Dirty Daddy Diddles Naive Nurse Ch. 02

A gay story: Dirty Daddy Diddles Naive Nurse Ch. 02 Bo and Linda’s divorce was contentious as it was protracted, but at long last, it was finalized. Nearly a year after the proceedings began, Bo was finally a free man, though it came at a price. He had to relinquish not only the house, but also his beloved love shack *ahem* shed. Linda promptly bulldozed it before the ink barely dried on the divorce papers.

Amazingly enough, she did agree to keep our relationship a secret from the rest of the family. Therefore, while infidelity, along with other irreconcilable differences, was cited as grounds for the divorce, there was never any specific details mentioned in the proceedings. This was a huge relief for me, it was bad enough that she saw us in their bed, in HER bed, but at least the rest of the family wouldn’t know that I was the homewrecker.

Bo and I kept in touch mostly through phone/text/FaceTime to minimize the risk of being outed. I stayed in town, worked to secure more contracts and also started a new RN job at the local hospital. It was the only way for me to keep my head straight, I was desperate to see him and my horniness intensified with each passing day. It had been months since we had seen each other.

Nonetheless, it was finally over and we could all move on with our lives. Bo moved into a small 2 bedroom ranch style home, a far cry from the luxurious McMansion he relinquished.

“Not bad,” I said, the first time I saw it since he moved in. “A humble abode, indeed!”

“Smart ass!” Bo chuckled. We embraced out in the open in his driveway, nothing but a forest of trees in this remote town. He shoved his hands down my jeans as he cupped his hands on my ass as we made out like hungry lovers. The first time after the long hiatus may as well have been my first time all over again.

“Mmmm…better than a woman, that’s for sure!” Bo panted as he collapsed next to me after he finished. “Always tight, always ready to take my cum!”

We showered before spending the night together. The next day, I packed a bag of essentials and moved in with him. Not officially, but for all intents and purposes, we were going to live together. Exciting!

At first, this new life was mostly great. Bo was retired, so he mostly worked on his yard and whatever little he could do in terms of shop work from his garage. However, I could sense that as the days went on, Bo was becoming more restless and also more depressed. He lamented the loss of his precious shed, the loss of his livelihood, his reputation, and mostly, the loss of his family, who essentially cut him off.

The guilt weighed down on me, especially whenever we saw each other. Sex would only temporarily alleviate the look in his eyes of anguish and despair. He wanted more and more of it, demanding I give it to him almost nightly. It got to the point that if I was working an overnight shift, he demanded that I take a lunch break so he could fuck me in his truck camper in the hospital parking lot.

One night, after a particularly vigorous session, he collapsed to me as we both lay gasping for air. Sweat poured from our wet, sticky bodies. My asshole was a crater and I genuinely worried it would never recover. We stared up at his popcorn ceiling, the dim moonlight providing us with the ambiance of a fleeting romance.

“You uhh, you like how I went tonight?” Bo grunted, his voice raspy from the massive orgasm he endured.

“Unnnhh…yes…it was wonderful. You were great,” my voice still buttery soft and submissive as the night I gave him my virginity.

“You don’t sound all that enthused, Ash,” Bo looked over at me as my heart seemingly skipped a beat out of fear.

“No…you felt amazing, you always do. It’s just…” my voice trailed off.

“Oh?! There’s more?” his voice was less raspy and more angry. I looked at him, my eyes pleading with his, I turned over to touch his chest as I threw my leg over his. I started drawing circles on his thick, hairy chest. “Y-you just seem so sad…and bored. I know it’s because you had to give up everything,” I continued. I watched his eyes melt as they fell in love with mine once again.

“Yeah, it really bummed me out,” he leaned over to plant another kiss before flipping me over to begin pounding me yet again.

Our relationship seemed mostly sexual, though there was definitely some genuine affection involved. It was all a strange new experience for me. I had just turned 21 and mostly green, he was 75 and gray. He still seemed to crave stimulation though, the sex, even with a 21 year-old was getting too repetitive and…boring?

“So…I was thinking,” Bo started one night over dinner, “you are only 21. Barely experienced life!”

“Oh no,” I thought to myself as fear and anxiety gripped me. “He wants to end this!”

“I think I did you dirty by keeping you all to myself,” he continued, my appetite had long since deserted me, as my mouth dried up.

“You deserve to live a little, have some fun, experience different men! But…I don’t want to give you up. I also want to give this old bod a little break.”

I had no clue what he was going on about. Live a little? Experience different men?! I signed multi-year deals just to be exclusive with him!

“What I’m saying is, I wouldn’t mind watching another man handle you, HEHE!!” Bo finally delivered his proposition.

“W-what? Like…you seriously want to watch me have sex with other men?!!” I stammered, incredulous at the absurdity of his proposal.

“Yeah…what’s wrong with that? You’ll always be mine, I just want to sit back and watch you, it’s like porn but in my own bedroom for my eyes only!” His assertiveness was astonishing to hear.

“Bo…are you drunk? I mean…wow! You think I would give this up just to anyone?!” I shot back, pointing at my body. I never did live it down, my role in the dissolution of his marriage and his once privileged life. While I was motivated about getting past all that guilt, this was not going to be the way I was going to do it.

“Bahhh!” He shouted. “You’re not a girl, you can’t get pregnant, what’s the big fuss about? Even if you got turned out, no one would pass judgment. Everyone should have the freedom to explore, only difference is that you’re still mine, and mine only! It’s a win-win!”

Exasperated, I got up and left. I was getting late for my overnight shift at the hospital. I actually welcomed it tonight, I needed to get out to release the tension.

We didn’t talk much following that, mostly because I was just busy, but he also kept to himself when we were home. Occasionally, he would just come up from behind me while I was in the shower to plow me until we came, how animalistic of us!

His birthday was coming up and the mood brightened a bit as we rekindled our romance. We went out for dinner and a movie, before camping outside in the woods behind the house for the night. We started going out again, doing more activities that didn’t involve sex, and just being together. I was happy that he respected my wishes and didn’t keep on with his dumb “proposal”. How naive I was!

Bo was nothing if not persistent. He relentlessly pitched his proposal time and time again. Slowly and deliberately, he chipped away at my defenses. My fervent refusal gave way, first to indifference, then to hesitated consent.

“You really want me to do this?” I asked him one night, following a particularly impassioned sales pitch from him.

“Ohhh…yes…ohhh…I just want to watch you having sex!” Bo pounced on my shift in tone. “You are so beautiful, so pretty, I just want to sit back and enjoy watching you enjoy giving up that hot little body to someone else!” His face contorted into a leery grin, “I want to watch you in the hands of another dirty, creepy old fella!”

My heart began racing again. I couldn’t believe it. Bo, the same Bo I had committed to more than a year ago, the same Bo who was so possessive of me now wanted to loan me out to others. Only for his own pleasure. I wasn’t wired to be open in that sense, I was inclined towards monogamy.

Oh, but the things we do for the ones we care about! Against my better judgment, I reluctantly agreed, “Fine, Bo. You win. If it makes you super happy about pimping me out, I’ll do it. Don’t ever forget that this is for you and you only. But you better think this through, once it’s done, it’s done. There’s no going back!”

I was not comfortable with any of this, but I also knew he wasn’t going to quit. No matter how many fights we had over it, no matter how much he knew I was not wanting to take part in his fetish, Bo was going to get his way. As soon as I agreed, he grabbed me and gave me a bear hug with a huge grin plastered across his face, I hadn’t seen him this giddy since our early days.

In a flash, Bo created a profile for me on some swingers’ website and uploaded some pictures of me. Since I didn’t agree to taking photos specifically for this profile, he put up random photos from previous outings copy/paste from my other online social media profiles. Thankfully, he put his own e-mail address as the contact, because my goodness, requests flooded my profile inbox within an hour of its creation.

“Any preferences?” Bo gave me a nudge. I was not impressed. “Whatever you want, whoever you want, wherever you want, just as long as they don’t gift me with herpes or some other vile shit,” I growled sarcastically. He leaned in to kiss me on the lips, but I quickly turned away, leading him to plant one on my cheek instead.

“Hmm…you want to try Black men?” He let out a boisterous laugh as he saw my face contort with fear. “Not ready for that, huh?! So I guess, not WHATEVER I want then.”

“You really want me to have sex with a Black guy?” I asked, my eyes round and wide as dinner plates.

“Haha…no, no…I’m not ready to process that just yet. I’m an old white man, I’ve still got my old-fashioned sensibilities,” he said in a re-assuring tone, “but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be fascinating to watch that ass of yours ride some black cock! Take a brotha from down undah!” Bo let out another boisterous laugh. I dropped my head out of sorrow.

“Bo…I just thought you and I were…as the old timers say, ‘steady’,” I said, my voice full of hurt.

“Oh you better believe we are steady, ROCK steady!” Bo yelled before smacking my ass. “It’s just that sometimes it’s not bad to have a little bit of fun and introduce a little spice in life!”

Since I refused to participate in even looking at my profile, Bo selected my sexual partners on my behalf. He boldly claimed that he picked guys that were most compatible with me, he failed miserably. My first encounter was the week after his birthday. I opened the door after returning from work one night when I was startled to see a man I’d never met before sitting on the sofa. Bo was lounging in his recliner, “Ash! Wonderful, you came home early, baby!” He jumped up to kiss my forehead. Baby? What?

“Hey there…I’m Derek,” the man stood up and shook my hand. I was startled and apprehensive. I was caught off guard, as Bo didn’t bother mentioning anything to me.

“Oh! Hi..I didn’t know we were having company!” I glared at Bo.

“I texted you…didn’t you get my messages?” Bo countered. I quickly pulled out my phone, ready to pounce on him with an “I told you so moment”, but unfortunately, he was right. I had several texts from him apologizing for the late notice, yada, yada.

Regardless, I didn’t feel clean, and I sure as hell wasn’t mentally or emotionally prepared for this. “At least he’s kind of cute,” I thought to myself. Derek reminded me of the jocks I used to be such a fan of back in high school. He was a younger man, probably mid-50s, so not that young, but certainly much younger than Bo. My taste in men had certainly shifted towards the much older crowd, especially since I got used to Bo.

“I guess I could make myself enjoy it!” I thought as I studied the clean cut man’s smiling face. His teeth were perfectly aligned and they were so white! He was wearing a leather biker jacket, which he quickly threw off. His 6’2 frame was in shape, a dad bod, but in shape nonetheless. I quickly noticed the wedding band, “Ohh!” Derek chirped, his face beet red. “I forgot…” He quickly threw it in his jacket pocket.

I chuckled, “It’s…fine…I guess I can be everyone’s homewrecker!” My sarcasm was overwhelming.

“We can…uhh…just head over to the bedroom if you’d like!” Bo quickly changed the topic. “Ash…Derek…Derek…Ash! Ash is a nurse, Derek, and very sexy one at that!” He winked at Derek. Derek grinned lasciviously, “Oh, I can tell! You’re a fortunate man, Mr. Bo!”

Derek began stroking himself through his jeans as he stared at me. I gave Bo a look of disgust. “May I shower at least?” The sarcasm was here to stay.

“Well…we really shouldn’t keep our guest waiting–” Bo started before Derek interrupted him, “No, it’s fine. He just got home from work, good to let him unwind and relax that body!”

I silently thanked Derek for the out. I threw off my scrubs before stepping in for a hot shower. I waited for as long as I could, silently hoping he would just leave. To my disappointment, however, Derek and Bo were waiting for me in the bedroom as soon as I stepped out. Derek was already naked and laying back with his head against the cushioned backboard while Bo sat nervously on the accent chair in the corner. He had such an eager but also anxious look on his face as we made eye contact. The bedroom was closed for whatever reason. I suppose it was to add to the perception of privacy.

I looked at Derek’s face, then my eyes traveled the length of his long body, down to his penis. It was nice and long, perhaps a bit longer than Bo’s but certainly lacked the girth. It was disappointingly slender and the head was almost the same in girth as the shaft. At least he trimmed it, so it looked pretty!

“Well, looks like the towel is the only thing I need to pull off of you,” Derek with a wink as he began stroking himself. “Ugh, I can’t believe I have to do this!” I thought to myself as I slowly let my towel drop to my ankles. Derek let out a whistle as Bo let out a deep groan. I gave Bo my most taunting and defiant look in my arsenal as I climbed up on to the bed and crawled in between Derek’s legs. Bo let out a whistle, though, and my efforts backfired. On all fours kneeling in front of Derek’s throbbing penis, I turned one last time to look at Bo, “You sure about this?”

“Oh yes…yesss! Oh this is going to fun!” Bo clapped his hands. His enthusiasm and longing for this was compelling. I licked my lips as I looked up at Derek’s face while grabbing his penis. I kept my eyes on Derek’s face a bit longer while stroking his dick softly.

“No…I want it to grow in your mouth, sweety,” Derek said as he reached out and grabbed the back of head, pulling me down. I silently opened my mouth and began sucking the head, watching Derek tilt his head back.

“Oh fuck…oh Jesus fuck…can’t believe this…is happening…oh fuck!” Derek moaned and groaned. He squirmed around as I closed my eyes. It made the experience a bit less awkward for me, especially since Bo had ringside seats and was gawking at my every move. “Tight little body…oh shit…damn that’s some suction!” Derek was starting to lose his mind as he watched my cheeks sucking in from the force. Even if it was not thick, his penis was still long and felt good in my hand as I stroked him. Plus, he didn’t smell bad.

Bo began stroking himself, “Oh yeah…mmm…sexy little thing! Love how that ass looks! Perfect bubble!!” Bo pulled out his own dick and began furiously jerking himself. This was officially weird.

Derek’s body shuddered, “Oh yeah…that’s good for now! C’mere! On your back!” His commanding tone gave me a sense of urgency as I quickly got into position. Derek spread my legs open and laid on top of me. He grabbed my face, trying to kiss my lips, but I turned away. Instead, he licked and sucked my ears and neck like a little puppy. I began to feel more violated as he made his way down. He started making out with my breasts, a thick flow of saliva coated my nipples. These belonged to Bo, now a strange man I just met had his mouth on them. I clenched my eyes shut, the discomfort was overwhelming. Sure, I found him attractive, but not attractive enough to have sex with him after having just met him! Regardless, Derek kept on, slowly dropping down to my penis. He opened my legs and laid down in between, sucking and swallowing me whole. “This is so beautiful, oh man!” His verbage was so awkward, it was clearly not working as I wasn’t getting hard or even aroused.

Bo saw to that. My eyes were closed and I was virtually silent until I felt another mouth on my breasts. I opened my eyes to see Bo chomping down. “Unnhh!” I whimpered. My legs opened wider instinctively as he kept sucking on them. Derek somehow thought he was making me feel good and started moaning and groaning, with an occasional “oh yeah, baby!” interspersed in between. Mercifully for the both of us, Derek stopped and ordered me to get into doggy.

He pulled the lube that was on the nightstand and lathered himself. I let out a short gasp when Derek began thrusting his dick inside of me. It was long but easy to take in. He wasn’t as long as Bo and certainly wasn’t as thick, so I tried to make it the most of it by arching my back and keeping my ass up pointed towards the ceiling. Soon enough, the soft pitter patter of his body against mine was the only sound in the room. The bed creaked and groaned under our weight and movement.

I felt nothing. There was very little to feel, Derek was so vanilla in his approach. He also didn’t last very long, “Oh fuck…ohhh…ohhh…ohhh!” He pulled out but miscalculated the timing and ended up shooting it on my lower back instead of my face like Bo wanted. The stream of warm gooey cum actually felt good since it was a bit on the cooler side in the room. He collapsed back on to the bed after he finally finished jerking every last drop on to my body.

I immediately jumped out of bed and into the shower, without a word to either man. I heard Derek come in to use the toilet. He said something but I couldn’t understand with the water and fan running. By the time I got out of the shower, he was thankfully gone. I looked at the bed, still damp and reeking of body fluid, before walking out to the living room. Bo was waiting for me with a concerned look on his face.

“Not that great, huh?” Bo asked cautiously, as as to not incite my wrath. “No…not really, but whatever,” I said nonchalantly. It was tough to hold in my anger.

“Guess it takes some getting used to, huh?” Again, he tried to choose his words carefully.

“Well…yeah I guess. I mean I literally had sex with a man I JUST met! His penis was balls deep inside of me, Bo! And you loved it! So…yeah it’s weird and disgusting for me, but…I…I care about you and I did it for you,” my tone softened just a touch and Bo pounced on the opportunity to twirl me around and hold me tight from behind.

“It’ll take some getting used to,” he said, much to my disappointment, “I will try to be more selective next time. Just got so excited, so many suitors out there! Lonely horny bastards!”

I was silent. He began caressing my belly then the rest of my body up and down. “You know, no matter what, you looked sexier than a top-notch porn model when you were sucking his cock! The way your body moves, it’s so natural, never met one like you before!”

Within a couple of weeks, Bo was back at it. Following my disastrous first encounter, Bo promised to be more careful and tasteful in his selections. In a period of four weeks, he managed to book 5 different men, all of different ages and sizes. I was not impressed with any of them. The second guy was a middle-aged man who was wound too tight. As soon as Bo introduced us, he was all nervous smiles and giggles and immediately wanted to get to the part where we fucked passionately. Unfortunately, his dick was nothing more than a glorified thumb and he was also terrible at oral. I also refused to make out with him or even kiss him, which really made him angry. Then, there was a really tall, really thin man with a monster of a penis, by far the largest I’d ever seen. While I was masterful at sucking his dick, he nearly split me in half trying to shove it inside and I screamed from the pain before Bo mercifully stopped it. There were three others, but who cares? They were forgettable experiences!

It wasn’t that these men lacked any redeeming qualities. It’s just that they all wanted a degree of intimacy that I wasn’t willing to provide. They all wanted to make out and be all passionate with me and there was no way that was going to happen. I refused to kiss any of them, much less make out. When they sucked on my breasts or my dick, I lay there with my eyes clenched shut. Bo eventually took part in all of these encounters, so that we could simply finish. Bo would be the one giving me the orgasm, even if the stranger happened to be the one between my thighs during the moment.

I was nearing the end of my patience with Bo. Until I met Bo, I was a virgin. I only had sex with Bo after having known him for months. But now, in just a matter of a few weeks, I had sex with 5 different men, all strangers. I felt defiled. Even though I gave Bo an ultimatum that involved us breaking up if he didn’t stop, he begged and begged and finally charmed me into agreeing to do it one last time.

A couple of weeks later, I returned home from work one night and was greeted at the door by Bo, who seemed to be in an unusually upbeat, almost giddy mood. “What’s going on? Why are you so happy tonight?” I asked in a suspicious tone, since Bo never met me at the door like that.

“I have a surprise for you, this one you will enjoy too!” Bo was near ecstatic. I sighed. Again?

“Whatever, Bo, I need to shower and change,” I growled under my breath as I made my way to our bedroom. On the bed, pink lace boxer shorts along with a matching pink robe were laid out for me. Next to them, there was a gold anklet with hearts.

“Uhh, what’s this for? I’m sure as shit not wearing these!” I said as I scowled at Bo.

“Pretty please!” Bo begged like a small child. I couldn’t believe we were actually doing this again.

“Bo…please, you said we wouldn’t!” I cried out.

“You said ok to it one last time. I swear! This is it! If you don’t like this one, no more ever again!” Bo promised.

“Whatever Bo! I’ve been with 5 guys in less than a month, I may as well put these on and get paid to do it too!” I shot back.

“I know, love. But you belong to me and to me only! I’m just going through a rough patch emotionally and this has brought me some excitement in my life! Plus, this is just sex. The real passion is between you and me. You know how it’s been, I am the one who gets you aroused, even while those other men are the ones with their faces in between your thighs! I promise you I spent a lot of time picking this last one, because it’s the last time!”

I sighed with resignation as I stripped off my scrubs before hitting the shower.

I couldn’t help but admire my long, shapely legs. My body was so naturally smooth, my curly dark hair and my brown eyes were accentuated by the vanity light. It was so pure, so virgin before…

When I got out of the shower, I walked over to the lingerie Bo had bought for me. It was weird how he never did stuff like this before. Now I’m supposed to wear this only to sleep with yet another stranger? Wow. Whatever. He wanted this so badly so I slipped on the lace boxers and the robe. The anklet dazzled brightly on my ankle as it jingled. Bo walked in as I looked at myself in the mirror, “Hot damn! Can’t believe I hadn’t thought of this before,” before continuing with, “the guy who’s coming over tonight requested that you wear lingerie.”

I was about to blow my lid, but I kept it to myself. Instead, “It’s not too late, it’s all yours if you want it,” I begged, desperate for him to take the offer.

“Oh, I wish,” Bo replied. He tried to reach out and touch me but I evaded him. “Not tonight! Tonight, I belong to someone else!” I taunted.

Bo didn’t seem to mind, “Perhaps we should establish some general rules before things get out of hand. First, if you aren’t comfortable or attracted or find the guy absolutely repulsive, hold up your index finger and I will end it, right then and there, no questions asked. Ok?”

“Whatever Bo…whatever you want, I’m just your little sex doll,” the sarcasm returned.

Again, he remained unfazed, “Second, I have the right to stop you guys at any point when it’s beyond my comfort level. Doesn’t matter if either he or you or he and you are going to cum, whatever. If I say stop, it’s over.”

“Ohh…gettin’ worried are we?” I taunted.

“Do you agree? Yes or no?” He pressed.

“Yes, master,” again, sarcasm.

“Finally, I get to join in on the action whenever I feel like it!”

“Uh huh, seems like you’re worried. I bet you wish you hadn’t bought me this OUTRAGEOUSLY sexy lingerie! I look like a DOLL!” I said with a laugh.

“Just giving myself a little wiggle room here,” he admitted, “in case you need a reminder of who you belong to!”

“Whatever you say,” I said mockingly, “but you better not get jealous seeing me with a real man, if that’s what you’ve got coming for me tonight!” That last part wasn’t complete sarcasm or a joke, I was sort of serious. I WAS worried about jealousy. It was easy for me to find someone to fuck me, this swingers profile alone was proof. But as exciting as it was for him, I wondered what the chances were that I would actually like the person who was fucking me. Two can play this game!

Just then, the doorbell rang. “Stay in here! I’ll call you out when it’s time,” Bo rushed out, slamming the door shut behind him. I heard the bell ring again as I heard Bo finally answer: “Hello…Earl? Is that right?”

A deep baritone voice responded, “Yes…and you’re…Bo? Right?” My heart began racing hard upon hearing the man’s deep voice.

“Yes, yes! Have a seat, please, have a seat,” Bo ushered the man into the living room and motioned for him to sit on the sofa.

I heard slow, heavy footsteps thunder across the room, followed by a loud thud as the man sat down on the sofa. “So where’s this sweet little tart you have for me?” The man meant business, no wonder Bo was covering his tracks! My heart skipped a beat before somersaulting into my stomach. I took one last look at myself in the mirror.

“Ash? You ready, sweety?”

On cue, I slowly and nervously walked out of the bedroom and down the hall and into the living room. My anklet jingled and the robe provided tantalizing views of my shapely legs as I slowly tip-toed out to the living room. I gave Bo a seductive look as I strutted out, but that evaporated and my heart immediately sank when I looked at the man I was to have sex with tonight.

“Well hello, hello!” Earl’s low, deep voice reverberated throughout the small living room. He shifted himself on the sofa to get a better look at me. His tiny eyes lit up through his thick-framed glasses as soon as he saw me, “Wow! Even more beautiful in person. Absolutely stunning.” He had the most vile and lustful look in his eyes as he gazed at me up and down. He licked his lips before grinning at me lewdly, revealing several gold and silver fillings and crooked teeth. At least Derek was squeaky clean and had perfect teeth!

“Oh God, he’s sooo creepy!” I thought. I was truly terrified. How could Bo think I’d be okay having sex with this giant ogre??!

“You sure you want to let me have THIS booty? You are a very generous man, Mr. Bo! Woof!! Verrrry generous! And lucky! This was virgin pussy you took!” Earl’s raunchy remarks only heightened my fear. “Because, I tell you, in my 76 years on this God’s green Earth, I NEVER had access to THIS!”

Earl was clearly a big old man, a point I could not emphasize enough. He was stocky with thick, broad shoulders and a big gut. His head was bald and absolutely massive with a short, thick neck. His rough nose was big and flat with wide nostrils along with a full lower lip with a thin upper lip capped off by a thick white mustache. He looked weathered and rough and he also seemed bigger than Bo in all ways except for height. This looked like a man who did physical labor his entire life and it showed. His hands and fingers were huge, even thicker and hairier than Bo’s, which I thought was impossible. He also didn’t care much about his appearance. Even though he wanted me to wear lingerie, he himself was wore a dirty old sweater worn over dirty, dingy khakis with torn cuffs. Old black leather strap orthotic shoes completed the look. In short, Earl was the exact kind of old man I stayed far away from, exactly the kind of man that always looked at me the way a predator looks at its prey.

Not only did he creep me out by his overall appearance, I also found the way he leered at me along with his comments to be filthy and full of decadence. He was also so unattractive! I could not imagine this ugly old geezer’s mouth and hands on my body. I couldn’t imagine having his penis inside of me. Oh god! His penis! How big and filthy was that?! Suddenly, I regretted all of my life choices. I would never forgive Bo after this. Had I known THIS was in store for me, I would have just pretended to be satisfied with Derek! Even more frustrating was how I looked tonight, of all nights! Bo NEVER had me look like this, even for himself! I immediately looked at Bo in fear and disgust and flashed my index finger as we had agreed.

Bo simply ignored me, much to my chagrin. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway. Earl reached out and grabbed my arm, sitting me down on his knee as he continued to ogle me with his creepy little eyes. “My, my! You are impeccable, simply flawless! Fine, exotic 21 year-old booty in my lap! There is a God after all!”

He gently planted a kiss on the back of my hand. With his other hand, he slowly began rubbing my low back, teasing but not touching my ass. Desperate and distraught, I kept looking over at Bo, who in turn, kept ignoring me. I was stunned by the drastic change in the man I cared about so deeply, even to the point of loving him. He was barely recognizable. Bo ignored my pleas, far too excited that he was going to watch this filthy old man have his way with me!

“Mmm,” he gently touched my exposed leg, “look at those long legs, those beautiful feet, those straight and smooth toes! And what a sexy outfit you wore for me! A shame you won’t have it on for much longer,” Earl let out deep “Mmm”s and “Ohh yes’s!” while slowly and methodically peeling back my robe, exposing my right shoulder. I was paralyzed out of fear as he sniffed my body like a hound and as he showered my upper arm and shoulder with kisses. The robe opened up even more and he let out a short gasp when saw my right breast, “Lord have mercy! I heard these are some sweet little nippies!”

I took one last desperate look at Bo, begging for his attention before I let out a high-pitched “Unnhh!” My eyes clenched shut as I felt Earl’s tongue make first contact with my right breast. He took me by surprise. Earl peeled back the robe a bit more, his actions growing bolder and more assertive by the second. “God, he’s so aggressive!” I thought as I could only look on with a mix of fear and disgust. Earl locked my right arm out as he looped his left arm under my shoulder and grabbed my left arm, locking them in place. There was nothing I could do but look on as he continued to tease my right breast with the tip of his tongue. Bo leaned over to get a closer look at Earl’s mouth as he planted it back squarely on my right breast.

He momentarily let go of my arms and I winced and tried to gently push his head back. “Unnnhhh…no…please…don’t…” I whimpered helplessly while looking down at his mouth on my breast. He locked my back in place as I kept biting my lower lip, trying desperately to contain the discomfort I was feeling. Somehow this encouraged him, and he began sucking with more aggression, taking my nipple in between his teeth and gently nibbling on it. With his right hand, he pressed forward, uncovering my left breast and softly stroking and rubbing my exposed left nipple. By this time, I was squirming uncontrollably in Earl’s lap. His big left arm anchored me in place as he absolutely assaulted my right breast. Thick streams of saliva rolled down my body. Soft impressions of his bite marks began to appear. Slowly, my defenses were starting to wither against the creepy old man, though I still resisted him in earnest, biting my lower lip so as to minimize any sounds and occasionally begging him to stop.

Nonetheless, it continued to be a losing effort. With his arm still wrapped around my body, he pulled me in closer with seemingly no effort and cupped his massive hard around my left breast and started sucking hungrily. He let out loud and deep grunts in between sucking. “Ohhh…yes…yess…these are some proper tits. Perky and proper!” He was clearly sex-starved, though not for the lack of trying. “He sucks so hard! Oooh God! He’s so wild and crazy!!” I thought to myself.

My defenses finally succumbed to the giant ugly ogre whom I just met moments ago. Slowly, softly, I began moaning and whimpering, while gently pushing back on his head in one final feeble show of resistance. It failed miserably, “Unnnhhh…ssss…ssss…mmmm…please…don’t…ssss…nunnnhh!” The creepy old stranger let out a deep decadent groan. He knew that I wanted him.

“Ohhh…startin’ to enjoy it, are we?!!” Bo’s deep voice broke the chorus of Earl’s sloppy wet sucking against my soft moans. I gave up pushing his head and instead cradled it as I looked down at his mouth on my breast. “He’s good, oh my god, he’s so good!” I thought to myself while biting my lower lip. I was curious how that mouth of his would feel on the rest of my body. His tongue was so thick and rough and he knew how to use it. None of the others I’d been with displayed that level of tongue dexterity. It more than made up for his haggard, unrefined, blue collar look.

He pulled off my left breast and shifted to the right while playing with my left. “Let’s get you more comfortable,” Earl said, gently pushing me off before grabbing me by the waist and pulling me back. The belt on my robe unraveled allowing clear view of the lace boxers and my legs. “Damn, didn’t know you modeled for Victoria’s Secret! Can’t believe your man is sharing you with me! I live in an assisted living facility, I know plenty of big old farts like me who wouldn’t mind takin’ you for a spin if he’s into sharing you!”

I turned red with embarrassment. I straddled his body, struggling to open my legs wide enough to be able to sit cowboy style as he wanted. He didn’t mind, he also didn’t have patience. He simply held me in place as he laid siege to my breasts. I could only clutch his arms as my moans and whimpers gradually shifted in tone from protest to pleasure.

“Ohh yeah…keep singing that tune, baby doll!” Earl remarked as he tossed me on my back on the sofa next to him. He dropped to his knees, the sound of his massive weight was like an earthquake as it rattled the bookshelves. I glanced up at Bo who was staring wide-eyed at us both. Earl ripped off my boxers, leaving me naked with only my robe to cover me. I began breathing faster as I watched his head enter in between my thighs. Earl looked up at Bo, “You sure you’re good with this? Because, I don’t think I can get enough of this!” He pointed at my dick as he licked his lips before diving in.

“Ahhh! Ohhhh! Ssss…oh…oh mister…ohhhh…ohhh sir…sir…oh god!” I squealed as my head tilted back and I clenched my eyes shut. My hands clutched the sofa till my fingers began turning white. The sensation of his facial hair and his mustache against my soft, smooth skin was indescribable. It was simultaneously uncomfortable and euphoric. His mouth felt spectacular on my dick, his tongue, so large and thick, was so rough and he was skillful with it! His head was so big, much bigger than Bo’s and I was having a hard time spreading my legs to accommodate him. He was driving me crazy!

I tried pushing his head back, “Oh god…ohhh god…ohhh…ssss…easy…easy…sir…please…please…slow down…ohhh!!” I kept begging Earl as Bo looked on. Thick streams of his saliva coated my entire inner thigh and my dick. His mouth kept me in a state of ecstasy. My legs couldn’t hold still as I struggled to plant my feet on his gigantic shoulders, I kept squeezing my thighs together and while Earl initially didn’t seem to mind, he stopped them from moving at all when he simply grabbed my thighs and held them open.

I let out a shriek, “Ohhh gosh…sss…ohhh god, oh god, oh god…ohhh…gosh..ohhhhhh! I’m cumming…ohhhh…you…giant..ohh..mister..oh sir..sir…ooooohhh! You…made me cum!!!” All at once, my body let out a massive jerk a telltale sign that I had just experienced monster of an orgasm. My hips jerked forward as Earl hungrily swallowed my cum as he had me anchored in place. I lay breathless with my hands clutching his forearms in rapture. I had cum so often since losing my virginity, but none compared to what Earl just did to me. Earl meanwhile, was busy sucking and swallowing and relishing every bit of my cum.

“You are a hot little skank! A nurse aren’t you? Love to hear you squeal!” Earl said, his voice deep, his tone dirty, his mouth dripping with my pre-cum and his saliva.

I looked down at him, panting and starting to sweat. My skin was flushed, my nipples already sore from being sucked on and enduring his nibbling. I glanced up at Bo, but this time, it wasn’t out of apprehension or anxiety. I WANTED to have sex with Earl, and Earl was more than ready to take me.

Earl slowly stood up. He took me by the hand and helped me up, my legs still trembling. He wasn’t too tall, more like 6’1, but he was so wide. “I hope his dick matches the rest of him!” I thought to myself, licking my lips in anticipation. He had me by the waist as he led me to what used to be the bedroom I shared with Bo.

We ignored Bo, who ran after us like a puppy. His once magnificent body, though still physically magnificent, seemed less substantial to me, ever since he pushed me into sleeping with other men while he watched. My purity had long since gone out the window, it was something I gave to him willingly, but then he also took my sanctity.

Earl led me to the bed, ripped off my robe, before tossing me on to my back on the bed. I watched him with a mix of fear and anticipation as he ripped off his sweater, kicked off his shoes, and hastily unbuckled his pants, trying to get naked as quickly as possible. He was breathing heavily, excited by what was to come next.

At last his body was revealed. He was thick and hairy, not as much hair as Bo, but certainly impressive in its own right. His beer gut covered his briefs. His thick, stocky legs also covered in hair and were wider than Bo’s. He stripped off his briefs last. His belly belied his large penis. Thick and uncut, it grew larger and larger before my eyes. It was thicker than Bo’s penis and just as long, if not longer. It seemed so much more substantial than Bo’s penis, the side-by-side comparison made much easier as Bo had also stripped naked and was desperately stroking himself.

Bo came up to where I was laying while stroking himself vigorously, but I ignored him, making eye contact only with Earl. Earl finished stripping and climbed up on to the bed, the entire bed seemed to sink from his weight. He spread my legs open as he got in between them. I smiled seductively at him, in the same the way I used to with Bo. Obviously, I couldn’t handle his full weight, so he stayed off but did lean in as we slowly began kissing. Bo stood there in a state of shock as he watched us make out passionately. To this point, I hadn’t been nearly as passionate with any other man.

Our loud, wet kisses filled the room as Bo, seemingly rejected by me earlier, stepped back. “Damn, Ash…damn sexy body,” he kept saying to absolutely no one at all. We didn’t even notice Bo was in the room as our kissing progressed to full on making out. Earl’s thick tongue was so dominant and the size was perfect. He would occasionally pull out to flick my nipples gently with it, sending me squirming for dear life. Holding my arms down, Earl kissed and sucked on every nook and cranny he could find on my body. My armpits, my ears, my neck, my inner thighs, he left no area untouched.

He rolled and fell on his back and I immediately rolled to my knees and knelt in between his legs. “Gosh, it’s downright putrid in here!” I thought to myself as I navigated through his thick bush of pubic hair and belly overhang to get to his penis. The stench from his penis was nauseating and gave me second and third thoughts about approaching it, but in the end, fuck it!

I peeled back the foreskin as the giant mushroom head bloomed into view. I ignored the stench of urine and sweat as I began making out with it, lashing it with my tongue, never taking my eyes off of Earl. Much like Bo did, Earl also began squirming and gyrating his hips as I worked. “Ohhh shit…ohhhh…fuck…fuck…damn boy…damn sweetness…ohhh…I’m gonna…ohhh…pound…that…ass!” Earl bellowed as he let out a thunderous heave. He grabbed my head and held it in place with one hand while stroking his dick with the other.

A thick stream of cum shot out of his dick and deep into my throat. Only a half hour ago, this strange, creepy old man almost made me vomit from the mere sight of him. Now I was swallowing his load! His cum kept flowing into my mouth as I closed my eyes and continued to suck on him, flicking the tip with my tongue, making sure I swallowed every last drop of his cum.

I glanced at Bo, who still looked shell-shocked and discombobulated. I kept my eyes on Bo as Earl got up on his knees. He got behind me and we turned to face Bo. In the mirror, I could see Earl behind me. The stark difference in our size was such a turn on for me. I could see his thick hands on my hips, spreading my cheeks open so that he could enter my body. I was on my knees and elbows, waiting with anticipation. I hadn’t been with a man who was such a master in the bedroom, not even Bo, who himself had since been relegated to a mere spectator.

“Watch me fuck your skank’s hot little ass!” Earl bellowed with a daring look on face.

Earl lubed himself before slapping his thick penis on to my cheek. “Ready, baby?” He asked.

“Yes daddy,” I responded, my voice soft and submissive. “Daddy’s right, I own you now! You need daddy’s big fat cock!” I felt the head smack against my hole before, “Oh gosh! Ohhh! Oooohhh…oooh!” The girth was more than what I had felt before. Earl was skillful at minimizing the searing pain. In contrast to how he was seemingly hasty earlier, this time he worked patiently, stroking me gently, spreading knees apart, pushing my head down as he slowly worked his way until he was completely inside of me. Bo first tried to kiss me while Earl was working his way in, but I waved him off. He then tried to stroke me, but I moved his hand away. He backed away like a wounded animal.

“Damn….you were right about this one! He can take a cock like a champ! I never had much luck with women for this reason! I’m balls deep inside your nurse’s tight pussy!” Earl grinned at Bo. Bo still looked aroused, but I could tell he was beginning to regret letting this happen. He knew I belonged to Earl now. And there was no going back.

“You ok there, Ash? Did he hurt you?” He leaned in to check on me.

I looked up at him, just as Earl was beginning to slowly thrust in and out of me. The wet clapping of our bodies clashing against each other was music to our ears. “Uhh..huhh..uhh…yes…yes…he…hurt me…ohhh…he hurt me!” I squealed as Earl began to increase the power behind his thrusts. “Ohh..god…ohhh…ohhh he hurt me…but he hurt me so good!” I shrieked as I clenched the sheets. My body shuddered as I let out another massive orgasm. Bo reached out and caught my cum and licked his hands and wiped the drops from the sheets.

The bed creaked loudly, the whole room seemed to tremor from the power of Earl’s thrusts as he absolutely ravaged me from behind.

“Alright! That’s it! No more…no more!” The taste of my cum must have provided Bo with one final semblance of dominant masculinity. Earl didn’t seem the least bit bothered by it and kept pounding me.

“Ash…Ash tell him to stop, we had a rule, you and I agreed upon it!” Bo kept whining, further descending into immaturity. The transformation of the ex-alpha male into a beta was now complete. Another man was pounding his prized pussy right in front of him and there was nothing he could do about it. “Ash, I’m sorry! Please stop, Earl, stop, man! We agreed!” Bo was begging at this point.

“Don’t…don’t stop sir…please…don’t stop! Give it to me…give it to me daddy!” I panted out to Earl, who in turn, smacked my ass before pounding me more and more.

“Don’t you worry, I’ll never stop pounding that sweet little pussy!” Earl growled with a raspy voice as he started slamming me. My breasts jiggled, my brain jiggled, my eyes rolled up into my skull from the ecstasy of Earl’s massive dick.

“Ash…stop…please–” Bo started.

“No…never…ohhh shit…ohhh…just…leave if you don’t…like it! It’s too late…ohhh…fuck…he feels so good! Oh god…ohhh sir…ohhh I love that dick! You’re bothering me…go away!” I snarled at Bo who recoiled as if being hissed at by a snake.

“Go on now, get out, man! You gave up this pussy! It belongs to me now! Go on now!” Earl’s deep voice provided the authority Bo deserved. “Close the door behind you!”

Bo slowly did as he was told, his tall, muscular physique dwarfed by his own lack of self-respect and respect for me. The door slammed shut and all at once Earl and I were alone. He leaned forward and hooked his arms under my thighs, lifting me into the air. I squealed as he stood with me locked in his arms. In the mirror, I watched myself getting hammered from down under. My feet dangled in mid-air, my dark erect nipples jiggled and my abs flexed. His thrusts were powerful, he had the endurance of a young man. We sat down on the accent chair vacated by Bo and with my feet planted on his knees, I bounced up and down, gyrating my hips as he groaned and moaned. He spit into his hand before reaching forward to stroke me. He had just started when I shrieked out yet another orgasm. He captured it in his palm, licking it clean. He stood up and carried me to the bed where he pulled out and threw me on my back. Spreading my legs open, he threw them over his arms as he viciously pounded me once again. It was deja vu, the sight of my feet pointing up at the ceiling as a giant old ogre plowed me. This time, the anklet provided a nice little jingle in the background as I moaned and whimpered while looking up at him.

Earl began breathing faster and more heavily, his grip on my thighs strengthened as he let out one final massive thrust followed by thunderous scream, “Ohhhhh! Ohhhh shit!! Ohhh….ohhhh sweet Jesus!! Ohh god…oh god!!” He scared me with the penetrating depth of his voice, I couldn’t have imagined I could cause someone to have such a powerful orgasm. He squeezed and pinched my nipples as he continued to thrust in and out of me, making sure he deposited every last ounce of his cum deep inside my body.

He collapsed next to me as we stared up at the ceiling. I could hear Bo pacing outside the door, but with Earl’s quiet confidence, I felt safe. “I mentioned it before, but I live in an assisted living facility,” he started, “actually I have seen you there, you know the one off Glen and Mayor Drive?”

I thought for a second, my brain still fuzzy from his pounding, “Yes…yesss I know the one!” I said excitedly. “I’ve got several patients there that I take care of!”

“Yeah, I live in assisted living section. If you’re interested, you can come stay with me for a while, I’d love to carry you over there.”

I thought briefly, before responding with a resounding, “Okay!”

Earl chuckled, “Well…thing is, I’ve got several friends over there who would love to fuck that hot little ass of yours. Best part is, you’ll never get bored and neither will they! They are all fat, old fucks, just like me!”

“Well…I think I’d love to meet and serve you and all your friends too!” I said sweetly.

“Great, let’s go, I’ll clean you up,” Earl took me by the hand into the shower. We got dressed and I grabbed whatever things I had brought when I moved in with Bo.

“You’re-you’re leaving me?!” Bo asked incredulously.

“I’m sorry…I just…I want to live a little. Experience other men, but don’t worry, we’ll see each other around, I’m sure!” I said. “By the way, I should thank you, you let me get fucked by a real man!”

And just like that, we left. I couldn’t wait to meet all of Earl’s friends, the possibilities of fun seemed endless. Poor Bo…

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