David’s Shorts


A gay story: David’s Shorts It was him. That bulge was unmistakeable.

Although I’d been taking my lunch break in the park for the last few weeks, this was the first time I’d been on a Saturday. I’d woken up early for once, the sun was shining, and there was a crisp autumnal feeling in the air. Why not stretch my legs?

The park had a small lake in the centre of it, with a wide path around its edge. After walking one full circuit, I settled onto a bench overlooking the water. There was no need to rush home. I was content to sit on the bench, enjoy the light breeze, and watch people go past. Dog walkers, joggers, some just strolling along.

I had been staring into the middle distance when a flash of red caught the edge of my vision. I turned my head. A jogger in a grey vest and red shorts was approaching, a guy of about my age with curly brown hair.

Those shorts. Holy shit. Whatever they contained, it was massive. Red nylon, they were bulging outwards, barely restraining the monster inside. With every thump of his feet, the basket swayed from side to side.

As I watched the hypnotic bulge, the jogger drew closer. I glanced up to check he hadn’t seen me ogling him. Luckily, he had earbuds in, his head nodding along to the music. He was lost in his own world; I was safe to look back down and—

My eyes snapped back up to the face. A face I recognised. I knew that stubbled jawline, those perfect lips, those shining blue eyes.

And that monstrous bulge.


As I sat frozen, he ran past without looking at me, trainers crunching on dead leaves. I stared after his receding figure.

My mind went back to my time at university. That had been, what, eight years ago? And David and I had only shared accommodation for one year. He probably barely remembered me. Whereas for me, living with David had been a special kind of hell. I was a closeted virgin, still figuring out my sexuality. He was an outgoing, masculine straight lad, who wasn’t shy about walking around in briefs that showed off his enormous bulge. It was pure torture for a horny eighteen-year-old. I spent my first year of uni in a hormonal daze.

Even worse, David was very sexually active – and our bedrooms shared a wall. The number of nights he brought back some random girl and I had to listen to the bed thumping, her moaning, him grunting… and me alone in bed, furiously wanking. Occasionally I’d hear a screamed comment about how big he was. Those nights I rubbed myself raw. The following morning, I would shoot jealous looks at the girl as she left.

On several occasions, I heard him in the shower we all shared, and fantasised about just opening the door and “accidentally” walking in on him. My nerves always got the better of me, though. In my dreams, on the other hand… the things I saw, the things I did with him…

The torture lasted a whole year, during which I’m surprised my dick didn’t fall off from overuse. Then the summer came, and he told us he was dropping out. I was crushed, but also relieved. I was able to focus on my studies and move on with my life. I did think about him and his cock from time to time, but I never saw him again.

Until today. Until that big bulge had bounced right past my face.

I watched him jog into the distance until he disappeared behind a hedge. The last thing I saw was those red shorts, a splash of colour against the browns and greys of autumn.

Should I have said something? Would he have even remembered me? More importantly, did I really want to open that door again? I still had occasional fantasies about him. Hot, sweating, grunting fantasies, kind of like how he had been when he jogged past…

I felt my hard dick straining in my jeans. Shit. If I didn’t take care of it, I’d be distracted all afternoon. The best thing to do would be to head home, jerk off, and then get on with my day without thinking about David. It had been nice to see him, sure, but that was the end of it.

I absolutely would not have fantasies about David.


I absolutely did have fantasies about David. Every night for a week. Sometimes twice in a row.

Which is why I found myself back on the same bench the following Saturday. I had arrived early and brought a book for cover. Despite being October, it was warm and sunny. Several people were in their shorts.

But there was only one pair of shorts I was interested in. All morning, for over an hour, I had pretended to read while scanning the path in both directions. Several joggers passed me, but none of them were David.

This was stupid. What was I hoping to achieve? I was on a stakeout to have that untouchable, unattainable bulge pass two feet in front of my face. And then what? Feel frustrated, go home and have another wank? This was stupid and pointless. I closed my book.

A flash of red.

I opened my book again. Making a show of stretching my neck, I glanced to the right.

My heart leapt. Here came David, same outfit as before, bulge proudly leading the way. It was moving more freely this time, the sizeable outline swaying from side to side. He must be going commando! An involuntary whimper escaped my throat.

I lowered my head, not wanting to be caught staring. My dick was already swelling in my jeans, not too noticeable yet, but I covered myself with the book just in case.

I heard David’s footsteps approaching, closer and closer. I desperately wanted to look up again. One more glimpse! He was close enough for me to hear his heavy breathing. It was now or never. Just a quick glance…

He stopped.

So did my heart.

I sat frozen, staring at my book. He was right beside me. Had he recognised me after all? Had he clocked me ogling his shorts?

I glanced in his direction. He was lifting his foot onto the bench beside me. His lace had come undone! I relaxed. He wasn’t paying attention to me. I could admire the inside of his leg, tan and muscular, with a light covering of dark hair. My eyes travelled up, drinking it all in. Up to those wonderful red shorts. Where his—

Where his cock was poking out.

I suppressed a gasp. The thick tube has escaped down one leg. As he lifted his foot onto the bench beside me, the leg of his shorts rode up. Half an inch of his foreskin-covered cockhead came into view. Close enough to touch. Close enough to taste.

My throat made a strange sound, halfway between a whimper and a gurgle. David turned his head towards me. In a split second, I realised that moving my head away would make it obvious what I had been looking at. I did the only other thing I could.

I looked up. Those brilliant blue eyes met mine.

He held my gaze for seconds that felt like hours. I couldn’t break away. Then he returned to tying his lace and the spell was broken. I looked back at my book, furiously fighting the temptation to look at his cock again.

David finished tying his lace. He straightened up but didn’t move. I felt his eyes on me as he just stood there. After a few moments, I couldn’t bear it anymore. I looked up again.

Recognition flashed in eyes and his face broke into a grin. He pulled out his earbuds. “Jon?” he said. I had forgotten how deep and masculine his voice was. “It is you, isn’t? You probably don’t remember, but we were at uni together!”

I felt like a deer in headlights. “Oh, um, hi,” I croaked. “David, right? I think I remember. Great to see you again, yeah. Been ages, huh?” I just stopped myself short of adding I wasn’t looking at your cock by the way.

David stuck out a hand. I took it, expecting a handshake. Instead, I was hauled to my feet and pulled into a tight embrace.

Stillness. Birds sang, trees rustled. My heart thumped against his firm, warm chest. I had angled my body so that my erection wouldn’t press against him, but that meant his bulge was against my hip. I felt it press into me, firm yet soft, radiating heat.

We hugged for several seconds. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. He smelt of sweat and masculinity. My mind went fuzzy, my legs weak. My cock throbbed, threatening to tear through my underwear.

The moment ended and we broke apart. “So how have you been, mate?” David’s voice cut through the pink clouds, bringing me back to reality.

“G-good,” I said. “I’ve been good. How about you? What did you do after you left uni?”

“Builder,” he said. “Learning computer stuff wasn’t for me, so I started working on a construction site. It’s not bad work, plenty of fresh air and exercise.” He winked. “How about you? Finished the degree?”

“Yeah, I learnt all the ‘computer stuff’,” I said. At least making conversation allowed me to focus on something other than his cock. “I’m a programmer now, I work remotely for a company in London.”

“That’s awesome, mate!” said David. “I’m really pleased for you!”

Another jogger puffed past us. David glanced at his watch. “Listen, I’m just about done with my run, then I’m going home to shower and head out to grab some lunch. If you’re not doing anything, why don’t you come with me? It would be great to catch up!”

I took a moment to reply. When I did, it felt like my voice was coming from somewhere far away. “No, I don’t have plans,” I said, in what I hoped was a steady voice. “I’d love to catch up.”

“Great!” David grinned. “My place isn’t too far. I won’t be long in the shower – you can have a beer while you wait. Sound good?”

“Mmhmm.” I didn’t trust myself to form actual words.

David smiled. “I’ve just got to jog to the park gates to finish up. Don’t worry about keeping pace! I’ll do some cooldown stretches and wait for you there. See you soon!” He took off, his red shorts disappearing into the distance.

I steadied myself against the bench. Going back to his place. Alcohol. Him in the shower.

I took a deep breath and tried to centre myself. I knew I was reading way too much into this. It was just two friends hanging out. Nothing more. Don’t make it weird.

I grabbed my book, covered my erection, and set off after him.


David’s place wasn’t just close by – it was practically opposite the entrance to the park. I must have walked past it dozens of times, never knowing that my fantasy man was nearby.

He lived on the top floor of the four-storey building, in a surprisingly modern and spacious flat. The front door opened into an open plan area with a lounge and kitchen, divided by a long granite counter. The lounge was carpeted, with leather armchairs and a huge TV. Cityscapes decorated the walls, and sunlight streamed in through a wide window that must overlook the park. The kitchen was all chrome and wood flooring.

David kicked off his shoes and headed to the kitchen. I followed suit, the carpet soft and springy under my feet. He pulled open a massive fridge and took out a bottle of beer. “Grab a seat,” he said, gesturing to a couple of barstools next to the counter. I perched on one as David popped the cap off the beer and handed it to me. I took a large gulp, hoping the ice-cold liquid would cool my overexcited body.

“I’ll join you shortly,” said David. “I’m pretty sweaty after that run.” He raised an arm and sniffed his pit, making an exaggerated face of disgust. “Fucking rank!” he laughed. “Time for a shower. You good for a little bit?”

I nodded, taking another deep swig. The flash of his hairy pit and the whiff of sweat that came with it was making my temperature rise again.

“Make yourself at home,” said David, disappearing through a door off the kitchen. I heard him pad along the floor. A creak of wood. The footsteps faded. A pause – was that a rustle of clothing? Was he undressing? I was sorely tempted to follow him but knew I’d get caught. More footsteps, back towards me. A door opening and closing. Then, after a few moments, a click and the sound of running water.

I exhaled and tried to collect my thoughts. Things had happened very quickly. Fifteen minutes ago, I had been sitting on the park bench. Now, I was in David’s flat, I was drinking alcohol, and he was naked in the shower. He hadn’t mentioned a roommate, so I had to assume it was just us, me in the kitchen and him naked in the shower. All I had to do for the next ten minutes or so was sit still, drink my beer, and not think about him naked in the shower.

My dick was painfully hard. I readjusted myself to give it room to breathe. It twitched and I fought the urge to rub it. This was insane. I knew David, like any straight man, was oblivious to the effect he was having on me. There wasn’t anything deliberate in his actions, even as he teased me with that glimpse of his cockhead, or his hairy armpit, or being naked in the—

Dear god, what is wrong with me? Just drink the beer and do absolutely nothing else. Don’t. Be. Weird.

I tried to ignore the sound of running water and gulped down more of the beer. Too much, perhaps. My head was becoming fuzzy, and it was hard to think clearly. Perhaps that was why I stood up and crept towards the doorway.

I knew it was wrong, it was crossing some major lines by even thinking of doing this. But an insidious little thought had wormed its way into my head – this was my one and only chance to see David naked. The universe had handed me this opportunity, and who was I to argue with the universe? Worst came to the worst, David caught me and kicked me out. Well, he hadn’t been in my life for the past several years and was unlikely to feature much in the future. So what if I made things weird?

The more rational part of my brain was trying to point out how fucked up this was, but the alcohol and hormones were overruling it.

I reached the doorway, which led to a short corridor. There were just two other doors, a closed one halfway along and another at the end. The far one was ajar, and I could see the end of a bed through it. Therefore…

I crept along the hall towards the closed door. The sound of running water grew louder. David was humming merrily to himself, and I had a mental image of him soaping up his body, washing under his arms, his torso, between his legs…

I reached the door. It was all that stood between me and David’s naked body. My hand closed around the cold, metal handle. If I eased it open quietly, just for a second… if he had his back to me, or had soap in his eyes, he would never know. Hell, even if he was facing me, I could make up a story about needing a piss. My hand tightened. I eased the handle down. Shifting my weight forwards, I prepared to push.

The floorboard under my foot creaked. I froze, heart hammering. Did the humming falter? No, still going. I exhaled.

I gently released the door handle. That was too close. The shock had allowed the rational part to take control. Horny or not, I couldn’t cross that line. I was a guest in his house, I had to respect his privacy.

The moment of insanity had passed. I took a step back and began breathing normally again. I just had to sneak back to the kitchen, sit down, and drink the beer. Act as if nothing had happened. I was about to turn around when I glanced down the hall.

A flash of red.

Slowly, I turned and looked at the open bedroom door. From here, I could see his bed. And on the bed… his shorts.

The shorts he had taken off only minutes ago.

The shorts he had been working out in.

The shorts he had been going commando in.

My mind buzzed. Back in uni, David had always spent ages in the shower. It had only been in a few minutes since the shower clicked on. There was time.

I moved as though in a trance towards the bedroom, heart pounding, drawn to the red beacon. This wasn’t like trying to spy on him in the shower, I reassured myself. That would be a violation. This was just me being nosy. He’d never know.

Stealthily, I entered the bedroom, ears alert for any changes to the humming. It was a typical room for a straight guy. Unmade bed, dresser with dozens of aftershaves and deodorants on it, wardrobe hanging half open, overflowing laundry basket. The air smelt of manliness.

A glint of gold caught my eye. There was a small box on the dresser, next to a bottle of Hugo Boss. I looked closer. A thrill shot through me as I realised it was a box of condoms. Magnum XL, no less. This confirmation that he had been sexually active in this very room brought my dick to full attention. When had he last done it? This morning? Was I breathing in his sex scent?

I could wait no longer. I turned to the bed. The shorts, bright red on the grey sheets, called to me. I reached for them. They were still warm. I caught a whiff of sweat.

The rational part of my brain raised an objection but was quickly silenced. The smell of David’s maleness had awakened something else in me, something primal. Something perverted.

Something fucking filthy.

I found the crotch of the shorts and pressed it to my nose. Fuck. Warm and musky. Just minutes ago, David’s big, thick cock and heavy, sweaty balls had been touching the fabric. I took a long, deep sniff. The smell of David flooded my senses. It was like huffing chemicals. My head swam and my jeans strained.

I continued breathing in his scent, while my other hand strayed to my crotch and began massaging my hardon. Every inhalation sent a powerful pulse along my shaft. I felt my balls tingle.

Jesus. I needed release. No longer knowing what I was doing, I yanked my zip open and pushed my jeans and briefs down to my knees. My dick sprang free at last, throbbing in the open air.

Frenzied, I grabbed myself and began jerking. I was already slick with precum. My hand slid up and down easily as I huffed his shorts, the wet rhythm loud in the silent room.

The pressure in my balls was building. Fuck the consequences, I needed to blow a load right here, right now. I brought his shorts down and rubbed my dick against them, right where his meat had been. The nylon felt so good against my shaft. My orgasm was rising, I was going to spunk in David’s shorts, mess them up, and every time he wore them he’d have my sperm on his cock… fuuuuckkk… here it comes… here it—


I stopped, hovering on the edge. That noise… it meant something, something important. What was it? I tried to think in the stillness and silence.

No humming. No running water.

Reality hit like a bucket of ice. Shit shit shit! I threw the shorts back on the bed, hoping it was close enough to how they looked before. I pulled my jeans up as I hurried back down the hall. At the last second, I remembered the squeaky floorboard in front of the bathroom and dodged it. As I passed the door I heard David moving around behind it. I sprinted down the hall and made it into the kitchen just as the bathroom door opened.

I rushed over to the barstool and sat down. It was only then that I realised my dick, now fully deflated, was hanging out of my jeans.

Footsteps. Towards me. David wasn’t going into the bedroom! I stood up and stuffed my dick back into my briefs and zipped up quickly but carefully. I sat down on the stool and grabbed my beer with seconds to spare.

Behind me, I heard David enter the room. “Sorry I took so long, mate,” he said.

I willed my breathing and heartrate to return to normal. “No problem,” I said, horribly aware of how shaky my voice was. Hoping I looked calm, I turned round. “I’ve just been—”

The words died in my throat.

David was wearing nothing but a towel.

His lean, hairy torso glistened with water. The brown bullets of his nipples stood proudly on a muscular chest. He was leaning on the doorframe, one arm raised, revealing the dark hairs of his armpit. A droplet of water ran down his flat belly to meet a treasure trail that disappeared into the folds of his towel.

I became aware that David had spoken. I forced my eyes back up to his face. “Eh?” I said.

“I said, are you needing another beer?”

“Oh, um, yeah,” I said, grabbing my bottle. Luckily it was almost empty. I drained it, hoping to calm my raging libido.

“You sure?” said David, crossing to the fridge and pulling out two bottles. “You’re looking a bit flushed. It might be going to your head a bit.” He walked over and sat on the other stool, popping both bottles open as he did so.

“I’m fine!” I said madly, staring at the countertop and trying to ignore his nearly naked, close-enough-to-touch body. “Aren’t you getting dressed?”

“Soon,” said David. “Thought I’d join you in a drink first. I like to air dry. You don’t mind, do you?”

“Mind?” I babbled. “Why would I mind? Perfectly normal!” My eyes roved around the room, looking anywhere but at David. “I like your place!” I said.

David shifted and I couldn’t help but glance at him. He had turned towards me, his legs spread, the towel riding up to almost above his knees. Almost.

“Impressed at the size?” said David.


“Of the flat,” said David, gesturing at the room. “It’s not mine. It belongs to my parents. I’m renting it from them.”

“Oh! It’s really nice,” I said. I took another gulp of beer, trying to anchor myself in this normal line of conversation. A little voice in my head warned me not to drink too quickly, that losing my inhibitions now would be a bad idea. I silenced it with another drink.

“Quite lucky, really,” said David, lifting his own bottle. “The other rooms are a decent size as well. You should see the bedroom.”

I bit my tongue. Bad line of thought. Stop it. I looked around again. “I like the photos on the walls,” I said. “Very artistic.”

A tiny smile crossed David’s face. Not his usual cheeky grin. Something more honest and vulnerable. “They’re mine,” he said, looking down at his drink. “I do a bit of photography in my spare time.” There was pride in his voice.

“They’re really good!” I said. “Do you always do cities?”

“When I travel, yeah!” David’s face lit up. “I just love city skylines. They’re beautiful. Much more interesting than working on a building site!”

“How did you get into photography?” I asked, pushing away a mental image of builder David getting hot and sweaty on a construction site.

“Through a friend,” he said. “He was close with my sister, and he let me stay with him while I was an apprentice builder. He did photography – portraits of people mostly – but he taught me some things and it kinda took off from there.”

“Cool!” I said. “Did you ever pose for him?” I lifted my bottle and drank.

David grinned. “Yup. I was a regular model for him.” And then, as I moved to set my beer down, he added, “I even posed nude a few times.”

My bottle crashed to the floor. It didn’t break but the remaining beer spilled out, forming a puddle on the wood.

“Shit!” I said. “I’m so sorry!”

“Don’t worry about it,” said David, looking at me curiously. He reached for a nearby kitchen roll and tore some off.

“Let me,” I said, grabbing some as well. We both ended up on our knees, close together. “I’m really sorry,” I said, wiping the floor. “I’m just really clumsy.”

David laughed. He close enough for me to feel his warm breath. “It was an accident,” he said. “I doubt it’ll stain. Anyway, it was your own beer. If it had been mine I might be complaining.”

We finished mopping up. David looked at me, his face inches from mine. “See?” he said softly. “No harm done. Nothing to worry about.”

He stood up. I was about to do the same when his towel came undone.

It happened in slow motion. The folds came apart right in front of my eyes. For a brief, tantalising moment, the towel clung to his body. Then it fell, hitting the floor with a light thump.

Time stopped.

David’s cock. His long, fat, beautiful cock was right in front of my face, close enough for me to feel the heat radiating off it. It was a thick anaconda that hung halfway to his knees, ending in a wide mushroom head covered in foreskin. A large vein traced a path from there all the way to his dark, wiry pubes. The vein, pulsing in time with my heartbeat, was the only movement in the otherwise frozen moment.

We were both breathing heavily. My heart was pounding so loud I was sure David could hear it. He made no movement to cover up. I made no movement to look away.

His cock twitched. A tiny movement, but enough to break the spell. I looked up at him. He was staring down at me, his face unreadable. “Sorry,” he said, his voice calm. “It was an accident.”

“I know,” I said. An awkward pause. I felt I should say something more to break the silence. “You have a huge cock.”

“I know,” he said. His cock twitched again. The head swelled slightly.

Unable to take my eyes off it, I said, “Don’t you want to cover up?”

David set the wet paper towels on the counter and put his hands behind his back, like a soldier at rest. His hips moved forward a little, making his cock sway. “Do you want me to?”

My eyes darted from the hanging meat to his face and back again. My throat was dry and I was starting to feel dizzy. “Is this a test?” I croaked.

“A test for what?”

I took a deep breath and looked up at him. “To see if I’m gay.”

David’s eyes bored into mine. “Well, are you?”

I hesitated. “Yes. Is that okay?”

David shrugged, causing his cock to sway again. It looked thicker and longer than before. “Yeah, it’s okay. I kinda suspected, after you’ve been staring at me all morning.”

Blood surged to my face. So much for being discreet. I felt tears begin to form. “I’m really, really sorry,” I said. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

“I didn’t say you made me uncomfortable,” said David. “I’ve been naked in front of guys before. And like I said, I posed nude for a friend. He looked at me the way you’re doing now.”

“He was gay?” I said.


“And you still got naked for him?”


“Did he… did you let him touch you?”


David’s cock was rising, the vein pulsing wildly, the foreskin beginning to retract. I was having difficulty breathing. Eyes fixed on the growing monster, I whispered, “Did you enjoy it?”

He took a long time to answer. His cock rose until it was horizontal, pointing right at my face. Finally, he said, “Yeah.”

Another long silence. He was almost fully hard now, curving upwards, the foreskin pulled back to reveal the pink tip of his cockhead. I could now see his balls properly – large eggs in a hairy sack.

I couldn’t stand it any longer. I felt like I was about to burst. In a barely audible voice, I said, “Can I touch it?”

He looked down at me, his chest rising and falling in deep breaths. I felt like I was about to pass out. The throbbing erection was close, so close to my face. The air between us burned.

David opened his mouth. Paused. Then said a single word.


In a sort of trance, I raised my hand. Held my palm close to the shaft, feeling the intense heat of it. I looked up at David for reassurance.

Apprehension in his eyes. But something else. Something animal. Something hungry. He gave a tiny nod.

My hand closed at last around his cock. It warm, pulsating, so thick I could barely wrap my fingers around it. Rock solid and heavy. It was like a baseball bat.

I moved my hand down, pulling the skin. The foreskin began unfurling. Slowly, his enormous pink mushroom appeared, a clear pearl already oozing from it. As the head became fully exposed, the pearl became a long thread, hanging on till it reached his knees. It fell to the floor with an audible pat.

David groaned. I tightened my grip and slowly stroked up and down, up and down, up and down. “Is this alright?” I asked.

“Y-yeah,” David grunted.

I increased the pace. In the back of my mind, the horny part was screaming I’m wanking David off and the rational part was passed out on the floor. I wasn’t going to question what was happening. I was just going to enjoy it.

“Your cock is so fucking big,” I said.

David grinned down at me. “Like it?”

“Fuck yeah,” I said. I slowed my jerking, making long, deliberate pulls. More precum oozed out of the tip. Instead of letting it fall, I used my thumb to massage it into the cockhead, spreading the clear fluid around it.

“Oh, fuck,” said David.

Another drop. With my free hand, I scooped it up and brought it to my mouth. Made eye contact with him. Licked his juice up. Slowly, deliberately, savouring the sweet muskiness of it. I licked my lips clean and smiled up at him.

“Oh, fuck,” said David.

We stared at each other, me still slowly stroking him, him panting and groaning softly. “Your photographer friend,” I said. “Did he wank you off like this?”

David nodded.

My voice hoarse, I asked, “Did he suck you off?”

A hesitation. Then David nodded again.

Another pearl oozed out of his slit. Without breaking eye contact, I brought my mouth right up to his cockhead. My tongue darted out, licking up the clear, sticky juice. For a second, I tasted David – his heat, his musk, his masculinity. My lips brushed against his head, gently kissing it. I pulled away, a long strand of precum still connecting me to him.

“You taste really good,” I said.

David looked as if his legs were going to give way. His jaw was slack, his breathing heavy. He stared down at me. I stared up at him. I leaned forward. My mouth an inch from his cock.

His hand on my head. Holding me still. Not pushing, not pulling. Just holding. Hesitation in his eyes.

“I won’t tell anyone,” I said. “I promise. This is between you and me.”

I smiled up at him. His face broadened into his usual cheeky grin and he released my head. I leaned forward, opened my mouth as far as it would go, and – keeping my eyes fixed on his – closed it around his cock.

Heaven. As my lips wrapped around him, my throat made a guttural sound. The head was warm and smooth, filling my mouth with his delicious taste. It was the taste of a man – no, it was the taste of David. Everything about him – his maleness, his sexiness, his charm, his essence, was in my mouth right now. It was incredible.

My tongue ran around the underside of his swollen helmet, stimulating the sweet spot, trying to taste every millimetre, to coat my tongue with him. David swore somewhere above me, the words coming from far away. Right now, my entire world was his throbbing cock.

Even just getting the whole head in my mouth was a challenge. Swallowing the whole length of him was out of the question but I was determined to go as far as I could. Breathing through my nose, I relaxed my jaw and pushed forwards. An inch of the shaft, hot and tangy, entered my mouth. Then another inch.

The head hit the back of my throat. I paused, my eyes closed, my nostrils filled with his musk. I pushed forward again. The thick cockhead began to enter my throat, stretching it. It was like trying to swallow a tennis ball.

My body convulsed. I pulled off his cock, coughing, saliva dribbling down my chin.

I felt a hand ruffle my hair. “Pretty good for a first go,” David said. “We don’t have to go any further if you don’t want to.”

I looked up at him. “I do want to,” I said. “I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time. Please.”

David laughed. He pushed his hips forward, rubbing his sticky helmet over my lips. “Open up then.”

I let my lips part and took him into my mouth again. Now that I had got past the holy shit I’m sucking him moment, I was able to focus on doing it right. I took my time, concentrating on just the head, running my tongue all around it, coating it with saliva. David groaned his appreciation as I worked on his cock.

I was ready to have another go. Taking a deep breath in through my nose, I inched forward, feeling the smooth warmth of his shaft slide past my lips. I pulled back to just the tip, then back down. With each movement, I took a little more into my mouth.

Soon I felt it hit the back of my throat again. My body convulsed in anticipation, but I fought through it. Up and down. It entered my throat, stretching it. I gagged and pulled back. Deep breath. Back down again. This time, when it slipped down my throat, I didn’t gag. A little further. Back up, back down. Every time I felt like gagging, I paused to rest.

Eventually I reached my limit. I had managed to get about half his length down my throat. Any further would land me in hospital. I settled for what I had achieved and began bobbing up and down on him in a steady rhythm. From the noises David was making, I knew I was doing a good job. He’d teased me for so long in my fantasies. Now it was time to worship this massive straight cock.

One of my hands remained wrapped around his thickness. The other strayed down to his hairy sack and cupped his testicles, feeling the weight of them in my palm. “Fuck yeah,” David groaned. “Play with my balls.”

I squeezed and gently pulled on his scrotum, earning an appreciative moan. I pulled off his cock, leaving it glistening with spit. I ducked under his heavy shaft and leaned in. David gasped as I began licking his balls. They were musky and salty with sweat. The taste sent me into overdrive. I moaned and tongued his balls furiously, occasionally sucking one into my mouth and rolling it around, imagining them churning with cream. I wanted it badly and I wanted it now.

I moved back up and wrapped my lips around his cock again. It was much easier now, and I was quickly back up to a steady rhythm, one hand still playing with his balls, the other wanking his shaft in time with my mouth. David’s moans were getting louder and louder, and I knew my prize was fast approaching.

“Ugh!” David grunted. I felt a warning hand on my head. “You need to— ugh! I’m— I’m getting—”

I ignored his efforts to pull me off. I moaned around his cock and sped up, making loud slurps as I worked him. I added a twisting motion to the hand around his shaft. I felt him throb faster and faster, heard him panting louder. His legs started trembling.

“Seriously, mate,” he gasped. “I’m nearly— ugh! Nearly there!” David was struggling for breath now. His hips began thrusting in and out of my mouth. I moaned loudly, letting him know how much I wanted it.

David looked down at me. I looked back, eyes wide, mouth stretched around his huge cock. Begging with my eyes.

His hands moved to the sides of my head. He held me tight and took control, fucking my mouth with deep thrusts. I was gagging. Drool was flowing down my chin. Tears were forming in my eyes. And I didn’t care.

David’s whole body began shaking. He was staring at me with an intense, animalistic look on his face. “You want it? You want my fucking cum?” he grunted. I moaned in response.

His thrusts became rapid and shallow. He threw his head back and let out a “FUCK!”. His balls tensed in my hand. His cock pulsed violently. A powerful blast of spunk hit the back of my throat, nearly choking me. I pulled back so that the next thick, creamy shot hit my tongue.

Pulse after pulse, more of his delicious seed filled my mouth. I was gulping it down, but it kept coming. Finally, after at least eight or nine spurts, it slowed and stopped. I swallowed the last of his sperm, savouring the saltiness as it slid down my throat.

I released his monster with a pop. David was gasping and shaking. He stared down at me, eyes unfocused. His cock glistened with spit and cum. I leaned forward and licked the head clean, making him flinch.

“Ah!” he laughed. He ruffled my hair. “Good lad,” he said. “That was fucking awesome. Thanks.”

I smiled and wiped my chin. Part of me was in shock at what had happened, but there’d be time to process that later. For now, play it cool. I grinned up at him as if this was no big deal, totally fine, I do this all the time.

In all the excitement, I hadn’t noticed how sore my knees were from the hardwood floor. I stood up, feeling my own neglected erection straining in my jeans, my balls aching for release. I couldn’t help myself. I grabbed the front of my jeans and rubbed, letting out a quiet moan. David, still breathing heavily, didn’t react. He just watched.

Feeling a thrill at David watching me play with myself, I felt the pervert inside me take over again. Keeping my eyes on David for any negative signs, I unzipped. David’s eyes were glued to my crotch as I reached in and pulled out my leaking hardon. I gasped, exposed to the air and to David.

Still no reaction. Had his photographer friend got naked with him? How far had they gone? How far could I go?

A pink haze settled into my brain. I grasped my dick and began stroking gently. I wanted this moment to last, but at the same time I wanted to shoot in front of him before I lost my nerve – or he got weirded out.

Except he wasn’t getting weirded out. He was watching with a faint smile on his face. His cock was now fully soft, hanging between his legs like a fat sausage. The head had disappeared back inside its hood, but one last white droplet was hanging from the tip. I let out a low groan. David’s smile broadened.

It was happening. I could feel the excitement mounting in my balls. David was going to watch me cum. He wanted to watch me cum. He was going to see just how much he turned me on.

And then a wicked, dirty, downright filthy idea popped into my head. David wanted to see how much he turned me on? I could show him. I could show him exactly what kind of person I was.

I let go of my dick. It stood pointing straight at David, twitching in the open air. He continued to look at it for a few moments, then his eyes flicked up to meet mine.

Certain I had his full attention, I turned slowly and deliberately, and walked to the doorway leading to the hall. I glanced back at him, my heart pounding. There was no way I’d get away with this. Yet still he said nothing. He was watching me with curiosity.

I strode along the hall towards the bedroom, head spinning, throbbing hardon leading the way. I wasn’t in control of my actions. Something else had taken over.

Within moments of entering the room, I was stripping. I wanted to be fully exposed for him. By the time David padded, cock swinging, into the room behind me, I was lying naked on the bed. He looked surprised but still said nothing.

I again took my dick in my hand and began stroking. In the intense silence, I felt the orgasm quickly rising again. I could end it here. This would be enough.

No. It’s not enough. Show him what you really are.

His red shorts were beside me on the bed. I grabbed them. Made eye contact with David. Brought them to my face.

And inhaled.

David’s eyes went wide with shock. He stared at me as I began huffing his scent and masturbating madly. The tingle had started in my balls again. I closed my eyes and drew in a long, deep breath, letting the smell of him flood my senses and overwhelm me. I felt my orgasm approaching and knew this time there was no stopping it. I opened my eyes to make sure David was going to watch me cum.

He was still standing in the doorway. And he was wanking.

The dam burst. I howled and my body arched upwards off the bed. A violent pulse ripped through me. An enormous rope of sperm erupted out of me, splattering onto my belly. Then another. Pulse after pulse, jet after jet. My body was shaking, my eyes unfocussed, my breathing ragged.

It seemed to go on forever. Finally, my dick gave one last surge and stopped. I collapsed, coated in my own load, trying to breath. My muscles untensed and I went limp. I stared unseeing at the ceiling, trying to process what had just happened.

Cold reality set in. Oh god, what had I done? David would hate me forever. I was expecting him to attack me at any moment.

And then I remembered what he had been doing when I hit my orgasm. Tentatively, I raised my head to look at him.

He was still standing in the doorway. And he was still jerking off. His cock was back to full hardness, a colossal weapon curving up towards his stomach. He was staring at me intently, his eyes roving over my cum-covered torso, my deflating dick, the shorts still in my hand.

His eyes travelled up to mine. He had an intense look on his face that I couldn’t read. He took his hand off his cock and left it twitching in the air. He seemed to be giving me a chance to admire his whole body. My eyes hungrily scanned every inch; the curly brown hair, the toned chest with its stiff nipples, the flat, hairy stomach, and of course the massive meat standing proudly erect. I licked my lips and groaned involuntarily.

He took a step towards me. Then another. His erection swayed hypnotically. He was moving slowly, almost nervously. I smiled at him. He smiled back and walked right up to the side of the bed. His cock was right above my face, towering over me. He grinned down at me and leaned forward, letting his thickness slide across my lips.

I discarded his shorts and took him in my mouth again. No gentle licks this time. I swallowed it straight down my throat and began working him with vigour. It tasted just as good as before, better even. David was looking down at me, his expression becoming more lustful with every slurp. I knew I could work another load out of him.

But I wanted more. I had come this far, and David was showing no signs of backing down. I raised one hand to cup his balls. The other went down between my legs. David’s eyes widened as I slid my finger between my cheeks and moaned.

I continued sucking him for several minutes, my finger massaged my hole as I did so. My own dick slowly returned to life. And all the while, David just watched. What was going on in his head? Would he go this far with a guy?

Time to find out. I pulled off his cock, leaving it glistening in the air. I laid back on the bed, lifted my legs, and looked at him with a pleading expression.

There was a long, intense pause. Then David muttered, “Fuck it,” and reached for the box of condoms.

My heart leapt into my mouth and my hole quivered. Everything was going pink and fuzzy again. I watched as he tore open the foil packet and rolled the condom down his considerable length. I was amazed it could contain him. He turned and moved towards me.

“Lube!” I squeaked. Then, in a more normal voice, I said, “You’ll need lube. Do you have some?”

He paused, and for one horrible moment I thought I’d have to choose either stopping or taking him dry. But then he opened the bedside drawer and lifted out a small tube. He squirted some of the lube on himself and rubbed it in. Then, after a hesitation, he offered it to me. I quickly applied the cold gel to my hole, feeling myself contract under my finger as I did so.

Only now did I worry about what was about to happen. I had been so caught up in the idea of sex with David that I hadn’t considered the mechanics. It had been ages since I last bottomed. And David presumably had little-to-no experience with anal sex. I clenched in anticipation of being ripped open.

To hell with it, I thought, as David clambered onto the bed between my legs. I’d never forgive myself if I passed up this chance. I’d just endure the pain and see it through. I lifted my legs in the air and pulled them back, letting David see his target. He eyed my hole nervously.

“It’s okay,” I said softly. “I won’t tell anyone. Just take it slow.”

David shuffled forwards, the bed creaking below him. He moved into position, using a hand to guide himself. I felt his enormous, blunt cockhead press against me. I realised I was still tensing and willed myself to relax.

“Ready?” David whispered.

I knew I wasn’t. But I also knew that I wasn’t leaving this room until I’d had David’s cock inside me. I smiled up at him and nodded. The pressure on my hole increased. I closed my eyes and braced.

Pain. Burning, tearing pain. I yelped.

David withdrew, concerned. “Sorry,” he said. “This was a bad idea.”

“No!” I said quickly. “I mean… I want this. It’s just been a while for me. Try again.” I pulled my cheeks apart to give him access.

He nodded and leaned forwards. Again I felt the pressure on my hole. I closed my eyes and tried to untense. The pain returned, fiery but tolerable. I gritted my teeth and breathed in through my nose. The resistance built and built until—

Something gave way. I gasped. He was inside me.

Happiness flooded my brain, overriding the pain radiating from my hole. Sure, it felt like a beer can was being jammed up my arse. But David’s cock was inside me at last. Everything else was irrelevant.

I opened my eyes. David was looking at me intently, presumably watching for signs he should stop. He pushed a little more into me and I winced.

He pulled back, his cockhead falling out of me, leaving my hole grabbing at nothing. “We shouldn’t be doing this,” he said. “It’s hurting you.”

My mind raced. Every second that I was struggling, his feet were getting colder. I had to hold onto this while he was still in the mood.

“Let me get on top,” I said. “Try it that way. It’ll be easier for me.”

He looked uncertain, but laid down on the bed, his cock reaching for the ceiling. I moved so that I was squatting over his thighs. From here, his cock looked like it would reach my stomach. I involuntarily clenched again.

“More lube,” I muttered, reaching for the tube. And then an idea popped into my head. “We could do it without the condom,” I said.

David’s eyes went wide. “You sure?” he said. “Isn’t it…”

“It’s okay,” I said quickly. “I’m clean. And I trust you. It’ll fit inside me easier without the extra layer, and it’ll feel better for you. But only if you want to.”

I waited, heart pounding, for a signal. Seconds passed. Then a small nod.

I hooked my trembling fingers under the condom and slowly peeled it off. It came off with a snap, leaving his bare cock twitching in the air. I squirted a dollop of lube onto it and worked it along his shaft, feeling the heat of it, the thickness of it, the sheer size of it. When it was lubed up, I held it pointing at the ceiling, a tower of meat gleaming in the sunlight.

I manoeuvred into position above it. David put his hands behind his head, showing off those hairy pits, and grinned at me. I grinned back and lowered myself until I felt the cockhead once again touch my tender hole. I took a deep breath and began pushing down.

Fiery pain again, but lesser. I had already been opened, and the knowledge that I was taking him bare was causing my hole to eagerly open to receive him. It stretched open around him, wider, wider. Ignoring the burning, I grunted, screwed my eyes shut, and pushed again. A little more entered me. If I could just make it past the wide mushroom head…

David’s hand on my leg, rubbing me gently. “You can do it, lad,” he said in a soft voice.

My body relaxed. With a pop, the head was fully inside me. And now it was easy. Inch by throbbing inch he entered me, sliding smoothly. The pain was fading. I didn’t need to push any more. My hole opened up to his cock, welcoming it. David was still holding my leg, smiling.

And then I felt his pubes tickling my balls. My cheeks touched his thighs and I knew he was inside me. David’s big, glorious bare cock was fully inside me. It was like sitting on a baseball bat. I swear it was in my stomach. I held still, adjusting to this pulsing invader, my eyes closed, in a state of bliss. I could feel the heat of him filling me, our bodies fused together at last.

“Holy shit,” David breathed. “Holy fucking shit.”

My eyes snapped open. David was looking up at me, his face twisted in pleasure. I would have happily stayed where I was all day, but I wanted to please him as well. “Does it feel good?” I murmured.

“Fucking amazing,” he groaned. “So warm and tight.”

I clenched my hole, making him gasp. Running my hands over his taut stomach, I said, “Just lay back and enjoy. Let me make you feel good.” He nodded and closed his eyes.

I ran my fingers through the hair on his chest. So soft, so warm. His nipples were stiff I gently tweaked them, earning a moan from him. I placed my hands on his chest to steady myself and began to rock slowly. His cock slid back and forth inside me, sending waves of pleasure through my body.

A groan escaped me. David’s hands tightened their grip on my legs. He groaned too, deep and primal. I began rocking faster, grinding into him. His hands were pulling me forwards, urging me to speed up. Soon I was bouncing on him, my flesh slapping against his in time to the creaks of the bed.

David was moaning. His eyes had opened but they were unfocussed, his expression lost in ecstasy. He gripped me tightly and started thrusting up into me, each movement in rhythm with mine.

I could feel the animal writhing under his skin. I knew what his body was telling him, the need building inside him.

The need to fuck.

I lifted myself off his cock, letting it fall out with a wet slap. “Don’t stop!” David gasped.

“I’m not,” I said. I turned away from him and got on all fours, pointing my arse at him. I reached back and pulled my cheeks apart. “Fuck me, David. Fuck me hard.”

His eyes lit up. As he scrambled into position and lined his cock up with my hole, I just had time to blurt out, “Slowly!”. Seconds later, I was split wide open as he rammed his entire length into me. I cried out.

“Sorry! Sorry!” said David, though he made no move to pull out.

“It’s okay,” I said through gritted teeth. “It just caught me off guard. Go slow till I get used to it, I’ll tell you when you can speed up.” I buried my face into the bed and centred my attention on the huge cock inside me.

David pulled out slowly, inch by inch, all the way to the head, paused, then slid back in. In and out, in and out, building a steady rhythm. Every thrust went deeper, filling me up more than I thought possible. I gripped the sheets and moaned into them. All pain was gone, leaving only intense pleasure. The constant pressure on my prostate was making my body tremble. I looked back between my legs and saw a steady, sticky stream of precum leaking from my dick.

Every time he withdrew, my hole eagerly clamped down, determined to keep him inside me. “If you keep doing that,” David panted, “I don’t think I can hold back much longer.”

“Then don’t,” I said. “Fucking destroy my arse.”

He paused halfway into me. There was silence for a few moments, and I wondered if my dirty talk had been too much. Then he leaned down, his firm body pressing into my back, his warm breath on my neck. “You asked for it, lad,” he growled into my ear.

He placed his hands on my hips and slowly withdrew his cock, all the way to the head. I held my breath. And then—

Fuck! With one powerful slam, he buried his beast in my bowels. I let out a cry of pleasure. He pulled all the way out again and slammed back into me. Another. And another. With each thrust, his speed increased.

The bed was creaking loudly. David wasn’t holding back. His sexual need was unleashed. Gentleness abandoned. David was a rutting, groaning animal, and I was whimpering as he roughly used my body.

The smell of sex and sweat filled my nostrils. The bedroom was filled with the sound of our bodies smacking together, David grunting, the bed groaning in protest at each slam. And another sound. A high, primal wailing. It took me a moment to place. The noise was coming from my throat.

I raised my head and arched my back. “Fuck me!” I gasped.

“Yeah, you like that big cock,” David growled. “Don’t you?”

“Yes!” I screamed, as my prostate began sending jolts of electricity through my body. My dick was throbbing madly, each thrust sending precum everywhere. “I – ugh! – love your – ugh! – big fucking – ugh! – cock inside me!”

David was pounding into me harder, faster, deeper, each slam sending shockwaves through me. I looked back at his torso glistening with sweat, the muscles flexing with each thrust. His eyes burned with lust and need.

I felt the familiar tingle in my balls. “I’m… close!” I managed between groans.

“Fuck!” he panted. “Me… too!”

Everything was blurry. The entire world was David’s thickness pounding in and out of me, hammering my prostate, driving me closer and closer to the edge. I closed my eyes, riding the rising wave. My balls were boiling, my dick throbbing, my whole body vibrating.

David’s rasping breath on my neck. The heat of his body on my back. His hand over my face.

Something in his hand. Fabric of some kind, over my nose. A familiar, masculine smell. I opened my eyes.


David’s shorts.

I inhaled him and lost control. My hands dug into the bed and I screamed into his shorts. An electric wave tore through my body. With one massive shudder, my dick exploded. Boiling hot sperm sprayed the sheets, jet after jet. I was bucking madly, everything in overdrive. My hole spasmed and clamped down hard on David’s cock.

David roared. With one last, almighty thrust, he buried himself deep inside me. The gigantic, red-hot rod pulsed and I felt searing semen flood my bowels. Throbbing over and over, each one filling me more and more with his load, the spreading warmth of it adding to the tidal wave of my own orgasm.

It went on forever, our bodies locked together, orgasming as one. Finally, it ended. My dick gave one last twitch. My body went limp. I collapsed onto the bed and David fell with me. His hot sweatiness enveloped me, his cock still inside, his ragged gasps in my ear.

Neither of us moved for several moments.

We seemed to stay locked together like that forever. Finally, I came back to earth. The intensity faded, replaced with a gentle warmth. To my surprise, David’s arms wrapped round my chest, hugging me.

“That was fucking awesome,” he murmured. His lips brushed the back of my neck, just for a second. My skin tingled.

Then he was lifting himself up and off me. His softening cock slipped out of me, leaving a sudden emptiness. I remained facedown, a quivering mess.

David sat back on the bed, breathing heavily, drenched in sweat. His hair was plastered to his head. His beast hung between his legs, glistening. It was hard to believe I’d just had that inside me.

“Whew!” said David. “What a workout!” He raised an arm to sniff his pit. “Damn, I should probably hop back in the shower. You need one?”

“I’m good,” I said weakly. Even if I had wanted to, my muscles had gone to jelly. “I think I spunked on your sheets, though. Sorry.”

David laughed. “Dirty lad,” he said. He leaned forward and patted my arse. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll chuck them in the wash later.”

He stood up, cock swaying and dripping. “Won’t be long.” And then he was out of the room and down the hall. I heard the click of the shower. He had left the door open this time. An invitation? Or did it just not matter, given what we had just done?

I buried my face in the sheets. What had we done? David – straight David, David from uni, David that I hadn’t seen for years – had just fucked me. Hell, he had just cum in me. I could still feel it warming my insides.

And then he had hugged me and kissed the back of my neck. I wanted to believe that meant something, but deep down I knew that most likely he was just doing what he always does after sex. I was just another fuck. Not that I minded, it would be insane to think it was anything more. And he was weirdly okay with everything that had happened. Why wasn’t I?

I was overthinking it. We’d had fun sex and now we were going for lunch. Just mates hanging out. I mentally shook myself and managed to will some life back into my muscles. I knew that tomorrow, my body would ache and I’d struggle to sit down. I dared not look at the gaping mess I assumed my hole to be.

By degrees, I got myself upright. Immediately I felt warm liquid trickle down my thigh. David’s load was leaking out of me, shit! I had to contain it. In a daze, I stumbled towards my briefs. I heard the shower click off just as I grabbed them. I quickly pulled them on and sat on the bed.

A minute later, David returned, once again wearing only a towel. He plopped down beside me, the overworked bedsprings creaking in protest.

“Leaving so soon?” he said, nodding at my briefs.

My face reddened. “Your load was leaking out,” I said. “I kinda want to keep it in for a bit.”

David’s eyes went wide. Then he grinned. “I was right, you are a dirty lad. So when we’re having lunch, you’ll have my spunk dripping out of you?”

I nodded. “If you still want to go for lunch.”

“Why wouldn’t we?”

I shrugged. David looked puzzled. Then his face cleared. “Ohhhh,” he said. “I get it.” He put an arm around my shoulder. “I’m not gay,” he said. “You know that. This was just a bit of fun.”

“I know,” I said. “I just… I don’t want things to be weird between us.”

“It’s only weird if you make it weird,” said David, patting me on the back. “Come on, let’s get dressed and head out.”

We dressed quickly. David put on a surprisingly nice navy shirt, unbuttoned to show his chest hair. He looked so fucking sexy. As we prepared to leave the bedroom, I couldn’t help myself. “Can we do this again?” I blurted out.

David looked at me reflectively. “I don’t make a habit of fucking guys,” he said, “but you’re pretty awesome in bed. Tell you what, why don’t you come round next Saturday, earlier on? I can fuck a load into you and then go for my run.”

He was so casual about the whole thing, but I wasn’t going to complain. I’d stay on this ride however long it lasted. “Sure,” I said, trying to sound equally cool. “Next Saturday, then.” I turned to exit the room.

“Oh, one other thing,” said David. I turned back. “Here,” he said. He tossed me his red shorts. “You enjoyed these so much, I reckon you can keep them. I have a few other pairs.”

I stared at the shorts. “R-really?” I said. “You don’t mind?”

“Go crazy,” David said with a wink.

We left the bedroom together. I had no idea where this was going. A one-off fuck? Friends with benefits? Something else? But right then, I didn’t care. I had a massive grin on my face, David’s shorts in my hand, and his spunk dripping down my leg.

What more could I ask for?


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