ENM Intertwined – Jack Pt. 12

A gay sex stories: ENM Intertwined – Jack Pt. 12 Zayne POV

We all burst out laughing as soon as I closed the door on Jack. “Oh God, that was awesome! Really. Jack really is just the best. The best!!” I wiped a tear from my eye from all the laughter.

“I can’t believe he really bought all that. He actually thought this was a legit interview?” Melanie was as astounded as everybody else.

“Well, dumb and handsome seem to be the only key qualifications for this job.” Doug chortled.

“You would know Doug.” Melanie elbowed him.

“Hey, I’m smart. I do the work. I only help out on the floor because we are short handed…well, that and it’s also kinda fun.”

“Oh we are going to have tons of fun with Jack,” I added in “he does have the job, yes?”

“Well duh, we already told you we were going to hire him right on the spot. We only arranged all of this for you just because it was hilarious!” Melanie clutched her ribs.

“But really, we are not gonna let a score like Jack get away, especially since we need the help. He will do well in this job.” Agreed Doug.

One of the others from the tables next to ours spoke up, “Well, glad you guys found your man. And thanks so much for bringing us along. We should definitely do this another time, I got some great footage.” The guy who spoke was going over the video he took of Jack.

Ah yes, I should probably mention, Melanie, Doug, and I are the only ones here who have an actual position in Dream Gale. Everybody else here are just friends of ours playing a role for their own perverted desires just like the ones in the waiting room. “Be sure to send that footage to the rest of us. I plan on editing it for promotional reasons. I’m going to wait a minute or two before I go out there to tell the big guy the good news. I need to make it look like we had an important discussion.”

“I don’t think your school friends out there would mind watching over your friend in the meantime. Just don’t let him know how valuable an asset he can be, he might leave us for a competing business.” Melanie pointed.

I almost rolled my eyes, “Please, Jack doesn’t have the smarts to pull that off. Plus, I’m going to make him love it here.”

“Not to mention we have our secret weapon in case he wants to leave,” Doug threw a companionable arm around my shoulders and pointed at me “he is totally head-over-heels for our Zayne!” I smiled and blushed at Doug’s remark. I’m normally better at hiding my emotions but I was actually happy to hear that statement.

“Ah yes, I can tell right away from the way he looks at you Z. Not to mention that slip of the tongue he made during the ’emergency’ question.”

“How about you Zayne? You after more than just his body?” Doug waggled his eyebrows.

That was fair question. I knew I definitely had feelings for Jack. Strong feelings. I knew I hated it when Liz grabbed his dick. As much as I loved showing him off, I don’t want anyone else but me getting handsy with him. Not without my permission. But I can’t help feeling that if I were to give in to these emotions and give them a name, let alone say them out loud, that I would be betraying my father. I never thought that I could feel so guilty. Not only for feeling affection for the son of my dad’s hated enemy but also for lying to Jack, who really is a truly kind and decent human being.

“I’m still mulling that over.” I evaded the question as I shrugged out of Doug’s muscular arm. “Now, I got to get back to our new employee. I have plans to celebrate with him once I tell him the big news.” Not to mention I had to save poor Jack from all of my friends outside before they started to lay their hands on him.


Jack’s POV

I was trapped. Stark naked in front of at least a dozen young strangers. All of whom have come for the job I wanted so desperately. As they circled me, there was really no place for me to sit down or hide my rear. I suppose I could run for the exit but then where would I go with no clothes? Zayne had the key to the car so I couldn’t sit and wait out there.

Just as I thought of him, Zayne appeared to sweep me away, “Alright Jack-my-bee, I have something to tell you, so lets head to the car.” I happily followed Zayne outside as quickly as I could.

As we emerged from the alleyway, a couple and their daughter gasped as they saw me. I blushed and tried to give them a friendly wave to show that I wasn’t hostile. My heart was still hammering when Zayne let me in the car. He was still laughing at my exposure as he hopped into the driver’s seat next to me, “Wow Jack, you never fail to turn heads no matter where you go.”

I can’t believe I did that. I really can’t believe I did all that! It thought. Now that Zayne and I were alone in the car, it finally sunk in. All those humiliating things I just did in front of those people. They got to see everything. EVERYTHING. I know what was expected of me during the interview but I knew this memory was going to haunt me for the longest time. As for whether I not succeeded after all that…I cleared my throat and decided I just rip off this band-aid and get my result, “So…how did I do?”

“Wha…? Oh yes, the interview!” Zayne’s face went solemn. I knew it. I blew it. How can I not blow it? I was totally unprepared, I gave stupid answers that made me look like a fool, I never did real work in my life, and I looked totally ridiculous doing that physical exam in my birthday suit. Why on earth would they hire me? I let everyone down. I let Rorke down, I let myself down, and I let Zayne down. He worked so hard to get me this chance and I blew it. He told me what to do and I still ruined everything. Jack, how could you fail this poor kid? You are supposed to be older, why aren’t _you _supporting him? How could I make this up to everybody who has helped me while I have been bumming on my ass? Especially sweet and wonderful Zayne…”The truth is Jack…you got the job.”

I was holding my head down at the moment and then snapped back up, “What?”

“Jack, we hired you. You got the job. Welcome to Dream Gale Jack-my-bee.” Zayne’s eyes, they had never looked more beautiful then they did now. And that’s saying a lot.

“I…I got the job?”


“I…I got the job. I got the job! I GOT THE JOB! YES!” I punched the car roof so hard I rocked the whole vehicle. I couldn’t believe it, I finally got a job. After all those rejections from the most basic establishments just because of my father’s infamy (and limited work experience), Jacobee Wendell has finally landed himself a job. “I can’t believe I got the job! I did it! I actually did it! Zayne…!” looking back at Zayne, I could no longer contain my happiness. I threw my arms around him and squeezed him hard in a giant bear hug “We did it! We really did it! Thank you for everything Zayne! You’re my angel! Thank you! Thank you, Thank you so much! You’re the best! I never could have done this without you. Thank you! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!”

“Jack…you’re crushing me!” Zayne wheezed out as I held him tighter but I couldn’t hear him. I only peppered the top of his head with a barrage of kisses. Zayne managed to slip out of my arms to break free using his lithe figure. He took in a deep breath, “Holy…! Thought I was gonna die there for a sec. Are you half-ogre or something? Your strength is unreal.”

“How…? Tell me how. How did I get it? I could have sworn I blew the interview. What about those other candidates?” I still couldn’t believe how lucky I was.

“Oh…well, they were so impressed with you they didn’t bother with other candidates. They hired you right off the spot.”

I raised my eyebrow, “Seriously? They were impressed with _my _interview that much? But I said so many dumb things and…”

“Like I told you, they actually really appreciated the fact that you showed up naked. That not only saved them time for the physical but it showed them that you are willing to commit to the job no matter what. They believe that you excel in preparation and they love the fact that you went out of your way to make their job easier. All those other pussies couldn’t do what you did back there Jack-my-bee. Plus, they all actually really liked your answers. They said it was refreshing to have someone answer so honestly during the interview. So many people lie. Not to mention I put in a good word for you.”

“Zayne, I’m so sorry.”

“For what? Almost crushing me to death?”

“I’m sorry I ever doubted you. All that stuff we did in there felt so weird and I felt so useless I thought that not even you could land me this job. If I’m being honest, there were times I hesitated; thinking your advice was never going to work or that you had given up on me because I was a total failure. But everything you told me actually paid off. I’m so glad I listened to you. There is no way you could have ever steered me wrong. Oh Zayne, could you ever forgive me?”

Zayne looked thoughtful, “Sure, but from now on you’re going to listen to everything I tell you? Right?”

“Yes! Everything! If there is anything you need, I’ll do it!” I nodded enthusiastically.

“You promise you will always believe in me?”

“Always, I will never doubt you again. I promise.”

Zayne smiled and patted me on the cheek. “Consider yourself forgiven Jack-my-bee. You just do everything I say and you are going to make a lot of people happy.” He leaned forward and we kissed. Surely there was nothing I wouldn’t do for this boy. “Ah yes,” Zayne pulled away “I suppose you’re gonna _have _to do everything I tell you now,” he winked “since I’m now officially your boss.”

It was my turn to laugh with joy, “Ah yes, that’s right! You’re my boss now.” I leaned forward and kissed him on the forehead. “What’s your command boss man?” I smiled.

“First thing’s first,” Zayne started up the car and fastened his seat belt “we are going some place to celebrate.”

“Um, Zayne…I’m still naked…”

“Oh I can see that Jack-my-bee,” Zayne shot me a wink as he drove “where I am taking us, you won’t need pants.”

I was a bit confused by this statement but it became clearer as Zayne parked by the beach.

“Are we stopping here? I still can’t go outside in the nude. It’s still light out!”

Zayne exited the car and pulled a big red blanket out of his trunk. He circled to the passenger’s side and opened my door. “Chill Jack, I happen to know an area of the beach where no one ever goes to. It’s my little secret, I felt like sharing it with you. Won’t you come?” He gave me these big adorable puppy eyes. Damn. Why is this kid so damn cute? This should be illegal. But it also warmed my heart to know that Zayne was sharing one of his secrets with me. I was starting to feel special. I wondered what other secrets Zayne had that he could share with me. But I digress, right now I came here to celebrate with the guy I like. I can’t hold back now.

“Of course I’ll come…um…Zayne-my-main.” It was my first attempt at a nickname for Zayne. I always wanted to call him something cool and cute ever since he gave me my nickname. I tried it out hoping it was going to take.

Zayne laughed, “What was that? Trying to give me a nickname?” I nodded sheepishly. “Keep working on it Jack-my-bee.” I actually kind of liked it, but I could try others. Zayne pulled me from the car and I frantically looked around for any voyeurs. “Don’t think, just run.” Before I had a chance to cover myself, Zayne pulled me towards a secluded part of the beach. True to his word, there were no people around. It still felt weird being completely naked out in the middle of the day; but the warm sand between my toes, the majestic waves crashing against the shore, and the sight of Zayne smiling as he held my hand did so much to improve my mood.

Zayne laid down the blanket in the sand and then started pulling off his clothes. I blushed, “Whoa! Zayne! What are you doing?”

“I’m gonna go for a swim Jack-my-bee. You should join me.” Zayne stripped off his shirt and tossed it on the blanket.

As he unbuckled his pants I rushed right up to him, “Don’t take off everything Zayne! It’ll be bad enough if I get caught naked on the beach, I can’t let that happen to you.”

Zayne rolled his eyes as he dropped his pants onto the blanket after stepping out of his shoes, “Alright spoiled sport, I’ll keep some modesty if that’s what makes you feel better. Now come and join me dummy!” In nothing but his pink boxer shorts, he ran off straight into the ocean waving his arms in the air excitedly. Zayne was by no means tall or brawny like me, he was slender and just barely made the average height but he had lean muscles that made his chest look delicate yet pleasing to see. He made a big splash as he dove head first into the waves. Standing up while dripping wet in the surf, he waved his arms calling out to me, “Jack! Get your butt in here! I want someone to play with! Or would you rather stay stark-naked in the open like that?”

Zayne had a point. At least in the ocean, no one would notice I was naked if I went in waist-deep. I jogged over to the shoreline and dipped in my toes. The water felt a little cold at first so I hesitated. That’s when Zayne came out of the water and grabbed me by the arm. Pulling me forward, I fell right on top of him with a loud splash. I threw my arms around him to make sure he didn’t hit his head. I felt Zayne’s lips press against mine underneath the water. I had to give him a quick kiss back before I brought us both back up to the surface. We both tasted of salt water. It was exhilarating.

Waist-deep in the ocean and waves crashing against us, I shook my head to get the water droplets out of my hair. “Zayne, you okay?” I asked while picking water out of my ear.

Zayne laughed and stood on his tiptoes wrapping his arms around my neck, “I am more than ‘okay’ Jack.” Zayne brought me in for another kiss, this one lasted much longer. I was caught off guard at first but then quickly melted into him coiling my arms around his torso. He was so skinny I felt like I could wrap my arms around him twice if I were so flexible. We held each other like that for a long time. Our tongues passing around the seawater as they found each other. Saltiness had never tasted so sweet.

When we finally pulled apart, we still held each other and looked into the other’s eyes. My God his eyes were even more dazzling than the ocean. Zayne smiled then kissed me again, “I’ll race ya Jack.” Zayne suddenly dove back into the water and started swimming away from the shore. It was my turn to laugh as I started swimming after him. I was more interested in catching up to Zayne than I was winning the so-called race. After swimming around aimlessly for several minutes, we started splashing each other as we moved closer to shore.

We had a spirited water-fight filled with laughter not even caring who was winning. As we tired ourselves out, we trudged back onto the shore. I nearly collapsed backwards onto Zayne’s blanket, my arms and legs spread out to take in the sun. Zayne fell right on top of me, snuggling into my side as he rested his head on my collarbone. I placed an arm around him as we laid there letting the sun’s rays dry us off. I don’t know how long we just laid there like that but it wasn’t long enough. Why couldn’t time just stop like that? The world could have ended right there and then and I would have been completely content. We were completely dried off by the time the sun began to set.

Zayne scooted upward and kissed me on the lips. “This has been so much fun Jack-my-bee. But we got to get home.” Zayne looked a bit sad as he spoke. I totally knew where he was coming from, I didn’t want to leave either.

I sighed, “Yeah, your’e right Zayne. I’ve got to get ready for my first day of work and God knows your’e busy.” Being and adult can really suck sometimes.

Zayne sat up on top of my chest, still stealing time for us he traced his fingers softly along my chest. “We…we should come back and do this again sometime. Don’t you think?” Zayne looked downward not meeting my eyes. His cheeks turned slightly pink. Was he shy about asking me out again? That is adorable.

I stroked his cheek, “You know…A couple of my friends are throwing a birthday party for my buddy Rorke right here on the beach soon.” Zayne looked up at me “You…wanna be my plus one?” My heart was hammering, there was no way Zayne couldn’t feel it on the tips of his fingers.

He smiled at me, “I would love that. I’ll bring my camera, we can make some memories.”

“Perfect!” I sat up, bringing our faces closer together for one last kiss. Zayne wrapped his arms and legs around me as I stood up. We were still kissing as I carried him.

Zayne groaned into my shoulder, “I am so tired, I don’t wanna walk anymore. I just want to stay like this holding on to you forever.”

Still carrying Zayne, I leaned down to pick up his blanket and clothes, tossing them over my other shoulder. “You can relax. Just hang on to me until I take you to the car.” Zayne nuzzled his face into my neck. He was so light, I don’t know if it was because he was so skinny or if it was because of my natural strength, or both, but I carried him and his things quite effortlessly to the car while he clung to me like a koala bear. Honestly, I felt like I could have carried him anywhere all day. I was actually reluctant to let him go once I opened his car door.

As I placed him in his seat, I already started to miss him clinging to me. I handed over his clothes and he asked me to place the blanket in the trunk as he dressed. Zayne unlocked the trunk and I folded it neatly before placing it inside and closing the door. Of course, as soon as I shut the trunk I heard a loud gasp come from behind me. I spun around to spot two bikini-clad women in sunglasses eyeing me from head to toe. After basking in all the joy Zayne had brought me today, it took me a moment to remember that I was butt-naked and out in the open. I actually gave them a friendly wave as they pulled out their phones before I came to the realization that they were taking pictures of my dick! As a flash went off I looked down at myself and cursed my own stupidity. I looked back at the two girls red in the face before I slapped my hands over my junk.

I scurried over to the passenger’s side door and pulled the handle. Locked. “Uh, Zayne…” I knocked on the window but I could see Zayne didn’t see my predicament as he was pulling his shirt over his head. It looked like he got himself caught. The two women were now calling over to their friends who were now catching up to them. More women appeared before me so now there were at least seven or eight women seeing me naked now. I pulled more on the handle, “Zayne! Little help here!” The group of girls trotted up to me still holding up their phones. I had one hand on the handle of the car and one hand on my crotch.

“Hi there nice day to get a little sun yes?” A woman in a white bikini asked me.

I swallowed. Giving up on the handle I placed both of my hands over my privates as I turned to the women. “Y-Yes, though I was just about to go home.” I didn’t know what else I could do other than talk to alleviate this embarrassment.

“Love your method for getting rid of tan lines. You can really see it works.” A girl in a navy-blue swimsuit laughed.

I blushed, “Yeah, neither me or my friends have any tan lines. This has happened so often we…” I think I may have said too much.

“No way! Are you and your friends nudists?”

“Are they here?”

“Are they as hot as you?”

“Are any of them single?”

“What about you, are you here with your girlfriend?”

I was overwhelmed by these rapid fire questions. I tried the door again and thankfully it was unlocked this time. I was surprised for a moment but then I quickly jumped in and shut the door behind me. I looked to Zayne now fully dressed and looking like he was holding back laughter. “Zayne…please…please drive.”

“You got it Jack-my-bee.” Zayne pulled the car in reverse, making sure he waved to the girls and that they waved back before he pulled off into the main road. “Nice one Jack, you got yourself a fan club.”

My face turned red recalling this recent event, “And today was going so well. Why did I have to ruin everything?”

“Not for me you didn’t. I feel as if today was already going so amazing but somehow you just make things better without even trying. I’m feeling great because of you.”


“Without a doubt.”

That really cheered me up. I guess Zayne wasn’t even thinking about all those girls seeing me naked. He must have been referring to all that fun we had at the beach. “Well, if your’e happy Zayne then I’m happy too.” I held out my hand and Zayne squeezed it as we drove all the way home.

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