Slave Auction Ch. 05

A gay sex stories: Slave Auction Ch. 05

Jake lay still, shackled and unable to move, on the now horizontal cross. Max had been using his fingernails, a soft left whip of some sort, and a feather to tease and tickle Jake for the past hour or so. Every time Jake felt like he might be getting close to spilling his seed, Max would laugh and pull back. “18 hours kid, and you aren’t going to cum once. I will, Tom and Joe will. But not you.” With that Max slowly sauntered towards the drinks table, near the pool, and filled a couple of glasses with ice cubes. He wandered back towards Jake, with a smirk on his face, and dumped the ice cubes on top of Jake’s throbbing cock. “Maybe that will cool you down a bit.” With that Max laughed some more. He really seemed to be enjoying his control. Some of the guests, who had failed to successfully purchase their own slaves, were sipping wine and watching Max and Jake from just a few yards away. Jake was painfully aware that his pain and humiliation was going to be very public.

Max let his fingernails trail down Jake’s torso and legs, before addressing his right foot. Jake squirmed as the nail tickled him. Max, realizing just how ticklish the bottom of Jake’s feet appeared to be, went to town. First tickling Jake with his fingers and finger nails, Max then produced a hairbrush, from a nap sack Jake had not noticed previously. What the hell else did Max have in that bag? Max ran the brush along the bottom of both of Jake’s soles – resulting in a fit of laughter that the boy couldn’t control. He could barely breath. Jake kept the tickling up for about 15 minutes – tickling Jake’s feet, abs, and pitts. The poor boy was in agony. Who knew that laughing could be so painful. Max, sensing the boy was near his limits, went for another slow stroll towards the drinks area, to fill his glasses with yet more ice, to once again cool down the poor slave.

Having tickled and teased the kid, Max was now going to switch things up a bit. He pulled a candle out of his bag, and lit it. After a minute or so, he held the candle over Jakes cock, and tipped it so a little melted wax landed on the boy’s now semi erection. “Oh fuck, dude that hurts” Jake called out. Max laughed, reached once again into his demonic bag of toys and pulled out a ball gag. He attached the gag to Jake’s head, so the boy could no longer speak. Things were beginning to ramp up in an ugly direction. Max once again tipped the candle, pouring hot wax over Jake’s chest, abs and dick. The boy’s back arched, as he tried to call out in pain. Behind him, Max could hear laughter from the onlookers.

The approving sounds from the other men seemed to drive Max on. He put down the candle and brought out a small whip, with many ends. Master had referred to this as a cat o’ 9 tails during a recent session. Max began to lightly whip the slave, starting on his shoulders and slowly making his way down the chest and abs, before finally whipping his dick. Jake squirmed in pain. While the whips weren’t hard, they did hurt, and the humiliation of being whipped, naked, in front of strangers was still something Jake wasn’t comfortable with. But both the slave, and his master for the day, were well aware that during the whipping Jake had become fully hard. The kid really did have a thing for pain and humiliation. Max could appreciate that, as he had the same weakness. Lucky for Jake, Max was more than happy to hurt and humiliate him all day long.

As Max made yet another slow, teasing walk to the drinks are, for yet more ice, Sara asked if he would like her to have a large bucket of ice delivered to the stage. “What a wonderful idea, thanks Sara.” Jake moaned within the gag, having heard the exchange.

While waiting for the shipment of more ice, Max reapplied sun lotion to both himself and his boy toy. He switched back from pain to teasing. Jake was never sure what was coming next. Max started to once again stroke Jake with a touch so light, he would never be able to cum from it. The slight touch felt good, but was incredibly frustrating. Jake tried to buck his hips to create more friction, but Max smacked his balls and told him to stop, or he would regret it. Teasing light touches, tickling, hot wax, light whipping continued on for at least another hour. Jake’s head was spinning, his cock throbbing, as he desperately wanted release and satisfaction. “Only 15 1/2 more hours stud. That isn’t too long. Of course even when i am done, you aren’t allow to pleasure yourself. Boy that must be frustrating.” Jake moaned once more into his ball gag, while Max chuckled.

All of the teasing and torture had made Max hungry. He saw the girls bringing out fresh food, and decided to take a few minutes to enjoy some lunch, while Max lay on his cross wondering what would happen next. Max enjoyed a fresh Chick pea salad, and some cranberry juice, at a table some 25 feet or so from the stage. A couple of the elder guests complimented Max on his technique. One gentleman, clearly known to Max patted him on the shoulder. “Not going to lie Max, when i heard you weren’t up for auction I was very disappointed. I had plans to turn that ass of yours into hamburger today. But i must say, you are putting on quite the show. Let me know if you need any help”.

“Thanks Mr. Canton” Max replied, “I think I can handle this one alone. I promise I will be back on the block next weekend if you can make it. I have been a bad boy lately, and could use a little discipline.”


After enjoying a light lunch, Max had gone back to his slave and continued on with the teasing and torture. He took the ball gag off, when he saw tears swelling up in Jake’s eyes. “Don’t worry stud, I won’t let it get too bad. Just a little fun between friends. That hardon tells me things can’t be too bad.” Jake didn’t know what to feel.. The teasing felt awesome, but the lack of release was beyond any frustration he had ever known. The whipping and wax hurt moderately, but seemed to excite him at the same time. Max emptied the ice bucket onto Jake’s mid section one more time, telling him “ok, time to settle down. We are going to take this party to one of the indoor dungeons. I have had enough sun for one day, and i think the next section of your torture is best dished out in private.” With that Max slipped a collar and leash onto Jake’s throat, and began to undo his ankle and wrist restraints. Max tugged lightly at the collar leading Jake. They did a slow walk through the crowd, who noted their approval for the 4 hour show, before heading to the main mansion.

One of the dungeons? How many dungeons did this place have? And what did Max want to do in private? Jake’s body was tight from lying on the cross, and his constant tension over the past few hours. He stretched his back and shoulders as he walked, trying to relax the sore muscles. As they entered the dungeon, which was similar but not identical to the one Mr. Jenkins used, Max pointed Jake towards the shower and told him he could take a few minutes to relax “but do not touch yourself, or you will regret it.”

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