Cucked and Lost

Devon started to take over the household. He started to discipline the children. He even told me what to do in my own home. I about had enough of it. I had just cum one night. Janet pulled her strap-on out of me. Devon asked her a question. She dismissed him and he slapped her. He slapped her again. She pushed him. He grabbed her by the throat and started to choke her hard. He threw her to the ground and punched her in the eye.

I sprang to my feet and punched Devon. I then proceeded to get my ass kicked by Devon. I heard my wife call 911. I knew this nightmare would be over soon, but it was really just the beginning.

“My husband raped me and tried to kill me. Thank god our friend Devon was here to protect me.” She told the Police.

I was arrested. They took pictures of her bruises and the marks on my hands. She agreed to drop the charges if I agreed to sign a divorce giving her our house, almost all of our money, and full custody. My lawyer was able to negotiate a little. I signed the divorce and moved on with my life.

My daughter was off to college. She setup a room at my new house. She knew something was fishy with Devon and didn’t believe her mom at all. She was out of state most of the time, but she would spend holidays with me. She would visit her brothers when they were with a relative and not my ex.

I met Jeremy at a baseball game that both of our kids were playing in. Both of us were staying away from the main bleachers to avoid our ex wives. I watched Devon have all the father son moments with my son.

“Is that your ex with that guy in the purple shirt?” Jeremy asked.


“That’s rough. You just got divorced, right?”

“She was with him before we got divorced.”

“I’m not going to lie, just about everyone in town knows the story. Purple shirt was even bragging in the bar about how they set you up with the police.”

I started to cry.

“Your reputation of being a very gentle guy proceeds you in town. Listen, let’s get out of here. My ex is giving me the stink eye, and you’re just asking for a confrontation that will do you no good in the long run.”

Jeremy and I ended up getting drunk that night and bonding. We were best friends within weeks.

I looked over at Jeremy as he grilled. He looked back at me and we made eye contact. He smiled and went back to grilling. I drifted in thought. I was still staring at Jeremy when I came back to Earth. He was just wrapping up on the burgers. He saw me staring again and smiled.

“Man, these burgers are great, man.”

“Hey, thanks. The secret ingredient is love, man. I love you man, you know, in a dude way, not a gay way.”

“I love you too. In a dude way, of course.

It was a hot day, we were in Jeremy’s backyard. I took off my shirt to cool off. I have been small and skinny my whole life. I have muscles, I work out, but all of my attributes are small except for my butt. I have a big bubble butt. I wished my whole life that my cock would just be at least an average size and that my ass would be half of its size.

“I’ll get some sunscreen, bro.” Jeremy called out.

“That’d be great, man.”

Jeremy took off his shirt. I had never seen him without a shirt. He had a little belly, but huge shoulders and biceps. He was hairy and masculine. It was strange to me that his wife left him. He was kind of hot. He rubbed some lotion between his hands and massaged it onto me.

He rubbed it on my shoulders and shoulder blades. He then massaged it down my back. His fingers barely slipped below my waistband. His fingertips grazed my ass cheeks. He then moved to my front and did the same thing. His fingers slightly grazed the base of my cock as he massaged me.

Jeremy acted as if nothing strange had happened. He was still acting pretty “bro.” I decided that it was just him trying to get really good coverage.

“Hey man, could you put some on me?” Jeremy asked.

“Sure thing.”

We both laughed. He laid down on his belly. I massaged the sunscreen onto his back. He moaned.

“Yeah babe, right there.”

I listened for his breathing and moans so I could concentrate on what felt good to him. He then flipped onto his back. I rubbed on his peck muscles.

“That feels good, man.”

I started to massage it in. I worked up to his shoulders and down his sides. I started to massage it in his belly when I stopped. He noticed I stopped.

“Oh, I’m sorry man. You know how it is, it has a mind of its own.”

Jeremy’s cock was hard and poked out the top of his shorts. It covered his navel.

“Oh yeah, I know how it is. It’s no big deal. I’ve seen one before, haha.”

“Don’t stop man, that felt good.”

I continued to massage the sunscreen onto Jeremy. I tried to avoid the area with his cock, but eventually needed to get sunscreen underneath it. I gently grabbed it and lifted it. I massaged his belly as I held his penis in my hand. The waistband of his shorts slipped back. I continued to hold it as I massaged his belly with my other hand.

What Jeremy didn’t know was I was very curious. I had been fascinated with cocks ever since I started watching porn. Maybe I liked them so much because I was so small. I also had come to the realization that I hated what my wife had done to me, but I kind of liked having something in my ass.

I was done massaging him, but I continued to hold his penis. I gripped it tighter and looked at Jeremy. We made eye contact. We stared at each other as I held his cock in my hand. My hand slipped down his shaft a little. I then slid my hand back. Back and forth, I let my hand slip.

“Oh yeah. Oh yeah….”

I started to actually stroke his cock. I was turned on. My little cock was hard. I started to breathe heavy. Jeremy moaned more. I looked away from Jeremy’s face and looked at the large angry cock in my hand.

“Listen. Do you think it would mess up our friendship if I….. um….. If I…. um….. Did um….” I mumbled.

“No. It wouldn’t mess up our friendship at all.” Jeremy said with a moan.

I got down on my knees beside him and began licking his cock. I licked up and down his cock. The waist band had stretched his foreskin out earlier. He wasn’t circumcised. I had never seen a cock not circumcised. I pulled back the foreskin. I licked all around his head. I licked the frenulum underneath the tip. I kissed his cock like I had imagined doing to a cock for decades. I opened my mouth and took Jeremy’s long cock in.

“This is going to help our friendship, if anything. Oh, fuck yeah…..”. Jeremy said between moans.

I lubricated his cock with my saliva and pushed more in my mouth. For a second I was worried if he would make fun of me. Then I thought, “He has his cock buried in my face and is moaning. What is he going to do? Call me a faggot?”

We were both in this now and I was going to take advantage of the maybe once in a lifetime chance to live out my fantasy of sucking a cock.

It surprisingly didn’t have the taste that I expected. It tasted like sweat, skin, and sunscreen. I expected it to be somehow gamey. His balls had that smell of a men’s locker room, but fresh. Most people complain about that smell. It’s one of those bad smells that I like.

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