were shut, a hallway that was bigger than my bedroom and then the toilet. I had a piss and washed my hands if only so I could use the thick towels.

I couldn’t resist it so slipped off my trainers, at least they supplied trainers that didn’t look too bad even if they were steel toe capped, pulled my polo shirt and trousers off and threw them over my shoulder, my cock was already getting hard in my tight briefs, and walked back to the kitchen, afterwards I realised that there could have been somebody else in the house.

Charlie was unpacking the bags, “thanks for that, I needed that, I’ll be off,” I said.

He turned around to say goodbye and a big smile appeared on his face, I was standing there showing off my stiff cock covered in my underpants, you could tell that I’d skinned back, and the material was showing off my cock head.

He walked across and grabbed hold of my cock through my underpants, that was a first for me as so far when cruising or doing porn apart from the doctor on the last shoot no man had held my cock. He leant forward and kissed me, and I responded, he smelt clean and fresh, I could have bent over the kitchen island and let him fuck me there and then but instead I said, “Nice to see you mate, got to get back to work,” and pulled away from him and got dressed.

“You bastard,” Charlie said with a big smile on his face, I looked down at his crotch and could see that he was getting hard, “look mate do you want to meet up sometime this week?”

“That would be good Charlie, any night but Tuesday, I’m out,” I said, I couldn’t tell him I was shooting porn could I, “message me, bye,” and I walked out wondering if he would and did I want to go through with meeting him.

I pulled up at the next delivery and my phone bleeped, it was a message from Charlie saying, “I had to stop work and have a wank, shot a huge load all across my chest, your fault Sam,” I smiled.

We got to the industrial unit early on Tuesday evening, the tradie was waiting for us, he seemed to have turned into the boss mans side kick, well when it suited the boss man anyway. Dad smiled as the tradie told us that dad was filming first with two girls, then it was me with the twelve men, that gave dad time to recover for the final shoot involving me. I laughed when dad said, “I’m surprised that he hasn’t been given a clipboard, I’m so going to fuck him hard again soon.”

Dad and I got changed, dad ended up wearing a stained pair of underpants, dirt and oil stains, not piss and cum stains, and a dirty well used boilersuit, he was supposed to have just come home from work. I just had a black jockstrap to wear, all I needed to show off my fuckhole.

The set was all lit up, three cameramen including the one that I’d sucked off at the last porn shoot, he looked across and winked at me, I stood out of the way to watch dad perform, perhaps I’d critique his performance afterwards I thought. On set, which was supposed to be a scruffy front room, worn furniture, untidy and dirty, there was only two walls to the room, a side wall and a back wall with a window in it with a light shinning through. There were two young women standing there, both dressed in tight tops to show off their great tits, one was wearing a short skirt, and I could see her little skimpy panties and the other wearing a very tight pair of shorts that clung to her arse. One was blonde, her hair tied back into a short ponytail, she was a few years older than me and the other girl was dark haired, almost a crop cut and was younger than me, I suppose that fitted in with being my sisters.

The boss man had appeared and was taking to dad, “Right, you know what to do, when you’re all ready let’s get on with it,” and the two girls sat next to each other on the grotty sofa, one unbuttoned her shorts and the other lifted her skirt up to show off her white panties and they started kissing each other, one rubbing the others tits and the other rubbing her sisters fanny through her knickers. Dad walked into the room.

“For fucks sake, I’ve been working my arse off at work today and you’ve been doing fuck all and just lezzing it up,” dad told them, they just looked at dad and grinned.

“And the blokes at work are calling you both sluts, you’re letting them all fuck you, up your arses as well,” dad said.

“Well, they buy us drinks and fags so why not,” one of the girls said, then said to her sister, “rub my clit harder.”

“Well things are going to change around here, you’re going to earn some money and the only talent you’ve got is between your legs so I’m going to sell that, I’m going to put you on the game, I’m going to sell your holes, no more giving it away for drinks or fags, understand?” dad said, “so strip off and show daddy what you’ve got,” as dad dropped his boilersuit followed by his underwear and let his cock loose.

For the next twenty minutes I watched dad use my so called sisters hard. He licked their fannies and arseholes, he fingered their fannies and arseholes, he forced them down on his cock, he fucked their fannies and then fucked their arseholes, there was a lot of moaning, yelling, shouting and swearing, dad had them kissing each other as they frigged each other off before he stood in front of them, both of them on their knees, and with a grunt he fired his spunk over his daughters faces, they then cleaned dads cock before licking his load off of each other’s faces. “I’m going to make a lot of money out of you two whores,” he said.

“Cut, that’ll do,” said the boss man and the lights went off. Dad helped the two girls up, always the gentleman, and the bossman said, “You next,” pointing at me and the lights came on over on another set. I was rock hard after seeing dad in action.

I walked across to the set, the tradie was there, the set was just a low stage surrounded by darkness, it was the stage where I’d done my first porn shoot. On the stage was a bench set at the perfect height to fuck, at one end of the bench was a pad for a head, two arms were sticking out with a rope handle about a foot down from the head pad and then at the other end of the bench was two short upright poles with leg supports at the top, the same height as the bench and sticking out at an angle of about sixty degrees, I soon worked out what they were all for. On the stage at the bottom of the bench was a small camera plus light pointing upwards.

“Right then mate, let’s get you in position and lubed up, you’ve got a dozen cocks to deal with,” the tradie told me with a huge grin on his face, he was almost licking his lips at the thought of what was going to happen to me.

I lay down on my back on the bench and stretched my arms out and grabbed hold of the rope handles, I lifted my legs and put them onto the leg supports, my arse hole was now on show so guess I was ready for twelve cocks. The tradie stood between my legs with a tube of lube and pushed it into my hole and squeezed, I felt the lube squirt into my arse, he then pushed two fingers in and spread it around, so my ring piece and fuck tube were coated. “Don’t worry mate, their cocks will all well lubed as well, they’ll slip in nicely,” he said.

The cameraman squatted down between my legs and fiddled with the camera, he looked up and me, “this is so none of us have to lay on our backs and film cocks going in your arse, don’t want to get lube and cum dripped on us,” the cameraman told me, “Nice cunt by the way,” he winked at me and walked off.

I looked across and could see the boss man talking to a group of naked men, “OK, you can fuck his hole as hard as you like, cum up his arse, shoot over his jock and chest, get him to suck you off and paint his face with your cum, whatever you want, once you’ve spunked stand out of the way. The cameramen will be filming from lots of different angles but don’t worry, none of your faces will be filmed. Line up over near the stage so we can get some shots of your cock and balls before we start,” the boss man said.

I looked the other side of the stage and briefly I thought that I saw somebody that I knew but when I looked again there was nobody there.

The twelve cocks were all in a row and I watched as the cameraman walked along the cocks zooming onto each one. There was quite a mixture of men attached to the cocks, black cocks, white cocks, cut cocks, uncut cocks, shaved cocks, hairy cocks all attached to muscled bodies, defined bodies, dad bodies, hairy bodies but they all had one thing in common, their cocks were all hard, their cocks were all big and they were all going in my arse. I wondered where the boss man had got all of them from and I wondered how much he was charging them for the privilege of using my arse and mouth, still as long as I was getting paid, did I care?

The first cock lined up between my open legs and I looked up, my head was hanging over the end of the bench so that my throat was at the perfect angle to take cock. The first cock was attached to a tall, muscled man, shaggy black hair, stubble and an uncut cock that he slapped against my hole, I relaxed and was ready to take his eight thick lubed up inches. He was gentle and pushed his cockhead through my arse pucker and let it sit there so I could get used to it, then fucking me gently but giving me his full eight inches, he got faster and faster and with one last full length slam he pulled out and grunted as I felt him fire his load of hot cum over my arsehole, I felt it running down and dripping on the floor, luckily there wasn’t a cameraman laying down filming.

He moved around to my mouth and pushed his softening cock into me for a clean up call.

The second cock was much thicker and even though my hole was relaxed it took some hard pushing to open my ring piece up and gain entry to my arse, not that long but thick pounding away between my open legs, I felt him shoot his load and my arse was filled with his spunk, he withdrew and flicked a few last drop of his cum over my jockstrap.

Next was a cut cock that went straight for my mouth, I started licking his cock head, but he went straight into my mouth, I sucked and licked as he forced his cock down my throat, a few hard shoves and he pulled out of my mouth and spunked up over my face, a huge load that dripped off of my face despite me licking as much up as I could.

I lost count of the cocks that went up my arse or down my throat, I’m sure some of the cocks went twice, my face and chest was covered in cum, my jock was soaked in spunk and my arsehole was full of jizz and I relaxed my pucker and let it drip out.

The filming lights were turned off, so I assumed that this shoot was over, the tradie helped me up off the fuck bench, “you’re covered in cum mate, you better go and get showered, your next scene is in thirty minutes,” he told me.

I walked to the toilets and showers, my arsehole was still open slightly, so I left a trail of cum behind me. Dad was sitting naked on a bench, he looked at me and laughed, “Bloody hell Sam, you stink of spunk.”

“Whose faults that dad? you were the one that got me into this,” I laughed, “I watched you fucking my sisters, impressive fucking for an old man, hope that you can get it hard for our next scene.”

“No need to worry about me Sam, look,” dad said and pointed at his cock that he was wanking gently and I watched as he became fully erect, “get showered and wash all that cum out of your arse.”

I emerged out of the shower, clean both internally and externally. Dad was now dressed in jeans and a tee shirt, he looked at me and asked, “You know what’s going to happen next?” I nodded, “and you’re OK with it?” I nodded again, “just think of the new car, bathroom and kitchen,” dad laughed.

“Show me your hole,” I bent over and spread my arse cheeks open, “well at least you’ve closed up for the next scene, put these on,” dad told me and slung a pair of baggy boxer shorts at me, the kind of underwear that lets everything hang loose and you can buy at the local market stall at three pairs for a tenner. We walked across to the set, it was a bedroom, just like mine at home but very messy, dirty bedclothes, empty cans on the floor and dirty washing strewn around and on the TV in the corner porn was playing. The boss man told us what he wanted, dad looked at me and winked and said, “OK son, lets get on with this.”

I laid down on the bed face down with a sheet just over my legs so that my boxer clad arse was on show, although the sheets looked dirty, they smelt fresh although I could see a big spunk stain, so they were “preloved.”

Thanks for reading pls vote or comment Dad walked onto the set and looked around and shouted at me, “Get up you lazy fucker, what time did you get home last night? you crashed around so guess you had too many beers last night.”

I groaned, “fuck off,” I said.

“Don’t think your living here rent free anymore, you’re going out today and get a job, start earning and start paying for your keep,” dad told me.

“Fuck off and let me sleep my hangover off,” I muttered.

“Your two sisters are out earning, so you are going to as well,” dad told me.

“What, those two thick bitches, the only thing they’re good for is laying on their backs with their legs open getting fucked,” I told him.

“Exactually, they have one talent and they’re going to use it to make money, I’ve put them on the game, their fannies and arses are going to make a lot of money,” dad said.

I yawned and asked, “So what do you want me to do, keep an eye on them, check their cunts out, count the cash?”

“Oh no, that’s my job, you’re going on the game as well, I’m going to sell your arsehole, there’s a lot of men around here who will pay to fuck a young, muscled lad like you, who knows, you might even get to enjoy it. Every so often I might sell your cock to a frustrated old women, just so you can remember what it’s like to fuck a fanny,” dad laughed.

“Fuck off dad, no way,” I shouted at him.

“You are or you’re out of here,” dad told me and belted me across my arse with his hand, hard. I yelled; dad had meant that one to sting.

“Let’s see what I’ve got to sell,” dad said and ripped the sheet that was partly covering me off the bed, “take your boxers off, show me your arse lad.”

“No fucking way your pervert,” I shouted back at him. I’m not sure if dad was playing his part or he really was enjoying it, but he grabbed hold of my neck with one hand pushing me down into the bed and with his other hand ripped the boxers off of my arse and then, as if just for good measure, slapped my arse hard.

“Let’s have a look at what I’ve got to sell, nice arse, you won’t have to go to the gym so often now your arse will be getting a regular work out, turn over,” dad told me.

I just laid there not moving, I yelled as I received another hard slap across my arse and dad said, “Turn over, do as you’re told for once in your life,” so I did, my cock was soft, “well look at that little thing just lying there,” dad laughed and grabbed hold of it and squeezed, I yelped, “don’t worry if you can’t get it hard, the punters will only be interested in your mouth or arsehole.”

Still holding my cock and balls he pulled me around till I was on my back, “spread your legs, lift them up and pull them back so I can see your arsehole, spread them just like your sisters do,” dad told me, I just lay there, this time dad really did squeeze my balls hard, I yelled, “when are you going to learn son? do as I told you or I’ll crush your balls and you’ll never get a hard on again.” I knew his was kidding but he really sounded like he meant it, so I slowly spread my legs and leant back spreading my arse cheeks and showing off my hole, I heard the camera zoom in to get the perfect shot.

“Good lad, now I’m going to be nice to you and use some lube,” dad said.

“Lube for what?” I asked.

“You really are thick sometimes, like when your finger a woman’s fanny to get her wet and open I’m going to finger your arsehole to check how tight and wet you get, if you’re too loose half the punters won’t feel anything when they fuck you,” dad told me. He put a squirt of lube on his finger and tapped it against my arsehole and before I could say anything he pushed his finger all the way through my pucker and into my arsehole.

I yelled, “Fuck, that hurts dad,” I told him.

He looked at me and said, “Sorry son,” and pulled his finger out, “better?”

I nodded and yelled again as dad pushed two fingers deep inside my hole, my own dad was fingering his sons arsehole, dad laughed, “you think that’s bad; you’re going to be taking four of my fingers up there before long.”

I moaned, dad really was getting off on using me as he pulled two fingers out of my arsehole to be replaced with three of his fingers, I was getting stretched, dad grinned at me and said, “Now you’re opening up son, you look like you’re enjoying it so lets try four fingers,” and he pulled three lubed up fingers out of my arsehole and pushed four fingers in.

This time I was stretched, “fuuuuuuck, that hurts dad, its ripping me wide open,” I moaned, and dad opened his fingers up inside my hole stretching me further.

“You’ll get used to it son when you get fucked by big cocks,” dad told me. He finger fucked my hole, pulling his fingers all the way out before pushing them back through my ring piece and opening me back up again. He pulled his fingers out and I pushed so that my arsehole opened up, showing my arsehole lips and red hole.

Dad held up a dildo so I could see, and I asked, “What the fuck is that?”

“What does it look like?” dad asked, “cockhead, cock shaft and balls, it’s a plastic cock and it’s going to be your new friend because every morning and every evening I’m going to shove it up your arse so you can get used to cock up there, so let’s see how you like it now,” and dad lubed it up. The dildo was bigger than dads cock, it had a huge moulded cock head on it, so he was opening me up and getting ready for the real thing.

He pushed it slowly into my fingered and open hole, I sighed, it felt good, but I put up a fight and swore at him loudly. “Good lad,” dad said, “that’s the tip in so now here comes the thickest part, its going in whatever you say so just relax and take it,” I grunted as the thick coronal ridge started to open me up wide, it hurt, wasn’t sure if it would go in. Dad pushed harder and almost shouted at me, “Open that hole up you useless little fucker, it’s payback time for all those years you’ve lived here for nothing.”

“Its too big,” I grunted at dad, “it won’t go in dad.”

“It will and it is,” dad said loudly and slapped the ball end of the dildo base hard, the dildo head was forced through my ring piece and into my arse, I really did scream this time as my hole was opened up wide to take the head of the artificial cock.

“Told you it would go in,” dad laughed, I was panting, and my eyes were watering. “You’ll have bigger cocks up there before the end of the month so let’s stretch you,” and he held the balls of the toy and pushed the full length into me till the balls hit my pucker, I moaned but it felt good, my fuck tube was stretched wide, my prostate gland was being rubbed and the tip of the dildo was bottoming out inside me but the horny taboo part was it was that my own father was pushing the dildo into his owns sons arse.

Dad see sawed the dildo in and out of my hole, all the way in so I gasped and then pulling it out of me so that I could feel my arsehole lips holding onto it before it was pulled all the way out almost pulling my pucker lips inside out, the camera zoomed onto my open arsehole before dad shoved the dildo back in, through my pucker and back into my arse.

I was just getting used to and enjoying my arse getting used by dad and the dildo when the boss man shouted out, “change.”

What was coming next? Dad pushed the dildo all the way into my hole and pulled me up off my back, “sit down on the bed,” he told me.

I shook my head, so dad grabbed me by the balls and yanked them down, so I had to sit, dad then pushed me down by the shoulders, so the dildo was well and truly wedged right up my arse, I moaned again.

“Get used to it son, they’ll be a lot of cock going up there in the future so the sooner your hole gets used to it the better for you. Now open your mouth and suck daddies cock,” he laughed.

I kept my mouth closed and shook my head. dad slapped me across the face hard, he wasn’t playing or acting now, he meant it, I shuddered, and my soft cock started to get hard.

I opened my mouth slightly and dad slapped me again, “open your mouth right up son, you’re going to suck my cock not my little finger. Don’t even think about trying to bite my cock because if you even attempt to, I’ll knock you into the middle of next week, got it?” dad told me. I just nodded and opened my mouth right up.

“Stick your tongue out lad and lick the end, just like a lollypop,” dad told me.

I gingerly licked the end of his cock, ” Ugg,” I said, “that tastes disgusting,” and spat on the dirty floor rug.

“That’s my precum and your sisters fanny and arse juises, you better get used to it as you’ll be tasting worse on some of the punters cocks when you do arse to mouth,” laughed dad, “now get your mouth around my cock,” and he pushed the head of his cock into my open mouth. I’d already sucked dads cock before on a porn shoot so went for it, even though it was for the shoot I worked on dads cock, lashing it with my tongue on his cockhead, sucking on the head, dad held my head, “going to push my cock down your throat son, breath through your nose and I’ll get it down your throat till my balls are against your chin,” he said.

Dad did, at least he went slowly, feed me the full length of his cock till his balls were resting on my chin, he looked down and me, smiled and said, “Going to face fuck you now son,” and dad pulled all the way out of my mouth, his cock was coated in my saliva, I held my mouth open and dad pushed his cock back in and fucked my face, in and out, all the way in and out, his balls slapping against my chin, I was snorting and snot was running out of my nose, I could feel myself gagging but it was just so good, dad would pull all the way out to show his throbbing wet cock to the cameras before slamming in back into my mouth and down my throat again.

Just when I thought I was going to throw up or pass out the boss man shouted, “Get up his arse,” and dad pulled out, his cock was dripping with my spit, his cockhead was purple, the veins over his cock shaft were pulsing and dad was panting and smiling. I had saliva running out of my open fucked mouth.

“You’re a natural cock sucker son, they’ll be queuing up to use your mouth. I’m thinking of the money I’m going to earn from your holes,” dad said. He sounded like he meant it and I suppose that by him and I doing porn together he was earning money from my arse, mouth and cock.

“On your knees, on the bed and show me your arse, your dad is going to fuck you, it’s a right of passage for you so enjoy it, your own father is going to take your anal virginity,” dad said as I knelt on the bed and presented my arse to him. “Let’s get this dildo out of you, your hole will be nicely stretched by now.”

I yelled loudly as dad grabbed hold of the base of the dildo and rather than easing it out from my hole, he pulled it out in one yank and held it up so the camera could see, “hold your arse cheeks open so daddy can see your hole and get my daddy cock in there,” dad told me.

I spread my arse cheeks and knew that my arsehole was wide open, it had been stretched by the dildo and I could feel lube dripping out of it, to give the camera its monies worth I pushed out my pucker to show off my fuck tube.

“That is fucking hot lad, you’re open and dripping and gagging to be fucked, you’re going to get to love cock up your arse on a regular basis from me and the punters who are paying to use you,” I looked and saw a cameraman position himself between dads legs on the floor and a cameraman stood by the side so that they got some good penetration shots.

I took a deep breath as dad lined his cock up between my arse cheeks, my own father was going to fuck his sons arse, it was going to happen and I wanted it to happen. Dad asked, “You ready for a length of your fathers cock.”

“Yes dad, please dad, fuck your sons arse,” I answered. OK I know, corny porn speak.

Dad entered me in one slow long thrust, I actually had my own dads cock in my arse, his cock went in easily as my hole was open from the dildo, he sighed as he went as far as he could, the cameras got some good shots of the cock entry. He held still, I could feel him flexing his cock inside me, so I responded by gripping down on his cock with my ring piece.

Dad said, “You’re not as loose as I thought you might be, not as tight as your sisters though but the punters will still love it, your two sisters on their knees with you playing piggy in the middle and the punters fucking your sisters arse, then yours and then your other sisters arsehole, the punters will be queuing round the block. Now let’s fuck you and show you who’s the alpha male in this house,” and dad pounded my arse hard with his alpha cock. He fucked hard, I was just a hole to him, he pulled out every few strokes so that my hole was on view to the camera, it was a battered mess, before just pushing a few inches of his cock in to hole my pucker open and then push all the way in, rubbing my prostate, my cock was hard and dripping. With one hard thrust that pushed me face first onto the bed his cock was pulled out of my arse.

“On your back son, legs in the air, I’ve still got some more fucking of your arse to do” dad grunted. I flicked over onto my back and grabbed hold of my ankles so that my legs were spread open and giving easy access to my arsehole. The cameraman zoomed in to show my open pucker, red and wrinkled while the other camera locked onto my hard cock, it was throbbing, my foreskin was right back, my balls were tight and lifted and my piss slit was dripping precum.

Dad was straight back into my arse, he could get a really deep and full penetration in this position so made full use of it, he was grunting and I was whimpering as he fucked me deep and hard, he was fucking me in the perfect position, the look on his face was as if I was just a hole to be fucked, I wasn’t his son, there was no love, I was just a hole, it was so fucking horny and I could feel my spunk starting to rise, I wanted to cum, I was going to cum and then dad hit my prostate with the full force of his cock.

I just managed to shout, “I’m going to cum,” luckily one of the cameras was in the right position, my cock swelled, my balls tightened and I shot my load hands free, the first shot fired high into the air and over the top of my head as my cock kicked, the next three shots coated my face in my own cum and then the last shot sprayed over my pecs, I don’t thing I’d every cum so much hands free, my cock was still twitching trying to empty more jizz out of my balls but there was just a dribble of spunk oozing out, my balls ached.

Dad had carried on fucking me as I shot my load, deep powerful thrusts helping me to cum. He stopped fucking me with his cock fully up my arse and looked at his son covered in his own cum and said, “You dirty little fucker, the punters don’t want to see you shoot your jizz, they’re there to empty their balls not yours. I’ll soon put a stop to you jizzing up, I’m going to wank you off and drain your balls before every punter, that will stop you, don’t care if you have a sore cock as well as a sore arsehole at the end of the day and I won’t be gentle with that little cock of yours.”

Dad fucked me hard again, speeding up as he got close cumming, another hard thrust and he pulled his cock out of my well fucked and gaping hole, he managed to grunt, “Open your mouth son, dads going to feed you his load,” as he jumped up on the bed and I fell backwards, dad stood over my chest, I opened my mouth and dad fired off, squirting pulse after pulse into my mouth and over my face, it felt good, it tasted salty and creamy and it was warm, straight from dads balls. Dad was still squirting his spunk over me as he said, “You’re tasting my spunk, the same spunk that when I fucked your mother, spunked up her and got her pregnant and produced you. Now clean your daddies cock up,” and he dribbled another load of cum over my face before pulling me around, so my head was over the edge of the bed and he pushed his cock into my mouth, I did as I was told and licked and sucked till dads cock was clean.

“Good boy, on your back and show daddy your boy hole,” I thought it was all over, but I did as I was told, lay on my back, lifted my legs and showed off my well fucked arsehole, the camera zoomed in to get the perfect shot, dad squatted down and lifted my legs higher and laughed, “Daddy wrecked your fuck hole but it will soon recover and close up, don’t want it too tight, want to give the punters their money’s worth when they fuck you, don’t want them to spunk up too quickly,” and he picked up the dildo that had been in my arse earlier and pushed it back in, it went in easily, I flinched, groaned but took it all up to the artificial balls.

I lay back waiting for the shout of, “cut,” I’d earnt my money on this shoot when I heard dad say, “Got your first punter waiting outside so sit up and smile,” and the door on the set opened, I looked across to see who it was, I recognised the tattoos, the baggy shorts and the singlet he was wearing, it was Charlie, the bloke I’d met cruising, that I’d kissed and been messaging.

Charlie looked at me and said to my dad, “He’ll do, is he ready?”

“That’s it, cut,” shouted the boss man and the filming lights went off and by the time my eyes got accustomed to the dimmer lighting Charlie had gone. There was a round of applause as dad helped me up off the bed and even the boss man said, “That was good Sam,” that was the first time he’d used my name.

“Excuse me, who was that lad at the end of the shoot?” I asked the boss man, but he just walked off.

“Come on Sam, let’s get that dildo out of your arse and then shower and go home,” dad said and without thinking I bent over and let my own dad remove a dildo out of his sons arsehole.

In the shower he helped me soap myself up to get rid of the spunk from my body and the lube for my arse, dad even fingered my arsehole with a few fingers to get the remains of the lube out that had been forced in by the dildo and dads cock. I knew that I was going to be sore, I could feel my arsehole stinging and it hadn’t closed up fully yet either.

We got dressed and walked out to dads car, just as we opened the reception door, I saw a black Ford pickup pull out of the carpark, just like the pickup that Charlie drives.

In the car on the way home dad asked, “Are we both OK about what happened tonight?”

“I am dad, it doesn’t mean anything, we were only doing it for the money weren’t we?” I said, I wondered if it did mean anything for dad because it had meant more for me, how can it not when your own father is fucking your arse, but I wasn’t going to tell dad that.

“Good, just a way to earn money, you’re right, glad that we’re both OK about it because the boss man has already said he wants to film more to make a series on the family theme.” dad answered, how much further would we go I wondered. “Tomorrow I’m on nights so after you’ve showered before you go to work, I’ll check out your arsehole just to see its OK, I’ll even rub some cream into it, thats what dads are for,” he laughed.

And it looked like dads are also there to bugger their son, but it was so good.

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