Doctor's Prerogative Ch. 01

A gay sex stories: Doctor's Prerogative Ch. 01 After my divorce I decided I needed a new start. My ex-husband’s new start was to have sex with every man within a fifty-mile radius of our house. I moved to a small town in the countryside. The town’s doctor had upended her life and moved to Paris, selling me the practice. I was the only doctor in town. Mostly things were easy, I had to deal with doing yearly checkups and physicals. Anything serious usually went to the hospital the next town over. I got to know most of the residents. I didn’t talk much about my sexuality, mostly because I was a private person and things like that would tend to distract people in small towns. It was not a conversation I wanted to have with elderly Larry as I checked his balls for cancer is what I’m saying. The people who knew were the other gay men in town who would see me pop up on the apps every so often, when I got desperate. There was nearly never any new blood in town, and it could get lonely for a recently divorced man who had trouble speaking the language of youth.

It had been four months now since the last time I had the company of another man. I was antsy, it was about time I re-download some apps and just end up sleeping with Milne the Mailman, who was always down to suck someone’s dick.

My nurse Laure was an older lady who was happy another doctor came to town so she didn’t need to go to the hospital for work. She knocked on the door of my office and gave me my next patients’ board. I looked it over.

“This doesn’t have any information.”

“They don’t want to tell me what’s happening, I know their parents. I’m guessing pregnancy or sex related.”

I rolled my eyes, these young ones. “Thank you, Laure.”

I stepped into the inspection room. It was Jess and her boyfriend -I checked the board- Brad. I knew they had been recently engaged. I would have guessed pregnancy, however Brad was the one sitting on the inspection table as Jess stood next to him. After greetings I went right into it.

“I heard you didn’t want to speak to the nurse, so what’s bothering you today?”

Neither of them wanted to speak, definitely sex related.

“Well-” Jess started. “As you may know, we got engaged recently.” I nodded. She continued. “Well neither of us… had sex until that night.” That was hard for me to believe, both Jess and Brad were very attractive, especially for a town like this. Jess was a former cheerleader and Brad had probably been a farmhand his whole life, which made him look tanned, gruff, and very- very sexy. As I said, four months.

“Alright, nothing wrong with that. Do you need resources on how to-”

Jess interrupted me, “No, no, we understand how to… do that, and we did, A LOT.”

Rub it in my face why don’t you.

“Ok- What seems to be the problem?” I was definitely having the Mailman suck my dick tonight.

“Well, it’s been a few months now, and well…” Pregnant, I was sure she was going to say she was pregnant. “Brad’s dick won’t stop getting hard all the time.” I almost choked on my own spit, finding the will to restrain myself for professional demeanor. Brad, who had not spoken this whole time, shifted uncomfortably.

“Would you care to elaborate on that?”

“What’s elaborate?” She asked.

“Give me more details.”

“We have sex every morning.” I nodded, young love I supposed. “But then Brad wants to have sex again, and sometimes we do, but then he wants to go again before bed. Everyday.” That’s quite the libido. “And I can’t do it, it’s too much for me.” I nodded. God I was horny, and this talk of sex was not helping. Everything was silent for a second before Jess interrupted my trailing thoughts.

“What do you think doctor?”

“Well, that is definitely a… high rate of intercourse.”

“Hey doc, you gonna need to use smaller words” I looked over to Brad who had just spoken for the first time.

“Um… you are having a lot of sex.”

“I told you it was unnatural Brad.” Jess slapped her fiancée’s arm.

“Not necessarily, different people have different libidos,” they stared at me blankly, “sex drives.” I still wasn’t sure they knew what I was saying. “How about we start small. Let’s just do some basic physicals, and I can ask you both some questions one on one about your experiences. Then we can come back together, and I can give you my thoughts.”

I called Laure and instructed her to bring Brad to our second inspection room, do basic weight, blood pressure, breathing checks. I started doing basic checks on Jess.

“Jess, are you worried about anything down there?”

“I’m just tired out, once a day is a lot, and sometimes it’s three times!”

“Are you both trying to have a child, is that a reason for the regularity of your inter- sex.”

“I don’t want kids yet. I’ve been on the pill for 5 years now.”

I missed that on her chart.

“I though you two hadn’t had sex before your engagement. Why have you been taking the pill for so long?”

Jess squirmed in her seat. “Ok, I’ve had sex a few times before.” I finished taking her blood pressure. “It’s just that Brad’s mom is super overprotective, she thinks we’re both waiting until our wedding night.”

“And he hasn’t figured out that you’ve had sex before?”

“Brad is very hot, he’s not that bright. I just need to have less sex, I’m worn out.”

I wish I had the same problem. “Why don’t you just tell him?”

“He just keeps getting hard, I think it’s unnatural. Nothing I do has been able to stop that. Don’t you have a pill or somethin’?”

“Well, you look perfectly healthy. So far it seems like this is just adjustment to coupled life, however I will go talk to your husband to be and I will let you know if I find anything unusual.”



“Will you make sure not to tell any of this to Nurse Laure, she knows Brad’s mom.”

I met Laure in the hallway, she told me Brad looked perfectly healthy.

“Are they pregnant?”

I shook my head.

“Sex stuff?” I gave her a side eye, then nodded reluctantly.

“They don’t want me to tell you, sorry.”

“Ah that’s ok. I remember young love.” I gave her a stare. “I won’t tell their parents, promise.”

I walked into the room where Brad was waiting shirtless on the examination table. He was so fucking hot, like a lumberjack model for an outdoor magazine. He just looked blankly at me.

“Hello again Mr. Miller. Why is your shirt off?”

“Nurse Laure said to take it off to listen to my breathing.”

“Of course she did.”

I stared at his six pack underneath a thin layer of body hair. His thick arms sported a farmer’s tan.

“So, I’ve just talked with your fiancée, and I just want to hear from you what’s going on.”

“I don’t know doc. I never made love to a woman before I put a ring on her. It was just so good. I just want to do it all the time. But Jess says it’s too much.” It was clear he was self-conscious. “When you first made love to a woman, did you feel this way?”

“Well not exactly.” This really wasn’t the place or time to tell him that that day would never come. “But I understand the sentiment.”

“You use big words doc.”

“Right.” Had I used any big words yet?

“So, is it ok? Do you need to cut my dick off?”

It took me a second to understand he was being sincere.

“We are not cutting off your penis Mr. Miller.” He sighed in relief. “Did you really think that would happen?”

“I don’t much like going to the doctor sir. No offense, it scares me.”

I nodded, “Well Mr. Miller, I’m sure you have nothing to worry about.”

“Are you going to look at my dick doc?”

“Well, from your records you are due for a testicular exam, but we can do that another day if you aren’t feeling up for it.”

“I want you to look at my dick and make sure nothin’s wrong.”

“Ok, sure.”

“Do you mind if I do the testicular exam as well.”

“What’s that?”

I explained to him the procedure, and that I would also double check that his dick didn’t need to be cut off.

“Alright if you’re ready, pull down your pants.”

I turned around to put on some gloves and when I turned back, he was completely naked. He also had a farmer’s tan on the lower part of his body. Fuck me he was gorgeous. The main event however was what was going on between his legs. I almost gasped when I saw it. His dick was big and thick even soft, not the biggest I had ever seen as a gay man or a doctor but maybe in the top twenty. I would have to see it hard to really know. Back on task doctor! His balls were the biggest I had ever seen, they were bigger than golf balls, swinging low and heavy and just massive.

“Is something wrong doc?” I realized I had been staring.

“No, sorry Brad. I just needed you to pull the pants down, not get naked- but that’s ok, let’s just perform the procedure like this.”

I started the professional examination on his huge testicles. There was nothing wrong with them, they were just naturally that hefty. After a minute I realized I was just messaging them. I looked up to notice Brad was getting hard.

“I’m sorry doc. Like I said it just happens all the time.”

“That’s a totally normal reaction, Mr. Miller.” His fat dick was now swinging in front of my face.

You have fucking to be kidding me. I stood up. “Have you tried masturbation?”

“What’s that?”

“It’s when you give yourself an orgasm.” Brad just stared at me, naked, rock hard. Top ten largest dicks I’d ever seen.

“Is that allowed before marriage?”

“Well, I think your mother taught you no sex at all before marriage.” Brad started to blush, looking down at the linoleum floor. “Look Brad, I think it’s totally ok to have sex before marriage. I also think it’s totally ok to masturbate. If you masturbate, you probably won’t want to have sex with Jess so often.”

He nodded. “Ok doc.”

“I think that solves that. You can put your clothes back on and we’ll go talk with Jess, ok?” I was going to need a quick session after this. Maybe I would take a lunch break and jack-off in my locked office. Wouldn’t be the first time.


“Yes?” Why hadn’t he put his clothes back on.

“How do you masturrabate?” This had to be some sort of cosmic torture.

“Well-” Just tell him to look it up online. “You take your penis in your hand- Has Jess never given you a hand job?” This was becoming so unprofessional, just take his email and send him some sex ed resources.

“We do it in her ass. If that’s what you’re asking. She says that way is allowed before marriage.” I rubbed my forehead. No wonder she was worn out.

“So, um- masturbation is like a hand job that you give yourself. Well, it can be other things but let’s stick to that for now.” Brad was now looking at me intently, hanging on my every word. I had a terrible idea, a wrong, bad, awful idea. Just let him be on his way and jack-off in your office you horny old doctor. “I could demonstrate if you’d like.” I wish I could take the words back the moment they left my mouth. This was how I would lose my medical license. I would be witch hunted out of this small town and have to flee to the other side of the country.

“Would you doc!” The words snapped me back to the moment.


“Show me the masturrabation.” What had I gotten myself into. He was still naked, sexy, and hard. “If you show me doc, then I know I’ll be doing it right.”

“Right.” I gulped. “So-” Was I really doing this. “You take your dic- penis into your hand.” Brad followed the instructions. “And you slide it up and down.”

“I’ve done this before.” Of course he has. “This is masturrabation?”

“Yep. What did you think we were talking about?” He shrugged.

“This ain’t as good as fucking doc.” It sure wasn’t, but it was all some of us had.

“You see Brad, you can make it better by using lubricant, toys, visual stimulation… prostate simulation.” I was trying to convince myself. He was still naked and stroking himself in front of me.

“Well doc. If that’s your advice. I will try and do this instead of sex all the time. I’m not sure it’s going to work.” Thank God, he seemed ready to end this. “Do you mind if I finish doing this before we go back to Jess? She didn’t let me fuck her this morning.”

That was very much not appropriate, I just wanted to be done with it. “Go ahead- I’ll give you the room.” How quickly could I find the time and privacy to ride the dildo hidden in the back of my locked desk drawer.

“Doc, I was hoping you would show me the things you said to make it as good as sex.” I was so close to leaving. “Like the different simulations you talked about.”

I was at the door. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “You mean stimulations.”

“Whatever you say doc.” He had clearly become hornier from stroking his dick.

Give myself sexual pleasure or keep my medical license? My dick chose for me. I locked the door and turned around.

“Let me show you some techniques.” I put some medical lubricant in my hand. Trying to sound as professional as possible. “Applying some lubricating gel is a good first step. I have some samples I can give you after this.” I moved in front of him. “Do you mind if I show you.” I could hear the slightest quiver in my voice. I hoped Brad hadn’t noticed.

“You’re the doc, doc.”

I placed my hand filled with lube on the big hard shaft. Fuck it was thick.

“Oh-” He reacted to my touch.

“Everything ok Mr. Miller.” This was when he would realize this was a bad idea and ask me to leave. Instead, he nodded. I got on my knees in front of him, the same way I had done for the exam. “As I was saying, lubricating gel is a great start.” I started to rub the fat cock. “Now Brad, just let me know if you are ever uncomfortable with what I’m doing and we can stop, ok?”

He nodded again, his face sincerely. I couldn’t tell if he was playing me for a handy or genuinely thought this was a normal doctor patient interaction.

“Now there are multiple grips you can use.” I started stroking the dick in different ways trying to give medical jargon to each one of them. “Then of course you can give yourself stimulation from pornography. This can come in video, photographic, or written formats.”

I was losing his attention as he was clearly enjoying my work on his dick.

“That’s a lot of good info doc-” He was starting to breathe heavily.

“It’s also important to stimulate other parts of the body with your other hand.” I took my left hand and started to message his massive ball sack. “This can be done with the scrotum as I’m doing here, or you can palpate and squeeze the nipples.” I was also getting hot and bothered from the touching of his member, my hard dick was rubbing inside my pants.

“Another area of-” I didn’t finish the sentence before I felt his balls contract and a shot of cum hit my face. Forgetting myself and out of instinct as a gay man kneeling before a hot dick, I put my mouth around the engorged head.

“Oh fuck doc!” It was too late to undo the damage. I started to swallow the prodigious amount of cum shouting from Brads dick as I continued to stroke it and play with the scrotum. I heard him huffing and puffing above, clearly trying not to vocalize his pleasure. After I swallowed the last of the cum I got up quickly. I could feel my face hot with shame. We both stood there in silence.

“Let me get you some wipes to clean up.” I didn’t know what else to say.

“They teach you that in doctor school, doc?”

I had learned plenty of that while going to med school, usually after hours. “Yep.”

“I don’t know if I’ll be able to do that last part on my own, don’t think I’m flexible like that.” He seemed indifferent from the fact I had put my mouth on his dick. I handed him the wipes.

“I’m sor- I shou-” I started to stumble on my words, how would I explain sucking his dick and swallowing his cum. “That was um- I used the opportunity to take a sample.” What the fuck was I saying?

“You were taking a cum sample doc?” He said as I offered him a trash can for the wipes.

“Yup-” I wished a police officer would just open the door and arrest me. “I was surprised to see you had such a large discharge. The sperm otherwise seemed in good condition.” I grabbed my clipboard with Mr. Miller’s information and pretended to write that information down.

“Well doc I have to say, I’ve always been afraid of coming to these medicine appointments. You are just so full of information, and such a smart one. I’m coming back the next time I have a stubbed toe.” He said as he clothed himself.

“I’m glad I dispelled some of your reticence to seek medical treatment.” I place the clipboard face down on the counter. “We should join your fiancée. I think we have kept her waiting long enough.” I started to make my way back to the door.

“Oh doc?” Fuck, what now?

“Yes?” I turned back to Brad who sheepishly pointed at my forehead. Touching the spot he pointed at I realized I had never cleaned the first shot of cum that had hit my face. I turned red with embarrassment. Brad also seemed embarrassed for having to point it out.

“How about you join your wife- Jess in exam room one. I will be right there.”

After he left, I quickly grabbed some wipes and cleaned my face. I took the time to rearrange my dick, in doing so I noticed the inside of my underwear was slicked with precum. I made my way out of the room only to be surprised by Nurse Laure.

“That took a while.”

Thankfully I had recomposed myself a little. “You guys don’t have great sex ed around here, do you?”

She nodded. “They make em’ sign a vow of chastity at the public school.”

I sighed. “I also took the time to do a scrotal exam, you can put that in his record. All clear.”

“Does he have a nice dick like his father did?”

“Nurse Laure!” I tried sounding authoritative and failed.

“Ah, I’ve been working here my whole life. I’ve seen most their dicks and their father’s dicks- and their father’s father’s dicks.”

She sure was a salty sailor when you let her run her mouth. “All by being a nurse?”

“Not just.” She winked at me and made her way to the reception area before turning around. “By the way, your next patient has been waiting, so wrap up with these ones as fast as you can. I’m going to take a smoke break.”

I rolled my eyes. She really was a good nurse when she wanted to be. I guess my dildo would have to wait.

Jess and Brad were waiting for me. Brad’s demeanor had flipped since their arrival. I told Jess that Brad and I had discussed masturbation as a supplement for their sex life.

“He took a cum sample and said I had a large discharge.” Brad said out loud. I turned white. Neither of them seemed to notice.

“And you think that’s natural doctor? That amount of cum he produces. After we had sex twice yesterday?” Jess asked.

I cleared my throat, getting an aftertaste of Brad’s cum. “Yup- All seems within reason. If this doesn’t work out just come back and see me and I will see how else I can help.” Part of me hoped they would never step foot in here ever again.

Jess shrugged. She seemed underwhelmed by my observations and recommendations. They both left, not before Brad shook my hand.

I returned to our reception area to grab the next patient.

There, I heard Brad out the window. “I like this new doc.”

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