Demonic Dice Transformations


A gay story: Demonic Dice Transformations Story description: Four men, not exactly friends, visit a demon and get transformed.

What to expect: urban-fantasy-type magic and transformations and some of the aftermath of dealing with demons that do not give people exactly what they want.

Muscle, height, cock transformation, pussy, dub-con, magic, demons, harsh language, big dick, straight to gay, sex slave, nullo, centaur,

This is kinda weird shit!



Four men donned robes and masks as they entered the Warlock’s Mansion on a clouded, full-moon night. They had no flashlights or phone lights and the house had no lights at all. The mansion itself was derelict. Broken here and there. One of the men noticed a hole in the floorboards and pointed it out to the others on the way in.

“Dammit I would have stepped in that,” said the second in line, his voice kinda squeaky.

“Shut up, Pete,” said the third man in line, the tallest one of the bunch.

“No names!” said the fourth one, the fat one, trying and failing to be quiet.

The guy in front shushed them all. He was the only truly authoritative one in the bunch, and two of the guys listened to him.

The third one said, “Fuck all of you, fags, we should be able to use our phone lights.”

“No lights,” said the first one.

The third one grumbled and they stumbled on a raised floorboard. He caught himself but a litany of curses escaped him.

That’s what truly woke up the demon of the house.

Malsabolg watched them, smirking in the shadows. They would be fun to play with, tonight. His cock was already achingly hard as he held to the ceiling, as the college men walked under him. He jacked his cock a little and came, sprinkling them all with little drips of cum that none of them noticed at all, though they did notice his wailing moan.

All of them shuddered.

The second guy, Pete, squeaked, “I didn’t like the sound of that.”

“That means this is happening, if we do it right,” said the guy in the lead, walking faster.

Malsabolg liked the one in the front. He hoped the guy got what he wanted, though no one ever truly did.

The boys made slow time, avoiding the problems in the house that would have made them turn on their phone lights and solve, lest one of them die due to injury and blood loss, or whatever. Holes in the floor, missing staircase steps. A low beam that might have cracked open a skull. Little things. Just tests, to make sure they were paying attention and that they were truly frightened. Frightened souls were easier to mold, after all.

They were all fucking terrified already.

This was great!

Malsabolg floated through the shadows, the dark, looking at his new prey.

Running a hand along the shapes of their souls, Malsabolg found ingress with the second one, with Pete, the most. One of them had foolishly said the boy’s name, after all.

Pete was terrified of many things; of girls, of boys, of men, of women, of himself. Oh! How he hated himself. He wanted to be someone else. Well, that was good. That’s what Malsabolg did, after all. Pete was very much omnisexual, too, though he was scared of that fact, and so he had let that part of himself languish, not giving into any fantasies real or even imagined.

From there, Malsabolg moved to the leader, the first in line, using what he knew about Pete to find out about…


That is what his soul told Malsabolg. The first boy was Leon.

Leon was a man with several physical conditions. Skin, hair, eye, bone. He was the ringleader. He wanted this more than anyone else. He’d probably die at age 30 due to those various conditions, and he saw the writing on the wall, so he wanted to change it. He was who Malsabolg had to thank for getting the others involved.

If only 1 person came to the house on a moonlit night, then they got well and truly fucked.

But 4 at once was the proper number, to spread out all the transformation magics that Malsabolg liked to inflict upon the petitioners. 4 people allowed Malsabolg to do much bigger magic, too, which was always fun.

Malsabolg was looking forward to having fun with them all, especially the third one, the tall one, who was named…


James was the utter asshole. The one ringed into this because he sought power and prestige and demons could give that to a guy, but James didn’t want to come alone, either. He knew he’d end up poorly

He was rich and tall, and in any normal world that would have done everything for him that he needed done, but he was…


Everyone in the group hated him, and he hated them, too.

He wasn’t a friend at all.


That was delicious!

James had blackmailed his way into this group by threatening to–

James spat at the entire group, “This is just some fucking joke, isn’t it. I got those fucking pictures on a timer. If I don’t stop the timer then everyone will know you’re all a bunch of fags.”

The group paused, each of them in their own way. The first guy tsk’d. The second one’s cock stood hard and desirous, but its owner was scared. The fourth one was just fed up.

James smacked into Pete because they had all stopped. He slapped the back of Pete’s head, saying, “Don’t shove your ass at me!”

Pete defended himself, “I didn’t!”

James snorted, “You want my cock that bad eh, faggot?”

Pete stepped forward, squeaking, “N… no!”

Oh. My. Gods.

The degradation! The shaming! The pure lust in Pete’s eyes, and the hate in James’, though neither of them could see it!

Malsabolg almost came again, right then and there.

In fact!

He did so, spurting down the back of James’s robe.

The fourth guy in line, the near-morbidly-obese one, noticed the fresh slick of liquid dropping down James’s robes.

The fourth guy glanced upward to look at the ceiling, but he said nothing about that.

Instead, he tried to play peacekeeper, “It’s real, number 3. The documentation on the internet–”

“Probably just AI fakes, Derick,” James said.


That’s the fat one’s name! Good names, all around.

Malsabolg had them now.

Derick hissed/whispered, “No names!”

“This is fucking crazy I shouldn’t have come here,” James said, finally fed up with everything. He turned and shoved past Derick, saying, “This is stupid.”

“Don’t break…!” Leon sighed, finishing his warning, “… the line.”

At that same time, Derick spat, “Fuck! You broke the line!”

Pete just watched.

James gave them all a double middle finger and walked into the dark, saying, “Expect to get named and shamed tomorrow!”

But James wasn’t getting far in the dark hallway, and especially not now. Not that Malsabolg had them. The hallway only looked like a hallway. It was not a hallway at all. It was whatever Malsabolg wanted it to be, and right now, it pleased Malsabolg to remove the archway that the boys had walked through back there.

James bumped into a solid wall where there used to be a passage.

James was stupid, he moved to the right, thinking he had accidentally hit the wall instead of the archway.

This time he hit the wall, and he knew something was wrong.

His heart beat hard. His hands frantically searched for the way past the wall, but he only found more wall. He was at the end of a hallway without a door. He searched the edges.

Malsabolg put some spiderwebs in the edges–

James gasped and pulled his hands back.

None of the other boys noticed at all, they were more than 10 meters ahead, and the world was quiet. They thought James had already gotten away.

Leon sighed. “Should we abandon this quest?”

Derrick sighed. “We should just leave.”

Pete whimpered, “But James is going to fuck us over!”

Derrick said, “It’s AI deepfakes. If he does it, we can just report it as harassing to the police.”

Pete rightfully complained, “But then it’ll just get worse! I can’t fight a legal battle!”

“None of that matters if we can get clean ritual off.” Leon said, “I think this ritual is ruined, though. We have to try again next month with someone else as our fourth.”


Malsabolg declared,

“I think not.”

Everything changed.

– –

The darkness vanished, the hallway disappearing right alongside it. Lights lit upon sconces in the wall of a large, square room, 20 meters by 20 meters by 500 high. It was a big room. Bigger than what was actually here. The ceiling was lost to chandeliers and light. Chairs of both the normal and fucking variety held to the sides, all of them immaculate and clean.

And the walls were filled with paintings.

Men fucking men. Women fucking women. Men fucking women. Women with giant cocks fucking men with pussies. Centaurs fucking men from both ends, drowning those men in cum. Men with two dicks, men with four arms. Men who were nothing but dicks. It was all transformation art, curated by Malsabolg over the many years of his life, and changed to suit his own personal tastes.

No shit or piss or other nasty things, thank you. Lots of cum, though. Cum was fair game.

Every possible human configuration of body and sex and otherwise was present, and all of it exceedingly beautiful. Perfect in its variety. They were all options, and tonight, every single man who had walked into this house would become like one of the pictures on the wall, they would walk out of here like that, and they would show the world what Malsabolg could do.

All of them would get a little ‘don’t notice me’ cursed blessing, as well, that would allow receptive people in the world to see the transformed for what they were. If they were interested, they might be led to websites of the transformed, and learn of the rituals of the Warlock’s Mansion, and how to approach and become one of the transformed.

And such transformations!

None of that weird shit, like some demons liked to peddle. No no no.

Only the good stuff! Malsabolg preferred his prey to like being preyed upon, and the people in his house tonight were no longer prey. They would become bait.

Malsabolg was hard again.

No no. Later.

Let’s watch the boys become men… or perhaps women?

Up to them!

The boys looked at the walls, terrified and turned on, but then mostly terrified.

James recovered first. He instantly exclaimed, “FUCK YES!”

… Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all.

James pointed at a painting of a tall black guy with pronounced musculature and a very large male appendage, saying, “That one for me!”

Pete slapped his hands to the sides of his head in worry and rage, saying, “That’s the OPPOSITE of how this works YOU FUCKING IDIOT!”

James had the decency to feel ashamed and suddenly very worried, and then he got angry, because Pete was very correct; that was not how this worked at all. But it also didn’t work how James suddenly feared it might. Anger rapidly overtook James, though.

Pete recognized James’ anger, and he turned scared.

James stalked over to Pete, saying, “You shut your faggot–”

Leon said, “Please. Concentrate on the ritual now. I’m the first in line, and I think you might actually be last now, since you moved behind our fourth.”

James scowled underneath his mask, saying, “I’m still third!”


Malsabolg’s word echoed, and the boys stood at attention.

In a red light, among the floating chandeliers on the ceiling, Malsabolg descended to the center of the room. He slunk through shadows. He danced into the light.

He was either 4 meters tall or 20, depending on what he wanted to be, and right now he contented himself with being 5 meters tall, and to sit crosslegged in the middle of the room, floating.

Perfectly muscled, red of skin, and the best-looking man around.

He could have appeared as a woman too, if he wanted. But he didn’t want that right now. He floated above the floor and the wooden floor turned to solid stone in a five-meter diameter.

Brilliant gold lines blossomed across the white stone, bathing the room in near-sunlight, as a magic circle appeared like ten thousand stars engraved upon the white.

Malsabolg flopped his 4-meter-long dick and meter-wide balls onto the stone. His cockhead dripped golden power, and he floated above it, crosslegged and content.

The boys stared at him, agog.

Malsabolg smirked. “Hello, boys. You’ve broken so many rules tonight, and therefore I have more control over all of this outcome. For starters, let us remove these masks and cloaks and even the clothes!” One after one, Malsabolg pointed at the boys, in order, and named them, “Leon! Pete! Derrick, James!”

Each boy’s coverings vanished into nothing, but really just into neat piles to the side. They could have them when they were done.

Leon took to nudity well. He stood strong, even if his pale skin was a patchwork of broken and never-healing skin. That was a pretty severe case of psoriasis. Probably had more going on, too. Bone stuff, for sure. Cancer? Maybe.

Pete squeaked as his body was revealed, to show off a skinny nerd that might weigh a hundred pounds when soaking wet. Malsabolg thought his squeaking rather cute.

Derrick was brown of skin and an ugly sort of portly, and with bad teeth, too. Big dick, or at least it might have been if he dropped 150 pounds. He’d be right as rain after tonight, though.

James had great dark skin, a tall body, even some muscle, and just the absolute cutest tiniest dick that Malsabolg had seen in a while. Itty bitty balls, too! Great ass, too. Shame he was straight. That wouldn’t last long tonight. He tried to hide his manhood. He needn’t have bothered; it was hardly visible beneath his pubes anyway.

Malsabolg floated, smiling as he sat cross-legged, his giant manhood weighing down, along with his big balls. Pete and James looked on with envy and worry. Leon and Derrick looked at Malsabolg himself. That told him a lot about how to make the night go well for everyone, but the choices for tonight weren’t totally under his control. It worked better that way.

After all, you can’t blame the casino if you gamble away your own money.

Malsabolg said, “The normal rules are simple. We’ll stick to them until I wish to be fun.

“Every applicant, in order of arrival, picks out a category or broadness of person that they do not wish applied to them. That they do NOT want. The options are as wide as the art on the walls. There are 9,999 paintings right now, but as you remove options, the ones you remove will get replaced.

“After the chosen categories are removed from the walls, you roll dice to get a form from what remains.

“After you get your form, you are allowed to swap with another person in the group. You can swap around until you’re happy. None of you will truly be happy with your bodies unless you clear away every possibility of what you don’t want, and I doubt that is possible.

“Mind you, the categories are truly numerous.

“Also mind you! Whatever is left, whatever general categories exist, will be the kinds of people who you are still attracted to after tonight. So, for example, if someone were to say ‘remove all the women from the walls’, you would not find women attractive anymore. You might think you do, but your body will not respond to them.

“If you want to ever love women like most of you do right now, then you must leave women on the walls.

“Don’t get too specific. You won’t like it when you get too specific.

“Those are the rules!

“Also, everybody gets basic tier sex magic applied to them. Assholes are always ready for fucking, bodies are always clean and healthy enough for fucking, etc. Basic stuff.” He looked around the room to make sure everyone understood, and they all did. They had been nervous, but now they were full of plotting. Malsabolg nodded at them. “Good. You understand.

“Understand this as well: I might offer changes and bargains whenever I wish.

“Here is the order:

“Leon. Pete. Derrick. James.”

There was a small panic as everyone looked at James.

James looked a little bit panicked, too. He was supposed to be third.

Malsabolg smirked. “You got out of line, James. Hope you remember what Derrick was going to say. These rules are all very clear and everyone who leaves knows the rules! And everyone always leaves here, in some form or another. Most people come with plans. I hope you planned this night out very well! Or if you didn’t, then that kinda sucks for you.” He looked to Leon. “Leon! Your choice!”

James looked ready to argue, but he knew better than that.

Leon said, “Please remove from the choice, every person with more or less than the normal number of human limbs, which is 2 arms and 2 legs and 1 head.”

Over half the art on the walls vanished, replaced by more art that was in line with the new parameters. It was sort of like Tetris line-clearing; more art flowed out of the darkness high above to slip down the walls of the room, to hold steady in new configurations on the wall.

Everyone in the group gave a sigh of relief.

James had the idiocy to mutter, “It really does work like they said.”

The other guys glared at James.

Pete looked almost apoplectic, but he kept his mouth shut.

Malsabolg sighed at James, saying, “Yes yes. I am an honorable demon. The rules have never changed between parties, though I do sometimes give extra choices to the people in the groups, if they please me.” He turned toward Leon. “Do you want an extra choice, Leon?”

Leon instantly said, “I would like an extra choice!”

Malsabolg smiled. “Good, good! Love that decisiveness. I’m going to put back an option that you erased, and it becomes uneraseable. My option is centaurs. Do you still want to have the extra choice?”

“I would request that centaurs become erasable after my extra choice.”

Malsabolg hummed. “I’ll allow it.”

Leon bowed. He rose, and said, “I agree to this gift of an extra choice.”

Malsabolg flicked his hand out and some of the portraits changed to centaurs frolicking and fucking or being fucked in turn. “Your extra choice, Leon.”

“Please remove from choice all mythical or magical beasts or creatures.”

Malsabolg grinned as the portraits changed. “Gone, gone gone, are the mermaids and the dragon-touched and the harpies and werewolves, but the centaur remains.”

Leon bowed. “I have done what I could.”

“And you have done it well. Pete! Your choice!”

Pete stood weakly, but James, Derrick, and Leon stood a little bit worried. James looked kinda mad. When Pete spoke, Malsabolg realized why James was mad, considering the guy was saying ‘faggot’ like it was a bad thing.

Pete squeaked, “Please remove from choice all women– No wait! All those with pussies!”

Malsabolg arched an eyebrow. “Normally, I’d be a dick about this… And I think I will! Welcome to faggotry, gay boys!”

All the women-shaped people left the walls, boobs replaced with pecs, pussies mostly replaced with cocks. Some men had pussies, after all, and now about 10% of the men on the walls had pussies between their thick, muscular thighs. Nice thigh gaps, too, Malsabolg noted. All the better to see those pussies with.

Pete was already saying, “Fuck fuck fuck I fucked it up. I was supposed to do the mythological… Shit.”

Leon said, “Don’t worry about it, Pete. I should have…” He shook his head. “No use worrying now.” He looked at the walls. He smiled. “This is great, too.”

Malsabolg nodded at that. Leon was putting on a bit of a show, a bit of a face, but it was a fine show.

James was furious, but he said nothing.

Derrick stepped forward, asking, “My turn, sir?”

Malsabolg nodded at the fat boy. “Your turn, Derrick.”

Derrick took a breath. He said, “Please remove any genital options that are not a goodly sized penis and balls, in the right shape, in the right area, as a normal human man’s manhood.”

Malsabolg grinned, asking, “Things get weird when you go that specific. You sure you want that one?”

Derrick faltered. He looked to Leon.

Leon carefully did not move at all.

And then Derrick realized that he shouldn’t have looked at anyone at all.


A shame.

They were mostly allowed to talk to each other during this whole thing, as long as Malsabolg didn’t find it irritable.

Derrick said, “Please remove from choice all–” He glanced at the walls. His eyes went wide as he saw the centaurs. One, in particular, was sized as large as a skyscraper and fucking four buildings in a row with his giant horsecock. “–all variations that would make living as a normal human more than slightly difficult.”

The portraits changed, and gone was the building-fucking centaur and the bulding-fucking humans, too. All centaurs vanished, too. Just boring humans up there, really.

A shame.

Malsabolg wondered what James would–

James spat, “Remove from the choice all femboys.”

Malsabolg did so, happily announcing, “And that’s all the choices tonight!”

The group tensed–

“However!” Malsabolg added with a grin. “James!” Malsabolg smirked. “Want an extra option?”

James stood tall and looked happy for a brief moment. “Yeah I do!”

“When the options are done, I’m going to pick a painting for you. You will not roll the dice. This is what I require from you to give you another option. Do you accept?”

James rapidly said, “I request that…” He had the first part down, but he had to think to actually say what he wanted. “I request that you pick a black guy option.”

“Accepted! Do you accept my terms?”

“I do.”

“Then make your extra removal option.”

James thought for another few moments, then said, “Please remove from choice all…”

He looked at the walls. He saw the clits. He also saw the absolutely giant dicks. He mostly saw the guys with almost non-existent manhoods, just like his own. Truthfully, though, they had named their removals well, and there wasn’t any painting out there that any of them would truly find discomfort in becoming. There would be adjustments, of course, for living with a 2-foot cock would always be difficult for mortals, but those options were rather rare.

He said, “All people that are non-viable for the continuance of humanity.”

“Well chosen!” Malsabolg said, as maybe 5% of the options on the walls flipped over, revealing different paintings and art. “I do like it when the transformed can make kids. This is all about sex magic, after all, and families come from sex. You’ll all make very good parents someday– Well. Provided you can manage it since you’re all gay after tonight. Maybe some of you will get pussies and it’ll be easy for you.”

And just like that, the choices were over.

The guys were getting scared again, now that the choice was finally here.

“What remains on the walls becomes what you are sexually attracted to, which means men.

“As for what you will become! This is what you removed from choice,

“No multilimb.

“No mythics.

“No women.

“No variations that makes living as a human difficult.

“No femboys.

“No endlings.

“Six choices from four boys! My first agreement to impose centaurs was mostly removed, but I do see some small-framed horsemen out there. Maybe one of you will get one. Probably not. I do know that one person will be getting one thing, though! James! I will be making my choice for you after everyone else has rolled the dice.”

James gulped.

Malsabolg smiled and twisted both hands to the sides of his body, conjuring four 10-sided dice in front of him. They were solid gold with bright red numbers, from 0 to 9.

“There are 9,999 paintings on these walls! Roll the dice in order!

“You get what you get, and then you can trade with your fellows.

“No violence in trades! Only words. You can promise things to happen outside of this space, but I have no guarantee of those interactions. When you are done picking, then the choosing is over and I impose your forms upon you.

“These forms will rewrite your reality. Your previous life will not have changed, but everyone will remember you as always looking and being as your new form. Perhaps once where you have had a girlfriend, you will have instead had a boyfriend plowing your asshole or your pussy on the nightly, or… Looks like none of you really got laid, so that might not be a concern.

“Locker room embarrassment?

“Ah! Yes. That one hits harder, and especially for you, James, with your tinky winky! Delightful. Well. People will have made fun of you, but they will wonder why they did. Or maybe you end up with a tiny dick all over again! All of these new forms are quite pleasing!


Malsabolg floated the dice in front of him, to line up for the boys. Leon the leader, Paul the pansy, Derrick the dudly, and James the jackass. They were all sort of scared, but they were also so hopeful. Malsabolg had hope for them, too.

Leon stepped forward, nude and body covered in patchy, red and white skin problems, half of his hair falling out here and there. But his gaze was strong. The red light of the dice cast him in a roseate glow.

Leon touched the first dice confidently.

Like a casino slot machine, the dice rolled and tumbled in the air, each of them bouncing on an unseen surface, in an unseen box, and then they started to come to rest.

3 0 6 6

Leon whipped his head around to find where that might be on the walls. They all did. They had no idea where 1 began and 9999 ended, though.

So Malsabolg smiled and pointed to the appropriate portrait. It ripped off the wall and spun through the air like a disk to land in the demon’s red-fingered grip. Only he could see the painting right now, and all the boys were terrified. He looked at the painting and smiled, drawing out the moment delightfully.

Leon stood mostly strong, though.

Malsabolg looked at the boy, liked the boy, and then he looked at the picture and wondered if he should change anything to make it better.

Malsabolg thought out loud, “There are no age-related problems in any of my paintings, for everyone on the walls was between 18 and 35, but I do know that sometimes people don’t like losing years of their life. I’m surprised none of you went for that negation.”

Leon was only 19, but he was suddenly, solidly terrified of losing years of his life.

Everyone was.

He needn’t worry. The man in the painting was a brown-skinned man, maybe Polynesian, 19 years old, and perfectly normal in every way, though he was very handsome. Kinda boring. Malsabolg wanted to make him better.

Malsabolg showed Leon the painting.

Leon gasped.

Malsabolg said, “This could be you. Or I could make it better, though you will not know the change I make until after I make it, and there are no takebacks. You can still trade with others after I make the changes. Do you want an improvement?”

Leon looked as though he might break down and thank Malsabolg for his gift of a new body, but he was smart and courageous, and he did the right thing. “I respectfully request that you do what you think is best for me.”

Malsabolg smiled brightly. “Good show.” He buffed up the portrait with another 100 pounds of muscle, 3 inches more dick, bigger balls, and another foot of height… And another inch of dick. Yes. Darker skin, too. Browner. Nice! That was skin as good as a demon’s now; fast and perfect healing. Some appropriate tattoos. Malsabolg granted the portrait one of the best asses around. Perfect for taking cocks of all sizes. A donut for a hole. Truly great fucking. Leon would probably be a total top in his love life, but he might invest in a good dildo or butt plug. “Here you go!”

Leon took the painting like he was accepting a gift from his new god.

Malsabolg loved that look.

Leon had to rest the painting on the floor, though, for it was quite large compared to him.

Malsabolg said, “Next! Pete! You’re next.”

The guys were staring at Leon’s choice with open envy, and a bit of trepidation…

Hmm. Trepidation?

Malsabolg asked them, “What’s wrong with Leon’s design?”

Silence. More worry. Leon glared at the others–

Derrick rapidly spoke as though from a script, “It’s so perfect, I worry that mine will not sway him to trade. Or maybe that I will be the one pursued for trade, and be unable to help my friends.”

Ah. Yes.

The group looked a little relieved.

Malsabolg had heard those specific words a few times now, from different people. He had let them go a few times as ‘good words to say’, but that had happened maybe 5 times now, and it was time for the next group to get some new material.

Malsabolg said, “I know there’s an organization of people who collect and tell everyone about the proper words to say in here, but that particular saying is something I’ve heard 5 times at least… Unless it’s been a lot more? Correct me if I am wrong.”

The boys were unsure what to say–

Leon said, “28 times, that saying has been used without negative comment. If you would allow the breach of decorum, I will ensure it is not used again.”

“Ah? 28 times? That’s all? Ehhh… It’s fine. I don’t have that thin of skin, you know. No one who regularly deals with mortals has a thin skin, and if they do then they end up killing their mortals all the time, and then where would we be? Anarchy! Who wants that? Not me.” Malsabolg said, “Just try to be polite to me. You can do whatever you want to each other, as long as it doesn’t piss me off.”

That seemed to set them onto further edge, but Malsabolg was fine with that.

He pointed to the dice, then to Pete, and then he made a shooing motion.

Pete steeled himself, drawing up to his full 5-foot-nothing height, all skinny and pale, and then he touched the first dice.

8 3 5 0

Malsabolg grabbed a painting off the wall, hiding it for a moment, looking at it while the boys were all sorts of terrified.

It was a pretty good body. A lithe man of pale skin and good muscles, with an average-sized manhood and a truly nice ass. The painting was of him on a street, getting railed. So a total bottom. Also an exhibitionist? No. That wasn’t it. A lot was happening here.

The man had an unequal sign tattooed on his shoulders. So a free-use faggot. He’d be nude his whole life and fucked by everyone, forever more.

And there were some small sparks around his fingers, so the man had some magic to him. Some small powers. Yes. Malsabolg saw the nature of the painting now.

A warlock.

Malsabolg said, “This is a special painting. You will have magic if you take this option. There is a curse associated with this power. Every person who sees you will understand you are a free-use faggot. If a man is horny, they will try to fuck you. No one will find it odd that you are getting fucked in public, on the bus, on the street, in the classroom. If you wear bottom coverings, they will be ripped from you. You can let that happen, or you can put up a feeble resistance and push them away. However, if you go too long without getting fucked, then your warlock magic will fail.

“The more you are fucked, the more magic you have.

“You can summon demons to fuck you, to fill you full of their seed so you can do even greater magics.

“Demons will never harm you, either.

“I have an offer for you, though.” Malsabolg showed Pete the painting. Pete’s eyes went wide, dilating. He loved it already. But Malsabolg wasn’t done. “I have an offer. My offer is this: I want to give you a pussy instead of the manhood. I will empower your body to be larger and stronger. Like Leon’s over there. All receptive sex will be fantastic for you. This is all so that you might have children with demons someday. You will still be a man. But you will be a mother, too, eventually. I will also gift you full control over your pregnancies.

“I will be removing the free-use faggot option if you take this adjustment. You can still be nude all the time if you want, but it will be on your prerogative. You’ll have to play around with that and figure out how it works yourself.

“This is not an offer lightly given.

“Do you accept, or deny?

“There is no right choice. Only the choice you make yourself.”

Pete had absolutely no problem saying, “I fully accept your adjustment.”

Malsabolg smiled, his cock hardening a little as he sat cross-legged in the air. The weight of it doubled as it lengthened to drag across the floor. Pete gulped as he saw that cock. He’d be seeing a lot like it if he kept this painting for himself. Malsabolg let his manhood simply remain like that so that Pete could see it more, as he handed the boy his new life.

The painting became that of a 7-foot-tall mountain of a man, with the muscles of a professional bodybuilder turned up to 11, the pussy and ass of a pornstar, and absolutely no body hair at all to could hide his perfectly pale, unblemished skin. The unequal sign was gone. What remained was a blonde with blue eyes, a strong jaw, and a perfect mouth; Pete’s option was fantastic. Pete seemed to especially love how he was getting fucked in both normal hole and bonus hole, by two different demons.

Pete’s cock was rock hard.

James glared at Pete with hate in his eyes.

Malsabolg smiled at all of that, and then he turned to Derrick. “Your turn to spin the dice.”

Derrick was emboldened by how much Leon and Pete loved their options, so he waddled up to the dice with confidence. He touched them off, and they went spinning.

4 7 1 8

Malsabolg grabbed the painting off of the wall. It was a pretty normal man lying on his back on a bed, smiling softly at the camera. Strong body, incredibly handsome. Plain as fuck. Malsabolg made a rapid judgment.

“This one is boring. Boring is usually good for people, but not good for me. I need those who are capable of seeing past the Veil to see you and know that you are touched by magic, so that my invitation to visit this Warlock House might spread. Leon’s option has him as inhumanly strong and big, and Pete’s has that, too, but also demons.” Malsabolg showed Derrick the painting, and Derrick looked thrilled, but also worried. Malsabolg asked, “Got an opinion on a change you might want so that others might know that magic exists?”

Derrick’s mind whirred, and then he surprised Malsabolg, “Forgive me if my recollection of events is incorrect, but you recommended centaurs remain a part of the pool before. Is this because you like centaurs?”

Malsabolg smiled. “I do like centaurs. I can fuck them with a 4-foot cock now and then. Not my true size, but still a good one.” He leaned down, like a god leaning down to speak closer to a human, “But ‘forgive me’ if I am wrong. You wanted no options that would make life hard to live as a human.”

Derrick lowered his eyes in a passing acknowledgment of Malsabolg’s correctness. “It is so.” And then he looked up, and said, “If you could give me your rendition of the best form of centaur, that meets my desires, then I would happily accept that form.”

Malsabolg grinned. “A good choice of words.” And then he flipped the painting, revealing a changed option. He handed it to Derrick. “Here you go.”

Derrick took the painting and stared at it for a long moment, worry turning to acceptance, and then happiness.

It was a rather human-sized ‘centaur’, which meant a pony-sized ‘horse’ half. That cock and balls hanging down from that rear end were absolutely stallion-sized, though, and nothing about the body was truly horse-like, except for the general shape. For starters, the hooves were paws, with the back end being foot paws and the front end being hand paws. The front ‘legs’ were more like arms than legs. The tail was fluffy and long. The fur was bright white, though rather short.

It was a leopardtaur, not really a centaur at all.

And the human half was Hollywood-perfect. Even the white hair and body hair were pretty perfect. Young guy, though, at 22. Only 2 years of life lost; not a big deal

Derrick looked like he was about to cry for joy. In fact, he did cry a little bit, even as he smiled and chuckled and touched the painting.

Malsabolg liked that a lot.

Malsabolg softly said, “The internals are empowered with some basic magics, so you don’t have to eat that much, but you certainly can if you want. You won’t poop at all. Your asshole is strictly a funzone, which is probably how you’re going to get your sexual satisfaction from now on since your cock will be massive. You can still fuck a human, but you’ll wreck them. You won’t kill them. This is sex magic, after all. But you might poke out of the back of their throat, into their mouth, and they’ll wonder why they can taste the cum you fuck into them, and why they are not dead. They’ll probably be ruined for normal men for the rest of their lives, though.

“The more you fuck someone, the more they’ll be able to realize what you are, if they can’t see through the Veil in the beginning already. This will cause relationship issues. If you get through those issues and marry someone, they’ll turn centaur, too, just like you. They’ll get a pussy instead of whatever they had before. You with both fall deeper into love, into True Love, and you will breed them, then.

“Your children will be born as a mix of their parents, as all children are. They will be men, one and all, growing up to be their father’s children. They will be an absolute handful. When your kids find people they love, and who love them back, they will marry those people and have the same thing happen to them, as what will happen to your future husband.

“Thus, the centaur race propagates.”

Derrick smiled as he held his painting to his body, whispering, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

And then Malsabolg glanced around for the painting James had picked out at the beginning, plucked the black guy off of the wall, and handed it to James. It was a plain painting. The guy was of average height, weight, musculature, cock, and ass. Pretty standard. As James looked at his painting, his countenance turned to fury.

Malsabolg asked him, “That’s the one you picked out, though?

James did the unthinkable.

He smashed the painting against the ground. The frame broke. The painting tore.

Malsabolg was furious, yes; his rage could not be overstated.

But as the pieces of the painting fluttered to the ground, Malsabolg recalled so many times in the past when this had happened, and he tempered his fury with a layering of ages like one would apply makeup to an old whore, and trot them out as the new hottness.

Malsabolg ‘kept his cool’, as the mortals say.

James did not keep his cool at all. He raged, “I want more than that!” He gestured at the others. “You gave them so much! I want more!”

Leon, Pete, and Derrick all retreated from the man, making sure they were far to the sides, away from the path between Malsabolg and James. They had already been moving away before James gestured toward them, but now they sort of ran. Derrick still waddled, though. It was kind of cute.

Malsabolg ignored the good boys and focused on the bad one.

Malsabolg asked, “What do you want, James?”

James declared, “I want power.”

“… Okay. I’ll give you power. Choose a man among your friends.”

The boys all looked worried–

“Leon,” James said. He looked to Malsabolg. “Like that, but black. Just like I am. Just like you agreed.”

Leon stood stoic, but he was worried; he clutched his painting tightly. Pete and Derrick looked to Leon, and were sorry for him. They needn’t be. Malsabolg was going to play a great trick on this guy, but it would be wrapped in exactly what he wanted.

With a twist of his hand, Malsabolg picked up the ripped painting, reconstructing it into a man that outmanned even Leon’s 7-foot tall, 300-pound muscle man from the islands. The remade painting of the black guy had 15 inches of hard cock and the balls to match, though he turned to the camera and showed off a hole that could take that much dick, as well, so he’d be getting fucked just as much as he fucked, if not more.

The painting looked great.

James was happy-ish. He laughed at his friends, thinking them unfortunate, as he held his painting closer. “This is perfect!”

Malsabolg smirked. And then he began, “Four choices, given to the petitioners. Four choices to be had. They can be traded, if you wish. Leon’s islander man. Pete’s warlock with the pussy. Derrick’s big-dicked cat-centaur. And Leon’s choice, which is his own, and cannot be traded.

“So three choices to trade among you three.”

James cackled again, saying to his friends, “You dumb shits should have bargained better.”

Leon knew something was up. Pete was enamored with his choice so he didn’t care about James. Derrick kinda loved his choice, too, but he noticed something was up, as well. Derrick and Leon caught each other’s eyes.

Derrick told Leon, “I like my choice. I will keep it well. But if you are uninterested in your own and would prefer my choice, I could switch.”

Leon smiled softly. “Is being a centaur going to impact your computer programming choice?”

“No. It’s going to be pretty great, really. I can be a cat lounging in bed just like I already do, but without all the fat and heart problems. I might even take up jogging with you on the weekends, like when we were kids.”

Leon chuckled once. “I haven’t been able to do that in years, either. But… yeah…” He looked at his painting again. “I like my choice. Maybe I’ll be able to run again now that my skin will be… well. Brown will be a change, but I think I like it a lot.”

Pete said, “Shit, dudes. I’m just gonna be living my best life as an artist. Gonna get into so many galleries!” His eyes lit up. He looked at Malsabolg. “Are there demons in the art industry?”

“Not as many as in music and politics, but yes,” Malsabolg said. “I’ll give you a few cards when you’re done here, little warlock.”

Pete grinned.

James called them all, “Buncha faggots.”

Malsabolg ignored that jib, for he would be getting the last laugh soon, and asked them all, “Are we set, then? Ready to experience life as your new forms?”

Leon said, “We accept these forms as our own!”

Pete stood strong. “We accept these forms as our own!”

Derrick said, “We accept these forms as our own!”

James sneered, saying, “We accept these forms as our own.”

Malsabolg snapped his fingers.

“So mote it be.”

The paintings around the room vanished. The walls turned to unblemished, white drywall. The stacked chandeliers pulled up into the dark, and the ceiling descended to just 10 meters up there. The stone circle in the floor under Malsabolg vanished, along with its magic circle and light. The dice spun into nothing, turning back into shadows.

The paintings held by the boys all turned to shadows, their frames breaking, the gloom swirling into their naked bodies. The magic spun into them, into their bones, into their souls, but not into their minds. Mental transformations were not part of demon magic.

Making the body respond differently, though? That was well within Malsabolg’s sphere of influence.

The magic settled.

Malsabolg made sure they all saw what was happening to each other, and especially to James.

Leon’s transformation was straightforward. His red, flaky skin, flaked once more, all at once, like a snake shedding his skin. It was too sudden for the man to understand, and it scared him, so he ripped at the sudden cocoon of his own body, and it peeled. Off came the flakes, and out came the perfectly unblemished brown skin of an islander. Leon’s whiteness was gone, all of his old life turning to smoke at his feet, revealing a 7-foot-tall man with 300 pounds of pure muscle and 12 inches of manly cock and balls. Wide shoulders. Big chest and arms. Meaty thighs, calves, and an ass made for fucking. Those muscular globes bounced as he moved, just like his chest. His manhood weighed.

Tattoos spread upon his arms like crashing waves. They were the tattoos of his family, but with some demonic twists that only someone looking for Malsabolg might notice.

With dark eyes, Leon looked at himself, at his thick forearms and cobblestone abs. His hair turned long and curly, and black as night, and then tied up into a poofy bundle behind his head. He gasped as he touched himself, feeling his face and his chest and his weighty pecs and how his tits flexed as he moved.

Manly tears fell down Leon’s face, as he said, “My skin doesn’t hurt anymore.”

“And it never will again. Immune to sunburn and minor cuts, etcetera,” Malsabolg said. “Demonic skin, really.”

Leon whispered, “Thank you.”

Malabolg nodded.

Pete’s transformation began.

The short, skinny guy, crackled with red sparks that spread across his body, erasing his body hair and turning his skin perfectly white, before the lightning rod of his little prick suddenly collected the lightning, and sunk inward, his balls popping up into his abdomen. His cock throbbed and shrunk, becoming a hooded clit.

His pussy opened.

Lightning raced out from his pussy, opening him up, making him moan in pleasure from the sudden orgasm, illuminating the world in its brightness. Little imps danced in the shadows of his lightning, touching him, playing with his nipples and asshole, and licking his cunt as he had another beautiful orgasm.

Lightning consumed him.

Pete stepped out of the lightning a changed man. A bit shorter than Leon, but no less muscular, he had the palest skin and his lips were beautifully pink, his eyes sapphire pools, his hair blonde as the sun. Lightning crackled in his smile.

An imp, all angular features and sized as a pixie, floated in the air beside him. The tiny thing’s main body was that of a Ken doll, but this Ken doll came equipped with a 12-inch dick and lemon-sized balls. It was a soft cock right now, for white cum slipped down Pete’s thighs. It wasn’t hard to understand what had happened inside the lightning.

“Congratulations,” Malsabolg said, smiling. “You got a familiar already. I hope he has enough cum for you.”

The tiny guy was offended at this, rightfully defending himself with tiny, chittering words that were not any real language. It was okay. He’d learn eventually. He already knew enough to defend his master’s choices, which included the little guy’s own existence.

Pete did a deep bow, gracefully and beautifully, extending both hands open and down and then back, as he went more than 90 degrees down, showing off his ass in the other direction, which also happened to show off the nice double moon of its shape to Malsabolg. With a deep, cock-hardening voice, Pete said, “I thank you for this allowance of power, Malsabolg. May your days be filled with diversion.”

Malsabolg smirked, his cock hard and throbbing on the ground he floated above. “We’ll talk later, Pete, and one day, I’m going to fuck your cunt.”

Pete bowed a bit deeper, and then he rose and stepped back.

Derrick started to change.

His fat melted down to the ground, like ice melting off of a frozen lighthouse, the man briefly becoming thinner than he ever had in his whole life, almost skeletal, and then the fat flowed backward, like putty, on Derrick’s ass. The basic centaur body took shape. Derrick’s skeletal pelvis sprouted new arms, as his pelvis became another ribcage. Shoulders appeared under thin skin, and another pelvis appeared halfway down his expanded spine. Derrick crashed forward onto his new set of arms and his old set of arms, and then he did a pushup with both. He got to his new feet as his back legs twisted and cracked into their new form. Paws appeared on his legs, and his lower arms, which were really just his front legs, though they could be used as both.

The man was still skeletal for a little bit, but then he began to bulge with muscle and power, his chest expanding. His lungs and heart and digestive tract did a bunch of complicated stuff that would make his centaur half mostly just a fuck tube for cock, and turn all of his waste products into piss, or lube.

Beneath a long tail, his asshole might have looked like an asshole between two very nice cheeks, but it was pretty much a sex organ.

His real sex organs descended from between those back legs, like a birth.

Derrick grunted as his cock spilled out of him, all 4 feet of it, and his football-sized balls followed. With that, and the sudden application of short, white fur all over his lower half, the transformation was done.

He was a movie star in front and a white, pony-sized, cat-shaped stallion in back. His body hair and head hair was white, too, which was kinda weird, but Malsabolg liked it. Derrick could dye his hair if he didn’t like it. He had a Greek-complexion. His cock was just a darker Greek; not black like a normal horse dick.

It was a very human-shaped dick, after all.

With a twitch of Derrick’s back end and a twitch of his face, wondering what that new, wonderful feeling was, Derrick’s cock slapped between his front legs, against his furry, lower chest, and Derrick looked down at it, wide-eyed. He gasped at his ‘fifth leg’. It was certainly thick enough to be a fifth leg, anyway.

Derrick said, “Oh my… Thank you, Malsabolg.” Derrick looked up, with reverence in his eyes. “Thank you.”

Malsabolg smiled. “Those stories about centaur libidos are very real, so you know. That’s why I’m so fond of them. That, and other reasons. A centaur will always try to fuck new people, thus spreading the knowledge of magic, and they’re always nude, too, which is yet another way to spread magic. If people can see you, and if you cannot hide, then more people learn of me. And just so you know: Masturbation in a computer cave won’t cut your craving. I’m warning you about that, now. At the same time, you’ll be able to land any sort of man you might want to land. You just gotta go out and talk to them.”

Derrick’s heart beat a little hard with worry, but he smiled. “I understand.”

“If you want kids, you’ll have to get married! It’s part of the transferal magic. Any real sort of ceremony will work. Even just paperwork at the local offices will work for the magic. It just has to be a recognized ritual.”

Derrick bowed. Or, he tried to. He stumbled a bit.

Malsabolg snorted. “You’ll get the hang of that, too. And now, for the last one! Watch now, you three, as you see one fate of those who don’t come prepared or polite.”

James’ happy face turned suddenly mad–

And then he opened his mouth and a fountain of cum came out of it. He throbbed. He vomited cum. His pecs ballooned into balls and his neck elongated whole body orgasmed at once. Jame’s face pointed up, his mouth becoming a slit, spilling open his face, his eyes moving to the sides of his head, vanishing under the deluge of cum, all of his features fading into the shape of a hard cock.

James moaned in vomiting joy as he orgasmed and orgasmed, covering himself in drippy, thick cum, like a fountain. He was terrified. He could still see, in a general sort of way, but he had lost his human eyes. He stood there with a 2-foot long, 1-foot wide cock for a head, his arms flailing at his side, his chest laden with basketball-sized nuts.

And then the man’s original manhood began to expand, his balls drooping large, his cock blowing up like a balloon.

His legs distended to the sides, and he buckled over, to land on his hands, which were becoming feet.

James’ whole body was inverting, his legs becoming arms, his arms becoming legs.

Soon, his former shoulders were a pelvis and his pelvis became shoulders.

He stood up on his hands, which were now feet, and his former feet became hands.

James’ cockhead and giant balls hung down from his body’s new crotch.

His manhood became a new head.

A new James but with kinder features. Where once was sneering, now was grinning. Where once was hate, now was playfulness. Jame’s body became exactly the one he had seen in the painting, but James was the cock, and his cock was the body; the one in control. The New James was a tall, muscular black man, with fantastic body hair and an easiness to him that the original didn’t have a tall.

With a happy slap, ‘James’ touched his head, wondering what he was feeling, and then he touched his ass, and it was big and ready for fun fucking, and then he smiled as he grabbed his cock.

‘James’ said, “Oh hey! This is fun! A bigger one really is better! I see why you were so mad at me all the time.” He tugged on his former owner, who was really just flopping around, probably taking everything in and finding it to be too much. “Oh! You can’t see. Okay. Here.” And then ‘James’ pulled back the foreskin on his giant dick, exposing James’ head, which was really his new, singular eye. It still looked like a dick, of course, but magic was magic, and James was still in there, so he could still see out as long as his ‘eyelid’ was open. James startled on ‘James’ crotch. “Here you go! You can see now, yeah? Yup yup!”

Leon, Pete, and Derrick knew what had happened. They had heard stories, after all. Cautionary tales. Here now was one of those cautionary tales in action.

James had limited control over his new body, which was mostly an 18-inch cock and 2 orange-sized balls and the sack around them. He flopped like he could gain more control, though. He slapped and flopped and struggled and bounced those balls and tried punching his new person’s stomach, but ‘James’s’ stomach was cobblestone. What could a dick do to that? Nothing. James struggled to pull away, pushing with his balls against ‘James’s’ body, like a cock struggling to free itself. It was a bit comical, really.

And then ‘James’ grabbed his cock and stroked it, and James calmed down briefly. But then he struggled even more as he realized he was losing what little control he had as he got harder and harder. ‘James’ cooed at his former owner, “Now now. Dicks get hard all the time. That’s their purpose. You’ll learn more about that soon enough. Don’t worry. You’ll love it… And wow. I’m loving it, too. It’s different to have the dick than it is to be the dick, for sure. And you’re bigger! This is gonna be great. We’re gonna get into so much hole!” And then ‘James’ gasped a little as he had an idea. “OH!”

Malsabolg grinned.

With a rock-hard cock, ‘James’ asked Malsabolg, “Can I get some free-use faggot fucking magic, too? I want to fuck all the holes everywhere!”

James-the-cock struggled valiantly, sputtering madly, terrified and hatefully turned on, and who was to say which emotion was more in control in the moment. And then he paused.

Malsabolg grinned wider.

James had just discovered what other part of the body he was now in control of.

‘James’ twitched, as he felt the new sensation that James had realized himself.

James-the-cock was not just the cock and balls, but he was also the asshole, and both of them felt it when James flexed that asshole like a virgin on his wedding night. He was wet, and ready for fucking. So very, very ready.

James-the-cock struggled even more.

He ended up farting a little.

It was kinda cute.

‘James’ almost started exploring their shared hole–

“Anyway. About the free-use fag stuff. That means a man who is fucked by all the men around them; not as you assume it to be, as a man who fucks everyone else. Besides that, you were, unfortunately, not part of the ritual… Jimmy.” Malsabolg decided, “We’ll name you Jimmy.”

Jimmy smiled. “I like it!” Jimmy stuck a finger up his asshole to see what was happening, and James started sucking on it, and then James hated himself for that. “Oh, James. You’ll love it soon enough. We’ll get you stuffed full of dick.” James struggled as a cock, balls, and fuck hole. Jimmy just started fingering James, playing with him, and with himself. James tried to fight, but he was just an asshole and a dick, and all he could do was flop and fart. Jimmy ooh’d as he stuck three fingers up James, saying, “Oh! That’s fun! I want to get fucked now!”

James struggled even more. He’d probably be screaming if not for his predicament. As it was, he spurted some precum, so maybe that counted? He also farted more, so maybe that counted even more as a scream? Hard to know, really.

Jimmy smiled as he fingered himself, enjoying James’ new life. He asked Malsabolg, “So free-use?”

“Ah! Yes. That.” Malsabolg said, “Since you were not part of the ritual, I cannot change you. You’ll find that you’re already supernaturally handsome, though. Just go out and try to get fucked, and it will happen. However! James was part of the ritual, and hey! I’m feeling generous. Hey James. You want to be a free-use faggot? There’s no way you’re going to be able to live in the sunshine anymore unless you are expected to be out in the sun, getting fucked by every passing man who wants to fuck you. You’d just get arrested for public indecency otherwise!”

Jimmy continued to finger James. He was up to four fingers now, trying to stick his fist up there, but he was unable. The angles were all wrong.

James just flopped and bobbled on Jimmy’s crotch, struggling, precum oozing down his cockhead.

Malsabolg told Jimmy, “Stop playing with yourself for a moment. Let him speak.”

Jimmy reluctantly pulled his fingers out of his hole.

James started speaking as only an asshole could; with a lot of hot air.

“Phhbt! Poot! Flubububub!”

Nothing like actual language. He did try to get it right, though, with his great big cockhead oozing like he was crying, he gaped his hole and swallowed air and Jimmy gasped as his asshole vibrated.


Not real language. Not any better than an imp, really.

The imp on Pete’s shoulder, with his giant dong draped down Pete’s chest, gave a disapproving ‘grackt bahap toop!’

Pete patted the little guy’s big dick, saying, “Yes he certainly is having trouble, Dicky.”

At least Pete could understand his cum-supply demon.

Leon just stared at James’ predicament, impassively.

Derrick’s cock was rock hard and jutting out beyond his front legs, as he sat on his ass. With one forepaw on the ground, Derrick played with his horsecock lazily with his other forepaw, being careful of the claws, while his human half remained impassive as well, with arms crossed. Malsabolg doubted Derrick even realized he was casually masturbating. Probably not.

James continued to fart in some semblance of trying to speak, while Jimmy got off on the sensation.

Leon looked concerned, but not really. More… Hmm.

Malsabolg asked them, “Is it too much? I want to teach him a lesson and remove him from the influences of his own life… Too much? He’s crying a lot now.”

James wept like a virgin getting fucked for the first time, dripping from his ‘eye’, his softness flopping, his balls struggling to understand themselves, his hole constantly inhaling and flapping. But he heard Malsabolg ask the other about his predicament. He tried to pull away from his crotch, to say something, to get away from his new life, to yell at Malsabolg. It was not happening. He farted even more, none of it intelligible.

Malsabolg looked to the guys.

Leon spoke first, “If you change him back then he would visit vengeance upon everyone, for he is powerful enough outside of this land that he could do that. His vengeance would be widespread. Even so, I would still humbly suggest you give him back full control of this body.”

Malsabolg considered that. “I suppose that’s sort of like an answer to what I was asking. Why should I undo this, though?”

Leon said, “There have been other cases of cock-transformation, and though most people learn to love them, the former cocks which become human always cause a cascading failure of the former owner’s life. James is the heir to a textile fortune. Jimmy would cause unforeseen problems. Catastrophic problems to many people who had nothing to do with his own acerbic nature.”

“That is part of the torture, you know,” Malsabolg said. “The purpose of it, really. If the people in power fail, then they fail.”

Leon kowtowed, saying, “I can only give a small suggestion, Master Malsabolg. It is not for me to know the best ways of things.”

Malsabolg said, “Fair enough. Pete. Your suggestion.”

Pete said, “I fucking hate James. Fuck him up more. Have Derrick over here turn him into a pussy and let Derrick have kids with Jimmy, and James can feel the joy of childbirth as he pops kid after kid out of his horse pussy, and then all of their kids can fuck James forever more. He’ll get pummeled by centaurs until he dies of old age. He’ll lose his mind before that, maybe, and that’d be even better. Love to see it.”

Malsabolg laughed. “Ah! That’s vicious!”

James went still on Jimmy’s crotch. He flopped down and wept more.

Malsabolg asked Derrick, “You want that?”

Derrick frowned. “No thank you. I don’t want him– No offense, Jimmy.”

Jimmy said, “Awww… No?” He turned around and showed James’ hole to Derrick.

James gaped open, and then he flopped himself down to look behind himself. He saw Derrick’s rock-hard impaler. James struggled mightily, not wanting to get fucked at all.

Derrick shook his head.

Jimmy asked, “Really no? I can take that dick and then James can turn into a pussy and take it even more!”

Derrick softly shook his head– He realized he was masturbating. He stopped jacking his rock-hard dick. He still oozed down there. He’d need to take care of that soon or else he would turn rather rapey.

Malsabolg smiled. “I won’t make Derrick marry him, so that’s a no-go. And so! Derrick! The last suggestion falls to you to give.”

Derrick said, “James’s problem has always been that he doesn’t see other people as valuable, unless they can give him something. He cannot conceive of the idea that the success of others can also raise him up. From paying employees well, so that they can go out and make their communities better, to even caring about the mental state of those around him, James doesn’t see value in that. Perhaps giving his body back to him is a good first step for rehabilitative justice. I cannot imagine how to actually fix him, though.” Derrick bowed to Malsabolg, saying, “I can only diagnose the problem. I cannot achieve a solution.”

Malsabolg considered. Then he said, “I don’t do rehabilitative justice. That’s a long-term problem that I cannot reach, since all I have is the time we have tonight, and I don’t really care to, anyway. I just like sex, and that is why you all come here in the first place. However, there is wisdom in your words.”

Malsabolg thought for a moment–

Ah. He could do that, couldn’t he. Yes.

Malsabolg said, “Okay! I made a decision. Jimmy. You want sex, yes?”

Jimmy happily said, “I do!”

“How do you feel about going back to being a dick, and also an asshole, and being in charge of James’ libido and sexual desire? I can also make you prehensile and in a lot more control than you were before.”

James snapped to attention on Jimmy’s crotch. He begged as much as a dick could beg, his hole farting out a little sound of sorrow and even more begging.

Jimmy frowned as he looked down at James. And then he looked up at Malsabolg. “I don’t wanna be just a dick anymore. I have seen the sun! I want to see it again!” He added, “Or at least I think I do?”

He hadn’t actually seen the sun at all; he had only existed for the last ten minutes.

James slapped back and forth, furious.

Malsabolg said, “Of course you don’t want to go back to that nothing-existence, and I can’t actually do anything to you since you were created whole cloth in the ritual, and you did not partake of the ritual at all. But if you agree, then I can do a lot.

“So let me sweeten the deal.

“You will become James’ manhood and share in James’ asshole, able to control yourself at will, and fully enjoy life as a dick as you could never have imagined. You will be able to speak to anyone, and especially James. You will be a person, but you are also James’ private parts. No one will find this odd. They will find it odd if James ever covers you up, though, so enjoy life in the sun, full-time. You will be able to see… There’s a lot of little bonuses there. From never pooping, to never pissing, to more. The same ones that James is right now experiencing, but even more. For instance, you’ll be able to talk with your shared asshole, instead of this farting thing that James is doing. You can also taste with your asshole, meaning all the dick that fucks you will also leave you with the taste of satisfaction.

“And the best part is that if you can walk away from James, taking all of his sexuality with you, except for his half of your shared asshole, whenever you want. You can be your own person, just as you are now. You can even fuck and get fucked as a different person. When you separate, James will be left with smoothness in front, and you will be his twin with everything.

“But you will still be a dick. You will still be James’s primary sex organ.

“When you fall asleep, either naturally or otherwise, you will reappear on James’ crotch.

“Everyone else will see you as twins, and the only way James gets any pleasure at all is by going through you, or by getting fucked in his asshole. I will leave him with an asshole.” Malsabolg asked, “Does that satisfy you?”

James was thrashing and desirous.

Jimmy was considering it all. And then he looked up at Malsabolg, saying, “Can I be a really big dick? 3 feet long and able to cockslap James when he’s being a jerk? Fuck him a little, too?”

Malsabolg smiled. “As big as you want! Get too big and you become a person again, though.”

Jimmy eagerly said, “I didn’t really want to be a person, all the time anyway. Who would! Life is fucking crazy and the price of eggs is nuts! I accept!”

Malsabolg snapped his fingers.

Jimmy and James inverted back to the way they had been.

When it was over, James lay panting on the ground, tears still streaming down his face, while Jimmy flopped on the ground; a 4-foot dick attached to James’ crotch. And then Jimmy’s cockhead flopped around a little, looking up, and then looking around all happily. He bounced his much bigger balls and called out from between James’s cheeks,

“Hello! Oh! This is so much better! Oh nice!”

James groaned as his asshole vibrated, sending wonderful sensations deep into his body–

Jimmy flopped away from James, detaching, becoming his own person with his own, smaller cock, but still really quite large. He smiled as he towered over James, saying, “This is neat!”

James looked happy and bereft for one long, glorious moment.

And then James scowled at the ground. Then he stood up and glared at the others, and at Jimmy. The two of them were twins, each 7 foot tall and 300 pounds of muscle with dark skin. But James was hairless and Jimmy had a lot of body hair. James had a smooth crotch and Jimmy had a massive dick. Compared to a normal guy, anyway. Still kinda small when compared to the other dicks in the room.

James stared at Jimmy, hateful, saying, “That should be me! Not…” He gestured at himself. At his empty, hairless crotch. “NOT THIS!”

Jimmy went, “Phhshaaaw! I’m still your dick! Also, I’m cold. So let me back in.”

And then Jimmy turned James around, and James bent over, surprised he bent over that easily. Jimmy kicked James’s legs apart, and then aimed his hard cock at James’ hole. The hole gaped open when faced with Jimmy, and James gasped as well, like he was shocked. He probably was shocked that he was going to get fucked this soon.

Jimmy called out, “There’s home!”

Jimmy buried himself to the hilt in a smashing of crotch against open hole, and James cried out in gasping, uncertain pleasure. Jimmy fucked. James gasped, reaching for his empty crotch and finding nothing. And then Jimmy unloaded into that hole, throbbing, loving it all, and he vanished away, into that hole himself. Jimmy went to sleep.

Jimmy reappeared on James’ crotch, like an illusion of invisibility evaporating, revealing a giant dick.

James stood, cum dripping out of his ass, with two foot of cock and big, orange-sized balls hanging between his legs. He touched Jimmy; he touched his cock and balls, surprised at everything about them. But mostly, he moved his mouth around, feeling weird, as he flexed his asshole at the same time.

James whispered, “I can taste the cum in my asshole?”

Malsabolg laughed. “Ha! I guess you can! Didn’t know if that would take. Jimmy can certainly taste it, since he and you share your asshole most of all, and he uses that part to speak. Anyway! I’m done here! You all have had your transformations and you can figure out the nuances in your own time! Good night, and good luck in your new lives!”

Derrick, Pete, and Leon all bowed, as was proper.

James had no idea what to make of himself, or of the cum dripping out of his own asshole, or why it had felt so good to get fucked. He’d figure it out.

Malsabolg clicked his fingers, and the night was over.

– –

The four robed men reappeared on the front lawn of the Warlock’s Mansion, wearing their cloaks, their former pants and whatnot turned into fanny packs for three of them, to carry their shit like phones and wallets, though the last one kept all his clothes on, like normal. They were much bigger cloaks and clothes now, though.

Derrick and James would never be considered nude, even if they were.

Pete would probably be nude most of the time, voluntarily, just because it was easier to get fucked by demons that way and he could make that part of his life seem natural to onlookers. He’d have to figure out the magic to make that seem normal to onlookers. He could do it; Malsabolg had faith.

Derrick was a centaur, and they were always nude. Maybe he’d wear a shirt sometimes, though. His centaur cock was still rock hard, so he’d need to get fucking to someone soon, before he lost control of himself and raped the nearest hole. Derrick would learn, though.

Leon would need to wear actual clothes and probably lead a normal-ish life, which was good for him. He’d be the one to organize online and in other spaces, to show off himself and what Malsabolg could do for people. He was a good example of the best outcome, though Malsabolg was pretty sure that Derrick and Pete were happy, too.

James was the cautionary tale.

James would have trouble learning the ins and outs of his new twin; his new sentient cock.

James proved himself as needing more lessons, though. His cloak fluttered in twilight as he raced at the front door of the Warlock’s Mansion to pound on the wood, yelling, “Don’t do this to me! Don’t do this to me!”

His cock woke up with a start as it flopped under his cloak. Jimmy rapidly grew to be several feet long as he stuck his head out into the open to see what was going on.

Jimmy-the-cock stared at James-the-person. It was like a giant one-eyed snake staring at prey.

James stared at Jimmy. “No. no no nono–”

Jimmy seemed to smile with his foreskin as he eyed James at eye level, and then he spoke with Jame’s asshole, “Hello, brother!”

James screamed.

Jimmy said, “Oh! Don’t mind if I do!”

And then Jimmy fucked into James’ open mouth, and James tried to stop it, but all he ended up doing was jacking off Jimmy. James had no gag reflex, of course, and his mouth opened up more than enough for Jimmy because that’s how Malsabolg had made it work, and soon, Jimmy throbbed into James’ throat, filling him with cum. Cum spurted out of James’ nostrils and burned some. James’ cried a little as he got his very first ‘brotein shake’. There would be lots more to come, Malsabolg had no doubt.

James had no idea what to do with all the cum dripping down his face, or over his face, or in his mouth and stomach. There was quite a lot of it, for sure.

Jimmy said, “That was great!”

Jimmy separated from James, becoming his own person, to walk down the steps of the decrepit porch of the Warlock’s Mansion, to where Pete, Derrick, and Leon, stood in the morning sun. Jimmy smiled and said, “Hello, friends! You’re my friends, right? I think I’m rich and powerful! Dad loves me the best, I think. Not sure about that. I have to go find out.”

James sputtered out cum as he cried on the porch of the Warlock’s Mansion.

Leon, Pete, and Derrick ignored James.

Leon said to Jimmy, “I’ll be your friend.”

Pete shrugged.

Derrick pawed at his balls, at his giant cock, and forced himself to ask, “Can I fuck you, Jimmy?”

Jimmy’s face lit up. “Absolutely!” Jimmy knelt over in the grasses, saying, “I think James can feel it too, so this is gonna be fuUUUUKING BIG DICK!” Jimmy grunted out in pain and thickness.

Derrick thrust into Jimmy, his massive cock poking all the way through Jimmy’s body, out of the back of his throat. Thanks to centaur magic, Jimmy survived the experience and loved it. Derrick’s big balls soon pressed against Jimmy’s much smaller ones as Derrick grabbed onto the man with his paws, holding him down, thrusting out of Jimmy’s mouth. Derrick didn’t have to fuck for long. He was already so close.

And then Derrick came, shooting out so much cum into the open air, out of Jimmy’s mouth, and Jimmy pushed forward as much as he could, to close his mouth around that cock. It was like trying to stop a garden hose with a finger. Cum got everywhere.

But as the pouring slowed, Jimmy managed to close his mouth and Derrick sprayed the back of Jimmy’s teeth with cum. Jimmy swallowed it all, loving the taste of it and orgasming himself, his cock spilling out his own cum across the grass.

Back on the porch, James was in the fuck-me position, too, his asshole spread wide as fuck, gasping for air just as much as his throat demanded the same, a phantom centaur dick opening him in ways that he should not be opened. James and Jimmy were linked, after all. What one felt, the other felt, in its entirety.

Looking at James as Jimmy got railed by a centaur was a magical experience for the onlookers, too. James was kind of too occupied at the moment to appreciate it, though. If one were to look into that hole with a flashlight, they would see all the way through to the other side, out of James’ open mouth.

James struggled. He crawled to get away. He could never get away from this, ever. He couldn’t escape the pungent taste of centaur cum, either, as it filled Jimmy up and ballooned the guy’s stomach.

And then Jimmy came from the stimulation, his cock shooting onto the grasses, even as Derrick continued to empty into him.

James came, too. He did not want to cum, but he came and came and came, but his cock was over on Jimmy, so all he could do was grab at his own empty, hairless crotch, and ride out the magical sensation, as his hole throbbed from 5 inches wide to 6, over and over again.

Derrick sighed in contentment as he finished cumming, orgasm finally draining his very full balls.

Leon and Pete had not been idle.

Leon fucked Pete’s asshole as Pete’s ken-doll-sized demon, with its Jimmy-sized cock, held onto Pete’s crotch and fucked Pete’s pussy.

Under the light of a new day, cum sprayed and dripped onto the green grass of the front yard of the Warlock’s Mansion, and all the world was well.

Malsabolg tucked himself back into the shadows, to come out some other time.

– –

Another full moon came upon the Warlock’s Mansion.

James was there at sunset, alone, wearing a shirt, shoes, and a fanny pack to hold his shit. No pants. Nothing down below at all. He banged on the door of the mansion, his crotch smooth and his asshole currently widening and closing on phantom dick. Jimmy was getting fucked by some guy, it seemed. Some guy with a big dick, too. So good for Jimmy.

Malsabolg looked up from the book he was reading.

James tried not to gasp with every deep thrust into Jimmy’s asshole, into his own asshole, as he banged on the door and demanded, “Let me in– ah IN! I can’t li–ive like this! I knooOO you’re open! It’s a full moon agaaaaain! I’ll take any shaaaape at all! Just not this one! He gets fuUUked aaAALLL the tiiIIME! I caAAn’t do anything else!”


Stupid complaint. Easy solution. If James would have fucked more, then Jimmy wouldn’t be out there getting what he wanted; what James wasn’t giving him. All cocks were like that.

James smashed his fist on the door, begging, “Please! He reaches around and fucks me in my ass when he’s bored. He fucks me in the mouth when I’m trying to talk. He’s insatiabaaal– FUCK.” Jimmy’s hole had been empty for a little bit, and so James’ hole had been empty, too. But now another cock entered Jimmy and James was getting fucked from all the way across the country, yet again.

Malsabolg huffed, and then his voice drifted to James, “You need to get fucked more, and then Jimmy wouldn’t be wandering. Here’s some help.”

Fingers snapped the air.

James was prepared for a lot.

He was not prepared for the pain of bar tattoos spreading on his dark skin, like moonlight appearing in the night on his back, his chest, and his shoulders, bright white and glowing. His clothes dissolved, and the cold of the night or the heat of the day would never harm him. He was forever nude, now, and with bright white equals signs glowing on his body. He saw the one on his chest. He glanced at the ones on his arms, the three of them shaped like flag tattoos. The one on his back covered almost his entire back, though.

And then he saw, and felt, as moonlight fire ripped lines of white throughout each equals sign, crossing them out.

It was an unequal sign.

James touched his skin, his eyes going wide. “No no no–”

A bus squealed on the street, beyond the entrance to the Warlock’s Mansion, its air brakes sounding off as the big vehicle came to a stop. Its side had some sort of sports ball team on it. Basketball or football, Malsabolg didn’t really care to know. All he cared about was the men inside of it. All of them were college-age with their blood up from a game; all of them horny and happy and in a celebratory mood.

The first of the men, a big black guy with a wide smile and an easy-going zeal of life, launched out of the bus, shouting, “FUCK YEAH! WE WON!”

The rest of the team poured out like they were pouring out onto a football field, chanting, “Naked Party! Naked Party! Naked Party!”

Instantly, James realized he was not at the Warlock’s House anymore.

He was at the front porch of a frathouse.

Guys were standing around him, college-age and wearing jocks or nothing at all. Most of them had red solo cups in their hands. Those drunk guys cheered as the guys came off of the bus, yelling stuff about teams and winning championships and whatever-the-shit.

James was scared shitless because of many things, but mostly because two guys next to him were fully horny, though they had their dicks locked in cages. They still leaked. Two white books of age as everyone else. Someone had taken black markers to their chests and drawn unequal signs on them.

The guys off the bus were rowdy, happy, and soon they were all stripping. Hard college guy cock sprung into the air, like flags on mailboxes that had loads waiting for pickup. They chanted.

‘Naked Party!’ ‘Naked Party!’ ‘Fuck the faggots!’ ‘Naked Party!’

James’s hole spurted with lube and fluffed out, ready for fucking, and James was terrified.

‘Fuck the faggots! Fuck the faggots! Fuck the faggots!’

Some freshly-disrobed footballer grabbed the first faggot, to James’ right, ripped him away from the others, and then shoved into his asshole. Another guy shoved into that faggot’s face, gagging him and eliciting laughter from the footballers.

The second faggot got pulled into the crowd and fucked from both ends, though the guys at his back end thought he could take more than one at a time. Men struggled to fuck the faggot fast enough, playfully pushing each other around to get at the hole.

They pulled James down and fed him cock down both ends for the next two days.

James orgasmed every time someone came into his hole, which everyone noticed and which made him the most popular of the faggots at the party. They loved to see him squirm, his asshole flex, his empty crotch and hairless body making him look almost like a woman. His giant white tattoos were a lot more permanent than the black marker on the white guys, too, which was a total turn-on for some guys.

When Jimmy returned to James on the second day, becoming a cock on Jame’s crotch once again, Jimmy fucked James’ hole, too, sometimes reaching around to do it, sometimes becoming a person again to do it. As a person, Jimmy made fast friends with the frat, which was pretty normal for him. They loved to see how much of a difference one twin was compared to the other. By the end of the second day, Jimmy was tired, so he slept on James’s crotch and made himself small. James continued to orgasm with every cum up his asshole, but now he spurted just a little bit of fag cum every time someone shot into his ass.

At the beginning of the third day, the other fags put their clothes back on and some frat guys helped them wash off the permanent marker, and other marks that marked how many loads they took. With their cages and marker off, the guys were just back to being fellow frat guys.

James was still a faggot. He had so many black marks on his tattoos that his skin almost looked simply black again.

Even the frat faggots fucked James for another day after that. They loved how big he was.

At the end of the fourth day, James slept in the frat president’s bed, the little spoon to the guy behind him, even though he was so much bigger. The frat president kissed James’ tattoo, saying soft things about how cool it was that he was a faggot, and how much he must love dick to get such a tattoo.

“And to go nullo, too. That’s pretty extreme.”

It seemed that even when Jimmy was attached to him, people still saw James as sexless, except for his asshole. They saw his asshole and knew he was open for business. They saw his face and knew the same. Even wearing a bedsheet, fully covering himself, hadn’t been enough for guys to see him and know he was ready for fucking. They had torn the sheets away and fucked him on the grasses, on the street, and then they had pulled him back to the house to fuck him on the couches. James could not fight them at all.

And eventually, he stopped fighting. He liked it.

He really, really liked how all these guys wanted him.

James softly smiled as he held the frat president’s arm as he lay with him. “I orgasm from the asshole anyway.”

The frat president stuck his hard cock up James’ hole. James gasped, as the frat guy said, “Fuck yeah you do. I love a clean, willing asshole.”

Jimmy decided to wake up a bit, extend his cock a good five feet out and curve it upward, and shove into James’ mouth. James gagged for a moment, but then he grabbed Jimmy and started jacking him as he sucked. Jimmy let James take control, enjoying letting himself be sucked by a pro.

The frat guy laughed, saying, “Even sucking off your brother. Shit man. You’re fucked up. I love it.”

The frat guy fucked harder.

Malsabolg went back to reading his book.


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