Do Not Watch Pt. 04

Mark’s first journey into his new found sexual desires had been more successful than he could have hoped for, so he decide that to move to the next level, he would follow a similar path. He knew of other adult book stores in town, but he knew about some adult theaters as well. He’d never gone to one, but he’d seen them when traveling through town. Just thinking about it had his cock rising, but he knew he needed to wait a few days before trying something new. He contented himself with watching the video each night and using his new toy. His orgasms always came quickly and the video urged him to satisfy his need for cock.

Mark decided that he would check out one of the theaters on Friday after work. He had done some research on the internet and knew he’d need to pick up some things and prepare himself before going to the theater. The research he’d done told him he’d need to get clean before allowing himself to be penetrated. It also told him it was best not to eat for at least several hours before hand to reduce the likelihood of unwanted mess. Mark made his purchases and with help from the internet, he practiced cleaning himself out each day. He decided on Thursday that he would not eat until after his Friday night foray.

Mark could barely contain himself all day on Friday. He found it difficult to focus on work as his mind kept wandering, flashes from the video kept creeping into his thoughts. Several times when his mind wandered, he found his cock rising in his pants in anticipation of what was to come. Strangely, he even found himself looking at his co-workers differently. One guy in particular drew his attention. The guy worked in the warehouse. He was a fairly big guy and always wore tight pants. Mark hadn’t noticed this before, but he now saw that the pants accentuated a significant bulge at his crotch.

The work day finally drew to a close and Mark practically flew home. He quickly performed the tasks he’d practiced and found something comfortable and loose fitting to wear. Ready now, he headed to town. The drive was miserable, the anticipation of what might happen tonight was almost overwhelming. After 30 minutes he finally arrive in the right part of town. He quickly located one of the larger theaters and parked in the lot. He paused for a few minutes to consider what he was about to do, but his desires were raging inside of him. No amount of fear would stay him. He was going to try and find someone to fulfill his desire for cock.

Mark stepped up to the ticket booth, paid for his ticket and headed in. There were two theaters here, each showing a different movie. He quickly entered the first one and stopped inside the door, stopping to allow his eyes to adjust to the darkness. After a few minutes, he could make out that the seats were mostly empty. There were several people scattered here and there, so he moved to an empty row and sat down. His eyes adjusted even further allowing him to better make out his surroundings. There was action on the screen, but he wasn’t here to watch a porn flick. He glanced around the room again picking up details he couldn’t make out before.

There was a man across the aisle, several seats away. He was slumped back in his seat and obviously jerking off. Mark’s cock twitched at that but the lighting was too dark for him to get a clearer look. He saw two men sitting several rows in front of him. They we very close together and one would lean over to the other as if to whisper something as the movie played. As he watched these two, one of the men leaned down, disappearing from view. The man who remained in view, was soon leaning back and Mark could hear him begin moaning as his partner sucked his cock.

This again was not why Mark had come here, so his gaze continued to wander. He looked toward the back of the theater and saw several men standing in one corner. His eyes completely adjusted now, he saw that none of the men were looking at the screen. They were all focused on some activity in the corner. His sexual desire taking over now, he stood up and moved to a seat closer to the action. He found a seat within a few feet of the group. He could now see what was happening. There was a man standing in the corner leaning back against the wall. His head was back and he had his eyes closed. The second man was kneeling before him vigorously sucking his cock. Another man was standing very close to them and the guy kneeling was giving him a hand job as he sucked.

There were three other men there, they all had their cocks out but they weren’t really jerking off. It was if they were waiting for something. Mark realized that they were waiting for their turn, either to get blown or to get jerked off. Mark could barely contain his excitement as he watched. He’d seen other men’s dicks in showers and locker rooms. He watched porn and seen hard cocks, several in the same scenes, but now he was seeing a group of hard cocks in real life and he desired to suck and fuck everyone of them. He could feel his own cock responding to what he was seeing.

Mark realized this was his opportunity. He stood up and moved to stand next to the three bystanders. When he stepped up to them, one man noticed his approach and turned slightly towards Mark as he stepped up beside him. Mark could not help but look down, the man was slowly stroking his hard cock. The man picked up on the focus of Mark’s gaze turning to face Mark, he withdrew his hand and Mark knew what he should do next. He slowly reached out a gripped the hard cock in his hand. The feel of this warm stiff cock was electrifying to Mark. He glanced up at the man and saw a questioning look. Mark slowly dropped to his knees and began sucking his second cock.

The man placed a hand on Mark’s head and began moving his hips in time with Mark’s efforts. After several minutes Mark felt the tension rise within the man and with a sudden jerk, he thrust his cock deep into Mark’s mouth and Mark was rewarded with a flood of hot semen. The man pumped his cock several more times, each thrust ending in another spurt of hot delicious cum. After several minutes, Mark felt the cock begin to soften and man withdrew it from his mouth. Mark stood up facing the man, who smiled back at Mark. Mark became aware of the cum taste in his mouth and he unconsciously licked his lips as he smiled back at the man. Without warning, the man leaned forward, opening his mouth, his lips touched Mark’s. Before he realized it, Mark’s lips parted and the man’s tongue slipped inside his mouth.

This was new, he’d been kissed before but never another man. The man’s tongue wandered then realized the man was tasting his own cum in Mark’s mouth and this thought excited Mark even more. The man broke the kiss, then adjusted his pants and walked away. The other two bystanders had caught Mark’s activities and were now switching from the two men in the corner to Mark. A second man turned to Mark and again his hand dropped away, offering his cock to Mark. Mark quickly responded by dropping to his knees and taking the man’s cock into his mouth. Unlike the first man, this man was actively fucking Mark’s mouth. Thrusting his cock in and out, driving it further into Mark’s mouth with each thrust. There was a moment of hesitation, then Mark felt his desires responding to this treatment. His cock throbbed and demanded attention. As the man fucked Mark’s mouth, he dropped his hands to his pants to release his aching cock.

Mark slowly stroked his cock as the man fucked his mouth. The man’s motions soon became frenzied and he started thrusting harder and deeper. Suddenly, with one final deep thrust, the man exploded into Mark’s mouth. The man spasmed a few more times, release another spurt of cum. Mark swallowed every drop and when the man withdrew, Mark’s tongue reached out to catch the last drop as it began to fall from the man’s softening member. Mark noticed now that the crowd had grown while he had been occupied. Two more men had joined the group, all had released their cocks from their pants and were stroking themselves.

Mark stood up and as he did, his pants, which he’d unbuttoned to release his own cock, dropped to the floor, leaving him standing naked from the waist down. The two new participants stepped closer, one offering his cock as the other two had. The second reached down to take Mark’s cock in his hand. Mark began stroking the offered cock and not wanting to interrupt the hand stroking his own cock, he leaned down and began sucking his third cock of the night. His ass was now fully exposed and felt a hand begin to caress him.

Mark was lost in wanton sexual desire now. He wiggled his ass against the man’s hand and was soon rewarded as he felt the hand slip between his cheeks. The feeling was distance at first, but he feel the fingers of the hand begin probing. This elicited a moan from Mark. One probing finger began pressing against his wanton hole, teasing it. Again Mark moaned. He panicked for a moment when felt the finger withdraw, but the panic subsided when it soon returned slippery and wet. The finger worked quickly first just the tip then more until most of it was inside him. The feeling of someone else penetrating his anal opening was more than Mark could endure. He squirmed against the finger trying to get even more of it inside.

Suddenly the finger withdrew and sigh escaped Mark’s mouth. Just as he had begun to think it was over he felt another sensation, something new, something he’d hope for, and it felt wonderful. He felt the head of a hard cock being pushed between his cheeks. Mark’s head swam for the sensations he was experiencing. Between the feel of the hard cock between his lips and the new feeling of a second cock pressing against his virgin opening, Mark thought he’d pass out from the pleasure it spurred in him.. The cock withdrew to returned even wetter than before, slipping easily back into position. The pressure increased until he felt the head slip inside. The man held it there allowing Mark to become accustomed to the size, then with one firm but slow thrust, the cock slid all the way in.

The moment Mark felt the man’s balls against his own, felt the rigid cock buried entirely inside him, his body was racked by the most intense orgasm he’d ever felt. His cock spewed his load at his feet, as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through him. The resulting orgasm caused him to plunge the cock in his mouth fully down his throat. His gag reflex had apparently gone on vacation. Each spasm caused him to constrict his throat on the hard cock which was soon loosing it’s hot load. Mark swallowed greedily, savoring the taste. As the softening cock withdrew, a soft moan escaped Mark’s mouth. The man behind him was driving his cock deep into him. The man was thrusting faster now, increasing his rhythm. Mark knew from the tension he felt as the man gripped his hips, it wouldn’t be long before Mark would feel this hard cock gushing inside of him as well.

Several more people had joined the group. Mark noticed hard cocks everywhere but couldn’t focus on anything other than the hard cock now pounding him. He steady himself with a hand on the wall as the man’s thrusts intensified, the cock thrusting faster and deeper. Mark knew the man was about to cum. With one final hard thrust, he felt the cock swell inside him, then he felt the sudden heat of the man’s cum as it exploded into him. Mark felt the man spasm, with each spasm another gush of cum. It seemed as if the man would never stop cumming. As the man slowed his movements and his cock began to soften, Mark felt the cum running out of him around the cock and down his legs.

With time to think now, Mark noticed the cum dripping from his own cock. His mind raced, feelings of regret and shame filled him. When the man withdrew his cock, Mark quickly stood, pulling his pants up as he straightened. His clothes were a wreck, between the cum oozing from his ass and his own cum, his pants were covered. Still he buttoned them up and moved to the exit. Mark got quickly into his car, where he paused to reflect on what had just happened. He felt the cum still oozing out of him, soaking through his underwear and into his pants. His desires temporarily sated, his mind pondered how he’d gotten here and how he’d allowed himself to get so lost, but the vibrations he still felt from his experience still stirred his desire for more.

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