Dorm Room Secret Ch. 01

A gay story: Dorm Room Secret Ch. 01 In college I had a room mate that introduced me to male/male sex. We met in our sophomore year and had the next three years to enjoy each others bodies, fully exploring our sexuality. Mike is now an orthopedic surgeon and at the time was a pre-med student. We’ve stayed in touch over the years and recently I went out to Colorado to visit with him and do some cycling. During my visit, we talked openly about those days and that, even after 25 years, our memories of those years continue to be as fresh and exciting as ever. After getting Mike’s permission, I have decided to share some of those memories, most of which are based on what we recorded during those crazy college days. I hope you enjoy reading about it.



Week 1


When Mike and I became room mates in our sophomore year he was pre-med and I was in engineering so we had no shared classes. I had met him the spring semester of our freshman year through some friends and we got to know each other pretty well. Over the summer we learned that we both needed a room mate for the following year we agreed to share a place.

Mike and I were both 19 when we met and oddly enough share a birthday, February 20, 1960. For the first semester that we roomed together both of us had a lot of lab work that kept us away from the dorm room and we didn’t socialize much. But when winter came in the spring semester, right before we turned 20, we were locked indoors much more often and spent more time in the room and with each other. A few weeks before our birthday is when things changed dramatically.

We had been doing some home work in our dorm room for about an hour when Mike spoke. “Hey Jake. Do you ever have pain like…down there?”

“Not really. You OK?”, I asked.

“I don’t know. Been having a sharp pain lately.”


“My dick. I don’t know if I bent it or slept on it wrong or what. Fucking hurts though.”

“Did you see a doctor?”, I asked.

“Not yet. I was hoping it would just go away on its own, but it’s not. Does this ever happen to you?”

“Yeah, once. I bent my dick stuffing it into my pants. I was in a hurry and the fucker hurt for a week. Does it hurt when it’s soft or hard?”

“Both, but it’s a lot less painful when it’s hard. In fact, this may seem like an odd request but here goes. Do you mind if I take off my pants? This is killing me.”

“No, do what you gotta do, bro.”

Mike stood up and began to take off his pants and when I turned around to ask him a question, I noticed he had taken off his underwear also and he was hard as a rock. His cock wasn’t long or fat, just normal size like mine. I had played sports so seeing a guy naked was no big deal and I didn’t think anything of it.

“This is where it hurts”. He pointed to a spot just below the head.

“Maybe you beat off too hard and strained yourself”, I said with a laugh.

“If I squeeze it a little like this the pain goes away.” He took his penis in his hand and slowly wrapped his fingers around the shaft. “And if I move it up and down a little I can feel a bump in there. Here, you can feel it.”

Before I realized what I was doing Mike had grabbed my hand and put it on his cock, closing my fingers around it.

“Do you feel it? Do you feel that bump?”

“No”, I said, amazed that I was touching Mike’s cock. It felt warm and super hard. It was firmer than mine and it felt good in my hand. I had never touched another man before and I started to move my hand up and down his shaft a little to feel for this so-called bump. Mike was very “clinical” so even at this time it seemed oddly normal to do what I was doing.

“I still don’t feel it. But then again I am not trying very hard to feel up your cock!”

“Then maybe we should compare and you’ll see what I’m talking about”, he said, very matter-of-factually. He encouraged me to stand up and strip off my pants and for some reason this made sense at the time and I have to admit I was curious to compare.

In a matter of seconds the two of us were standing in the room naked from the waist down, hard as a rock. We were about the same height and our dicks were remarkably similar. In fact our entire bodies were almost mirror images, right down to the curve of our cocks.

“Let me see if you have a bump in yours”, Mike said. He reached down and began to fondle my cock, searching for a bump. “I don’t feel anything, but wait”, he said. “We need stuff to make our hands slide easier for a better examination. Let me get some stuff.” Mike went to his night stand and drizzled lubricant over both our hands and our stiff dongs and quickly, without words, he began to slip and slide his hands over my cock. It felt awesome.

“Let’s sit on the bed and now let’s see if you can find the bump”, he said.

Our hands were now gliding up and down each others cocks and Mike began to run his slippery fingers over my balls. “Sometimes bumps hide here”, he said, gently sliding his hands over my nuts. “I want to make sure I check you out. So far, everything feels normal.”

“Really? What would be abnormal?”, I asked.

“Lumps or hard spots. Like here. Your testicles should feel firm and when I do this”, he squeezed very gently, “there should be no pain. But the danger is that problems can arise very quickly with genitalia.”

“Like what?”

“Cancer. Prostate enlargements, testicular cancer. All these things are very aggressive and if you were not checked frequently enough they could take your life.”

“But I’m only 20 years old. Is this really that big of a risk?”

“My cousin was 24 when he died of testicular cancer. He had been going to the doctor for regular exams but one time they missed it and unfortunately by the time he was diagnosed he was beyond treatment.”

“24? Are you fucking kidding me?”

“I wish I were only kidding. Another student in one of my classes mentioned losing a brother and an uncle to prostate cancer last year.”

I was hardly paying attention to his cock but then I felt it. I actually felt the bump he was describing.

“I feel it!”, I said excitedly. Realizing how it sounded and trying to recoild from sounding too effeminate, I quickly added, “I think I found it dude. It’s small but…is this it?”

“Yeah, Mike said. That’s it. Now you should check yourself very thoroughly”, he said. “Face me and I’ll show you what I mean.”

“Make sure you run your hands like this, up and down. And wrap your fingers around tight, then let go slowly while you slide up and down.” Mike’s nuts were heaving up and down as he spoke and slowly massaged his penis. “The problem with men is that self-examination is very difficult to do properly. For example, you felt a bump on me after only a few minutes of stroking me, but it took me a few days to feel the same thing. That scares me.”

“It scares me, too”, I said. “Wow, it would be awful to die of something just because you didn’t catch it in time.”

“Exactly. And another thing, the prostate is OK to massage on your own, but really for a man to have it properly examined it should be done by someone else.

I didn’t even know what he was talking about at the time so I just nodded with a blank sort of look. Mike briefly explained the prostate and the danger of letting it go unchecked.

“Have you examined your prostate or massaged it?”, Mike asked.

“No, never. Do you know if your cousin had his examined?”

“Yes, by a doctor once a year because of his family history. Even still, they missed finding an abnormality when he was 23 and by the time he went back it was too late. Here. Come to the edge of the bed. I’ll show you what they do. It’s not what you think. It actually feels pretty good.”

Mike knelt down on the floor and I sat on the edge of the bed at the corner.

“Move your butt out a little more and lean back. Use some pillows.”

“I don’t know, dude! This is getting a little weird.”

“I’m a med student. Relax.”

“True”, I thought. I did relax and decided to let him do his thing.

“First we warm up our fingers. I am only going to need one finger and you can see my nails are very closely trimmed. I massage my prostate all the time, at least twice a week to ‘milk the bull’ which is very healthy.

“Milk the bull? What’s that?”

“It’s a massage technique. When I milk myself, semen just sort of dribbles and leaks out, but some men experience a full orgasm with strong ejaculation. The massage is meant to evacuate stale fluid out of your prostate. It’s good for you and it should be done on a pretty regular basis. As an added benefit it feels really, really good!”

I leaned back and moved my butt cheeks apart enough for Mike to tap a finger at my ring.

“OK, I am going to slide a finger in and feel around for your prostate. Have you ever had anything up inside you?”

“Yes. Once, a few years ago, I was home alone and found my sister’s anal vibrator and used it. It felt great”, I admitted.

“Well, this probably isn’t going to compare to that! You might have to help me find it, OK? Just tell me when you feel the pressure. It will feel good.”

Mike’s finger slid inside me and it of course felt very strange having his finger wiggling around. I could see the top of his bony hand moving toward my back as his finger penetrated a few inches. Then very suddenly I felt incredible pressure.

“OH! Oh my god!” I looked down and saw my balls tighten.

“OK, good. Now I’m going to run my finger all along it. Tell me if I push too hard. It should feel good, not painful.”

Mike’s finger rubbed along the inside of a body part that I didn’t even know existed. My cock was rock hard and every few seconds a pool of milky fluid drooled out of the tip.

“Now bear down on my finger a little. This will feel more intense.”

I did as Mike instructed and immediately felt a sharp, deep sensation of incredible pleasure combined with a thin, watery jet of come leaping out of my cock.

“That’s good!”, Mike said. “The next test is all about your come; the texture, how it smells, even how it tastes.”


“Yes. It’s something I’ve been working on for a few months. Diagnostic procedures for prevention and overall health. I’m pioneering using ordinary human techniques and interactions to diagnose and treat certain maladies. It’s sort of like natural medicine using certain sexual activities to understand the human body. Put it this way: if you were married and your wife’s pussy suddenly tasted different than it had for years, wouldn’t that alert you that something had changed?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Well, that’s essentially what I am suggesting…using your body to examine someone else’s body. We’re very stoic and way too uptight here in the United States. Techniques like what I am suggesting date back thousands of years.”


“Definitely. So do I have your permission to examine you more thoroughly?”

“OK”, I said, a bit confused but somehow completely at Mike’s mercy.

“Now I’ll make you orgasm. When you are ready to climax, please tell me so I can catch the semen in my mouth. That is a big part of the test. Certain tastes indicate poor nutrition, not enough calcium, too much sugar, stuff like that.

“You really want me to come in your mouth, Mike? Are you serious?”

“Relax, dude. I’m a med student. Just go with it.”

With his finger still inside me, Mike began to stroke and lick my cock and massage my nuts. Seconds later I was ready to go.

“Dude, I’m ready! I’m gonna blow!”

“OK. I’m ready. Just let yourself go and I’ll catch it and taste it and let you know what I think.”

Mike clamped his mouth over my cock and sucked hard. Between his expert cocksucking and fingering me deep inside a collosal load boiled out of me and spat into Mike’s mouth. It was as much as he could handle and then some, with a tiny trail of come running out of the corners of his lips and down his chin. He slowly slid his mouth off and stared at the ceiling as he tilted his head back and opened his mouth. He stuck out his tongue momentarily, tilted his head back down and swallowed.

“Do you drink a lot of caffeine?” he asked.

“I have a few cups of coffee in the morning”, I said, my rod still hard and hovering. His hand was still curled around my firm shaft as he spoke.

“How about sugar? Do you eat a lot of sweets?”

I was utterly fascinated by the insight Mike had gained into my diet by simply gulping down a load of my come. It was like visiting a psychic, although I would imagine relatively few soothsayers end up with your come swirling in their mouth.

“Actually, yes. Probably more than I ought to.”

“Hmmm…” he pondered. “Let me get my notebook.” Quickly, deliberately, and rather clinically Mike rummaged through his things until he found his record book. “I’m going to start a new series of entries for you, sort of like your medical chart if that’s OK with you. I won’t share it with anyone. I only ask that you keep my identity and these procedures confidential because I am considering making these techniques common medical practice in the future and I want to retain ownership of the process. The only way to do that is to keep the techniques secret until I’m ready to publish, which is years away.”

“No problem. I don’t want to advertise this either.”

“Great.” Mike scribbled some notes in the book and without looking up asked, “now if you would be so kind, I’d like to move on to my own diagnosis. Purely clinical, you see.”

“You mean you want me to do this to you?”

“Well”, Mike said, “reciprocal testing is ideal. This allows patient and doctor to become acclimated to each other and refine the diagnostic techniques. Otherwise, how would we ever validate results? I mean, if you can think of a better way I would be willing to listen, but I don’t know how that’s possible.” he said with a ‘you-mean-you-don’t-get-this?’ sort of look.

Yes, it all seemed so perfectly logical and sensible. Why would I not validate the results? What was I, stupid?

“Let’s try to remain as similar as possible in technique and execution, especially on these first few comparisons. Are you ready?”

First few comparisons? Were we going to do this again? This was beyond weird.

Mike sat on the edge of the bed and I stared at his thick, curved penis. As I got down on my knees I was hesitant and scared but his detached demeanor made me feel strangely at ease. I was a part of a new clinical diagnostic process; I was breaking new ground in medical theory. What an honor it was to be a part of it!

“Be sure to make notations mentally or otherwise about the firmness, shape, and other attributes. You’ll be comparing this to future sessions, so please try to remember as much detail as you can.”

I began to lick the head of his rod, which was very similar to mine. It was deep purple and very spongy and sort of fun to lick. I never really thought about giving head to another man but this was very exciting. I let Mike’s cock slip past my lips and bump against the back of my throat.

“Not too deep, now. Remember: we’re most interested in comparative analysis. You’re collecting data, right?”

I nodded slightly and grunted in affirmative response with Mike’s meat planted in my mouth. When I got over the initial shock of what I was doing, I realised that my mouth is very sensitive to texture, firmness, and temperature. I closed my eyes and concentrated, and it allowed me to discern a great deal of detail. I felt the contours of the head and felt the veins and muscles in the shaft. I felt the curve of it, the highly dense and less dense portions of the skin. It was interesting! I was enjoying the sensation of it all, but within a few short minutes he began to moan and I rightly assumed he was going to ejaculate. At that moment I was anticipating an entirely distasteful event but instead it was almost nonchalant. As Mike began to come I focused on the task at hand, which was tasting and remembering, gleaning minute details of the flavor and consistency of his semen. I had also throughout cupped his balls in my hand, gently fondling them and feeling the change within them as he approached climax. They had slackened mid way through my sucking his cock and tightened against his body right before he came.

Mike had an unremarkable orgasm; it wasn’t huge buckets of come nor was it extremely powerful. It was a normal shot of jizz, just a few bursts, that were of very low viscosity, almost watery.

“Well?”, Mike asked.

“Tastes…salty. And it’s not very thick. It’s like water.”

“Good!” he said enthusiastically. “Do you sense a bitter taste? Are there any peculiar or unusual flavors?”

“A little more sweet than bitter I think”, I said.

“Excellent. Let’s record this.”

Mike got up and once again scratched some notes into his book.

“Did you notice any unusual textures to my penis? That is, were there any bumps, odd or unusual areas of density or other areas that were out of the ordinary?”

“Below the head, where I felt it before. The spot that’s harder than the rest of it. Other than that, it’s pretty much the same all the way down the shaft.”

“This is a great start. I think when we do this next week we’ll have an excellent initial point. Let’s plan on next Friday at 11:00 AM.”

Without even thinking I agreed that we’d meet again next week for further analysis.


Next Friday


By 10:35 AM my final Friday class was over and I headed back to the dorm room. I had just taken an exam and had a paper due on Tuesday, so my mind was on autopilot as I walked up our dorm room door. When I opened the door the first thing I saw was Mike on his bed, naked, masturbating.

“Perfect! You’re right on time”, he said. “Let’s get to work. I’ve altered my diet this week somewhat and I’m looking forward to collecting more results. If you don’t mind, I’d like to be the first to ejaculate because I have some ideas to share with you.”

“Mike, I just walked in the door. Can I put my books away?”

Mike laughed. “Sure! I don’t mean to be so forward or presumptuous.”

“No, it’s OK, Mike. I want to, you know, get this done, but I had other things on my mind this morning. I actually forgot all about this to be honest.”

Completely ignoring me he said, “I’ve been doing extensive research on fellatio and I want to share those techniques with you. I think we may be able to refine our diagnostic methods.”

I put away my things, got on my knees and Mike got on the edge of the bed. As if in a daze I began to suck his cock and it felt nice and warm in my mouth. It was comfortable and enjoyable and I felt his shaft, really felt it this time, curling my hand around it and exploring it and feeling it for differentials. I kneaded his balls which hung free over the edge of the bed.

“Excellent”, he said. “I was going to suggest further exploration of the testes. Gentle, now, but make sure you get a good mental picture of their texture and shape. Any odd protrusions or bumps should be noted.”

Mike’s totally clinical language made the experience all the more interesting. I was really getting into the idea of being a part of something special medically and this process really was a valuable method of exploring another person’s body. I really enjoyed sucking Mike’s cock and I began to suck harder as I gave him head. He was clean and firm and before I knew it he blew a load into my mouth and I immediately began to mentally tick off the differences between this and the first time. There was a little more of it and it definitely tasted different than last time.

“Less watery this time. Very sweet. More powerful, too. I really felt it blast into my mouth this time!”

“Great. With the sweetness…any specific taste?”

“It sort of tasted like…pineapples?”

“Yes!”, Mike said out loud. “Exactly! I ate some at 9:30 to see if you could pick out that taste. You are really getting good at this!”

We got out the notebook and pored over the previous entry and entered the appropriate updates. I explained that there was also a spot in his balls that was firmer than the first time but might not be much to worry about and the entry was recorded.

“Your turn”, Mike said.

It seemed like seconds after Mike cloaked my cock with his mouth that I began to erupt. His mouth was warm, tight, and sensual and I pumped a very healthy quantity of semen into his throat. After I orgasmed he grabbed his notebook and furiously recorded the details of this bout. He mumbled “viscosity too low”, “not as sweet as it should be” and a few other comments that I could barely decipher.

We dressed and went on with our weekends which was largely separately.


Third Friday


“We have two weeks of good data using taste buds and oral stimuli”, Mike said. “However, there is another high risk area that we don’t want to neglect: the rectum. During the past two weeks we’ve hardly at all explored this region and I want to make sure we do that. That is, if you’re comfortable with it.”

I thought about it for a few seconds and said, “Yeah, sure. As long as we do this safely I am OK with it. You seem to have a handle on what’s safe and what’s not.”

“Absolutely. What I am suggesting is a combination digital stimuli and exploration and penile stimulation and exploration.”

Put that way it sounded like a mid term, not what it really was. I didn’t understand exactly what Mike had in mind but once Mike got his tongue situated on my shaft and began to plug my pucker with his fingers it became crystal clear. He probed and prodded my ass with his fingers and it felt wonderful, warm, and welcome. Using barely more than his fingertips, he opened me up, literally and figuratively, to a new world of nerve endings I didn’t even know my body possessed. All the while of course he did this while he sucked my cock. In three short weeks he had become a master cocksucker, so the session was mind-bogglingly awesome. I popped while he had his finger up my ass gently grazing my prostate.

Semen was still pumping out of my cock when, without even thinking about it, I threw Mike down on the bed and began to suck his cock, sliding my fingers up his tight ass. Mike moaned loudly as I feasted on his thick tool and it wasn’t long before he also squeezed off a load of cream into my mouth. This time I could literally feel orgasm wrack his body because my right index finger was up his ass as he came; I could feel his ass tense and clench as his penis blew out a nice thick load of come. There was little time to relax as Mike hurriedly grabbed the notebook and scribbled down notes. After a few minutes we each took a shower and began to relax. Eventually we talked about what we had in store for the weekend.

It was a little after noon and both of us were secretly hoping the other was going to ask for an extension to the current session. Unlike our first two times, this was more interesting and more invasive and more fun. I was ready for more and so was Mike. So after a few minutes of dancing around the obvious, I broke the ice.

“I’d like to be explored further”, I said. “I want to…you know…”, I stammered.

“Feel it inside you?”, Mike said.

“Maybe! I don’t know.” I looked at the ceiling for a moment and said, “yeah, I guess. I think it could be cool.”

Mike cleared his throat and said, “Of course. While I’ll do what I can to make it as pleasurable as possible, I don’t think I need to remind you that we are blazing new trails in terms of diagnostic procedure”, Mike said, clinically. “If the process isn’t what you hoped, we can certainly try other techniques but I have to keep data collection at the front of our minds. After all, that is our primary charge.”

“Yes”, I agreed. “Oh, most definitely our findings are essential. Why else would we do these things?”, I laughed out loud as I lay down on my back and tilted my hips, bent my knees and raised my legs. “I mean, it’s not like we WANT to do them, is it? I mean, what rational male would engage in these activities if not for a specific reason? And our reason…my reason…is to make the world a better place. That’s my justification”,

“Absolutely. I couldn’t agree more”, Mike said as he positioned his thick head at my tender entrance. “For humanity”, he said quietly as the large head splayed my opening and quickly sliped inside, gobbled up by my internal muscles. My body briefly shook, convulsing from the unwanted intrusion, and a shock wave passed through me as I crossed a sexual frontier. Mike’s face grimaced as he slid an inch into me, my tight hole whitening his hard shaft as it slowly but deliberately made its way deeper and deeper. I felt a sickening sense of fulness as his warm, bulging head speared into me. It was quickly followed by a burning, tingling sensation at my opening.

“It hurts a little”, I said quietly. “Please don’t fuck me too hard, OK?”

Mike froze. “Shall we stop?”

“No, just…slow, OK? Just go in but go slow. And please don’t come in my ass.”

Mike pulled out and added more lubricant to my cheeks and let it run down to the crack of my ass. I shivered at the thought of having him slide his penis inside me again but I was so excited I was hoping this next penetration would feel a little better. Mike pushed my legs apart and once again put his big spongy head against my hole and pushed. This time I was so slick he popped in really deep all it once and it felt like a football was shoved up my ass. It stung at first but quickly turned into a sensation of deep pressure. It didn’t feel great, but it didn’t feel awful either. Mike began to piston his thick, steel hard rod into my body. This was a different story. It hurt like hell because he was so thick at the base and he went in too fast. I turned my head to the side to hide the pain in my face and gripped his shoulders tightly as he continued to ram his shaft into my tight virgin hole. My cock was so hard it felt like it was going to explode as Mike repeatedly pulled out and punched the slick head back in past my now gaping ring, sliding his thick penis inside me again and again. After a few minutes of anal assault I was relaxed and fully lubed and the sensation went from mild discomfort to incredibly good. I could feel the shape of his huge mushroom head purging me deep and thick and I loved the sensation of being fucked in the ass with his hard cock.

Mike’s face contorted and I felt him swell. I knew he was about to come so I clamped him like a vise and squeezed his cock as he buffeted my asshole. His pace picked up for the brief seconds before his climax. I became disgusted as rope after rope of thick cream pelted my insides. He came like a banshee, screaming out loud. He jammed his cock balls deep which definitely hurt and his cock about ripped my asshole open as his thick sack slammed into my bare ass. I felt cheap and used and sore and stretched, especially when he pulled his cock out of my tight but no-longer-virgin hole quickly followed by a wet pop and the sensation of semen running out of me. I hated it and I felt like a whore.

“I asked you not to come inside me, Mike”, I said sternly. “It was a simple request.”

“I know but I couldn’t stop. If it’s any consolation, for our purposes this information is very valuable. I need you to record some things before we complete our activities for the evening.”

I went to the notebook and recorded how it felt to be fucked and taking a big load of come up my ass. It was not at all what I wanted and that went into the book in vivid detail.

“Well, then”, Mike said, “I guess we should continue?”

I nodded and Mike got on all fours and I treated him to an ass-banging, replete with sliding my tool as far as it would go before unloading inside him. He was tight as a drum but seemed to like my cock inside him, so I didn’t feel bad for banging the living shit out of him. He said it was his first time also but seemed to adapt, and enjoy, the experience more readily than I had.

Never had I come that hard and when he whimpered a little as I pounded into his ass it only egged me on to giving it to him deeper, harder, and faster. I treated his ass like my own private pussy, ramming and jamming into it as hard as I could. Sensuality and consideration were out the window.

After I rolled off him I grabbed the notebook and wrote “what a tight little ass! Would definitely fuck it again.”

Mike recorded a decidedly more clinical entry but even still I began to wonder about his future as a medical professional.


Week 4


One afternoon both of us were doing home work for a while when Mike got up and walked over to me with our notebook.

“I recorded this in the book”, Mike said, “but I wanted to share it wth you.”

“What’s up?”

“Something I noticed last week when you were penetrating me”, he said. “Ever since then, when I experience an orgasm I feel intense pressure down here”, he pointed to the area between his nuts and his ring. “If I have something to balance the pressure it feels much better. I’ve been using a finger when I masturbate and that seems to help, but even then it still feels strangely vacant, almost uncomfortable when I climax.”

“Really?!”, I asked.

“Yeah, it’s the strangest thing. When I orgasm, if I have a finger inside me, it feels somewhat OK. Otherwise it feels like my insides are going to fall out or something. I can show you what I mean if you would be so kind as to penetrate me while I masturbate.”

Not one to put off such a request and seeing a friend in need, I stripped down and he did the same. Mike lubed up his tight ring and lay down on the bed on his back and I positioned my cock against him.

“You won’t have to go in very far and you probably won’t even have to move it inside me to feel what I’m describing.”

I simply nodded in agreement as my cockhead slid inside him maybe an inch or two at the most.

“Just go in slowly and…OK, yes…just a little tiny bit deeper….yes, right there. I can feel you against my prostate. Now let me masturbate for a while. Before I orgasm I’ll tell you and you should notice what I am trying to describe.”

And with that Mike began to furiously stroke his meat, quickly approaching orgasm.

“Yeah, just stay there”, he said. “You can move a little but not too much, OK?”

I began to move slowly in short strokes, dipping into and out of his tight ass.

Mike began to convulse. “In. Just a little bit in. There! There! Right there!!”, he yelled. “Now push just a little bit. Oh my god, yes right there, push a tiny bit more! Yes, I’m coming! Coming! Feel it? Do you feel it?” Mike arched his body and froze as he let out a deep guttural moan. A second later a humungous load of come flew from his cock, literally covering his abdomen and chest. It was by far the biggest come load I had ever seen in my life and it was simply amazing to watch as he groaned again and again as a fountain of juice sprang from his cock.

By this time his ass had clamped down like an invisible burly hand had reached out and squeezed it. I had fucked a few women in the ass and this was a completely new experience but this did not compare. The chain reaction was immediate and I unloaded against the grip of his tight anus, spitting a river of thick juice inside him. My eyes rolled back in my head as I plowed a few inches deeper into Mike’s tight bottom, both of us groaning through our respective orgasms, his waning as mine was waxing ever stronger. I finally screamed out loud and buried my cock balls deep into poor Mike’s ravaged rump, plastering his velvety tube with respectable force and quantity of seed.

After I had unloaded inside him, I simply slipped out of his body and sat on the bed. I was dizzy and spent having experienced one of the most intense if not most notable orgasms of my 20-year life.

“Thanks”, Mike said “for allowing me to have a normal orgasm. Your presence inside me was exactly what I needed. Did you feel that pressure?”

“Yeah, I felt it all right. It was like a goddam vise. I’ve never felt anything like it.” I got up and went to the bathroom to clean up and he did the same.

“Thanks” he said. “It’s good to know I have a friend I can trust.”


The following weeks brought new albeit formulaic adventures. But just because it was predictable made it no less exciting. If anything it was contrary to that idea. The anticipation of what was to come was incredibly exciting every week even though our stated purpose had not much to do at all with pleasure.

During the week we’d go about our separate lives and on Friday morning our ritual would begin. Around 10:00 one of us would casually stand up at some point to break away from homework, undressing and then making his way to the bed to masturbate. After a minute or two the other would join him. Usually the first on the bed would get sucked for a few minutes, then a 69 session would follow. I couldn’t last as long as Mike because his technique in sucking cock was just amazing. On the rare occasions that he popped first, I’d let him come in my mouth but I never really did get completely used to swallowing come, so usually I’d let it dribble out of my mouth. Whoever did come first hosted the other with his ass. Sometimes another full round would ensue but that was less than typical. Usually by noon the session was over, the notes were recorded, and both of us were showered and, once again, going our separate ways.

This lasted all the way through January and February of 1980, when we turned 20. I never thought about it but I assumed that I was Mike’s only case study, and I had no interest in pursuing any other men. This comfortable arrangement was a good balance of pleasure and medical research. Our notes were very detailed and every session was punctuated by recording any abnormalities or notations that compared with the previous sessions. As you can expect from 19-year-olds, there were plenty of jokes by me at least, but Mike took this very seriously and his attitude kept me interested.

Both of us seemed to get enough out of the situation to keep it going indefinitely until one day one of my afternoon classes was canceled. On Thursdays I had classes from 11:00 AM through 3:00 PM and I’d usually hook up with some friends afterward, so when I left the dorm at 10:30 I almost never came back before 5:30 or 6:00, sometimes even later. But one particular Thursday they had an electrical problem in our science building around 1:30 and the power was out in our lab. We waited around for about 20 minutes until the professor said to bag it and we all left. My next class was in a room down the hall and the next class was canceled, so I figured I’d head back to the room and chill out til 3.

As I walked down the hall and approached our room I could hear noise coming from our dorm room. Our room was L-shaped with a small foyer on the left and it wrapped around with the beds on the other wall, but we had a mirror on the wall facing the door so you could actually see the beds from the door. We didn’t really plan it that way but it was good for a small room to make it seem a little bigger.

The noise was increasing as I got to the door and by the time I was at the door, I could tell quite obviously Mike had someone in there with him whose voice was a little higher than his. I figured it was a girl and I wanted to see what she looked like, so I very, very quietly and slowly opened the door to get a peek at her. But when I opened the door just a sliver, what I saw in the mirror was not a girl, but a skinny black man standing at the edge of the bed. Mike was licking and sucking this guy’s schlong like a pro, popping it into his mouth and forcing as much of his dick in as far as it would go. The guy started to whimper and moan and he pulled his dick out of Mike’s mouth and just held it there pointing at Mike’s face for a few seconds. Then suddenly a river of come shot out of his cock and into Mike’s waiting mouth. Mike’s mouth was wide open, his tongue stretched as far out of his mouth as possible. This guy erupted in a nearly impossible manner, spewing thick streams of semen in a seemingly endless river of fluid. It was so much come that it looked fake!

Mike’s friend said, “Mike you are so amazing! God you are so good, oh now it’s your turn!”

“Wait”, Mike said quietly. He got up from the bed and began to rummage through his desk, pulling out a green notebook just like the one he used when we had our fun together. He began to write notes into the book.

Wait a minute! I assumed Mike and I had a unique thing going! For some reason I thought I was the only one with whom he was experimenting, and I quite clearly now saw that was not the case.

I slowly and very quietly left the room and closed the door without either of them noticing that I had been there at all.

I knew what I had to do: I had to read that notebook. I had to know more about this “subject” immediately.

For the next few hours I went to the library and tried to study but ended up masturbating myself to a wild orgasm in the bathroom. On the one hand I loved watching Mike suck that man’s cock and him coming on his face. It was incredibly erotic. On the other hand, I now knew that I was not his exclusive sex partner and that was unsettling. But the erotic part was clearly tipping the balance and I had to know more about him and also if I would ever have a chance to repeat that scene!


At 6:00 in the evening I returned to the room and Mike was not there. I looked at his schedule and he had a lab at 6:30 that lasted for 3 and a half hours, so he would not be home until around 10.

I had 4 hours to find that notebook, but it only took a glance at Mike’s desk and I quickly realized that Mike had taken no effort to conceal it. I had always assumed that the other notebooks on his desk were for his other classes but I was about to find out that Mike was collecting a lot more data than I had originally thought.

The green notebook had nothing on its cover and the first page had a very official looking summary. Name: Randy. Age: 20. Height, weight, race. Penis length: 6 inches. Penis thickness: 5 inches around.

Summary: Randy is a friend of Renee from biology.

I turned the page. It had a large title:

Experience #1 Saturday, April 12, 1979. Randy and I were with Renee at a party where he became intoxicated. I was also drinking. When the party ended he invited me to come up to his room and I accepted. We masturbated together. There was no touching

Experience #2 – Friday April 18, 1979. Randy and I were again with Renee at a party and were not drunk and went back to his room. We masturbated and touched each other. This was the first time I touched another man’s penis and it was exciting. I enjoyed it. It was interesting to caress his penis and I noticed a small bump on the shaft. Randy said he would talk to a doctor.

Update Tuesday April 22 – The doctor confirmed the presence of a spot on Randy’s penis. He is ordering X-rays and other diagnostics.

Experience #3 – Thursday April 24. Randy and I meet and talk about his doctor visit. I fondle him again and confirm the lump and he can now feel it. I am surprised that I am much more able to find it than he is. This is not a sexual encounter; it was purely clinical.

Update – May 4 – Results come back negative. The lump is simply a benign mass and both Randy and his doctor are relieved.

Experience #4 – May 5 – Randy and I go to my room and after masturbating I offer to perform oral sex on him. He accepts and ejaculates in my mouth. This is the first time I have experienced this and it is pleasing. Randy offers oral sex and I accept. I ejaculate in his mouth and this is also pleasurable. I would do this again.

Experience #5 – May 6 – Randy and I perform oral sex on each other. This time we do it simultaneously in a 69 position. Randy ejaculates first and I ejaculate a few minutes later.

Experience #6 – May 7 – Randy and I again 69 to mutual orgasm, this time achieving an almost simultaneous orgasm but miss it by about a minute.

Experience #7 – May 9 – Randy and I have a simultaneous orgasm during a 69 session. He is beginning to press his fingers into my anus and stimulate that area. I am concerned about touching of the anus for either of us due to cleanliness concerns.

Experience #8 – May 15 – Randy and I speak candidly about what we’ve done and what we would like to do. We agree that oral sex is quite pleasurable. Randy requests that he be permitted to touch my anus and that I would stimulate him in a similar manner. I agree with the stipulation that both of us clean ourselves first. One at a time we take a brief shower and return to the room. During 69, I use a small quantity of Vaseline to lubricate Randy’s anus and he does the same to me. We resume performing oral sex and I use a finger to rub the exterior of his anus. Randy briefly rubs my anus then slips a finger inside my rectum. The sensation is strange and exciting and I enjoy it. I penetrate Randy with a finger as we continue to perform oral sex on each other. Orgasms quickly follow, Randy first then me. The quantity of semen that he ejaculates is substantially more than any other time we have been together.

Experience #9 – May 17 – Randy and I again speak candidly about what we are doing. I mention that I am journaling our experiences using only his first name and he requests that I no longer do that, so actually “Randy” in this document is an alias for his true name. Randy was upset briefly that I was recording anything at all, but I offer to share what I’ve written, he reads it and is no longer troubled by it. Oral sex and orgasms ensue.

Randy and I discuss what kind of relationship we have. I state that I have no interest in him aside from a purely sexual one and have no desire to be intimate with him in any nonsexual way. We do not caress each other or in any way demonstrate affection that is typical with even the most casual sexual encounters.

Randy is relieved. We are both comfortable with the arrangement as it stands: homosexual sex acts that are for sexual gratification. Both of us are not dating any women at this time and are not having sex with any women at this time. I also mention that I am interested in determining if he has any spots, bumps, or other abnormalities with his body, and I ask him to do the same.

Experience #10 – May 20 – Finals week. Randy and I have decided to take summer classes and he suggested that we share a dorm room. Initially this was Randy’s suggestion and I considered it carefully before making my decision. The reality is that we have an immensely satisfying sexual relationship and sharing a dorm room will simplify this and make each of us more available to the other. On the other hand I am concerned that it could send the wrong message and that Randy may see my acceptance as a hint of something more involved than pure sex. Despite my passing concerns about this I am probably going to share a room with him.

Update May 27 – Randy and I move in to a dorm room together on that day. It is not practical at this time to record every sexual experience because they are quite honestly too numerous and too frequent to record. We have oral sex 2-3 times a day. The 69 sessions have become incredibly intense and the anal stimulation has only served to amp up the orgasms on both sides. We have added prostate stimulation to our activities which has produced even more amazing and intense results.

Update May 30 – Another milestone was passed. Randy offered to allow me to penetrate him anally. I accepted, but his opening is so small that it was not possible to penetrate him beyond a small portion of the tip of my penis. I offered to let Randy penetrate me and he was able to do so. He was wearing a condom and ejaculated after only a few thrusts into my anus. This was painful and not at all pleasurable, but perhaps with the correct amount of initial stimulation and better lubricants this would not be the case. In short, I’d give it another try.

May 31 – We purchased a water-based lubricant and this time I was able to work Randy open enough to penetrate him with the head of my penis and possibly another inch. However, the pain for him was such that we had to discontinue this activity after only 2 or 3 minutes. Randy again donned a condom and, using the new lubricant, was able to slide his entire penis inside me. He is about 6 inches long so this was quite an effort on my part to allow it to go so deeply inside my body. I asked Randy to remain motionless when he came to rest deep with me. I was on my hands and knees and his scrotum came to rest on mine. Randy’s scrotum is longer and thinner than mine and this sensation was incredibly good. I loved the feeling of our testicles resting together. Pubic hair tickled my scrotum and I orgasmed rather spontaneously. The clenching action of my anus on Randy’s penis caused him to ejaculate in the condom.

This cycle continued literally all night long. By 6:00 AM we had had no sleep and each of us had orgasmed 7 or 8 times. We were totally exhausted and began to sleep.

May 31 – We awoke around noon and showered. It was a rainy day and our summertime outdoor activities were canceled. The sex began shortly thereafter. Oral and anal sex all day long. I am beginning to notice subtleties of Randy’s body, like another small lump or mass inside his rectum. I ask him to have this examined by his doctor.

June 1979 – The sex is so satisfying that both Randy I have stopped dating women in favour of our arrangement. More correctly, we have stopped pursuing women at this time. In the simplest of terms, neither of us wants a relationship with a girl right now anyway, and this sex is so good that the simplest solution for both of us is to continue as we are going.

After reading the journal I was so turned on I simply returned it to the shelf, masturbated a few times and waited for Mike to return.


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