Dominated by my Son’s Dormmate


A gay story: Dominated by my Son’s Dormmate It was early morning on move-in day when Noah pulled up to the converted apartment that his son’s college used for dormitories. With age forty still a few years away Noah felt too young to have a kid in collage, but Jack was one of the few good things to come out of his brief marriage when he was just a teenager. His wife was nice enough but when Noah was recruited from college to play in the NFL, he could see her greed show through and soon they were divorced.

Noah’s NFL career never rose to the levels of fame that many of peers enjoyed but still he kept boxes stacked in front of his face as he carried them in just in case. Standing six feet and 4 inches, and with a broad well-muscled body, Noah had no issues carrying in his son’s things. In a bit of bad luck Jack had only just registered when he got his first jury summons and was staying with his mom out east while he served before he could show up for his first day of college.

Noah was surprised to see the roommate was already unpacked as he moved in Jake’s stuff, putting away the clothing and making the bed so Jake would feel at home whenever he could arrive. As he was bent over the bed tucking in the sheets, he heard an effeminate voice behind him.

“Well hello muscles, did I win a contest or something and you’re my prize?”

Embarrassed and a little red in the face, Noah turned around and introduced himself, explaining the situation with Jake. The roommate, he learned was named Lindsy, had a voice that was a was a mix of a southern drawl and an effeminate lisp that somehow came across as confident to the point of being egotistical. It was clear this was someone who was used to bossing others around.

Lindsy was a sophomore and the physical opposite of Noah. And as Noah would soon learn, while born male Lindsy chose not to identify with either gender. They had a whiplash thin but hard lean body. The skin was hairless and almost milky white. Their bright pink hair was shaved on the side and spiked up on top, they wore heavy makeup, black lipstick and designer clothing of the kind Noah remembering his wife demanding. Currently Lindsy was in a short black skirt with fishnet stockings and leather halter top.

“So, your son is my roommate, but stuck on jury duty, and you all are being the gallant daddy and moving him in?” Lindsy paused to look at the bed, “And even making his bed for him?”

Noah replied, “College was not that long ago for me, and I didn’t have the luxuries that Jake, and I assume you, enjoy so yea I spoil my son some, but I want him to be happy. Speaking of, if you’re going to be his roommate tell me something about yourself.”

Closing the door Lindsy pulled out a hard wooden dorm style chair for Noah and sat on Jake’s bed, so they were looking eye to eye. “Tell you what,” Lindsy replied, “Let’s make a game out of it. You can ask me something and I can ask you something back, but if either one refuses to answer or gets caught lying the other gets a point.”

Noah adjusted himself in the chair, he had to admit he was out of his comfort zone, since retiring from the NFL and opening a successful chain of car dealerships he had quietly experimented with both men and women but something about this Lindsy was different. Maybe it was the androgynous appearance or the confident demeanor, but Noah found himself attracted to the young person and tried to hide it.

“Ok I can do that, but what do points get you?” Noah asked in what he hoped was a casual manner.

“You’re a protective daddy, and you want to know if you can trust me, right?” Lindsy asked and Noah nodded. “Well then let’s just say the person with the most points wins and they can define what they get later, what better way show trust?”

Hesitantly Noah agreed and they began exchanging questions. The first couple or rounds were innocent enough discussing where they were from and what is their major etc. Noah didn’t notice at the time, but slowly Lindsy switched from asking questions about Jake and to asking about Noah. When at one point Noah referred to Lindsy as he and asked if he was gay, Noah found out it was not so simple anymore.

Noah learned that Lindsy was nonbinary, using “they” as the preferred pronoun and was not gay as they did not express a preference for either gender over the other but took people on a case by case basis. Luckily one of Noah’s favorite and longest serving employees at the dealership had come out as nonbinary so he had some familiarity with the language and adjusted quickly.

Still Lindsy took advantage of the brief slip up and declared an extra point for himself, to which Noah, to embarrassed to argue, conceded. As the conversation continued Lindsy began to ask more personal and intimate questions about Noah. As Noah was already embarrassed, he hesitated to answer leading to more points for Lindsy.

After an hour Noah could see the direction of Lindsy question’s and sense the heat building between them so he stood up “Well Lindsy, I have to admit you were not what I expected as a dormmate for Jack, but you seem like a decent person I should be heading out…”

“Sit Back Down!” Lindsy interrupted and to Noah’s surprise he did. “You don’t get to just walk out of here while down on points, I get to take my prize first.” This time Lindsy stood up and walked to his side of the room. “You wanted to learn trust so let’s see if you trust me” Lindsy said, and suddenly Noah felt a blindfold being pulled down over his eyes.

“You lost the game and as my prize I want you to trust me, if you do, you will not take that off.” Clearly hesitant Noah agreed as he squirmed awkwardly in the heavy oak dorm chair unable to see what Lindsy was doing around him.

“What color was my skirt?” Lindsy asked. Mindful of the change in power dynamic Noah hesitated before correctly replied it was black. “Good, open your mouth for a reward.” Lindsy said just before sliding an apple slice in between Noah’s Lips. Noah’s mind had run to dirty places, and he was relieved it was innocent as he chewed the tangy apple slice. He debated ending it there, but Lindsy did win the game so if this is what he wants Noah would play along.

“How many eyelets on boots” Lindsy asked. Noah hesitated, focusing his memory on the sight of Lindsy’s black leather boots. In his mind he moved his eyes down the the memory of those firm pale leg muscles where the stockings entered the top of the boots. The thought of his hand running down those leather boots and youthful hairless legs led to inappropriate thoughts and so he quicky guessed a number before his mind wandered too far.

“Wrong,” said Lindsy “Since you didn’t get that correct as punishment, I get to take off your shoes.” Noah sat there in the blindfold as they removed his shoes. Noah was all muscle and easily twice as big as Lindsy, he could have stood up, taken the blindfold off, and put an end to this but instead he found himself sitting still as Lindsy removed his socks and shoes.

“Am I wearing a watch on my wrist?” Noah hesitated again, he remembered seeing bracelets or maybe bangles, was Lindsy wearing a watch too? Had he known there was going to be a test he would have paid more attention, but he was not sure. Finally, he guessed, “Yes?”

“Wrong, I am only wearing bracelets.” Noah jumped a little in his chair when he felt Lindsy’s hands lay on his shoulders from behind the chair. Lindsy’s hands slide slowly down his arms pausing to squeeze the thick biceps and forearm muscles. Feeling this was just about going too far Noah was about to tell him stop when Lindsy interrupted while pulling his wrists back. “As punishment you will have to wear bracelets.”

Noah relaxed; ok he had thought maybe Lindsy was getting too familiar, but he was confident enough in his masculinity to not be offended by wearing ladies’ jewelry, if Lindsy’s plan was to embarrass him it would fail he thought. Noah’s opinion changed rapidly though when he felt the cold steel click of the handcuffs lock his wrists behind him. He went to raise up to his feet, but his arms were interlaced with the back of the heavy oak chair back and fell back down.

Suddenly Noah felt Lindsy sit in his lap and pull off the blindfold as Noah struggled awkwardly handcuffed to the chair, “Enough games, I wanted you the second I saw you, and I bet you wanted me too.” He said as he grabbed a handful of Noah’s hair in a fist and pulled his head back, kissing him deep and hard. At first Noah struggled under Lindsy, but the more he fought in the cuffs the harder Lindsy kissed him back. Finally, he felt both of Lindsy’s hands move down and clamp on his neck, the feminine hands barely made it around his thick muscles but tied up he was helpless to stop him.

The hands closed tight cutting off air as they continued to kiss him aggressively, Noah was stated to get worried when Lindsy finally surfaced from the kiss starting him right in the eyes still holding his neck. “I knew I was going to fuck you the moment I walked in and saw you making that bed, the only thing I didn’t know was if you would like it or not.” Noah croaked an intelligible reply before Lindsy continued, “Are you going to behave?” Knowing what Lindsy wanted to hear Noah nodded yes and inhaled deeply as the hands loosened.

Noah was still catching his breath trying to process what had just happened as Lindsy walked around behind the chair out of his sight. Lindsy reemerged holding a knife and a roll of duct tape “Don’t move my new bottom bitch, I don’t want to cut you, but I will.” Lindsy ran the knife up his leg cutting and then ripping each pant leg open from the bottom. As they pulled the thick muscular legs together, Lindsy could feel resistance, but a threating wave of the knife made Noah comply.

Starting at the ankles, Lindsy taped them together, then the feet, and calves. Layer after layer was applied as he kept going. When he was done the whole roll was used up and Noah’s legs below the knees to his toes were wrapped together as tight as a mummy with no flesh showing.

Having recovered some composure Noah asked, “Why are you doing this?”

Lindsy stood towering over Noah and pressed the knife against Noah’s Neck threateningly “Did I say you could speak?” That was followed by a hard slap to the face. “I am doing this because I want to, and I can. Next time you speak without permission it will be worse, understood?” to which Noah meekly nodded.

Lindsy took their time cutting the remainder of Noah’s clothing off with the knife leaving him in just white cotton briefs. They didn’t do it in one big rip, but instead they took their time shredding it so that Noah could see his clothing turned into long ragged strips. As Lindsy was working there was a buzzing in the remnants of Noah’s pants and Lindsy fished around until he came out with Noah’s phone. Seeing there was a text he used Noah’s face to unlock the phone and then proceeded to shove balled up shreds clothing into Noah’s mouth, securing them with a second roll of duct tape.

Playfully sitting in the lap of his gag and bound captive Lindsy could feel Noah’s cock we hard as steel rebar in the cotton white briefs as he perused the phone’s contents. Noah watched helplessly as Lindsy replied to the text and noticed him sending a few more. At one point Lindsy took a selfie sitting in Noah’s lap capturing both of them in the frame and sent it to someone.

“I think it’s cute how you call your son Sport, in your text chain, I made sure to reply the same way, it looks like he will be on jury duty for at least two more day and staying with his Mom.” Turning the phone so Noah could see the text “See he even said thanks and love ya dad, aww how cute he couldn’t tell it wasn’t you.”

Switching to a different text chain, Lindsy showed Noah the screen again “This one, well this one was genius if I do say so myself” Noah read an exchange between his assistant Alice, where Lindsy pretending to be Noah said he was going to spend a few days with family. Noah looked for any sign that she knew it was not him, but the reply was authentic looking ending with “Don’t worry boss we got things covered here for a couple days without you, enjoy time with your family.”

Lindsy smiled as they purposefully squirmed in Noah’s lap enjoying the feel of the thick muscles and Noah’s hard cock now poking out the top of the briefs. “Looks like I have you all to myself for at least two days and maybe a few more, this is going to be fun.”

The world went dark for Noah as Lindsy pulled the blindfold back on. Noah felt his white cotton briefs, the last scrap of clothing on him pulled tight and then cut off. Noah thought back and could not think of any time in his life that he was so helpless before, so absolutely under the control of someone else. Had he been overpowered by someone bigger and stronger he would have understood that, but the fact that he let himself get overpowered by this thin effeminate twink in skirt with pink hair whom he just meet only made it more humiliating, and yet somehow more exciting too.

Despite knowing he should be scared, or angry Noah found the whole experience erotic, a fact clearly betrayed to Lindsy by Noah’s throbbing cock now free of his briefs. Lindsy circled the naked captive their fingers running along the thick muscles playfully. Lindsy wanted to fuck Noah so badly, but that meaty cock was tempting them in ways they did not expect. Fuck it they thought to themselves, I have him for days no reason I cannot enjoy a snack first.

Grabbing the belt from Noah’s shredded pants Lindsy lopped it around Noah’s neck before kneeling next to the captive and sliding their mouth down the thick meat. As Lindsy sucked and slurped on the meat, enjoying the exquisite flavor, they yank on the end of belt to remind Noah who in change. Lindsy savored the warmth of the shaft in their mouth and the tang of the precum dripping from Noah’s cock tip.

Eager for more, they grabbed and twisted Noah’s balls as the belt-leash was pulled tighter and the fairy lips gripped the shaft tight. “I knew you would like this you bitch boy,” Lindsy said between sucking. Finally, having had their fill Lindsy pulled back the puckered wet lips and started to jerk Noah. The mix of sensations proved too much and soon Noah felt his cock gush a firehose of cum which Lindsy aimed back at Noah so that if sprayed all over Noah’s chest and abs.

Lindsy kissed Noah’s gagged face possessively before standing up and addressing him “Do you want me to send your son and fans all the pretty pics of you I took like this?” Noah shook his gagged head. “Then be a nice obedient bitch and I will not have to send them” Lindsy briefly uncuffed one wrist to stand Noah up before re-cuffing him again. Noah was too embarrassed by the thought of the picture going out to resist before he was helpless again.

With the arms cuffed securely again, Lindsy stood Noah up balancing him on the mummified feet and then pushed him over like a teetering toy onto his son’s freshly made bed. After lopping the free end of the belt to the headboard and securing it, Lindsy removed the blindfold.

Noah blinked at the sudden bright light. His bound body tingled with sensitivity from the orgasm as he turned his head to see Lindsy standing next to the bed. Noah watched as Lindsy pulled off their halter top reviling their flat hard chest and rolled down the fishnet stockings. Noah knew each move was deliberate and slow meant to tease and taunt him as he lay there helpless.

Noah watched Lindsy’s pale, tight, hard, nineteen-year-old body writhe and twist enticing him. Standing in only the short leather skirt Lindsy pulled it up and started to spread a handful of lube on the long pencil thin twink cock. Moving closer Lindsy stroked the cock inches from Noah’s face knowing that if Noah tried to move any closer he would choke himself on the belt secured to the headboard.

“You want it don’t you bitch, don’t deny it, you want me to fuck you like a slave toy” Lindsy growled at Noah as he slapped him in the face with the twink meat. Noah gave the slightest of nods before Lindsy grabbed his face “You can do better than that bitch boy, I ask again, do you want me to fuck you!” Finally, Noah agreed with a clear nod. “I was going to fuck you either way but it’s nice knowing you want this too” Lindsy said with an evil grin before pushing the blind fold back down.

Noah felt Lindsy’s lean tone body climb him like the mountain of muscle he was. The soft hairless flesh and leather skirt rubbing against his legs and ass making him hard again as he lay there helpless anticipating what was about to happen. When the wet fingers slide into his tight ass he moaned loudly but the cry was muffled by the improvised gag. Back and forth the fingers opened him up lubing the tight flesh tunnel nestled between the large ass muscles.

When the fingers pulled out Noah braced himself as Lindsy finally rammed home the twink cock entering him. Noah had experimented with guys before but they always wanted him to top, this was the first time anyone had entered him, and he found he loved it. Lindsy’s hip thrusts were speeding up as Noah lay on the bed helpless in his bondage.

Their bodies made a wet slapping noise as Lindsy pounded harder and harder their pelvis slamming into Noah’s ass as the cock sunk all the way in. Noah jumped when he felt a hard spank on the ass cheek and then another and another. Each spank hurt more than last, and he could hear Lindsy moaning with pleasure as Noah twitched and jumped around his cock.

Noah lost all sense of time as Lindsy continued to use his ass as only someone with the never-ending energy or youth can. Somewhere in the middle of being fucked, the feel of the cuffs on his wrists, the cock in his ass, the leather belt tight on his neck all mixed with the friction of his cock on the sheets to make Noah shoot a second load.

He lay there helpless, the cum smearing between the sheets and his hard abs as Lindsy continued to fuck his sore ass. Finally, Noah felt the tension build, his ass was red and raw from the spanking as he felt Lindsy arch back and suddenly he felt a thick warm gush of cum fill and overflow from his ass.

When they were done Lindsy collapsed onto Noah’s broad back breathing hard their cock slowly softening still in Noah’s ass. “That was fucking amazing, I cant wait to do that again tonight.” After they caught their breath and pulled out Lindsy picked up their clothing and headed to the bathroom to clean up leaving Noah as he was.

The next two days become a blur of sex, bondage, and submission for Noah. Anytime Lindsy left to go to class or the store they left Noah tied up to Jakes bed. When Lindsy was around they would slowly break Noah down teaching him to kneel and call them Sir before fucking him again as a reward. After the initial fuck Noah stopped resisting, he was addicted and would do anything Lindsy said for the chance of being fucked by them again. A treat Lindsy was glad to provide over and over.

After three days of debauchery the text finally arrived saying that Jack was done with jury duty and would be arriving at college soon. Lindsy purchased new clothing for Noah using one of Noah’s credit cards before establishing some rules.

“First I am keeping this card, you will pay the balance each month without asking any questions. Second, this is between you and I, I will not tell anyone, and neither will you. Third when I call on you, you will come to me, I plan on training and fucking you plenty more. In return for this I will be the good and wholesome dormmate for your son who will not need to know anything about us.”

After cleaning up Noah agreed, making sure to leave before Jack could get there and recognize his car. As he drove home, his muscled ass cheeks still sore, Noah wished the first college break would come fast so he could submit to Lindsy again soon.


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The End

Authors Note: This story is not part of any of my current series but instead came to me as a fully complete story in a dream a few nights ago. I had to capture it in writing before it faded. I hope I did it justice and you can enjoy it as much as I did.


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